Believing in Destiny (AU,CC,Teen/Mature)BookII,Pt5 4/25 [WIP

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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

HI everyone....thank you secretgurl, kay_b, SweetieTeeny, roswellluver, qt4167013, Behrsgirl77 very very much for your feedback :D

I am really glad you are all enjoying this story. I would love to answer all of your questions about Liz but I don't want to spoil the suspense :wink: Hope the following part answers most of your questions about the dreamwalk & about who Xan is to Liz.

And you all have to be patient to find out about the apparent connection between Liz and Michael, Liz and Max and why Tess couldn't mindwarp Liz. :twisted: :lol:

Even I loved writing the way Liz kicked Tess' ass :o

ok....Here's the new part and once again thanks to Tanya for betaing the fic. and thanks to all the lurkers too.....

Part 8

Maria watched Isabel pick at her breakfast idly, her face was pensive and her mind was obviously miles away. Once every few minutes she would, when she heard the bells ring as if coming from a trance, look around searching for someone.

Isabel was dressed immaculately as usual with not a hair out of place except when Maria looked close enough she could see faint traces of shadows under her eyes and the nervous way she kept twirling her hair every few minutes.

Isabel steadfastly ignored Maria and refused to look in her direction. She had come as soon as the Crash had opened and had been waiting for an hour to see Liz. Something unexplainable had happened when she had dream-walked Liz. For the few minutes she was in Liz’s dream, Isabel was somehow able to channel and feel all of Liz’s feelings and the most amazing and scary thing was, Liz’s feelings – her love, fear, loneliness, guilt, sadness, desire – expressed exactly what she, Isabel, had been feeling for years. It was as if Isabel was seeing herself in another’s mind. That was when the dream had shifted suddenly. Isabel shuddered when she thought of it.


It was dark and quiet wherever Isabel was but she could feel happiness and quiet anticipation.

Suddenly Isabel saw the flickering lights of numerous candles spread around a blanket on the sand, a picnic basket, a bottle of wine and 2 glasses. The soft notes of ‘Angels brought me here’ by ‘Guy Sebastian’ could be heard. She looked around to see herself in the middle of the desert with the stars twinkling above her.

“Surprise! Happy Valentine’s Day Liz.” The husky voice got Isabel’s attention and she saw a handsome boy about her age giving a bouquet to a hesitant Liz.

‘She looks different’ Isabel thought frowning ‘her hair, its brown..”

A sigh escaped Liz’s lips and Isabel was startled to hear Liz saying “Xan…”.

“Shh..” Xan placed his finger on her lips and looked deep into her eyes.

There's nothing like that feeling
When I look into your eyes

“Before you say anything, this is just something one friend has done for another.” When Liz looked unbelievably at him, he groaned good-naturedly, “Come on Liz. Is it so hard to believe that we are friends? That I want to be your friend?”

My dreams came true
When I found you
I found you, my miracle

“Just a friend?” Liz asked him skeptically.

When Xan looked downcast, Liz gently took the bouquet from him, kept it down and continued “ Xan, its not that I am not surprised. I love this. It’s beautiful” she gestured around her. “No one has ever done anything sweet like this for me.”


If you could see what I see
That you're the answer to my prayers

“But we can be only be friends Xan.”

“I know” Xan paused then continued, “No I don’t know. Would it be bad if we were more than friends?”

And if you can feel
The tenderness I feel

Liz hesitated “Yes. You have hardly known me for a month. You don’t know anything about me Xan”

“Then give me a chance to know you Liz. Give us a chance.” Xan said earnestly.

You would know
It would be clear
That angels brought me here

“What if I have some dark secrets that will make you go screaming away from me?”

“Nothing about you will scare me away Elizabeth Parker,” he said lightly tracing her cheeks with his finger.

Standing here before you
Feels like I've been born again
Every breath is your love
Every heartbeat speaks your name

Liz turned away from him frustrated. “What if I told you I already knew you were planning this surprise for me?”

“Huh, What?” Xan asked confused.

Liz turned back to him and said, “I mean I knew that you were going to bring me here for a romantic dinner with the candles and the stars and were planning to dance with me.”

“So will you?” Xan asked stepping closer to her. When Liz looked at him puzzled biting her lip nervously, he smiled and repeated, “Will you dance with me?”

It would be clear
That angels brought me here

Brought me here to be with you
I'd be forever grateful (oh forever grateful)

“But Xan..” Liz said shaking her head from side to side.

“Whatever it is I don’t care Liz” Xan interrupted her.

My dreams came true
When I found you
My miracle

Xan then pulled her close to him and they started to sway together to the music with his hands on her back and hers on his neck.

If you could see what I see
You're the answer to my prayers
If you could feel
The tenderness I feel
You would know
It would be clear
That angels brought me here

“Besides, even I already knew that you would be dancing with me by the end of this day” Xan said smugly.

“Really?” Liz teased back smiling then blushed when she saw the intense way he was looking at her.

Seeing her smile, her twinkling eyes and her cute blush Xan couldn’t help himself. He gave her a peck on the lips and drew back to see her reaction. Both of them drew closer again and just as they were about to kiss, a roar of a motorcycle sounded behind them and Liz shrank back from him immediately.

“I don’t believe this.” Xan said incredulously and Isabel came a little away from the rock to see a guy stop his motorcycle near them.

He was dressed in black pants and shirt and a helmet covered his face. Isabel moved back to the rock.

“How did you find us here? Nobody knew we were coming here.” Xan asked him irritated.

But the guy ignored him and spoke to Liz while removing his helmet “Liz, we have to go...”

Suddenly he stopped speaking and stood still for a second then looked directly in Isabel’s direction.

“Why?” Liz asked annoyed.

Isabel’s heartbeat increased when he started to walk towards her. ’ Nobody can see you Isabel. Relax’ she told herself but the thought flew out of her mind when she heard a harsh “Who are You? How did you get here?” directed at her.

Isabel went back blindly but the next second the scene shifted and she found herself in a long corridor with nurses and doctors hurrying around her. She backed herself into a corner and then saw an ash faced Liz listening to a doctor.

Despite her fear, she crept closer to them and immediately felt pure fear coursing through her. For a second Liz looked in her direction and Isabel saw a pair of doe-shaped tearful brown eyes.

“But how…”

“We are not sure Miss. Parker. His body organs are fine but his brain looks as if it’s fried” the doctor said.

“Fried?” Liz asked blankly.

“For lack of a better term.” The doctor hesitated then continued, “ The blood vessels in his brain have ruptured and some of them look burnt but his skull is intact. It’s as if some intense pressure was applied directly to his brain.”

Isabel could feel Liz’s fear and guilt?

“I am sorry to say there is very little chance that he will survive”

At that point Liz started sobbing openly and Isabel physically doubled over from the pain and sadness and most of all guilt that she felt from Liz.

Suddenly somebody yanked her arm hard and she looked up to find herself in a dark room with no way out. Isabel saw somebody standing some feet away from her but it was too dark to see whom it was.

“Who are you?” a voice asked her harshly.

Isabel flinched from the anger that she felt from him. She couldn’t understand how anyone could see her. She was dream-walking Liz so if at all anyone could see her, it should be Liz. All the others were in Liz’s mind. They are not real in the dreamscape. Isabel suddenly flew and hit the wall hard and blood came out of her mouth.

“Who sent you?” the voice continued.

Isabel frantically tried to get out of the dream, but she found herself unable to move anywhere.

“Do you know that if somebody dies in the dreamscape they die in the real world too?” he asked in a deadly calm voice.

“Let me go please. I am not here to harm her.” Isabel pleaded really scared.

“Who sent you?” he asked ignoring her.

“Nobody sent me. I...I only wanted to know about her and my boyfriend.”

He snorted “Maybe I should make an example of you to your leader.”

The next second Isabel found herself standing on the top of a cliff edge. She looked to see a drop of about 10,000 meters and she screamed.

“I ask you for the last time, where is your leader now?” the voice asked though Isabel couldn’t see him anymore.

“I don’t know what you are talking about” Isabel whimpered.

“Very well. Let this be a warning to everyone else.”

The edge disappeared from under Isabel and she found herself falling. She started screaming…..


Max had awoken Isabel on hearing her screams and she had clung to him and started sobbing. He had soothed her muttering softly and then her mother had sat near her and rubbed her back. After a few minutes, they had asked her about her nightmare but she couldn’t talk about it and they were also horrified to see bruises in her arms, legs and blood trickling from her mouth.

She had seen Max look at the photo and put two and two together. His lips had tightened in anger but he had simply taken the photo before their parents could see it and stayed silent. Isabel had spent the rest of the night awake in Max’s room too scared to go to sleep.

Tess had called her in the morning but Isabel told her that she was not able to get into the dream. She didn’t think that Tess would understand any of her or Liz’s feelings for that matter.

She wanted to talk to Liz and went to the Crash even before Max woke up. It was obvious Liz knew this person since she conjured him up in the dreamscape. But somehow he was able to control the dream. If that is so, then Liz might also be in danger unknowingly.

Isabel felt sad for Liz thinking about her past. She could feel how much Liz wanted to be with Xan but was scared that he would get hurt because of her. She could feel her loneliness. A sudden lump formed in Isabel’s throat thinking of the person in the hospital. She could tell that Liz loved him and felt responsible for whatever happened to him. More than anything what drew Isabel to Liz was her desire to be Normal, ‘Just like me’ Isabel thought. She didn’t know what secrets Liz had but it was obvious that she felt anything but normal because of that.

“Are you planning to stay here till lunch?” Maria’s voice made Isabel look up at her.

“Coz you see, the breakfast rush is about to start and I would hate to lose any tips coz of you sitting here all day long.”

Isabel just sighed then looked around her and asked Maria “Do you know when Liz will be working today?”

Maria looked taken aback for a moment then said, “Liz was just filling in yesterday. Besides the Parkers went to the restaurant convention in Albuquerque and won’t be back for a couple of days at least.”

“Oh okay then” Isabel then got up, paid the bill and went out of the Crashdown.

“Well that was weird” Maria said to herself and went about her work.

A few minutes later Max came in and ordered his usual.

“She has gone to Albuquerque with her parents Max.” Maria said before Max opened his mouth. “Now, what’s wrong with your sister?”

“Isabel? Why? Did she come here?” Max asked once again looking around the café.

“She left a few minutes before you came. She was not herself today. I mean she didn’t even insult me or give the Ice Princess routine. She was staying for more than an hour and get this” Maria paused, “she was looking for Liz too.”

Max ignored her 'too' comment and said concernedly “I have been trying to find out where she went for the past half an hour. Mom and dad are also worried.”

“What happened?” Maria asked curiously.

Max took the photo of Liz and Alex and showed it to Maria. “ I think she was dream-walking Liz last night. She woke us all up screaming and was sobbing later. There were bruises on her arms and legs. We didn’t want to question her yesterday night but this morning she came here without telling any of us.”

“Oh. You think Liz did this to her?” Maria asked her eyes wide.

“NO!” Max denied immediately. “Liz didn’t do it.”

“Max, you don’t know Liz. You have maybe talked to her a couple of times. How can you be so sure she didn’t do that to Isabel?”

“Maria, maybe I don’t know her but I know what I feel and I am sure that she is not capable of hurting anyone.” Max said sighing.

“And what do you feel?” Maria asked him tilting her head to the side and looking at him curiously.

“I…I feel..” Max stuttered, then looking at her said firmly “complete. When I shook her hand, I felt something. It seemed as if” Max hesitated looking at Maria briefly “as if I was home for the first time in my life.”

When Maria looked at him in wonder, he continued, “I feel as if I know her. I cannot be, no I am not wrong about someone I feel like this about Maria.”

“Besides we are not sure what happened. Isabel might have somehow gone into someone else’s dream without her realizing it,” he said frustrated running his hands through his hair.

“Let me know if you see Isabel anywhere else.” Max then took his cell out to inform his parents about Isabel.


A.N: The song is by 'Guy Sebastian'. I haven't heard the song but I loved the lyrics. So what do you all think about the new part?
I promise the next part will be more about Michael and his confrontation with Langley :D
Last edited by foreverdreamer15 on Sun Apr 25, 2004 12:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

HI all....I am back with a new part :D and am very very happy with the feedback :D I am really glad you are all loving this fic...i will try to answer some of your questions... :lol:

Behrsgirl77: the following part answers your question :D .As for the connection you need to wait for more parts :lol:

qt4167013: Glad that you love this fic :D will find out who split them up in the following part...its the same person who senses Isabel in the dreamwalk :)

SweetieTeeny: the following part will definitely answer your question :)

roswells_hope_lily: glad that you liked it...thanks for your feedback :D

Ansleyrocks: You will find out in a few more parts how Michael and Liz know each other :D and nope, Xan is definitely not an alien :) and Yes Isabel will try to be friends with Liz :lol: hope that answers all your questions

kitkat405:glad to know you love this fic...thanks for your feedback :D

roswellluver: Isabel does want to tell Max but she wanted to speak to Liz about it first and warn her. She is also scared that Max will not take kindly to her dreamwalking and he will find out about Tess trying to mind-warp Liz and the others in the Crashdown. Remembering his earlier warning to Tess, Isabel knows that she might have to choose between her brother and Tess (her friend) and she doesn't want to loose her only friend. ...Hope this answers why Isabel didn't tell Max :D

secretgurl: You will find out the answers to two of your questions in the following part :D as for your other have to wait :lol: glad to know you love this fic :D

Thanks once again to all the readers including Lurkers....hope this part answers most of your questions :D

And thanks to beta :D Here's the new part.... :D

Part 9

Michael looked around at the well-dressed men frowning as he tugged at his bow tie trying to loosen it. He looked really uncomfortable wearing a black suit but the only way anyone could enter this hotshot party was if they had an invitation and were dressed in a suit.

He had no trouble creating the invitation but the suit was definitely the cause of the scowl that now adorned his face.

He smirked a little when he saw famous actors and actresses imagining Liz’s reaction to it but he suddenly stiffened when he spotted Langley laughing and drinking with a group of people.

Michael’s anger returned back full force upon seeing him enjoying himself while they were in danger.

He strode towards him and somehow managed to control his anger and said calmly, “Hello Uncle.”

The conversation stopped and everyone looked at him and then at Langley surprised.

“Do you know him?” A blonde-haired guy wearing a blue suit asked Langley.

“Hello Michael.” Langley said nonchalantly “Yeah. He is my nephew.”

“You never told us you had such a handsome nephew” an attractive woman in her 30’s told Langley while eyeing Michael up and down licking her lips.

“We need to talk” Michael said brusquely ignoring the others “in private.”

“As you can see I am busy right now. Meet me tomorrow at my house” Langley told Michael and then turned back to continue his conversation.

Michael gnashed his teeth in anger “I said I want to talk with you.” He paused then when Langley continued to ignore him, added sharply “right now!”

Langley looked at Michael apparently to scoff at him but the strange glint in Michael’s eyes made him hesitate. “Very well. I will be using your study Carl” he told the director and walked away with Michael following him.

As soon as they reached the study and closed the door, Langley flung his hand and Michael flew back and fell against a desk chair heavily, breaking it in the process.

“What the fuck did you think you were doing demanding to talk with me?” Langley asked him angrily moving towards him.

Michael looked up at him from the floor his eyes blazing and the next second Langley found himself flung back against the opposite wall and pinned there.

Don’t you ever dare try to use your powers against me again, you miserable piece of shit!” Michael said in a deadly calm voice while getting up. He walked towards Langley and Langley fell down to the floor with a thud.

He looked at Michael speculatively and got up. ‘God, that kid can control his powers better than any of the other brats. But if he is like this, I wonder how the queen will be with her powers?’ he thought.

“Impressive Michael. The Rath I knew could only move inanimate objects not living beings. So how did your powers advance so much?” Langley asked moving towards the desk and sat down in the chair behind it trying to put some distance between him and Michael.

“I am not Rath nor will ever be him.” Michael snapped ignoring his question. “Where is she?” he asked getting to the point of his visit.

Langley looked blankly at Michael, took out his cigar and lit it. “I am not sure I know what you are talking about” he said drawing a smoke.

Michael banged his hands onto the desk in anger and said, “You know exactly what I am talking about. Where is she?” he demanded once again.

“You are not my King and I don’t take orders from the second Michael” Langley sneered at him.

“Damn it Langley,” Michael exploded. “She is in danger. I need to know where she is. Someone entered her dreams last night.”

“Aw, Isn’t that sweet?” Langley drawled puffing out smoke from his pipe. “You are sharing dreams now,” he mocked at him.

Michael clenched his fingers and tightened his jaw reflexively.

Langley continued lazily. “Well, she wouldn’t be in danger if you hadn’t been stupid enough to use your powers publicly.”

“Well, we wouldn’t be in this position if you had done your fucking duty as a protector” Michael shot back.

“My fucking duty isn’t to protect humans.”

I am half-human.”

You are half-Antarian which is precisely why I saved your sorry ass.”

“More like forced to save by the imperative.”

By this time both Cal and Michael were standing on opposite sides of the desk, with their faces close to each other, their hands on the desk and Michael was breathing harshly while Cal looked hardly ruffled.

A knock sounded on the door and a butler came in. He looked at them curiously and said “Mr. Langley, you are requested downstairs.”

Langley then straightened and said pleasantly “If that is all Michael, I have to go now.” He then said looking at the butler “See Mr. Guerin to the door.”

As Langley started walking towards the door, the butler suddenly flew away from the door and the door shut itself.

Langley was stunned for a second then turned back demanding furiously, “What the hell are you trying to do? Get us caught?” only to see Michael sitting behind the desk with his feet on the desk.

“Impressive Cal. I never knew shape shifters could feel emotions.” Michael said coolly.

“Get out!” Langley demanded tightly.

“You are not my King and I don’t take orders from protectors Cal” Michael mocked Langley’s earlier words.

“I will go as soon as you tell me where she is,” Michael then said firmly.

“And what are you going to do if I don’t tell you? Scare it out of me?” Langley laughed.

“That” Michael gestured towards the door “is just the beginning. If you don’t tell me in 5 minutes, everyone downstairs, including the press, will find out some interesting things about your nephew.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” Langley whispered, but seeing Michael’s defiant stare and his expression he knew that Michael would do it and do it gladly too. If he knew one thing about Michael Guerin, it was that Michael would do anything to protect her, even risk his pathetic existence.

And Langley would have no choice but risk his life too and save him coz of the damn imperative. He hated this. This was exactly the reason why he never revealed himself to his royal charges but he had been exposed when he saved Michael from Nicholas and his pathetic followers. If he ever found Nicholas, he would wring the little bastard’s neck himself and save Michael the trouble of hunting him down and killing him.

And that brings us to his reason of why he didn’t want Michael to go to Roswell. Once the royal four joined, their enemies would be after them and Langley would be in neck-deep with the things he was hiding from. He once again cursed the damn imperative and the royals.

“3 minutes Langley” Michael’s voice cut Langley’s thoughts short and he sighed.

“I am screwed anyways.” Langley muttered to himself and said loudly “Roswell, New Mexico.”

Michael got up from the chair smirking, “Nice meeting you Langley.”

“But you cannot go now.” Langley’s words stopped Michael.

Seeing Michael’s irate expression, Langley continued hurriedly. “Think about it. The skins know you are here and are searching for you. If you suddenly skip town, you will lead them directly to Roswell and to her. You want that?”

When Michael seemed to be waiting for him to go on, he continued, “Give me some time to plant false leads and lead them away from here.”

“How long?” Michael asked him impatiently.

“A week.”

“I give you Tonight. By tomorrow morning, I will be heading out of town.”

Langley once again cursed and replied tightly “Alright.”

“I need directions to the pod chamber where I was born before I go and are there any aliens in or nearby Roswell?” Michael asked.

Langley smirked inwardly and said with a straight face “There are no skins in or nearby Roswell” conveniently forgetting to mention the fact about the other royals.


Michael Guerin looked around the apartment with disinterest. It was a furnished one-bedroom apartment with a kitchen and living room separated by a counter and one bathroom.

“I guess this will have to do,” he thought to himself.

He still cringed thinking that out of all the places, they had to come to Roswell, the alien capital of the world, really ironic. Still maybe it would help him in his search for answers, the truth. He wished for the thousandth time that things were different, that he had never met Langley, that he had killed Nicholas when he had the chance…maybe then he would still be alive; a sudden tightness in his chest clogged his throat…

“So you will take it?” the landlord’s voice put an abrupt end to his musings.

Michael cleared his throat “Yeah. I will.”

He then handed the landlord cash and the landlord went out once again leaving Michael to his own thoughts. The one good thing about having the damn shape-shifter as a protector was he was never short on cash. Langley seemed to think giving him loads of money and comfort would make him shut up and forget about his hunt for answers, ‘Ha! Fat chance of that happening’ Michael thought savagely. It only made him concentrate more on his quest without worrying about his finances.

Michael sat down on the couch exhausted. He had been riding the motorcycle from the morning non-stop till he reached Roswell. He automatically put his legs up the table only to find that they stuck the floor hard. “Okay, note to self – get a table.” He then looked at the wall straight ahead “and a T.V.”

He sighed and looked outside the window where the sun was setting. His stomach grumbled and he got up, took his jacket, his keys and went out of the apartment. Michael drove around the town for some time but he didn’t know where to start looking for Liz. Finally he stopped in front of a café.

Michael looked at the flying saucer twinkling with lights and the name Crashdown and rolled his eyes. The whole town was hung up on aliens. He snickered thinking what they would do if they found that aliens were real and one was standing right in front of the Crashdown. Probably freak out and run. He went inside and sat down in a booth and started looking around the alien theme with disgust at the way the aliens were portrayed.


A.N: Okay, so how is it? And the next part will be - Guess? :lol: - about our own candy couple :D
Last edited by foreverdreamer15 on Thu Apr 29, 2004 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

thanks for all your feedback :D

Behrsgirl77: Michael knows that he the second to a King but he doesn't know who the king is. He thinks the remaining royals are dead (courtsey of Langley :o ) thanks for your feedback. :)

secretgurl: glad that you liked the part...and yup Langley is an ass and he will get what's coming to him :o thank you for your feedback

SweetieTeeny: thank you for your feedback :) hope you like the following part too...

roswellluver: thanks for your feedback...Hope you enjoy the following part also. :)

And thanks for the Lurkers who are reading this :D

Here's the next part thanks to the beta....

Part 10

Maria groaned as soon as she heard the bell signaling the entry of another customer.

“Problem?” Alex asked cheerfully from the kitchen where he was helping Jose.

“I don’t believe this. This is supposed to my day off and what happens? The Parkers go to a restaurant convention, Liz decides this is the perfect opportunity to learn more about Inner workings of a restaurant” Maria made quotes with her hand at the words inner workings “and accompanies them, the new waitress sucks, all the people suddenly think that this is the place to be and I am stuck with Agnes who is currently on her 5th break for the past 2 hours.”

“Maria calm down. Look on the bright side” Alex said grinning.

“And that is…?” Maria asked sniffing her cypress oil.

“Well the restaurant is full now. No one else can come in.”

“Yeah. Aren’t I lucky” Maria said sarcastically. “You are not the one serving. I am telling you Alex; I am this close to blowing up ”she held her thumb and forefinger very close to emphasize.

“The next customer that …” She trailed off as she looked at the latest customer who had seated himself in the last free table at the Crashdown. “Oh…Wow! Look at him.” She said.

The guy was tall, looked a little built, had brown eyes and spiky brown hair. He was dressed casually in black pants, a gray Metallica T-shirt and a black leather jacket.

“Who? The guy looking around with a scowl?” Alex asked but Maria had already gone off.

Michael was going through the Crashdown menu with disapproval written all over his face. “God even their menus are alien themed. This is freaking unbelievable.” He muttered to himself.

“Well this is Roswell, the place where aliens crashed. What else did you expect?”


Michael looked up see a blonde waitress with twinkling green eyes wearing the aqua colored Crashdown uniform, a silver apron with a small picture of an alien, and a pair of bobbing antenna.

“Hi, Welcome to the Crashdown. I am Maria, your waitress. “Maria grinned at him and asked, “Have you decided what you will have?”

Michael looked her up and down and snorted, “Is that supposed to be an alien uniform or something? Could this place be any cornier?”

“Excuse Me?” Maria asked shocked.

Michael ignored her and ordered, “Get me one cherry coke, one Saturn rings and one Sigourney weaver.”

“Just what did you mean by that Sir?” Maria asked in a very tight voice.

Michael looked at her puzzled. “Great I get stuck with the dumb one,” he murmured and then he said more slowly and loudly “one c-h-e-r-r-y c-o-k-e, s-a-t-u-r-n r-i-n-g-s…” pointing to the menu card.

Maria’s face slowly turned bright red and she gritted her teeth in anger.

She couldn’t believe his audacity. Not only did he criticize the uniform and order her around as if she was some sort of slave but he had nerve to insult her by calling her dumb and make fun of her “I know what you ordered.” Her eyes flashed with anger “And I am not dumb...”Maria began.

“Really? Could have fooled anyone.” Michael interrupted her with disinterest.

“Alright. That’s it buddy. You…”

“Maria, order up, order up” Alex shouted loudly and started ringing the order bell continuously till she came to the window.

He had been watching the exchange between the new guy and Maria and he could see that Maria was about to blow up. It was better to risk her wrath himself than watch her blow up in front of the entire restaurant.

“Couldn’t you wait for a minute?” Maria asked him angrily and continued, “You would not believe the nerve of that man there. He called me dumb Alex, me dumb. He is one of the most rude, infuriating …”

“Maria calm down. Here “Alex handed her cypress oil. “Just ignore him”

“Oh I will. I will Alex” Maria sniffed her oil and for the next 10 minutes she did just that.

Michael waited patiently for the first 5 minutes, considering he was not very patient to begin with and then he started trying to get one of the waitress’ attentions. Finally he could take it no longer and the next time Maria came in his direction he shouted “Hey blondie. Where is my order?”

Maria stopped dead in her tracks and slowly turned around “What did you just call me?” she squinted her eyes and asked in an agitated voice.

Man she is beautiful when she is angry” Michael thought and shook his head wondering where that came from.

“I have been waiting here for the past 10 minutes. Where is my order?” Michael demanded ignoring her question.

Maria smiled sweetly and said, “I am really sorry, but we are out of Sigourney weaver and Saturn rings” feeling not a bit sorry.

Michael looked shocked for a moment “Why didn’t you say that sooner? And where is my cherry coke? Are you out of that too?” he asked sarcastically.

Maria’s said with the same smile “Unfortunately no, we are not out of cherry coke.” She then started to walk away.

“Well? Bring it to me then” Michael said exasperated.

Maria turned and her smile got wider if possible “Well I would” she began sweetly “but fortunately I am on my break now. So I will see you after 15 minutes” she then turned away and walked towards the back door, but not before throwing him a quick wink and heading through the doors leaving an open mouthed Michael.

Half an hour later, a subdued Michael was having his dinner fuming inwardly at Maria. Every few minutes he looked up and glared at Maria and Maria smiled gleefully each time she looked at him.

“You are real bad Maria” Alex told her chuckling “Poor guy finally got served by Agnes.”

“Well serves him right for calling me Dumb and Blondie. Did you see the look on his face when I left him to take my break? It was priceless” Maria started laughing but Alex suddenly clutched her wrist tightly. “Alex what’s the matter?” Maria saw him looking wide-eyed at a table.

Maria turned to look in the same direction and her eyes also widened when she saw the new customer empty the Tabasco bottle in his food and eat it coolly.

“Alex you don’t think?” Maria began.

“I think so Maria” Alex said still looking in that direction.

“I refilled the Tabasco bottle before he came in and we know of only 3 people who could empty the whole bottle and eat it without water coming out of their eyes.” They saw Michael reach out for a Tabasco bottle from another table and pour that also in his food.

Maria turned towards Alex “You think it is Rath? What if it is a shape shifter like Nacedo?”

“We don’t know. What if he is not a Czechoslovakian at all and we are mistaken. I mean we don’t even know what this Rath looks like. I think we should call Max and tell him.”

“I think it is Rath” Maria said ignoring whatever Alex had said and continued staring at Michael gobble up his food.

“I mean think about it Alex.” she said facing Alex. “He fits the description. He is rude, annoying, infuriating, insulting, has no manners, doesn’t respect me…”

“And your point is?” Alex interrupted her impatiently.

“He is like Tess and Isabel.”

“Maria..”Alex said exasperated.

“What? It is true. Tess and Isabel are like that. If he were a shape shifter he wouldn’t even come to such a place to eat or deem to talk to us, the lowly humans. So it is safe to say that he is her Royal Highness’ betrothed.” before Alex can say anything she continued “And we both know that Max is an exception to those things.”

Meanwhile Michael was just finishing his dinner and wondering what that annoying waitress was arguing about with the dark haired boy when a group of people came in to the Crashdown.

He tensed suddenly sensing another presence, an alien, someone like him. He immediately started searching the café and his eyes met a pair of clear blue eyes staring right back at him. He then stiffened on seeing a pair of brown eyes instantly recognizing her. His hand automatically clenched and Michael had to fight the urge to harm her.

With great control, Michael finished eating as if nothing had happened, got up and walked towards the cash register. He paid his bill, turned back once more towards the two girls who were still staring at him and went out.

Tess had dragged Isabel to the Crashdown claiming she felt like eating their food. Isabel rolled her eyes when they entered the Crashdown. She knew the only reason Tess “felt like eating Crashdown food” was to get hold of Max after his shift ended. ‘Sometimes she really is pathetic,’ Isabel thought.

Isabel reluctantly accompanied Tess. She had successfully avoided Max since the dream-walk and didn’t want to meet him anytime soon.

She knew Max was worried about what happened to her in the dream-walk but telling him about that would also mean he would find out about Tess and her mind-warp. Isabel wanted to avoid a fight at all costs that would undoubtedly occur if Max knew that Tess had tried to use her powers on Liz. Isabel had seen Max looking at Liz and she had never seen her brother fall for a girl like that before. She had instantly known then that Max and Maria were pretending to be a couple.

As soon as they entered the Crashdown, they both felt another presence.

“Do you feel that?” Tess asked clutching Isabel’s hand tightly.

“Yes. It’s the same thing I felt when I met you the first time” Isabel said wide-eyed.

“I think it is Rath” Tess said giddy with happiness and both sat in a booth and started searching the restaurant. Their eyes met a pair of warm hazel eyes and Isabel gave a gasp.

“He looks just like in the destiny book,” she whispered to Tess.

“Of course he would be like that. We are all designed to look like that.”

After a few minutes, when Michael continued eating casually, Tess said impatiently “Why is he not acknowledging us? He must have also sensed us by now.” They saw him getting up and head towards the cash register.

“Maybe “Isabel hesitatingly said “Maybe he doesn’t know about us. I mean me and Max didn’t know anything about you or destiny or Antar till we met you right?”

“But I am his sister. He must have sensed me.” They saw him look at them once more and then walk out of the café. Tess got up immediately grabbing Isabel.

“Tess. Where are we going?”

“We will go after him and tell him the truth,” Tess said starting to walk dragging Isabel also.

“Are you crazy? What if he is just another shape shifter and harms us?”

“He is not. Nacedo told me that he was the only shape shifter alive after the crash. Rath won’t harm us,” Tess said confidently.

Isabel stopped just in front of the café and crossed her arms defiantly. “Something isn’t right here. If the look he gave us before he left is any indication, its apparent that he recognized us. Why didn’t he then approach us in the café?”

“And ask us what exactly? Are we aliens?" Tess snorted. "I don't think so."

“Tess. I won’t come till we get Max. We have to go and tell him.”

“But Max’s shift doesn’t end for half an hour. Besides you know Max. He will want us to wait for Rath to come to us. What if Rath leaves by that time? He is my brother Isabel.”

When Isabel didn’t seem to budge from her stance, Tess continued “Isabel, I have been searching for him for so many years and I won’t wait another minute to meet him. Please come with me. He won’t harm us” she finished pleadingly.

Finally Isabel relented and both of them started following him.

“Uh oh” Maria’s voice caused Alex to look up from where he was holding the phone. “That guy just left and I think Tess and Isabel are going to follow him.”

“What?” Alex said panicked and came towards the order window just in time to see both the girls going out.

“Well? “ Maria said impatiently “What are you waiting for? Call Max and tell him while I go after them” while starting to head out of the backroom.

“What? ”Alex shouted again then lowered his voice when he saw Jose looking at them as if they were crazy. He immediately pulled her inside the backroom.

“Oh no you don’t Maria De Luca-Valenti. Are you crazy? You will stay right here till I call Max,” he said dragging her towards the phone.

When Maria glared at him, he continued, “Besides your shift doesn’t end for another hour and the dinner rush is still there. Maria please, let me just call him and then we can all go with him.”

“Hey guys. What’s going on?” Max’s voice caused both of them look at the door of the backroom where he was standing casually.

Alex sighed in relief “Max. Thank God you are here. We have an ali...ow” he stopped when Maria elbowed him.

Jose looked at them curiously and Maria finished “a Czechoslovakian crisis that we need your help with” pushing both Max and Alex into the café.

Max’s eyes widened. “What happened?” he said looking around the café.

“Well, a really rude, annoying, insulting...” Maria began.

“Maria. We don’t have time for this.” Alex hissed at her and continued, “Max, we think someone like you was here and Tess and Isabel just left to follow him.”

“What? Why didn’t they call me? Is he Rath? Do you know in which direction they went?” Max asked anxiously.

“We were just going to call you when you walked in and I think it is Rath” Maria said “though Alex here thinks he might be a shape shifter.”

Alex continued worriedly, “We don’t know what Rath looks like. Both of them went towards the left of the street.”

“You guys stay here. I will just go and try to find them. Hopefully its Rath otherwise Tess wouldn’t have gone after him” Max said running his hands through his hair.

“No” Maria said “I am not going to stay here while you go after that guy. What if he harms you?”

Alex groaned and Max said exasperated “What do you mean No Maria? Look I won’t be alone. Tess and Isabel will also be with me and we three can handle one guy. I promise I will call you to let you know what happened.”

“He is right Maria. They can protect themselves. He will only be worried about us if we go with him.”

Maria agreed reluctantly “Alright, but it doesn’t mean I like it. But you promise to call me?” she asked Max.

“Scout’s honor” Max said with his hand up and a smile and rushed out of the restaurant.


Michael waited in the shadows of the dark alley with his hand raised and power pooling up inside him.

He knew they were following him and had deliberately led them here where no one else could see them. They think that he can’t sense them, he snorted. Well he wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. If they think they can escape by wearing the husks of a couple of teenagers, he thought furiously, well they are sadly mistaken. He had thought he had taken care of the other skin in the dream but somehow she must have escaped. ‘It doesn’t matter. I won’t miss a second time’ he thought and then cursed Langley and mentally berated himself for believing that damn shape-shifter.

Michael snorted ‘Figures he would lie when I asked him about aliens in Roswell. He is gonna…’ his thoughts cut short, Michael tensed when he heard a sound at the entrance of the alley.


A.N.: Hope you all enjpyed it. Feedback please...
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Hi, Thanks for all your feedback :D I am really happy you are all enjoying this fic. Hope you all love the next part and thanks to Tanya for betaing this part :)

roswellluver: Thanks. Hope you enjoy the next part :)

secretgurl: Thanks for your feedback and I am really glad you love this fic :D Liz won't be meeting Michael for a couple more parts but I will say one thing - Its going to be :ahem: interesting :twisted: You just have to wait. Hope you enjoy the next part. That will tell you more about what Michael thinks of Tess :lol:

Behrsgirl77: thanks for your feedback :D To answer your question, nope, Michael doesn't know that Max is Zan. Right now he hasn't seen Max yet. He thinks Tess and Isabel are skins. He recognizes Isabel from the dream-walk and is surprised that she isn't dead yet. He plans to kill her. Hence his words he won't miss a second time

I seem to have lost some readers :( Hope this part makes this fic interesting :) and that you all love the showdown. Please leave feedback, good or bad :)

Part 11

Isabel pulled at Tess’ hand suddenly and stopped before Tess could enter the alley.

“Tess, Wait. I don’t think we should go.” Isabel whispered looking around fearfully. The street was dark and deserted with no one in sight except them.

“For god’s sake Isabel,” Tess began impatiently and turned around to Isabel.

“Lower your voice.” Isabel interrupted her harshly and quickly glanced at the alley to make sure no one had heard them.

“What now Isabel?” Tess asked irritated.

“I...I’m getting a bad feeling about this. I think we should go and get Max.” Isabel said nervously.

“You are getting a bad feeling?” Tess scoffed rolling her eyes turning her body back towards the alley.

“Come on Isabel. I can sense him. He is near.”

“I know.” Isabel said firmly. “I am able to sense his anger. He wants to harm us.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. And since when can you sense people’s emotions?” Tess asks incredulously turning her attention back to Isabel.

“I am not and I don’t know. I just feel this intense anger and hatred and it’s definitely neither me nor you.”

“You stay here if you want. I am going” Tess said and turned her back on Isabel and entered the alley.

Isabel watched Tess walk to the middle of the alley and then fear started to rise within her and she went after her.

There was a dumpster at the end of the alley overflowing with trash along with some boxes and there was a high fence separating the alley from the other side.

“Where did he go?” Tess asked puzzled reaching the end of the alley.

Suddenly uncomfortable, Tess said as Isabel approached her, “Maybe you are right Isabel. We should come back later with Max.” Just as they were both turning in the direction from which they came, they heard a noise.

Both of them turned and gasped to see Michael standing in the middle of the alley with his hand raised and a smirk on his face.

“Rath..” Tess said smiling in a nervous whisper but before she could say anything more, Michael threw a blast that hit Isabel in the shoulder and she went flying back against the fence near the dumpster. Tess cried out frightened and rushed towards Isabel.


Max followed the path hoping he was going in the right direction. Suddenly a feeling of dread settled over him and something urged him to move faster. He started running trying to locate them quicker.


Isabel’s shoulder was bleeding and she looked slightly disoriented. Tess reached out and touched Isabel’s shoulder tentatively and Isabel moaned painfully.

“Oh my God.” Tess whispered then turned towards Michael angrily. “What did you do that for? We are your family Rath.”

Michael snorted at that and asked, “Where is Nicholas?”

“Nicholas?” Tess asked and for a second Michael thought he saw something in her eyes, but Tess quickly turned towards Isabel when she moaned again.

“Isabel, open your eyes. It’s going to be alright. Max will heal you.” Tess said softly.

Just then Isabel opened her eyes to see Michael raising his hand once more at them and she screamed in terror.

The next second they all heard a shout “Isabel!” Michael turned back to see a black haired tall guy raise his hand and throw a blast towards him.

Just before the blast hit him, Michael threw his shield around him but the force of the blast still threw him against the brick wall of the alley.

“Max! What are you doing?” Tess shouted seeing Michael lying prone near the wall.

“That’s my brother.”

“And that’s my sister.” Max said angrily at Tess hurrying towards them.

Max was running past the alley when he heard the scream. Immediately recognizing Isabel’s voice, he had stopped his movement and turned towards the entrance to the alley and began running once again once he saw the scene in front of him.

He had seen Isabel lying down on the ground with Tess near her and a guy raising his hand threateningly at them. He had shouted Isabel’s name in panic and when the guy had turned in his direction, he had acted on pure instinct and flung a blast at the guy.

“We need to get out of here Isabel. Come on, get up,” Max said helping Isabel to stand once he finally reached her side.

“Rath No!” Tess’s voice made Max turn back and he saw Michael standing on his feet with his palm glowing.

“We are your family.” Tess said trying to reach Michael desperately.

“Tess. SHUT UP.” Max ordered firmly seeing the anger on Michael’s face. He then pushed both Tess and Isabel behind him and also raised his hand.

“Doesn’t matter how many of you there are. I will kill you all.” Michael said glaring at them.

“No we are like you Rath.” Tess said coming from behind Max.

“I am your sister Ava…” Tess began.

“Tess, for Antar’s sake. Shut Your Mouth!” Max interrupted her with a hiss seeing that Tess’s statement had somehow enraged Rath even more. His palm was glowing even more brightly now and there was a feral look in his eyes.

Suddenly without warning Michael released a huge bolt of energy from his palm towards them. Both Tess and Isabel screamed and Max held out both his arms desperately hoping for something to protect them all.


“Maria, would you quit fidgeting and concentrate on what you are doing?” Alex asked tiredly.

“I am concentrating.” Maria shot back filling the glass with milk shake.

“Really?” Alex asked with a smirk and the shake overflowed onto the floor for the second time.

“Shit!” Maria cursed and went to get the mop when Alex placed a hand on her arm.

“Maria. Relax. They are going to be fine.” He said trying to reassure her.

“I...I know. Its just.” she then said frantically looking him in the eyes, “I’m scared Alex. What if something happens to Max?”

“Nothing is going to happen to him. Besides, remember Tess is with them. She is good with her powers and she definitely won’t allow anything to happen to Max or Isabel.” Alex said chuckling.

“You’re right.” Maria sighed then said, “I don’t believe this. That gerbil is finally useful for something.”

“Its only 20 minutes since he left Maria. Give him some more time and then we can call him.” Alex said calming her.


“What is this?” Isabel asked astonished at the green thing surrounding them.

One second they were screaming and the next a green shield-like thing had emanated from Max’s hand forming a protective bubble around them. The blast had hit it and dissipated without harming them.

Max replied equally surprised “I have no idea.”

“It’s a shield.” Tess said sourly still hurting that Rath had tried to kill them, kill her.

They were not the only ones surprised, Max surmised judging from the look on Michael’s face at that moment.

Michael looked at them his mouth wide open at what had just happened.

He was sure that his blast would blow them up into oblivion though he didn’t aim for the skins’ back; instead the guy had protected them all with his shield. The skins didn’t have the ability to create a shield. In fact he knew of only two persons who had that particular gift, the Protector of the Granolith, that being him and the King of Antar. Which meant Cal had lied again and this was….

“Zan…” Michael whispered shocked still not believing that Zan was alive and standing before him.

“He recognizes us,” Tess said happily. “Max. Lower the shield.”

“Oh my God” Isabel groaned miserably unable to believe how incredibly stupid Tess was acting.

“No!” Max said.

“What?” Tess asked surprised.

“No. I won’t retract the shield.” Max said determinedly.

“I don’t trust you.” Max said looking at Michael.

“Look. I didn’t know you were Zan. I won’t hurt you now. Can you lower the shield?” Michael asked looking a bit apologetic.

“How do you know now that I am Zan?” Max asked him warily.

Michael gestured to the shield “Only the King of Antar can create the shield.”

“How did you then have one?” Max demanded.

“I am the Protector, the second yada yada. So I also have one to protect you all.” Michael replied rolling his eyes. “Now will you lower the shield before someone sees us?” Michael asked looking around cautiously.

“You almost killed my sister,” Max said getting angry at Michael’s tone.

“Well. She is alive right?” Michael shot back still mad about the fact that she was the one who had dream-walked Liz.

“Alive?” Isabel gritted her teeth her pain quickly turning to anger. She was still leaning on Max one hand on her shoulder trying to staunch her blood flow.

“What?” Simultaneously Max asked angrily

“We really shouldn’t be discussing this here.” Michael said looking around him. “My place is only a couple of blocks away. We can go there.”

“Why should we believe you?” Max asked him annoyed.

“Max. He said he wouldn’t hurt us. Give him a chance” Tess said.

“What is wrong with you Tess?” Isabel asked shocked. “He tried to kill me.”

“I said I didn’t know who you guys were.” Michael said beginning to get irritated. “I thought you were skins trying to kill me. I was only protecting myself.”

“Skins?” Max asked puzzled.

“Our enemies, another race of aliens.” Tess said in a small voice.

Isabel looked surprised and Max asked accusingly “What else did you forget to mention to us Tess?”

“I would have told you if you had listened.” Tess snapped back.

“When have you ever believed in your duties as a king and accepted your responsibilities? Each time I mentioned anything other-worldly you took to your heels and…”

“I really think you should do something before your sister bleeds to death.” Michael interrupted pointing to Isabel and as if to prove his point, Isabel also swayed unsteadily on her feet.

Max lowered his shield still keeping a wary eye on Michael and gently lowered Isabel to the ground.

“Tess, bring my jeep here. It’s near the UFO center.” Max said tossing Tess his keys.

When Michael started to walk away, Max asked him harshly “Where are you going Rath?”

“Getting my bike your highness.” Michael mocked him bowing a little.

“Don’t call me that.” Max retorted.

“Then don’t call me Rath.” Michael replied in the same tone.

Isabel rolled her eyes even though she was in pain and said wearily “Can you two stop acting like kids? I am bleeding here and I am lying on filth.”

“Sorry Izzy.” Max said contrite and Michael mumbled something that sounded like “I’m not.”

Max then placed his hands on Isabel’s shoulder and healed her. His eyes grew wide when he received flashes, and realized what had happened in the dream-walk. But before he could ask her any questions about it, he heard Rath clearing his throat.

“Cool. You can heal deep wounds also.” Michael said impressed. Then seeing Max looking at him he said, “I’m Michael.”

“I’m Max and this is my sister, Isabel.”

“Who was the ditzy blonde?” Michael asked amused.

Max chuckled and said, “That was Tess. Your sister, Ava”

Michael seemed taken aback for a moment, and then started laughing holding his sides.

“What’s so funny?” Isabel asked still angry with him for blasting her.

When Michael found both Max and Isabel looking at him with a perplexed look, he stopped laughing.

“You both are serious?” Michael asked incredulously. “You think she is Ava, my sister?”

“She is Ava.” Isabel said frostily.

And Max asked, “Why do you think she isn’t?”

Michael looked at them both for a couple of seconds then said, “It’s just that my sister was considered to be the most beautiful and brilliant person on both our planets” he paused and then continued “and I just cannot imagine Tess as my sister.” Michael replied honestly.

Isabel snorted and Max asked him confused “You both are not Antarians? I mean you and Tess were from another planet?”

“Yeah. I was the prince of Sardenia” Michael said looking at Max queerly.

At their blank look, he asked surprised, “You really don’t know what the 5 planets in our galaxy are?”

“We couldn’t exactly trust anyone besides us both” Max replied immediately on the defensive.

“How does Tess know more than you then?” Michael asked curious.

“Nacedo, our protector raised her. So she knows more about us than we do. We didn’t even know who we were till they came this spring and told us.” Max said.

“So there’s another protector?” Michael asked grimly not surprised that Langley had concealed this information also from him.

“What do you mean by another?” Isabel asked immediately.

Michael was once again silent contemplating how much to tell them. He knew they were like him but that doesn’t mean he can trust them.

“Its just that I didn’t even know I was an alien till my so-called protector saved me about a year ago from the skins. He wasn’t much forthcoming with information about us and I am beginning to find that whatever he did reveal are also mostly lies. In fact he was the one who told me that the remaining royals are dead.”

“Where is he?” Max asked him.

“Dead. He died about a month ago coz of the skins.” Michael said without batting an eye.

“Nacedo told us that he was the only protector alive after the crash.” Isabel said staring suspiciously at Michael.

“What did you expect? He is a damn shape-shifter. Of course he lied,” Michael said rolling his eyes.

“How do we know you are not lying to us?” Isabel asked him still not trusting him.

Michael looked at Max and said, “You are the King. Order the protector to tell the truth.”

“What?” Max asked him surprised but before he could ask what Michael meant by it, they all heard the jeep coming closer.

Finally Tess arrived and she got out of the Jeep.

“Sorry. I had to get some things from my car.” Tess said showing her handbag that seemed to be stuffed.

Michael then gave directions to his apartment to Max and told he would meet them there after he got his bike from the Crash.

“Tess. You want to drive your car there?” Max asked her after he and Isabel sat in the jeep.

Tess looked nervously at Michael and said “Its fine. I can take it tomorrow. I will come with you guys.” She then climbed into the back seat.

Last edited by foreverdreamer15 on Sat May 08, 2004 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Here's the new betaed part

Part 12

Isabel tried to drown out Tess’ excited chatter without any success. She was tired, filthy and she didn’t even want to think about the disgusting dumpster she was thrown against. She just wanted to go home, take a bath and relax but instead here she was sitting in the jeep with aliens going to meet another alien.

Not just another alien but her betrothed Rath who had just tried to kill her with his much stronger powers. This was the second time in 2 days that her life was in danger. Did she have some sign on her forehead saying “Alien, Kill Me”? Isabel rolled her eyes. And lets not forget about the other race of aliens who are apparently trying to kill all of them. Could her life get any worse?

Isabel then frowned thinking of her new power if she can even call it that. Twice now she had been able to feel others’ feelings. Once during her dream-walk and the second when confronting Michael. But then why wasn’t she able to feel Tess or Max’s emotions?

She concentrated again trying to sense their feelings but failed to get anything concrete. It seemed to hover just out of her reach teasing her consciousness. She mentally snorted. Figures that she would seem to have that weird sensing thing, of all the people, with Michael. But then how was she able to read Liz’s feelings? Isabel groaned mentally trying to figure it out.

Suddenly she was hit with a wave of irritation and she quickly glanced at Max to see him clutching the steering wheel tightly with his knuckles almost turning white. Judging by the grimace on his face, she knew that Tess was on her destiny kick again.

Doesn’t she ever give a rest?’ Isabel thought then suddenly her eyes narrowed thinking of destiny. ‘Surely Tess isn’t stupid enough to think that I will have anything to do with Rath or Michael after he tried to kill me.’ Isabel tuned in to hear the last of Tess’ words.

“…so we can all follow our destiny. Isabel with Rath and Max, you with me.” Tess finished happily.

Isabel’s mouth hung open in surprise. ‘Yup. She is that stupid’ Isabel thought grimly.

“Michael, Tess. His name is Michael.” Max said trying to control his smile.

Isabel looked up at Max at his tone to see him smiling. “Anything amusing Max?” She asked him sharply.

“Nothing Izzy. Nothing.” Max said still amused by her reaction to what Tess said.

Max had been thinking about the powers he had suddenly shown. He didn’t even know that he could blast and he wasn’t sure what to think about the shield. On the one hand it was totally cool, on the other knowing that apart from Michael, only the King, he, could create the shield reinforced the fact that he is the King and that somehow unsettled him.

He had looked at Isabel just in time to see her reaction to Tess’s words about destiny. Knowing his sister, Max knew that it would be a miracle before she even trusted Michael let alone date him now. Max became a little happy at the thought that now Isabel also would not be following her destiny.

They reached Michael’s apartment and waited for him to arrive.

“The bastard.” Michael cursed as he shuts his cell phone and started his bike.

He had called Langley and demanded why he lied about the remaining royals being dead. Langley had simply said that he thought they might be dead and it was not his problem if Michael assumed they were dead. Michael had then become mad and said that he had almost killed them thinking they were skins to which Langley had remained silent.

“Jesus” Michael suddenly whispered shocked. “You wanted me to kill them, didn’t you?” He then continued in anger “You bastard. You couldn’t do it yourself and you set me up to do it?”

“Of course not...” Langley denied.

But Michael continued on, “That’s why you lied and said that there were not any aliens in Roswell. You son-of-…”

“Hey,” Langley interrupted. “I said there weren’t any skins in Roswell, not aliens. What is the big deal anyways? They are alive. If there isn’t anything else, you are wasting my time.”

Langley had then hung up much to the disgust and anger of Michael who had wanted to ask him more questions. Michael started cursing and finally decided that he was not going to waste his time asking the shape-shifter for answers, which he knew wouldn’t be true anyways. He was going to get them himself.

Michael arrived at his apartment complex to find Max, Isabel and Tess waiting and led them to his apartment. He opened his door and walked in only to stumble on something and fall down.

Michael cursed and Max came in and turned on the light switch and they found the entire living room littered with boxes.

Isabel glanced at Michael haughtily and breezed into the apartment. Immediately she scrunched up her face and asked, “What is that disgusting smell?”

“Must be you.” Michael said smirking and got up and walked towards the counter. He found a note stuck on the counter that said that the landlord had let the movers in with his things.

Isabel glared at him but before she could open her mouth, Tess hurriedly spoke trying to avert a fight “So tell us about yourself Rath.”

“Michael. My name is Michael not Rath” Michael replied tightly.

Isabel tried looking for the bathroom to at least make herself presentable. After a minute she came out looking mad to find Michael sprawled on the couch with Max. Tess was sitting on a chair near the counter.

“Don’t you even have toilet paper? God this place is a mess.” She said looking around and went to sit near Tess.

“Hey I got here only a couple of hours ago. I didn’t have time to do shopping and I didn’t exactly expect to bring a welcoming party back home,” he said sarcastically.

“Isabel.” Max said silencing Isabel’s protest and asked Michael, “Where were you all these years and how do you know so much about our planet?”

“I was in California and my protector told some stuff.” Michael replied casually and then asked, “Where is your protector”?

“You had a protector too?” Tess asked him puzzled.

“Yeah. He is dead. Now where is yours?” Michael asked impatiently.

“Nacedo? He was searching for you but he will probably come here once he knows that you are here.” Tess said.

“How do you know your protector didn’t lie to you about our past?” Isabel asked him.

“I didn’t believe him at first but later I got a few flashes from our previous life.” Michael said.

“You got flashes?” Tess asked him excitedly. “Even I have some memories of our previous lives.”

“What do you remember?” Michael asked curiously and Max also looked at Tess as he had never heard what she did remember.

“Mostly I remember only feelings. I remember us all playing as kids in Antar.” Tess said wistfully. “Then the engagement between Zan and I, our marriage and then the war.” Tess finished silently.

All this time Michael was looking at Tess with an unreadable expression on his face. Isabel who had heard this many times from Tess was looking at Michael trying to find out what he was thinking.

Isabel suddenly tilted her head and looked at Michael and said flatly, “You don’t believe her?”

“What?” Both Michael and Tess turned to look at Isabel who was still looking at Michael strangely.

“You think she is lying or she is on crack or something,” Isabel said with a smirk seeing the shocked look on Michael’s face.

“No I don’t.” Michael denied flushing slightly but Isabel suddenly felt anger and hatred from Michael and then nothing. It was as if there was a block on his mind.

Michael looked at Isabel mad thinking of her powers. ‘So she can dream-walk and is able to either sense my feelings or read my thoughts. Let’s see if you can sense me now Princesss’. Michael immediately put a mild block on his mind to prevent her from reading his emotions and thoughts.

“He doesn’t trust us Max. So why should we trust him?” Isabel asked Max looking angrily at Michael.

“Forgive me if I find the story a little concocted.” Michael said sarcastically, “But in my memories I visit Antar with my sister for the first time, only after I turn 16. So obviously I didn’t get to enjoy playing with any of you as a kid in Antar.” Michael mocked.

“What?” Tess asked bewildered. “But I remember us playing in Antar. Maybe you don’t remember that, but what I am saying is true. I was married to Max and you were betrothed to Isabel.”

“No!” Michael said immediately and everyone turned to look at him surprised.

“What?” Tess asked once again taken aback. “It is true. Even the destiny book shows that.” She said taking the destiny book out of her handbag and Isabel rolled her eyes when she understood what Tess had got from her car.

Michael looked at the book suspiciously and then opened it and saw the pictures of the four of them. He looked at it disbelievingly for a second and then started turning the pages as if looking for something else.

“Do any of you know what it says?” He asked looking at them.

All of them shook their heads and Max said, “We don’t remember the language.”

“What about the protector?” Michael asked.

“Its in code I think. Even Nacedo couldn’t read it” Tess said.

Michael skimmed it for a few more minutes then tossed it to Tess saying, “Its crap.”

Once again Tess was shocked but Max was pleased by what this could mean.

“What? I mean you and Isabel, Max and I…” Tess stuttered seeing the angry look on both Isabel’s and Michael’s faces.

“Zan was married to Ava, and Rath was engaged to Vilondra. We are not the people we were. I am not Rath and you guys are not Zan, Ava or Vilondra. ” Michael said looking at each of them.

“I don’t believe this destiny and anyways we have more important things to worry about.”

“Like what?” Tess asked sarcastically.

“Like the skins and the fact that you three are hopeless with your powers.” Michael said enjoying himself.

“We may not be strong like you are with your powers but that doesn’t mean we are hopeless. In fact we successfully survived an attack from you.” Isabel said angrily.

“That’s coz I stopped attacking.” Michael said haughtily.

“I would like for you to try your best now.” Isabel lashed back standing angrily.

Isabel and Michael started arguing and Tess also started saying something about how strong she was with her powers. Someone’s cell phone started ringing.

“Stop it!” Max said unable to take it anymore not even aware that it sounded like a command.

Everyone stopped immediately and looked at him.

“Look I admit we are not strong but that doesn’t mean we won’t become strong once we start practicing.” Max continued, “I thought we were this four square supposed to fight together not against each other.” He then looked at them to see if they got his point.

“We can practice together and since you obviously know much you can help us,” Max said curtly looking at Michael daring him to contradict.

Michael nodded and once again the cell phone started ringing.

Tess then looked at Michael and said “We are stronger only when we are together. Our powers will be greater if we are all bonded and...” Tess droned on.

Isabel started to roll her eyes again and Max sighed helplessly not knowing what to say to stop Tess. The phone continued ringing through Tess’ rant and Isabel clutched her head and said to Max.

“That’s your phone Max. Talk or switch it off.”

Max took his phone reluctantly having successfully ignored it for the past few minutes. Knowing that there will be hell to pay if he switched it off, he walked to the kitchen to speak privately.

“Maria, I am…”Max began.

Alex interrupted him saying “Save it Max. It’s me. I really can’t hold her off much longer. Are you and Isabel fine? ”

“Yeah we are. We are discussing some things now. I will call you guys later and tell you… ” Max was interrupted by a loud yelp from Alex and a crash.

Michael interrupted Tess with an exasperated sigh. “I really don’t care if you and the king there” he pointed to Max who was talking on his cell phone “hook up. It’s none of my business.”

He then turned to Isabel and continued “But don’t expect me to get cozy with you. That ain’t my style and frankly you aren’t my type. No offense.”

At this Isabel became furious and said “Not your type? Are you crazy?”

Isabel drew to her full height of 5 feet and 9 inches and continued haughtily, “ First of all, if you thought for even one minute that I would go with you after that stunt you pulled, you are even more delusional than I thought.”

“And second of all, have you even looked at yourself?” Isabel finished sneeringly looking up from Michael’s spiky hair to his gray dirty sneakers.

“Sure and I like what I see.” Michael said smirking “What about you?”

Before Isabel could reply, they all heard a screech coming from the kitchen and turned to see Max cringing and holding his cell phone away from his ear.

Max then held the phone near his ear cautiously and spoke “Maria. I am sorry… I… I am fine now… I was I mean not busy…just…yeah…” Max continued on desperately trying to get a word in.

“Who is Maria?” Michael asked.

“A human and his girlfriend” Tess said sourly.

Michael seemed surprised by that but before he could ask anything else he heard Max saying “Yeah. He is Rath and he didn’t know about us.”

“What the hell is he doing telling her about me?” Michael asked frantically. “Does she know about us?”

“Yeah. Apparently Max healed her when she was shot and she and her best friend Alex know everything about us.” Tess said.

“He what?” Michael asked shocked and continued, “Is he crazy? Why didn’t you stop him?” he rounded on Tess.

“I wasn’t exactly here when that happened and its not as if he listens to Me.” she said bitterly.

When Michael turned to Isabel, she held her hands up at the wild look in his eyes and said crossly, “Don’t look at me. I am not his keeper. He doesn’t listen to me either.”

Max had by then finished his call and Michael turned to him furiously, “How dare you tell a human about you, about us?”

“Its none of your business” Max said just as angry.

“It is my business as you just now told her about me also. Why did you heal her? Couldn’t you have taken her to a hospital? What if she tells others?”

“She would have died if I hadn’t healed her. And it’s more than a year since I healed her and our secret’s still safe.” Max said.

Tess continued angrily “Apparently he couldn’t let his love die.”

“Tess” Max said sharply.

“You love her?” Michael asked shocked and then sank down on the couch as flashes of a similar conversation from his past overwhelmed him.

**Memory Flash**

I can’t keep this from him anymore Michael. I want to tell him.” She looked at him expectantly.

“Are you crazy?” Michael exploded. “You can’t tell him. We swore a pact.”

“I..” she paused and then continued in a small voice, “I think I love him.”

“You love him?” Michael looked at her dumbfounded.

“He loves me too Michael. He won’t tell anyone. We can trust him,” she said trying to convince him.

“No. You can’t. Its not only your secret to tell” Michael said angrily.

“Its not yours also to keep form everyone” she snapped back at him and then her eyes welled up with tears “I..I can’t lie to him anymore. I don’t want to base our relationship on a lie. Please Michael…”

Michael ached to see her cry and hugged her comfortingly. “I am sorry. But please don’t tell him. Its dangerous for both him and us.” Michael pleaded with her.

**Flash Ends**

“What’s wrong with you?” Isabel’s voice pulled him from his thoughts.

He got up suddenly and looked at Max and for a moment Max saw anguish reflected in his eyes but his face soon became unreadable.

“Do you have any idea what danger you have put your friends into?” Michael asked ominously.

“Danger from what?”

“The skins.” Michael said and then continued, “What do you think the skins will do when they find out about your human friends?”

Max’s face paled as he realized the implication of what Michael was saying. “I will protect them.” Max said.

Michael laughed humorlessly. “Do you know how powerful the skins are, their leader Nicholas is? We don’t stand a chance against him and believe me when I say, he will go after your defenseless human friends first.”


Max drove back home from Maria’s after talking with her and Alex thinking of the day’s events. After Michael’s description of the skins and their leader, Nicholas, they had called it a night and planned to meet the next day.

Max had suggested Michael’s apartment initially but neither Michael nor Isabel had been keen on it and finally after another argument they had decided to meet at Tess’ place. He had then dropped off Tess and Isabel and then driven to Maria’s knowing that she would be going out of her mind by now.

He had told Maria and Alex everything that had happened, well almost everything, Max amended to himself. He had left out the tiny detail about the skins and that Michael had blasted Isabel and tried to kill them. He had told them about the meeting the next morning at Tess’ and Maria had immediately wanted to come. Max had tried to convince her that it was not safe and Maria had demanded why.

Alex looked helplessly at Max and then Max said sighing “Maria, there is another race of aliens, the skins, who are trying to kill us.”

“Skins?” Alex asked.

Maria gasped and asked accusingly “Were you even planning to tell us this?”

Max sighed once again and said “Yeah. They are called skins because they can’t survive on this planet’s atmosphere and so they wear a husk. It’s like an artificial skin over their true form and they look like humans because of the husk. Their skin can’t stand the heat or the humidity of the desert and it sheds. Michael said that you can actually peel flakes of skin if you touch them”

“Ewww.. Gross” Maria said scrunching her nose.

“They are really powerful and if you are both seen with me your life will be in danger.” Max said finally.

“How do they know you are here or for that matter what you look like?” Alex asked him curiously ignoring the danger part.

“They don’t. At least we are hoping they don’t know. They know Michael though and attacked him about a year ago but another protector saved him. The skins later killed the protector and are now searching for him.” Max said.

“In other words he led them straight to you?” Maria asked him grimly.

“Maria he didn’t even know we were here.” Max said exasperated. “He came here searching for answers.”

“And you believe him?” Maria asked incredulously. “What about his family? Where are they? He couldn’t have grown up by himself.”

“I don’t know and I don’t believe him and that’s exactly why I don’t want either of you coming there tomorrow.” Max said.

“Fine” Maria huffed but both Max and Alex looked at each other uneasily at her sudden acquiescence.

Max sighed as he drove into their driveway thinking of the impending talk with Isabel about her dream-walk. He hoped Maria didn’t try anything tomorrow. ‘Still Alex will keep her in check’ he thought.

Last edited by foreverdreamer15 on Sun May 16, 2004 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

hey everyone, I am back :D and thank you very much for your patience and feedback.
I know that I said Liz will be meeting Michael in this part but when I started writing it, it went on and on that I have two parts now 13a and 13b :lol: , so Liz will be meeting Michael in the next part 14 but the good news is I have finished writing those parts and am just waiting for my beta to check it out. So I will definitely post 13b and 14 by the weekend :)

kitkat405: thanks for your feedback :) . And Liz will be meeting Michael soon

roswellluver: thanks for your feedback. yup Cal is one big filthy rat :D

Luvya: Its great to know that you love this fic :D and yes, you just have to wait and continue reading this fic to see what's going on with Liz and Tess. Its always good to have a new reader :D and thanks for your feedback

Ansleyrocks: thank you for your feedback :D . Hope you like the new part too

SweetieTeeny: thanks :D hope you like the new part also

secretgurl: thanks for your feedback :D I am generally a Max and Liz fan but I absolutely love the Michael in my fic :D Actually the destiny is true. What Michael meant was they might be some reincarnated version of a king, queen, princess and second-in-command but that doesn't mean that they have to follow that now. They are different persons now even though they have a part of Zan, Ava, Rath and Vilandra. Michael just doesn't believe in following the part where they are supposed to be together - Max and Tess, Michael and Isabel. I am sorry if I confused you :oops: hope this cleared it up and that you love the new part :D

kittens: thank you for your feedback and hope you enjoy the new part too :D

Lindsey: thanks for the bump :D hope you like the next part too

Behrsgirl77: thanks for the feedback :D and Michael will meet up with Liz soon

xmag: thank you :D and yup the question is who is Tess really? you just have to continue reading the fic :lol: And yes Max and Liz are gonna have a talk soon and the situation between Max and Maria will be revealed. I like your suggestion of not revealing it to Michael :lol: Hope you like the next part.

And of course thanks to the lurkers :D

Thank you once again for your patience and of course to my beta Behrsgirl77.

I am really glad :D that there are some new readers and that everyone is enjoying this fic. There won't be any Liz in part13 but there will definitely be plenty of podsquad and Maria, Alex and Kyle.

So, without further ado here's the new part


Part 13a

Max knocked on Isabel’s door, when there was no reply he placed his hand on the door and opened it.

“You know I locked it for a reason” Isabel said from the bed. She was lying down with her back towards Max.

“Are you alright now?” Max asked concerned ignoring what she said.

Isabel turned towards him and said, “Max I’m fine now. Just tired. I really want to rest now.” She looked pale and worn out.

Max came and sat near her on the bed making her scoot over. “Izzy, we need to talk about what happened in the dream-walk.”

“Max, I am really tired…” Isabel began.

But Max interrupted her angrily, “God Isabel! You were nearly killed.” He then continued in a hurt tone, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

When she remained silent, Max continued in a choked voice, “You thought that I wouldn’t believe you. You are my sister Iz. I’m sorry if I ever gave you any reason not to trust me…”

“No Max, that’s not it.” Isabel interrupted him when she sensed his sadness. “I trust you Max. I just didn’t want to choose between you and Tess.”

When Max opened his mouth to argue, Isabel continued. “Don’t Max. You know I would have chosen you over her and I would have resented you for it.”

“Iz what Tess did was not right. She cannot just go around warping people. What if it affects their brains?”

“She said it wouldn’t affect them Max. Besides she thought her powers went haywire when she couldn’t mind-warp Liz.”

Isabel realized her mistake when Max became horrified and then angry.

“She mind-warped Liz?” Max asked furious. He decided he needed to have a talk with Tess soon. She couldn’t go around messing with people’s heads.

“Max she tried to, but she couldn’t do it anyways. She said there was a block around Liz’s mind. That’s why I dream-walked Liz. I know it’s an invasion of privacy. I just wanted to find out why Tess’ powers didn’t work on Liz alone. But its good that I did dream-walk her coz I think Liz is in danger.”

Max now became worried, “You think whoever tried to kill you could harm her as well?”

“I am not sure but Liz knows that person. Initially someone else in her dream recognized me. He looked at me and asked me who I was. I think whoever recognized me is the same one who tried to kill me.”

“Wait, you mean someone in her dream saw you when you dream-walked her?” Max questioned still not sure what he had seen about the dream-walk when he had healed Isabel.

When Isabel nodded, Max continued puzzled, “But that’s impossible. I mean except for her all the others are only in her dream. They are just what her memory conjures. They cannot control her dreams.”

Isabel rolled her eyes, “Don’t you think I know that? But since someone controlled her dreams, that means I was not the only one dream-walking her at that time.”

“You mean someone alien like us?” Max whispered shocked. “But why would they dream-walk her? She doesn’t even know us.”

“Max we don’t know anything about her past. Maybe she knew something alien-related.” Isabel shrugged. “Do you think a skin can dream-walk?”

“I don’t know. Michael said that they could blast.” Max said dully.

Isabel suddenly narrowed her eyes, “What are Michael’s powers? I mean he can blast like you and he has a shield. What other powers does he have?”

“I don’t know. We can ask him tomorrow. Can you control dreams Iz? I mean can you only see what they are dreaming about or can you modify their dreams the way you want?”

“I don’t know, maybe I can. I haven’t practiced much.”

Both were silent for a while then Isabel said, “Max I think I have a new power. I can sense people’s strong emotions.”

“You mean you know what I am thinking right now?” Max asked confused.

“Feeling not thinking” Isabel corrected him. “That too only strong feelings. A few minutes ago I could sense your sadness.”

“Since when did you have this new power?”

“I think it started when I dream-walked Liz” When Max looked up startled, she explained, “I can usually see only what they are dreaming about but when I dream-walked Liz, I was able to feel everything she was feeling. It was as if I was reliving her memories.”

When Isabel’s eyes misted over, Max asked concerned, “Isabel? Are you alright?”

“Max, I think she lost someone she loved. I am not sure but someone was in the hospital and she was feeling very lonely, then sad and guilty for that person. She blames herself for the person being in the hospital.”

Max was silent for a minute. “If Liz is in danger, we have to do something.” He then said running his hands through his hair agitated.

“Max, I don’t think that she is in danger right now since whoever was in her dreams had been dream-walking her for a long time to know that I wasn’t a part of her dream and till now he has not caused her any harm. I am thinking of getting close to her.”

“What? You cannot do that. What if her life is endangered because she knows us?”

“Max her life might already be in danger and we just might be able to save her but only if we get closer to her. Besides I found out we have a lot in common and would really like to be her friend.” Isabel said earnestly.

“Okay. But the first sign of danger you have to tell me and no more dream-walking without letting me know.” Max said.

“Of course your majesty.” Isabel laughed.

“Hey.” Max said as if offended but the slight smile on his face told otherwise.

“So you can sense everyone’s feelings?” Max asked.

“Till now I was able to sense yours and Michael’s. But I think Michael figured it out and he now has a kind of block and I am not able to read him through that. Maybe the power will advance so that I can read through blocks also.”

“What about Tess?”

“Now that you mention it, I was not able to sense any of her emotions. Either that girl is way too calm or she also has a block in her mind to prevent such things.”

“What about others?”

“You mean non-aliens? Nope except if you count the dream-walk of Liz.”

“Maybe, we both need to learn how to have these mental blocks. That might be useful.” Max said mulling over.

When Isabel yawned once again, Max got up and kissed her forehead. “Sleep well, and you can always come to me if you have a problem, okay?”

Isabel smiled and teased, “Sure little brother.”

“Hey you are my little sister.”

“Nope. I came out of the pod first.” Isabel grinned.

“So you say.” Max said laughing and quickly closed her door before the pillow could hit him.


“He said he would be here at 10:00, and it’s 10:30 now. Where is he?” Isabel asked annoyed.

Max, Isabel and Tess had been waiting for Michael for the past half an hour with no sign of him.

“Somebody should go look for him. Something is wrong with his cell phone too. He is not answering.” Tess said putting down the phone.

“He probably blew it up. Maybe if I go now I can still make my hair appointment,” Isabel said getting up from the couch.

“You can do it yourself. Why do you even need to go to a parlor for it?” Tess asked puzzled.

“Wait here. I will go and get him.” Max said going out the front door. He really didn’t want to listen to Isabel’s beauty tips.

When he drove out of the Harding’s driveway, he passed a car parked across the street and thought that it looked familiar.


“You think he saw us? Did he see the car or recognize it? ” Alex asked frantically from the back seat and then groaned, “This is so not a good idea.”

Slowly he and Maria straightened and looked up towards the house.

“Chill Alex.” Maria said.

“I don’t think he saw us and he won’t recognize the car. That’s why we got your dad’s car.” Maria replied looking into the house with binoculars.

Alex whined, “I still don’t understand why we should spy on them Maria.”

“Simple.” Maria shrugged. “Max won’t say everything that goes on in that meeting, thinking our life might be in danger and will try to stay away from us.”

“That still doesn’t explain why we need Buddha-boy over there.” Alex grumbled.

“Hey.” Kyle straightened from his slouched over position in the passenger seat with another set of binoculars in his hand. “I resent that.”

“Would you both stop it?” Maria said rolling her eyes. “Kyle can read lips. We cannot possibly hear what they are saying from here now, can we?”

“Oh, you can?” Alex asked Kyle suspiciously. “What were they talking about before Max went out?”

“Isabel was pissed that Michael didn’t show up and Max went to get him,” Kyle said matter-of-factly.

“Wow” Maria was impressed but Alex was still leery of Kyle’s intentions.

“Why are you helping us?” Alex asked him.

“I like this kind of stuff” Kyle said.

“What? Spying on people? A regular peeping-Tom aren’t we?” Alex said smugly.

“He is just doing this coz I convinced mom and Jim to lift his grounding by today.”

“But I thought you were grounded only till school starts?” Alex said puzzled.

“I was. Now thanks to Maria, I got off free before a week itself.” Kyle said smiling gratefully at Maria.

Alex snorted. “Kyle, school starts tomorrow.”

Kyle looked puzzled for a moment and then cursed. “Dammit Maria!”

Alex started laughing but when Kyle banged his hand on the dashboard and spilt the coke he became worried. “Hey careful. My dad will kill me if something happens to his car.”

“Can it Valenti. You don’t have anything better to do anyways.” Maria said with her eyes glued to the house.

Kyle acknowledged it grumbling. Seeing what his Majesty and his loyal subjects were up to was far more interesting than sitting at home and surfing the channels but that didn’t mean he was happy about the way Maria had tricked him.

“What are they talking about now?” Maria asked.

“Isabel is telling Tess how to condition and maintain her hair.” Kyle said watching them intently through his binoculars.

“Oh! This is good. Wait,” Maria then picked up a piece of paper and pen and told Kyle to go on while she started taking notes.

Kyle suddenly had a glimmer in his eyes and then he started innocently, “Okay, you need a lemon, some vinegar, some eggs, oil…”

“Guys, you sure that’s not a recipe?” Alex asked but when both Maria and Kyle ignored him, he crossed his arms over his chest, leaned back and sighed. “This is going to be a long day.”


After half an hour, Max arrived back at the house with Michael. Out of habit Michael looked at his surroundings suspiciously before entering the house and all three ducked in the car.

“That was close” Alex muttered.

“What’s happening?” Maria asked impatiently looking at the house.

“It seems that guy slept off, and forgot about the meeting.” Kyle said.

“What? Unbelievable.” Maria snorted. “But again, he seems just the type.”

“Isabel’s pissed. She and the new guy are having a kind of stand-off.” Kyle continued looking through the binoculars.

“You go girl.” Maria encouraged Isabel from the car. “I would be pissed too. But this is good for you Alex.”

“What?” Both Alex and Kyle looked at Maria weirdly.

“I mean it doesn’t seem as if anything is gonna happen now between Isabel and that Michael guy.” Maria explained.

Meanwhile, inside the house:

“I don’t believe this.” Isabel said once again.

“You forgot to charge your cell phone.” Max repeated dully what Michael had just said.

“Yeah its not as if I knew you would all be calling me.” Michael argued.

“You jerk! I missed my…” Isabel began heatedly.

Max interrupted her, “Can you both stop it? We have better things to discuss. Michael, can the skins dream-walk?” Max directed his question to Michael.

“I don’t think so. I am not sure. Maybe you can ask your protector. I thought he would be here by now?” Michael asked looking at Tess.

“He is having some trouble with the special-unit. It will be sometime before he comes here.” Tess said.

“The special-unit?” Michael asked puzzled.

“They hunt aliens. Nacedo got captured once but he escaped. A couple of months ago, he killed Pierce, the head of the special unit and he is now posing as Pierce. He is trying to eliminate all the proof they have against aliens and shut the unit down.”

“Are we in danger now?” Michael asked worriedly.

“No, we are not.” Max said and then continued. “Congresswoman Whitaker is trying to keep the special-unit open and an investigation is going on. Nacedo cannot come here for some time.”

Michael was silent for awhile and then Max asked him, “Are you alone? I mean you don’t have any family?”

“I am an emancipated minor.” Michael said matter-of-factly.

“Oh.” Max said feeling a bit uncomfortable and sorry for Michael.

Isabel looked at Michael in sympathy. She loved her parents and she couldn’t imagine what her and Max’s life would have been without them. This just showed her that she shouldn’t take her parents for granted. She couldn’t picture Michael’s life and she felt bad for him.

“If you need any help or…” Isabel began softly.

“I am not a charity case.” Michael said angrily.

“We are not thinking that.” Isabel said crossly.

Max diffused the situated by asking Michael, “What are your powers other than blasting and having a shield?”

“I can move objects,” Michael said.

“All kinds of objects?” Tess asked and Michael shrugged.

“Can you demonstrate?” Max asked.

Michael just held out his hand and the glass on the table flew into his hand. He then started drinking water from it.

“That’s it?” Isabel asked unimpressed.

Michael smirked at this, “I can show you more.”

He then looked around the room and then went to the window worried when he saw the drapes open. He paused when he saw the same car that he had seen while coming into the house still parked.


“What is he doing?” Kyle asked quickly ducking.

“Oh my god! He is going to close the drapes. How can we see then? No No No…Shit!” Maria nearly shouted when she saw Michael closing the drapes.

“Maybe now we can go home,” Alex said. He had been worried about Max finding them. Max had trusted Alex to keep an eye on Maria but here he was aiding Maria in spying on them.

“Shut up Alex.” Both Maria and Kyle said together with their eyes glued to the house somehow trying to see through the thick drapes. It was just getting interesting.

“What do we do now?” Maria groaned when she was not able to see anything.


“Wow!” Tess said impressed.

“Put me down! I said Put Me Down You Idiot!” Isabel shouted at Michael.

“You were the one who wanted me to demonstrate more.” Michael said enjoying himself.

Michael had lifted the entire couch where Isabel was sitting with his powers and now both the couch and Isabel were hanging in mid-air close to the ceiling. Michael waved his hands and the couch jerked forcing Isabel to duck her head to avoid hitting the ceiling and she shrieked once more.

“Michael! That’s enough, put her down.” Max said trying not to laugh especially when he saw Isabel’s glare directed at him.

Finally Michael lowered his hand and the couch fell to the ground with a bump and Isabel was thrown to the ground from the impact.

She got up angrily and seeing Michael laughing she suddenly flung her hand out and a blast of energy came out of her hand. Michael’s eyes widened in shock and he quickly put up his shield.

“What is it with you and your brother trying to kill me? Are you both nuts?” Michael asked irritated and also a bit scared, still with his shield in place.

Max went to help Isabel who had sat down on the couch and seemed really pale and tired. “Are you alright?” he asked Isabel worried.

“I can blast.” Isabel said weakly. It was more of a statement than a question.

“Of course we can all blast.” Tess said in her know-it-all voice and Isabel frowned thinking why Tess hadn’t told them about this before.

“You can put the shield down Michael.” Max told Michael who was still looking at them warily.

When he seemed reluctant to do it, Max said annoyed, “We cannot control our powers Michael. So if you stop irritating us, we will stop blasting you.”

Michael scowled at that but he lowered his shield and then went to the corner farthest from the others. He didn’t trust any of them.

After a few minutes, Michael asked Tess, “So Max can heal and Isabel can dream-walk. What are your powers?”

Isabel suddenly narrowed her eyes and asked him sharply, “How do you know I can dream-walk? We never told you that.”

Max and Tess turned to look at Michael who suddenly seemed to have a deer-caught-in-the-headlights look on his face.


Hope you all liked this part. Any feedback will be appreciated :D
Last edited by foreverdreamer15 on Wed May 26, 2004 11:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Here's the next part.

Part 13b

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking DeLuca?” Kyle asked directing his binoculars to a tree near the Harding’s home.

Both Maria and Alex looked at Kyle, and then followed his gaze to the tree closest to the balcony of a room on the first floor of Tess’ house. The tree was wide with its branches spreading over the balcony.

“Please tell me you are not considering this?” Alex said nervously looking at Maria and then at Kyle.

“I think it just might work Valenti.” Maria said opening the car door.

Alex immediately pulled Maria back inside and said frantically, “No. You are not doing this. Are you both crazy? What if you fall down and break your neck?”

“You can then call Max to come and heal me.” Maria said nonchalantly finally removing his hand and going out where Kyle was waiting for her impatiently.

Alex got out of the car and stood in front of Maria. “I refuse to allow you to do this. Come on, Max will definitely tell us what goes on in there. Maria Please. He is going to be really angry.” When Maria looked unrelenting, Alex continued, “Fine. I’m going with both of you.”

“No you can’t. We need someone to act as a look-out Whitman.” Kyle said.

“What? How can I be a look-out when I am staying out here and you both are inside, huh?” Alex asked sarcastically.

“That’s what look-outs are supposed to do.” Kyle said slowly as if explaining to a child.

Alex gritted his teeth in anger and tried to control his temper. He didn’t know whether Valenti was really an idiot or if he behaved like one just to irritate him.

“How am I supposed to warn both of you when you both are inside? I can’t just shout from here and why do you both need a look-out anyways?”

Kyle rummaged in his backpack muttering and then got something out of it saying triumphantly, “Found it! I knew these would come in useful someday.”

Maria squealed, “Cool. You still have that stuff? We should have brought our entire kit.” She finished dejectedly.

“Yeah.” Kyle also nodded gloomily but then brightened looking at the walkie-talkies in his hand, “But these will work fine and look.” He got two black ski masks from his backpack and Maria squealed once again.

“Ski masks? Kit? You both have a kit?” Alex asked feeling ridiculous looking from Kyle to Maria and back again to Kyle.

“You know, black clothes, ski-mask, the general spy stuff.” Kyle said fiddling with the walkie-talkie.

“Spy stuff?” Alex repeated still unable to believe that these two were really going to go through with their absurd plan and wondering how both of them had a kit while he didn’t.

“Yeah, you know from the days when we spied on mom and Jim.” Maria replied wearing the ski mask. “This is just like the old days.” Maria said excited looking at Kyle.

“You know you have black pants.” Kyle said looking at his own blue jeans and then at Alex’s black ones speculatively.

“Back off Valenti. You are not getting these.” Alex said crossing his arms protectively around his legs.

“Fine. It was just a thought.” Kyle mumbled.

Kyle then handed one walkie-talkie to Alex. “You have one and we will have one. They are in perfect working condition. And we cannot have anyone seeing us climb the tree. So you can distract anyone coming down this street.” Kyle finished eagerly.

“Yeah.” Maria said then grabbed the walkie-talkie from Kyle. “Let’s do it.” She then ran across the road.

“Why don’t I get the ski mask?” Alex whined.

“Hey. That’s mine.” Kyle yelled following Maria ignoring Alex.

“And I don’t want to be the look-out.” Alex shouted after them.

But Maria and Kyle were already climbing on to the tree looking around cautiously. Alex had a bad feeling about this and cursed himself for agreeing to this stupid plan in the first place. He finally crossed the road and sat below the tree praying no one comes around for some time and thinking that a ski mask would really be useful now to hide his face.


“Shit! Shit! Shit!” That was the only word going through Michael’s head when all three of them looked at him. Him and his big mouth. He tried to mask the wild look in his eyes as he stared at them trying to say something, anything. He was sure that they could hear his heart thudding. He could not reveal the truth. He still didn’t trust them.

“I uh… I…” Michael stuttered not knowing what to say. He couldn’t very well tell them that he was the one who had tried to kill Isabel. Besides it would bring Liz’s name also into the mix and right now he wanted her far away from all this mess and anything alien-related. He would not put her life in danger once again and to him Max, Isabel and Tess represented danger.

“You what?” Max asked him suspiciously.

Michael was standing near the front door facing the staircase and away from the others. There was a big couch and 2 single couches surrounding a coffee table in the living room. Tess was sitting on one of the single couches closest to the big one where Max and Isabel were sitting.

“That’s what…what Vilandra could do.” Michael said awkwardly then continued on steadily with the lies, “Yeah, right. In my memories, Vilandra had the power to dream-walk and so I assumed that you can also dream-walk.” His heartbeat gradually slowed down when Max and Tess seemed to accept it.

“Really?” Isabel asked sarcastically. “Then how come you don’t remember what Max or specifically Tess, your sister, could do?”

“Hey. I don’t know why I remember what you can do only. Believe me, if I could, I would altogether avoid having any memories dealing with you.” Michael finished flippantly.

Before things can escalate, Tess interrupted them saying, “I can mind-warp.”

“What is that?” Michael asked perplexed.

“Why don’t you demonstrate to your brother Tess?” Isabel asked smiling evilly at Michael.

Michael looked uneasily between Isabel and Tess. Tess nodded happily thinking this is the perfect opportunity to show Michael how strong she really is and she closed her eyes at the same time gaining entry into Michael’s head easily overcoming the mild block in his head. She started sifting through his recent memories trying to find something that she can use to scare him.


“It’s locked. Damn!” Kyle cursed trying his best to open the sliding French doors that opened onto the balcony.

“A little help would be fine BB.” Maria said from the branch of the tree.

“BB?” Kyle asked helping Maria onto the balcony.

“Your code name. I cannot call you Kyle, right? Its Buddha Boy.” Maria said.

“I don’t like that code name.” Kyle said sulking. “I like Super Boy or Super Kyle better.”

“You are BB. Deal with it.” Maria said rolling her eyes and went to open the door.

“Fine SG.” Kyle said taking the walkie-talkie from her hands.

“SG?” Maria asked keeping her hands on the door and trying her best to slide it open.

“SB calling base. Over.” Kyle said into the walkie-talkie ignoring Maria.

“What is SB? Over.” Alex said into his walkie-talkie.

“That’s Super Boy…” Kyle began.

But Maria interrupted him, “Its BB – Buddha Boy.”

“Ignore SG. It’s SB. Over.” Kyle said.

“What is SG? Over?” Alex asked.

“Its Sniffing Girl. Over.” Kyle said.

“I am not Sniffing Girl, you jerk!” Maria yelled turning to look at Kyle with her hands still on the French doors. “I am AM – Aromatic Maria.”

“Copied BB and SG. This is WK – Whiz Kid. What is operation status? Over.”

“I am not SG.” Maria shouted.

Simultaneously, Kyle hissed, “I am not BB, you Wuss Kid. Over.”

“This is not Wuss Kid BB. This is Whiz Kid. Over.”

All three were arguing that Maria and Kyle failed to notice a green glow beneath Maria’s palm. A second later the French doors slid open.

“Hey. The door’s open. Come on.” Maria then went inside the bedroom.

“This is SB signing off. Operation underway Wuss Kid. Over.”

Kyle then hurried after Maria wondering how the door opened by itself.

“Its Whiz Kid, not Wuss Kid Buddha Boy!” Alex yelled into the walkie-talkie getting weird looks from a kid passing him on a bicycle.


Michael looked at Tess closing her eyes and concentrating. He waited for a minute then looked at Max who shrugged at him. Suddenly Michael heard a sound behind him on the other side of the door. Before he could turn around, the door was blasted open and Michael was flung near the stairs.

Michael was dazed for a minute and through his haze he saw some people coming in through the front door. His eyes widened when a small kid of about 13 years came in smiling arrogantly.

“Well if it isn’t my dear old friend Rath,” the kid said. “Thanks for leading us to the remaining royals.”

“I knew it! You betrayed us to the skins!” Isabel shouted from the couch.

Michael stood up shakily and failed to realize that Isabel somehow knew they were skins. He saw everyone surrounded by skins laughing. Max had his shield up around him and Isabel but a skin had caught hold of Tess before she could go near Max.

“Nicholas.” Michael spat the kid’s name in disgust as two of his men held his hands back tightly preventing him from forming the shield. The other skins started blasting Max’s shield, which soon started flickering.

Seeing all of them powerless, Michael became angry and more than that a feeling of dread started to churn in his stomach, dread not for him but for someone else. He closed his eyes and concentrated and his shield formed around him burning the men who were touching them. Their screams attracted the attention of Nicholas and his other men.

“What the hell?” Nicholas yelled. “Attack him you fools!” Nicholas ordered his men who then started blasting at Michael also but Michael seemed to be in a trance of some kind.

“What is that?” Kyle whispered to Maria.

Both Maria and Kyle were hiding behind a wall at the landing of the staircase. They had arrived to see Michael apparently struggle against something and then form a shield.

“That’s a shield.” Maria replied thinking of Max’s shield that he had demonstrated to her and Alex the previous night.

“I mean why did he suddenly put it up and what is he doing now?” Kyle asked puzzled.

Maria looked around the living room and found Tess closing her eyes and concentrating. “That bitch. She is mind-warping him.” Maria hissed backed to Kyle.

“What is going on there? Over” Alex’s voice crackled on the walkie-talkie that Kyle had still in his hand.

“Why would she do that? I thought they were on the same side?”

“Coz she is a gerbil.” Maria said while Kyle still looked confused then added, “Who knows what kind of twisted things go on in her mind?”

“I repeat what is going…”Alex began.

But Kyle interrupted him, “We have no idea. Over”

“Hey. You interrupted me before I could say over. Over” Alex complained.

Maria grabbed the walkie-talkie from Kyle and said irritated, “Quit whining Wuss Boy. Over.”

Suddenly both Maria and Kyle heard Isabel shouting and looked downstairs.

“What did you do to her? Are you trying to kill her?” Isabel shouted at Michael who was looking around confused.

Michael had somehow pushed Tess hard from his head and she had fallen on the ground with her nose bleeding. Isabel and Max crouched down near Tess and helped her to sit up. Tess groaned in pain clutching her head. When Michael realized what had happened, he became enraged.

“She should have kept herself out of my head then!” He snapped his heart still pounding in fear.

When Isabel suddenly looked up at him surprised and curious, his eyes widened and he slammed the connection that he had unconsciously opened shut, cursing for opening it in the first place and put a stronger block around his mind to prevent Tess and Isabel from getting into his head.

Before Isabel could question him, they all heard a noise from the landing. Michael turned back to see someone wearing a ski mask and with the fear of the skins still fresh in his mind, Michael sent a blast instinctively.

“Maria.” Kyle shouted.

“What?” Max shouted scared to see someone come rolling down the stairs.

“Kyle?” Isabel questioned puzzled looking at a figure running down the stairs wearing a black ski mask.

“You asshole! You blasted Maria!” Kyle yelled only to find Michael throwing another blast at him that he missed narrowly by ducking.

“NO! STOP!” Max yelled scared and ran towards Maria.

Kyle’s eyes widened in shock and he remained standing on the stairs staring at Michael.

“What… happening? AM? BB? Maria… Answer…” Alex frantic voice crackled from the walkie-talkie that was now near the stairs.

“Alex? Where are you?” Isabel asked terrified for him.

Max was looking at a shaken Maria who now sat up dazed. She had miraculously missed the blast and not sustained any injuries from the fall also.

“Why did you blast them?” Max asked angrily, “They are my friends. You could have killed them.”

“How was I supposed to know you go around blabbering to one and all about your extra-ordinary genes?” Michael asked just as furious.

“Kyle, are you alright?” Isabel asked rushing towards Kyle who was still staring at Michael. She removed the mask from his face to help his breathing.

“I think he is in shock.” Michael supplied helpfully and Isabel glared at him.

A sudden pounding came through the doors.

“Open Up. FBI. Open UP!” The pounding went on continuously.

Michael eyes widened in fear and he immediately went near the window and opened the drapes a little bit. On seeing nothing only the car that had been parked since he came here, Michael became livid and strode angrily to the still pounding door.

He opened the door only to find a scrawny guy standing there with a walkie-talkie in his hand.

“What did you do to them? Did you blast them?” Alex asked heatedly though he was scared.

Michael became scared and looked around. Not seeing anyone else, he clutched Alex, pulled him inside and shut the door. He then caught hold of Alex’s shirt with both of his hands and pulled him closer.

All at once, pandemonium burst out and everyone started shouting simultaneously.

“How do you know about us? Who are you? Where are the others?” Michael demanded shaking poor Alex.

“That’s Alex. Leave him alone!” Isabel shouted while Tess moaned in pain.

“Maria, Maria. Are you hurt? Open your eyes” Max started shaking Maria in fright.

Kyle started stuttering, “He…I…died…”Kyle suddenly looked around him and shouted, “ I am alive. By Buddha I am alive.”

Maria suddenly opened her eyes much to the relief of Max, removed her mask, stood up and walked towards Michael who was still shaking Alex. Alex’s teeth had started chattering and he looked scared out of his wits.

“Leave him, you Neanderthal!” Maria shouted and started hitting him with a magazine from the table. “Leave him.”

“Ouch. Stop it. Hey.” Michael removed his hands from Alex and tried to get away from Maria with no success. She continued hitting him now with her fists. Meanwhile Isabel rushed towards Alex who had slid down the door to the floor in exhaustion with his eyes closed.

“Are you alright Alex? Say something. Max!” Isabel said scared to Max who had followed her to Alex.

“Alex, look at me. Look at me,” Max said frantic trying to find out what was wrong with him.

“You look like an angel.” Alex said dreamily looking at Isabel.

“I do?” Max asked bewildered.

Alex grimaced looking at Max, “Max, my man, you may be my best friend but I am not into it really.”

Max became red at this and Isabel laughed throwing her hands around Alex.

Michael finally caught hold of Maria’s fists and he looked at her astonished. “You!” He stuttered. “You are the crazy waitress from the café.”

At this, Maria kicked him in the shin with her foot and Michael howled clutching his foot. Max, Isabel and Alex turned back at Kyle’s jubilant shout.

“That’s for blasting me, you asshole and this is for Kyle and Alex.” Maria then kicked him in his other shin.

“Damnit Blondie!” Michael yelped moving away from Maria and sitting painfully on one of the couches.

“Go Maria!” Kyle shouted coming down the stairs.

“Do you people even know that I exist?” Tess asked angrily from the floor and then groaned once more in pain.

“Sorry.” Isabel said and Max got up guiltily to go to Tess with Isabel following him. When Isabel reached closer to Tess, she suddenly clutched her head in pain.

“Iz?” Max asked worried.

“My head…I feel emotions Max. I…I can’t control it. It’s…” Isabel stopped painfully still clutching at her head and sat down abruptly on the floor.

She was able to feel all of their emotions, from Max’s guilt and worry to Maria’s anger towards Michael, to Kyle’s shock and newfound joy over life, to Michael’s frustration and anger towards the humans and aliens alike, to Tess’s pain and her anger at everyone for not being concerned with her. It was coming at her from all the directions and created a huge headache for her.

“Okay. Everyone calm down.” Max said trying to help Isabel.

“Calm down?” Maria said hysterically sniffing her cypress oil and Isabel winced.

“Stop Max.” Isabel said feeling a surge in Max’s self-absorbed guilt. “Stop feeling guilty.” Isabel then tried to move away from Max.

At this Max felt even worse for causing Isabel pain. “No…” Isabel moaned.

Alex walked nearer to Isabel. “Maybe she should be in another room till we can all control our emotions.” He said calmly and Isabel unconsciously moved towards Alex feeling his calmness that seemed to bring peace to her mind.

“Yeah.” Max looked at Isabel worried and motioned to Alex. “Can you taker her to the bedroom upstairs?”

“Sure.” Alex then held Isabel protectively in his hands and went upstairs with her.

“Can you heal me now or you have something more important to do?” Tess asked sarcastically.

“Sorry Tess.” Max said guiltily and healed her.

“Now I want answers.” Max demanded looking at Michael, Maria and Kyle.

“It was her idea.” Kyle pointed to Maria while Maria rolled her eyes.

“This is great. Why don’t we put a fucking ad “Aliens in Roswell” in the newspaper? It will be easier.” Michael said sarcastically.

Maria glared at Michael who also glared at her right back rubbing his shin and Maria smiled triumphantly.

“I really don’t want to talk about this now,” Max said rubbing his forehead and looking at Kyle and Maria.

“Why did you do that to Tess?” Max then demanded Michael.

“It was instinct what I did. I didn’t know what I was doing. She was the one who entered my head. Its her problem.” Michael said looking at Tess angrily thinking what she had seen. He continued, “She knew what seeing Nicholas would do to me. Why did you do that?” he asked Tess angrily.

“It was harmless. I just wanted to show you my powers.” Tess mumbled.

“So you can resist her mind-warps?” Max asked Michael.

Michael shrugged and then Tess spoke, “But how was I able to mind-warp you for the first few minutes? Shouldn’t you have resisted it immediately?”

“I didn’t know what a mind-warp was and after I knew I resisted it” Michael said.

“No. It was different.” Tess said speculatively. “I felt something just before you broke out of the mind-warp as if you were trying to reach…”

Michael interrupted her harshly suddenly frightened, “I was trying to reach for my powers to come out of the warp.”

“So how did you find out you were in a warp in the first place?” Maria asked him shrewdly and Michael scowled at her.

“I don’t know.” He bit out and then turned towards Max. “Are there any more human surprises?”

“No. I healed Maria and Alex is her best friend and Kyle’s just…” Max bit back his ‘pain-in-the –ass’ retort looking at Kyle.

“I am her cool brother.” Kyle shrugged completing Max’s sentence.

“You do know that you have completely endangered their lives, don’t you?” Michael asked Max bitterly. “They cannot even protect themselves. If the skins catch them, they are dead.”

When Max looked down feeling responsible for putting his friend’s lives in danger, Maria became angry with Michael. She was not going to sit back and watch Michael guilt trip Max and convince him to stay away from them. If anyone had put them in danger, it was Michael.

“You are the one who has put us all in danger by coming here.” Maria said belligerently.

Michael arched his eyebrow and asked, “Really?”

“Yes.” Maria affirmed. “The skins don’t know that Max, Isabel and Tess are in Roswell. They don’t even know what they look like. If at all they come here looking for them, it is because of you Michael Guerin because they know what you look like and they were already following you. What’s not to say that they are not already here right now because of you?”

When Michael simply shrugged, Maria became mad with anger, “In fact, you should be the one to stay away from all of us.” She finished furious.

“Maria…”Max began tiredly.

“She is right Max.” Michael said surprising everyone in the room.

“I am?” Maria asked suspiciously.

“When is DeLuca ever right?” Kyle asked shocked and Maria shot him a glare.

“She is?” Max asked warily, simultaneously.

“Yeah. We should not let anyone know that we know each other. It will be better if we don’t interact with each other in public places.” Michael said mentally thanking Maria for giving him the perfect opportunity to avoid being seen with them in public.

“But…But…”Tess stuttered her plans of destiny receding farther away from her reach, “We need to practice to fight against the skins. We are the royal four. How can we do that if we don’t even talk with each other?”

“We can practice in the desert and no one need to know about it. We can go separately and come back separately. Is there any place where it’s safe?” Michael asked Max.

Max nodded. “The quarry. No one will be there and we can also see easily if someone does come there.”

“Its settled then. We can practice tomorrow afternoon around 12:00 or so.”

“We can’t. We have school.” Max said.

“Max. Our entire existence might depend on our practice,” Tess began and Maria snorted at that. But Tess continued as if she didn’t hear Maria, “This is important and you are thinking about school. We are royalty. We don’t even need to go to school.”

“Tess, we are teenagers. We can’t draw unnecessary attention to ourselves by cutting school. We need to…”

“Act normal” Both Max and Michael finished simultaneously and Max looked up to Michael surprised.

Michael had a half-grin in his face and he murmured with a far-way look in his eyes, “You have no idea how many times I had to hear that phrase while growing up.”

Michael then quickly changed the subject before they could ask him what he meant by that. “So we can then meet after school?”

“Yeah. Iz is also free at that time. What about you Tess?” Max asked Tess.

“Yeah. No problem for me.”

“But I have to work tomorrow.” Maria whined.

“And I have football practice after school.” Kyle added his two cents in.

“Excellent. So we can meet tomorrow after school at the quarry?” Michael asked glad that only the aliens would be coming.

When Maria opened her mouth to argue, Max shot her a glare and she remained silent.

“I have to work on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and during the weekend.” Max said.

“That’s fine. Maybe on those days we can just practice on developing our mental powers after your shift is over. Not all powers need open space.” Michael said.

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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Hope everyone liked the previous part :)

Thank you roswellluver for your feedback.

Thanks to everyone who is reading my fic and of course to my beta Behrsgirl77

And finally Michael meets Liz in this part :D I will post part 15 by the next weekend.


Part 14

Later that night

Max hadn’t seen Isabel since they came from Tess’ house. If he didn’t know better, Max would think that Isabel was avoiding him. When she skipped dinner also, Max became worried and went to her room.

“Don’t come inside Max.” Isabel’s voice surprised Max when he was about to reach for Isabel’s door.

How could she know he was here, Max wondered and ignoring her he went inside.

Seeing her lying clutching her head, he said lightly, “This is kinda becoming a habit,” referring to him coming to her room to talk.

When Isabel glared at him, he winced and said, “Sorry. Bad time to joke. Are you okay?”

“What do you think?” Isabel bit out then regretted it when she saw Max look down guiltily.

“Stop it Max.” Isabel said softly. “How is it your fault that I got this power?”

“It’s not my fault” Max said confused.

“Then why the hell are you feeling guilty?” Isabel snapped once again.

“I’m not!” Max denied hotly.

“Max I could sense your guilt from down the hall.” Isabel said exasperated.

“Fine. I am feeling a bit guilty but that’s only because you, Maria, Alex and Kyle were in danger this morning. I shouldn’t have allowed Tess to mind-warp Michael. I shouldn’t…”

When Isabel snorted at that, Max shot out defensively, “Besides you said you could feel only strong emotions.”

“Yeah I also said I was able to sense only you and Michael.” Isabel replied back sarcastically.

“You mean you are able to sense everyone now?” Max asked surprised.

“Why do you think I am here Max?” Isabel rolled her eyes at Max’s stupefied expression.

“I was able to feel Maria’s, Alex’s, Michael’s, Tess’ and your emotions this morning.” Isabel began patiently. “My head was like voice central with all different kinds of feelings. I was not even able to differentiate mine from others. It turned off after a while and I could sense only Michael’s, Tess’ and your feelings though not much of theirs as yours. But when I came home, I started feeling Mom and dad’s concern over me. And add to that your feelings of guilt it became too much for me to stay down.”

“I am sorry Izzy.”

“For what? For feeling?”

“No. I mean…” Max stuttered not knowing what to say and Isabel smirked.

“Everyone has a right to feel Max.”

“So how are you now?” Max asked.

“Better, I can still sense your emotions but I think I will get used to it if the only emotion you do feel is guilt.” Isabel said wryly

Max shrugged sheepishly and asked, “So this power of yours, it switches on and off? And now you are able to feel the aliens’ emotions non-stop with or without the block?”

“Pretty much yes speaking of which, I felt something weird from Michael just after he broke from the mind-warp.” Isabel said.

“What?” Max asked curiously.

“I am not sure but I think I suddenly sensed two different kind of emotions from Michael.” Isabel said contemplating.

Upon Max’s blank look, she clarified, “I sensed fear initially from Michael before the mind-warp but it was more of a dread for someone else than himself. Then after the mind-warp, I sensed curiosity and concern along with the fear. It was as if there were emotions of two people coming from one person. Then I think Michael realized I was feeling those things coz suddenly he panicked even more and then nothing. He put up his block again.”

“Ah…so you think…?” Max left his question hanging not understanding what Isabel was trying to tell.

“I don’t know what I think.” Isabel said frustrated. “I just know that Michael is hiding something from us. Unless he knew it was a mind-warp he wouldn’t try to break out of it. So if he didn’t know it was a mind-warp then how did he break out of it? It doesn’t make sense and he also doesn’t give straight answers to us.”

“I know something is not right. Maybe we can corner him tomorrow after school during practice.”

When Isabel nodded speculatively, Max suddenly became worried.

“Iz, promise me that you won’t dream-walk him” Max asked urgently.

“Why would you think that?” Isabel evaded not looking at him.

“I am not thinking that. I know that’s what you are planning. You cannot do that Isabel. I don’t trust him and he is dangerous. Who knows what he might do if he finds you in his dreams? Besides after your last dream-walk experience I would think that…”

“Fine, Fine. Okay Maria.” Isabel interrupted Max, rolling her eyes at the way he pulled a Maria. “I won’t dream-walk him till you tell me to. Alright?”

When Max nodded and started to get up, Isabel asked, “So what did you talk to Tess about?” Referring to when Max had spoken to Tess in the morning alone.

“I warned her for the last time not to try her mind-games on humans anymore.” Max said.

“And?” Isabel prodded when Max seemed to pause.

“She apologized for before and said she wouldn’t do it anymore.” Max said.

“Must have been some order,” Isabel said. “Night Max.”

“Night Iz” Max said distractedly closing her door wondering why suddenly Tess apologized and accepted her fault without arguing. ‘A lot of things are not making sense.’ Max thought thinking of Tess and Michael.


The next morning at school:

“I really love the first day of school.” Alex started. “New classes, new courses, new books…what’s the matter Maria?” He asked concerned when he found Maria silently walking beside him without making any comments to what he said.

They both were going to the courtyard in front of the school. Usually, he, Maria and Max hung out under a tree before school started most often joined by Tess and Isabel. Alex looked towards the tree and saw Kyle and Tess conversely cheerfully while Isabel stood a little away from them. Isabel was wearing black jeans with a light blue v-necked top and a simple chain around her neck with matching earrings. Alex thought she looked gorgeous. He frowned when he saw Isabel pressing her head with her fingers every once in a while.

“Max is still mad and not talking.” Maria’s dull voice drew his attention away from Isabel.

“Of course he is mad Maria. But he is Max and before you know he will be again talking with us.” Alex said trying to sound cheerful.

“This is different Alex. I left many messages on his phone yesterday but he didn’t answer even once. What if he doesn’t forgive us? And doesn’t speak to us at all. ” Maria started wringing her hands in worry.

“Maria. Calm down,” Alex said putting his hands on top of hers to stop the agitated movement.

“He was really scared yesterday when he saw Michael blasting you and then me coming in banging on the doors didn’t help matters any. And you know Max. He is feeling really guilty. Just give him some time and space.” Alex soothed her.

Alex then saw Liz being dropped off at the entrance of the school by her mother.

“Hey, there’s Liz. When did she come back? Come on. Let’s go say hi to her. She must be feeling scared being this is her first day in school and all.” He then dragged a reluctant Maria with him towards Liz.

“Liz honey, are you sure you are alright?” Nancy Parker asked her daughter concerned about her health.

Liz looked very pale and there were dark circles around her eyes. It was apparent that Liz hadn’t slept properly the night before if at all she did sleep. The previous afternoon in Albuquerque in their hotel room, Liz had suddenly become scared and after a few minutes had started crying saying something incoherently. Jeff had been at a meeting and Nancy couldn’t contact him. Liz had tried calling someone by phone and when she received no answer she had become hysterical and Nancy didn’t know what to do. She had repeatedly asked Liz what the matter was but Liz had refused to answer her crying inconsolably. By the time Jeff returned in the evening, Liz had stopped crying but Nancy was still very worried seeing Liz pacing back and forth muttering something.

Liz had suddenly asked them for her grandma Claudia’s number but they were not able to speak with her as she had gone to a dig and there were no phones available at the site. So after leaving a message at the hotel where Claudia was staying to call them back as soon as possible, Jeff had started back to Roswell still very concerned about Liz. Nancy finally convinced Liz to sleep in the car.

“Jeff, I am really scared for her. These are not like her usual nightmares.” Nancy said looking back to see Liz sleeping fitfully muttering something.

“Did she say what happened?” Jeff asked Nancy worried looking back in the rearview mirror at Liz.

“No, she wouldn’t say anything.” Nancy paused for a minute. “Jeff, this is exactly like…” Nancy stopped unable to continue, but Jeff knew what she was thinking about.

They had never seen Liz so panic-stricken and terrified except for that one time before. He shuddered to think what had happened then but at that time they knew that Liz would eventually be all right because there was…

“No, not Michael. Xan…” Liz suddenly muttered twisting.

Nancy’s eyes filled with tears and she looked at her husband fearfully, “You think maybe something happened to…”

“No!” Jeffrey interrupted her harshly his knuckles turning white from clutching the steering wheel tightly.

“But she has always known if something happened…”

“He is fine.” Jeff once again interrupted her. “He is fine,” he repeated once again trying to convince himself and Nancy.

“Both Liz and Michael will be fine,” he continued softly thinking of the boy he and Nancy had come to regard as their own son who had left them last December saying something about keeping them safe. Looking at Liz he prayed for her sake that Michael is fine.

Seeing Liz getting out of the car, Nancy stopped her and said, “I can come with you to get your schedule and then we can go home. You can rest today and attend school tomorrow Liz.”

“I am fine mom,” Liz said lifelessly.

“Of course you are. Come on, I will come…”

“Mom, no!” Liz raised her voice suddenly looking around her.

She then said firmly, “I am fine now. I…I have to do something. I just can’t sit around waiting…” she trailed off.

Nancy understood. “Honey, you promise to call me if you want to come home?”

“Yeah. See you wouldn’t have to worry about picking me up or dropping me off, if you and dad had bought me a car like I mentioned.” Liz smiled hoping to ease her mother’s worries. “Its not too late you know.”

Nancy smiled at her, “We will see young lady. Now go. See you in the evening.”

Liz got out of the car and waved to her mother but as soon as her mother drove away, her smile dropped from her face and she turned back feeling the familiar dread in her stomach that had been present since yesterday afternoon.

“Hey Liz.” Liz looked up to see Alex and Maria standing in front of her smiling.

When Alex looked at her pale face, he said, “Liz, you look terr…OW,” he yelled clutching his side where Maria had elbowed him.

“Good.” Maria finished brightly glaring at Alex who was definitely about to say the truth.

“Yeah. Well, I got to go to the office. So…”Liz trailed off not in the mood to talk with anyone.

“If you want any help…”Alex began but Liz had already turned and left.

“Rude much?” Maria said sarcastically to Liz’s back.

“Maria.” Alex said exasperated.

“What?” Maria bit out.” You saw…”

“She is not feeling well Maria.” Alex interrupted her.

When Maria snorted, he continued on, “She is obviously worried and wasn’t in the mood to talk with us.”

“That girl is like okay one minute talking with us and everything and then cold the next minute ignoring us completely. I don’t know what her problem is.” She said walking towards Tess, Isabel and Kyle with Alex following her.

“Just let her be, Maria.” Alex said wearily.


By this time they had reached their spot but there was still no sign of Max.

“Hi guys. Hi Isabel.” Alex said softly.

“Hi Alex.” Isabel said smiling at him.

“Where’s Max?” Maria asked looking at Isabel.

“Had a lover’s spat?” Tess asked sweetly and Maria gritted her teeth wishing she was an alien and had death rays right now.

“Nice look Alice.” Kyle mocked Alex who was wearing black baggy pants with a long chain hanging from the side and a loose grayish t-shirt. A jacket with some more little chains from the pocket completed his ensemble.

“Very funny Valenti.” Alex said then closed his eyes with his hands yelling dramatically, “My eyes! My eyes! Ah…I am blind! I ran into a pole. How much more stupid can I get?” Mocking Kyle who was wearing sunglasses even though there was no sun and it was in the 60’s.

Kyle stiffened, once again lamenting the fates for having Maria the blabbermouth as a stepsister. Kyle had worn the glasses to hide the bruise on his eye that he supposedly got by running into a pole while jogging in the morning. He had tried to get into his house without running into anyone but Maria had seen him and soon his dad and Amy surrounded him. He cursed his luck. This was supposed to be a confidential matter between him and his family. It wasn’t as if he could wear glasses in his classes throughout the day, but he had planned on telling everyone about a glorious fight in which he emerged victorious with only the bruise compared to the other 4 guys. But now thanks to Maria, his run-in with the pole was all over the school. Still, it was better than the truth that a chick, a girl, had hit him, Kyle mused.

“He went to the office to get both our schedules.” Isabel answered Maria laughing at Alex’s antics.

“Are you fine now?” Alex asked Isabel concerned.

“Much better.” Isabel said softly now that you are here, she added mentally.

Isabel had panicked in the morning about coming to school scared of feeling everyone’s emotions and she had told Max that she wasn’t coming to school today. Max had then asked her how long she was planning on avoiding people to which Isabel had remained silent. He had then continued on, saying that unless she learnt to control her powers she will always be hiding from everyone and the only way to control it was by facing it. He had finally convinced her to come to school saying that they could ask Michael or Tess how to go about putting blocks around her head and then practice that. It was apparent to both Max and Isabel that once Isabel’s power advances, she would be able to feel all the emotions, not only the strong ones, from both aliens and humans and she could possibly overcome blocks also.

After arriving at school, Max had gone to get their schedules from the office while Isabel was waiting with Tess at their usual spot. Kyle had joined them a while later and she was beginning to feel a headache coming on listening to Kyle’s jumbled emotions. She couldn’t feel much from Tess, which meant that girl had a block in her head. Suddenly Isabel had felt a calming presence drowning out the other emotions and had looked up to see Alex coming towards her with Maria.

“It’s all that Michael’s fault.” Maria burst out suddenly startling Alex and the others. “The next time I see that jerk, I am going to give…”

Suddenly Maria stopped ranting, seeing Michael parking his bike in the school lot. She strode towards him determinedly with Alex following her trying to prevent matters from getting out of hand. He didn’t want Max to get angrier with them and besides Michael seemed to be a bit unstable. He wouldn’t say to anyone but he had been terrified yesterday when Michael had shaken him like a doll. But he wouldn’t let Maria deal with him alone.

“This should be interesting.” Kyle said looking on curiously with Isabel and Tess.


Liz suddenly tensed on her way to the office feeling a familiar prickling on her mind. She stopped, feeling a little ray of hope. She looked around her but not seeing anything she continued walking thinking over what had happened. But the feeling seemed to go away, so she started walking back the way she had come. The more she walked the stronger the feeling got. Suddenly she stopped sensing something, no someone, someone she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

“It can’t be.” She whispered shocked but her heart told her otherwise.

She started walking faster towards the school entrance.


Michael parked his bike and paused for a moment feeling a faint tugging on his mind. He turned around and came face to face with an irate Maria and a scared Alex.

He looked behind them to find Isabel, Tess and Kyle standing a few yards from them. He suddenly felt disappointed thinking he had only felt Isabel and Tess. He then smirked seeing the scared look on Alex.

“What are you smirking at, you big oaf?” Maria demanded.

“Nothing.” Michael said looking at Maria speculatively wondering why he couldn’t scare her.

Michael had never met anyone like her. When she had started hitting him yesterday even after knowing what he could do to her with just a flick of his wrist, he had been shocked and pleased that she was not scared of what he was. Feisty, brave and cute with a nice temper, she was his match except that she was taken. His heart gave a sudden lurch at that thought. No, that’s not it, Michael convinced himself. He was just worried that she would now be in danger because of Max and him. Yeah, he was only worried about her, nothing else. Now he would have to protect her also, Michael thought, as if he had nothing else to do than protecting the humans or the King for that matter.

Seeing the way he was looking at her, Maria suddenly got nervous and searched for her oil in her bag.

Ah… So she is scared,” Michael thought gleefully watching her search frantically for something in her bag.

Maria found her cypress oil, removed the vial and started sniffing it immediately calming down.

“Oh, so you’re a druggie?” Michael asked as if that explained everything.

“What?” Maria asked surprised and looked to see an equally confused Alex.

“Listen I don’t have time for this and I don’t do drugs.” Michael said impatiently looking around suddenly feeling restless for some reason.

“Drugs?” Alex asked blankly.

“Drugs?” Maria repeated then her face darkened when she realized what Michael was thinking. “This is Cypress oil for calming down the nerves idiot. These are not drugs.”

“Whatever.” Michael said disinterestedly.

“No you listen Spiky.” Maria began.

“Spiky?” Michael said unconsciously touching his hair.

“Maria.” Alex hissed feeling the situation turning out-of-control.

“Yes Spiky, and I don’t even want to know what you do or don’t do to keep it like that,” Maria said looking up at his hair distastefully. “I want you to apologize to me, Alex and Kyle for trying to kill us yesterday and…”

“Apologize?” Michael interrupted her and then continued in anger, “Its not my fault you idiots butted in where you were not wanted.”

“I demand an apology!” Maria said dangerously her index finger poking Michael’s chest. “And you better stop guilt tripping Max and convince him…”

Michael suddenly stiffened tuning her out and turned back feeling anticipation race through him.

“I am talking here Michael. I am not finished yet!” Maria shouted behind him, but he seemed to not hear her and started walking towards the entrance.

Maria started to go after him, but Alex stopped her and said, “Maria. Something isn’t right here. I don’t think he heard you.”

“Just let go of me and I will show you for sure whether he heard me or not.” Maria said angrily.

“What’s going on?” Max asked jogging up beside them.

Max had been coming towards their tree when he had suddenly seen Maria and Alex talking with Michael. More like fighting if the way Maria had been poking at Michael’s chest was any indication. He quickly hurried towards them.

“Maria was talking with Michael when he suddenly stiffened and walked away.” Alex explained.

“He did it deliberately.” Maria fumed.

“What is he doing?” Kyle asked.

Kyle, Isabel and Tess had by now joined Max, Maria and Alex and they were all staring at Michael who seemed to suddenly stop about 10 feet away from the entrance and was now just watching it intently.

“Liz.” Max whispered reverently.

“What?” Maria asked looking at Max, and then everyone followed his gaze to the girl standing at the entrance of the school.

Liz couldn’t breath fearing that he would disappear from her sight if she did. “He is fine. He is fine.” That was the only thought going through her mind.

“Liz.” Michael whispered with joy seeing her after nearly 9 months and smiled softly.

He then took a step towards her but before he could take another, Liz flew down the stairs and threw herself in his arms hugging him tightly as if he would vanish if she released him.

“You’re fine. You’re fine.” She whispered and then the tears that she had valiantly held since last evening came pouring down her face.


A/N: Hope you all liked the part. Feedback is much appreciated guys :)
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Hey everyone :D thank you all for your feedback. I will try to answer some of your questions

its a long way before anyone finds out the truth about Liz and Michael's connection and nope Isabel won't be able to feel Liz :D
Liz will find out soon about Max and Maria's charade :D

Thanks everyone once again for your great feedback. I am really glad new readers are also enjoying this fic.

And thanks to my beta Behrsgirl77.

Hope you all like the new part. Please leave feedback.


Part 15

She is beautiful,” Max thought seeing Liz standing at the entrance of the school.

Liz was wearing a black caprice and a red top that seemed to mold itself to her body and a jacket. She was having her backpack on her shoulder and each time she moved, a bit of tantalizing skin between her short top and her caprice was revealed to his eyes. Though she looked a bit pale, he still thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. So intent was he on looking at Liz, that he didn’t notice Michael or Liz staring at each other.

“Do they know each other?” Alex’s puzzled voice drew Max away from his trance.

A second later his question was answered when they saw Liz running down the small set of stairs and hugging Michael tightly. They saw Michael smile, the first genuine smile since he came and then close his eyes and embrace her back just as firmly.

Kyle whistled, “Wow! No wonder he doesn’t want to follow destiny.”

Tess glared at him and Kyle shot back surprised, “What? Don’t tell me you guys never wondered why he didn’t want Isabel?”

At this both Isabel and Maria shot him a dirty look.

“Yeah, I did!” Alex said absently still looking at Liz and Michael and then turned to find Isabel and Maria glaring at him.

“What? I wasn’t the one who said that,” he said defensively.

Isabel was suddenly hit by an intense wave of jealousy and she looked surprised at Max who was clenching his hands tightly staring at Liz and Michael. His expressive eyes were however unreadable. She knew Max liked Liz but his reaction apparently proved that it was more than an infatuation. How did this happen when Max hadn’t even spoken more than 2 times to her? Isabel wondered frowning.

They saw Michael leaning down and kissing Liz on the forehead.

“What is the matter with all of you associating with humans?” Tess asked disgusted.

“Unbelievable after all his stupid speeches of putting us in danger. Hypocrite!” Maria said angrily completely ignoring whatever Tess said.

“Yeah” Kyle agreed with her and Alex also nodded his head.

“Max” Isabel softly said feeling his sudden anger, hurt and confusion.

At that Maria and Alex turned to look at Max who suddenly turned away from Liz and Michael.

“Here’s your schedule” Max handed a paper to Isabel not looking at anyone. “I…I got to go.”

He didn’t know what he would do if he stood there for another minute. His heart twisted painfully when he saw Liz hugging Michael and he struggled to control his sudden anger at Michael. He wanted to rip Liz off from Michael and keep her far away from Michael and the other aliens. How could Michael put her in danger after lecturing him about it many times? He hadn’t known about the danger he was putting Maria and Alex in by being with them but Michael knew, he knows. Max clenched his fingers. How dare he hug her like this where everyone including the skins could see them? Sure he liked Liz but you don’t see him hugging her or kissing her like that. He kept his distance even before he knew the danger and now it’s even more important that Michael keep away from her since the skins know about Michael and are searching for him.


“I missed you,” Michael said opening his eyes to look at Liz and kissed her forehead hugging her tightly.

“Ditto” Liz mumbled from his shoulder.

She then pulled back a little but still kept her hands around his waist and looked up at him tearfully, “I thought something happened to you.”

“Nope” Michael said softly brushing her tears away with his fingers. “Nothing…” Michael continued then stopped and looked at her surprised.

“What happened to your eyes?” He touched her eyelids and then he glanced at her hair shocked. “And your hair?” He started running his hands through her reddish-brown hair.

“I just thought I would go for a different look” Liz mumbled, then teased, “At least my hair’s good Spiky,” touching Michael’s spiked hair.

“Hey, I will have you know this is considered to be the latest fashion now,” Michael said smugly.

“Yeah right.” Liz chuckled.

“Hey move it.” Somebody shouted at them and a group of teenagers went rushing into the school.

“Lets go. Come on, ” Liz then said looking at Michael.

Michael looked shocked for a moment, “What? Liz Parker cutting school?”

“Jerk.” Liz said good-naturedly knowing he was teasing her.

Michael laughed and then put his hands around her shoulders and led her away to the quad.


“Looks like they are definitely more than friends” Kyle said and everyone turned to look at school entrance to see Michael running his hands through Liz’s hair and Liz smiling at him affectionately.

Max glared at Kyle and then at Michael.

“Max, you alright?” Alex asked concerned when he saw Max’s stiff stance and the way he clenched and unclenched his fists.

Max turned and then scowled at Alex thinking of the way he was laughing with Liz at the Crashdown. He should be the one making her laugh not Alex and he should be the one hugging her now and running his hands through her hair not Michael. He has to keep Liz away from Michael and Alex. Period. No one is going to put her in danger. He needed to have a talk with Michael soon.

“Max” Isabel said touching his arm then gasped.

Max suddenly realized that Isabel could feel his emotions and jerked his arm from her grasp. He mumbled “Later” and walked away trying to gain control of his thoughts.

“What’s the matter with His Highness now?” Kyle asked while everyone stared at Max walking away puzzled.

“Nothing.” Isabel said angrily, “He just needs to cool down and think with the head on his shoulders.”

When Alex, Maria and Tess moved as if to follow him, “Trust me guys. He needs to be alone. Besides he is still angry with you guys. And he doesn’t want to see any of you now.” Isabel said looking at each of them in turn.

Isabel couldn’t believe that her normally sane, calm brother was thinking like a caveman, that he thinks just like the other guys at school. Apparently he is more human than she thought. She had accidentally caught on to his thoughts when she had touched his arm and to say that she was surprised was an understatement. His anger at Michael made sense as Michael was consciously putting Liz in danger but his anger at Alex didn’t. While she herself wasn’t that pleased to see Alex and Liz laughing at the Crashdown she didn’t act like a jealous idiot about it. At least she knew Alex and was friends with him but the same couldn’t be said about Max and Liz, yet Max was thinking as if Liz is his girlfriend. “Max is being irrational and if he really thinks he can control Michael, well he is in for a rude surprise,” Isabel thought frowning.

“Hey where did they go?” Kyle asked suddenly directing everyone’s attention away from Max.

Liz and Michael were obviously not the center of attention now and all of them looked around for Liz and Michael.

“Come on, there are only so many places they can be. Let’s search.” Maria said and started moving towards the quad before anyone could stop her.

A few seconds later both Kyle and Tess followed her. Alex looked at Isabel expectantly.

“Oh! What the hell? Let’s go,” Isabel then dragged Alex with her.


Liz once again hugged Michael after they reached a secluded spot in the quad.

“I still cannot believe you are here,” She said.

“Me too Ri…” Michael started but when Liz unconsciously stiffened in his arms, he swiftly amended, “Liz. Me too,” and Liz relaxed once again.

“So why were you so scared yesterday?” Liz questioned him softly with her face in his shirt.

Michael said casually, “I wasn’t,” while mentally he started cursing Tess.

Liz moved away from his arms and looked at him intently trying to read him and Michael shifted uncomfortably under her stare trying his best to not to look away from her. That would be a dead giveaway that he is lying.

But he was also happy to see her like this. The last time he saw Liz, she had nearly been in a catatonic state, just going through the motions of her life and he had been really scared for her. He had thought he had lost his Liz but he should have known better. Liz is a fighter; she always has been, right from childhood. But she looked different somehow, the usually innocent naïve look replaced by a wiser and hardened one and if he looked close enough he could still see the sadness in her eyes one that couldn’t be hidden or gone completely. He suspected that she could read the same thing in his eyes too.

“Quit lying Michael.” Liz said calmly, a bit too calm for Michael’s tastes.

“I am not lying.” Michael said firmly looking everywhere but at her.

Liz knew that he would not give her the answer, so she changed her question. “Okay. Why are you here?” She asked him.

“What? Now I need a reason to see you?” Michael scoffed at her.

“Where were you all these months?”

When Michael remained silent, she demanded, “Michael, tell me the truth,” her relief at finding him safe gradually turning into anger at his lies.

“I was in LA.”

“LA? Doing what? Playing detective?” Liz asked sarcastically.

“No, going to an art school.” When Liz snorted, Michael asked defensively, “Look, I missed you and came here to see you. Is that too hard for you to believe?”

“No. It’s not,” Liz said softly knowing that Michael only got defensive to hide his hurt and then continued accusingly, “I missed you too except that you were definitely not in LA and I have been missing you for the past 8 months but you come to see me now?”

“For God’s sakes, you weren’t even in the country Liz. What could I do?” Michael snapped annoyed ignoring the part about him not being in LA.

“And whose fault is that?” Liz shot back furious.

When Michael looked up at her surprised, Liz scoffed, “What? Didn’t think I would figure out your stupid conspiracy with Grandma to take me with her to Egypt? Of all the places, Egypt?”

When Michael shrugged with a seemingly puzzled look on his face, Liz continued angrily, “Was that the best you could come up with? God Michael what were you thinking? Oh! Yeah I forgot you don’t have the capability to think.” Liz bit out sarcastically.

Michael stiffened at the insult but tried to rein in his temper. He knew what she was trying to do. Rile him enough so that he slips up. He wasn’t going to fall for that again. This was a new and improved Michael one who wouldn’t fall for such obvious tricks.

“I have no idea what you are talking about Liz” Michael denied calmly.

Liz continued on as if she didn’t hear him barely suppressing her temper, “What I still cannot figure out is how you got out of it? I know for sure that you were supposed to come with me and grandma. So what happened?”

Michael tried to look confused which Liz saw right through. “I still don’t know what you are talking about” Michael once again denied.

“I bet you also didn’t have anything to do with my parents relocating from California to Roswell, to Roswell Michael, the alien capital of the world, huh?”

Michael held his hands up trying to calm her down, “Okay. Now I really don’t know what you are talking about.” When Liz snorted, Michael continued truthfully, “Believe me. I swear I didn’t have anything to do this time Liz.”

“So you did have something to do the other times?” Liz asked him shrewdly.

Damn’ Michael mentally cursed himself and got angry for getting caught.


By the time they found them, Michael and Liz were standing apart and judging by the stiff stance of Liz, Isabel could that she was controlling her anger but could let go at any moment.

“She is really angry.” Isabel said looking at them.

“I would be too if I had to talk with him for 5 minutes continuously” Maria said seriously.

“Nah. She is just standing calmly,” Kyle said.

Alex added, “Yeah. She doesn’t seem to be angry.”

“Believe me. I have seen Max look like this one too many times. Its just the calm before the explosion.” Isabel said gravely.

A second later Isabel was proven right.


“What happened yesterday Michael? Why were you scared for me?” Liz once again went back to yesterday when Michael remained silent.

“Michael I felt you yesterday. You reached for me and I could feel you for a minute.” Liz continued growing angrier by the minute by Michael’s silence.

“I told you I wasn’t scared. Jesus. What is with all these questions? Are you PMSing?” Michael asked frustrated and barely holding onto his temper.

By this time about a couple of students had gathered around them and some more were looking at them. One of the jocks reached towards Liz and Michael thinking that Liz obviously needed someone’s help and he was just that someone.

“Hey babe! Need any help?”

Liz and Michael turned to see a typical jock wearing a Roswell High’s Comet Jacket coming towards Liz and glaring menacingly at Michael.

Simultaneously both of them yelled, “Fuck Off!” and the couple of students gathered there backed away. Michael looked up at Liz shocked to hear such words from her.

“I am what?” Liz asked Michael dangerously calm.

Michael desperately tried to defuse the situation. “Look. I am sorry. I wanted to know what you were doing. It was just for fun. I…” Michael stopped suddenly seeing the glint in Liz’s eyes and he stepped back a little thinking he might have gone a bit far.

“You think?” Liz asked him and when Michael looked up at her surprised, he was met with a fist to his nose.


“Yes” Maria and Isabel simultaneously yelled and looked at one another in surprise while Tess scowled.

“Ouch! That must hurt real bad,” Alex said sympathetically looking at Michael to see him holding his nose.

“I will say. That girl has a mean right hook,” Kyle said unconsciously touching his eye.

“Oh My God” Maria said looking at Kyle surprised who immediately removed his hand from his eye.

“What?” Alex asked puzzled.

“Oh My God,” Maria once again then suddenly burst out laughing staring at Kyle. “You didn’t run into a pole today morning.”

“Maria, What are you talking about?” Isabel asked while everyone looked at Maria as if she had gone crazy.

“Yes I did” Kyle scowled.

“No you didn’t” Maria said still laughing. “Liz hit him.”

“What?” Alex asked surprised and then quickly took off Kyle’s glasses from his eyes.

“Hey” Kyle shouted angrily and covered his eye but everyone had seen a big bruise just below his left eye.

Alex started laughing and Isabel and Tess started giggling.

“I knew even you weren’t that stupid to run into a pole,” Maria said holding her sides in laughter.

“Kyle Valenti, Captain of basketball team, star of wrestling team and quarterback of football team hit by a girl?” Alex exclaimed delighted. “Man, I wish I had been there to see it.”

Everyone laughed while Kyle fumed in anger. It was not his fault that the girl was mentally unbalanced and hit him. He had finally stepped out of the house after his grounding to jog and when he had glimpsed the new girl that he had been dying to meet, he couldn’t resist the opportunity to flirt a bit. How was he supposed to know that she was in a real bad mood that morning? He had thought of backing off when she bitched at him but then he had seen her efforts to not cry and had asked her what was wrong and whether he could help her. She had unfortunately misunderstood his actions and the result was a black eye. He knew he would never live this down. He mentally cursed unstable chicks and even more than that, blabbermouth stepsisters.

“Wow!” Isabel suddenly said impressed looking at Liz and Michael. “Cool moves.”

“Yeah. Go Liz” Maria shouted.

Kyle whistled in appreciation while Alex looked at the scene with his jaw open.

Tess scowled thinking of having a talk with Michael soon about the ridiculous way he was allowing a human to hit him.


“Shit! Liz! What did you do that for? It hurts.” Michael yelled clutching his nose.

“Good” Liz said with a tremor in her voice.

Michael looked up at Liz and was dismayed to find tears in her eyes. He could never bear to see her cry. “Aw…Liz” Michael began.

But Liz interrupted him, “Do you have any idea what it felt like to me when you shut me out abruptly? I thought you had, you had…” she couldn’t complete it.

When she once again brought her right fist close to him, he caught it in his hand and twisted her right arm but lightly so that she wouldn’t feel any pain and pinned her arm to her back. He then brought his left hand around her body and held her left arm against her stomach.

“Let go of me” Liz said struggling.

“No. I want you to listen to me and if this is the only way, you will then it’s okay with me. I am really sorry Liz. I didn’t think…”

That is obvious” Liz interrupted him mocking.

But before Michael could continue, Liz brought her right heel of her foot strongly on his foot and when Michael cursed loosening his grip on her, she gave him a punch to his stomach with her left elbow. At this point, Michael completely let go of her clutching his stomach. By this time a crowd had gathered around them cheering.

Liz came closer to him and hissed angrily, “I felt your stupid fear and then nothing. I couldn’t feel you after that no matter how much I tried. You asshole! I feared I would never see you again and you tell me you did it for fun? Next time think of a better excuse or better yet tell the truth.”

“Liz…” Michael never saw the fist coming and the next second he was groaning on the ground and Liz was nowhere to be seen.

He looked up angrily at the crowd and said standing up unsteadily, “Get the hell away from here. Fuck off!”

The crowd cleared away and Michael painfully limped inside the school cursing Tess, cursing the fact that he couldn’t heal these as everyone had seen it and cursing Xan for teaching Liz to fight. By the time he came out of the restroom trying his best to fix the wounds internally but not externally so that they would still be visible, the first hour was half over and he had not even gone to the office to get his schedule.

“At least something’s aren’t new.” Michael mumbled to himself as he went to the office.


“Okay. He gets hit by her, he falls down, he is in pain and she runs crying inside?” Kyle asked bewildered looking at the others.

“Maybe she feels bad for hitting him.” Isabel said staring at the place long after Liz had gone from there.

“Why would she be? I would be jumping up and down if I had done that to him.” Maria said happily looking at Michael telling others to clear away.

“Max missed all the good stuff.” Alex said just as happy.

“I cannot believe he let a pathetic human beat him like this. What was he thinking?” Tess asked looking at Michael shocked.

“He was thinking that he couldn’t use his powers in front of everyone, that he could easily take a girl on and finally he failed.” Maria said triumphantly looking at Tess.

“Not all powers are visible to others.” Tess said snottily, “I would have handled it just fine.” She finished and went away.

“That bitch would have mind-warped the entire school if possible,” Maria said looking at Tess’ back glowering.

“I am on the Sunshine Committee so if I go just now I might catch Liz and give her a tour,” Isabel said looking at her watch.

“Let me also come with you. I really want to congratulate her,” Maria said looking at Isabel earnestly.

“Sure. Bye Alex” Isabel said warmly and both the girls went chattering away happily.

“Wow! Hard to believe that a week ago they couldn’t even stand each other, huh?” Kyle asked looking at them.

“Yeah, who would believe that Michael Guerin did a good thing by coming here?” Alex said laughing.


“Here she comes.” Maria said seeing Liz coming out of the office room holding a schedule in her hand. The first hour had started about 10 minutes ago.

“Hey Liz!” Isabel and Maria said with identical grins on their faces.

Liz mentally groaned when she saw them. She knew something wasn’t right when the counselor told her that two of the girls had volunteered just to show her around the school and one of them was the president of the Sunshine Committee herself. She had a suspicion that it would be these two considering she knew only three girls in this whole stupid school and Tess definitely wouldn’t be volunteering to show her around the school.

Must be my lucky day” Liz thought sarcastically looking at them and forcing a smile.

“You are the President of the Sunshine Committee?” Liz asked Isabel.

“How did you guess?” Isabel said her smile not faltering.

“Just a lucky guess” Liz mumbled wondering how long could Isabel keep up her smile.

“Give us your schedule. We can see whether we have any classes together.” Maria said brightly almost grabbing the schedule from her hands.

“What is your locker number?” Isabel asked Liz and after seeing the number, she started walking towards in the direction of the lockers.

“Its lucky yours is on the same floor as ours and yours is closer to Maria’s,” Isabel said beaming at Liz.

Maria squealed at this and Liz nearly had a heart attack. “This is so exciting.” Maria said looking at Liz.

“Wonderful” Liz said feeling anything but that.

Maria then squealed again and both Isabel and Liz winced at the sound.

“We all have 4th hour together just before lunch.” Maria said excitedly. “In fact I think even Alex and Max are in our class at the 4th hour. So we can have lunch with the whole gang.”

“Cool.” Isabel said still beaming.

Liz looked horrified but when Isabel turned to her, she quickly masked her look.

“This is your locker.” Isabel said.

“Thanks. I can handle it from here” Liz snapped and tried to get her schedule from Maria’s hands.

“Nonsense chica.” Maria said ignoring her tone and Liz looked at her thinking what the hell was happening here?

“We love to help.” Isabel added happily.

Now Liz was beginning to feel sick of Isabel’s smile and wished she could smack it off her face.

“Let’s see. Oh both you and Isabel have study hour now. You seem to have mostly AP classes” Maria said frowning, “Both me and Isabel aren’t that bright.”

“Oh. That’s really bad.” Liz said shaking her head though both Maria and Isabel could detect the sarcastic hint in her tone.

Both of them ignored it already having decided that Liz wouldn’t make it easier for them. But they were both on a mission and were determined to know about her and Michael. They were going to get closer to her and no one was going to stop them.

“Yeah.” Isabel said, then continued cheerfully, “but both my brother and Alex are in the advanced classes so you will have no problem.”

Maria closely looked at Liz to see her reaction but other than a slight widening of her eyes, Liz remained silent.

“So how do you know Michael?” Isabel asked her casually when they started walking again.

Liz stopped suddenly in her tracks and looked at them puzzled, “Michael?”

Both Isabel and Maria were walking on and Liz hurried to follow them.

“Yeah. You know the guy you were fighting with at the entrance of the school?” Isabel asked. “Great moves by the way,” Isabel added.

“Hey, we have 2nd hour together.” Maria started oblivious to Isabel’s questions.

Liz looked from Isabel to Maria and then, back to Isabel confused whether Maria had even heard Isabel asking the question.

“Are you friends with him?” Isabel asked her.

“I think you have 3rd hour and 5th with Alex…” Maria continued on.

“How do you know about Michael?” Liz interrupted Maria, her eyes narrowed at Isabel.

“Oh, I waited on him at the Crashdown. He really is very rude.” Maria butted in.

“He is not.” Liz defended him immediately. “Now if you will excuse me, I have to get to class.” Liz then grabbed her schedule from Maria’s hands and smiled fakely at Maria and Isabel, “Thanks for your help.”

She then turned and started walking away from them. Maria and Isabel looked at each other in surprise. They had planned this carefully wanting to ask her more questions and had thought that she would answer them in confusion but they didn’t expect her to defend Michael. In fact they had thought that Liz would gladly join them in bashing him. Looks like they were wrong.

“Ok. I got to go. You work on her during the 2nd and inform Alex about the 3rd. We will meet during English,” Isabel said to Maria.

“Right.” Maria said and both of them hurried to their classes determined to put their plan into motion.


A.N.: Will be back with the next part by the next weekend.
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Post by foreverdreamer15 »

Hey everyone, sorry for not posting during the weekend but the new part's here :D Thank you for your feedback

stardreamer323: All your questions will be answered in due time but it will take quite a few chapters Liz's and Michael's past is revealed :) And no unfortunately nothing really bad is gonna happen to the gerbil yet :lol: but she will definitely get what she deserves.

Hope you all love the new part too and special thanks to my beta Behrsgirl77 for quick betaing :)


Part 16a

Liz mentally groaned when she entered her English class and found Isabel and Maria grinning at her. Maria was waving her hand gesturing Liz to come and sit with them. Yeah, right. As if that’s gonna happen, Liz snorted. A few seats behind them she found Tess glaring at her and Liz rolled her eyes and sat in the front far away from them.

Kyle looked cautiously at Liz from his place among the jocks. Thanks to Maria, the news that Liz Parker had hit him had spread like wildfire and now after taking one look at the tiny girl who couldn’t hurt a fly, exact words of his teammates and fellow jocks, everyone was snickering looking between him and the new girl. Kyle scowled in their direction and wished he were sitting somewhere else.

“Hey Liz” Someone said from her left and Liz turned back to see Alex Whitman smiling at her.

“Hi” Liz said warily beginning to suspect that there was a conspiracy going on around her to ensure that she was never without Isabel, Alex, or Maria in her classes.

Isabel had been in her first hour but thankfully Liz had only been in the class for about 10 minutes before it was over. Liz had surprisingly felt peaceful, considering the fact that Isabel was sitting right next to her trying to engage her in mindless conversation that somehow always ended up with the amazing fight she had had with Michael. Liz would have become suspicious of Isabel’s interest in Michael if Isabel’s cronies sitting around them hadn’t agreed with Isabel and tried their best to glean information about Liz and Michael. Liz then dismissed it as their insatiable need for some gossip. Of course the minute Liz figured out the reason for her calmness was due to the presence of a 6-feet tall Adonis with amazing amber-eyes and cute ears, she had predictably freaked out and hurried out the minute the bell rang.

Liz’s second hour with Maria didn’t go any better. If at all this girl seemed worse than Isabel to Liz but fortunately Liz already anticipating this arrived late to the class and took a seat far away from Maria Deluca. Unfortunately, she had received numerous notes from behind that one-minute asked about her and Michael, the next described the weather and the next gave information on the latest school gossip. It was a miracle that they hadn’t been caught.

During her 3rd hour, Liz had cautiously looked around the class before entering it and heaved a sigh of relief on seeing neither Maria nor Isabel. Of course a few seconds later she had wished both Maria and Isabel were sitting next to her when she realized Michael was in the class. Knowing Michael’s paranoid behavior he wouldn’t approach her if two more persons were glaring at him from either side of her. Liz was still angry with Michael and didn’t know what she would have done if he had in fact sat near her, probably either knock him out once more or cry again. Thankfully Michael hadn’t bothered her and had sat a little away from her. Liz was lost in her thoughts that she hadn’t realized Alex had sat next to her till she had heard a concerned “Are you alright?” Liz had frowned at him thinking that he was also going to ask about Michael but Alex had just smiled at her and left her alone the entire hour.

A few seconds later the entry of the teacher and the ringing of the bell drew Liz away from her thoughts and a familiar warm sensation spread through her and Liz closed her eyes willing for it to go away. But apparently her prayers weren’t answered as at that moment Max Evans came into the classroom a little bit out of breath.

Max grimaced when he saw there were no places in the back except the one in between his sister and Maria. The only other place left was in the front and though he usually sat in the back and tried to blend in, even he wasn’t brave enough to sit between the Ice Princess and the Hurricane-DeLuca for one full hour especially when he was still angry with Alex and Maria and trying to avoid them. He then found Tess frantically waving at him from the sides and fiercely frowning at the girl next to her to vacate the seat. Kyle who was sitting a little away from Tess was openly laughing at Max's predicament, the Bastard, Max thought annoyed.

Max hurriedly walked to the front and sat down in front of Alex avoiding looking at him and turned to his right and got a pleasant surprise.

“Liz?” He squeaked excited then looked around hoping nobody had noticed it and found Alex snickering. Max scowled.

After a minute of hesitation, Liz seemed to reach a decision and looking at him softly said “Hi.”

Liz felt warm and safe and just decided to accept those feelings instead of trying to figure out why she felt like that around Max. Maybe he was just one of those types of people that others always felt comfortable and safe.

“Alright class, I am Mrs. Freeman and your English teacher. This is an easy class this year but that doesn’t mean you can all slack off.” She said sternly looking at the back where the jocks and the cheerleaders were sitting. “I will not tolerate anyone coming late to the class…”

Max tuned her out and turned to look at Liz only to find her gazing at him curiously. She suddenly blushed at having been caught staring at him, and Max grinned happily feeling as if everything was right in the world.

Max thought Liz looked really cute when she did that and blurted out, “You look really beautiful when you blush,” surprising both himself and Liz and the pink in Liz’s cheeks turned darker if possible.

To put her at ease, Max asked her, “Uhm...So, what do you think of the new school?”

“Its nice.” Liz said smiling at him, then leaned a bit closer to him and whispered, “Though I cannot say the same about the students.”

Max asked worried, “What happened?” Seeing Liz’s hesitation, he continued with a smile, “Maybe I can help. My sister is in the sunshine committee…”

Liz interrupted him and said dryly, “Actually that is the problem. Isabel and Maria…”

Suddenly Liz stopped and stiffened and then directed her gaze to the door.

“Liz?” Max asked puzzled but she didn’t seem to hear him. Max turned to look at the door and a couple of seconds later, someone knocked at the door.

“Come in” Mrs. Freeman said and then the door opened to reveal Michael standing there looking directly at Liz. Liz looked fiercely at him as he walked closer to the teacher.


“I am a new student, Michael Guerin and I had some difficulty in finding the class,” Michael told Mrs. Freeman.

“Ah Yes Mr. Guerin.” She then told the entire class, “Class, this is Michael Guerin, a new student. Why don’t you tell us about yourself?” She said directing her question to Michael.

Michael shrugged and said to the class, “Michael.” When Mrs. Freeman and the class looked at him expectantly for a minute, Michael glared and said, “I don’t do this.”

There was laughter from behind the class and then Mrs. Freeman said, “Come on, Mr. Guerin. Tell us where you are from, your old school, etc. I am sure everyone here want to know about you.”

Michael said curtly, “I am from LA, California,” and glowered at the class daring them to ask him a question.

After a couple of seconds when he didn’t seem to be saying anything else, Mrs. Freeman asked, “What about your friends? Have you made any new ones here?”

“I don’t have any friends and I don’t want to make any here.”

“What about the chick in the morning?” someone asked him from the right side and there was a general snickering. Michael looked in that direction only to find a smirking Kyle waiting for his answer.

“So you already know someone in this school?” Mrs. Freeman asked him smiling.

Michael glanced at Liz to find her glaring at him and he wearily said, “No. I don’t know anyone.”

“Come on Guerin, we all wanna know about the fight where a girl hit you.” Kyle once again asked him, laughing with his jock friends.

Michael gritted his teeth in anger, and looked at Kyle murderously. The next second Kyle suddenly fell down from his desk with a big bang and everyone laughed. Michael smirked at a pissed off Kyle who was now glaring at him. It was obvious to Kyle that Michael had pulled some alien shit on him.

Mrs. Freeman sighed and said, “That’s enough class. Welcome to Roswell High Mr. Guerin. You may now go to your seat.”

Michael confidently walked towards the empty seat in the class till he found that it was between Maria and Isabel. He stopped abruptly when he saw both of them frowning at him fiercely.

Great! Just what I need.” Michael thought sarcastically and sat between them but not before giving his own glare.

“It seems we have one more new student among us.” Mrs. Freeman beamed at Liz while she tried to sink into her seat. “Miss. Parker, why don’t you come here and tell us something about yourself. Hopefully it will be more enlightening than Mr. Guerin.”

Liz reluctantly got up and turned to face the whole class and began, “I am Liz Parker from Apple Valley, California. My grandmother owns the Crashdown and my parents and I shifted here this summer.” Liz was trying her best to avoid looking at the back at Michael.

Mrs. Freeman seemed to be looking at some papers in her hand and when Liz finished she asked her smiling, “It seems you had gone on a Student Exchange Program to Egypt during your junior year? That’s an unusual place to go.”

“Yeah. It is unusual, isn’t it?” Liz said looking daggers at Michael not caring whether anyone saw it or not. “But my grandmother is an archeologist and I had always been interested in archeology so it was a good opportunity for me.” She finished looking at her English teacher.

The students or more specifically Maria, Isabel and her cronies suddenly started asking her questions

“How was Egypt?”

“Did anything interesting happen?”

“Met any mummies?” a subdued Kyle asked looking at Michael cautiously.

Liz rolled her eyes and began “Egypt is really hot and nothing interesting happened nor did I meet any mummies,” then she looked at Michael to see him smirking at her.

She became really annoyed and with a wicked smile continued, “ It’s so hot you could say that some people cannot survive there. It is said that some form of snakes shed their skins so fast in such conditions that they disintegrate.” Liz finished it with a laugh as if it was a joke and went to sit but Michael’s glare at her before she sat told her that he knew exactly what she was talking about.

Michael looked around hoping that none of the Aliens or their human friends had realized what Liz meant by that last sentence, only to find Maria looking at him speculatively and Kyle glowering at him. They weren’t the only ones who had apparently noticed it as Michael found both Tess and Isabel looking at him accusingly. Michael rolled his eyes and then he looked at the front to see similar looks on Max and Alex’s faces. Michael looked at Alex with an unreadable look in his face till Alex turned back really creeped out by the way Michael was staring at him.

Michael and Max then glared at each other for a minute before Max turned to the front wondering about Liz and Michael. Michael worriedly looked between Max and Liz hoping they didn’t know each other. It was bad enough she seemed to know Alex Whitman but he was not going to sit here doing nothing while Max or the others became friendly with her.

Michael then looked at the back of Alex once again. “Alex Whitman, Alexander Whitman” Michael murmured slowly. He hadn’t really noticed Alex the first time he met Alex at Tess’ house, as he had been more concerned about the fact that someone else knew about his secret at that time. The second time he met Alex, he was concentrating more on the blonde spitfire with him than Alex. But in the third hour when Michael had heard the name Alexander, he had jerked his head to the door to see Alex who had then sat next to Liz talking with her. After a few minutes Alex had turned back but all Michael saw at that moment was a familiar pair of blue eyes, brown hair and a cocky smile. He now knew exactly why Liz seemed to be friendly with him.

“Hey, I am Xander” Michael looked up from his lunch to see a typical jock with blue eyes, brown hair and an arrogant smile on his face with his hand held out for Michael to shake.

Michael simply grunted and continued eating his lunch.

Xander retracted his hand and sat down opposite Michael saying casually, “Wow. They weren’t kidding when they said you aren’t a people person.”

At this Michael scowled at him and asked him rudely, “What do you want?”

“Just trying to make a conversation” Xander said with his hands held up in a peace sign.

“And I would be interested because…”Michael asked sarcastically.

Suddenly Xander’s attention turned to something behind Michael and Michael’s scowl deepened more if possible knowing who was behind him. He turned back and saw Liz coming towards them frowning at some papers in her hand.

“Michael,” Liz began without looking up, “How did you get an A when…oh Hey Xander” Liz said suddenly on seeing him sitting at their usual table along with Michael.

“Hey Liz,” Xander said smiling charmingly.

Michael glared at Xander fiercely and asked Liz accusingly, “You know him?”

“Uhm…Yeah.” Liz stuttered looking at Michael, “I saw…”

“Yeah. We met at the New Year’s party” Xander interrupted smoothly.

“Party?” Michael asked frowning.

“Yeah. You know the one at my house hosted by my parents, that we both were required to attend.” Liz said glaring at Michael.

“Oh. Yeah. That one.” Michael said guiltily looking away from Liz remembering their fight about it.

Michael had been watching a hockey game at that time and forgotten about the party except Liz had found out that it was a recorded game and she had been angry with him since then especially as Michael had been the one who had told the Parkers that Liz was free that night in the first place. If he knew her correctly, she was still looking for a way to get back at him for that night.

“So Xander is it? I am Michael Guerin” Michael said to Xander desperately trying to take Liz’s mind off the party.

Xander smiled as if he knew exactly what Michael was doing and said cheerfully, “Alexander. Alexander Thornton”

“How do you know Liz Parker?” The question from his right drew Michael away from his thoughts and he turned to see Maria looking at him curiously.

“How do you know Liz Parker?” Michael shot back.

“Does she know about you?” Isabel asked him from his left worriedly. “That you are…” Isabel trailed off.

“What?” Michael asked annoyed. “Does she know you?” Michael continued glaring at Isabel. “Besides I am not an idiot to go around telling everyone about me.”

“Hey, Max is not an idiot,” Maria fiercely defended him from Michael’s right, “nor is he a junkie like you.” She finished smiling triumphantly.

“Liz doesn’t know about us, but how do you know her?” Isabel asked him again.

That is none of your business” Michael hissed back.

“It is when you crucify Max for being friends with me and Alex and warn him to stay away from us and then you turn back and be all buddy-buddy with Liz.” Maria said just as furiously as him.

“This is different,” Michael defended.

“Oh really?” Isabel said sarcastically and Maria snorted.

Suddenly Michael felt someone trying to enter his mind through his block and he tensed up for a second then turned back and glowered at Tess who seemed startled to find that Michael somehow sensed her trying to break his block when he didn’t realize it the other day at her home.

“Keep your long noses out of my business” Michael said rudely to Isabel and Maria and continued, “and warn your friend Tess to stop trying to enter my head.”

“We won’t” Maria said fiercely, “you Hypocrite…”

“I told you people to stay away from me in school and other places. Right now we don’t know each other…” Michael interrupted Maria scowling.

“Is there a problem, Miss. DeLuca, Mr. Guerin and Miss. Evans?” Mrs. Freeman’s voice drew the entire class’ attention on them and Michael flushed when he saw Liz staring at them thoughtfully.

“None, Mrs. Freeman” Isabel and Maria simultaneously said smiling brightly while Michael simply grunted.

“Now as I was saying before we were interrupted,” Mrs. Freeman began, “there are some group assignments to be done in pairs and no, you cannot choose your own partners.”

There was a collective groan around the class, but Mrs. Freeman continued as if she hadn’t heard them, “ I will leave a printed sheet tomorrow on the door before the beginning of the class so you can all sit with your respective partners for tomorrow’s class. This is only for a few assignments and most of the assignments will have to be done individually.”

Isabel’s mind worked furiously. As far as she knew this was the only class she had with Liz apart from gym and the study hour and she wasn’t going to miss this opportunity to get closer to Liz even if she had to use a little magic to ensure that she and Liz end up as being partners. Isabel smiled evilly thinking of her plan and Maria’s brows shot up when she saw the smile on Isabel’s face. At least this way one of us will find the answers Maria thought also smiling.

Michael looked suspiciously at Isabel and Maria and decided he had to somehow make sure that neither he nor Liz ends up being partners with Max, Alex, Maria, Kyle… “Dammit! The fucking list goes on and on.” Michael thought angrily. That's it, he is going to be Liz's partner in this class, Michael decided. This would also prevent Liz from avoiding him.

Michael knew that Liz wasn’t stupid and if he wasn’t careful enough she would easily figure out the connection between him and the others. This was exactly the reason why he didn’t want any of them to speak with him in public places. Michael then looked thoughtfully at the others thinking of how to keep them away from Liz and vice versa.


The minute the bell rang both Max and Liz hurried out of the class, Liz to avoid Michael, Maria and Isabel, and Max to avoid Maria, Alex and Tess. He always ate his lunch with Maria and Alex and since he was not speaking with them that wasn’t possible today which left the field wide open for Tess. In fact Max was sure he heard Tess calling his name when he went out of the class. Moreover he really didn’t want to see another Michael and Liz show. Max hurried to the parking lot and started his jeep deciding to eat his lunch at a little diner on the outskirts of the town.

Liz hurriedly walked towards the entrance of the school. This is the worst first day ever, she decided crossly. She had somehow managed to slip past Maria, Isabel and Michael. Though it wouldn’t take much longer for Michael to find her. As soon as she realized it, she sensed Michael coming closer. She turned to go back the other way only to find Maria waving at her from the other end. She had to get out of here, now. Liz went outside and she desperately looked around her and her eyes brightened when she saw Max pulling his jeep out of the parking lot.

“Max” Max applied the brakes when he heard the voice that had now constantly been plaguing his dreams.

Max turned to the passenger side only to see Liz Parker open the door and climb into his jeep.

“Liz? What are you doing?” Max questioned puzzled, not that he wasn’t happy she was here but still its not everyday you find the girl of your dreams sitting beside you in your jeep playing out one of your fantasies.

“Uhm…I take it you are going out for lunch. I didn’t bring mine, so hope you don’t mind if I join you.”

Liz looked up at Max after fastening the seat belt, only to find him looking at her slack-jawed.

“Ah…you don’t mind, do you?” Liz asked him suddenly not sure if it was a good idea. “I can go if you want…”

“NO!” Max abruptly shouted and Liz looked at him shocked. “I mean no, you don’t have to go.” Max continued more calmly though inside he was a mass of nerves. “Of course you can join me.”

“You sure?” Liz asked.

“Yeah. Sure” Max said smiling at the cute way she was nibbling her lip.

“So can we go?” Liz asked becoming a little unnerved at the way he was staring at her.

“Huh?” Max said then suddenly looked around him to see that he still hadn’t started the jeep. “Sure” he said grinning and drove out of the school feeling this was going to be a great day.


continued in the next post
Last edited by foreverdreamer15 on Mon Jun 14, 2004 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.