Too Soon - (CC,M/L, ADULT) - [COMPLETE]

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Too Soon

Post by cermel »

Here’s a few things I’ve learned in writing my first fic.
1. Write shorter stories.
2. Have a complete outline finished before posting anything.
3. Only have necessary scenes.
4. Avoid unecessary characters.
5. Always have a beta!

So, here’s the end. I can’t say I’m sad to let it go. I’m rather disappointed with it and myself but, there’s always another chance. I’ll be posting a new story soon so I hope you all come on over and check that one out.

I know it’s always a downer when the author admits to not liking their own story but, I feel the need to be honest. I do, however, hope you all enjoyed it!

Part 95

Max woke with a splitting headache. The bright lights inside the ship burned into his eyes when he tried to open them. He put his hand up to shade them and attempted to sit up.

“Your highness,” Brit stopped him, “you may want to move slowly. The affects that the speed we’re going have on the body are harsh if you’re not used to it. Just take your time.”

Max fell back onto the pillow. “Thanks. How long was I out?”

“A few hours. We’ll be arriving shortly.”

He was alert then. “Already?” His nerves kicked in as the entire situation began to process. “What happens then?”

Brit shrugged. “You just have to make an appearance. You’ll be tested, there’s no way you won’t pass, so don’t worry about that. Your title as King makes you ruler, however, you government can function without your presence.”

The information sunk in slowly as Max began to understand what the man was saying. “So, as long as they know I’m alive I’m the King and Kivar has to stay away. Otherwise, I don’t have to be here?”

“That’s about it. Like I said, you just need to make an appearance.”

Max moved to sit up again. Red filled his vision as the nausea crept up on him again. He could faintly hear Brit and Thomas calling his name as he blacked out.

“What am I doing here?” Max asked, all his insecurites kicking in. “I am not their king. I don’t even belong here.” He looked around what he could only think to call the throne room.

Thomas shook his head, silencing the young man. “That is where you’re wrong. You may not be their king now but you, you’re original self from which you were created, was their king; their most beloved king. He saved this planet and these people. For that they love you, and honor you.”

Max stared at him wide eyed, not really knowing what to say. “But that wasn’t me.”

“But you are part of him.” Thomas turned him towards the door to the ledge the jut out over the people. The entire civilization stood there in silence, waiting for him. “Now go, show them their king and all will be right in the world. Kivar will have no choice but to give up the throne.”

“It has to be more complicated.” Max replied, shaking his head. “This is too easy…”

Brit stepped forward with a robe. He slipped in on Max’s shoulders, begging softly. “Free us.”

Max turned to see Brit’s pleading eyes. “Ok.” He whispered, turning towards the door. He walked slowly as the mass of people appeared. He reached the end of the ledge, hearing no sound from the entire crowd. Millions of eyes were fixed on him from the blur of people that went on beyond his sight. Suddenly he felt warmth on his back. He looked up as the clouds were parting, letting a single ray of light shine down on him, spotlighting him, creating a God-like aura that left him breathless. It was the sign they’d all been waiting for; a confirmation from their past ruler that this is it. This man that stood before them was an heir to the one who saved them from a life of slavery and damnation.

Max shifted restlessly as the masses stared. Was he to speak? He struggled to find the right words but realized they didn’t exist. The sky opened and all the clouds cleared. He looked down at the crowd bathed in light. Then they moved, for the first time since he’d seen them. Starting with the people in the front, below his feet, they bowed, honoring him. It spread like wildfire, straight back until the entire group was giving tribute to him.

The couple stood in the Evans’ living room staring at each other uncomfortably. Madison’s cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. Josh shook his head. This was all wrong; nothing like he’d imagined it.

“Maddy, let’s not do this tonight, ok?” He requested. “It’s too planned and unnatural.”

“But…” she started to debate, finding no argument. Sighing she stepped towards him. It was obvious to him that she was more comfortable now that the pressure was off. “I know, but the Evans’ come home tomorrow.” Her lower lip stuck out as she looked up at him from under her lashes.

He smiled. “There will be other times. Besides, it’s just not right.” He pulled her in close, loving how her head tucked itself so neatly under his chin.

“You’re right.” She replied softly, nuzzling his chest. “I’m so tired.”

“You’re over working yourself,” he chastised, walking her to the couch. He scooped her into his arms and sat, settling her on his lap.

“I have to work a lot. College isn’t cheap.” She reminded him.

He pushed her back so she was laying across him, her head on the armrest of the couch. “I know, but you shouldn’t make yourself sick.” He looked down at her. Her hair hung in her eyes like a curtain. Normally she’d brush it out of her face, but she was hiding.

When she didn’t respond he reached forward, parting it. Her eyes were red rimmed from exhaustion and tiny black bags were forming under them. He kicked himself for not noticing before. “Oh, sweetie…”

“I know, I look terrible. Maybe I should invest in some makeup,” she joked. “Of course, then I’d have to work 10 more hours a week.”

“No,” he whispered, “you’re still beautiful.”

“Pshht.” She responded, tilting her head back to stare at the ceiling.

He chuckled. She hated compliments. “I know you have to work. I can relate.”

“Yeah,” she smiled, grasping his bicep, “but your job has a nice affect on you.” He was working a warehouse job for the summer. All of the heavy lifting was keeping him in shape and building his muscles. “You are lifting with your legs right? Not with your back…”

He sighed. “Of course.”

“I don’t mean to nag, I just worry.” She said softly, knowing she’d annoyed him now. She reached up, tracing the tension lines on his forehead.

“I get it all the time, from everyone.”

She smiled sympathetically. “We all worry about each other. It kind of happens when you’re friends.”

He nodded in agreement. His fingers toyed with the buttons of her shirt, undoing the bottom two. He folded the sides back, exposing her stomach.

“That tickles.” She complained, fighting to keep his hands away.

He chuckled, giving in. “Come’re.” He pulled her up and turned her so she was straddling him. She fell into him, resting her face in his neck. “I could stay here forever. Just like this,” he sighed.

She hummed in agreement, inhaling deeply. “J.”


“Love you.” She moved back to look him in the eye.

His hand brushed through her hair. Her hazel eyes stared at him completely open and revealing her feelings. She certainly wasn’t lying to him. Her love poured from her.

“Let’s go.” She said, standing.

He chuckled. “Go where?” Glancing at the clock he continued. “It’s after eleven.”

She smiled softly, reaching for his hand. “Not out, upstairs.”

His eyes grew wide as his mouth hung agape. “But, I thought we decided…”

“We decided to let it happen naturally, and it is.” She started towards the stairs as he stood and pulled him up behind her. “Don’t overthink it.”

Josh stared at her back as he was led. This moment was so surreal. He was on his way to make love to someone he loved more than life itself. It occurred to him suddenly that he would die for this person. As cliché as it sounded it’s a pivotal moment in ones life to find that you would go through the agony of torture or violent death so that this person wouldn’t feel a second of pain. This realization overwhelmed him and he stopped to catch his breath.

Madison turned when she felt a tug on her hand. “What’s the matter?”

He shook his head slowly. “Nothing,” he breathed. “Absolutely nothing.”

He entered the room behind her, unnecessarily shutting the door. Within a blink of an eye her shirt was off. She backed up slowly, her eyes never leaving him. The back of her knees hit the bed. “Coming?” She lay back against his pillow.

He released the breath he was holding. Reaching over his back he grabbed his t-shirt, pulling it over his head. Her innocent eyes watched him nervously. Slowly he made it to the bed, laying out along her side. His hand skimmed down her side, over the curve of her waist. This was nothing new. They’d covered the waist up before.

He dropped his head to her neck as he undid the front hook of her bra. With her help they removed it. His gaze drifited over her. Her stomach was quiveringas she shook uncontrollably. He set his hand on her abdomen, feeling the muscles working there. “You ok?”

She nodded. “Ignore it… I can’t help it.” Her voice was shaky and broken, not making him feel anymore confident.

He made sure he held her eyes before questioning her. “Are you sure?

She stared at him. Her jaw moved as she tried to respond but no sound came out.

“What is it, baby?”

Her face crumbled in tears as she shook her head. Her eyes were shut tight, her chest rising and falling rapidly. “Shh… Madison, look at me.” He requested softly, brushing the hair off of her forehead. She shook her head again, bringing her hands up to cover her face. He could see the constant tremor there. “Here.” He pulled the sheet up, covering her.

He watched her sadly as the shaking subsided. “Please, Maddy,” he begged, “look at me.” He gently pried her hands away. Tear tracks graced her temples. “Talk to me, baby.” He requested.

“Marriage.” She spoke, blushing.

“What about it?”

“I want it… not now, but before we…” she stumbled over her words. “I want to wait.” Her brow creased apologetically. “I’m sorry, J.” Tears filled her eyes again. “I didn’t realize, until now…”

He kept his disappointment inside. Leaning down he kissed each eye softly. “It’s ok, baby. I understand.”

The bell on the door of the Crashdown rang for the millionth time, announcing another customer. Liz couldn’t help but look up. It’d been just over a week since her husband left and she didn’t have any idea when to expect him back. For days she’d been waiting for him to walk through that door.

“Behind you, chica.” Maria warned, coming through with an arm full of plates. “You know, why don’t you just pull up a booth and watch the door until he comes back?” She teased.

Liz groaned, following her friend to the back room. “I can’t help it, ‘Ria.” She pouted. “I miss him.”

“I’m sure you do. But table 15 still needs the coffee they ordered twenty minutes ago.”

Liz swore uncharacteristically, rushing out to the Café to tend to her customers. She apologized to the annoyed patrons profusely, letting them know it was on the house.

She cleaned off another of her tables before going into the kitchen again. “What if he misses this pregnancy too? He’d never forgive himself!” Tears filled her eyes as her hormones kicked in.

“What?” Maria asked incredulously. “You can’t be serious. Liz… you have like, 6 months left.”

“I know,” she cried, “that’s my point!”

Maria followed her over to the couch. “Liz, honey, I know this is hard. But it shouldn’t be too much longer. Brit said it wouldn’t be very long.”

“Yeah, but they’re not from here… maybe he meant not very long as in… in Venus time!” She fell back dejectedly.

Maria searched for a reply to that one. “They’re smart guys, Lizzie… everything will be fine.”

“That’s easy for you to say! Michael is still here!” Liz spat angrily. She paused for a second, shaking her head. “God! I hate mood swings.”

The blonde chuckled. “I know, sweetie.”

“Don’t laugh at me.” Liz replied weakly, leaning into her best friend. She let the tears fall, happy that at least she was there to help.

“Can I cut in?” A voice came from the door to the café. The girls looked up to see a familiar figure.

“Please.” Maria begged jokingly. She stood, placing her hand on Max’s shoulder. “Welcome back.”


Max felt like the bones in his hand were being crushed. At least he’d have Jo Beth to heal it later, he mused. The thought brought a smile to his face.

“You think this is funny?” Liz spat angrily at him.

“I see the head! Elizabeth, you’re going to have to push.” The doctor at her feet called.

Liz clenched her teeth and did as commanded for a few seconds, crying out in pain.

“Not funny. I think you’re beautiful.” Max replied, knowing immediately it was the wrong response. She glared at him, panting.

“You’re doing fantastic, Liz. Give me another push!”

She, again, followed orders. Who did he think he was, smiling when she was in this kind of pain? She wanted revenge. Max had returned from Antar a few months before, knowing so much more about himself and their race. After he found out that all humans possesed powers he began to teach her. He was about to regret it. Liz opened their connection from her end for a mere second, watching him collapse in pain.

“Fuck, Liz1” He yelped.

“How do you like it?!” She screamed, pushing one last time.

“It’s a boy!” The doctor confirmed before spending the next few minutes delivering the placenta. She looked over at Max who still struggled to stand. She was used to spouses fainting, but it usually happened when then looked around their wife’s legs. “Are you ok, Mr. Evans?”

He nodded, leaning on the bed. “Oh yeah, I’ll be fine.” He turned to glare at his wife but couldn’t bring himself to do it. She lay back against the pillows completely exhausted. He picked up a cool cloth, washing the sweat from her face. “How’re you doing?”

She opened her eyes and smiled up at him. “Where’s our baby,” she asked then added as an afterthought, “and sorry, by the way.”

He chuckled, knowing full well she wasn’t. “There’s a reason men aren’t meant to go through childbirth, Liz. We’re wimps.” He looked up as the nurse brought their little boy over to them. “Do you have a name picked out yet?” She asked curiously.

They both nodded. “Tyler.” Liz replied. “Tyler Phillip Evans.”

Max leaned down, placing a kiss on his wife’s forehead. “Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart.”

She glanced up at the clock. 12:45am, January 10th. Happy Anniversary indeed.

The Evans’, Parker’s, and the rest of the gang sat in the waiting room impatiently. Liz had been brought to the hospital hours ago and they had yet to hear anything.

Josh’s cellphone rang, making everyone jump. He apologized, answering it softly.

“Josh!” His sister’s voice cried through the earpiece.

“Mac, what’s wrong?” He stood, preparing himself for bad news.

“Congratulations, you have a new brother!” He could tell by the tone of her voice that she’d been crying.

Josh paced excitedly. “Really! How’s mom?” He turned the phone away from his mouth. “My mom had her baby!” He announced to the group. Everyone shouted their congratulations as Mackenzie answered his question.

“She’s fine. Everything’s fine. He’s so cute, Josh!”

He laughed, of course he was. “What’s his name?” He took a deep breath and sat down next to Josie.

“Soren Anton. Dad figured it’d be his last chance to name one of us after him.” She laughed.

“I’d hope so. I don’t think that house could hold another!” He joked. “Guess what?”


“Liz is in labor!” He replied. He looked up to see Max walked towards them wearing a grin that could light up a room. “Scratch that. Max is a father, again. God help us all.”

The End

"Fear is where all hatred begins"
Mason Jennings - Adrian