True Destiny -CC- MATURE/ADULT {Completed}

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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True Destiny:Ch 11

Post by magikhands »

Here's another part, sorry it is so short but thought I would give you all some smut...With the holidays here my posting may slack some but I will try to do at least one a week, two if life lets me...thanks for the feedback, it's really encouraging and helps me keep writing...Enjoy!

Chapter 11

The two week trip to Antar confined in a ship provided the eight teens to bond as a group and to their mates. It also allowed them to help the humans hone their powers that had lay dormant in their human bodies all of their lives. They also spent time brushing up on Antar’s history and political structure from the books in the library. They knew that they would have to blend in with the public in order to find a way to get close to Kivar.

The first week found Max and Liz also Michael and Maria sneaking off for periods of time to their rooms. Kyle and Tess would spend hours with each other talking and touching, getting to know each other. Alex and Isabel also did the same but more intense. Then their relationship took a permanent turn.

Alex was in the control room after lunch checking on their course to Antar when Isabel came in behind him. She softly rubbed his neck as he looked through a control book. He closed his eyes and relaxed into her hands. Her touch caused him to moan in delight. The sound sent shivers through her body causing a wetness to accumulate between her legs. She rubbed her thighs together as a tingling began in her core. Isabel knew that she was now ready to be with Alex fully.

Isabel leaned down and started to kiss his neck trailing up to his ear. Her hands had moved to his shoulders where she continued to rub. She felt the shudder that ran through him when she licked at his ear.

“Time for a long break.” She whispered.

Alex opened his eyes to meet her intense stare. All he could do was nod his head. Isabel took his hand and pulled him toward their room.

The couple passed the meeting room where the others were sitting and looking over some maps. Alex and Isabel paid them no attention as they rushed by. Max saw the two almost run past and heard their door open then close. He went to stand but Michael put his hand on his shoulder pushing him back down in his chair.

“Stay” Michael commanded.


“No. Get over it Max. She will be really pissed at you if you pull the protective brother thing now. She’s a big girl like the rest of us. We knew that it would happen. We have all felt them.”

Max sighed in resignation. Maria caught Michael’s eye and smiled at him letting him know how proud she was of him.

In their room Alex and Isabel quickly stripped out of their clothing bypassing the drawn out foreplay. They had just spent the week teasing, touching, and sharing the same bed. Right now the desire to be with each other overruled any need to take it slow.

They lay on their sides on the bed as their limbs tangled together. Their lips were fused in a heated kiss. Alex moved a hand until it was between their bodies and cupped her soaking mound. He slid two fingers in as Isabel moaned in response.

“Uuuhhhhh…Alex..feels soooo good.”

Isabel started to move her hips to his rhythm as he moved his fingers in and out of her. She reached down and grabbed his hard cock and gave it a light squeeze.


Isabel slid her hand up and down pumping him the same pace as he thrust into her. They both groaned with pleasure.

He turned her so that she lay on her back and positioned himself over her, his fingers still deep in her wet core. As he withdrew she groaned her disappointment. Alex kissed her deeply as he gently pushed his length into her. When he came to a barrier he stopped and looked down at her surprised.

Isabel smiled shyly at him. “I was waiting for my soulmate.” She stated.

He smiled back at her. “Thank you.” Then he continued their passionate kiss. Alex gently, slowly slid his length in and out of her touching the barrier each time. After several strokes he thrust one time hard and broke the barrier of her virginity. A flash of red lit the room, as their innocence was lost.

Alex stilled trying to control the urge to keep moving as Isabel waited for the pain to pass. When her body had adjusted to Alex’s thick length in her she began to move her hips letting him know that she was ready to continue. Alex captured her mouth in another kiss as he began to move in and out of her again. His pace soon hastened as did hers meeting him thrust for thrust.
Their love, lust, and desire for each other melded together until all they could feel was the pleasure of Alex inside of Isabel and Isabel having Alex fill her. Their bodies were pressed close together both moaning as the pleasure spiraled through them. No longer able to hold back they both climaxed as they clutched each other.



Alex collapsed on Isabel exhausted and spent. They were both breathing hard and felt their hearts racing as they lay as close as they could. Turning to their sides their mouths met in a tender kiss.

“I love you Alex.”

“I love you too Isabel.”

Entwined together they fell asleep feeling content and complete.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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True Destiny: Ch 12

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 12

Meanwhile in the meeting room Michael, Max, and Kyle were discussing possible plans while studying the pile of maps laid out on the table. Liz was sitting in a chair across the room from them looking in a book. She stared at the page that it was opened to but did not see the words. She felt someone watching her and looked up to see Tess.

“Hey.” Tess said hesitantly. “Can I talk to you?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“We haven’t had much time to talk lately. But I just wanted to get things straight between us. I wanted to say that I was sorry. Sorry for the stuff I put you and Max through when I first came to Roswell. If I could take it all back I would.”

Liz smiled at Tess. She knew that the other girl was sincere in her apology.

“It is alright Tess. I forgive you and I know that Max is over it also. You were raised knowing that you were Zan’s queen so why not be with Max. We had no way of knowing that our true destiny was something not written in a book that was sent with you over 50 years ago. We are now with the ones who held our hearts, the past is nothing anymore. We can only look at the now and future.”

“Thank you Liz. It really means a lot to me.”

“I know. If my memories are correct, I believe that we were actually good friends on Antar. What do you say about continuing that friendship?”

Tess smiled at Liz and nodded. “Yes, we were good friends and I’d like it. Growing up with Nassado, I’ve never really had any friends. I think I like it.”

Liz leaned forward where Tess knelt and embraced the girl in a hug. Tess was surprised by the intimate touch but recovered quickly and returned the hug.

“You are going to be a great Queen.” Tess said when they parted.

Confusion crossed Liz’s face. “What do you mean? You are the Queen of Antar.”

Tess shook her head. “No. You will be. It is only right for the King’s true love to rule beside him. Besides, it is you that has the royal symbol now, not I.”

Tess got up and went to stand next to Kyle who was still debating over the maps leaving Liz to ponder on being a queen.

After several minutes Liz closed the book and went to Max. She kissed his cheek getting his attention.

“I’m a little tired. I am going to lie down for a bit, ok?”

Max returned her kiss still distracted by the debate. “All right baby. I will be there shortly.”

“No hurry. Take your time, I am not going anywhere.”

In her room Liz lay on the bed staring at the ceiling. There was a knock on the door. “Come in.”

Maria walked and sat next to Liz on the bed.

“Ok chica. What’s wrong?”

Liz looked at Maria as she sat up. “What do you mean? I’m fine.”

“Yeah, ok. Liz, I have been your best friend for two lifetimes now. I know when something is wrong. The doctor is in.,” she said smiling at Liz.

Liz knew that Maria was right. She knew that she had to talk to someone. She had not said anything to Max yet because she did not want him to worry.

“Well, since we activated our memories I’ve been having these dreams. Visions really. I don’t really know what they mean. But the last few nights I’ve had the same one.”

“What did you see?” Maria asked worried that it was bad news.
“I keep seeing a pretty red head girl about our age. She is smiling at me. When I look at her I feel that we can trust her, that she will help us but I don’t know her name or who she is. Is that weird?”

“No weirder than us being human but have alien essences in us giving us these wonderful, strange powers. You said you’ve had more than one of these things. What are the others?”

Liz got up and paced the room. “I’m not sure. They are kind of blurry. I can see the girl clear because I have had it most every night.”

Maria gave her friend a hug then got up to leave. “Trust your instincts Liz. You always have, why stop now? If you need to talk just let me know, K?”

Liz nodded and smiled at her friend. She didn’t have answers but she did feel better. “Thanks Maria.”

“No problem chica. You might also want to tell Max about these dreams just to give him the heads up.”

Liz lay back on her bed and waited for Max to join her. The girl's face appeared in Liz’s mind again smiling. Who was she?

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Obsessed Roswellian
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True Destiny: Ch 13

Post by magikhands »

Thanks for the's another part...some smut for the holidays...enjoy :)

Chapter 13

They were just a couple of days from Antar and the Pod Squad was ready to get off the ship and into some fresh air. Their powers were at their strongest as were their relationships with their mates. The group had bonded into a family unit, no one the outsider.

Tess found Kyle in their room sitting at the desk. He was leaning over the table with his head in his hands. Tess came up behind him and ran her fingers through his hair. They had gotten real close during their time together. Their attraction undeniable. Kyle now knew what Max meant when he said that he and Liz had seen into each other’s souls. It was amazing to know someone like that.

“You OK?”

“Yeah” he said lifting his head. Tess moved around and sat in front of him on the desk. He slid his chair back to make room for her and laid his hands on her thighs. “I was just thinking.”

“Miss your dad?”

“Yeah, I do. I wish there was a way to contact him, at least to let him know that I am alright.”

“Maybe Antar will have some sort of technology that we can use after we get there.”
Kyle nodded. “Tess, do you miss Nassado?”

A sadness entered her eyes. “Sometimes I do. He was never loving or affectionate like the parents you all have but he raised me. He was all I had until we went to Roswell.”

“I’m sorry that you didn’t come out of your pod when the others did. You may have had a family and I would have known you sooner.” While he spoke his thumbs began a circular caress to the inside of her thighs then slowly slid up.

“It’s alright Kyle. I got over that a long time ago. The past cannot be changed. I have you and the others now, which is all that matters. I am no longer alone.”

Tess leaned down and kissed Kyle. While they kissed his hands slid under her skirt pressing her legs further apart. Tess moaned into his mouth as he reached her underwear feeling the silk between his fingers. Kyle broke the kiss and looked into her crystal blue eyes as he hooked his fingers on the sides and pulled on them. Tess lifted her hips to accommodate him letting him pull her underwear off.

Kyle slid his chair closer placing a hand back under her skirt while the other hand reached up to fondle a breast.

“Kyle” she gasped as his fingers entered her wet opening as the others pinched her nipple. “Uuuuggh” she moaned as his thumb found her clit and placed slight pressure on it.

Kyle dropped to his knees and leaned to where his fingers were working in and out of her. His tongue replaced his thumb as he lightly flicked her swollen bud.

“Shit” she cried placing a hand on his head pushing him closer to her.

Kyle kept a steady rhythm as he lapped her clit and worked his fingers in and out. Her hips moved with his motions letting his fingers enter her deeper. Soon he felt her walls pulsing as they squeezed his fingers as her orgasm began.

“Ohhhhh….god….Kyle…” she cried out.

Kyle withdrew his fingers as her shudders subside and lightly licked her juices. He stood pulling Tess with him and kissed her deeply. She tasted her juices on him and a tingle began between her thighs again. She sighed into his mouth and pressed against him.

Kyle broke the kiss and they both quickly shed their clothing, embracing, allowing skin to rub against skin. Their lips wandered over each other tasting wherever they could reach. He abruptly turned Tess around and bent her over the desk. He quickly entered her from behind but stopped when he came to her barrier.

“Tess?” he was surprised.
Tess turned her head and looked at him. “Please Kyle. Don’t stop.” She begged as she wiggled her hips against him.

The sensations that the movement caused overwhelmed him and he knew that he could not stop. He withdrew then thrust once hard and fast breaking through the barrier.

“Oooooohhhhnn.” They both cried out as a purple flash filled the room.

Catching his breath he started with slow long strokes allowing her body to adjust to him but soon he was pumping her hard and deep, her hips meeting him thrust for thrust. Kyle felt his cock swelling as he neared his breaking point. When he thought he could not hold off any longer he felt Tess tighten around him.

“Tess” he moaned as he exploded into her.

“Kyle!” she screamed as her climax claimed her.

It was several minutes before Kyle could lift his weight off Tess who was still bent over the desk. He withdrew from her and carried her to their bed. They laid together Tess’s back against his chest. He kissed her neck as one of his hands found her breasts. At that moment Kyle knew that he had found the one thing that he was looking for in this life. He had found his true love, his destiny.

“I love you Tess.” He whispered in her ear.

She snuggled closer back into him. “I love you.” She answered. Her wiggling to get closer to him had made him hard again and she laughed. “You are insatiable.”

He smiled and growled as he flipped her on to her back and entered her. “You know you love it.”

Tess groaned as he filled her again and wrapped her arms around him pulling him to her as their lips met.

The others did not see Tess and Kyle for many hours but they all felt the power that finally released completely as the last couple joined together losing their innocence.

“With all of this alien technology, you would think that they would have made the rooms sound proof.” Maria commented as they sat eating diner.

Liz smiled at her friend. “Oh and you are one to talk. What do you and Michael do in your room alone? It sounds like he gives you oral tests where all of the answers are YES.”

A blush crept to Maria’s face but had no answer. Having Maria speechless made everyone around the table laugh.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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True Destiny: Ch 14

Post by magikhands »

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a great New Year! :x-mas:
I know this part is short but I am hoping to get more done when the kids get back into school...Enjoy :)

Chapter 14

The ship alerted the Pod Squad when they were within hours of Antar. During that time the group got supplies ready and went over their plans making sure that everyone knew their part. Liz had told Max about her dreams that she kept having about the girl so he was aware that she might be a factor and change some of their plans but he knew that they were playing it by ear.

About 45 minutes before landing Max stood behind Alex in the control room.

“We are in Antarian space now, right? What is preventing Kivar from blowing us out of the sky? I can feel him so surely he can feel us.”

“Apparently our energy signatures are being blocked. Before we came into Antarian space the ship activated its cloaking device also hiding our signatures. Kivar doesn’t feel any danger at the moment so he is not blocking his. I think that he wants people to feel him so that they can fear him more. Once we leave the ship we will need to do it on our own if we don’t want him finding out that we are here yet.”

Max nodded his head knowing that Alex was right. “So where are we landing? Is it close to the palace?”

Alex pulled up some maps on the screen to show Max. “Here are the programmed coordinates. It seems to be a forest area outside of the capital city.”

“Good. I’ll let the others know. Call if you need anything.” He said patting Alex’s shoulder.

The Pod Squad stood nervously but ready for attack as the ship’s door slowly opened. Michael went out first making sure that all was clear. When he was sure that it was safe to continue he motioned for the others to come out. Stepping out of the ship each person paused to look around at their surroundings.

Because of their memories of their past lives Antar felt familiar yet foreign at the same time. The sky was a deep red color instead of Earth’s blue but still with white clouds. The sun was high in the sky but it was more of a white color than yellow. The earth was brown and foliage was green as large trees and shrubs surrounded them. The sounds coming from the forest were strange to their human ears but felt like home to their minds. The Granolith had prepared their bodies for Antar’s air but they could feel that it was thinner than Earth’s.

Liz was the first to sense that they were being watched. She made her way a little to the right of the ship looking into the brush.

“Liz” Max called out.

“You can come out. I would like to finally meet you.” Liz said to the bushes.

Max and Michael heard her words and immediately stepped to her side, protecting their Queen. There was rustling in the shrubbery as a young red haired girl stood. Both Max and Michael raised their hands but Liz pushed them down before they could emit any power.

“Don’t. She is a friend.”

The girl stepped up to Liz. She looked to be about the same age as the group and stood just an inch taller than Liz. Freckles lightly lined her nose. Her bright red hair was pulled back at the nape of her neck. She smiled and nodded. “Hello Rea.”


I posted a short fic on the UC board and it needs a name...Anyone interested in helping me take a peek. look for the post that needs a name...Thanks :!:
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Obsessed Roswellian
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True Destiny: Ch 15

Post by magikhands »

Thanks for the feedback...I hope all are having a great New Year so far!

Chapter 15

“Hello Rea.”

The intruder had drawn the attention of the others and they gathered around but also kept watch for others who might be with this mysterious girl.

“Who are you? How do you know her?” Michael demanded as both men stepped closer to Liz.

“My name is Serena. I know Rea the same way I know you are Rath and you are Zan.” She looked around at the rest and nodded her approval. “Vilandra, Jentar, Ava, Talen, and Kenya. I am so glad that you all found each other. Your power will be at their strongest now that you are home.”

The group looked at her confused. They did not know whether to blast her or trust her. They had just landed and already someone had found them and knew who they were.

“And how is it that you know who we are?” Max asked.

“It was my grandfather that made sure that the ship was on Earth for your return. It signaled him when it left and he sent me to help you on your mission. He transferred his memory of you to me so that I would know who to look for. You all look similar to how you did before you died but with some obvious differences now of course.”

“Your grandfather is…?” Liz prompted.

Serena chuckled like they had told her a joke. “Surely you jest your Majesties.” She looked at the blank faces of the eight around her. “You don’t remember? Larek. My grandfather is Larek Balie.”

Immediately the teens relaxed knowing who Larek was. They knew that he had helped and supported Zan. They had grown up together.

Liz stepped closer to Serena and took her hands. “We only have some memories and feelings of our previous lives. We are still trying to piece it all together and understand it all. We will gladly accept any help you can provide. I have a feeling that we are going to need all the help we can get.”

Serena smiled again. “First let’s do something about your clothing so that you will fit in.” She took a bag from the bushes and shooed them back into the ship.


Antarian clothing was similar to what was worn in the story “Arabian Nights”. The girls really liked their free flowing skirts, pants and sexy tops but it was obvious that the guys were not too happy with them.

“I feel like a belly-dancer.” Maria laughed as she wiggled her hips. This caught the guy’s attention and they watched her hips rotate around giving them all a show of her talent.

Michael cleared his throat loudly. “I feel silly.” He said, the guys turned to him and all agreed. The girls looked over at their men and smiled. They wore loose-legged pants and sleeveless vests.

Tess came up to Kyle and slid her hands up and down his arms slow. “I love it. I think the clothes are sexy. I like how they show off your chest and arms.” She purred. The girls all nodded in agreement eyeing their mates looking like they were ready to pounce upon them at any moment.

Serena looked at the group satisfied that they could blend in with the Antarians. She had dressed them as common people but when the time came they would be robed as the royalty they are.

“Let’s go.” She said leading the way through the woods on an invisible path. They were not far from where she was taking them for safety so they walked.

“Where are we going?” Max asked catching up to Serena

“Somewhere safe your Majesty. You have allies who have been waiting for your return.”

“Please, you don’t have to call me Majesty. I am not King and it will draw unwanted attention. Max is fine.”

Serena stopped and looked at him. “You have a different name other than Zan?” When he nodded she looked at the others. “All of you?” They all nodded.

“I am Max, Rea is Liz, Rath is Michael, Kenya is Maria, Vilandra is Isabel, Jentar is Alex, Ava is Tess, and Talen is Kyle.” Max introduced everyone.

“Why are your names different. Your protector should have kept them or at least similar to your original names.”

“I am the only one who grew up with a protector and some knowledge of Antar. He told me that my name was Ava but he never told me why he called me another name.” Tess said.

“Mmmm. Perhaps it was to protect you. Well we will use your Earth names here, I like them, they fit you” Serena turned and continued walking through the forest.

Serena kept the small group on less traveled roads and alleyways. It was near lunchtime and she did not want attention drawn to the large group traveling through the city. She did not want the wrong people to recognize them yet.

The Pod Squad followed Serena trying to look like they belonged but they could not help being in awe of their surroundings. The city looked much like the ones on Earth with subtle differences in the architecture. They could almost believe that they were back home. The gadgets and gizmos that they saw in the occasional window were more technological advance than those on Earth and from their memories they saw that a lot had changed since they were last on Antar in a lot of ways. They knew that they would have a lot to catch up on.

In the distance against the red sky stood what they knew was the palace. It was huge and grand looking. It looked to be built into the mountain that stood behind it. While the buildings that surrounded it were older and run down the palace was gleaming like new and well kept.

Max stopped and stare at what was once his home, where he grew up so many years ago. He remembered the all the happy times playing around with Rath and Larek but he also remembered a time that he wished that he did not have the responsibility of being the King and doing his duty. Could he really lead this group of people to defeat Kivar and make new memories in that palace for his children? Children? Where had that come from he thought? The plan was to help Antar then return home to Earth. Right?

Serena led the others through the back door of a building. She let out a sigh of relief as she entered the building, glad that their trip went without incident. The group followed her down a hallway to an open room.

“Stay here, I will be right back.” She said looking at the group.

The Pod Squad looked around.

‘Can we really trust her’ Isabel asked the others through their connection. She could feel her powers had grown stronger since landing on Antar and their feelings and communication were more intense.

‘Liz has been having dreams about her since we left home. Liz says that we can trust her and I trust Liz.’ Max said. The others silently agreed.

Serena came back into the room followed by an older man. He saw Max and immediately kneeled before him. “Your Majesty. I am honored.”

Max put a hand on the man’s shoulder. “Pleas rise. I am not king so do not be formal with me. Max will suffice.”

The man looked at Serena with confusion.

“Everyone, this is my father Jansen. He owns this place and it is a safe house for the Resistance.”

Max held out his hand. “Nice to meet you sir.” Jansan took his hand impressed with his politeness and surprised by his youth. He thought that the King would be older because he had been sent to Earth over 50 years ago. The moment their skin made contact Jansan could feel the power that reigned inside of this youth. Though he was young on the outside he was wise beyond his years in his mind and heart.

“Come, I have a place for you to eat, rest and talk freely.”

Just then a boy about their age ran in the room. “Jansan, have you seen Ser…” he stopped midsentence when he noticed the room full of people. He looked around and saw eight teens about his age. His eyes were immediately drawn to the male in the back with light brown hair and blue eyes. While the boy was looking at Kyle the group noticed that he also had light brown hair and piercing blue eyes.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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True Destiny: Ch 16

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 16


The boy turned to Serena who stood between her father and another youth. Recognition slammed into his brain and he fell to his knees bowing looking down at the ground. “Your Majesty. Please forgive me for the intrusion. I did not know you were here.” He felt a hand on his shoulder. “Derrick, please rise and meet Max.”

Derrick looked up in confusion. Who is Max? Did she not know that this person was the true King Zan? He thought

“We will talk after this group has eaten. Come.” Jansan said. He went to a wall and passed his hand over it. A door appeared and slid open. He led the ten teens down some stairs to another open room that was filled with tables and chairs much like a cafeteria.

“Sit Majesties.” Jansan offered.

As soon as they all sat around a large round table a boy and girl about 12 years of age appeared from behind them carrying trays. They set a bowl and cup in front of each person at the table then left the room. The teens looked at the bowls and together their stomachs began to rumble for they had all been too nervous to eat earlier. Clearly they were famished now. As they tasted the soup they found that it was delicious and filling along with the sweet drink.

When everyone was finished eating the same boy and girl came and took away the empty dishes.

“I would like to officially introduce my husband Derrick Tarsus.” Serena said to the eight teens.

“Husband? Aren’t you a little young to be married?” Maria had to ask.

“No,” Serena said. “During your first lifetime the elders encouraged all to wait until a mature age before the bonding ceremony to a mate was performed. They changed their decisions after your deaths. Now when you meet your mate you are free to bond with them after your 14th year. That is if you meet your mate as soon as I have. Apparently Earth has some of the same standards as our old customs when it comes to bonding.”

They all nodded. Serena looked at her husband and father. “They have decided to use their Earth names for now. I have to agree, it will help cloak them from Kivar.” She turned to the others and pointed out each person as she said their names. “This is Max and his mate Liz. Michael with his mate Maria. Isabel with her mate Alex. And Tess with her mate Kyle.”
Derrick looked at Kyle. He was the one that drew his attention earlier. He stood and approached the other boy.

“Would you be Talen?” He asked.

Kyle stood. “Yes, that was my name. Do I know you?” He looked into Derrick’s blue eyes that looked so familiar. “I feel as if I should know you.”

Derrick shook his head. “No, you do not know me. You died long before I was born.”

“Kyle, Derrick is your cousin.” Serena said.

“Cousin?” He looked at her. “I have family here?”

Serena nodded. “Derrick’s grandmother was your mother’s much younger sister.”

Kyle looked at the boy who stood in front of him. He was about Kyle’s age but his eyes looked older and wiser than a normal teenage boy. Then again what is normal for Antar? He was in awe. Here he was light years from his home and he finds family.

“What about my parents? All of our parents?” He asked cautiously the question that was on the groups mind. They had discussed the about having family still here and how they would react to meeting them.

Sorrow clouded her features. “I am sorry but after you all died Kivar found out that you were sent to Earth so he killed all of your families as punishment for treason. Derrick’s grandparents were spared only because they were Antar’s seers and even Kivar could not do anything to harm them. I am truly sorry that the news could not be better.”

The Pod Squad sat in silence. They all felt the same sadness and grief and guilt as they thought of how their families died trying to save them and their planet. At that moment they felt truly alone. They had just left the only families they’d known on Earth to find that their families that made it possible for their second life had been killed because of them.

“What about my family Serena?” Tess asked hopeful since they were not technically part of Antar.

Serena shook her head. “I am sorry Tess but your family were strong supporters of Antar and their Royal family so they were killed with the Queen and other parents. I recall from what my grandfather has told me that they were all brave and died for what they believed was right. In turn Kivar took over Plytonus now that he had Antar’s army in his command.”

Michael reached over and took Liz’s hand. Max did the same with Isabel. ‘At least I have you sis.’ Michael communicated to Liz. He looked at his best friend and Liz then at the others ‘We all heave each other.’ He said to them all. They all smiled feeling the love wind its way through their souls.

Kyle hugged Derrick happy to have family here along with some help. At their contact a connection opened allowing the other to see flashes of their lives, which showed trust.

“Welcome home cousin.” Derrick said breaking the embrace and sitting in his seat again.

“A meeting has been called tonight for you to meet with the leaders of the Resistance Maj…Max. We will begin planning our attack on Kivar then.” Jansan informed the group.

“Thank you. Could you also pass the word that there will be no bowing to me or calling us Majesties. It will draw attention to us fast and it is just too weird right now.”

“Certainly. The four of you will meet with those who are our most trusted then they will carry out your orders.”

“The four of us?” Isabel asked.

“Yes, Maj…Isabel. The Royal hybrids.” Jansan said indicating to Max, Michael, Isabel, and Tess.

“I don’t think so.” Michael injected. “We are a group, a family. We are just as human as the ones that were born instead of hatched. It is all eight of us or none of us.”

Derrick turned to Serena and smiled as if they shared a secret.

“I am sorry Michael. I did not mean to offend you. I did not realize…Of course you all will all be involved in the planning and meetings.”

Michael smiled at Jansan trying to neutralize the situation. He could feel the protesting feelings radiating off of his family when Jansan had mentioned just the four. They would always work together. “It is alright Jansan. Before coming here we decided that we would do this together.”

Michael turned to Derrick trying to change the subject. “When you came here looking for Serena was it really important?”

Derrick had almost forgotten how he made his first appearance to the Royal Court. He blushed at the thought that he had forgotten something that was so important at the time. “Not anymore. I was just going to tell Serena that you were here on Antar.”

“How did you know that? I thought that our energy signatures were being blocked?” Tess asked. She now felt unsure that they could keep their presence unknown from Kivar.

“They are but you forget that I come from the line of Seers. I am connected to Antar and can feel things that others are unable.”

“When will we see Larek?” Max asked Serena.

“Not for a while I’m afraid. He is watched very closely by Kivar and cannot risk exposure yet. I will keep him informed.”

“I have a question.” Maria spoke up. “If Larek is a type of royalty and you are his granddaughter, why does you father own this place and you are here and not in some palace somewhere? I don’t mean to be rude or mistrustful, but this is a strange place for us and I personally have a little problem totally trusting anyone right now.”

“I understand your concern. Here on Antar the birthright goes to the first-born child whether it is a boy or girl. My mother is Larek’s first child so she has the duty to train my oldest brother Sarlon.” Serena looked at her father and gave him a slight smile. “This place is really my father’s hobby and his way of helping the Resistance. He was not born of High Nobility but my mother fell in love with him anyway. She rebuked tradition and married my father. Things were not well at first but the people learned to accept him and what she did. This has paved the way for you eight.”

“What do you mean paved the way?” Liz asked.

“Through the years there have many theories on why the Great Royal Four was defeated by Kivar. My theory is simple. I think it is because you were not with your true mates. I believe that love is the strongest weapon against anything and only when the two right people are together is it at its strongest. Zan, you married Ava because of political reasons thought your heart and soul was with Rea. Ava the same was with you though you loved Talen. Rath, you put your duty before your love of Kenya by postponing your marriage and died before it could be performed. Vilandra, you let tradition and the knowledge that Jentar was not of noble birth stop your fight for him. You all in the past put others in front of the ones that you were truly meant to be with.”

The eight teens looked around at the others and wondered if what Serena was saying was true. They could feel that when they were with their mates their powers were more intense and focused. As a group they worked like clockwork. Their plan to take out Pierce proved that point.

“So who exactly in charge is in charge of the Resistance?” Michael asked.

“You are General along with the King.” Jansan said.

Michael looked at him with surprise. He, Michael Guerin, white trailer trash from Roswell in charge of an entire army? Yes, sure he was in charge in his last life but Rath had trained for it from the time of his birth and the King trusted him then. On Earth he and Max never agreed on tactics, how could they ever work together now leading an entire army when they had trouble just keeping the eight of them safe?

Max shook his head. “What he meant was who is in charge before we arrived?”

“Well technically Larek is but since he is watched so closely Serena and I do most of the work. We have the most freedom so we are his legs, eyes and ears. Our heritage allows us to move quite freely among both common people and royalty.”

“This really has been a lot of information to take in.” Isabel voiced. “Is there a place we may rest before this meeting?”

Jansan jumped up out of his seat. “I am sorry Princess. What was I thinking; of course I have rooms arranged for you. Let me show you to them.”

“I have one last question before we go,” Kyle spoke up as they all rose. “Is there a way we could contact our parents on Earth from here?”

Jansan, Serena and Derrick stopped and looked at the group with confused expressions.

“Isabel can dreamwalk, correct?” Derrick asked. The Pod Squad all nodded. “You all have the ability to do it also but Isabel is the strongest. She will amplify it as your power boosts hers.”

“You mean we’ve had our ‘Phone Home’ radio with us the entire time and we did not know about it?” Maria asked.

The others chuckled at her reference to the expression from the alien movie ‘ET’.

Serena was confused at what was so funny with Maria’s question. “Yes but be careful with it because it drains your energy the fastest. Only contact one or maybe two people at a time and only if the two are near each other. It is best if it is done for only a short period of time.”

The teens were happy that they could communicate back home but they mentally decided to wait until they rested before trying it

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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True Destiny: Ch 17

Post by magikhands »

Work is real slow this week so I had a little more time to write...Here is a little Dreamer Nookie...Thanks for the feedback, it is so encouraging :)

Chapter 17

Each couple had their own room. The rooms were small and scarcely furnished but they felt cozy. Each room had a large bed and a dresser. There was also a closet and a second door that led to a small bathroom. Since they were underground, there was no window.

After Jansan, Serena and Derrick left, Max quickly gathered Liz into his arms and gave her a deep, loving kiss. She felt so good in his arms, right where she belonged. She was his, forever. “I love you Liz.”

Having people suddenly bow to him and look to him to lead them was really terrifying. Michael and Isabel had always looked to him for direction growing up. Then when Liz and the others joined their ‘club’ they continued to look to him for leadership. Now he finds that he is a king, a leader. Not of just seven people but thousands and more. People who have been waiting for the day of his return so they could kick Kivar’s ass and they would have freedom and peace again.

How could he live up to it all? Zan had been taught and primed to take the throne since the day of his birth, Max had no training. He always went on his instincts. Max had memories of Zan but they were not complete. The memories only gave him glimpses into Zan’s life. He was Max now, not Zan and never will be.

Liz looked up at Max. She could feel the fear that had settled on him. She knew that he was having doubts about being king. Leadership was natural for Max but he always had a hard time believing it and lacking confidence in himself.

“Are you all right?” She asked.

“I am fine as long as you are by my side.”

Liz pulled Max over to the bed and quickly shed him of his clothing before pushing him down. Liz pulled up her skirt and straddled his waist. Her wet core was settled just inches above his now throbbing erection. Liz pulled off the silky top and bent over to kiss him. His hands settled on her breasts giving them light squeezes and running a finger over the nipples. Liz broke the kiss gasping with delight as her nipples hardened.

Liz lifted off of Max to shift bringing herself down upon his rod. He moaned as her moist tightness surrounded him. It felt like he held a little piece of heaven every time he was in her. He knew that he could never tire of being inside of her. Liz began her pace slow wanting to prolong Max’s pleasure slowly lifting up and down allowing his hands explored her silky body.

When Max could no longer take Liz’s sweet, slow torture he flipped her over so that he was hovering above her. Liz lifted her legs to lock them around his waist and raised her head and lightly bit his nipple. A growl came from Max as he began to pump her using short, fast strokes. Liz’s hips met his with every stroke and soon they both climaxed simultaneously.

Max rolled them so that they lie on their sides facing each other reluctant to leave her body just yet. He kissed her lightly as he gathered her closer.

“I am scared Liz. What if I let all of those people down? What if we can’t beat Kivar? I don’t know what I am doing. What if something happens to any of my family? To you?”

“Max, in both lives you were born to lead. Follow your heart; it can never lead you astray. I have faith in you Max. I believe in you. Remember you are not alone either. You have me and the rest of us. Also Michael is here to help.”

“That is one thing I don’t understand. We have never seen eye to eye, how can we plan for this war? I don’t know if we can work together like that?”

“It will work out. The best thing I can tell you is to Listen. Both of you, listen to each other before deciding. I think that later you and he need to have a talk before meeting with these people.”

“You are right. Thank you.”

“For what?” Liz asked.

“For always saying the right thing to make me feel better. And for having so much faith in me. Lets get some rest.”


After showing the visitors to their rooms Jansan went upstairs to take care of business and contact everyone. Serena and Derrick sat on a couch in the common room.

“They are together the right way this time. On Earth there was no one to interfere with their natural course of their attraction.”

Derrick nodded but looked concerned. “What if the people only wan the original Royal Four?”

“The people will accept all of them. Didn’t you see them together? I don’t think that they realize it yet but they have completely bonded as a family unit. What they have done is rare. Their entire situation is unique. Once they are out before the people they will be accepted as the Royal Court no matter who is with who. They have bonded with their mates, it cannot be changed”

“I think that you are right. Can’t you feel the power coming from them? Now they just need to learn how to harness and use it all, they are a lot like babies first learning to use their powers. They have no idea their potential. The two sets of twins emit immense amount of strength then when the others are added it can be overwhelming at times. I feel Antar feeding off of them and flourishing as they also feed of Antar. Max and Liz are strong and will rule fair and kind.”

Serena smiled at her husband. “The future for our children is looking very bright.”

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True Destiny: Ch 18

Post by magikhands »

Thank you for all the great feedback...I am hoping to get another part out soon but it is that time of year again, uugh, TAXES! :( Enjoy

Chapter 18

After the Pod Squad rested the eight teens met in Max and Liz’s room for privacy.

“Can you believe that we are actually here on Antar? We have dreamed about this for so long.” Isabel said looking at Michael. She was so excited yet had this feeling that all may not go as well as they hoped.

“When I stop and think about being on a different planet I want to…” Maria laughed.

“Freak.” Liz said smiling at her friend. The entire group laughed remembering the story how Maria reacted when she found out that Max was alien.

“Ok, now what? You’ve got me on this planet, where do we go from here?” Kyle asked.

“I am not sure yet. Let’s meet with these people and got from there.” Max said and the others agreed.

“Ok guys. With that out of the way, who are we calling first? I’m really itching to see what’s up back home?” Kyle spoke up again.

It did not take long to decide to contact Valenti first. They thought that he would be able to contact the others much easier without suspicion if they were being watched. They agreed that only Max and Kyle would join the connection. It was still a mystery how this would work so they did not want to risk overloading anything with their strengthening powers.

The three sat on the large bed and joined hands as the others sat on the floor around them. Their energies mingled together and filled Isabel. She pictured Valenti in her mind then shot the energy out to him. The three saw a swirl of beautiful colors then within a moment they were connected.

Valenti found himself in a space of darkness. “Hello.” He called out, scared about what was suddenly happening.

Kyle, Max, and Isabel stepped out of the darkness that surrounded them.

“Max? Isabel? Kyle? What is happening? How are you here? Where is here?” He looked around and saw behind him his physical body sitting in his office continuing the paperwork he was just doing.

“I was able to tap into a part of your conscious mind to communicate with you.” Isabel said smiling at him. It was good to see someone from home even if it was just the Sheriff.

“Hey dad” Kyle said as he embraced his father. Valenti hesitated a moment not really sure about everything then tightly returned his son’s embrace.

“Sheriff.” Max said nodding to the older man. “We just wanted to let you know that we made it safely. Could you let our parents know that we are all thinking of them and miss them?”

Valenti nodded. “Of course Max. I will do that. Is it as bad as you thought it was there? Any news?”

“We don’t have the entire situation yet, we just got here but I think that we can help. How long have we been gone?”

“Two months. The FBI came to town the day after you left. They had their hands full looking for Pierce and cleaning up the destroyed base. All they ran into were dead ends, especially since you all were gone. They questioned all of us but there was really nothing to tell. They still have one or two agents in town keeping an eye on things but give it time and it will all be a memory or should I say another mysterious alien incident.”

“Thank you Sheriff. For everything.” Max said sincerely.

Valenti nodded as he watched Max and Isabel back off into the darkness so that he and Kyle could have a moment.

“How are you doing son?”

Kyle sighed. “It is really strange dad when I let myself think about it. Sometimes I believe that this is all just some really bad dream and I’ll wake up and be back in Roswell and have my normal life back but…” He paused and looked back to where Max and Isabel disappeared but he felt them still there with him. “I wouldn’t have them or Tess. They are my family now. I feel as if I’ve known them all of my life. I guess I really have in both lives. I wouldn’t give them up for anything. Can you understand that dad?”

Valenti put his hand on his son’s shoulder. “Yes, I can understand. Tess, huh?”

“Yeah dad, she is great. I really love her. I remember that in my other life I loved Ava but I have found out that we are not the same people. We have these other people’s memories but we are different. I have gotten to know Tess and I truly love her, she is a part of me. I didn’t think that I’d ever feel this way about someone. I feel that as long as she’s with me, we have a chance at this crazy alien life.”

Valenti smiled at his son. He could see the love in Kyle’s eyes and how they lit up when he spoke about Tess. He was really happy that his son had found someone to love and friends like Max and the others.

Valenti hugged Kyle again. “I know you have to go. Take care Kyle. I love you and I am very proud of you. Remember that. And tell Tess that I approve and send my blessings.”

“Bye dad and thanks.” Kyle said his voice full of emotions about having to leave his father once again. He turned and walked to where Max and Isabel waited for him.

Valenti found himself back in his office still doing his paperwork. He stopped, sat back and smiled. He was glad that tonight was the parent’s night to meet. They had been doing it every other week since the kids left. They had grown close since that night two months before when their children left to fulfill their Destiny. Tonight would be cause for celebration.


Back on Antar:

Max told the others what Valenti told them then suggested that they all get ready to meet Serena and Jansan. They all stood and headed for the door.

“Max.” “Michael.” The two said simultaneously.

“Can we talk?” Max asked Michael.

Liz and Maria looked at the guys and smiled. “Come on Maria. Let’s go find Serena.”

When everyone left the two looked at each other as silence filled the room.

Michael sat at the foot of the bed and scratched at his eyebrow. “I’m scared Maxwell. Theses people expect us to lead them into war. I don’t know what I am doing. Jesus, we’re only 16.” Michael got up and started pacing the small room. Max sat at the head of the bed letting Michael have his say. “I remember Rath and what seems to be the most important parts of his life but I am not him. I don’t know how to plan an attack or even how to lead. You know that I am not that good with people, that is where you are the strongest.”

“I know Michael. I am scared also. They want me to make decisions for an entire planet of people; I sometimes have trouble deciding what to have for breakfast. How can I decide something for the planet? I remember Zan, he had the education and training for ruling Antar or even the system but I don’t really know if I can be who they want me to be.”

Michael stopped pacing and looked at Max. His best friend, his brother. He had been so wrapped up in his problems that he did not think what Max was feeling. Max had always been the one to take control and lead, Michael never thought that he would lack confidence in himself. He saw the fear in Max’s eyes that mirrored his own. They had both been stuck in positions of high rank that they did not feel qualified to carry out.

“I think being scared is the first thing that we’ve agreed on in a long time.” Michael sighed sitting back down on the bed. “How are we going to work together and help these people when we have such a hard time agreeing on anything? Rath and Zan worked good together but we have always had our different views. You are thoughtful while I am impulsive, total opposites. I feel that Rath is a part of me but I am not him. I think that it is like that for all of us yet these people are expecting the same people who died over 50 years ago.”

“I know. I feel the same. Liz and I spoke earlier and she thought I was a natural leader but just lacked the confidence but I am just scared of screwing up and someone getting hurt or worse. Do you think that could be our problem? We both have natural instincts that lead us, whether it be natural or from our pasts. Are we just too frightened to trust them?”

Michael shook his head. “I don’t know Max. I think Liz is right about your lack of confidence. I have to admit that you have done a good job at keeping us out of too much trouble and always try to think things through and about other people. You’ve gotten me out of some tight area in the past.”

“Thanks man, but you do well yourself. Look how well the plan back in Roswell turned out. It went perfect all thanks to your planning. I think that we just need to follow our instincts. Like you said, Zan and Rath are each a part of us, we need use them and their experiences to get through this.”

Michael smiled at Max. “That plan was pretty good wasn’t it? It was like something finally clicked in my head and it all fell in place. So, are we going to try and work together and trust each other’s judgments?”

Max held his hand out to Michael. “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.”

Michael took his brother’s hand and pulled him into a hug. “It sure is but don’t tell Maria. She might kick me out of our bed if she gets the wrong idea about us.”

They both laughed. “Come on then. Let’s find out what our girls are up to.”

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True Destiny: Ch 19

Post by magikhands »

Finally another part...usually I try to be better at updating but RL has me real busy...The block is lifting but another story is emerging trying to take my attention from this one. I will try to finish this before going to the other...Thanks in advance for the fb :)

Chapter 19

After a light dinner, the Pod Squad, Serena, and Derrick arranged several tables together in preparation for their meeting. They sat around talking about the differences between Earth and Antar when Jansan entered the room trailed by five people. There were two women and three men. Just by looking at this small group though they were dressed like everyone else one could see that they held authority.

The Pod Squad sat on one side of the tables while Serena, Derrick and the five visitors sat on the other. Jansan sat at the head of the table to act as a mediator.

“Let’s us begin. This…” Jansan started.

“Just a moment please Jansan.” One of the women spoke up. All eyes went to her. She had dark hair with a purple streak through it. Her skin was a creamy color with soft blue eyes. She looked to be in her late twenties.

“Before this goes any further we would like to see proof that these are the true Royal Four and not some duplicates sent by Kivar.”

“What does she mean by proof?” Liz asked looking at Jansan.

“The granolith gave the Royal Four something to prove that you are the real ones. Can you produce it?”

The teens immediately knew that they were referring to the symbols that each had received before coming to Antar. The eight raised their right hands allowing their power to produce the symbols on their hands.

Liz and Max had the gold symbol of King and Queen. Michael and Maria’s Royal symbol glowed its blue hue while Kyle and Tess showed off their purple symbol. Alex and Isabel also let their symbol shine its deep red hue.

Five shocked faces stared back at them.

“Jansan, you told us that all eight was here, even how they were paired together but…” The woman paused looking at each teen. “You never told us about this.”

“I didn’t tell you because I was not sure until this moment.”

“What are they talking about?” Max asked Jansan who had sat on the edge of his chair. The visitor’s surprised faces concerned Max. “The symbols were what you were wanting right? That was the only thing that the Granolith gave us that we know of.”

Jansan nodded and looked amazed. “Yes but it was only suppose to be for the Royal Four. All eight of you have the seal. You must have gone through the bonding before leaving Earth but how is that possible?”

“What bonding?” Michael asked.

“When an Antarian finds their mate they are bonded together by consummating their relationship.” Serena spoke up. “Only then can a connection between them be formed and their powers joined. It has been known occasionally that a small group of people could bond together into a family unit…”

“Opening a connection between them all.” Derrick finished. “But it has been a couple of hundred years since that has happened.”

“I don’t understand. Liz and I have had a connection since the day I healed her. Then we were all connected immediately when Liz, Alex, Kyle, and Maria’s memories were unlocked and powers released. Were we not bonded in our last life?”

“No.” Serena stated.

“What about those flashy things that happened on the ship? Does that have anything to do with it?” Maria asked.

“What flashy things?” the young woman asked. She looked at Maria questionly as she used the same description as Maria.

“When, um, we, umm…I guess when we consummated our relationships, we saw a flash of light.” Isabel filled in the awkward silence that had filled the room after the last question. They had all spoke to one another about what it was but now it was strange talking to complete strangers about their sex life.

“Oh,,that is normal. It is part of the bonding process.” Serena smiled at the eight flushed faces. She could see that this subject was embarrassing for them.

“The couple bonding did not happen until you were on the ship coming here?” The man with dark hair and green eyes asked. The Pod Squad nodded.

“How can that be Alexius?” The older woman asked the dark haired man. “They have bonded as a family before couples?”

“Is that a bad thing?” Kyle asked looking at the five faces that seemed now confused, their confidence lost.

The one called Alexius shook his head. “Not bad but unheard of. It has never been known to be done before. Did something traumatic happen?”

The teens exchanged glances each trying to hold back a chuckle. They thought about all they had been through the last year and this man was asking if they had gone through something traumatic.

Max opened his mouth to answer but Jansan interrupted. “Sorry Max but let’s do the introductions first so that you are better acquainted then you can tell us your story.”

Max smiled at Jansan. “You are right. Please proceed.”

“This is Alexius.” Jansan said indicating to the dark haired man with green eyes. “He is Larek’s nephew and keeps the five regions of the Resistance linked.”

“Next to him is Lorna.” Indicating the younger woman with dark hair and blue eyes. “She is over Antar’s division.”

“Then Neva” indicating the older woman with light hair and hazel eyes. “She is over Naham’s division.”

“Next to her is Seton.” Indicating a light hair man with violet eyes. “He is over Culpus’s and Gire’s division.”

“Finally is Gaither.” Indicating the red hair, blue eyed man sitting next to Derrick. “He is over Phylos’s division.”

Jansan then introduced the eight teens explaining the use of their Earth names. Introductions over, Max, with the help of the others, told their story. They started with how they hatched from the pods and grew up with human parents then to healing Liz, finding out about Nassado, Tess joining their group, the FBI, how Max healed Kyle, seeing the message, then their memories being unlocked. They tried to keep to the details but emotions swirled through the group as they all relived the painful parts of their lives.

“The way the eight of you were brought together along with Max healing Liz and Kyle has brought on the early bonding. I can now see how it is that this was possible.” Alexius said. “The Divine One has blessed us greatly for our patience.”

“Where is the book?” Neva asked looking at Max.

At that moment Liz felt a bolt of pain shoot through her head.


She felt pain. A lot of pain throughout her entire body. It was so intense that she wanted to black out but something was keeping her awake. Someone was in her mind. She was bound to a chair. She was so tired and scared. She knew that she would die.

“Where is the book?” a deep voice asked. His face was blocked by the shadows that filled the room. She knew who the man was but his name was out of her reach.

“I don’t know” her voice was hoarse from the screaming. She had endured hours of torture by this man but there was nothing that she could tell him. She did not know what he wanted.

The pain was in her head again causing intense agony. He was inside of her mind tearing it apart looking for the information she did not have. She screamed then all went black.

End Flash**

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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True Destiny: Ch 20

Post by magikhands »

Just wanted to thank all of those who read this and leave feedback (thanks also to those who do not leave the fb). I know it only takes a moment but it means a lot to know that someone is out there reading all of this...It is appreciated :)

Chapter 20

“Liz, honey, are your alright?”

Liz looked up and saw Max, his face etched with worry. Somehow she had ended up in his arms on the floor. “What happened?” he asked. She could feel his concern for her.

“I saw…” she stopped and took a deep breath as tears ran down her face. “Someone was being tortured. He was raping her mind, tearing it apart. It was horrible.”

Liz turned her head into Max’s shoulder and sobbed. His hand was on her back caressing it, comforting her.

“Kivar does that. What did he want?” Serena was next to her in an instant. Her voice was gentle and soothing.

“He was asking where a book was. What book is he wanting?”

“When you received the message from your mother Max, was there a book?” Alexius asked.

“Yes.” He stated.

“Where is it now?” Seton asked.

“It’s safe.” Was all Max would say. He suddenly felt that the book was very important and that it was intrusted to them. He was not going to tell anyone where it was.

“What’s in the book? Why would someone be tortured because of a book?” Michael asked his instincts telling him exactly what Max was feeling. That book was very important.

“That book contains the secrets of the Granolith. Whoever has the book can completely control the Antar system.” Alexius informed them.

“How can that be? The Granolith is on Earth. What does that have to do with Antar?” Tess asked feeling confused.

“That is just a piece of the Granolith.” Lorna explained. “There is a piece on each of the four planets in the Antar system then one was placed on Earth for you. Only the ones with the Royal Seal knows the exact whereabouts of the true Granolith here on Antar. Kivar is lacking this to take complete control. People are scared of him, he is ruthless and cares not for his people. He has dominated so long because of the fear of him, his powers, and his Army.”

“My army.” Michael mumbled.

Max heard his friend and had to resist the urge to laugh as Michael pouted. He was glad that Michael was stepping up to his role of General.

“OK, so now we know that he is after the book and he needs at least one of us for him to find it,” Isabel said. “Who is he most likely to go after or will he just try for anyone he can?”

The five diplomats exchanged glances then looked at Isabel. “You.”

Isabel’s eyes widened. “Me? Why?”

“You were betrothed to him at birth.” Gaither finally spoke. “He has always wanted you but you refused him time and time again. He knew that you wanted another and he would throw fits of jealousy taking some of it out on women. He also needs an heir with Royal blood. Isabel, you are the only one who can provide a true heir for him.

“You must be careful. Both you and Alex. After the Royal Four died a journal was found that Kivar had kept. In it was a plan how to get Vilandra to marry him. He was going to torture Jentar while she watched until she married him. Then he had a gruesome plan of killing Jentar. As we have said, he is ruthless and has a twisted sense of justice.”

The teens sat in silence ingesting this information. Alex wrapped his arms around Isabel as a shudder ran through her body.

Isabel looked over at he brother. “Don’t think about it Max. I will be involved in every step of this. I will not hide like a coward.”

Max looked at his sister and saw her determination etched on her face. “Iz.”

“No Max. I am not a little girl. I can take care of myself and I have all of you to help protect me.” She looked at her brother with a somber expression. “He killed Vilandra because she bonded to another. He will not get me.”

Max sighed in resignation and nodded. He knew that she would be stubborn, do something foolish and end up in Kivar’s hands.

The group spent the next hour and half creating a strategy as the diplomats laid out all their resources for them to use. By the end, their army was only two-thirds of Kivar’s but the diplomats were convinced that once word was out that the King was back, it would grow.


The following days were filled with meeting and sessions with different people of the Resistance along with the diplomats. Max and the others were surprised at how organized it all was but there was so much they had to learn and catch up on.

Alex went to check on Isabel one morning after a grueling session. She had been quiet that morning at breakfast and he was worried about her. He had felt her distress but she seemed to have shut him out. There had been no time to talk earlier so he had waited. Alex entered the room they shared and found her curled up on the bed.

“Isabel? Baby, are you ok?” Alex sat beside her on the bed and saw that her eyes were red and swollen from crying. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

Isabel looked up and met his eyes. She always felt so safe looking into his eyes. She saw the love that filled them as he gazed at her. There was also confusion and concern. A picture of how Alex was when he first found out about them flashed through her mind. He was shy but inquisitive. Her icy demeanor never deterred him from being drawn to her. He was always there for her no matter how cold she was to him. At first she tried to be just friends with him but her soul had screamed otherwise.

“I saw something last night while we slept. Alex, I saw you die. I mean I watched how Jentar died. I had already died but I was there and saw it happen. I was helpless to do anything but watch.” Her voice was thick with emotion.

“Isabel, you and I are linked now, by our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls. You saw one of my memories, my dream last night.”

“It felt so real. I couldn’t move, couldn’t help. I felt as if my heart had been ripped out of me.” Fresh tears ran down her face as she spoke.

Alex gathered her into his arms. “It’s alright. It was just a memory.” He tried soothing her, running his fingers through her long silky hair.

“I saw Kivar. It was he who killed you. You were hurt bad but still alive. He healed you enough to keep you alive then I saw how he tortured you. He knew about Jentar and Vilandra, how they had bonded. He was furious, jealous and wanted you to hurt. He wanted revenge for taking me away from him. The things he did to you, god, they were horrible. Worse than what Pierce did to Max.” Isabel laid her head on his chest and sobbed.

Alex felt her guilt and sorrow rolling in him. The anguish she felt, he felt. His memory had surfaced the night before of Vilandra’s death along with Jentar’s. The pain Jentar felt was so heartbreaking. Alex knew that if something were to happen to Isabel, he would feel the same. A piece of him would be torn away forever, he would never be whole again.

“I know baby but it wasn’t me It was Jentar. I am here and he won’t do that again. We won’t let him.”

“How can you be sure? I know that there is a huge chance of someone getting hurt here but I never…” Isabel could not finish her sentence so she pulled Alex closer, seeking comfort in his warm body.

“Ssshhhh.” Alex sat there with her as she cried out all of her pain and sorrow. As he sat there he realized that it was not just the memory that she was crying about, she missed her parents, her “normal” life and her family that she never met but has memories of. Alex felt the same and tears ran down his cheek but he knew that he had to be strong now for Isabel. He would mourn later when this was all over.

“You’re tired Izzie. You haven’t slep well lately. I don’t think any of us have. Let’s rest.”

Isabel looked at Alex and shook her head. “I need you Alex. I need you now.” She said as she placed kisses on his neck.

The tender gentleness that Isabel usually used with Alex was gone. In its place was a desperate, aggressive need. She hungrily seeked his touch and kiss. She wanted to feel something other than pain, sorrow and grief at that moment. She needed love, comfort, and HIM.

Through their connection Alex could feel her need and let Isabel have her way with his body. He allowed her to let go as he also allowed himself to release all the feelings that he had been holding on to. Isabel sifted away from him for a moment to wave her hand over their bodies and their clothing was gone. She leaned back into him feeling skin upon skin.

Alex placed his hands on Isabel’s ass and gave her cheeks a squeeze pulling her core closer to him as his cock slipped between her folds. Isabel gasped at the sensation it caused and dug her nails into his body. Their touches were not gentle but almost animalistic filled with desire. Their nips with their teeth were not soft but left marks as they explored each other.

Alex flipped them so that he was on top bracing his weight on his knees and arms. He moved his hips letting his cock get wet from her juices. He drew back then slid easily into her, the wet warmth engulfing him. Alex could not hold back his groan.

“Alex!” Isabel cried as she dug into his ass pulling him deeper into her.

Isabel wrapped her legs around his waist and being to wiggle beneath him. Thoughts of romance and slow love making fled as she transmitted images into his brain of what she wanted. Alex could never deny her so he complied.

He began pumping in and out of her with long strokes out then quickly thrusting in. This movement inflamed her blood as she cried out her pleasure. Alex saw that she was coming near her breaking point so he took her legs and placed them on his shoulders and stroked her deep and hard. Isabel’s cries filled the room as her body quacked and her orgasm erupted.

“Oohhhh….god…Isabel..beautiful” Alex moaned as he climaxed with her.

They laid on the bed entwined, their bodies covered with sweat. Alex lay there holding his angel. He could not help the joy that filled his soul. Isabel was his and he was hers. That was the way it was meant to be, then and now. No one was going to tear them apart again.

Alex heard Isabel’s breathing deep and steady. She had fallen asleep within moments of their sex fest. He opened his connection to call on Max.

‘Count me out on the next session. You can fill me in later.’
‘Everything alright? I felt something up with Isabel.’ Max asked.

‘Yeah, she’s alright now. We will talk later, she finally fell asleep so I will see you in a few hours.’

‘I will make sure no one bothers you. Thanks Alex for taking care of her.’

Alex smiled. ‘No problem, bro.’

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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