Waiting For I Love You - AU M/L ADULT [COMPLETE]

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Part 10

Post by Emz80m »

Part 10

An hour later a knock on the door alerted Liz to the time, she assumed it would be Max so opened it quickly ‘I’m ready’ she said but when she looked up she came face to face with Zan rather than Max.

‘Glad to hear’ he grinned.

‘Hi what are you doing here? You know you’re not supposed to be in this wing’ she replied.

‘I wanted to escort my girlfriend to breakfast is that ok’ he said and pulled her towards him for a kiss.

‘Zan’ Liz said but it came out more as a sigh.

‘Come on’ he said and pulled her out of the room. ‘Zan I can’t. Max will be looking for me’ she tried to stop him.

‘Max will be fine he’s used to taking care of himself’ he told her and continued to lead her to breakfast.

Neither noticed the person who looked on sadly from the door to the bathroom as they walked away.


Liz and Zan entered the dinning room hand in hand ten minutes later.

‘Good morning Elizabeth’ her mother said.

‘Mum I didn’t expect you to be here this morning’ she said looking around noticing that not only was her parents there but so were the Harding’s and Valenti’s as well as all her friends and brother. The only people missing were the King and Queen and Max.

‘Apparently’ her father spoke raising an eyebrow in question ‘Where is Max this morning Elizabeth?’

‘Right here’ Max replied as he entered the room. He immediately went to Liz’s side and took hold of her hand directing her to the seat next to his place at the table. Liz followed his lead without question and was completely oblivious to the anger in Zan’s eyes.

‘Good morning everyone. I trust you all slept well’ said Diane as she and Phillip entered the room. Everyone rose and waited till they were seated before they sat again.

‘So did you all enjoy yourself last night?’ Dianne asked. All the children looked at each other and Diane noticed with happiness that Michael and Maria as well as Isabel and Alex all share quiet smiles with each other, maybe it would all turn out after all she thought to herself.

‘It was lovely thankyou Mum’ Isabel replied for them all.

Breakfast was served then and they all ate together making small talk, except for Max, Liz and Zan. Zan was too busy shooting daggers at his brother across the table, Liz was feeling too uncomfortable to say anything and Max was both angry and sad.

When breakfast was finished Michael was the first to ask what they were planning for the day. The parents informed them that they were free until that night when they were expected to return for dinner. With that said the group began discussion on what to do.

‘Well it’s a beautiful day we could take the horses and a picnic lunch up to the waterfall’ Maria suggested.

The group agreed it was a good idea so Diane arranged for a picnic lunch. ‘Wont we be a horse short’ Isabel asked then.

‘What do you mean?’ Michael asked confused. They had received horses for their 15th birthdays and they stayed in the Palace stables all the time since it was the only residence with enough room to ride.

‘Star is still injured is he not Liz?’ Isabel asked.

‘Yes’ Liz replied sadly.

‘You can ride with me sweets’ Zan told her.

Philip saw the look that crossed his eldest son’s face at the comment and knew now that things were not running as smoothly with the announcement of the betrothals as he had hoped.

‘That wont be necessary Zander will it Elizabeth’ Jeff answered for her also seeing that situation for what it really was.

‘I can take a look at Star for you Liz if you want me to’ Max said softly knowing that he would be able to fix Star for her.

Liz smiled brightly at him ‘Thanks I would really appreciate that. She doesn’t seem to be getting any better’

Everyone nodded happy that the problem had been solved for now.
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Part 11

Post by Emz80m »

Part 11

‘Elizabeth we would like to speak to you before you leave’ her father told her as she began to make her way out of the dinning hall.

Max had already taken off quickly and Liz suspected that he was angry with her for leaving with Zan this morning.

‘Yes father?’ she asked taking a seat across from her parents.

‘Would you care to explain why you arrived here this morning on the arm of a man that was not your fiancée?’ he asked.

‘No I wouldn’t’ she bit back upset of what her father expected of her.

‘Don’t speak to me like that young lady. You are still my daughter and will do as you are told until Max takes responsibility for you’ he yelled at her.

‘Elizabeth we understand that this is hard but we insist that you break ties with Zan now. You cannot continue with this relationship, you are engaged to Max’ her mother said then

‘This is not fair. I never asked to be married off’ she started but was cut off by her father again.

‘That’s enough’ he roared ‘If I hear that you are with Zan again without either your brother or Max then I will make arrangements to send you away till the wedding. Is that understood?’ he asked.

‘Yes father’ she replied ‘May I be excused I am sure Max is waiting for me’ she spat out sarcastically.


Max went straight to his room after breakfast, he knew he would need to speak to Liz, explain that she could not continue the relationship with Zan, he wouldn’t allow it but he had still hoped she would do that on her own. He changed into a pair of board shorts and a white wife beater and made his way into the bathroom.

The door was open but when he entered he stopped abruptly at the site of Liz’s back tying up the top of her small black bikini top. ‘Sorry’ he mumbled and started to back out of the room.

‘Can you help me please’ her soft voice stopped him. ‘I can’t get the knot tight enough my hair keeps getting in the road.

Without a word Max made his way up behind her and took hold of the straps and tied them for her while she held her hair up. He could smell her perfume it was intoxicating and the smooth skin off her neck made him want to kiss and nibble on it. Hesitantly he leaned forward and placed a small kiss behind her ear. When she didn’t object he continued to trail kisses down her neck until he reached the straps of her bikini top.

‘Max’ she moaned. Hearing her voice broke through his sexual fog and he realised he was moving along his plan too quickly but grinned in delight at her response.

‘I’m sorry about this morning. He wouldn’t take no for an answer’ she said softly watching his face in the mirror.

Max shrugged ‘Next time try using the word no’ he bit back, unable to control the sarcasm in his voice. He took a step back from her and she turned around to look at him.

‘What’s that supposed to mean’ she snapped.

‘You know what don’t worry about it Liz. You’re going to do what you want anyway so let’s just go so I can heal Star’ he sighed and began walking out of the bathroom.

When he entered the hallway he found Zan waiting outside Liz’s door. ‘I thought I made myself clear last night about you being in my wing’ Max sighed.

Zan snorted ‘You don’t think it will be that easy to steal my girl do you?’

‘You can’t steal something that already belongs to you’ Max bit back with a smile ‘and I certainly don’t hear Liz complaining’.

‘Yeah well we all know that if she had the choice she wouldn’t’ he laughed.
Liz came out of her room then, she had covered her black bikini with a short pair of board shorts and a white tank top she almost matched Max.

‘Zan what are you doing up here?’

‘I’m here to escort you to the stables’ he told her stepping forward to give her a kiss. Liz avoided his embrace and kiss by sidestepping.

‘Well you didn’t need to. That’s what Max is for’ she told him. She saw the hurt in his eyes and knew that when she had the chance she would explain the conversation with her parents to him.

‘Let’s go’ she said to them both and began walking towards the stables. For the first time in her life Liz Parker was very confused, very aroused and she didn’t know which Evan’s was responsible for it.
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Part 12

Post by Emz80m »

Part 12

After Max had fixed Star and Liz was confident the horse was up to making the journey the group set out to the waterfall, they arrived an hour later.

They all tied their horses up and Max went and helped Liz down from Star delighted when he realised Zan had not intention of doing so.


He nodded and took Star’s reigns and tied her up next to his stallion Majestic.

‘Are you okay?’ Isabel asked her brother.

‘Hey Iz, why wouldn’t I be?’ Max replied.

‘Well I can see that whole situation with Liz and Zan is taking its toll on you and I just wanted to let you know that if you ever need someone to talk to I’m here for you and offer you one piece of advise.’ She told him.

‘Thanks and what would that be?’

‘Tell her how you really feel, the truth’

‘That easy hey?’

‘No I can’t promise it will work but regardless of that you and I both know that decisions can’t be made without all the facts’ she laughed.

Zan led Liz away from the rest of the group hoping to get some private time for them both. ‘Let’s go for a swim’ he suggested and they both rid their clothes and entered the water in their swimmers. Liz watched as Zan removed his t-shirt and noticed for the first time that his body wasn’t as toned or bronzed as Max’s and was disappointed. She quickly shook away that feeling.

Zan immediately pulled Liz into his arms ‘I’ve missed you’ he sighed into her hair.

Liz smiled, it was unusual for Zan to get all sappy on her ‘I know and it’s only going to get worse’ she told him sadly. ‘My father told me after breakfast that if he finds I have been with you without either Max or Alex present then I will be sent away until the wedding’

‘God why are they doing this to us?’ he cried.

‘I know, but it could have been worse’ she sighed.

‘How the hell could it have been worse’ Zan grunted.

‘At least I get to marry someone I love. I could have ended up with Michael’ she laughed ‘or someone out side the palace’ she told him.

‘I don’t see how any of that could be worse, at least we wouldn’t have to worry about our parents looking over our shoulders’ he said before he pulled her to him for kiss.

The kiss soon became heated and Liz could feel Zan’s arousal against her stomach. He started to swim them behind waterfall ‘What are you doing’ she asked out of breath from his kisses.

‘Just getting us a little more privacy’ he said pushing her up against the cliff wall and kissing her again. One of his hands began to caress stomach then and Liz moaned.

‘Zan’ a voice shouted and Liz knew that it was Isabel.

‘Fuck’ Zan growled and pulled himself away from Liz.

‘What’ he yelled when he was out from behind the waterfall.

‘You’re needed back at the Palace, Father’s orders’ she told him.

‘You’re fucking kidding me’ Zan yelled.
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Part 13

Post by Emz80m »

Hi guys just want to clarify something.. when Liz says to Zan that she could be marrying someone she doesnt love Zan assumes that Liz means loves as a friend.. i think at this point that's what Liz is meaning too.

Part 13

Zan arrived back at the Palace an hour later and was ushered into his father’s office as soon as stood foot into the house.

‘Father’ he said and sat down.

‘Hello Zander. I’m sorry for calling you away from your friends but I have something that I have a problem and I need your help with it’

‘What would that be?’ he asked uninterested.

‘I need a representative from the House of Antar to attend the festival of life on Rebular. You will need to leave early tomorrow’ he informed him.

‘Isn’t that Max’s job? Send him I won’t go’ he replied.

‘No it is not Max’s job it’s yours and one that your brother had been carrying for you for too long now. You are the ambassador and you will leave tomorrow no argument’ Philip snapped.
‘When will I be back?’ he asked.

‘1 week if you wish’ he replied inwardly hoping that something on the planet might interest his son for a while. He knew that Zander would continue to interfere in his brother’s engagement if he didn’t and Dianne and Nancy had started plans for Max and Liz to marry at the end of the next month.


Back at the waterfall the girls were all lying on their towels sunbathing and talking while the guys placed a friendly game of football.

‘Did you guys know that Zan dated Serena’ Liz asked suddenly.

Isabel and Tess both turned and looked at Liz surprised, Maria however didn’t make eye contact.

‘You did, didn’t you Maria?’

‘Yes but that was before you and him Liz’ she replied feeling bad that she had kept it from her best friend.

‘What made you bring that up?’ Isabel asked.

‘I always thought it was Max’ she replied.

‘What do you mean?’ Tess asked confused.

‘Well I remembered seeing them one day in the gardens and it looked like Max, I just assumed that it was. He was always so secretive and that’s how the relationship was, none of us knew about it’

‘Max and Serena?’ Isabel asked. ‘I don’t think so. Max hasn’t looked at another girl since he’

‘Isabel’ a voice yelled angrily in her head and she looked across the water to see her brother staring at her crankily. It was something that Max and Isabel had been able to do since children but it also meant Max could tap into her thoughts.

‘What were you saying?’ Liz asked when Isabel had stopped talking mid-sentence.

‘Nothing it wasn’t important’ she replied quickly.

‘So did Zan and Serena, you know Maria’ Liz asked then, she was a little worried about the answer. Zan had never admitted to having been with someone else before but Liz always got the feeling he had.

‘Um’ Maria said and avoided Liz’s gaze ‘That’s not really my place to tell you, you should just ask Zan’ she added quickly.

‘That’s ok Maria I think your silence speaks for itself’ she tried to fake a smile. ‘I’m just going to go for a walk and maybe another swim’ she said and then hopped up quickly and walked away.

Liz knew she was being stupid it’s not like she thought she was the first person Zan had ever dated but to think that he had shared something so special with Serena and have closed himself off to her was surprising. Zan and Serena weren’t even really friends anymore Liz thought to herself.

‘Izzy where’s Liz going?’ Max asked her telepathically.

‘Oh she just found out that Zan and Serena did a whole lot more than kissing during their secret rendezvous and went for a walk and swim’ she replied.

Max didn’t respond he just took off in the same direction he saw Liz go.
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Part 14

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Part 14

Max found Liz sitting beside the entrance to the waterfall about 10 minutes later.

‘Hey’ he said and sat down beside her.

‘Hi’ she replied.

Max got up then and pulled of his Singlet top ‘Come on I want to show you something’ he said and put his hand out for her to take.

Liz looked at his hand for a moment before taking it and following him in the water ‘Where are we going?’ she asked.

‘There are a few caves on the other side of the waterfall’ he told her as they started swimming out.

Once they reached the other side of the waterfall Max pulled Liz out of the water and they moved to start investigating some of the caves. They didn’t talk for a very long time until Liz sat down and dangled her feet over the edge.

‘Want to tell me what’s wrong?’ he asked coming up behind her.

‘Actually nothing, a lot has been going on in past few days’ she said. The last thing she wanted to do was talk to Max about Zan.

‘Where’s you ring?’ Max asked looking down at her hand on her lap, he hadn’t noticed earlier that she didn’t have it on.

‘Oh I just forgot it not used to having it’ she replied flippantly. He looked at her then to see if she was actually telling him the truth and that’s when he noticed the locket he had given her around her neck and he smiled, he realised then that maybe the ring wasn’t really realistic for everyday life and was determined to mend that right away.

‘Have you got plans tomorrow?’ he asked then.

‘No why?’

‘I want to take to somewhere so how about after breakfast?’

He could tell that she was about to refuse and that thought pulled at his heart. He wanted her to love him so desperately and he could also see how torn she was when it came to Zan.

‘Please’ he used his puppy dog eyes on her

‘Ok but you know those eyes are not going to work after we’re married’ she joked but the smile slipped off her lips quickly when she realised what she had said.

‘Well best make good use of them while I can’ he said and with that he grabbed hold of her around the waist and pulled her with him back into the water.

When she came back up to the surface she looked around for Max but couldn’t find him she was about to call out to him when she felt something or rather someone grab her around her waist. ‘Max’ she squealed when he surfaced in front of her, pulling her firmly against him.

Max smiled at her as he took a few deep breaths into his lung but before he knew what was happening Liz’s arms went around his neck.

‘I have a feeling you wont be letting me get away with very much when we’re married’ he joked.

‘No. Now that you mention it I plan on whipping you into shape fairly quickly’ she replied a grin on her face.

‘Whipping well that I will look forward to’ he continued this time his voice taking on a husky note. She was driving him wild pressed so firmly against him.

‘Hmm me too’ she said licking her lips. That was the last resort for Max and he quickly took her lips with his own. This time Liz responded immediately and when she moaned Max wasted no time slipping his tongue into her mouth. As soon as Liz’s tongue touched his Max received a series of flashes from her, the last one was of Zan pinning her against the cave wall in a passionate kiss. He pulled away from the kiss immediately and looked at her ‘I’m not Zan you know’ he growled, a combination of frustration and anger at seeing Liz kissing Zan when she belonged to him. He also thought he was starting to make progress with her.

‘I know that’ she replied confused.

‘Do you?’ he asked again and then grabbed hold of her and swam them toward the shore.

When they got back to the Palace Liz found a note from Zan under her door asking her to meet him in library, it was place that he knew no one other than Liz and Max ever went.

Liz quickly changed and went to meet him in the library, she was barely in the door before two arms pulled her to him for a searing kiss.

‘What took you so long?’ he asked.

‘I just got back’ she told him pulling away from him ‘What’s the urgency? What did Phillip want?’

‘I have to go to Rebula for a week. I leave tomorrow morning’ he told her the look on his face telling her everything she needed to know about what he thought of that.

‘Well Rebula is lovely and isn’t the festival of life going on there?’ she asked confused as to why he didn’t want to go.

‘Liz don’t you get it. That’s a week we’ll be apart don’t you see why they’re sending me they’re trying to break us apart’

Liz sighed ‘Zan it’s a week and we both know that sooner or later you were going to have to start fulfilling your duties’

‘So you’re ok with this?’ he asked getting angry

‘I’ she began ‘Look it’s not like there’s really a choice in the matter’ she tried to explain.

‘I’m going to miss you’ he told her and pulled her to him again. But Liz didn’t reply she just let him crush her to him.
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Part 15

Post by Emz80m »

Hey guys i know we're all hating Zan at the moment but there's always going to be someone isnt it!! anyhow stay tuned because it's about to get a little heated in the next few parts

Part 15

Max knocked on Liz’s bedroom door a little before seven so he could escort her down to their birthday dinner. He knew that her parents and everyone else would d be down there by now for pre-dinner drinks and wanted to be there in case Zan showed up again.

‘Hi’ she smiled as she opened the door. She was wearing a simple red dress that fell to just above her knee and her hair was out just the way Max always loved it and he also noted with happiness that she still had her locket on, as well as her engagement ring this time. ‘You look beautiful’ he told her honestly.

‘Thank you, you don’t scrub up too bad yourself’ she said taking in his crisp black pants and silky black top, he always wore black she thought and god did he wear it nicely.

‘You ready?’

‘Yep lets do this’ she said and they walked in step down to the dinning room.

Dinner was a quiet affair that night and when it was over they all made their way to the sitting room so they could exchange presents.

The teens all exchanged presents and Liz was somewhat disappointed when she received Zan’s gift which was a voucher to her favourite hair salon, he had bought his sister the same thing and she was upset that he hadn’t put as much thought into her present as she had to his. Liz had gotten Zan a necklace which had a small Z on it that she had thought he would love, he had thanked her but she could tell that he was much more interested in the trip to Earth that his parents had finally relented on and given him.

Isabel had received some beautiful jewellery from her family as well as the nice gifts from her friends and the Parkers bought Alex the shiny silver Lexus he had been eyeing for months.

‘Liz honey we know that you wanted a car but with your move to the palace and the fact that Max already owns 2 of his own we decided to get you something else’ her parents explained when they handed her a thin envelope.

Liz gasped when she read the contents of the envelope and immediately turned to Max, she knew that he had something to do with this and she couldn’t help it when she squealed and launched herself at him, her parents had bought her a motorcycle. Max had been the only person that Liz had confided in about her need for speed, after he himself had bought a bike Liz had made him take her riding nearly everyday until Zan had found out and convinced her to do other things with her time.

Max laughed at her and the rest of the group looked on in confusion ‘Is it here?’ she asked.

‘No we thought we would let you pick one. Max said you would need to find the right size and need to get all the accessories anyway’ her mother told her and Liz rushed forward to give them both a big hug.

‘You bought her a bike?’ fumed Zan who had taken the envelope from Liz to see the contents.

Everyone stopped to look at him, ‘What’s wrong with me having a bike?’ she asked a slightly annoyed look on her face, she knew what he was going to say and if he opened his mouth he would really regret it.

Zan was feeling smart and just shook his head and sat down, going back to his holiday itinerary.

Max received a new watch from Isabel and Phillip and Dianne gave him money to upgrade his bike with Liz.
Everyone was more than happy with his or her presents.

‘So what time does your shuttle leave tomorrow?’ Philip asked Zan.

‘Shuttle? Where are you going?’ Max asked.

‘Humph’ Zan grunted refusing to believe that Max had nothing to do with his departure to Rebula.

‘10’ he finally answered his father. Liz looked at him nervously then knowing that when they got a moment alone she was going to have to break the news to him that there was no way that she would be able to see him off in the morning, and that the reason was because she had plans with Max.

‘Well before we all call it a night I guess it’s important that we tell you that we have picked a suitable date for Max and Liz’s wedding and it will be the last Saturday of this month.’ Liz gasped. Max looked at her and sent her a comforting smile he realised how quick everything was moving.

Once everyone left Liz pulled on Max’s hand to stay so that she could talk to their parents.

‘We’ll have to sit down and talk colours and dresses soon Elizabeth’ her mother smiled.

‘Sure’ Liz replied.

‘I wanted to ask what would happen now with my college acceptances?’ she asked.

‘Elizabeth you’ll be a future Queen in a few weeks there will be no need for college’ her mother informed her.

‘You mean I can’t go anymore’ she whispered and Max could tell she was barely holding onto her emotions.

‘Of course you can’ Max told her, ‘just pick which one you want to go to and we’ll find a place nearby and I can take my classes there too. We’ll just travel home when we’re needed’ he assured her leaving no room for her mother to argue with him. Liz looked up at him and smiled

‘Maxwell that is not possible’ his father stepped in then.

‘Why not father. Why should Liz miss out on going to school besides you were going to let me continue on and attend college’ he argued.

‘That’s right and if Liz wants to go to the University in the city then that is fine, but it is impossible for either of you to leave Antar City you’re needed here I’m afraid’
‘But Father’ Max began to argue again but stopped when he heard Liz ‘It’s okay Max I’ll just go to City University with you and everyone else’ she smiled at him, she couldn’t believe what he was prepared to do for her.

‘Are you sure?’ he asked her again.

‘Positive’ she said and took his hand as they walked out of the room.

‘I have a feeling everything might turn out after all’ Dianne smiled as she watched the two leave
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Part 16

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Part 16

When Max and Liz left the sitting room they found Zan waiting for them. ‘Zan’ Max grumbled.

‘I’m here to talk to Liz, Max, so if you’ll excuse us’ he said and took Liz’s hand and led her away from Max.

‘So what did you talk to our parents about?’ he asked.

‘Oh nothing. Listen I wont be able to see you off tomorrow I’m sorry’

‘What? Why not?’ he asked suspiciously.

‘I already have plans. I didn’t know about it before I made them’

‘Where are you going?’

‘I’m not sure’

‘How can you make plans and not know where you’re going?’ he asked getting angry again now.

‘Well Max didn’t tell me where we were going’ she replied hesitantly.

‘You’ve got to be kidding me. First he sets it up so I have to leave and now he’s taking you out so that you can’t even see me off. He’s some piece of work your future husband’ he spat.

‘Zan, Max and I didn’t even know you were going anywhere when we made plans’ she defended him.

‘Now you’re defending him?’ he asked incredulously.

‘Well tell him you can’t go’ he told her, it almost sounded like an order.

‘You know I can’t do that?’ she replied with a sigh. The last thing she wanted to do was argue with him right now.

‘Oh yeah that’s right’ he laughed bitterly ‘you could if you wanted to’

‘That’s not fair’ she said then, tears threatening to fall now.

‘Yeah well I don’t think it’s very fair that my girlfriend won’t be there to see me off tomorrow’ he snapped.

‘Zan’ she pleaded.

‘You know what Liz don’t worry about it and while you are at it don’t worry about tonight either’ he turned and walked away then and Liz promptly turned and ran to her room.

Liz lay on her bed deep in thought after her fight with Zan. She couldn’t understand what everyone expected her to do anymore. Zan believed that Max had orchestrated him being sent away but Liz refused to believe it. Max had nothing to gain by doing that, he didn’t have those types of feelings for her.

Her mind drifted back to her conversation with Max early that morning when he told her that it was never him with Serena. That moment had been a defining moment in her life when she looked back on it. For months she had started to develop feelings for Max and had almost decided to tell her best friend when she stumbled upon the scene in the library upstairs.

It had devastated her and was the driving force behind the change she decided to make in her life. She was convinced that if Max liked the type of girl that Serena Valenti was then maybe she should try to be a bit more like that. The change seemed to have no effect on Max and only served to peak the interest of Zan. He pursued her for 6 months before she relented and agreed to go out with him and only then because she realised that Max wasn’t interested in her in that way and she had been with Zan ever since.

Making the decision that she didn’t want to leave things with Zan the way they were before he went away she rushed into the bathroom, showered and cleaned her self up. Deciding that it was going to take more than words to get Zan to forgive her she pulled out the black lace nightie that Maria had given her earlier that night for her birthday and pulled it on. Looking in the mirror she checked herself over and smiled at her appearance but she still had a plaguing thought in her mind ‘do I really want to give myself to Zan’ and a picture of Max flashed into her mind then as well. Shaking the thought off she grabbed her robe and quietly left the room.
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Part 17

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Part 17

Max couldn’t sleep, there was something about having your dream girl in the room next to him and wanting desperately to be in that room, in that bed that did it to him.
Realising that sleep wouldn’t be coming easy that night he got up and made his way to the library to find a book to read.


Liz stood outside of Zan’s room hesitantly not sure whether she should knock or just walk in. Deciding finally on the latter she quietly opened the door. Looking around she noted how different his room was from the ones that she shared with Max. When she noticed he wasn’t in the room she called out to him, there was no answer.

‘Where could he be at this time of night’ she thought to herself. Thinking that he was probably downstairs in the kitchen she sat on his bed and waited.

Max walked around the library causally looking over some of the books, a rustling sound outside the window caught his attention and was very surprised when he looked out and saw what appeared to be a female trying to get someone’s attention. Specifically his brother’s, he thought considering the proximity to his room.

‘Damn him’ Max cursed, annoyed that he would be still playing around when he had the most beautiful girl on Antar. He quickly got up and stalked off to his brother’s wing.

Almost 15 minutes had past and Zan yet to return so Liz laid her head down on his pillow to rest her eyes hoping he would be back again soon.
That’s how Max found her when he stalked into the room in a rage 5 minutes later.

He came to an immediate halt when he saw his angel lying on his brother’s bed in what could only be described as lingerie. Obviously she had something planned he thought hurtfully. He made his way over to her and gently moved some hair out of her face ‘Max’ she sighed.

Max looked at her carefully and noticed that she was slightly awake. ‘Come on’ he said and bent down and picked her up.

He carried her back to her room and deposited her in her bed but she was wide awake by now and looking at him with her big doe eyes.

‘What did you think you were doing?’ he asked her quietly.

‘I had a fight with Zan because I couldn’t see him off tomorrow. I just wanted to apologise’ she told him.

‘That was some apology you had planned’ he grunted anger now seeping into his voice.

Liz looked down at herself then and realised she was still in the little nightie and was mortified with her actions. Not only had she not even got to see Zan but she had been caught by her future husband instead.

‘It wasn’t like that’ she tried to defend herself.

‘It’s always going to be like this isn’t it? He asked then

‘Like what?’ she asked confused.

‘You always running to Zan. Being at his beck and call’ he snapped.

Liz was taken back by his change in attitude ‘That’s not true’ she defended.

‘Liz I know you think you and Zan are in love and I’m sorry that you got stuck with me but I wont tolerate you humiliating me by running off to my brother dressed in something that only I should see you in’

‘What, why do you have a right to see me in this?’ she bit back angrily.

Max stalked towards her after the comment and pulled her to him so that her body was tightly fit against his ‘Let go’ she asked calmly.

‘You didn’t seem to have a problem this afternoon or this morning?’ he bit back. He ran his hands up and down her back then.

‘Max’ she sighed, her voice forcing him to drop his hands from her body and take a step back.

‘God I must be the most pathetic man on the whole of Antar’ he sighed. ‘You know what just forget about tomorrow now you can go and see Zan off’ he snapped and quickly left the room.

‘Max’ she called how but it was useless he was already gone.
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Part 18

Post by Emz80m »

Hey guys thanks for the feedback it always makes me smile to see you guys are reading my story *S* anyway here is the next part. A BIG thank you to Kay_B my beta

Part 18

Liz let the tears fall as she thought about everything Max had said. She knew that he was right, she was being unreasonable but they hadn’t talked about her relationship with Zan. Liz had always assumed that since neither of them had wanted the betrothal that Max was happy enough to continue on with the way things were.

She thought back then to earlier that night when he been willing to fight with his father over her future and college and she realised then that she had been nothing but a bitch to him when he was bending over backwards to make things easier for her.

She also thought back to the moment between them in the bathroom, how he had so tenderly kissed her neck and that afternoon in the water where he kissed her breath away. He was bringing feelings back up to the surface that Liz thought were well and truly buried.

With her decision made she got out of her bed and quickly made her way through the bathroom and into Max’s room.

Max was sitting against the headboard reading a book when Liz entered, he hadn’t noticed her yet so she took the time once again to enjoy his beautiful body, unsure of why she had never noticed it before.

As if sensing her Max looked up from his book and took in her appearance, she was still wearing the black nightie and Max had to restrain himself from groaning at the sight of her standing against the door in it.

‘What do you want Liz’ he asked, anger still lingering in his voice. He placed his book down and turned the bedside lamp off without waiting for her to respond.

‘I’ she stuttered at his coldness ‘can we talk?’ she asked.

‘Just go to bed Liz it’s late’

Starting to get angry at his attitude Liz quickly walked towards the bed and got in next to him.

‘Liz’ he groaned ‘what are you doing?’

‘You said to go to bed, you didn’t say which one’ she bit back a small smile on her face.

‘Why are you being such an asshole?’

‘Why won’t you let me apologise’ she asked then.

‘Hump’ he grunted at her insult.

‘I’m sorry about tonight, you’re right what I did was totally out of line and I am so sorry for behaving like such a spoilt brat but everything is happening so fast Max. How come you’re handling this so well’

‘Because I’m happy about it’ he replied.

‘What?’ Liz asked shocked and surprised when she felt her heart jump.

Max rolled over to face her then and propped himself up on his elbow.

‘All my life I knew I was never going to get to pick my mate Liz that’s why I never formed any relationships other than friendships. I couldn’t let myself get attached because I knew the time would come when I would have to say goodbye. I could’ve been betrothed to a princess from another planet that I’d never met. I’m glad it’s you, you’re my best friend’

When she didn’t say anything Max continued ‘I’ll do anything to make you happy Liz but you’ve got to cut me some slack here’ he whispered.

Liz was shocked and didn’t know how to respond so she leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

‘What was that?’ he asked shocked.

‘A kiss I guess’ she replied. If the light were on he would have seen she was blushing. He could see her biting on her lower lip though.

‘You call that a kiss Parker?’ he laughed.

‘Well yeah I guess’ she stuttered.

‘This is a kiss’ he said and leaned down and captured her mouth in a sweet kiss.

When he pulled away Liz was dazed ‘You sleeping here?’

‘Um yeah sure’ she replied and laid down. The minute her head hit the pillow she felt Max pulling her into his arms.

That’s how Zan found them early the next morning when he came looking for Liz.
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Part 19

Post by Emz80m »

I'm back... only two days this time Omega and although i hate ruining the surprise for all of you this next part is kinda on NC-17. Love yas thanx for reading

Part 19

The sun shinning through the windows woke Max from what must have been the best night’s sleep he could ever remember having. He opened his eyes and looked down at the beautiful creature lying in his arms, oh how he wanted her to love him as he loved her. He was surprised though that instead of seeing her sleeping soundly she was staring up at him with her doe eyes.

‘Morning’ she smiled.

‘Morning’ he yawned wiping the sleep away from his eyes.

Max threw the covers back from his body preparing to get out of bed when he caught sight of Liz staring at him again.

Liz watched mesmerized as Max threw the sheets off his body revealing very toned abs and a bit of silk covering what appeared to be an enormous morning erection.

Max groaned when he saw her lick her lips whilst staring at his erection, it was bad enough of a morning normally without having the added effect of Liz sleeping in his bed all night.

‘Do you still want to go out this morning?’ he asked then.

‘I didn’t think you wanted to take me anymore’ she asked then a teasing smile on her face.

‘Well I changed my mind so you need to be ready in an hour’ he replied looking at the clock to see what time it was.

‘Can we have breakfast first?’ she asked surprising them both.

‘Sure but if you don’t stop looking at me like that I’m going to be eating you for breakfast’ he groaned.

Liz appeared not to have heard him though and slowly reached a hand out to run along his chest. His skin was smooth yet hard at the same time ‘what the hell am I dong’ she thought to herself but she couldn’t get her hand to stop tracing the outlines of his muscles.

Max watched her as she discovered his body, he was holding on by the last thread if she didn’t get away from his soon nothing would be able to stop him from launching himself at her.

Ever so slowly though she moved closer to him and eventually she had climbed onto his lap so that she was straddling him.

‘We’re friends again aren’t we?’ she asked then shyly looking into his eyes, her hands yet to cease their exploration.

Max’s heart fell ‘Yeah friends’ he confirmed and then put a fake smile on his face which slowly changed to appear more from pleasure.

‘I don’t think I told you during our fight last night how much I love this nightgown’ he said then with a grin on his face and reached out to run his hands up and down her sides coming close the sides of her breasts but not touching.

Liz arched into every one of his touches. She was still completely unsure of what the hell she was doing right now but it felt too good to stop.

‘You do huh?’ she laughed then ‘I never would have known’ she added and then wiggled her self against his raging erection.

‘Oh you asked for it now’ he warned and quick as a flash she was on her back again with Max leaning over her his lips attacking hers as if his life depended on it.

‘Max’ she moaned in between kisses as his hand reached and began to gently caress her breast. He trailed kisses down her neck then and didn’t stop until he took hold of one of her nipples into his mouth, lace and all. He sucked on it and tugged at it gently with his teeth until she was begging him for something more.

‘Please Max’ she moaned. Max let a hand travel down her body over her flat stomach until it found its way underneath her nightie. He was both shocked and pleased when he found that she wasn’t wearing any panties and that she was already wet for him. He hesitantly used his finger to trail her lower lips. He had never done this before but was determined to have her come apart in his arms. Liz hips jerked up and met his finger the moment it touched her, Max took this as a good sign and slowly entered the finger into waiting core he slowly manoeuvred in and out of her until he could tell it was no longer enough so entered another finger.

‘Oh Max’ she moaned ‘I don’t think friends are supposed to do this’ she added then as Max quickened his pace. He never dreamed that he would be finger fucking Liz Parker in his bed but here he was and she was moaning his name.

‘Do you want me stop’ he whispered huskily against her ear where he was sucking on her ear lobe.

‘God no I need to’ she replied.

‘Need to what baby?’

He changed the angle of his hands so that he could use another finger to reach out and tug on her clit. The moment he did he felt her muscles contract around his fingers

‘Max yes, don’t stop yes’ she screamed as her orgasm washed over her.

When she calmed down Max removed his fingers from her body and brought them up to his mouth where he licked them clean while her eyes were still staring at him intently.

‘Now what did you say about breakfast again?’ he asked with a small smile.