Finding a King (AU,CC/UC,ADULT) [COMPLETE]

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Post by Emz80m »

Okay well i am finally back witha new part.. sorry for keeping you waiting so long. For those of you who are reading my other stories i have almost finished Waiting for I love you so i will make an effort to try and get this one finished.. this one iust doesnt right itself like the others seem too,

Part 11

It had been a week since her return from Roswell and Liz hadn’t seen or heard from Zan, Rath or Lonnie in that time. She knew that felt betrayed that she wouldn’t take their side but she also didn’t believe that they really understood her position. The only good thing to happen in the week were her nightly phone conversations with Max, and occasionally the others if they were at the Evan’s when she called, or Max called her. She was finding that Max was consuming most of her thoughts almost to the point that she couldn’t concentrate on work.

Max had told her during their latest conversation last night that he would be coming out earlier than expected. His parens were going to fly out with him and Isabel so that they could find an apartment in between their respective schools.

Deciding that she would need to make the first move she made her way out of the apartment with the intention of visiting her siblings.

When she reached their apartment door she was shocked to find it slightly ajar and could hear loud voices in side.

‘We’ve gotta do something Zan or she’s just gonna bond with that duke from Roswell’ Rath’s voice boomed.

‘What do you want me to do Rath I can’t make her bond with me’ Zan yelled back before going into a room and slamming the door.

‘Yeah well if you wont take care of it I will’ Rath yelled and then started storming towards the door. Liz instantly make herself invisible by using a warp on Rath so that he would realise that she heard him and when she knew that he was definitely gone she left their apartment and made her way back to her own.


A couple of days later Liz was woken by a knock on her door she turned over and looked at the clock before groaning and getting out of bed. She never thought about the fact that she was only dressed in a pair of boy panties and a tank before she made her way out and flung open the apartment door.

‘Is that what you wear to bed?’ Max asked as he stared at her from the other side of the door.

‘OH MY GOD” she screamed before launching herself into his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist.

Their lips instantly found each other and Max walked them blindly back into the apartment until his legs came into contact with what he could only assume was a lounge. Reluctantly he pulled back from their passionate kiss

‘Hey’ he smiled.

‘Hey yourself’ he grinned back before sliding back down his body to stand on her own feet.

‘Not that I am over the moon to see you but what are you doing here?’ she asked him.

‘Apartment hunting. We decided to come early and I was hoping that you would come with us’ he replied.

‘Us?’ she asked.

‘Isabel and my mum and dad are downstairs’ he replied sheepishly.

‘Max I haven’t even had a shower?’ she replied. ‘You could have called’ she tried to give him an annoyed look but her joy over seeing him made it impossible.

‘Well then you better hurry’ he laughed as he watched her race off.

Whilst Liz was in the shower their was a knock at the door. Max wasn’t sure if he should answer it or not but realising that it would be impossible for Liz too hear it he did so reluctantly. When he did he came face to face with an elder man who immediately fell to his knees ‘You Highness’

‘Oh’ Max said realising he was talking to him and assumed this must be the protector Liz had told him about.

‘Hi. Please rise’ He told him. ‘Max’ he offered as he extended his hand for him to shake.

‘They call me Nascedo’ he replied taking the young King’s hand.

‘Okay I’m ready Max let’s go’ said Liz as she rushed out of her room freshly showered and dressed.

‘Nascedo?’ she stopped when she saw him.

‘Liz’ he replied.

‘You met Max?’ she asked nervously.

He nodded ‘did you want something?’ she asked him then.

‘I just wanted to check in. I haven’t see anything of Zan, Rath and Lonnie for a few days and I wanted to check up on things’ he answered.

‘Oh well I haven’t seem them either except for yesterday’ she replied.

‘I went by their apartment and Rath and Zan were arguing over me. Rath just took off he was pretty angry so I thought it would be best if I left. It’s obvious that they aren’t ready to talk to me’ she shrugged.

Nascedo looked at Liz concerned. ‘I’ll keep an eye on the situation and keep you up to date’ he confirmed.

‘Thanks’ both Max and Liz replied and when Nascedo left they made their way down to car we’re Max’s family were waiting for him.
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Post by Emz80m »

Part 12

Liz spent the entire day looking at numerous apartments with Max, Isabel and their parents. It was exhausting to say the least and Liz sympathised with the task they had in front of them. Max and Isabel’s schools were on opposite sides of the city and most of the apartments that were suitable for them were either on one side which meant the other would be forced to spend a lot of time on public transport.

Liz realised that she had forgotten how hard it was to find good accommodation when you were a student. She herself had lived in a shoebox until she got her job at the lab and moved to her 2 bedroom apartment close by.

What made matters worse is that neither Max nor Isabel seemed to like any of the apartments that they had seen until they reached NYU campus. Mr and Mrs Evans had organised a tour of the student housing there.
‘Wow this is fantastic Mum!’ Isabel said as they walked through the student accommodations.

‘Yeah its nice but it’s not going to solve our problems’ Max replied.

Isabel sighed she knew that her and Max were never going to find an apartment that they were both happy with or one that meant that neither of them had to travel to get to school. What made matters even worse was that Isabel felt guilty because she knew both Max and her parents would insist that the apartment was closer to NYU so that Isabel would be able to drive to school for her late classes. Also, the more she saw of the dorm rooms the more she wished that she was able to stay on campus.

‘Max have you considered the student housing at NYMS?’ Isabel asked her brother then.

Max looked at her shocked for a moment ‘I thought you wanted to share an apartment?’ he asked her.

‘I do but we have to think about our other options in case we cant find anything’ she reasoned trying to hide her disappointment that her brother wouldn’t even consider the idea.

Liz looked around the area and thought to herself that this would be great for Isabel. Max wouldn’t have to worry about her being on public transport, she would be closer to Alex and it meant Max could live on the other side of the city and concentrate on studying instead of travelling.

But she also new that in a city like New York rent on apartments could be a killer and Max wouldn’t have the time to maintain a job and she doubted that the Evan’s would be able to afford to foot the bill for both Max and Isabel to live separately.

‘Max can I talk to you for a second?’ she asked him then.

Max nodded and told his parents that him and Liz were going to take a quick walk outside.

‘What’s up?’ he asked her when found a bench to take a seat on.

‘Well I was thinking. It might seem like a totally crazy idea and I’m not sure if you’d even want to. I mean it’s totally out of left field’ she rambled nervously.

Max smiled at her nervousness and reached out to take her hand ‘Liz?’
Liz looked up and met his eyes and everything in the world just felt right after that, she didn’t feel nervous about asking him.

‘Well you could move in with me’ she said ‘I mean I have a spare room, it’s only 10 minutes to NYMS and we could car pool since my lab is on campus’ she continued when she saw his surprised expression.

‘Are you serious?’ he asked her.

Liz paused for a moment. Was she? She realised that this was a huge decision, potentially a life changing experience. She was choosing Max. There would be no going back.

‘Yes’ she finally answered.

‘Wow!’ he grinned.

‘I mean it makes sense. Izzy can stay here on campus which she will love, I’m sure you picked up on that’ she laughed.

‘But Liz what about the others? What about Zan?’ he asked her then.
Liz shrugged ‘he’s going to be hurt but someone always will be Max’ she explained.

Max thought about what she said, he knew she was right. If she had chosen Zan regardless of how long he had known Liz he knew he would have been devastated. In the short time that they had been in each other’s life Max’s life felt complete.

‘I think it’s a great idea’ he finally told her.

‘Really?’ she asked unsure.

‘Yeah really and I would love to move in’ he grinned.

Liz returned his grin quickly; she was finding it hard to contain her excitement. She enjoyed the space of living by herself when she had gotten her own place but she knew living with Max would be completely different that living with Zan, Rath and Lonnie.

‘One one condition’ Max added then.

Liz’s smile quickly faded. Condition? What could he possibly be thinking?

‘Um ok what?’ she asked.

‘That you understand that I intend on contributing my half to the house in everything. Rent, food, and utilities’ he explained.

Liz let out a sigh of relief ‘I agree but not half. I’m working and I earn more than enough to take care of both of us. I don’t want you to have to struggle and try to work while studying, so yes you can contribute to food and utilities but I insist on continuing to take care of the rent’ she argued.

‘Liz’ Max started.

‘No Max I’m serious. If we’re going to do this then we need to meet each other half way and paying the rent is something I wont budge on’

Max thought about what she was saying for a while. He didn’t want to feel like a kept man but he new he would be able to contribute in other ways.

Cal had already told him that he was going to buy him a car so that he would be able to get around the city. He also knew that Liz didn’t currently have one so maybe that was a good compromise for the moment. Until he was actually a doctor and earning enough money so that Liz wouldn’t want for anything.

‘Ok’ he finally agreed. ‘But Cal is going to buy me a car and I insist that we consider it our car, you take it whenever you need it for whatever reason, ok?’

‘Ok make sure you get a good one then’ she laughed. She couldn’t believe how excited she was. She knew that it was a huge step for them even though they had settled on the spare room issue she knew it wouldn’t be that way for long. It was hard to control herself around Max at the best of times, imagine what it would be like with him asleep in the room next door to her.

‘Let’s go break the news to my parents and Isabel’ he said then and stood up offering her a hand.

‘Do you thinks they’ll be ok with it?’ she asked.

‘Yeah I think they’ll be fine’ he replied and they headed back to the dorm rooms.

Mr and Mrs Evan’s had in fact been fine with it just like Max had thought. They saw it as an excellent solution considering Isabel’s desire to live on campus and their inability to find an apartment for their children. They liked Liz, a lot more than Tess and they knew she had a good job in a similar field to Max so she understood the importance of studying.

They had been upset when both their children had informed them that they were going away to college in New York. Max had done his two years at UNM and seemed happy enough there, they had hoped Isabel would follow suit.

‘So when are we going to do this move then?’ Isabel asked as they travelled back towards Liz’s apartment. The Evan’s were staying in a hotel for the night before flying back to Roswell.

‘Well school starts in a month and you cant get into your room on campus until the week before Iz so looks like we have three weeks to pack out lives up and move out here’ Max replied.

‘Does that deadline sound okay for you Liz, is three weeks enough time?’
Mrs Evan’s asked. She was concerned that it might not give Liz enough time.

Liz smiled ‘Yeah that’s fine. Everything is ready to go at my apartment. All

Max will ready need are his clothes and any personal items he wants to bring. I have a computer and everything already set up’ she explained.

Dianne and Phillip Evan’s both knew about their children’s other worldly origins and it amazed Liz at how accepting they were. Max and Isabel had introduced her when she was in Roswell and explained to them who Liz was. She wasn’t sure if they fully understood that she was Max’s Queen and that one day she would be the mother of his child whether they were together or not but she decided to not ponder on the thought too much.

They accepted her and welcomed her into their family just like that with Michael.

‘So the other’s live close by to you too Liz?’ Philip asked then.

‘Um no very close by no’ she replied.

‘People wont find it funny if they see Max and Zan together will they?’ Dianne added.

‘Um well Zan looks fairly different to Max’ Liz tried to explain ‘so unless someone was paying a lot of attention I don’t think it would be too noticeable. Same with Isabel and Lonnie. Michael however might have to be careful I mean Rath and him both have this bad hair thing going on so it might be more obvious.’

‘Mum I think as long as the 6 of us don’t hand out together it will be fine’ Max explained.

‘So what does Zan and Lonnie look like then’ she couldn’t help but ask.

‘Well’ Liz bit the side of her lip she wasn’t sure if she should tell her ‘Um well he had a few piecing and tattoos and um facial hair’ she told her ‘and Lonnie wears her very brown hair short and tends to dress a little more grundgy then Izzy’ she told her.

Dianne seem to contemplate what Liz told her, as though she was imagining her children looking like Liz had just explained. In the end she just nodded her head.
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Post by Emz80m »

Part 13

‘Hey you’ve reached the crib. Leave us a message’ came Zan’s voice over the line.

‘Damn’ Liz cursed again. She had been trying to get in contact with Zan, Lonnie and Rath for over a week now by telephone and even in person. She needed to talk to them about Max moving in with her and just to sort out the rift that had started between them. She knew that they were probably avoiding her so she would have to get Nascedo to track them down for her.

Picking up the phone she dialled the number.

‘Yes Liz’ he answered.

‘Have you seen them?’ she asked him.

‘I have been keeping an eye on Zan but Rath is awall from all accounts’ he replied grimly. Rath missing was not a good thing in his book. The boy was reckless and selfish and Nascedo was worried about what that could mean for his King and Queen.

‘Listen I need to see Zan and Lonnie at least. Max’s stuff has already started arriving and he will be here in a week’ she explained.

‘I’ll do my best to get them to come by’ he assured her.

‘No!’ Liz almost yelled.

‘Just pin them down somewhere and call me so I can come to you. I don’t want them to see Max’s stuff before I have a chance to talk to them’

‘As you wish Liz’

‘Thanks’ she replied and then hung up the phone, and she couldn’t help the dread that had formed a knot in her stomach. This was going to get ugly.


Liz had just got home from the hectic day at work and was getting ready for a shower when she heard her front door open. Realising that she hadn’t locked or sealed it she made her way out in her robe to see who was there.

‘Shit, you scared the crap out of me Lizzie’ Zan cursed when Liz came into view he hadn’t expected anyone to be home.

‘I scared you? What are you doing here?’ she asked him her hands crossed over her chest.

‘Got your calls thought I’d wait for you’ he took a look around the room then and noticed some of the boxes of Max’s that had arrived. ‘You going somewhere?’ he asked then.

‘No’ she replied ‘Sit down’ she said then.

He sat down on the lounge and Liz came around and sat opposite him ‘so what’s with the boxes? Looks like your packing up?’

‘Well I’ve been calling for three weeks now and no one will take my call, where have you been?’ she ignored his question and asked one of her own.

‘Been busy you know’ he told her.

‘Yeah so I hear, especially Rath apparently’ she added.

Zan’s head snapped up at the comment ‘what’s that supposed to mean? You know where he is cause he ain't been home in weeks and Lonnie’s freaking’

‘No I don’t know where he is which only tells me one thing and that’s that he’s up to no good’ Liz replied.

Zan nodded, he knew she was right and he suspected what that trouble might be too but he didn’t think he should tell Liz. After all wasn’t this all her fault anyway, she was bringing in strangers to the group and she just expected them to deal with it. They had always thought that there weren’t any secrets between them but to find out Liz’s whole life was a lie was a little bit daunting.

‘So you going to tell me what he deal is with all the boxes?’ he asked her again.

‘They belong to Max and Isabel’ she said.

‘Why are they sending stuff here?’ he asked her.

‘Well they’re moving here in a week or so for school. Isabel is going to go to school and live on campus at NYU and Max is going to be attending New York Medical School’ she explained.

‘Where’s the all mighty King going to be living, on campus too’ Zan snorted. Liz remained quiet for a while she didn’t quite know what to say to that comment, it was clear that Zan didn’t like Max even though he had never met him.

Zan raised his head to look at Liz when she remained silent. ‘So where’s he living Lizzie?’

‘Here’ she replied quietly.

‘Sorry, can you say that again because I don’t think it heard you right. I though you said here’

‘I did’ she answered.

‘WHAT?’ he shrieked and instantly rose to his feet. ‘You cant possibly be serious about this Liz. I mean for fuck sake we don’t even know these people and you’ve just opened your apartment to him’

‘Zan I am serious’ she answered.

‘So what you’ve made your decision. You weren’t even going to discuss it with me?’ he asked her, the hurt reflecting in his voice.

‘I don’t know how many more times I can have this discussion with you. I love you Zan, you know I do but the love I feel for you is completely different to the love I feel for Max and I’m sorry that this is hurting you but I cant help the way that I feel’ she cried.

‘You love him? How can you love him you don’t even know him’ Zan snapped.

‘That’s where your wrong I know him better than I know myself. I’ve seen his soul and it mirrors my own’ she explained.

‘His soul?’ Zan questioned.

‘When we’re with each other and things get intense we experience flashes’ she explained a little embarrassed.

‘God Liz do you realise what your doing? You went on a holiday over 3 months ago and you met this guy, you spend 2 weeks with him and now your letting him move in with you’ he continued.

Liz looked up at him through guilty eyes.

‘You’ve seen him since then haven’t you’ he said rather than asked. He let out a laugh then before falling back onto the couch.

‘When?’ he asked her then.

‘He came out a few weeks ago to look for an apartment with Isabel and his parents’ she said.

‘Parents’ he scoffed, ‘fucking boy trying to play King’ he grumbled.

‘So when were you going to tell us you’ve made your decision?’ he asked her sarcastically.

‘Tell you, god isn’t that what I tried to do when I first got back. YOU DIDN’T WANT TO LISTEN’ Liz yelled at him.

‘You never want to listen Zan. You call him a boy well for a boy her certainly knows a lot more about being a man that you do. This is not about you, it never has been. I don’t belong to you and I certainly don’t have to tell you anything. I do it because I consider you my brother and once upon a time my best friend but ever since we turned 15 all you’ve cared about is trying to get into my pants. Well it stops now! I love Max and whether it happens next week or next month I am going to bond with him whether you, Lonnie and Rath like it not. Accept it, accept me and Max and the others or get the hell out of my life’ she yelled.

Zan was shocked; he couldn’t believe that when everything came down to it she wasn’t going to choose him. He had never heard her be so passionate about something in her life and now he stood there with his heart breaking while she stood up for the man she loved and his family and he had never once considered that that man would ever be someone other than him.

‘Is that how you really feel?’ he asked her dejectedly.

‘I love him Zan so much that it hurts to be a part from him’ she replied the anguish at what she was doing to him apparent in her voice.

‘You love him the way I love you’ he said then trying to control his own emotions. For the first time in his life he felt like he was going to cry and he didn’t know how this 5’4 women could do that to him.

He started for the door but stopped when he heard her voice ‘Zan please don’t make me choose’ she cried her sobs now uncontrollable. He turned to look at her and he knew he would never be able to walk away from her completely.

‘I just need time Lizzie, ok? He replied turning back to the door.

She nodded her head in understanding and watched him walk out of the door.
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Post by Emz80m »

Part 14

Standing on the outside
I don’t know where I’m going to
But I do know just one thing
And that is its over with you

I’ve been very lonely
I did not think that I could go out
I was caught in memories
And dreams I should have won

Blind Freddie new that
Blind man could see
I was in love with you
But you weren’t in love with me

Suppose I’ll have to keep it
Keep it inside
I don’t why
Well i know that we’re changing
And baby it helps if I cry

Blind Freddie new that
Blind man could see
I was in love with you
But you weren’t in love with me

(You Weren’t In Love With Me – Billy Fields)

Zan kept walking until he made it back to their crib. Liz’s words kept ringing in his head. He knew that she didn’t want to loose him but she also made it clear that she couldn’t love him the way he loved her. He didn’t know though if he could be in her life as her friend, as the person she considered her brother but he also didn’t know if he could walk away and not have her in his life at all. As long as he could remember she had been there, and through everything she had always been his best friend.


Liz picked up the phone and dialled the familiar number hoping that he would be home. She really needed to hear his voice at the moment, telling her that he loved her and that everything would be all right and reassuring her that everything would be worth it, including possibly loosing her best friend and brother as long as they were together.

‘Hey beautiful’ he said when he picked up.

‘Hey’ she replied.

‘Sweetie, what’s wrong?’ he recognised the tears in her voice,

‘I, I told Zan and we had a fight and I don’t think he’s coming back. Ever’ she told him.

‘Oh baby’ he didn’t know what to say. It was killing him hearing her right now and knowing that he couldn’t take her in his arms and comfort her. He also felt anger building at Zan for doing this to her. She didn’t deserve this.

‘What did you tell him?’ he asked then.

‘He asked who the boxes belonged to and where you were going to live when you moved here so I told him the truth. He got upset and started yelling and I told him I love you and that I didn’t want to choose and begged him not to make me’ she cried.

‘Oh Liz you shouldn’t have had to go through that alone’ he was cursing under his breath and thinking at the same time. He knew there was a flight out of Roswell early the next morning and decided he needed to be on it. Him and Isabel were due to leave to next week but right now Liz was alone in New York with people that could potentially become her enemies, the protective side of him emerged.

‘Sweetie everything is going to be ok, if Zan is anything like me he just needs some time to think about things and once he does he’ll realise that having you in his life as a friend is better that not having you in his life at all’

‘Really?’ she asked, he could tell that she was starting to calm down slightly.

‘Yeah if it was me I’d be devastated sure but I wouldn’t want to loose you either. Just give him some time to come around ok?’

‘Ok’ she looked at the clock then and realised it was very late for him. ‘I’m sorry to call so late’

‘Don’t apologise you can call me whenever you need to day or night. I love you Liz’

‘I love you too’ she smiled into the phone. Talking to him had been exactly what she needed.

After they hung up the phone Max exited his bedroom and knocked on Isabel’s door. He knew she wouldn’t asleep yet.


‘I’m awake. Was that Liz?’

‘Yeah. Sorry if the phone woke you’ he apologised. He was leaning in the doorway.

‘Listen Liz told Zan and things didn’t go very well. I’m leaving for New York tomorrow’

‘Is she ok?’ Isabel asked concerned. She didn’t know Liz as well as she would have liked to but she couldn’t wait to get to know the girl that would spend the rest of her life with her brother and who had been her best friend in their past life.

‘Ok I’ll drive you but you better talk to Mum and Dad and let Michael know, do you think that he should go with you?’ she asked then.

‘I’m not sure. They still haven’t tracked Rath down’ he shrugged.

‘So what are you going to do, it might not be safe for either of you and Liz with Rath awall and Zan pissed’ she panicked.

‘I’ll check in with Nacedo when I get there and I think there’s a problem I’ll let you and Michael know so that you can come out as soon as possible’

‘Okay’ she agreed.

After talking over his plans with both Michael and his parents, Max was on a flight to New York with the rest of his belongings at 7 o’clock the next morning. He hadn’t told Liz that he was coming and planned on getting a taxi to their apartment he didn’t want to alert anyone to the fact he would be there until he has a chance to talk over the situation with Liz and her protector. He knew that Liz wouldn’t want to consider Rath turning to the other side or Zan for the matter but if his training had taught him anything it was that you couldn’t trust anyone on face value regardless of who they were and all he knew was that Rath wasn’t Michael and Zan certainly wasn’t like him.
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: I"m so proud of myself another update already *S* cant promise that they will continue to come this quick though. I really want to finish this fic but i just have a lot of time writing it sometimes. Check out the latest update of You've Got Mail if your reading!!

Sarah Whitman
- Hey i'm so glad you liked it. Check out my other fics to if you get a chance
- i dont really think Zan know's what Love is he just always expected Liz to fall into line
- Yes Liz has powers pretty much what Tess had and the ability to alter memories. They would be a lot stronger than Rath's because she's queen.
- hey glad you like it thanx for reading

Part 15

When Max’s flight landed in New York he got into a Taxi and drove over to the apartment he and Liz would share. It had been a long flight and he realised that Liz probably wouldn’t even be home from work when he got there.

He picked up his cell and dialled the number Liz had given him for Nasedo.

‘Yes’ came the reply.

‘It’s Max’

‘What can I do for you your highness?’ came the reply.

‘Listen I’m in New York I should be the apartment in about 15 minutes. What’s the status on Rath?’

‘I have been unable to find him Max, I have been keeping track of both Lonnie and Zan though hoping they might lead me to him but neither of them seem to know where they are. Lonnie is actually searching for him’

‘What about Zan. Him and Liz has a disagreement last night, should I be worried that he would turn on her?’ he asked then.

‘No I don’t think so. Rath though yes. I am almost positive now that Rath is up to something, it’s the only way he could have disappeared so easily he must have help I’m not picking up on him anywhere where as I can pin point Zan, Lonnie and Liz, who is already at the apartment’

‘Thanks. Ok keep me posted. Do you think it’s necessary to have Michael come out sooner that planned?’

‘No it should be fine. If Rath comes back I’ll know’

‘Ok’ he replied before flipping the phone shut. He couldn’t wait to see Liz it had been a long couple of weeks.

He didn’t knock when he reached the apartment instead he pulled out the key Liz had given him when he had agreed to move in and opened the door. The taxi driver had helped him carry some of his bags for a nice tip and they were sitting outside the door.

‘Zan?’ Liz questioned when she heard the front door and saw the figure leaning over something.

Max turned around and flashed her a huge grin ‘You get one more guess’ he smiled.

‘Max!’ she squealed before running and laughing herself at him. Max caught her with ease and quickly fused their mouths together.

‘It’s been too long’ he sighed.

‘You can say that again’ she replied.

‘It’s been too long’ he joked.

Liz pulled back and hit him ‘What are you doing here?’ she asked him.

‘You mean your not happy to see me? Because I can go if you life’

‘Max!’ she cried as made his way to the door.

‘You needed me so here I am’ he replied with a shrug like it wasn’t a big deal but to Liz it was huge. The fact that his man would travel this far to be with her just because she needed him amazed her, he amazed her. She quickly moved towards him and back into his embrace.

‘I love you’ she cried into his chest.

‘I love you too baby’ he replied leaving a kiss on her forehead.

When they pulled apart he pulled the rest of his bags in from outside the front door.

‘So where should I put this stuff?’ he asked her gesturing to his suitcases.

Liz looked at him for a minute as though she was thinking something over in her head.

‘Where do you want to put them?’ she asked him then.

‘Honestly?’ he asked her.

‘Of course’ she smiled

‘I was hoping that maybe you could find me a cupboard, maybe some draws for my socks’ he joked.

‘Max’ she sighed.

‘Your room’ he whispered then.

‘That’s where I want you too’ she replied.


‘Really’ she confirmed

He pulled her to him again caressing her lips with his. Liz wanted more so she ran her tongue along his bottom lip begging him for entrance, which he happily granted. Before either knew what was happening Max’s shirt had been ripped off his body and he was laying on top of Liz on the lounge.

‘Max’ she moaned when he cupped her breasts over her shirt. His mouth moved to her neck then as he trailed kisses anywhere that he could find exposed skin.

Liz pushed him slightly away then so that she could rip her own shirt over her head and then pulled him back down on top of her. He went back to work on kissing her skin until he reached her lace bra. He could see her rosy nipples sticking out and he had to taste them.

‘Oh God’ she moaned as he sucked on them over the lace. ‘Take it off’ she begged then she wanted to be able to feel his mouth completed, no barriers in between.

Max unclasps her bra and pushed the cups aside so that her breasts popped free. Her breasts weren’t very large but they fit perfectly into her hands ‘Beautiful’ he moaned. This was completely new to Liz she had never been any further than a French kiss with a guy and she wondered how she had held out as long as she had now that Max was making her feel so good.

Her hips began to rise as she tried to get closer to Max then and the action caused the sexual fog Max was in to clear. He didn’t want their first time to be on her couch and he certainly wanted to enjoy some making our and foreplay with Liz before they made love.

‘Where are you going’ Liz whined when he got off the couch and walked to wards the back of the apartment.

‘You’ll see’ he grinned before disappearing.
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Ok terrible author is back with the part she promised. I feel even worse now that i realise how many great people are reading this fic.. i didnt think anyone cared that much!!. Anyway here it is.

- I know i totally suck on this fic.
Jason's Lover
- yeah i know i'm sorry.. i'm better on all my other fics i promise

Part 16

He walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on. It had been a long day and he wanted to wash it away in a shower, one that he hoped Liz was going to join him in. When the got the temperature right he walked back out to the lounge and swooped down to pick her up. She was looking very ravished still and she squealed when he threw of over his shoulder.

‘Max! what are you doing?’ the question didn’t require an answer though when they appeared in the bathroom and the shower was running. He placed Liz down on her feet and then moved his hands down to start unbuttoning the front of his very tight jeans.

He slid them and his boxers slowly and seductively down his hips until he was standing in front of Liz completely naked. Liz’s mouth fell open in shock when she saw the size of his cock. Oh and the rest of his body was just as impressive. His stomach rippling with muscles, she had see Zan before but Max’s body was more toned and defined, he looked a Greek god.

Max waited for her reaction he wasn’t sure how she was going to react he didn’t want to scare her but at the same time he wanted her to like what she saw.

‘Wow’ she said her eyes roaming up and down his body before settling back on his with a smile.

Max stepped forward then so that Liz could feel his hot breath on her face. ‘I love you’ he whispered. He watched with bated breath then as Liz reached down and undid the button of her own jeans and slid them and her panties down her body leaving herself completely exposed to him. He noticed the large wet spot on her panties and his cock twitched in response causing Liz to giggle.

His eyes travelled her body all the way from her small but perfect feet and all the way up to meet her big beautiful doe brown eyes. ‘Perfect’ he sighed before allowing her to take his hand and lead him under the hot spray of the shower.

They took they’re time soaping each others bodies up hands taking the time to caress and learn places on the each others bodies that they appeared to like. Their mouths came back together slowly and softly as they washed away the last traces of soap and by that stage Liz felt like she would melt into a puddle. Nothing they had done had been overly intimate but just the feel of Max’s hands on her naked skin or her naked back pressed against his naked chest was enough to send her over the edge.

‘I cant believe I’ve been here a couple of hours and I’m showering with you’ he laughed as he helped her out of the shower and wrapped on the large fluffy towels around her.

‘Well your wasting time since you could have had me in bed’ she replied huskily.

Max was shocked but he grinned at the comment, she was such a little tease ‘is that where you want me to take you?’ he asked her.

‘Is that where you want to be forever?’ she asked him in return. It was obvious that bed was definitely where the two of them wanted to be but the fact was they couldn’t just make a rash decision about it.

Max was also thinking the same thing, he knew he loved her and he definitely wanted to be there forever but maybe they were rushing this? No he thought his heart, his mind and his body all told him that this was right that he needed to make Liz his forever.

‘In this life and the next’ he replied.

Liz felt tears stir in her eyes at his words how was she lucky enough to find this wonderful man and the fact that they were made to be together in this life just like in the past was even more amazing.

Liz stepped forward then and tugged on the towel that Max had around his body causing it to fall to the floor, she dropped hers and allowed it to join his.

‘You were made for me’ she whispered before stepping forward and luring his mouth back to her own.

Max reached down and cupped her ass lifting him towards her and encouraging her to wrap her legs around his waist. When she was pulled snugly against him, her wet core rubbing seductively against his cock he walked them in the direction of her bedroom.

There would be no going back now they had chosen each other forever and neither of them had any doubt.

He laid her down gently before crawling back up her body. He kissed her softly his tongue dancing with hers as they tasted every crevice of the others mouths. Max’s hands moved to Liz’s breasts where he once again began to massage them before replacing his hands with his mouth and teeth, tugging and sucking until she was crying out for more.

Liz slid a hand down in between their bodies and began to caress and explore Max’s cock. She stroked him gently trying to learn all about him she was amazed that he was soft and hard all at the same time.

‘Baby I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that’ he whispered while removing her hand away from him. He slid his own hand down into her curls then immediately coming into contact with her extremely wet lips. ‘Max’ she moaned his finger was tracing her lips before gently dipping inside of her quickly but before he could start a rhythm he would pull out and start again.

‘Oh yes’ Liz moaned when he brushed against her clit.

Max couldn’t take it any longer something inside of him was driving him to make Liz his, he wasn’t sure if it was completely alien either he suspected it was the human side of him as well. He lined his cock up at her entrance rubbing it against her a few times teasingly.

‘Look at me baby?’ he told her he wanted to see her eyes as he joined them and something deep inside of him was telling him to connect with her. As soon as Liz opened her desire filled eyes the connection flared to life and Max began gently easing in her.

‘Oh Max’ she moaned she had always been told it would hurt like hell but she was feeling nothing but pleasure as he slid inside of her. Liz was unaware but Max’s powers were healing her through their connection as he joined them. He felt the same thing Liz did all he could feel was his own pleasure. Once he reached her barrier he pulled his hips back again and with one powerful thrust broke through.

‘Liz’ he cried out.

‘Max’ she moaned.

Their was nothing but the two of them in the world then they were fully connected forever and there were no secrets no part of the other that wasn’t left wide open for them to see. They felt what the other felt as Max continued to thrust in side of Liz over and over and over again until her walks clamped down on him and they dove in to ecstasy together.

‘I love you baby so much’ he told her when they had come down from heaven. He could hear every thought going through her mind and every feeling.

‘I love you too’ she cried
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Hey everyone well i'm finally back with another new part!!... I have already started on the next part too which i'm sure you'll all be pleased to know. I would like to finish this fic before Christmas if i can but i wont make any promises. I find inspiration to write for this fic when i can. Anyway here it is, thanx to all my great feedbackers.

con angel

Part 17

Liz stirred early the next morning and was at first confused about where she was until she felt the solid body next to her and she grinned before turning her eyes around so they could rake over the sexy king lying in her bed. The man that she loved unconditionally and who she had made love to her the night before.

‘Morning’ he smiled startling her out of her personal thoughts.

‘Hi’ she whispered before leaning in to share a sweet morning kiss with him. The kiss quickly turned anything but innocent and sweet though, before Liz knew it she was straddling her lover’s body and sinking down on his impressive cock.

‘Oh Baby’ he whispered as he gently caressed her beautiful breasts. They’re connection was so strong now that they both could hear and feel what the other was feeling and it only added to the pleasurable feelings they both gained from their lovemaking and being together. Now they both were able to experience the other’s orgasm as well.

Liz rode him slowly; they both knew there was no hurry this morning and they could just take the time to love each other and learn all the things that drove the other crazy.

Max and Liz were so engrossed in their passion that they didn’t hear the knock on the door or the voice calling out to her until it was too late.


Zan wasn’t sure what he was doing here but something was drawing him to her today. He hadn’t spoken to her since a couple of days ago when they’d had their fight, and she had told him that she was picking Max.

He knocked on the door a couple of times but she didn’t answer, he realised it was still early and knowing Liz that she was probably still in bed asleep.

Using his powers he surprisingly opened the door, most of the time Liz had been able to do something to keep them out of things and it was obvious not that it was the seal.

‘Liz’ he called out but he received no response.

‘Oh’ he heard and recognised it as the sound of her voice so he followed it to her bedroom, which was slightly open. He didn’t think twice about swinging it open and walking in, privacy wasn’t something that he ever worried about too much.

The room was dark when he entered but the light that came through the door behind him was enough for him to see Liz who had her head thrown back in ecstasy.

‘Oh Max’ she moaned loudly.

Zan stumbled backwards then, his heart clenching at the sight of the women he loves astride his clone. Part of him felt compelled to stay and watch what she looked like as she came but the rest of him was being forced out of the room quickly. So quickly that he ran straight into door making a loud thud and drawing the attention of the lovers to him.

Liz gasped when she caught sight of him and Max quickly sat up to cover her body with his own from Zan’s eyes.

‘What the fuck!’ he yelled.

‘Max’ Liz pleaded then. Her eyes had turned completely black, her alien side demanding completion and Max couldn’t deny. His hands fell to her hips and he began raising her hips so that could easily slide down on him.

Zan stared in anger and desire as Liz and Max ignored his presence and continue to fuck in front of him. Something inside him compelled him to take a step towards them so he did.

‘Max’ Liz continued to moan over and over again reminding Zan that it wasn’t him that was driving into her body. He reached out though despite his hearts demand to walk away and was just about to touch her sticky hair that was slicked against her back but he found himself thrown against the wall when a purple shield formed around them preventing anyone from coming near them.

‘Mine’ Max growled his eyes pitch black as he stared at Zan. Zan stood up slowly awed at what he saw.

‘Oh yes Max, yes, yes, yes’ Liz started screaming and before Zan knew what had happened Max rose his hand and sent him flying out of the room slamming the bedroom door behind him.

‘Oh Liz’ he heard his clone scream in pure passion seconds later and once again he was reminded that it would never be him that was screaming that name.


Max and Liz lay tangled together after coming down from their orgasm.

‘Wow’ Liz grinned.

‘That was out of this world’ Max replied. It had been nothing like the loving experience they had the night before but in it’s own way it had been just as beautiful and loving.

‘Are you ok?’ he asked running his hands lovingly over her body to check that nothing happened to her.

‘Better than ok’ she replied nuzzling her nose in the crook of his neck.

They lay there together for a little while before Liz sat up suddenly, a completely confused look on her face.

‘Was Zan in here?’ she turned to Max worriedly.

Max thought about the question briefly before jumping off the bed and searching around so he could find some jeans. He was gong to kick his dupes ass for what just went down with him. How dare he walk in on such a private moment between him and his mate, he didn’t care who he was or who he thought he should be. Liz was his and Zan needed to back off. That meant that he wouldn’t walk into their apartment uninvited again.

Something inside Max had been woken up during his bonding with Liz. He remembered things that he hadn’t before, he remembered what it felt like and what it meant to be a king and a king needed subjects who fell into line and Max intended to start that process with Zan.

‘Where are you going?’ Liz asked panicked.

‘I don’t know what happened but he was definitely in here and watching us’ Max told her, he couldn’t believe that he had almost forgot about it.

‘Wait’ Liz cried out just before Max’s hand reached the door. She knew that if she let Max go out there and he found Zan that all hell would break loose.

Liz found her robe and threw it on before joining Max and they opened the door and headed out of the room together.


Zan was sitting on the lounge when Liz and Max emerged from the bedroom. For some reason something inside him had shifted and he felt compelled to stand down and stay. Max wanted to charge ahead like a bull but Liz’s calming presence and pleading in his mind to calm down, held him back.

Zan stood when they entered. They had a glow surrounded them that demanded respect, he felt like he should bow to them but Zan da man would bow to no one.

‘Would you like to tell me what the fuck that just was?’ Max demanded. He eyed the man standing in front of him looking for the similarities, he found them but he also noted the difference that Liz had talked about easier.

Zan didn’t answer though he couldn’t take his hurt eyes away from Liz.

‘Zan what are you dong here?’ she asked him.

‘I came to see you. To talk about the other day’ he replied ‘I didn’t expect that you would be fucking him already’ he continued bitterly.

‘That’s enough’ Max roared. His eyes had returned to black ‘You will not speak to your Queen or my mate like that again’ he ordered.

Zan was forced to take a step back by the brightness of Max’s aura. ‘Do you understand?’ Max asked him.

Zan nodded. Max was right he was out of line.

‘Sorry Munchkin’ he turned to Liz again, she could see the tears he was trying to hold at bay this time.

‘Max could you give us a second?’ she requested then.

Max’s eyes turned back to the beautiful amber colour at the sound of Liz’s voice.

‘Okay but firstly something needs to be said so I’ll say it and then I’ll leave you be for a while’ he told her. Liz nodded.

‘Zan I understand that your upset and hurt by my place in Liz’s life and I can understand that. But I love Liz and that’s never going to change, we’re bonded and we will one day take our place as the King and Queen if we ever get the chance. I want you to be able to be apart of Liz’s lie because I know how much you mean to her, but I will not tolerate anything like what happened today again. You will not enter our home uninvited, and if in our home you are never to enter our bedroom. I also don’t want to ever see you attempt to touch my mate again unless she allows you too’ he told him, his eyes making it clear that there was no room for argument or compromise.

‘If you would like I would be honoured to have you serve as part of our royal court along side my second, Michael?’ he asked then.

Liz stood smiling as she watched the man she had given her heart to in two lifetimes become the King she would love for eternity.

‘Can I think about it?’ Zan replied, he admitted to himself that his clone had surprised him, he had the aura of a King and he had the Queen that could bring a planet to its knees by his side..

‘Sure’ He nodded before giving Liz a quick kiss and returning to their bedroom leaving Liz and Zan alone.


‘Sorry’ Zan said softly when he heard the door to the bedroom close quietly.

‘Yeah well you should be, your lucky Max didn’t punch the crap out of you’ she sighed.

‘I guess I have you to thank for that then?’ he asked her with a small smile. He could already tell that Liz had Max wrapped around her little finger.

Liz shook her head though ‘Nah that’s just not Max’ she smiled. And it was a smile that Zan had never seen before and he could only conclude that it was a smile of a women truly in love, a women happy.

‘I’m glad you came to talk me though even if you timing was off’ she told him then.

‘I cant loose you’ he whispered sadly.

Liz smiled tearfully ‘Me either’ she allowed him to pull her into a hug.

‘It’s going to be ok you know’ he told her as he released her from his grip.

‘Are you?’ she asked him.

‘Yeah I see it now’ he shrugged ‘I just need some time’

‘What do you see?’ she asked him.

‘I see how much you love him and I see how much he loves you’ he whispered sadly. ‘I feel how right it is here too’ he told her his hand gesturing to his heart.

‘So you’re not going to disappear?’ she asked him uncertainly. Liz was happy that he was here right now and that he wasn’t going to pull away from her. Zan has always been part of her life and even though her life had changed and in a way she didn’t need him so much anymore she still want him around regardless.

‘No’ he shook his head ‘Someone needs to be around to take care of Rath when he shows’ he smiled playfully.

‘Yeah about that’ Liz started, she knew what Max was thinking and she agreed Rath needed to found, and soon.

‘I’ll take care of it’ he assured her.

‘No I cant ask you to do that. Max and I will’ she disagreed.

‘No please. I need to do this I have an idea of where he might be. I might be gone for a few days though but I’ll keep in touch, ok’ he told her.

Liz nodded and without another word Zan left the apartment.
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Hey everyone.. well lookee here i'm back 2 parts in a month are you impressed lol. I want to thank you readers for continuing to put up with me and my slack updates on this story. I have just finished off a few fics so i'm planning to get back to work on this to take care of it :D . I know i mentioned a sequel but whilst writing this latest chapter i have contemplated a new angle for this story and if i go that way it probably wont have room for anymore.. So here it is..

Jason's Lover

Part 18

‘When are we gonna move?’ Rath asked the man standing in front of him. He had taken off weeks ago looking for the punk, it hadn’t been hard to find him or convince him to help him out by getting rid of the King of Antar.

‘Do you have any idea where he is?’ Khivar asked. He had spent most of his alien life trying to take down the royal family but he realised now that nothing good had ever come from it. War had plagued them for many a season and now their planet was dying he often wondered if Zan would have ever let that happen. He had agreed though albeit reluctantly to help Rath take out one of the clones of Zan so that the other would be the rightful King and able to take his place beside the lovely Lilliya.

‘Nah but I’ll check in with the Queeny today I bet her and that protector are tripping by now about where I’ve been’ he laughed.

‘And Vilondra?’ Khivar asked. He never understood what she had seen in the punk in front of him, in their previous life she had never looked twice at him and he had been twice the man to the one standing in front of him.

Khivar had a plan, one which this time didn’t benefit himself but mostly his planet. He was going to take care of the King of Antar by returning him to his planet and to his throne. Hopefully then he would be a little more submissive and allow the rightful Queen’s daughter to take his place by his side. The planet was slowing dying but there would still be a few years for Zan to make the most of, to rally the people again and maybe Zan would be able to strike up an alliance with one of the neighbouring planets that would allow the refugees of Antar a new home.

‘No’ Khivar instructed then. If the Kings dupe was even half as smart as he had been on Antar he knew that he would be looking for Rath and that if he suddenly appeared they would know that something was up.

‘Ok so what do you want to do then?’ Rath snapped.

‘I’ll send in a team and if he’s there we’ll move tonight’ Khivar said


Liz and Max lay snuggled in bed together they hadn’t really emerged from their place in each others arms since the night before.

‘This is perfect’ Max sighed as he nuzzled his nose against Liz’s bare shoulder.

‘Definitely’ Liz replied with a smile.

Max’s stomach growled then reminding Liz and Max that they had had very little to eat today ‘Let’s get dressed and I’ll feed you’ Liz laughed.

‘I don’t like the getting dressed part so if we’re going to be forced to do that let me take you out to dinner’ He told her before leaning over her to take her mouth in a sweet kiss.

‘God you taste good’ she groaned.

Max pulled away from her then realising that he could easily stay and make love to her again and again but he needed food to keep up with all the exercise.

‘Shower?’ He asked her with a raised eyebrow,

‘Ooh yeah’ Liz giggled and without another word Max lifted her into his arms and carried her into the bathroom.


The small boy stood against the wall across the street staring up at the window, his eye focused on the one he knew that Liz Parker lived in thanks to Rath’s Intel.

Picking up his cell phone he rang the familiar number and waited for the go ahead to speak ‘Alpha’s in place sir’ the kid said and as quickly as the call started it ended.

Nicholas was Khivar's General and was put in charge of the reconnaissance mission to see if Max Evans was indeed in New York.


Zan stood outside Liz’s door trying to decide whether he should knock and go in and tell her and Max what he had found out or not, he had already called Nasecdo and knew that he would be here any minute.

He raised his hand and was poised to knock when his hand fell into air, the door already open and Max and Liz looking back at him surprised. He didn’t think he would ever get used to looking back at his own face.

‘Zan’ Liz said.

‘Hey sorry to bother you guys were you just heading out?’ he asked them.

‘Yeah I was going to take Liz out to dinner’ Max explained.

‘Oh’ He replied lifting his hand to scratch his ear nervously.

‘Is something wrong Zan?’ Liz asked him he was acting very unusual.

‘Yeah I think I found Rath’ he told them.

‘Oh’ Liz replied.

‘You better come in’ Max told him taking a step back so that he could get past them.

‘I’ll call Nascedo’ Liz said and started towards the phone.

‘No need munchkin he’s already on his way’ Zan told her.

‘This doesn’t sound good’ Liz replied.

‘It isn’t’ Zan sighed before taking a seat.

‘So where is he?’ Max asked quickly getting down to business.

‘He’s been messing around with the skins in Brooklyn, saw him with Nicko earlier’ Zan told them.

‘How?’ Asked Max, Liz took a seat next to him for comfort.

‘He fucked up and called Lonnie, I had ID on the phone and Lonnie helped me lend a favour from some geek at the phone company to trace the number, I went to the address and waited, saw him enter the place with Nicholas a couple of hours later Nick and a team left and I’d bet every dollar I have they’re coming for you bro’ he explained.

Max didn’t waste a second leaning over Liz and grabbing the phone, he needed Michael and Isabel now things were about to get bad he could sense it.

‘Michael it’s me’ he said ‘I need you and Iz here last night’ he told him. ‘We’ve got a whole lot of trouble and a traitorous back up General on the run’

They hung up quickly afterwards and Max turned back to Liz and Zan ‘Michael and Isabel will be here on the next flight’ he told them.

‘Good’ Liz sighed she knew Max would feel better having people he trusted with him and so would she. Liz knew that Zan would do everything he could for her but she couldn’t say the same for his loyalty to Max.

‘Where’s Lonnie?’ Max asked then.

‘She doesn’t want nothing to do with this’ Zan sighed ‘and I think it’s for the best I don’t know what she’d do if we made her choose’

‘Ok’ a knock at the door came then and Liz jumped up to let who she could only assume was Nascedo in.

Nascedo rushed into the house without even acknowledging Liz ‘We have trouble’ he told Max.

Max and Zan immediately stood up ‘Nicholas is outside I was able to get past him but he has a team set up’ he panted.

‘FUCK’ Max yelled, how was a king supposed to plan an attack without his second and next to no back up. He knew Liz could hold her own but he didn’t want to risk her and he didn’t know if he could trust Zan.

‘How many?’ Liz asked and Max could sense her panic already.

‘At least 6’ Nascedo informed.

‘Well if they know I’m here why don’t they come in and get me’ Max asked, he wasn’t familiar with this Nicholas they kept referring to but obviously they had dealt with him before.

‘My guess is Rath didn’t know if you were here or not, there waiting’ Zan told him.

‘Ok so we can buy us sometime by staying put’ Max said sitting down just before his stomach growled again.

‘I’ll get us something to eat I think it’s going to be a long night’ Liz told him giving his hand a squeeze before moving to the kitchen where she started pulling out lots of cold meats to make some sandwiches.

Max cell phone rang and Max wasted no time snapping it open.

‘Michael’ he answered.

‘So 8 hours yeah ok it’s the best we can do, um the situation isn’t out of control yet. No it’s not just Liz and me, Zan is here as well as their protector Nascedo’ Max explained to Michael.

They talked for a few more minutes before Michael had to leave to catch his flight.

‘Michael and Isabel will get in to JFK in about 8 hours’ he explained.

Liz sighed as she carried in a plate of sandwiches ‘You know 4 on 6 isn’t terrible odds’ Liz told them.

‘They’re odds I’d prefer not to take though’ Max replied.

The four of them ate and drank in silence for a short while all with there own thoughts about how they were going to handle this situation. Liz and Zan about how it was inevitable that Rath would have to die for his betrayal.

‘We could settle this easily’ Nascedo spoke up then. Three heads snapped up then.

‘How?’ Zan asked

‘I could shape shift to look like you and draw them in’ he offered.

‘Nascedo no’ Liz objected. He may not have been a father to her but he had been a protector, and a good one who took care of her.

‘Liz is right. It’s noble of you but it’s not the solution’ Max agreed ‘It might not be a bad idea for setting a trap though’ he added.

‘Oh your talking now’ Zan grinned.

‘Max?’ Liz prompted apparently him and Zan were on the same wavelength but she wasn’t.

‘Is there a back way out of here Liz that maybe someone wouldn’t know about?’ Max asked her.

‘Not really but when I moved in my escape route was to use the stairs to the roof and from there you can jump to the next building. Use your powers to unlock the stairwell and exit around the block’ Liz wasn’t stupid she had been careful that she wasn’t moving into a potential trap if something happened when she first moved in.

Max grinned ‘Perfect’

‘So what’s the plan?’ Zan asked surprised at himself at how easy he was finding it to follow.


But not before some shameless plugging. Take a look at my CC fic on the Alien Abyss board 'When The Past Comes Crashing Home' i updated tonight. I also posted the last part of 'My Favourite Song' on the AU board and Part 2 is up on my new fic that i am co-writing with Lessie 'Last Night on Earth on the AU Board.
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Hey well I'm only a few hours late :D . Thanks for your note Moonlight too.

Part 19

‘Okay so does everyone know what they need to do and where they need to be?’ Max asked after he had talked them through his plan.

‘How are we going to be able to tell the difference between you all?’ Liz asked slightly worried.

‘If things go according to plans munchkin you wont need to’ Zan replied.

Max’s plan had been simple but brilliant and hopefully it would have Nicholas and his team running around in circles. Zan and Nascedo both stood up and used their powers to make the change. A light surrounded Nascedo as he shifted and when he was finished he stood before the group as a perfect replica of Max Evans, clothes and all. Zan had a bit more work to do he needed to transform his clothes get rid of his visible tats as well as his body jewellery and additional hair.

Liz couldn’t help it when her mouth dropped at the sight before her, Max, Zan and Nascedo were identical there was no telling the difference between them except for one thing.

‘Can you tell Liz?’ Max asked her.

‘Yes easily’ she told him.

‘What? How?’ Zan asked completely confused.

‘Well until you talked’ she grinned at Zan ‘It was the colour of Max’s aura, it matches mine and it just burns brighter and pulses’ she blushed ‘where as yours are both the same dullish yellow colour’ she told them.

Nascedo sighed ‘If that’s the case we can’t use you Liz’ he told her.

‘What!’ she gasped ‘Like hell’ she told him.

‘Liz he’s right if they catch sight of you and me they’ll know that you’re my mate’ Max agreed.

‘I don’t agree, Max you need to block our connection that should take care of the pulsing’ she argued.

Max was going to argue back but thought better of it, Liz was never wrong very often so he reluctantly cut of their connection and Max’s aura immediately shifted. It still shone brighter than the others but it would be so noticeable and they all agreed it could probably be chalked up to power usage.

‘That’s better’ she told them. ‘Now all you need to do is not talk’ she laughed.

‘Why?’ Zan asked but the New York slur in his voice answered the question easily and caused the rest of them to laugh.

‘I’m still uneasy about blocking my connection with you Liz, it means we can’t communicate and I won’t know if you’re safe’ he told her.

‘Max I’ll be with Nascedo he wont let anything happen to me’ she told him.

It had been agreed that Liz should be with Nascedo because he was the most powerful of the three and it was his job to protect Liz no matter what.

‘No, we’re changing plans’ Max shook his head unhappy with the plan.

‘Max’ Zan groaned, they had a good plan and now Max was being all kingly.

‘I know we think by Liz being with Nascedo it will throw them off me but we’re forgetting that I’m more powerful that all of you with Liz by my side. If we keep her with me and something happens I can open the connection, that combined with my shield allows me to be able to protect Liz easier’ he told them.

Nascedo thought over what Max said and couldn’t help but admire his King. He was making smart and informed decisions, he was truly the Zan that had once ruled Antar.

‘Your right and maybe it could work in our favour, they would never expect that we would leave the King and Queen together’ he finally answered.

Max smiled, now they had a plan.


Nicholas picked up the phone and hit the speed dial.

‘Nicholas’ Khivar answered.

‘Hey look we’ve been standing here for hours and there is no sign of this Max Evans that Rath is talking about’ he informed him. People had come and gone from the complex all night but none of them were alien or the King. In fact Nicholas’s minions hadn’t even been able to pick up on anything in the building either.

‘Are you sure?’ Khivar asked.

‘Yes, what do you want us to do?’

The phone went silent for a few minutes but Nicholas could hear Khivar talking with someone on the other end, someone he could only assume was that loser Rath. He couldn’t for the life of him understand how that man had been left on control of an entire army in his past life.

‘Rath has informed us that the lovely Vilandra told him that king was definitely in New York’ Khivar relayed.

‘So what do you want me to do? Continue staking the building out or prepare to just bust in there?’ he asked him annoyed. Why was a man like Khivar who had at one time ruled an entire planet listening to a complete idiot like Rath? The only answers to the question he could come up with was it was either guilt for what he had done to Antar and that he truly believed this cocked up scheme he had come up to redeem himself was truly going to work or because he hoped it would get him Vilandra.

‘Stake it out for a few more hours, I’m going to send Rath over’ he informed him.

‘What? Why?’ Nicholas questioned annoyed he was more than capable to undertaking the task. He didn’t need some stupid ex general to come and help him.

‘He will know the best way into the apartment since he has been there before and because you might need some back up’ he answered.

‘Whatever’ Nicholas sighed before hanging the phone up.


‘Ok Michael and Izzy should be landing any minuted’ Max yawned from his spot on the couch. They had decided to hold off as long as they could be carrying out their plan, they decided it would be best to have both Michael and Isabel outside the building as back up if it was possible.

Not 10 minutes later Max’s cell phone rang.

‘Yep’ he answered.

‘Maxwell we’re in a taxi and he said it would be about 40 minutes’ Michael informed him.

‘Excellent, listen Michael we have a plan. So get the taxi to pull up a couple of blocks away and you and Isabel should come on foot. Take out any skins that you see if you can we’re going to sneak out of the building and try to disabled the team too’

‘Maxwell are you sure that’s a good idea. I think you should sit tight until I get there and I can protect you’ Michael replied slipping into his general and protector role.

‘I can understand that your worried Michael but we’ve been here eight hours and the skins are getting restless it looks like they’re getting ready to move so I don’t think we will have 40 minutes. I don’t want a show down in Liz’s apartment if I can avoid it’

‘Ok just keep in contact’

‘Will do’ Max finished his phone call and looked at everyone else in the room.

‘Okay lets get ready to roll’ he told them.

Nascedo led the and Zan was bring up the rear as they made their way out of Liz’s apartment and towards the stairwell. They made it too the roof without any incident and there didn’t appear to be anyone watching them from inside the building. Once they reached the top they crouched near the edge to see if they could see anything happening on the street below. They were shocked when they realised they had only just got out of the apartment, because down below Nicholas along side Rath and at least five or six other skins were preparing to enter the building.

TBC... Sooner rather than later i promise :D
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Hey everyone, thanx for the great feedback glad that there are still a few of you our there and sticking with me through this story. Thank you to Sandra (aka Bixie).

con angel
Jason's Lover

Part 20

‘Shit’ Zan cursed.

‘What do we do now?’ Liz asked. They had actually locked up the apartment pretty tight and Liz didn’t think they would be able to get past her seal lock.

‘We get down into the street and get you out of danger before they come back out’ Max answered. He had hoped all along that he would be able to get around Liz being involved in any fight, and Nicholas going in now had done that for him.

‘No’ Liz objected ‘I know you want to protect me Max but I can fight’ Liz argued.

‘We should move now’ Nascedo said.

‘Your right’ Max replied ending any argument with Liz and they slowly continued their journey to the next building.


Nicholas knocked on the apartment door once they reached it hoping that the King would give himself up without any problems.

‘Yo lets just bust in already’ Rath said.

Nicholas sighed, of course that would be his solution ‘We’re going for inconspicuous here Rath, just let me handle it’

When no one answered the door Nicholas tried the lock and found he couldn’t open it, even when he used his powers.

‘It won’t open’ he said frustrated.

‘What!’ Rath said ‘let me try’ Rath tried the door as well and it wouldn’t open

‘Shit’ he cursed ‘Liz must have done something to it’

‘Oh you think?’ Nicholas asked sarcastically.

‘I’m gonna blast it’ Rath said.

‘Excuse me?’

But Rath didn’t answer the only sound that could be heard was that of wood cracking as Rath sent a lethal blow to the door.

He pushed his way into the apartment with Nicholas and the skins following behind him ready to attack.

‘There’s no one here’ Rath screamed in frustration.

‘Oh give the boy a prize’ Nicholas snapped. He could believe they had wastes all that time doing surveillance for nothing.

‘Where the fuck are they?’ he yelled.

‘No one has left or entered since we’ve been here’ Nicholas told him ‘so my guess is that you were wrong about their location’

‘Fuck’ Rath yelled.

They all left the apartment quickly knowing that most likely one of Liz’s nosy neighbours would have called the cops after the commotion with the door.

Rath was pissed, where the fuck was Liz and that stupid protector.


Michael and Isabel shoved some bills at the taxi driver and quickly removed their bags from the taxi driver.

‘What now?’ Isabel asked.

‘I’ll call Max’ he said flipping out his phone.

Max answered quickly ‘we’re at the top of the street, where are you?’ he asked quickly.

‘We lucked out, the skins stormed the apartment seconds after we left so right now we’re waiting for them to figure out that we’re not there and come back out. Then we plan on taking them out’ he answered.

‘We’re with you’ max told his as he began waling with his and Isabel’s bag over his shoulder. Isabel matched his steps and before long they had Liz and three exact copies of Max in sight.

‘What the hell? Isabel asked.

‘Stay out of sight Max doesn’t want them to figure out we’re here’ Michael told Isabel. He shoved their bags in an alley under a bin and used his powers to seal it in there so some bum couldn’t come along and steal it.


After hanging up the phone from Michael, Max directed the group to get in position and told Liz he had to break their connection. The minute he did everyone watched as Max’s aura returned to a more normal colour. Nascedo was to be closest to the door they would exit in a hope that Nicholas would exit first.

Zan a floor above on the fire exit where he could fire shots and cover Nascedo and Max and Liz remained together on the other side of the building where they would attack the rear.

‘Khivar wont be happy’ they heard a voice whining as footsteps were heard from the stairwell.

‘Yeah well I still think you fucked up Nicky boy and let them escape’ they heard Rath say.

The door to the apartment complex opened and two figures stepped out but before anyone could see who they were Nascedo jumped into action followed quickly by Zan. They sent energy blasts at Nicholas and Rath who didn’t have time to react before they saw another Max and Liz.

Nicholas had taken a direct hit from Nascedo when he exited the building but Rath had escaped so far and was throwing his own bolts at Zan who was still on the second floor but deflecting them with ease by using his shield.

‘Shit, which one is the King?’ a skin asked Rath.

‘I don’t know they all look the same’ Rath replied.

Michael watched on from his spot in the alley as his dupe fired shots at everyone. He could tell that Zan shield was starting to fall under the blasts and new he had to take him out now.

Isabel was hot on Michael’s heals as he sprung into action, he approached from behind before drawing enough energy and launching it directly as his dupe, Isabel moving forward to throw some cover fire for the Nascedo Max who appeared to be struggling still with Nicholas.

Michael shot hit Rath square in the back and Zan took the opportunity to jump of the second floor when he watched him fall. He wanted to take him out, it was his job not Max’s second.

The skins were falling, Max and Liz’s combined energy taking them out with ease as they made their way through four of them towards Nascedo. They could see that Michael and Zan had the Rath situation under control.

‘What the fuck?’ Nicholas cursed when he saw another Max appear in front of him.

‘What do you want?’ Max asked him. He wanted to find out what they wanted before he took him out.

Nicholas could tell immediately which one was the King after Max spoke, he may not have looked like the one time King Zan but he spoke with the same authority he did and even Nicholas was unable to stop himself from obeying.

‘Khivar stuck a deal with Rath we were supposed to take you so he could send you back to Antar and leave your dupe to stay and bond with the Queen’ he told him. He knew he was only minutes from his death.

‘Why? Antar's dying’ Max asked confused.

‘He thought by sending you home you might be able to fix the fighting and save some of our people. They refuse to come to Earth’ he explained.

‘Where is he?’ Max asked.

‘You wont find him’ Nicholas answered ‘and you don’t need to. He isn’t a threat to you or anyone else he’s dying’

‘He was trying to help Antar?’ Liz asked confused.

‘Yes’ Nicholas spat ‘he wasn’t here to hurt anyone it was Rath that wanted the king dead’ he told him.

Max sighed before turning questioning eyes up to Nascedo, he wasn’t a cold-blooded killer but he knew what had to be done.

‘Oh course’ Nascedo understood perfectly and when Max and Liz were a few steps away he sent the blast that turned Nicholas to ashes.

Zan watched as his sister’s dupe took out the last of the skins with ease and was impressed with her skills. Lonnie had never been to interested in her powers or fighting she just wanted to go home and be a Princess. She certainly didn’t have the princess look down like her dupe though he thought.

‘Hey Man I got it’ Zan yelled as he approached Michael who had just sent another blast at his dupe to diable him.

‘That all you got?’ Rath taunted.

‘Nah I got more than that but why end it in one shot, what’s the fun in that?’ Michael smirked.

‘I got it man’ Zan said again.

Michael looked at the man that looked like his brother and King ‘Which one are you?’ he asked.

Zan swiped his hand over his hair and his punk hair was instantly back ‘Zan’ he answered.

Michael nodded, he knew Max and Liz trusted this man but he didn’t, not yet.

‘Yo Zan bro help me out here and heal me’ Rath said then.

‘Your kidding aren’t you, Bro’ Zan replied.

Rath looked startled at the look in Zan’s eyes, they had turned a golden colour.

‘I was doing it for you’ he told him

‘Bullshit’ Zan spat ‘you were doing it for yourself’

‘I was doing what you didn’t have the balls to do’ he yelled.

‘You could never have led an army, you’re a disgrace to everything that we are’ Zan said then. ‘You could have hurt Liz’ he whispered harshly.

‘What you care more about the backstabbing slut then you do your own brother’ he snapped.

‘Don’t you ever’ before Zan could finish though another blast hit Rath in the middle of the chest.

‘Don’t dare say her name’ Max roared. He would have killed him with that one blast for his words against Liz but Liz had asked him not to, she knew it was something that Zan wanted to do.

‘You will die for your actions’ Zan said then ‘I hope it was worth it’

Rath realised then that nothing he said or did would save him from this situation.

‘I can’t hold the warp much longer’ Liz warned then. She had been warping the block to stop anyone from looking out their window and seeing the alien fight.

‘Tell Lon that’s I’m sorry’ Rath said. Zan nodded he knew what he was about to do would break his sisters heart but it had to happen and without another word Zan sent the blow that ended Rath’s life.

TBC.... Not long to go now though