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Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 11:47 am
by Anniepoo98
Oooooh... good topic!

Romance novels have been my cup of tea lately. Actually, I should narrow it down to Nora Roberts romance novels. I think they are all I have ready lately. I think my favorite of her books is Carolina Moon. It is just a wonderfully written, complex story with facinating characters.

Ella, you said that you like to read romance novels that deal with cowboys. Might I suggest Montana Sky. I read it a few months ago and managed to finish in like a day and a half. Just couldn't but it down.

I also love her trilogies. Very good stuff. You finish one book and immediatly have start the next one! Wonderful weekend absorber.


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 3:10 pm
by starlady
Ah yes... the series!

If you haven't noticed by my previous posts... I'm a sucker for books in series. I just have a problem letting go of characters.
Romance novels tend to be between 350 - 380 pages long and it just isn't enough for me. So I find books in series, that way I never really have to say goodbye to the characters I love. I get to visit them and learn how their lives are going after having met "Mr/Miss Right"!


Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 5:32 am
by wild_child_uk
Oh I love that when in a series, there are a few characters that you fall in love with but they aren't the main characters in that book... but it hints that there is sexual tension between them... then you get to read about them in the next book.. and so forth. :)

I have read all of Nora Roberts books... and I love them all! My Favourite has to be either the Chesapeake series or the Stanislaski's!! :) Oh I think I might go and read that series again!!!!

Sarah xxx

Posted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 6:32 pm
by Ella1022
I think I read Motana Skys. Hmmm...

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 1:57 am
by Fehrbaby
One of my favorite authors is Sandra Hill. She writes awesome romances, both historical and contemporary, with red hot vikings and smooth cajun lovers. Plus, the woman has an incomparable knack for humor in her books. She's one of the very few who has ever made me laugh out loud and scare the people around me.

You should seriously check out her books.

I also love any and all of the Harlequin Blaze books. I find them to be a mix between erotica and romance, and I haven't found one yet that I didn't like.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 9:54 am
by starlady
Oh I love that when in a series, there are a few characters that you fall in love with but they aren't the main characters in that book... but it hints that there is sexual tension between them... then you get to read about them in the next book.. and so forth
Lori Forsterdid this in Wild (the last book of the Winston Brother Series). She introduced us to Joe, the Winston cousin. There was sexual tension between him and the heroine's best friend Luna. The next book was about them (Say No to Joe?).

Julia Quinn has also done that with the Bridgerton Series. The book about Benedict gave hints about Collin's future. His book is next on my list of reads for this author.

Definitely makes the reader eagerly anticipate the next book.
One of my favorite authors is Sandra Hill.
I've heard really great things about this author. I checked out her website and I liked her Viking series. I love a good viking story! The guys are all so Alpha! *giggle* :mrgreen:


Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 9:22 pm
*raise hands* guilty! i so love to read romance. But i'm just new at reading them. i used to never read them. but when i picked up my first romance (Cathy Maxwell) i was hooked line and sinker! Now i read them anytime i get.
My friends all looked at me wierd when they found out, and i just kind of sank in seat. But then i was like you know what? you guys ought to read one yourself. casue they are really good. Now i just tend to pick one off the shelf and read it. its like reading the stuff on here, but its not on the computer and you can take it around with you. lol.
like i said i haven't been reading them for that long but i have read like ten or so. yeah not a lot but i'm getting there.
You know i should look up all the authers you guys mentioned and start pileing up my list.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 12:44 am
by Starlight
I love romance novels! For the last couple of months i have started to read nothing but.... this month i found an amazing author Lisa Kleypas her historical novels are the best!!

I towards two romance novels one that has babies involved or historical.... more historical these days though!

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 11:33 am
by starlady
Kleypas is great! I'm just finishing up on her BowStreet Runner Series.

She writes historical that have to do with everyday people. Which is nice for a change. Most historicals are stories about the aristocracy <SP?>
There is always a Duke or an Earl around charming the pants off a wench!
Kleypas deviates from this by writting more about self-made men and woman. And her books are always spicy! :D

Jo Beverley and Stephanie Laurens are two that come to mind that have similar styles.


Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 2:14 am
by Starlight
She's an amazing writer.... she doesn't take her writing over the top, it's simple but detailed!

Thanks for the new authors I didn't know about them!