Running Away (CC, M/L, ADULT) ~{COMPLETE}~

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Innocent Eyes
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 57
Joined: Wed Apr 14, 2004 11:36 am

Post by Innocent Eyes »


One year and a half later

“Come here, Aurora... yeah, come here... that’s a good girl... come to big sister, come on...”
Liz smiled when she glanced at Violet, who was inciting a now 1 and a half year-old Aurora to take her first unsure steps towards her.
“Be careful with her, sweetie”, Liz warned. “Don’t let her fall down”.
“Don’t worry, mommy”, Violet assured, without taking her eyes off her sister.
Liz smiled and turned to read again, after having given a quick glance at Angel and Avery, who were playing baseball near them, but she soon put the book down and took a deep breath, smiling. She had come back Roswell so many times that it was as if she was already living there again. She couldn’t wait for college to end for them to come back finally, but that seemed to be so far away yet. Violet was already used to her life in Roswell and didn’t seemed to think of Connecticut as her home that much anymore. As for Aurora... well, she was still too little, but she seemed to love Roswell and everybody there. After all, she had been born there and all. And Liz was glad she and Max hadn’t had to hide her birth from their friends and family, like they had done with Violet. Liz looked at her daughters and smiled. Aurora was a healthy, grown-up little girl who was just as adorable as her sister, even though Aurora looked more like Max. Especially her eyes and his ears, which Liz found the cutest thing, but she didn’t think that Max would agree that much.
Kyle and Tess’s son was also grown up and was their greatest proud. Cameron was, also, another cutest thing. His light brown hair tended to be wavy, like Kyle’s, and his eyes were as blue and bright as Tess’s. Although he could be a little ‘spitfire’ sometimes and not be quiet for a minute, Liz knew Kyle and Tess loved them so much more than their faces and words could ever express. Kyle was a great father, even though he was always complaining that Cameron would drive him insane sometimes.
“Hey, Liz, want something to drink? It’s hot as well and Tess and Maria are making some lemonade – don’t, Cameron, don’t go there! Bad boy! Damn you, kid—”
Liz had to bit her lips to keep from bursting out laughing. She hadn’t turned around, but she could picture Kyle running desperate to catch a little trouble-maker Cameron who was, once again, ‘exploring the place around’.
“Catch ya! Thought you would get away from this one, huh? Heh, think again... so, Liz, want something?”
“A lemonade would be fine, thanks”, Liz said, turning around but still bitting her lips. Kyle saw the laugher sparkling in her eyes.
“You’re laughing at me?”, he asked offended. “Well, that’s because your daughter is a little sleep-and-eat doll who’s always quiet! You wouldn’t laugh if you had someone like my son. I better go get him inside before he knocks a table over”.
Liz smiled again, then turned to Violet:
“You want some lemonade, sweetie?”
“Yes, mommy, thanks”, Violet replied, her eyes still on her sister.
“Angie, Avery! You guys want some lemonade?”, Liz yelled so that the two children could hear her.
“No thanks, Aunt Lizzie!”, they cried back in unisson.
“Two lemonades”, Liz said turning back to Kyle.
“Got it”, he said, and entered inside the Crashdown carrying Cameron, who started crying for Kyle having kept him of his so interesting exploring around the café.
When Liz had turned around, Max had appeared. Aurora quickly jerked away from her sister’s arms, laughing her three-teeth smile and rising her little arms up for Max to pick her up.
“How’s my little girl?”, Max cooed to her, picking her up. Aurora giggled in delight, looking around and finding herself so tall. Max kissed her soft cheek.
“Hope you’ve been a good girl to mommy and big sister”, he smiled, before putting her down. Violet received her in her arms.
“She’s been good, daddy. She’s learning to walk”, she explained.
“That’s very good news”, Max said with a smile, ruffling Violet’s silky chocolate hair. “And how’s daddy’s big girl?”, he asked, also pressing a kiss to her forehead. Violet giggled.
“I’m fine”.
Max smiled, kissing her cheek, and turned to Liz. They shared a quick, but indeniably sweet kiss, before Max said:
“I just dropped by our house”.
“Yeah? How’s everything’s going?”, Liz wanted to know.
“Just fine. Just one day more and they’ll be finished”.
“Great”, Liz smiled.
Liz and Max’s parents, since they had returned to Roswell for the first time, had helped them building a house there for them to live in everytime they’d stay and for them to have a place to live when they’d come back from Connecticut, graduated. Now, the house was completely ready, it was big and sunny, with a large backyard for Violet and Aurora to play in, and except for the last details when painting the walls, Max and Liz would be able to move in very soon.
“Here’s your lemonade”, Michael interrupted, appearing with two large cups of lemonade. “One for you...”, he said, handing one to Liz. “... And one for you”, he concluded, giving Violet the second cup, and riffling her hair. She giggled. “Thank you, uncle Mikey”.
“I’ll be on my way now, I gotta help Maria doing—hey, Angel, what are you doing?!”, Michael interrupted what he was saying when he saw Angel yelling at Avery, almost ready to smack him on the head with the baseball stick. “Quit it!”
Michael ran to his daughter, quickly picking her up before she could jump on Avery. “What happened, Angel? You shouldn’t be hitting Avery”.
“He cheated!”, Angel panted furiously, pointing accusatively at Avery.
“I didn’t!”, Avery protested. “I warned her that move wasn’t going to get out all right! She didn’t listen!”
Angel stuck out her tongue at him.
“What’s that, huh?”, Michael gave her a little smack in the forehead. “No sticking tongues out. Let’s get inside for a while and see if you calm down”.
“No!! I don’t want to!!”, Angel screamed, starting kicking her legs up and down, still with Michael holding her firmly.
“Yes you want... whoah!”, Michael jerked his head just in time to not get a kick in his face. “You almost kicked dad’s lip! Do you think that’s fair?”
Angel looked down and didn’t answer.
“Let’s get you upstairs for a while and you’ll come back later, as long as you promise not to make Avery to pieces, huh?”
“Okay”, she murmured bad-moodily. “I’m sorry, Avery”.
He shrugged.
“I should go inside too. I’m gonna look for daddy and ask him to coach me”, he explained.
Michael smiled and nodded, while carrying Angel in his arms. He noticed she must be really tired, because her eyelids were heavy and ready to close.
“I’m gonna get her upstairs and see if she takes a nap with her brother”, Michael muttered to Max and Liz. “And I’ll put some Bob Marley on if she gets trouble to fall asleep”.
Max and Liz smiled. Bob Marley was Angel’s favorite singer, even though she was only 4 years old. She also loved Metallica, to Michael’s great proud, and curiously, she could only fall asleep if she had some music of any of them on. Michael’s second child had also been born, in Halloween. Unfortunately, in the time Max and Liz were back in Connecticut and also happened to be trick-or-treating with Violet when Max got the news. It was a baby boy, named Dawson.
“I’m so happy we’re here”, Liz whispered, resting her head against Max’s chest. She looked at her daughters, feeling her heart filling with love and peace.
“Yeah”, Max answered, kissing the top of her head. “Me too”.
“And we did it”, Liz went on. “We finally did it. We’re still together. Our parents accept us. We’re married. And we have our daughters. We didn’t give up. And we’re still here. Happier than ever”.
“You’re right”, Max smiled. “We really did it. And we’ll always be together. No matter what”.
“Yeah”, Liz smiled and closed her eyes. “No matter what”.

The sound of Violet and Aurora’s giggles and laugher rang in that summer afternoon. Max and Liz were home.

** THE END**

~ When Cameron was two years old, Tess announced her new pregnancy. This time, she had a baby girl, who they named Ava Kathryn. This time, the baby had golden hair and Kyle’s brown eyes. :)
Maria finally fulfilled her dream of singing. She recorded her first album when Angel was 5 and Dawson 1, and she had to move to LA to work on it, but when it was released, she insisted that she would still live in Roswell. Michael and the children went it her whenever it was needed. Despite her instantaneous success, she kept on writing lyrics to pop star Alyssa Ryan, and also to other singers, who wanted to work with her when she released her album.
Max and Liz graduated from medical school and moved to Roswell definitively. They found job as doctors in the hospital where Cameron and Aurora had been born. ~

A/N.- Aww... the first fic I ever finish! It feels a little weird! :) Our journey is over. Max and Liz are finally together. I hope you have enjoyed this story. I really liked writing it and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for reading it and leaving feedback. Thank you all!! I hope we’ll see each other again with my other fics... :wink:
