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Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 9:37 am
by lyra
Well, people, it's finally done so... Happy Holidays and enjoy the chapter!

(Disclaimer: I've used some dialogue from Dark Angel, it's not mine.
A/N: Thanks, Itay, you're the best beta.)

Posted in two due to length.

Chapter 7

Alec grimaced, his eyes fixed on the incredibly freaked out Alex. The poor guy kept pacing around, which made everyone else keep moving out of his way in the crowded living room.

They'd had no problem at all at the bank, but when the time came instead of leaving in separate groups the same way they'd come in, the moment Iz had gotten the box she'd made the pre-arranged signal for retreat and all of them had basically run out of the place.

Once outside, Biggs had asked Isabel what had happened since he hadn't seen anything suspicious going down and he'd been by her side the whole time.

Isabel had looked at them as if she didn't know exactly where she was and then she'd shaken her head and squealed, "I hear Alex in my head!"

None had known what to say aside from 'What?', so they'd gone back to the apartment as fast as they could.

When they'd gotten here they'd found Alex sitting in the couch, clutching his head, and CeCe and Liz kneeling before him, trying to get him to tell them what was wrong.

Hearing the door of the apartment open, Alex had sprung to his feet, pointed a finger towards Isabel and said: "Izzy, I love you, don't get this the wrong way, but get the hell out of my head!" Then everyone had started talking at once which, of course, hadn't taken them anywhere.

Liz had demanded in a loud voice that everyone calmed down and now they were all just waiting.

Liz had been watching Alex. She understood what he was feeling, and he probably hadn't been ready for his powers to develop so fast. After all, it had been more than a year before she changed, and Kyle had gotten to doses, which probably was the reason his powers had appeared sooner. But then, none of them had been actually dead, and their injuries had never been in the head the way Alex's were. That could explain why Alex had experienced the fastest change. She shook her head. There would be time for analyzing the scientific reasons later. Now she had to focus on Alex.

"Alex," she said softly, trying to sooth him with her voice.

Alex stopped pacing and turned on her. "How do you stand it?" he asked bewildered.

Liz saw the three aliens flinch and she felt bad for them. Kyle must have seen it.

"It's not so bad, man," he said.

But Alex didn't look away from Liz. "Not that," he said, then Kyle's words registered in his mind and he glanced at the aliens. "I didn't mean it like that," he explained hastily, grimacing almost in pain. "I wasn't talking about the change per se, guys. I knew it would happen, I don't care about that." He went back to looking at Liz. "It's different with Kyle," he said meaningfully and he saw the light go on in Liz's eyes. "How do you stand it?" he repeated.

Liz sighed. "It was hard at first. That's the reason you barely saw me right before we left on this trip. I spent almost all the time locked in my room..." Liz lowered her gaze, thinking back to those days. Everything had felt so overwhelming... she'd felt like she was about to explode with all the emotions flooding her as soon as she went downstairs to the Crashdown. So she'd stayed in her room, mostly alone, but sometimes Maria kept her company. It had taken a bit but she'd learned to live with it, and Isabel had already told her they'd work on it together. She looked up at Alex's pained expression. "It'll get better, Alex. I promise," she vowed.

Alex sighed. He trusted Liz, if she said it wouldn't always feel like this, like he was a receptor for all the thoughts in a mile radius, he believed her. It had been bad enough when he could hear Izzy's but that had been mainly the shock of it happening. But then CeCe and Liz had come closer to him and he'd started hearing theirs too. And when the rest of the group had entered the apartment, Alex had feared he'd pass out.

"We should get out for a while, guys," Liz said to the group. "Give him some space."

Alex's grateful look was incentive for everyone and they got up immediately and left the apartment. Only Isabel stayed.

Once they were out the door they separated into groups. Max, Michael, Maria and Maxie went to get some take out for lunch. And the other five went into the RV that was parked in front of the apartment.

"Suddenly I feel so very lucky," Kyle commented, sitting down at the small table.

"Yeah, I bet," Liz grumbled. She still hadn't mastered her own power and sometimes she still felt the need to be on her own for a while to figure out which feelings were actually hers.

"Hearing people's thoughts sucks," Alec said suddenly, startling everyone.

"You talk like you've experienced it," Kyle said surprised.

"You bet your ass I did. The worst mission of my life," Alec said, a tinge of guilt assaulting him momentarily. He shook his head. "The Psy-Ops people gave me some drug that enhanced my 'empathic vein'," he spat.

"You're empathic?!" Liz jumped in.

"No, no, no. Nothing like you, Liz, believe me," Alec assured her. "It's more like a sixth sense, you know, I don't know what people are feeling. What I do know is what they want to hear... Makes it a lot easier to ingratiate yourself with a target," Alec explained over the lump in his throat.

"When was this?" Biggs asked, pulling CeCe on his lap since there weren't enough sits for everyone.

"'17, I think," Alec said. Things like dates of past missions weren't so clear after '18.

Biggs noticed. "So why do you say it sucks?" he asked, taking Alec's mind off of the bad memories.

Alec made a face. "I was supposed to infiltrate an underground gang that was giving problems to one of Manticore's financial supporters. It was an in-and-out mission. I had to take out the leader. But they didn't know who that was so they gave me that stupid drug so that I could get it from them," Alec warmed up to his story-telling. He was a natural and people loved it. They were all hanging on his every word.

"The problem, their base was under a disco that served them as cover. So I get in, dressed to kill, looking as devastatingly gorgeous as only I can," he added with a smug grin, making everyone laugh or roll their eyes, or both. "Because you gotta admit, psycho bastards as they were, they had the money to buy the good stuff."

"Oh yeah! I totally miss the designer dresses," CeCe said sarcastically.

"Anyway, I go in, focused on my mission like a good little soldier, one who didn't know what the injection they'd given him was for, mind you... And suddenly I can hear all this girls talking about how good I'm looking, my gorgeous face, the snug jeans, the kissable lips... and I'm thinking it's my hearing, you know, but then the things I hear start sounding like nothing you'd say aloud... I mean, really X-rated things," Alec emphasized with a horrified face. "People are nasty when they're horny," he said with a shudder.

Biggs and Kyle were laughing by then, and CeCe was looking at Alec speculatively. But Liz was shaking her head.

"You are the weirdest person I've ever met," she said suddenly.

Alec looked at her, appalled. "You have dated a half-alien, half-human hybrid and fought aliens and bastards from the FBI and I am the weirdest?!" he asked, feigning hurt. "I resent that."


Alex had stopped pacing, he was sitting on the couch again, relieved that everyone had left. He wasn't even hearing Isabel's thoughts anymore, he realised surprised. He looked up at her and found her leaning on the kitchen counter, as far away from him as possible without leaving the room. He remembered something he'd made out in the middle of the explosion right before Liz had shut them all up.

"You heard me too?" Alex asked softly. He had a headache and he didn't think he could deal with anything louder than a whisper.

"Yeah," she murmured, following his lead. "I heard you calling my name."

"Only that? Just once?" he asked wanting to be sure. Her name had been the only thing he'd deliberately 'thought' wanting to be heard.

Isabel nodded, she'd been shocked to hear Alex and her mind had been a whirlwind since then, but she hadn't really heard anything else.

"I heard you all the time," Alex sighed. "It was like a switched turned on in my head and I haven't been able to switch it off since."

"Not even now?" Isabel asked tentatively.

Alex frowned. "I don't really hear anything beyond my pounding headache," he joked bitterly. "Aren't you thinking anything?"

"I'm trying not to, but it's hard," she said looking down. Looking at his pained expression the guilt consumed her and with it came a barrage of thoughts she didn't want him to hear.

Alex chuckled sadly, "Too late, Iz, I can hear that."

Isabel winced, "Sorry."

Alex rose from the couch and walked to the counter, leaning beside her. He saw her flinch away and put his arm around her waist, hugging her to him. "It'll be okay, Izzy. It took me by surprise, that's all. It'll go away, you heard Liz."

"I know," Isabel sighed. "I just wish I could help you, you know, I don't really know what's going on for you; any of you. My powers have always been there. They've grown with me. But yours..." she trailed off.

Now that they'd been alone for a while and the tension and shock had left his body, Alex felt his headache dim slightly and his whole body relax. He took Isabel's hand and led her to the couch where they snuggled together, letting the other's presence comfort them.

"You know I didn't mean anything by what I said earlier, don't you?" Alex murmured into her hair where she rested her head on his chest. Isabel looked up at him, confused. "I mean, when I asked Liz how she stood it, I heard you guys, how you felt guilty and..." He was cut off by her thoughts in his head. Alex put one finger under the chin she was trying to lower again to stop her. "Iz?"

She sighed. "I know you didn't mean to blame us-"

"That's not what you just thought," he chided her softly.

"I know," she nodded. "I know that, I really do. It just doesn't feel that way..."

"Izzy, I'm not mad at you, guys. And I don't blame you for any after effects, and I'm not disgusted by the thought of being part alien-"

"Your not really part alien," Isabel said. "Our powers are human," she reminded him.

"My point exactly," Alex winked at her, smiling goofily. "This doesn't change a thing. Not with the group, not between us... Not about you. I love you, Isabel. All of you, including your thoughts."

Isabel slapped his chest playfully, laughing relieved at how well he was taking all of this now that he'd calmed down some. "So, how's your head? Still hurting?"

"Residual ache, you know, the kind I used to have after the accident."

Isabel nodded and settled back down against him. After a moment of silence a naughty smile appeared on her face. "You know, Alex, I read this article once that said..." Isabel trailed off, saying the rest in her mind.

Alex gasped, shocked, before he hauled her body up against his fusing their mouths together. He kissed her hungrily, devouring her lips, plundering her mouth, causing her to moan into his mouth.

Isabel really, really liked the way Alex kissed her. It always made her feel special, but not worshipped anymore, which was good. She liked that sensation of feeling Alex letting go, wanting her enough to make him forget about everything but that moment between them, forgetting his insecurities and the need to second guess himself... It's not that he turned into an arrogant stud or something, it was just that some time together and a little stability in their relationship had made wonders, to both of them actually.

The thing was he still was and always would be Alex, her Alex, tender but eager and yearning. And when they kissed madly, like there was no tomorrow, he liked to slow down and kiss her like it was their first time. Sweet little light kissed with their mouths almost closed, barely touching... and those melted Isabel like nothing else could, and made her attack him all the more, holding him with all her might. As if words wouldn't be enough to express how she felt about him and the force of their embrace would somehow convey her feelings.

They kept kissing each other on the couch. Isabel twinned her fingers in his head, small moans escaping her throat. She caressed his neck, skimming lightly over his skin while their lips met and nibbled and danced leisurely.

Alex slid his hands over her back, his fingers wandering under her top. He loved the feeling of her silky skin, and how he could make her quiver when he kneaded and caressed her lower back. He traced her lips with his, nuzzling lovingly her nose and stroking her hips and thighs with the tips of his fingers.

He pulled back a little and reclined on the back of the sofa, a contented smile on his lips. He cupped her cheek and smoothed her hair, eyes half-lidded. He took her hand and brushed his lips lightly back and forth over her fingers, just enjoying this time alone.

Isabel felt an incredible rush of feeling overwhelm her at seeing that expression in his face. She closed the gap between them again and captured his lips in a chaste kiss. "I wish you didn't have to ever stop kissing me," she whispered.

Alex laughed softly, his eyes shining mischievously. "Okay, we'll have to work on that," he said, focusing his attention on her bare shoulder.


"Committee for the Maintenance of the Civil War's Commemorative Monuments."

The group as a whole blinked, surprised. "Say what again?" Michael asked.

"The Committee for the Maintenance of the Civil War's Commemorative Monuments," Alec repeated calmly. He knew how it sounded, trust the government to grow a sense of humour when you least expect it.

"You've gotta be kidding," Kyle said, "They call themselves that?" he asked astonished.

"Yep," Alec nodded. "And, ridicule name aside, we need to find out everything there is to know about it before we do anything else."

The whole group was gathered in the apartment. Since the aliens had said they were more or less done for now with their quest for answers, and given that they were already in Washington DC, they had decided to put the alien questions aside and focus on the transgenics' goal for now.

They had to research and plan the takedown.

"CeCe, did you download the blueprints of the Gillette facility?" Alec asked the blond who nodded and rose from her seat to go get them.

Maxie was looking at the aliens speculatively. Since the moment she got separated from her siblings, her MO for about anything had been 'see, like, take'. She had made an art from the 'jump headfirst and worry about the consequences later' approach. And it had worked for her. She had never had any trouble extracting herself from a bad situation before.

But this was different. They were planning on going against Manticore. True, right now, when all the transgenics were barely children still and not able to defend the facility, it was basically like any other military base in the country... with real 'monsters' in the basement.

"They crawl up from the basement through special tunnels. And when you're not looking... BAM! They break through the wall and drag you away.

"They keep you as prisoner of war and eat you up little by little forever."

Max shook her head slightly to banish the thought of her brother's tales. 'They're not monsters. Alec told you that,' she told herself.

So Manticore was creepier and more sadist than most bases but still, not so different to the rest.

CeCe was spreading the sheets on the coffee table, but Max kept her eyes on the three teens, looking for the way they could help in their mission. Max grimaced at the word. She'd fought so hard all her life to bury that part of herself. The soldier.

That was something that set her apart from the other three. They 'were' soldiers. She wasn't.

"If I gave you a picture of a guy who's probably in Wyoming, could you do that dream-thing you do?" Maxie asked Isabel.

Everyone looked at her. Isabel had been watching Alec, Biggs and CeCe go over those plans and was surprised to be addressed so it took her a moment to find her footing.

"Mmm... Sure, it doesn't matter where the person is. In the dream state distance isn't an issue," she said curiously.

Maxie was nodding to herself. She heard Alec chuckle and turned to him. "What?"

"Please don't tell me you carry around a picture of the bastard," he said, half pleading, half joking.

Maxie rolled her eyes. "Yes, because I miss him so much," she said sarcastically. "Please, I just thought it might be useful to take a look into his sick mind and see... I'm not sure what, but you never know," she shrugged.

Alec nodded his agreement. He hadn't thought about it. It might be useful, he shrugged mentally.

"And about the photo, I thought we could use the one on his file. There's got to be a picture of him somewhere we can use," Maxie added, looking back at Isabel for her agreement.

"Right," Isabel nodded. "Any picture serves. I've used magazines before," she said smiling at Kyle who suddenly got up and walked into the kitchen.

"I'm so thirsty," he said over his shoulder, purposely turning his back on the group. He heard Isabel snickering.

"Since you're there, pass me a cold beer, will you, Kyle?" CeCe asked, wiping her brow.

"Sure," came the answer from the fridge where Kyle had stuck his head. He got a beer for her and a soda for himself.

Alec had gone back to discussing with Biggs the better approach to the base.

Isabel leaned close to Alex, who was beside her, and whispered in his ear. "Are you all right? How's the head?"

Alex smiled at her. "I'm okay for now. I think I'll be fine if everyone keeps their cool. Especially me. Stress doesn't go well with emerging powers," he whispered back. It was late at night already, his headache had disappeared sometime in the afternoon and with it his ability to hear other people's thoughts. Obviously he couldn't control it. At least not yet. And he'd just have to learn to deal with the sudden outburst as best he could.

"I'm going in with you," Michael's voice rose over the general chit-chat in the apartment, startling everyone.

Alec didn't raise his head from the blueprints. "We'll talk about that later on," he said in a tone that broke no argument.

Apparently, Michael didn't get it. "Alec-"

"Later on, Michael," Alec said, finally looking at Michael in the eyes.

"I'd be willing to go too," Max venture to diffuse the tension. He saw Alec glance at him and hastily added, "Just so you know," he said, catching Alec's eye. "I guess you'd need to know for the planning?"

Alec nodded and went back to study the blueprints. He pointed to a large building. "This one we'll have to blow up," he said as if talking about the weather. He pointed to a blank space beside it. "Told you, not barracks apart yet. We'll probably still be in the medical building." Alec made a face, trying not to think about how weird it was to be talking about another him, not to mention the possible consequences. They hadn't talked about since that night at Michael's. They couldn't avoid that conversation much longer. 'Not now.'

"That means we'll need fewer explosives," Biggs said bringing Alec's focus back to the moment. "But we're still going to need some," he told Alec.

"Yeah, and that's not the only thing. The gear we brought with us for the diamonds heist won't be enough. We're gonna need more comm links, and weapons." Alec bit his thumb's nail pensively. "What do you think, steal or buy?" he asked Biggs.

"We'll worry about getting them later, right now we should focus on what we're going to need-" Biggs broke off mid-sentence and frowned. Something was off.

Alec felt a weird awareness invade his mind and the question he was about to ask his friend fled his mind.

From the corner of their eyes they both saw CeCe take a long sip of her beer. The blond was sweating and she pressed the now empty bottle against her nape.

Feeling their eyes on her, CeCe turned to look at both males. One look at them and her face broke into a seductive smile.

Alec raised an inviting eyebrow and the next thing he knew Biggs was pinning him to the wall on his back, his forearm pressed against his throat.

"Back off, Alec," Biggs growled. "She's mine."

CeCe seemed to enjoy the display. She purred, the sound driving Biggs wilder and snapping Alec out of it.

'Fuck! She had to go into heat now?' Alec thought. He lowered his gaze to show his acceptance and the pressure on his throat disappeared. He kept his head down.

CeCe plastered herself to Biggs' back, burying her nose on his neck and inhaling his scent. "Yours, huh?" she whispered in his ear.

Biggs turned on his heels and hugged her possessively to him, latching his mouth to hers and dragging her backwards to the door.

"Maxie, keys," Alec said softly, he didn't want to bring Biggs', or CeCe's, attention back to him.

Maxie grabbed the keys from the table and threw them to the passionately kissing couple. Biggs caught them in the air, not looking up from the shoulder he was kissing, but CeCe glared at Max and snarled at her.

The Roswell gang hadn't moved an inch since the moment Biggs attacked Alec, not knowing what was going on. They watched how Biggs and CeCe all but undressed each other on their way out.

When the door slammed closed, all the eyes went to Alec, still leaning on the wall. He waited a few more seconds before raising his head. He looked at Maxie. "You're not going to spring a surprise on me, are you?" he smirked.

"Was she...?" Maxie trailed off. Not that she needed his confirmation. She recognised the symptoms well enough; she'd just never seen it from outside. Alec raised a knowing eyebrow. "Right. Hm... No, don't worry. I'm good for a couple of months," she muttered, glancing briefly at Max.

Max's eyes widened, the flash he'd gotten from her and her explanation making clear what had just happened. 'WOW!'

"What the hell was that?!" Michael exclaimed.


Alex was going over the drawings they'd discovered on the cave wall. He had been at it all morning. After CeCe and Biggs's display last night, the group decided to call it a night and start anew the next day.

He'd been trying to recreate the program from Las Cruces. Once he'd remembered what had really happened to him he'd been having memory flashes that had led him to remember enough to recreate the program. Whenever he hit a dead end Alex either asked Alec to take a look or marked it to have CeCe fix it when she came back -- Alec said that would be in two or three days.

Alex introduced the symbols of the first page of the book and pressed 'Enter'. Two beeps and three 'Error' messages later, Alex knocked his head on the table. "Damn! This is gonna take longer than I thought," he whined.

"...So you never saw this guy?"

Alex turned to see Max and Michael enter the room with Alec in tow.

"Nah... Logan might have seen him but I was more like the muscle of the operation, you know, let the old man think he had a place." Alec rolled his eyes. He really couldn't stand Logan. "But I can tell you he was based in LA. The exchange was to be somewhere in the middle of Utah, in an abandoned airport. Langley had a flight LA-NY schedule from May the fourth in his private jet with an unscheduled pit stop in Utah. That way nothing could be traced back to him."

The guys sat around him and Alex decided to give his brain a rest and join them. "How are we going to find him then?"

Alec eyed the laptop Alex had been working on. "Is that thing online?"

Alex looked at the table. "Yeah, sure, why?"

"Google him," Alec said, shrugging. Off the skeptic looks the others gave him, Alec added, "Hey, you never know."

"Right," Michael said sarcastically. "I'm sure one of the entries will say: 'Kal Langley. Yes, the one you aliens are looking for'." He rolled his eyes.

"No, he's right, that could work. Didn't you say he was going to pay a lot of money?" Alex asked Alec who nodded at him. "Well, rich people tend to be noticeable. It's a start anyway." He was already typing the name. He pressed 'Enter' and a moment later the screen was filled with entries.

Four pair of eyes opened wide.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Michael exclaimed.

Alec chuckled, "Well, he would have money, wouldn't he?"

Alex clicked on the first entry: 'Kal Langley, at the Internet Movie Data Base'.

"Movie producer," Max said disbelievingly. "What the hell?"

The page loaded sawing the filmography of Kal Langley. He'd been producing movies for the last fifteen years. Alex opened the photo gallery and they saw a bald guy in a tux, obviously at a movie premiere. They were reading up on his biography when the phone rang. Three hands reached for their cells but Alec cut them, "It's his," he said pointing at Max.

"Hello," Max said into his phone.

"Hi, Max," Jim's voice came through the line. "How's everything?"

"Hey, Jim, we're good. How's Roswell?"

"Everything's fine. Nothing worth mentioning has happened here. I talked to Kyle but his cell ran out in the middle of our conversation," Jim explained. "He was telling me about Alex's change of status."

"Yeah, we had a bit of a surprise. But the thing at the bank went down smoothly. We got the box with no problems."

"That's good. What was in it?"

"It was a cooler with some kind of substance in it. I think it might be the blood from one of the shapeshifters they captured after the crash... It can't be mine, Pierce didn't have time to get my blood to Washington DC, but we haven't looked much into it yet. Whatever it is, it can wait."

"So what's next?" Jim asked.

"Er... Biggs and CeCe... had to take care of something," Max said non-commitally and he heard Alec laugh behind him. "So we're staying here a few days longer. Alec and Maxie are wrapping up their thing... Oh, and we're looking into some of Tess' stuff. Remember that letter about the key?"

"The one from... Nasedo?" Jim settled for, probably not a good idea to mention things like alien ship on the phone.

"Yes, that one. You won't believe it but turns out Alec, Biggs and CeCe had it. That's what they came to Las Cruces for," Max said, hoping Jim understood what he meant. "Alec saw the letter and recognised the key. We're checking out the guy who hired them. He only had a name, Kal Langley. There is this movie producer with that name... We're not sure if he's the one but he has a lot of money and that fits the profile."

"Do you have any picture?"

"Yes, there are a few shots in the IMDB," Max replied.

"The what?"

"Right," Max chuckled. "Not exactly something you'd know. The Internet Movie Data Base. Why do you ask?"

"I was thinking I'd take a look; see if I've ever seen him around. If he wants that key he probably knows about you. Wouldn't hurt to check."

"Sure. Here, write down the URL and take a look. It's Kal, spelled with a K, Langley, L-A-N-G-L-E-Y."

"Got it. Let me see..." Jim trailed off and Max could hear him typing in the keyboard.

"You home right now?"

"Yep, just came from the Crashdown. I saw your parents there... I think they're enjoying the break... Here we go. Kal Langley, photo gallery." Jim clicked on the first picture to see a larger version. "Weird..."

"What is?" Max asked. "Do you know him?"

The other three looked up when they heard those words.

"No, no... I don't think I've seen him around but... I can't shake the feeling that I have seen him before... Max, let me call you back in a bit, okay? I'm going to check something."

"Sure," Max agreed. "Talk to you later."

"Bye," Jim said distractedly and hung up.

Max looked at the others. "He's gonna look into it and call back."


Jim left Kyle's bedroom and went to the garage. He walked to the back and went through the boxes and old bags stored there. Under the last crate covered in dust.

Learning about Max and the others had been a shock to him, understandably. But most of all, it had forced Jim to come to terms with his father. Years of abandonment, shame and resent came crashing down on him.

Jim had gone to see his father in the nursing home. All these years, Jim had resented his father and, at the same time, had dreaded becoming him. Like father, like son; wasn't that how the saying went? For a while there after the shooting that was exactly what he had become. Obsessed, ignorant of his son's needs, a man on a mission with no regards for anything else... His father.

Last summer, after the aliens confided in him and he learned the truth, Jim had gone over his father's all files. Everything official had been taken by the FBI, of course, but Valenti Sr. had trusted no one but himself and kept his own copies of his investigations. The Crash, Hubble and the drifter, Atherton and all the other cases in his career where he felt aliens had been involved. Records, a few evidences -- Jim hadn't known what to do with those; they were stolen after all -- and pictures of the cases filled an old box in his garage. His father's lifework inside a cardboard case.

Jim lifted the heavy box and took it back inside. He put it on the table and sat on the couch. Dust rose when he opened the lid.

Langley's face had sparkled something in Jim's brain. He was sure he'd seen that face somewhere and, given the givens, all his money was on this box.

Jim took out the folder with the pictures and opened it. Photo after photo, he put them on the table. Some he recognised immediately, other belonged to cases he wasn't so familiar with.

There it was.

Jim pulled the corresponding file from the box and reached for the phone.


"So you think he's a shapeshifter?" Max asked. The phone was sitting on the table in the middle of the living room, on speaker now since the rest of the group had come back minutes before the call.

"This was almost fifty years ago, Max, and he looks exactly the same."

"I get that. That points to an alien origin, given all the info from that case, but... I don't know, wouldn't a shapeshifter have changed his appearance? Especially if he's gone killing around?" Michael cut in.

"Michael's right, Jim," Alex added.

"I don't know why he hasn't changed, but even if that doesn't convince you, what do you say about the way he killed that actress?"

"Yeah, that's how Nasedo killed," Max agreed. "So, we're going with the assumption that this producer from Hollywood is the second shapeshifter?"

The others nodded their agreement to Jim's answer in the affirmative.

"Okay, thanks, Jim. We'll talk soon."

"Right. Take care, kids. Keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary," Jim advised them before saying goodbye and hanging up.

Max clicked the off button and rose from the couch. He walked to the window and leaned his head on the glass. Eyes closed and clenched jaw, anger and frustration pouring out of him, the others watched him and waited. Feeling the tension in the room raise, Alex got to his feet and left the apartment quietly. Isabel hesitated for a moment. She didn't want to leave him alone, but her brother didn't look much better. She looked around the room and both Michael and Liz nodded their heads towards the door; Max had other people right now, Alex needed her. She gave Liz a small smile, it meant a lot to Isabel that Liz supported her relationship with Alex, and left.

The rest waited.

'Dammit! It's never gonna end! What does this mean? Does he want the key to go back?' Max's mind was in turmoil. 'Like I need another headache to add to the pile!' Max shook his head; he didn't have time for this. He didn't know what to do. Not only he didn't trust this Langley, he wasn't gonna let him get the other key.

Max turned around and took the phone again. He dialled the Information Assistance for LA and waited.

"Yes, I need the phone number of Langley Productions, please." Max wrote down the number. "Thank you." He hung up and started to dial again.

"Here," Alec interrupted him, handing him his phone. "In case he can trace the call."

Max took it and dialled again.

"Langley Productions. Good morning, how may I direct your call?"

"Mr. Langley, please," Max said in a clipped voice.

"One moment please." The line went dead for a second, then, "Mr. Langley's office. Can I help you?" a new voice asked.

"I'd like to talk to Mr. Langley," Max repeated, no pleasantries this time. He had to appear firm here.

"Mr. Langley is in a meeting, can I take a message?"

"Tell him..." Max hesitated, looking at Michael. What were the odds this guy didn't know who he was? After all, didn't the dupes know? It didn't look like a secret, apparently there was a sign in the entrance to the atmosphere: 'Welcome to Earth, the king of Antar's human name is Max Evans.' Max shook his head.

He heard Langley's secretary calling him, "Sir?"

"Yes, tell him Max Evans wants to talk to him." Max ignored the gasp that came from behind. He didn't know who it came from and, right now, he didn't really care. He held his breath, waiting, then...

"Hold a second, please." Another second and a man came into the line. "Kal Langley," he said shortly, he didn't sound too excited about the call, but Max didn't care, he didn't want to chat.

"Stop looking for the key; I've got it," Max enunciated carefully and then hung up.

There was a pregnant silence in the apartment before Kyle asked stupefied, "That's it? You didn't even wait for him to say a word!" he exclaimed. "We're all about looking for answers, he may have had them!"

"We don't care what he has to say, Kyle," Michael said, supporting Max's actions.

"B-but..." Kyle trailed off.

"He's a shapeshifter, like Nasedo. More than probably he's the one who abandoned the other set. Why would we want anything to do with him?" Michael went on.

Kyle looked won over by this argument.

"I won't trust a word he has to say," Max said firmly. "If we ever need him, we know where he is. Hopefully, this short call will clue him in that we don't want him close," Max added, not really believing his own words, but choosing to ignore it.

Silence fell upon the group again, but this time Maria wasn't going to let it go. "Well, if the current crisis is over, Michael, I want you to take me somewhere," she said, breaking the spell, and everyone else sprang into action.

"Right," Kyle said, standing up. "I think I'm going to see if Alex is alright." He put his phone to recharge and then left.

Michael held out his hand to Max for the keys to the SUV, since he'd been the last to drive it, while Maria whispered something into Liz's ear, making her laugh.

"Ready, Maria?" he asked. She nodded and put her hand into his, walking with him out the door. "Where are we going anyway?" he was saying when the door shut behind him.

Liz shook her head smiling, Maria had said not to wait for them for dinner. They'd been talking last night and Maria had confessed that the last two weeks had been too long for her and she hadn't had much chance to spend quality time with Michael, so Liz had told her she should 'make' the time now before things went crazy again, seeing as how they were stuck here until CeCe and Biggs came back.

The sudden nearness of a hot body startled her. "Penny for your thoughts," Alec whispered in her ear.

On the other side of the room, Max watched as Alec leaned close to Liz and suddenly felt like the walls were closing in on him. He looked around as if suddenly realising there were only him and those two left in the room and got to his feet.

"I'm gonna go get some air," he mumbled and left without looking at them.

Right then, Maxie came out of the bathroom and looked around, "Where did everyone go?"

"Out," Alec said simply, inexplicably smirking.

"Er... Kyle went to see if Alex was alright and Maria and Michael went to... take care of something," she managed to say, ignoring Alec knowing chuckle. "And Max just left, I think he was going to take a walk..." Liz trailed off.

Maxie looked towards the window. "I think I'll go too. Haven't had a good ride in two days." She took the keys to her Ninja and stopped for a glass of water before turning back to the door. "I'll pick you up later tonight," she threw over her shoulder.

"What are you guys doing later?" Liz asked.

Alec turned to her smirking. "You know, you ask about my doings too often. I feel like I get all the nuances of a relationship without ever enjoying the fun part," he teased her.

Liz rolled her eyes. "Tell you what, you tell me what she meant and we can make out some later," she drawled sarcastically.

Alec chuckled, shaking his head. "We're going to do some recon in the bad neighbourhoods. We need to find a contact to get the gear we'll need in Gillette," Alec explained.

"Right, I'd forgotten about that. I guess CeCe's spectacular finale made the rest a little hazy."

"I noticed; the guys had forgotten too, I had to repeat most of what we talked about yesterday. One would think you've never seen a chick on the prowl," he said incredulously.

"Well... Not a girl, but we have seen you, so..." Liz got to her feet to escape Alec's lunge for her. She jumped away and raised her arms, surrendering. "Now, now, Alec, don't be like that," she chuckled, a hint of mischief in her voice. "You know you deserved th- Stop!" she squealed, trying to stop Alec's tickling fingers. "Alec!"

He put one arm around her wait and picked her up, throwing her on the couch and kneeling over her, not actually straddling her. "You give?" he asked.

Liz nodded, unable to speak through the peals of laughter escaping her.

Alec relented slightly, letting her catch her breath but not totally stopping. "Say 'Alec's the best'," he ordered.

"Alec's the best," Liz gasped.

"'Alec is smarter than I'," he added smugly and saw the flash of annoyance that went through her eyes. But she complied.

"Alec is smarter than I," Liz said, hoping he'd let her up now.

But Alec wasn't done. "'Alec is incredibly hot and I want him badly'."

This time Alec couldn't identify what went through her mind before she deliberately snorted and then repeated his words. Satisfied, he leaned back and let her move away. "See? I knew that," he shot off-handedly.

Liz got up and got to her bedroom. "Keep telling yourself that, Alec," she said sweetly at him from her door. Liz went into the room and leaned back against the door. Her knees trembling, sighing, she slid onto the floor.


continued in next post

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 9:46 am
by lyra


The last three days had been nothing short of chaotic. Everyone had something to do. Max and Michael had experimented with the serum Liz'd made, which of course resulted in more lab time for her to make more given that they were satisfied with the results. When they weren't doing that, Michael sat with Alec and Maxie who had been going over their plans and strategizing. That was, of course, when they weren't out God knows where buying all kinds of technical stuff... and weapons. Liz had never seen a gun up close before. Her knowledge about them could be summed up with 'I got shot once'.

To be honest, the transgenics hadn't really let any of them get too close. Alec had come into the door carrying two heavy bags and had gone straight into the room the four transgenics shared.

Isabel had spent the three days practising with her, Alex and Kyle, one at a time.

And Maria... well Maria had a found quite a bit of reasons to drag Michael on errands.

Liz smiled, Maria was obviously very happy. She had found some inner peace when Michael decided to stay in the planet for her, healing the deep wound her father had inflicted when he left. And of course the fact that they'd gone all the way made for really entertaining late night talks, with Maria babbling all over the place about her and Michael and Isabel reminding her she was talking about her brother every second sentence. Liz was sure Isabel was gonna end up scarred for life... maybe so was Liz.

Alec said last night he expected Biggs and CeCe to be back sometime today.

"Hey, Liz, you there?" Liz heard Alec calling from the living room. She got up and walked out of her room where she'd been writing in her journal the happenings of the last days.

"What's up, Alec?"

Alec turned to her from the fridge with a slice of pizza. "Hi there, beautiful, I found the perfect way to use that serum you made," he said, heating up the pizza. He pulled a gun from his back and let it on the counter with a bang. Liz jumped back startled and looked at Alec with wide eyes. Alec chuckled, "Relax, Liz. It's a dart gun and it's not loaded."

Liz shook her head. "I thought you and Maxie were planning for Wyoming," Liz said. 'Not that I know what you're talking about most of the time,' she added silently. She'd been present on some of those planning sessions and they had told the whole group the parts she'd missed, but if you were to look at her journal, the recounting of all their meticulous strategy looked like the plot of a movie. In every action movie you had the same plan of action: 'You go in silently, surveillance is the first thing to take care of, then guards, fast and quietly, take control of the place, do whatever you went there to do, and get out as fast as possible.' 'Did I mention fast and silently?' Liz thought. 'Because as far as I got about the plan. Well, that and some big words like 'charges' and 'blowing up'...' The rest sounded like a different language to her.

"We were," Alec said, interrupting her musings. "So? What do you take me for? An ordinary? I can multitask." He took the now hot pizza and walked to the couch.

"Right," Liz agreed, still lost in her thoughts. She shook her head and focused on their conversation. "So, what was that about the serum?" she asked.

Alec pointed at the gun he'd left on the counter. "I've been thinking those are the safest approach. We'll carry one each -- and with 'we' I mean us Xs, of course -- loaded with the serum. I need to know what dose you need to knock an alien powerless so I can buy the appropriate dart."

"I still don't get why you need-"

"Yes, yes, I know," Alec cut in, shaking his head sadly, "My mind is always so much faster than anyone else's..."

Liz laughed, "You're so full of yourself." She slapped his arm.

Alec leaned back on the sofa, smiling engagingly at Liz. She shook her head, smiling back. He always made her smile... and blush... and weak in the knees... and so many more things she didn't know where to start. Liz hadn't been able to focus on much more than him for a while now. Every day she fell a little bit more and his continuous flirting wasn't helping her at all.

"Well?" she prompted him.

"Didn't Max or Michael tell you about our next move?" Alec asked and Liz shook her head. "I can understand that, they probably lose all brain functions when they're close to you, you're so stunning... you leave them speechless," Alec said, winking at her.

"Really?" Liz drawled, "Then how come I never manage to stun you into silence? If I'm so beautiful and everything, why aren't you down on your knees worshipping me?" she demanded haughtily, but then her mind caught up with her mouth and Liz backtracked, embarrassed. "But of course you, being so much more than an ordinary, wouldn't be affected by us mere humans, and nor even a beautiful girl gets to you. Not that I think I'm beautiful," she added hastily, in full babbling mode, "It's just you said so. But you didn't mean for you; only normal guys and that's not you..." she trailed off, losing steam, her voice dying out. "Of course I'm not your type," Liz mumbled softly, feeling foolish for even thinking and fantasizing about it the last weeks. She lowered her gaze, staring at her own feet. She didn't want to see the shock or pity in his face. She bit her lip and brushed a lock of hair from her face in a nervous gestures.

But Alec was disagreeing with her already. "Who said you're not?" he asked, raising her head with a finger under her chin and smiling charmingly at her. "You are beautiful. You're petite and fragile looking, I like that in a girl. I wouldn't know what to do with a girl like Isabel," he added confidentially, then he pouted, "And she's prettier than me," he said earning a chuckle from Liz.

She felt the loss of his touch when he took his finger away. His words were making hope bloom in her heart.

"And you're brunette," Alec went on. "I have a soft spot for dark haired beauties."

Fingers running through a dark mane. The image went through Alec like lightning, unsettling him.

"You're smart," he added, pushing the unease away. "Believe it or not, pneumatic air-heads aren't all that."

"She's a good student--excels in history and communications." Alec shook his head closing his eyes.

"You're close to your family..."

"He's great. It's just been the two of us, though, since my mom died."

Rachel hugs her father.

"...Loyal..." Alec said slowly, his eyes glazed as if he didn't see Liz at all.

"Daddy!" Rachel runs to the car.


Rachel turns around and smiles at him, holding out her hand.


"I love you."

"Oh, God!" Alec gasped, the words barely a whisper. He rose from the couch and stepped back, shaking his head, his eyes wide.

Liz reached out for him and Alec gave another step back. He looked like he'd seen a ghost.


The car explodes.

"No," Alec whispered in a pained voice. Liz opened her mouth and he repeated louder, "No!" Alec turned on his heels and went for the door of the apartment. "I have to go."

Alec opened the door and came face to face with Biggs and CeCe, her arm raised, about to knock. Alec pushed them apart and left.

"Alec!" CeCe called out.

Biggs looked after his friend. His face had been a mask, but his eyes were shouting for a way out. The couple entered the apartment and looked around. The only person in the living room was Liz and she looked about to cry.

Biggs approached her and she looked at him for an explanation. "What happened, Liz?" he asked softly.

Liz shook her head, "I don't know..." she started, her eyes going back to the door Alec had disappeared through. "We were talking and he just... I don't know..."

"It's alright," Biggs soothed her; he needed her to focus so that he could help him figure out what was wrong with Alec. "What were you talking about?" He saw Liz blush and things started to fall in place.

Liz felt the heat in her cheeks and sighed, not like she could lie now, Biggs would see right through her. "We... I... I mentioned that I wasn't his type and he was telling me that it wasn't true... He said..." she trailed off, she didn't want to repeat the things Alec had said.

"Brunette, beautiful, smart... Am I close?" Biggs offered, seeing how hard it was for Liz to talk about it. She just nodded, not looking at him. Biggs cursed inwardly.

The truth was he'd seen this coming. Sometimes he had wondered how could Alec not see it. Especially since he'd remembered the whole ordeal a few months back.

CeCe sat beside Liz and nodded to Biggs. She'd stay with her and Biggs would go after Alec.

Biggs rose from the couch and squeezed Liz's shoulder. She looked up at him, the question loud in her eyes. "He'll have to tell you himself, Liz" he told her.

Biggs turned to the door and went after his friend.


It hadn't been that hard to find Alec.

Biggs had looked for the nearest bar and there had been Alec, drinking his feelings away. Typical X behaviour, actually. They didn't deal well with emotions, especially when the emotions were so deep and they hurt so badly.

Biggs wished he could spare Alec this ordeal, but he knew Alec needed to go through this. He'd never really gotten over Rachel and his part on her death. Alec had just buried his guilt and tried to move on with his life, using his charm and looks to get one girl after another, never admitting that wasn't what he wanted.

When Biggs had seen the spark in Liz's eyes he hadn't given it much thought; basically, every girl got dreamy eyes -- or steamy, depending on the girl -- when they saw Alec.

But then Alec's eyes sparked back... and Alec ignored the fact that they had. That's when alarm bells had rung in Biggs' mind. Liz was a natural blend of the two girls who had affected Alec the most. She was young, innocent and vulnerable like Rachel and, at the same time, strong, opinionated and capable like Max. She could be a romantic interest and a good friend for Alec.

And, of course, Alec was terrified because of it.

He didn't want to get that close to anyone again. He couldn't risk that kind of hurt, not for him nor her. Biggs knew this; but he also knew Alec didn't really have a choice in the matter. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, the feelings where there and even if he never faced it he would be hurting Liz still.

Biggs approached Alec and sat down on the stool next to him. "Whiskey," he told the barman who'd come to take his order.

"Leave it, Biggs. Just go," Alec said never taking his eyes from his drink.

The barman put a glass in front of Biggs and Alec nodded to his now empty one. The barman refilled it.

Biggs ignored Alec's order, staying where he was, but he didn't say a word. They just drank in silence. And they finished that round the barman served them a new one without having to be asked.

Half an hour later, Alec was still drinking, his high metabolism burning the alcohol before it had the chance to inebriate him. But he felt numb, which was the effect he was going for. And Alec knew if he stopped drinking the numbness would go away in a matter of minutes. So he kept drinking.

Biggs had stopped a while ago. He didn't need to feel numb after all.

Neither had said a word since Alec told Biggs to leave. Biggs knew he couldn't be the one to start or else Alec would clam up and there would be no way to get him to talk. Biggs was glad that patience was one of the basic skills a soldier had to master. He could outwait Alec. It's not like he had anything better to do right-

"I'm not gonna do this, so drop it," Alec said suddenly and Biggs smiled inwardly.

"Do what?" he asked pleasantly.

Alec scowled at him. "Don't treat me like a kid, I'm not stupid, Biggs," he growled.

Biggs put on an innocent face. "I'm just playing your game, man."

Alec shook his head and went back to drinking. One sip, two sips... He sighed, let the glass on the counter and ran his fingers through his hair, rubbing his nape in a tired gesture. "I'm not gonna hurt Liz," he said wearily. Biggs nodded, seemingly agreeing with him, and so he took the glass back up. He was about to take another drink when Biggs spoke.

"Then you're gonna hurt Liz," he said.

Alec's hand froze in mid air and he looked at Biggs, his eyes confused.

"By having nothing to do with her," Biggs explained.

Alec snorted and brought the Scotch to his lips. The conversation was over as far as he was concerned. Biggs was just wasting his time.

Apparently, Biggs disagreed.

"She's not Rachel, Alec."

Alec spun on his stool towards Biggs, her name jolting him into action, but the look on his friend's face stopped him.

"I know what this is about. She's like the elephant in the room and it needs to be said," Biggs whispered because the barman had turned to watched them when Alec snapped, but seeing that it didn't look like they were going to get into a fight, the barman went back to his solitaire and Biggs continued. "And whatever you decide about this, there's one thing you need to accept: Liz is not Rachel."

Alec avoided Biggs's eyes and ignored him. Biggs sighed. This was going to be a long talk. Time to change tactics.

"Okay," he started, watching Alec play with his glass but knowing he was listening. "Let's say you're not gonna do this. You go back to the apartment and don't talk to Liz. You stop acting the way you have until now, you don't spend time with her alone, you don't even look at her anymore. You galvanize yourself and get over it," Biggs said nonchalantly. "By the way, this is where the 'hurting her anyway' part comes," he commented leaning closer and he saw Alec wince. Good. "So then, what?" he paused, letting his words sink. "What happens several months down the line, or a year, when you develop feelings for someone else? You'll do this over and over till you die? Perfect plan, Alec. Manticore would be so happy to hear that: the emotionless soldier they wanted all along."

Alec kept silent. He didn't want to hear that, it was easier to ignore this feeling now without the threat of having to do it again... more than once. It was easy to tell himself he'd be more careful next time, that there wouldn't be a next time.

But then, he'd done that the last time too, and look how well that worked.

"Having feelings for other people, especially girls, is something that's gonna happen; you can't help it, Alec, unless you're a robot or a plant," Biggs went on. "I'm sorry to burst your bubble but it's always gonna be there... And I'm not gonna join you in some bar and slap your head around every time. I have better things to do with my time."

That got a small reluctant chuckle out of Alec.

"Anyway, we're getting off track here. My point was that Liz is not Rachel. You know that, I know that... and I hope she gets to know that too," he added under his breath. "Besides," Biggs smirked, feeling the need to lighten the mood, "She's gonna learn martial arts, right? She's gonna be a toughie."

Alec chuckled in spite of himself. "Come on, man."

"What?" Biggs said shrugging. "I'm serious. She's not Rachel. She can take care of herself, and she knows who you are, what she's getting into."

"No-one really knows that unless they're Manticore too, Biggs."

"But she's the closest you can get," Biggs argued.

"Maybe so," Alec conceded.

Biggs had to force his face to remain impassive. Had he really made Alec change his mind? Well, not entirely. But he'd made him think. That was huge; all he could ask for, really. The decision had to come from Alec. This was too important.


The transgenics were gathered in their room. It was late at night and they still had to have 'the' talk.

"I know we haven't really talked about this since that night, but time's running out and we can't put it off any longer," Alec started, all signs of his liquid afternoon and evening gone. "I meant what I said then. I'm willing to risk the chance that we'll disappear when we find ourselves. And I'll understand if any of you don't want to risk it." Alec looked at each one in the eyes, he wanted to show them he was sincere.

Biggs and CeCe had just started something and it wasn't fair to them to have to jeopardise it before they had a chance to explore it. And Max deserved the chance to choose for herself too.

"We said we'd do it and we will," Biggs said, grabbing CeCe's hand and speaking for both. "We're with you on this one, Alec. We all lost people to their sick games, and we have friends we want to have a chance at a better life. It's not fair to leave it all to you."

"Besides, we'll have to be there, inside. We can't leave you with only them for back-up," CeCe said.

Alec wasn't surprised by their choice. He looked at Max and she nodded at him.

"Okay, then. We all go in, whatever happens," Alec confirmed. "But the real problem isn't that we disappear. What happens if we don't?"

"What do you mean?" Maxie asked.

"I mean, what will we do if we make it through and we don't disappear? Even if we get the chance to go back, we're changing the future, it's impossible to go back to the Seattle we left... or the one you were about to find," he added looking at Max. "Nothing will be the same."

"So, we don't want to go back?" Biggs asked.

"Back to what?" CeCe volleyed back. "We don't know what's gonna happen here after Manticore's gone, how can we go to the future not knowing what will be waiting for us?"

"I'm not going," Max said suddenly.

"Hmm, that's what we're saying, Maxie," Alec pointed out.

"I know, smart ass, I meant that I wouldn't go even if we could go back to 'our' times. I've spent the last ten years running, always looking over my shoulder, drifting from place to place with no purpose other than keeping off the radar and finding my siblings." Max looked at Alec, her eyes bright with some inner light. "I have a purpose now, Alec. I'm going to make sure my siblings are safe. I'll make sure that Ben won't go down that road," she said passionately. "I'm going to stay here and take care of the babies."

A silent pause followed Maxie's declaration.

"Yeah," Alec said finally. "That's the other thing. We can't just dump two hundreds kids on these guys and then take off."

"And the kids will need us growing up. It's not like we can put them up for adoption with a sign hanging from their necks: 'strong and bad-tempered; handle with care'," Biggs added, rolling his eyes.

"Well, if we're all gonna stay here... maybe we could try to stop the Pulse," CeCe ventured. The others looked at her as if she was crazy. "What? They're just terrorists, not a meteorite. We're trained to do things like that, remember? I like this America much better than ours. Are you telling me you don't like having food, hot water, money...?" she demanded.

"No, you're right. It's not that. Of course we like it better here. It's just we were talking about a completely different thing Ce," Alec chuckled.

"Not really," CeCe shrugged. "You were making long time plans. Well, so was I."

"Okay, we can deal with that later. We have eight years to do that. We should tell the others they don't have to worry about us anymore. There's no need to find the way to beam us up," Alec joked.


Maxie had gone out after they finished their talk. She rarely spent the night in. Usually she just rode around, enjoying the speed and the night, but Alec suspected she made some 'profitable' stops sometimes, her stash of money had grown lately.

Biggs and CeCe had already gone to bed, but Alec was still reeling from the day's events and he decided to have a night out himself.

He picked up his keys and went to the door.

"Going out?" CeCe asked from the bed.

"Yeah, I'll be back later... Or tomorrow," Alec whispered. "Sweet dreams, children... Or something," Alec added with a wink and closed the door. He walked into the living room and stopped dead in his tracks.

Liz was sitting on the couch, alone in the dark. She was looking out the window and seemed lost in thought. Alec knew he could go out without her noticing but he'd barely taken two steps before he changed his mind.

Alec walked up to her and laid a hand on her shoulder. Liz gasped surprised and swirled around to look at him. Before she could say anything, Alec spoke, "Let's go."

Liz debated for a moment whether she should go with him or not but her curiosity, as well as her need to talk to him, won out. She rose from the couch and followed him.


Alec had taken her to a park... After a long ride, longer than necessary to get there, since they were quite close to the apartment now. Still, the ride had relaxed her and Liz believed it might have done the same to him.

But they had been in the park a long time now and Alec still hadn't said a word. Liz looked around. The sky was clouded, there were no stars and there was a new moon. It was so dark she could barely see what was two feet in front of her. Alec had found the only lamp that worked but the weak lightbulb wasn't enough to penetrate the utter darkness that surrounded their small bubble. The faint breeze rustled the leaves of the nearby trees and the noise made Liz shiver even though it was a warm night. If Alec hadn't been with her she'd be terrified right about now. But he was, and she felt as safe as in her own balcony back home.

They had been quiet for so long that Liz couldn't take it anymore.

"Alec, we've been sitting here in silence for half an hour; and I've been trying to keep my antenna shut but it's really hard, so you either start talking or I say 'open season on the unsuspecting transgenic' is on," Liz threatened slash teased.

Alec chuckled, he'd been worried she might have given into the urge already, but since she was still sitting there with him... He'd been struggling with himself, with his decision, and then trying to force himself to talk only to change his mind again in the last second.

"Right," he started, nodding to himself. He'd taken her here after all. But he still didn't know how to say what he wanted. He cleared his throat, buying time. Finally, he settled for, "What do you want from me?"

Liz opened her mouth but nothing came out.

"Look," Alec went on, "We've known each other for... what, a month?"

Liz nodded carefully, still feeling lost.

"That's a long time for me, Liz. I know you. Every little detail, everything you say or do, no matter how insignificant, tells me something about you. I'm trained to pick up on those details. I don't even do it consciously. It's like breathing to me," Alec explained.

Liz lowered her gaze, she didn't feel up to meet his eyes.

"What I mean is that you're an amazing girl who's had her heart badly broken; and I get the impression that you want to go back home and have a nice boyfriend to pick you up and take you to the movies... Or take a walk through the park... and then take you home and have a good night kiss and I don't do that, Liz. I'm not that boy for you and-"

"You're wrong," Liz interrupted him with a small smile. "That's not what I want. I, er, I know you're not a boy from school to date. And that's okay because I don't want to 'date' someone. What I want is to feel alive," she said with passion, meeting his eyes now. "I want what you make me feel. I want exactly what you've given me until now. Someone to talk to, to laugh with... I want you to come to me, extend your hand and say 'Let's go', just like that... I want to go breaking and entering with you or sit on a bench and just talk. Anything... Everything," Liz finished softly. She took the hand he had on his leg, squeezing lightly, and smiled at him. "Basically, the same we've been doing until now plus the making out."

Alec laughed. Letting go of her hand, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and brought her head to his chest, chuckling into her hair. Liz hugged his waist and closed her eyes. It wasn't the first time he touched her, Alec had always been affectionate with her, and he often invaded her personal space to tease her, but this time, here on the bench in the middle of the dark night, it felt different. It felt so good.

Alec let go of her enough to lean back and raised her head, looking into her smiling face. "So you want to make out with me, huh?" he teased her.

Liz exhaled loudly, exasperated. Now he wanted to tease her. "Do you think I'm beautiful and smart or not?" she demanded in a huff.

Alec raised an eyebrow, amused. "Yes, I do."

"And do you want to kiss me or not?" Liz asked, feeling her cheeks heat up. Urgh! She was never gonna outgrow that.

Alec just chuckled, he loved the way Liz flirted with him and could still blush like the first day.

"Okay, you don't want to," Liz sighed when Alec didn't answer. She started to pull away from him. "I'm sure I can find a guy somewhere who- Ah!" she yelped when Alec tugged on her arm and sat her back down.

"Don't even think about it, Parker," Alec threatened playfully. "I think you should know X5s are really possessive."

Liz smiled coyly, the fact that she had landed basically on his lap, and he was obviously not complaining, encouraging her. "So, if a guy were to try and pick me up... would you fight for me?" she whispered rather happily.

"I wouldn't need to," Alec said self-confidently, thinking there was no reason to tell her that yes, probably, he'd want to tear the guy's head off. "Because you want no-one else but me and that shows," Alec confided in Liz's ear.

Liz leaned back to look at him, her eyes wide in surprise and confusion. "It shows?"

Alec smirked. "Did you know that when you're turned on you release pheromones that-"

"Yes, I know that. But that's not noticeable on the outside," Liz said, making it sound more like a question.

"It is for me," Alec said with a wink, closing the small space between them and nuzzling her neck, inhaling softly.

Liz's blush intensified, the heat burning her up. "You can smell that?" she asked in a small voice.

"Mmm," Alec mumbled, his nose still buried in her neck. "It smells so good... especially on you... so sweet," Alec murmured, spreading soft little kisses over her skin.

"So I must smell really sweet right now, huh?" she asked, surprising Alec.

He chuckled and pulled away. "Who are you and what have you done with Liz?" he asked.

Liz pointed to her flaming cheeks, "See? Blushing, I'm still me. It's not my fault you enjoy the hell out of teasing me."

Alec smiled sweetly at her. "Yeah, I do." His eyes roamed her face. Her pupils were dilated, her cheeks red, her mouth was slightly open and her breath left her in ragged gasps. She looked beautiful. Alec leaned in slowly, his eyes focused on her mouth.

Liz closed her eyes and held her breath. The moment their lips touched, warmth spread through her whole body.

Alec wound one arm around her waist and the other went to her face, his hand gently holding her cheek, his thumb running over her smooth skin. He caressed her lips tenderly, his lips slowly running over hers, not tentative but exploring. Almost like giving in.

The next thing he knew, Liz's scent invaded his mind, like an explosion of vanilla on his nose that went straight to his brain, arousing a craving he couldn't ever remember feeling. His kiss turned hungry and Liz opened her mouth to let him in, welcoming the storm of feelings that matched her need.

Alec devoured her mouth and Liz had to cling to him, feeling as if she'd burn and melt in his arms if he kept kissing her like that. But at the same time, she was certain she'd die if he stopped. Never in her life had Liz felt this tidal wave of passion, this hunger for Alec's touch, to feel his hands on her, all over her... Her whole body trembled and she felt the need to do something... Have control over something... Anything.

Liz rose slightly from his lap and turned to straddle him, never breaking the kiss. She plastered her body to his, pushing her chest against his, her mouth taking control of the kiss.

Alec surrendered his mouth to Liz's assault, incredibly aroused by the knowledge of what his kiss had caused in her. Unfortunately for him, Liz couldn't hold her breath for as long as he could and he reluctantly had to let her pull back.

Liz took in huge gulps of air to fill her starving lungs. "God!" she gasped, "I feel like there's something pulsing inside of me..." She felt giddy, Alec's kisses were like a drug. "I'm... Am I pulsing, Alec? I feel like you've set something ablaze in me and everybody will notice just by looking at me," she said. "Like my father will know the difference when I call tomorrow and he'll see right through my usual fake cheerfulness into the 'I kissed some dude again' tone." Liz rolled her eyes at herself.

Alec laughed, "You're hilarious tonight," he commented indulgently.

Liz hit his chest, "Well I did kiss some dude, didn't I?"

Alec's eyes flashed with mischievousness, chuckling, "I'll give you 'some dude'," he muttered into her mouth, kissing her soundly and smirking when he saw the dreamy smile she had when he pulled back.

Liz opened her eyes and saw the amused smile on Alec's face. "I like to make you laugh," she whispered. "I like your smile."

The tenderness in her voice and in her eyes sobered Alec and brought his rational mind to the front. He didn't want to see her suffer. He kissed her softly then barely touching her lips. "And what happens if I disappear, Liz?" Alec asked, his lips still touching hers.

"Then I'll have had you for a week," Liz said with conviction. She had no doubt about it, she would rather spend this short time with him than wonder for the rest of her life. "What happens if you don't?" she asked then, eyes still closed.

"We're staying here," Alec said softly, kissing her yet again.

Liz pulled back, surprised. "You are? All of you?"

"Yeah, we have things to take care of... The least of which is a huge litter of X-kittens."

"You're keeping them all together, then?" Not that it really surprised her.

"Yes, it's for the best. They'll need each other growing up. And us, so it looks like I'm gonna be around for a long time..." Alec sighed, faking disappointment.

"Good," was all Liz said. All she had time for before Alec kissed her again.

It was late, Liz hadn't told anyone she was leaving, and she was sure there were lots of reasons they shouldn't be doing this here and now, but right that instant kissing Alec felt like the only thing to do.


Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 3:10 pm
by lyra
It's finally here, guys... thank you all for the amazing feedback and for not forgetting about me even when I take forever in between updates.

Chapter 8

“We should go back,” Liz said softly. She hadn't slept at all but she didn't fell tired or sleepy. She felt charged; not jumpy or on edge, just ready to take on the world. It might have something to do with the amazing guy she was leaning on.

Alec kissed her hair, hugging her closer to his chest. “Yes, I guess we should. They should be awake by now.”

“Maria will be worried. I didn't tell anyone I was leaving.” She looked up at him. “Did you?”

“Yeah, Biggs and Ce, but I was supposedly alone.” Alec helped Liz to her feet and then rose himself. She started for the bike but Alec grabbed her hand and spun her around. Liz stumbled and hung onto Alec who was smiling at her. “Hey, you,” he whispered.

Liz heard the huskiness in his voice and leaned up, closing the distance between them. She kissed him, taking her time, exploring his lips, drinking him in. It made her heady to know that he could kiss her all night and then want to kiss her some more.

“Good morning,” she said when they pulled back.

“We didn't go to sleep, Liz,” Alec chuckled.

“So? I'm not gonna miss a perfect opportunity to kiss you because of a technicality,” she said shrugging. Liz let go of him and turned towards the bike, so that Alec couldn't see the silly smile she was sure was on her face.

Alec shook his head, smiling; he wasn't going to complain. He followed Liz and got on the bike, handing Liz her helmet, but before she could put it on, Alec thought of something.

“Will this be a problem for anyone, Liz?”

Liz froze, knowing exactly who he meant; she hadn't thought beyond tonight; she hadn't wanted to. But she couldn't avoid it any longer. She and Max had stuck to the friendship rule, but she had seen the way Max avoided being alone with her and Alec, and whenever they had divided into groups Max always made sure he didn't coincide with Alec nor her. And Liz didn't want to hurt him but she couldn't bear the thought of not being with Alec to spare Max's feelings.

Alec saw the conflicting emotions pass over her face. “Liz, I know Max--”

Liz stopped him shaking her head. “It's just... It's not that I want to hide this, because I don't,” she added hastily. “But I don't want to flaunt it in his face either. He'll know but he doesn't have to see it, does he?” Liz asked, seeking reassurance.

Alec tugged on her top, bringing her closer to him and then wrapped his arms around her. Liz leaned her chin on his shoulder and felt him running his fingers through her hair.
“No, he doesn't,” Alec whispered.

Liz burrowed her face on his neck and sighed, Alec was just too perfect. Reluctantly, she pulled back and put the helmet on, getting on the bike behind Alec. He started and, feeling Liz wrapping her arms tightly around his waist, drove off.

Liz rested her head on his back, closed her eyes and replayed the night's events in her mind. It had been a memorable night; one, Liz was sure, she wouldn't ever forget.


Maria woke up smiling. 'Damn, that was some dream,' she thought contentedly. Looking around, she saw Isabel asleep with her finger on that picture Maxie had printed for her.

Isabel had tried a couple of times already but either that guy Lydecker wasn't asleep or he'd been dreaming about nothing useful. Once it had been a childhood memory, something that had totally blown Maxie's mind when Iz told them, apparently Maxie was convinced the man had been born an adult bastard. The other time Lydecker had been asleep he'd been dreaming of blood, lots of blood, and Iz had been startled out of the dreamwalk at the sight of it. She hadn't been able to get back in that night and Iz was fairly certain Lydecker hadn't been able to go back to sleep after that dream. Alec had explained that Lydecker's wife had
been murdered and that was probably what he'd been dreaming about, which explained the sleepless night.

Maria was still lost in thought when Isabel woke up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and yawning inelegantly. Maria snickered, it still surprised her sometimes how 'human' the perfect Isabel Evans could be.

“Anything?” she asked the other girl, who shook her head.

“I've been trying all night. I don't think he slept at all last night,” Isabel commented, looking around the room. “Hey, where's Liz?”

Both girls looked to the third bed in the room, made and unslept on.

“I don't know,” Maria said frowning. “I left her on the couch, thinking about something... Something to do with Alec, I think... You think she slept out there?” she asked, getting out of bed and walking to the door. Moments later she re-entered the room. “She's not there.”

“The guys?”

“Both doors are closed so I guess they're still sleeping,” Maria said.

“Good,” Isabel smiled, rising from the bed. “I'll take the first shower.” She took some clothes and passed Maria out the door.

“That's it?” Maria called after her. “That's all you've got to say?”

“If you want the second turn I wouldn't wake the others,” Isabel's voice floated from the bathroom before the door clicked shut.

A while later, as Maria came out of the bathroom, the front door opened and Liz and Alec entered the apartment. Maria, hands on hips and a stern look, faced them.

“Well, well, well,” she drawled. “Look what the cat dragged in.” Then she winked at Alec and added. “Literally.”

Alec chuckled but before he could say anything Biggs and CeCe came out of their room. Biggs took one look at the couple standing on the door, Alec smirking and Liz blushing, and he turned to CeCe. “Well, I'd say things went well,” he said.

Liz felt herself flush even harder and stepped away from Alec. “And that's my cue to leave,” she said and walked to the bedroom. Alec heard her muttering something like 'this is too public for me'. He laughed then, he just loved how shy she could be, even though she could be a wicked temptress when she wanted to.

The last door opened to reveal the rest of their group, except Maxie who still hadn't come back from her night ride. Michael and Alex gave Alec a speculative look, but Max avoided looking at him at all. He went directly to the bathroom at the same time that Liz came out of her bedroom, clothes in hand, also headed there.

Liz halted immediately, barely avoiding a collision and just looked at Max, but he didn't seemed willing to look at her and she took a step back. “You go first, Max,” she said softly.

Max just nodded, walked into the bathroom and closed the door after himself, leaning on it.

Liz could hear the charged silence behind her and she took a deep breath. She didn't want this new development between her and Alec to hang over the group, changing the easy dynamics they'd developed in the last weeks. She turned around and walked towards the kitchen. “Breakfast anyone?” she asked over her shoulder.

Her words seemed to break whatever spell and everyone hurried to accept her offer.

“I'll give you a hand,” Michael offered.

Liz smiled her thanks at him and stepped behind the kitchen counter, opening the fridge, cupboards and drawers, taking out all they needed to cook breakfast for the whole group.

“So, we're leaving today then?” Alec asked Michael.

“Yeah, we pack up after breakfast and leave as soon as we're ready.” Michael poured the eggs on the pan. “I haven't seen Maxie, is she out?”

“She left last night, I'm sure she'll be back soon. We talked about some stuff and I'm sure she had to brood over it for a while,” Alec said shrugging.

Biggs shook his head. “What are you talking about? This Max doesn't do that. She probably went for a race or maybe to kick someone's ass... Possibly getting some money from it,” he guessed.

Alec chuckled. “You're right, my bad.”

“You can bet your ass I did,” Maxie said from behind them.

They turned to look at her. “Hey, Maxie. Did you make anyone cry?” Alec asked her.

Maxie winked at him. “You know it.”

“You had breakfast already, Maxie? You know, to celebrate?” Liz asked the other girl.

“Nope, count me in for some of those,” she said pointing to the omelettes Michael was cooking.

Fifteen minutes later, the whole group sans Kyle was gathered in the living room, some of them on the couches and chairs, the rest sitting on the floor around the coffee table full of plates and glasses. Just then Kyle came out of the bathroom, finished with his shower.

“The bath's free,” he announced.

“That's okay,” Michael answered. “You were the last in the morning turn.”

“Okay then,” Alec started, “if we're all here now, there's something we have to tell you.” He paused looking for the right way to explain their decision without letting out Liz's secret. The only thing he could think off was to ignore the fact that maybe they wouldn't have a choice in the matter. He addressed Evans directly. “I know you said you would do everything in your power to send us back to our times, but we've all decided there won't be anything left for us there if we succeed.” Alec let his words hang in the air.

“You mean you're staying here?” Alex asked.

“Yes,” Maxie said for them all. “Think about it, guys, there are babies there... And other things... We can't just leave them all to fend for themselves.”

“Well, of course not,” Maria cut in, scandalized. “They're babies! They can't 'fend' for themselves.”

Biggs snorted. “There are kids up to four years old there. Believe me, they can fend all right. But that doesn't mean they should.”

“Besides, the world wouldn't know what hit it if we let them loose,” Alec added in a teasing tone, lighting the mood.

“Anyway,” Maxie went on with her reasoning. “If we were on an early year, before they succeeded in their experiments, then it would be different--”

“Of course it would. You'd disappear the moment you blew the place up,” Alex interrupted her again. He missed the sudden tension affecting half of the group.

“What?!” Kyle exclaimed, voicing what the other half was thinking.

“What?” Alex said defensively. “I've watched Back to the Future, okay? If they stop themselves from being created they'll disappear, you know, like when Michael J. Fox's character's mother wanted to go with the dance with him instead of with his father and that would mean they wouldn't get together and have children hence Michael J. Fox started fading into nothingness.”

“Well, then what would happen, according to Back to the Future when we destroy Manticore in this time?” Maxie asked Alex, but Alec spoke first.

“Oh I know that! We'll create an alternate universe where our future selves will have lived different lives. Say Zack makes a career on professional boxing and wins a lot of money, instead of being in that farm he is now he'll be in a big city with a hot chick on each arm and rolls of bills in his pockets.”

They all looked at him as if he was crazy, not all of them for the same reason.

“Zack's in a farm?!” Max exclaimed horrified.

“You've seen Back to the Future?!” Alex said at the same time.

“Yeah, of course. I love me my 'boob tube',” Alec told Alex shrugging and then looked at Maxie. “Long story. Don't worry, sooo not gonna happen this time, trust me.”

Kyle shook his head, maybe trying to push away the image of Alec saying 'boob tube', and stood, stretching his legs. “Okay, let's go back a bit, what did you mean when you said babies and 'other things'?” he asked Maxie, making air quotes.

Maxie looked at the other three transgenics. She was the least experienced of them all when it came to transhumans and, truth be told, she still had to overcome her childhood fears fuelled by Ben's stories for years. Alec had promised her that once she met Joshua, a canine transhuman to whom she'd been almost a 'mother' in his time, she'd get over her misgivings. Still, she didn't think she was the most appropriate choice to answer Kyle.

CeCe spoke instead. “First tries of most everything will probably fail, combining human and animal DNA is no different. The process is called 'trial and error' for a reason and Manticore's errors came out looking a lot more animal than they intended.”

The transgenics went on to explain about the transhumans and the anomalies, shocking the Roswellians considerably. When everything was said and done they all went to pack. It was time to leave Washington D.C.


They'd been on the road for a few hours, the RV had just made a stop to pick up Liz who had been riding with Alec for a while but Isabel had offered to sit with her and Alex to work on their powers so Liz had changed vehicles.

The three of them were alone in the back of the RV, with Biggs driving and Kyle driving him mad with questions. Liz felt bad for Biggs, Kyle on a quest was not something she wished on anyone... What was so hot about mermaids and literal catwomans, anyway?

“Don't worry, Liz, none of those are as exotic and gorgeous as an alien woman. I'm sure Alec would agree with me,” Alex said, nudging Liz and leering at her, barely concealing his laughter.

Liz was surprised for a moment until she realized that Alex must have read her thoughts. 'I'm not going to blush, I'm not going to blush,' she repeated in her mind while she pasted an indifferent look on her face. “I don't know what you're talking about,” she said unconvincingly.

“I'm not going to blush, I'm not going to blush,” Alex sing-sang mockingly.

Isabel burst out laughing when Liz's eyes widened in dismay and embarrassment earning herself a glare from the flustered girl.

Liz opened her mouth and then promptly closed it again, at a loss for words. “I... Mmm... Shut up!” she said finally, laughing herself.

“So,” Isabel started coyly, leaning over the table towards Liz, “now that the guys can't hear--”

“Sitting right here, girls,” Alex interrupted.

“And?” Isabel replied, totally ignoring him otherwise, “Tell me, Liz, what happened?”

“What are you now, Maria? I'm not telling you anything,” Liz replied. “I thought we were going to practice with our powers.” She really tried to keep thoughts of last night out of her mind. Tried.

“Oh, I'm practicing,” Alex chimed in happily... To Liz's horror.

“Okay, that's it. Teach us how to control these powers so that I can forbid him to do that,” Liz stressed.

Alex laughed, enjoying making Liz squirm, but Isabel frowned.

“I can't really do that, you know that, right?” Iz asked.

“Do what?” Liz said perplexed; she'd been joking, mostly, she didn't see what Isabel was so serious about.

“I can't teach you how to control them. I mean, I don't really know how your powers work, mine might be close but it's not really the same and--”

“Hey, Iz, relax, I know that,” Liz cut off her babbling. “We both know that.”

Alex was nodding. “Sure, Iz, no need to stress over this, we'll figure it out together,” he said, hugging her to him and kissing her hair.

Isabel smiled, “Okay then, I've been thinking about this, you know, what we need to do is learn to shut it off, so that your head doesn't go all human sponge thus killing headache,” she said excitedly.

“Nicely put,” Liz commented.

“Thank you, now the difference between my dreamwalking and your... Mindwalking?” she ventured, looking at Alex.

“What happened to good ol' telepathy or reading minds?” Alex joked.

“It doesn't sound very alien... And I like to think of it like an extension of my own powers,” Isabel said shyly, almost defensively.

Alex smiled fondly and gave her hand a squeeze. “Mindwalking it is. What about Liz then? What will hers be, heartwalking?”

“That sounds horrible, like I'm stepping all over people's hearts,” Liz protested.

“You just gotta keep it in context, Liz. Dream, mind and heartwalking. The alien trio,” Alex insisted, trying to sway her, he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

Liz rolled her eyes, “Whatever, call it what you want. That won't change what it does one way or another,” she relented. “And we're getting off-track here. Iz, what's that difference you were talking about?”

“Right, see, my powers have a switch. When I want to start a dreamwalk I touch a picture and go into a dream state myself. And when I want out I wake myself,” she explained, although the other two already knew this; they were nodding their heads.

“Or sometimes the shock kicks you out,” Liz added suddenly, remembering the other night with Lydecker.

“Yes, that too. But that's outside the norm. Let's stick with the basics. I'm in control all the time, people can't impose their dreams on me. I choose whose dreams I want to visit,” she said.

“But we don't have that,” Liz said matter-of-factly.

“I know,” Iz agreed, “What I want to try is to give you your own switch.”

Both looked at her as if she'd gone crazy. “What?”


“Listen, I know it sounds weird, but since the moment we agreed that I'd help you I've been thinking about it and if we don't get a structure to your powers to work with there's not much I can do.”

Liz and Alec shared a look. What did they have to lose?

“All right, switch away,” Alex said.

“Okay, let's start with you,” she said to him. “You don't mind, Liz, do you?”

“No, no, go ahead,” she replied.

Isabel turned halfway on her seat to face Alex. “Right, what we need to do is find a visual metaphor for your power,” she started.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you need people's minds to be an image in your head that you're comfortable with... Say, a nice 'Pleasantville'-like street with row after row of neat houses with beautiful gardens.” Isabel could see the confusion in their eyes. “You know, each house is a person's mind?”

“Sure, and they all have their own doors that you can close in your mind when you don't want to hear their thoughts,” Liz jumped in.

“Well, yes and no,” Iz corrected her. “I mean, at first I thought that too, but closing doors is a conscious act he would have to do and when he's swamped with thoughts and his head starts aching the last thing he needs is to have to struggle with doors he needs to close, you know what I mean?” she asked both of them.

Alex was nodding his head, he knew when he was hearing everyone’s thoughts and his head was killing him he wasn't capable of doing much. He'd had a couple of incidents like the first day and Alex was sure they needed something easier for his mind. “So then, what exactly were you suggesting?”

“The way I see it, it's more like the houses have no doors, and the thoughts are inside but you don't hear them if you don't go inside,” Isabel tried to explain. “You're just walking down that street, one foot in front of the other, you're not going inside any of them. If you're having an episode and there are dozens of people's thoughts in your mind all you have to do is focus on your own feet walking pass the doors. No-one's thoughts should be in your head because you don't want them there, you're staying right in the middle of the road, just walking.”

Alex was trying to imagine the picture Isabel was painting for him with a dubious face.

“Maybe it would work better with something closer to you,” Liz offered, seeing that Alex wasn't too taken in by the idea. “Imagine you're walking down an aisle of a music shop and there are guitars hanging on the walls. But you have the plectrum in your hand. If you want to hear someone's 'tune',” she said smiling at herself, “You 'play' them. And when you don't want that, just see the plectrum in your hand, no-one should be playing because the plectrum is in your hand... How's that?” she asked timidly.

“Okay, I can see that... But just because I can see it now it doesn't mean I can make it happen... Does it?”

Isabel shook her head, “No, not just like that. I don't think. But I can help you make it happen... I think. That's what I meant, I want to put that switch in your mind. If you let me,” she added hastily.

“How?” Alex asked, dismissing Isabel reassurances, he knew she would never do anything to him without his permission, he trusted Isabel completely.

Isabel smiled at him and Liz couldn't help but feel happy for Alex, for how happy Isabel made him. After everything Alex had suffered while Isabel searched for her place in her life and that of those around her, Liz was really happy for him; for both of them.

Isabel was speaking again. “Well, we'll form a connection and then I put that image in your mind, you know I can do that in dreams, change things, make them the way I want to, so when you need to you can access that picture in your mind and use it.”

“I guess we can try it,” Alex said, not really sure how it would work out but willing to try.

“Okay, you want to do it now?”

“Yeah, sure, go ahead.”

Liz watched as Isabel took Alex's hands and they locked eyes. Liz had never seen a connection from the outside, she could only guess what was happening inside them right now, but she saw Alex's thumbs caressing Isabel's hands, and Isabel's lips curve into a light smile at whatever she'd just seen, and the way Alex's eyes twinkled with mischievousness. The blush colouring Isabel's cheeks convinced Liz she didn't really want to keep watching.

She got up from the table and went to the kitchenette. She turned on the kettle to make herself a cup of coffee. She opened a drawer and suddenly a mug and a spoon came floating out of it and landed softly on the counter. Liz yelped softly, confused, and then heard Kyle from the cabin. “Sorry, Liz, just practicing.”

Liz rolled her eyes, smiling. “Thanks, Kyle.”

“Make coffee for three, Liz,” Isabel said.

Liz turned around to see Isabel and Alex had broken their connection and were leaning back in their seats.

“Hey, how'd it go?”

“It went fine, I think,” Isabel said. “I put the image there. Now we have to work on how to use it.”

“What do you mean 'we', I thought 'I' had to make it work,” Alex teased her.

“Oh, fine. You do it alone then,” she huffed, sticking her tongue out at him.

Alex leaned over and kissed her quickly. One on her mouth, one on her nose.

Liz caught the three coffees and took them to the table. “All right, kiddies, I'm back now. Be good.”

Isabel pushed Alex away, laughing. “So now what? You practice?” she asked Alex. “Or we find your switch, Liz?”

“Oh, oh, I have the perfect one for her,” Alex said excitedly. “How about a library, full of books... or a lab, with all the measuring glasses and stuff.”

“Alex!” Isabel scolded him.

“I think I like the library idea,” Liz said. “It suits me.”

“Okay then. You want to do it now?” Isabel asked her.

“Fine, but don't go snooping around for details of last night,” Liz said, waving her finger at her.

Isabel rolled her eyes. “Yes, yes, I'll be good.”

Liz let Isabel take her hands and looked at the other girl in the eyes. She was more comfortable with the hand holding than she'd been with Max's way, of course once he'd actually opened the connection...

All thought fled Liz's mind the moment she found herself in a strange surrounding, standing with Isabel, still holding hands. Liz looked around, it seemed like they were surrounded in mist, she could see nothing around them and, looking down, see realized they were kind of floating, but not. Liz wasn't sure how to explain it, even to herself.

“Then don't,” Isabel said.

Liz looked back at her, startled, then remembered they shared a connection, it wasn't strange that Isabel knew what she was thinking.

Isabel smiled, “Ever the little scientist.”

“Sorry,” Liz apologized shrugging. “So, what's this place? This isn't... I've never been here before,” she rephrased what she'd been about to say.

Isabel gave her a knowing look. “No, you wouldn't. We all have our own way of connecting. Besides, it's not the same as giving flashes to someone. What Max did to you... He was trying to show himself to you. This is different.”

“Okay, that kinda makes sense,” Liz said, thinking over Isabel's words. “Then what is this?”

“I've established a link to you, and since what I'm trying to do is put an image in your mind, the way I do in dreamwalks, I've chosen to take you to the dream state... More or less,” Isabel specified. “It's not exactly the same. Now you need to consciously open up your mind to me.”

“Me? I thought you'd be the one doing everything.”

“I could,” Isabel replied. “But I think it would be better if you give me an opening. If... If I do it all myself it would be too much like a mindwarp, you know, imposing a false memory on you.”

Liz shuddered, the hateful word sparking instant hate and disgust in her. Suddenly, the somewhat cold mist that had been around them warmed up immediately. Liz realized Isabel had done so on purpose, to soothe Liz back into an open and relaxed state.

“What do I have to do then?” Liz asked.

“Just give me a memory, or a dream, anything that comes from you would do--”

Isabel stopped talking abruptly because their surroundings had changed suddenly and it hadn't been her doing. She looked around and saw she was in a park at night, and in a bench 'sat' Liz straddling Alec's lap and kissing him like there was no tomorrow. Isabel heard Liz gasp and quickly turned around, looking away from the couple. She could see the embarrassment in Liz's face and Isabel knew for sure that the memory had slipped from Liz's mind unchecked and uncensored.

Laughing inwardly, Isabel promptly took control of the background and changed it into the image she wanted to give the other girl.

Liz sighed relieved when the air around her shifted and then she found herself in the middle of an antique-looking library. Liz looked around herself; she was in the entry of a huge aisle of shelves full of books from top to bottom. Isabel had purposefully removed herself from the picture and Liz walked down the corridor alone. It was well lit, even though she couldn't see any windows or lamps, and the air around her smelled of leather and a small tinge of dust, but not too much, just enough to give off that feeling of being in a library, so close to the real thing that Liz found herself wondering if it had been the same for Alex.

~Focus on yourself, Liz,~ Isabel's voice rang in her mind, chiding.

Liz smiled and let herself be lost in the fantasy before her eyes.

Alex watched the two girls, seeping his coffee. He wasn't sure this switch idea would work but he was more than willing to try it, he would try anything that might give him some control over this new power. He had never felt as helpless as when he'd been unable to shut the voices in his head. Not even Tess's 'work' on his brain. Because this was something he was doing, and he didn't know how to stop it. Alex didn't like that feeling, his involvement in the group took enough control over his life. He was determined to master his gift and fit into his own skin again.

The movement from the girls pulled him from his thoughts. Liz blinked a few times letting go of Isabel.

“How did it go?” Alex asked.

“Good,” Isabel said simply, smiling.

Liz was nodding her head when she remembered exactly what Isabel had seen and she looked at her alarmed. Isabel just winked at her.

“And now what?” Alex asked again.

“First thing is trying to apply your switch,” Isabel started, focusing on their task and letting go of Liz's memory for now. “And once you can make that work we can move onto the control part.”

“Have you ever tried that?” Liz asked her. Seeing Isabel didn't know what she meant she elaborated. “I mean practice with your powers with a set goal in mind, you know, like 'I'm going to try and see if I can do this',” Liz explained.

Isabel thought about it. “Nah, not really. We've always been trying to be human. Michael didn't have much control and Max was always busy trying to be invisible... I did use my powers, recreationally, but I never tried to exercise them for the sake of practice or improvement,” she mused. After a moment of silence, she added, “But I think I will, you know, when we get back and everything.”

They stayed silent for a moment, each of them thinking about the end of the journey. Finished with her coffee, Liz set the mug on the table with the other two. The moment she let go of the handle the three mugs levitated from the table and started floating towards the sink.

“Hey! I wasn't finished!” Isabel exclaimed.

“Sorry,” Kyle yelled from the cabin, but the mugs kept going.

“Anyway, what exactly do you mean when you say 'the control part'?” Alex asked Isabel.

“I mean like Kyle's doing, he's practicing with Michael to test his limits: how far, how heavy and how available the object he moves can be; things like that. You have to do the same. For example, how many people can you read at the same time? Do you have to be in the same room as them? Can you single out one specific person from a group?” She turned to Liz. “Oh, I just thought of something, could you sense when someone's lying from their feelings! That would be really useful.”

“I'll say,” Liz agreed.

“Anyway, things like that. Kyle's trying to test the distance factor now, Michael told me. We'll have to work on that too, but first things first. I'm offering myself as guinea pig for the both of you.”

“Oh goodie!” Alex said, wiggling his eyebrows silly.

“Shut up,” Isabel chuckled. “This is serious.”


Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 3:15 pm
by lyra


The gas station was full, the queue for all the pumps had at least five waiting cars, but the RV needed to refuel now so they had decided to make a dinner stop. They were all in the diner next to the gas station, just talking and relaxing after a meal, except for Biggs and CeCe.

They had told the group they were going for a walk and that they wouldn't take long. They had a pending talk and there was no use postponing it.

“CeCe, I know we haven't really talked about this before... Hell, until a week ago we've never even talked about 'us' before,” Biggs started.

“Yeah, denial is such a nice state,” CeCe said awkwardly.

Biggs smiled, as much at her words as at herself; God, he loved her. “Yes, it is. But it doesn't make reality any less true,” he said, caressing her hand with his thumb. “And you know that I've wanted to mate with you for a long time.”

CeCe stopped walking, forcing Biggs to stop as well. She looked at Biggs in the eyes. “I know that, Biggs. I've always known that. This has nothing to do with 'us'... I mean, we were heading that way anyway, we both know that. My heat just made it sooner. It's just that...” she trailed off, and Biggs said it for her.

“It's just that now you're almost certainly pregnant and that's a whole different story, isn't it?”

CeCe nodded, searching his eyes for his honest reaction.

“Well it's not. Not for me,” Biggs added, letting her see in his eyes that he meant it.

“Biggs, come on, of course it is. Since when do you want to be a father?”

Biggs thought about his answer, this was too important to fuck it up with jokes. He knew how vulnerable CeCe felt right now. “Ce, I know this sounds like I'm just trying to appease you or something, but it's not. I do want to be a father. I want to be the father of 'our' baby,” he said forcefully, willing her to believe him.

“But, Biggs--”

“No, Ce, I know, really. If we'd had this conversation before your heat I probably wouldn't have felt this way. But we're having it now. And something's changed.” Biggs raised the hand he was holding to his forehead. “Here,” he said, then lowered his hand to his mouth and kissed it before pressing it over his heart. “And here.” CeCe's eyes were misty but she was smiling. “This is what I want. And maybe it is some kind of programmed response, one I'm sure Manticore didn't plan or know about, but it is still my response... I don't know how to explain it. I just want this. I want to have a baby with you.”

CeCe wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him even closer, and kissed him. She understood what he meant. It was the same for her. She may not have planned it but she was looking forward to being a mother now.

Biggs smiled at her when they pulled back. “Besides, it's not like we weren't going to be parent figures anyway. We'll have a hundred kids to take care of very soon,” he joked, happy to have gotten that conversation over with.

CeCe was smiling but she couldn't let that go. “You know it's not the same, Biggs. This will be our baby. It definitely won't be the same.”

Biggs had hugged her, speaking into her neck. “I know, babe.”

CeCe chuckled. “I kind of like the sound of that. Who would've thought?”


“Tired of the bike already?”

Alec took his eyes from the road to look at Liz in the passenger seat of the SUV and smiled. “No, but Biggs and CeCe wanted a while on their own, and Maxie didn't feel like driving the SUV.”

“There's no one with them in the back of the RV?” Liz asked, making a head count mentally.

Alec shook his head, “I think Iz is there, she was going to try the dreamwalk again.”

“Oh,” Liz shifted in her seat to face Alec more comfortable. She took one look at the back seat where Maria and Michael were sleeping. “Do you think you'll get anything out of it?”

Alec glanced at Liz again, noticing she seemed getting ready for a long talk. “Aren't you tired, Liz? You never went to bed last night, you should get some sleep.” Liz just looked at him, waiting for him to answer her. “I don't know, Liz,” he said sighing. She was so stubborn. “If I'm honest, I think it was a long shot to begin with. It may help, but we don't 'need' it. If she gets something, well and good. If not, well that's okay too.”

Liz smiled; she really liked the way Alec was always in control. He just knew what was going around him and what could happen as a result of it, and he always had a course of action planned. She could count on him.

“What?” Alec asked without looking at her. He could feel her eyes on him and he was curious.

“Nothing,” she said coyly.

“Out with it, Parker. What were you thinking?”

Maria mumbled something and snuggled closer to Michael. Liz glanced into the back seat to make sure they were still sleeping. Alec's chuckle brought her eyes back to him. “What's funny?”

“She must be having some dream,” Alec said amused.

Liz gasped, Maria had told her about some of her dreams and it had taken a while for her face to cool down. “Hmm... She's...” Liz trailed off.

Alec looked at her surprised, one look at her face and he snickered. “Get your mind out of the gutter, Liz, she was saying 'Aliens don't have tentacles'.”

Liz laughed and stuck her tongue out at him.

“Careful, Liz, don't tempt me,” he mock-threatened her.

Liz just pouted and then licked her lips slowly. The darkening of Alec's eyes made her feel sexy, it wasn't a feeling she was all that familiar with. And she also marvelled at how easily he could make her want him.

Alec smirked knowingly. “You know, I'd never really been around teenagers so much before, and I gotta say, people your age are horny half of the time... And that's only the girls. With the guys it's more like 90% of the time,” he chuckled.

“God, it's so embarrassing that you can smell that,” Liz mumbled. “Don't tell the others about that.”

Alec snorted. “Yeah, well, it's not something I would've chosen to do. Sometimes it can be downright scary.” Liz rose an enquiring eyebrow. “The woman from the cash register in the gas station? She wanted me. The lady from the colourful car right behind my bike? The one with the big hat and lime green jacket? That one too. And her son - I'm going to pretend it was her son for my own sanity - totally wanted you.”

Liz had to laugh. He looked almost like a kid whose candy has been stolen. She leaned over to him and whispered in his ear. “So this enhanced... Are you like Terminator when you're driving or something?”

Alec looked at her amused. “Depends on what you're thinking about.”

“Well, if I were to do something distracting like... Say, kiss you,” she breathed on his ear, nibbling on the earlobe a bit, “You won't crash the car or anything, will you?”

Alec chuckled, shaking his head softly. “Kiss away, beautiful, it'll take so much more than that to make me lose control of the car,” he challenged her.

Liz narrowed her eyes, 'Cocky bastard!' So he wanted to play, did he? She manoeuvred her upper body under the arm he had on the wheel, resting her weight on the edge of his seat and latched her mouth to his neck. Alec closed his eyes briefly. No matter what he'd said, Liz did affect his control doing little more than breathing close to him. Focusing his attention back on the road he gave thanks for his years of training. Liz took her time, kissing from ear to ear and then up his jaw to his mouth. By the time she pulled his lower lip in between hers the car was going considerably faster. She went back to his ear. “In a hurry, control boy?”

Alec nipped her shoulder making her laugh softly, she sure didn't want the sleeping couple to wake up now.

“Point taken, vixen,” Alec whispered seductively.

Liz gave him a soft peck on the lips before going back to her seat, a satisfied smile on her face. Alec's next words whipped the smile real fast.

“Mmm... Glad to know I'm not the only one affected.”

“Urgh!” Liz slapped him playfully and he chuckled.

“You know who else I've noticed smells pretty sweet lately around certain alien king?” Alec said suddenly, letting Liz off the hook.

“Who?” she asked surprised. If it was someone of the group, by elimination, that left...

“Maxie,” Alec whispered conspirationally.

Liz couldn't hide her shocked look. “Really?”

Alec nodded and watched Liz's face as she processed that bit of news, curious about her reaction in spite of himself. After giving it some thought, Liz smiled.

“That makes sense... In that 'nothing really makes sense' way things always are with you guys,” she said, nodding towards Alec and then Michael in the back.

“Well, excuse me, miss human turned alien, how are you any different from us?”

Liz shrugged. “I just am,” she said smugly.

Alec chuckled. “That you are.”

Liz sent him a kiss. “Anyway, I'm happy for them, I never would've thought it but I'm still happy for th--”

“Oh no, no, no,” Alec cut her off. “You are not happy for anyone, you hear me?” he threatened, waving a finger at her. “It doesn't mean anything. It does mean she 'likes' him and much less he likes her. It just means she's attracted to him... Just like she's probably attracted to a lot of guys. You are not telling anyone about this.” Alec pointed behind him. “Not Maria, not Max, and by God! Not Maxie. She may kill you... Or worse, me.”

“Okay, okay, calm down, Alec. I won't,” Liz said, rather amused by his reaction. “Are you afraid of Maxie, Alec?”

“Psst, please... Of course not,” he said, offended she would even think something like that. “But you don't cross a female transgenic if you know what's good for you. I did once and... Let's just say I walked like a cowboy for a week,” he muttered darkly.

Liz thought it was best to take his thoughts from 'that' topic. “You know, I still don't really see it. I mean, Maxie seems so... I don't know... Wild, I guess. And Max is... Max.”

“Yeah, well, believe it or not, I think our Maxie likes serious, responsible guys. She was dating someone like that in 2021. Thankfully,” he added after a small pause, “I like this one better. The other one was an ass.”

“Oh, you like Max then?” Liz asked curious.

“He's okay. Not my style of guy... And some of the things I've heard would really get his ass kicked if I'd been around when he did them... But he's okay.”

“What things? And heard where?” she asked suspicious. Who had been telling Alec stories?

“Just things,” he replied mysteriously, hiding a laugh when he saw her narrowing eyes. “And mostly from Maria and Isabel,” Alec saw her open mouth and added, “And you.”

“I've never told you 'those' things--”

“Yeah, me neither,” Maria interrupted Liz.

They both turned around surprised to see Maria was awake. Her voice had Michael stirring too.

“Hmm... I must be slipping,” Alec commented. “Normally I would've noticed the moment you woke up.”

“Yeah, how? I kept my eyes closed,” Maria said.

“By the change in your breathing,” Alec explained.

“Don't change the subject, mister. How did you hear us?” Liz insisted.

Alec smirked. “Oh come on, are you kidding? You three have spent almost two weeks in a continuous sleepover in Washington.”

“In our room!” Maria exclaimed indignantly, but Liz was shaking her head.

Alec looked at the blond girl through the rearview mirror. “You really don't get the meaning of transgenic hearing, do you?”

“Man, you are so sharing later,” Michael grumbled, his voice thick with sleep.

“No, he's not!” Maria and Liz exclaimed at the same time. Alec just laughed.

Maria watched the knowing looks and easy camaraderie between Alec and Michael and an idea popped into her head. “Hey! I know what we can do!”

“Besides driving, you mean?” Alec asked smirking.

“Not now, smart ass. When we go back to Roswell. We can go on a double date!”

“NOO!” three voices shouted at once.

“What?” Maria asked perplexed.

“You know, Maria, Alec's not into the whole 'dating' thing,” Liz started, flinching.

“Me neither, for that matter,” Michael mumbled under his voice.

“Really?” Alec asked over his shoulder, glancing at Michael. “What's your thing then?”

“My place, Maria and a DVD.”

“Nice,” Alec said.

“So what's your thing then?” Maria wanted to know.

Alec shrugged. “A good work out comes to mind.” Maria gasped and Liz blushed, Michael just laughed. “Kidding, girls. A night with pool, scotch and good company works for me just fine,” Alec chuckled. Liz punched his arm. “Careful there, tiger, I'm driving.”


“This way,” Max said, pointing to the opening into the sewers.

“You've gotta be kidding me, the sewers?” Alec asked dismayed. He turned to scowl at Maxie.

“Hey! Why are you glaring at me now! He said it,” Maxie said, nodding at Max.

“Déjà vu,” Alec grumbled.

Biggs snickered, knowing how many sewers their Max had dragged Alec into all last year. Alec hated it. Not that Biggs enjoyed walking through the sewers either. He frowned. Alec saw it and grinned.

“Who would live like this?” Isabel spat, looking at the grim and trying to ignore the smell.

“Someone with nowhere else to go,” Michael said simply, exchanging a look with Max. This could have been them.

The short trek into the dupes' crib was a quiet one. They had no way of knowing if Rath and Lonnie were there. Max led the way, flanked by the transgenics and Michael on the rear with Biggs.

When they came out of the tunnel and into the abandoned metro station the dupes called home, the group stood in place, looking around. The place was empty and it was even messier than the last time Max had been there. Isabel looked around herself, shuddering.

All eyes travelled to the four pods hanging off the wall. Isabel walked up to them slowly, pausing before each of them for a moment before moving to the next. Then she went back to the second from the right and stared at it.

“That's Vilandra's,” she murmured. Alex came up behind her and put her arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder.

They separated, checking around for anything alien the dupes could have. Michael kept thinking how much worse this situation was than his, really. Something conventionally considered a 'home', even if the lowest kind, plus Hank or this crib and the three people closest to you. He snorted mentally. Not that Rath seemed to care all that much about the others. He manhandled Ava, killed Zan and used Lonnie as a sex toy.
Oh yeah! He was a regular family boy.

Alex eyed the couch with interest. Ten pairs of eyes were enough, right? He was about to sit down when Max's voice stopped him. “I wouldn't do that,” he said.

“Why not?”

“Let's just say... Rath was very 'friendly' to Lonnie on that couch...”


“My thoughts exactly,” Max agreed with a shudder.

Michael could hear the others commenting on every little detail of this alien zoo. But he kept to his own, the unwanted memories he'd been suppressing and ignoring for years forced to the surface in this desolate place.

“What are all these CDs doing her?” CeCe asked, looking at the stack of Lonnie's CDs next to the couch. “There's no electricity here.”

Isabel smirked, “No need. Look,” she said, walking up to it. One wave of her hand and music filled the crib for a moment.

“Wow! That's great!”

By the time Michael went back to the hanging pods he'd placed the origin of that vibe tingling all through his body. He went directly to the first pod on the right, next to Lonnie's, and used a box as a ladder to put his hand through the crack that ran on its front.

“Oh, Michael!” Maria started, her voice a clear indicator of her feelings. “That's just--”

“Disgusting, I know,” Michael finished for her. “But necessary, believe me.”

Everyone's attention now on Michael, he pulled his hand out, a dark orb cradled in it. He wiped the rests of dried up goo from the pod with the other hand and stepped down from the box. The five silvery stars looking back at him, Michael traced them with a finger, a small smile on his face, half awe and half pride. He'd done it. He'd found his orb.

“Yo! That's mine!”

They all turned around as one. Rath and Lonnie stood in the opening of the tunnel, barely visible in the darkness... For some.

With two hand signals and three steps, the transgenics closed flanks around the group. Thankfully, Michael finding the orb had made sure they were all together when Rath and Lonnie appeared.

“I don't think so... Yo!” Michael replied.

“I don't give no fuck what you think, ai'ight? That shit's mine,” Rath spat, taking a step forward.

“Uh hu,” Biggs warned, a thunderous look on his face. He was the closest to the dupes.

“Or what?” Lonnie mocked with her superior chilly tone. She took a step too but she didn't try to get closer, just walked sideways looking over the group. She saw all the familiar faces and the new ones. “You been pickin' up strays... Max?” she asked, smacking her gum loudly.

“You could say that.” Max didn't want to take his eyes from either of them but Lonnie had moved away from Rath, so he'd followed her. She'd always been the one pulling the strings, anyway. And it wasn't as if Rath wasn't covered. Michael was sure to be watching his dupe closely, he was the one with the firepower after all.

The 'humans' had ended up in the middle without even noticing. The air around them crackled and the alien energy surrounding them kept rising. Obviously, the five aliens were getting ready for a show down. Alex and Liz closed their eyes, keeping themselves open but, with luck, in control.

“Whatcha doin' here, bro?” Lonnie asked, smiling coldly at Max, ignoring everyone else. But it wasn't Max who answered.

“We came for what's ours,” Isabel said, chin held high. She, too, could be an ice cold bitch if she wanted.

“Told you that's mine--” Rath started but a look from Lonnie shut him up.

“Hi, Vilandra. Betrayed anyone lately?” Lonnie taunted her.

“Look in the mirror, Lonnie, you're the only betraying bitch around here,” Isabel spat.

'This is going nowhere,' Alec thought, keeping his eyes on Rath at the same time that he used his other senses to make sure that Liz and the others were covered and safe. He and Biggs were on Rath, and he could see Maxie and CeCe on the other side following Lonnie's every move.

Lonnie swept her eyes over the group again, looking for the perfect target that would hurt the most. Spying the dark haired girl in between the figures of the two new guys, she smirked nastily.

~Rath, I think the king's pet would be a great first blow,~ she ordered.

Alex's eyes widened to the size of saucers. He'd heard Lonnie. He then looked at Rath and saw the delighted gleam in his eyes. 'Oh shit!' “Liz!”

Everything happened at once.

Rath raised his arm at the same time Michael did.

The four transgenics fired the tranq guns at once. Two for Rath, two for Lonnie. The fact that Alec was flying when he shot not affecting his aim at all.

Two equally powerful blasts shot from Rath and Michael at the same time that Max put his shield up, the last from Michael's shot bouncing off and making Max stagger.

“Michael, no!” Max shouted, and Michael's blast stopped, but his arm never came back down. Neither did Rath's.

Seven bodies hit the floor.

Max concentrated on keeping up the shield. Michael's blast had felt like being ran over by a truck. Damn!

Rath smirked. This was too easy. The king wouldn't last long.

“What are you smirking about?” Max spat.

“Guns, man? What were you thinkin'?” Rath laughed.

It was Max's turn to gloat. He just looked at Lonnie.

Rath followed his gaze to see Lonnie's body lying on the floor, unmoving. Rath could see two darts coming out of her flesh. One in her neck. One in her heart. Fury welled up inside him.

“Everyone okay? Maria?” Michael asked, not taking his eyes from Rath.

Choruses of 'Yes' and 'Fine' followed his question. All but one.

“Just perfect,” Alec groaned.

“Alec?” Liz manoeuvred her body from under his where she'd landed when Alec tackled her out of the way.

“I'm fine, Liz,” he reassured her even though his whole upper body felt ablaze. “Just what the hell do those blast things do anyway?” he asked Michael's back. “And why isn't the Mohawk down? Even if I missed, which I doubt, Biggs should’ve hit him,” he grounded out, annoyed.

“The blast disintegrated the darts,” Biggs answered him. He was probably the only one who'd seen what happened to their shots.

“So, now what?” Rath taunted them. “We wait till the duke cracks and fuck the light show so I can blast you all? Yo, make it fast, there's a hockey game I don't wanna miss.”

Maxie, Biggs and CeCe studied the situation, running scenarios through their minds, looking for the fastest and more efficient way of ending the face-off.

But it was Michael who moved.

His arm still raised he took the two steps separating him from Max and stopped right beside him. He tightened his fist around the orb he was still holding with his left hand, took a deep breath and then put his right hand on Max's back, right between his shoulder blades.

“You better trust me, Maxwell,” he said under his breath.

Max opened his mouth to ask Michael what he meant but no words came out. He felt a rush of fire travelling all over his body. Pins and needles cut through his skin. Pure, white, burning energy made his skin crawl, every hair in his standing on end. The faintest gurgle left his mouth before the most amazing blast he'd ever seen came out of his hand, green like the shield still coming out of the same hand.

Michael's blast – empowered by Max's own energy - lighted up the whole crib. Everything in his path obliterated.

It lasted only five seconds. When it died down, there was nothing but a burnt brick wall standing before them. The shield also disappeared and both Max and Michael bent over, out of breath.

The shock that had kept everyone immobilized vanished.

“What the hell was that?!” and other variants flew from almost every mouth.

“You okay, Maxwell?” Michael asked, reaching over to put his hand on Max's shoulder.

Max raised his head, his eyes wide and still very much in shock. “Don't EVER do that again,” he gasped out.

With everyone moving around, checking on the two aliens still recovering and the transgenic down, no one ever noticed the still figure in the shadows.

'Well, well, well. It certainly looks like the kid can take care of them after all.' Langley smirked. 'It'd be one less thing to worry about if I could actually stop keeping an eye on them.' Shaking his head, he turned around and disappeared into the dark tunnel.

They had laid Alec face down on the couch. The blast had gotten him on the shoulder blade when he'd stepped in front of Liz to push her down.

Alec wasn't complaining, not only because he didn't want to worry the more impressionable members of the group, especially Liz, but also because this wound felt so much different than any other he'd ever gotten. It felt nothing like a shot and Alec didn't want to take his attention off his body's response.

His t-shirt had disintegrated almost completely. The skin of his back was a vivid scarlet, almost as if he'd been on the sun too long. There were spots where the skin had fallen off completely but the flesh beneath was bleeding very little. All in all, the wound didn't look all that bad, Alec knew that, he could see it on his upper arm. But it felt so much worse. Kind of like some of the chemical testing they used to perform in Manticore, but worse.

Liz was sitting on the couch, Alec's upper body on her lap, and she was stroking his head, murmuring little nothings trying to comfort him. Alec felt a grin tugging at his lips. It felt nice.

The rest was surrounding the couch. They were waiting for Max to get his breath back, that blast had really taken its toll on him and he'd needed a moment.

Max kneeled before the couch, breath still laboured but recovered enough to heal Alec. “Okay, let's do this,” he rasped out.

“Are you sure you're okay now?” Isabel asked worried.

“Yes, Iz, I'm fine; he needs to be healed now,” Max insisted.

“It doesn't look that bad,” Maria objected, also worried about Max. Michael had been fine a lot sooner. “I'm sure he can wait a bit longer--”

“I said I'm fine,” Max insisted, putting his hand in the middle of Alec's wound, where the blast had impacted. “It's gotta feel a lot worse than it looks like.”

Alec looked at Max wearily. “If he can argue already let him do it. He's right, it feels like this thing is cooking me from the inside,” he said.

“Why didn't you say so then?” Liz gasped.

Alec just shrugged his good - better - shoulder, still looking at Max. “You don't have to 'connect' with me or anything, do you?”

“I don't know. Let's try it without first, okay?”

Alec nodded and closed his eyes. He really wanted this to be over. Where was a nice bullet hole when you needed it? Pull out the bullet, cauterize the wound; grit your teeth and pretend you're somewhere else. He could do that. He'd done that dozens of times. But this? God! It was like someone was peeling off his skin, little by little, on the outside while holding a torch to the inside. Just what the hell had that bastard done?

“You know, what I don't get is why Alec's alive?” Kyle asked suddenly, breaking the silence. Everyone looked at him, unbelieving. “What? Look what happened to Pierce! One blast and he was toast. And that was Michael's... What, second blast? I'm sure Michael is a lot more powerful now, and Rath must have been blasting away the moment he crawled out of that stinking pod,” he explained, nodding to the wall.

“He's right,” Michael said. “It should've killed him.”

“Because it was just a game for them, it was supposed to be a blow for Max,” Alex explained quietly, “Lonnie called her 'the king's pet'. They didn't see Liz as a threat.”

Alec felt a chill go down his spine. To think there was nothing he could've done if Rath had wanted to kill. He knew how to take a bullet, where it should hit to minimize the damage. There was no safe place to take a killing blast.

Liz squeezed the hand she was holding.

Suddenly, Alec realized the fire in his body was letting up. He could almost breathe normally now, instead of forcing himself to pretend to do so to reassure the others, especially Liz who was holding him so close. He let his breath out in a long sigh.

“Better?” Max asked leaning back.

Alec nodded. “Thanks, man.”

“There's still more to heal but the blast has stopped going deeper now.”

“What, like radiation or something?” Maxie asked.

Max nodded. “It was still working.” He looked back at Alec. “You should've said something. It was done with your muscle and starting on your ribs. If you'd waited more it could've gone all the way to the vital organs, killing you.”

Alec shrugged, “Yeah, I know. I felt it going all the way through the muscle. I wouldn't have let it go farther than mid-bone.”

“You knew exactly where it was, I mean, anything beyond 'pain'?” Isabel asked astonished.

“We're really aware of our bodies,” CeCe explained nonchalantly, shrugging off the surprise from all those not transgenic.

Max put his hand back on Alec's shoulder. “Just a bit more.”

It only took a few moments. They all watched as Alec's skin mended itself, the bleeding stopping, the scratches healing, the color of the skin going down to a perfect tan.

Max took his hand away and moments later a silver handprint appeared where his hand had just rested. Liz traced it softly.

“It's warm,” she whispered.

Alec sat up, taking what was left of his t-shirt off. “Well, that was fun. What do you all say we get out of here?”

“You can't leave half naked,” Maria teased him.

“Ruin my fun,” Alec pouted. He looked around. There were some clothes on a corner next to what appeared to be a cot. He took a black t-shirt and put it on. “Good enough.”

“Wait, we didn't get to search this place,” Max objected. “There might be something more here.”

“I don't know... You think they knew how to hide things in the walls?” Isabel asked. “Because we did search the around before they got back.”

“I don't think so,” Michael said thoughtfully. “I mean, why keep the orb hidden inside the pod if you can make it disappear into the wall?”

“Besides, look around,” Maria added. “There's no visible wall here, there's so much crap.”

“And, half the crib is now ashes anyway.” Biggs nodded to the side the blast had destroyed. “Even the corpses are gone.”

“Maybe we should do the other half too,” Alec suggested, looking at the pods still hanging for anyone to see.

Max nodded, he looked at Michael. “You up to it?”

Michael waited until they all moved out of the way and blasted the pods, their ashes falling over the crap against the wall.


Maria knocked on the door. They had decided to stay the night in New York and rented some rooms in a motel.

Alec opened the door and let her in. Michael was lying on his bed. Alec looked as if he'd just had a shower, but he was completely dressed again. Maria grabbed his arm, pulling Alec closer. “How are you feeling, bad boy?”

Alec smiled at the blond pixie. “I'm good, Maria.” He saw her sneak a glance at Michael. “Can I do something for you? Maybe leave?” he asked knowingly.

“You don't mind, do you? I left Liz all alone in our room,” she said, batting her eyelashes at him. Alec just chuckled. Maria hugged him briefly, whispering in his ear, “I’m glad you're okay, Alec, and three doors down.”

Alec squeezed her softly and then let her go to Michael. He left the room quietly.

Michael followed Maria around the room. She pulled the curtains closed and turned off the TV he'd been staring at. With one last look around, Maria went to the bed. Getting onto the mattress, she passed one knee over him and straddle him, laying her body down over his where he rested on the headboard, her head fitting perfectly on the hollow in his shoulder. His hands went to her waist on their own, hugging her.

She didn't talk, just having him close was enough for now. Her breath tickled his neck, giving him goose bumps. Michael was caressing her lower back with one hand, the other one was tangled in her hair. He kissed her forehead almost absently.

“So...” Maria started, her voice very soft. “How was your day?”

Michael shrugged, “Weird.”

Maria rolled her eyes. “Every day is a weird day for us, Michael.” He didn't say anything so Maria tried again. “You found your orb.”

“Yeah, I did,” Michael sounded lost in thought and Maria didn't want to press him. She just waited. “I felt it really strong. I kinda knew it was there from the moment we got into the crib.”

“Mmm,” she mumbled, her finger drawing abstract figures on his chest.

“It felt good,” he went on. “I know you said I shouldn't worry about it, but I couldn't help it. I'm...” he trailed off.

Maria kissed under his chin softly. “I know. I'm glad you feel better about that now,” she whispered. They were silent for a while then, enjoying the feeling of the other one. Michael ran his hand down her spine. Eventually Maria spoke again. “So what now? We've never really talked about this but... You stayed, Michael. What does that mean to your quest for answers?”

Michael sighed. “I don't know, Maria. It's not that I've stopped wanting to know... But...” he hugged her even closer, kissing her hair. “I don't want to give you up for the answers.”

Maria felt her heart skip a beat. She'd thought that night when he'd let her 'see' him that she could never feel closer to him, but right then she realized she was wrong. That had been so important, and special, and meaningful... Because it was his past, what made him the man she loved, and how he felt about her. But hearing him say the words tonight knowing he wanted to be by her side no matter what felt so much better. She raised her head and Michael looked at her almost curiously. Maria kissed him softly, keeping it gentle, pouring everything she was feeling into the kiss in spite of the tenderness that surrounded them. When they broke apart she laid her head back on his shoulder and he swept the hair back from her face.

“Besides, you're actually doing more to look for those answers now than you've ever done, right?” she retook the conversation.

“Yeah, funny that thing. I guess I have the transgenics to thank for that.”

Maria smiled into his chest. “So we'll just look together from now on, huh?” She held her breath, waiting.

“Yes, that sounds perfect.”

She let the air out, relieved. She didn't want to stop Michael's quest. She knew he needed the answers even if he told himself not knowing would be enough. But there was something else in his voice.

She didn't have to think too hard to know what was bothering him. “You had to kill again,” she breathed out, not knowing if he'd want to talk to her about it. She hoped he did.

Michael winced. “That I did. With my bare hands.”

Maria heard the self-reproach clearly. She felt behind her for his right hand and brought it between them, shifting slightly on her side so she could move. She grasped his hand in between hers and caressed it from the wrist to the fingertips, back and palm. Her thumb traced his knuckles and she kissed them one by one.

“Have I ever told you how much I love your hands?” she murmured, playing with his ring. Michael didn't say anything, he just let her talk. “Well, I do. They're big and strong. But they can be so gentle. When you touch me I feel cherished, loved. I can feel how much you love me by the way you cup my cheeks, I feel as if you could hold my whole world in your hands, Michael.” She kissed every fingertip again.

“It's not just that I killed,” Michael admitted after a moment.

“It's that you killed yourself,” Maria supplied when it seemed that the words failed him.

Michael wondered when she came to understand him so well. “There was a part of him that's in me as well.”

“But it doesn't have to be the bad side, Michael.”

“I guess not,” he agreed, none too convincingly. He changed the direction of the conversation. “There've been times that I worried you might be in danger because of Rath, because of what you are to me... At least I'll sleep better now, knowing you're safe... Or safer, anyway,” he settled.

Michael pulled his hand from her grasp and shifted her over himself, snuggling her body into him more comfortably. Maria pulled herself higher on him to get to his face and whispered into his mouth, “I'm as safe as it gets when in your arms, Spaceboy.”

Michael smiled and kissed her. The mood so obviously changed now, he wiggled his eyebrows and slid his hands under her top, unstrapping her bra.

Maria nibbled on his bottom lip. With a final tug, she released his lip and asked him, “Do you think they'll mind if Alec spends the night?”


Liz opened the door to find Alec on the other side. “Hey, I thought you were Maria.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot.” Liz rolled her eyes. “Actually, she said something about keeping you company while she talked to Michael,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

Liz smiled, shaking her head and stepping to the side to let him in. She went back to sit on her bed and Alec closed the door and followed her. He sat at the end of her bed and eyed the journal she was putting on the bedside table but didn't say anything about it.

“How did you end up sharing with Michael anyway?”

“Couldn't tell ya,” Alec shrugged. “It used to be Biggs and me against the world but he's dumped me for CeCe.” He pouted adorably.

“Poor baby,” Liz chuckled nervously.

“I can go bother Maxie if you want,” he offered, seeing she was a bit uncomfortable.

“No, don't be stupid,” she said hastily, “Stay here. Are you sure you're feeling all right?”

“Good as new. I kinda like silvery hand in my back, it's tingly.”

Liz smiled. “Yeah, I remember. Can I see it again?”

“You just want to see me naked,” he teased her. Pulling off the shirt he wore, he moved on the bed to sit beside Liz, his back to her.

She traced it like she'd done earlier that day, her fingers barely touching his skin.

“Will it last long?”

“Two, maybe three days,” she said, not looking at him, her eyes locked on the handprint. Feeling his eyes on her she raised her gaze to see him watching her over his shoulder. Liz leaned in and kissed the mark softly, then moved up to his face and kissed him. “I didn't get to say thank you,” she murmured into his mouth.

Alec turned around, reclining his back on the headboard and pulling Liz closer more comfortably. “That's all right, you're doing great now.” He felt her smile against his lips. She kissed him again before pulling back.

“Was it really bad?” Her voice was very small and it had lost all playfulness.

Alec sighed. “Worse,” he admitted and saw her flinch. “It was just different. I've felt all kinds of pain before but this was new.” He shifted, hugging Liz to him, her head on his shoulder. “I know Max would've healed you just as he did me, but I'm still glad it was me and not you.”

Liz nodded; she wouldn't say it aloud, she felt bad enough for being so selfish, but she was glad it hadn't been her. One shot had been more than enough for her. That had hurt so much, and Alec said this had been even worse. And she was sure he had a higher threshold pain than her.

The movement against his bare skin reminded her he'd taken his shirt off. He was so warm, and smooth. Without noticing, she started tracing the contour of his pecs and abs with her hand. He felt so good. And the hand he had on her nape, caressing it, felt really good too.

Alec didn't notice the direction Liz's mind had been on. “The only catch to being miraculously healed is that I miss on having you play kinky nurse for me,” he joked.

“Well, you're hot enough for us to pretend you're running a fever,” she said playfully but with a hint of real curiosity.

“You're right. I am really hot,” he agreed smugly. Liz smacked his chest. “Okay, okay. I am hot and it's not a fever. Transgenics' basal nature is a few degrees higher than human's.”

“Hmm,” Liz nuzzled his upper chest, planting soft kisses along his collarbone, but his words from before gave her thought. “I would've thought you didn't like nurses much, Alec.”

Alec looked down at her, raising her chin with his finger. “Not really,” he admitted seriously, then he winked. “I'm sure we could find some other thing for you to be.” He pushed Liz up along his body and captured her lips in a hungry kiss, his tongue pressing against her lips until she opened up, taking possession of her mouth.

When they broke apart Liz was breathing heavily and her mouth felt tingly. Her hand had ended up resting over his heart and she could feel his heart beating under her fingertips. In that moment, the reality of what had happened that day hit her hard. He could have died today. That thought made her heart constrict. She closed her eyes.

“Liz?” Alec was softly running his thumb over her jawline, still cupping her cheek with one hand, the other one was at her waist holding her close.

“I just... Everything happened so fast...” She finally met his gaze. “You almost died and... I--”

“Liz, don't do this.” Alec sat up, looking her in the eyes. “You can't do this now. You said if I disappeared you would at least have had two weeks with me.”

“I know,” she tried to talk but Alec didn't let her.

“No, Liz. We're about to start something that I might not live through.” Alec paused, thinking. “Maybe we shouldn't have started this--”

“No!” She grabbed his arm, stopping him from leaving the bed. “Alec, no! I meant that, I really did. If two weeks is all I have then fine, I want them. But you can't honestly expect me to not be affected by what happens to you.” She tried to catch his eyes but he wouldn't look at her. “Alec.”

He sighed, giving in. “Liz...”

She shook her head and threw her arms around him, hugging him. “I'll be okay,” she whispered, holding onto him.


Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 12:55 pm
by Hotaru
It will be reader's note, not author's note. Lyra is still alive and well. She sent to me next chapter of Crossroads because she can't login for a while... But this doesn't mean you get walking ticket from feedback :lol: Be nice!

So, here it is...

A/N: The song is ‘You Dance’ by Eastmountainsouth. So sorry for the big wait.

Chapter 9

Kyle heard his phone through the closed bathroom door and hurried to finish up.

"Kyle, phone!" Alex yelled at him.

"Coming!" Kyle shouted back. "Pick it up, will ya?"

He heard Alex greeting whoever was on the line.

"Hey, he'll be just a moment... Sure." Alex looked up when he heard the door. "OK, here he is now," he told the other person and handed the phone to Kyle, mouthing 'Your dad'.

Kyle took the phone and checked the screen. It was their home number, not the cell. "Hey, dad, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine. How are things going with you? I haven't heard from you in a couple of days."

"I know, things got out of hand yesterday and we were all wiped out. I was going to call today."

"What happened?" Jim asked, concerned.

"We went to the dupes' crib and found the fourth orb and then Rath and Lonnie showed up. Michael had to blow them up-"

"Kyle!" Jim cut him off. "Watch what you're saying!"

"Oh, sorry, dad. I forgot to tell you. Alec and CeCe cooked up some kind of encryption program for our cells. They're now untraceable and encrypted and hell knows what else. We can speak freely now."

Jim kept silent for a moment. "Wow, that's some hi-tech stuff... But my phone doesn't have any of those things."

"I know, CeCe explained it. Apparently, my cell gives off some kind of weird signal that does something to the line no matter who I'm talking to. I didn't understand one iota but she said it's safe for me to talk."

"That'll help. I was trying to figure out a safe way to tell you that Ava showed up yesterday. She said she fell the Granolith going off and came to see what was going on. She couldn't find any of you so she came to me. Apparently Liz told her she could trust me if she needed anything."

"Ava is there?!" Kyle exclaimed causing the other two in the room to look at him surprised.

"What?" Max asked, walking towards Kyle.

"Wait, dad, Max is here and wants to talk to you."

"Sure, son. But I want to talk to you before hanging up."

"Yeah, okay." Kyle gave the phone to Max.

"Jim? What's going on?"

"Everything is fine, Max. Ava came to town last night. She's been keeping a low profile. I don't think anyone's seen her. I found her in my backyard this morning."

"So nothing's wrong? She's not in trouble or anything?"

"No, no. She said she was somewhere in Oregon when she felt the Granolith's energy... Is that even possible, Max? Oregon is a hell of a long way from here," Jim asked. "Is not that I don't believe her..." he trailed off.

"I know, Jim. I don't know either, but they have always been different from us, they've been in touch with their alien side since the moment they hatched. Their powers and awareness have always been better than ours."

"Anyway, she's taking a shower now. I wanted to tell you guys and see what you want me to do."

"I'd like to talk to her first," Max commented, thinking through the possibilities.

"Let me see if she's done."

Max waited. He hadn't thought much about Ava. For one thing, the thought of the other 'queen' always took him back to Tess and she was something Max didn't like to dwell on. He still punished himself for not seeing through her act. He'd played right into her hands. He felt so stupid... and furious. He was still raging mad at her for everything she'd done. For all she had cost all of them.

And he'd never felt threatened by Ava so he didn't worry too much about her. He had planned to look her up, of course, but it could wait. It looked like she had saved him the trouble.

"Max?" Her voice startled him.

"Ava, are you okay?" he asked her, first things first.

"I'm good. I've been drifting around for months, hiding from Rath and Lonnie, ya know?"

Max hesitated, not sure how Ava would take the news. "Mmmm... You don't have to worry about that... er... we-"

"I know, Max," she cut him off. "They's dead."

"You know? How?"

"Same way I knew there was no hope for Zan when Rath pushed him under that truck, I felt it. I felt them... Maybe I should say I didn't feel them anymore."

Max didn't know what to say. He'd never felt Michael and Isabel like that... or had he? Maybe he did feel them and he just didn't know because he'd never felt their absence.

"It was you, wasn't it? You killed them." Ava said, taking Max's silence as guilt.

But Max didn't really feel guilty about their deaths, the same way he didn't feel guilty about Tess's fate once she reached Antar... Maybe she was already there?

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Ava again. "Max?"

"Yeah," he answered her previous question. "Yeah, it was us. We killed them." There was no remorse in his voice. "They attacked us and we defended ourselves."

Ava smirked, maybe he was learning after all. "Good. One less thing to worry about."

"So... You say you felt the Granolith from Oregon?" he asked, going back to the topic that mattered.

"Yeah, it was weird... I didn't really know what it was, ya know. Just that something big, something Antarian, had produced a hell of a burst. The Granolith was the only explanation I could find and I thought I better come check it out."

"In Roswell? What made you think the Granolith was in Roswell?"

Ava rolled her eyes. "I don't know where it is, Max. I just know you have it."

"I never said-"

"You have it. Even if you didn't know where it is, you'd still have it," Ava stated confidently.

Max nodded, he had no real reason to hide it from Ava anyway. "So you came looking for us then."

"Yeah, I thought I'd check."

"And now that you have? What are your plans?" Max asked, not sure how to proceed. "Did Jim explain where we are and what we're doing?"

"Part of it. Said you've gone hunting for Antar... Bad news if you ask me. You should stay as far away as possible from all of it."

Max frowned. He didn't know what he was supposed to do about Antar yet and he wasn't ready to think about it. One thing at a time. Ava was still talking.

"And anyway, not much you can do about it now that your 'Ava' left with the ship you had... At least that's what the Sheriff said," she went on.

"We'll worry about that later, Ava."

"Right, so I know there's something else going on but he didn't say."

"So what will you do? You could wait for us there. I'm sure we could arrange something for you. We'll only be a few days, I think."

"I don't know..." she started but then she thought better of it, "Maybe, it's not like I have somewhere I have to be. Now that I don't have to worry about Rath and Lonnie I could just lay back and think what I want, I guess."

She sounded hesitant, as if she was waiting for a push in any direction. So Max gave it to her.

"Stay, Ava. I'm sure Liz will want to see you."

Ava smiled. "How's the cornball?"

"Good, we're all good. We'll see you when we get back and we can talk about what you want for yourself, okay?"

"Sure, Max... Thanks."

"No problem. Can I speak to Jim for a moment?"

"Sure thing." Max could hear her call for Jim. "Yo, he wants to talk to ya!"

Max smiled, he'd debated whether to offer her a place to stay or not, thinking that seeing her everyday -Tess's face, Tess's voice- might be too much for him. But Ava was Ava; she wouldn't let you see anyone other than herself when you looked at her.


"Jim, Ava's going to stay, at least until we get back. Can you take her to Michael's and help her settle? We'll be home in about a week, two tops."

"Sure, Max... She could stay here, you know, I don't mind..." Jim offered while Max could hear some indecision in his voice and thought it better to stick to his original idea.

"No, Jim. Michael's will be fine. We'll let you know if anything happens. How's everyone?"

"We're all good, don't worry. I've started to hear the typical 'I hope they'll come back soon' comment from the ladies, you know, but other than that..." Jim trailed off.

Max knew the Sheriff wanted them home as much as the rest of the parents. He gave a small smile. "Soon, Jim. For better or worse it won't be much longer now."

Jim heard the twinge of apprehension underlying the usual worry in Max's voice. "Is it their turn already then?"

Max hesitated for a second before answering. "Yeah. We're leaving New York in a little while. There's only one stop left before we go home."

Jim bit his tongue on the urge to order them to come home immediately. It really wasn't his place, not with these kids who'd been through so much in their sort lives and had such a huge responsibility on their shoulders. There was very little he could do in fact, except... "I'm here, Max. Remember that. Always. If you need anything..."

"I know. Thank you, Jim," Max told him, incredibly grateful to be able to count on the Sheriff. "Do you want to talk to Kyle again?"

"Yeah, thanks." Jim waited on the line, a knot of anxiety and worry growing in his stomach.

"Hey, dad."

"Kyle," the Sheriff managed to get out over the lump in his throat. Everything seemed too real all of a sudden. "Kyle, are you sure about this? I mean, you could just come home... all of you..."

Kyle felt that tingle of trepidation he'd been getting more and more often the last few says. This was different. In all their encounters with enemies or shit they'd always mostly been reacting to the stuff that happened to them. They'd never sat down and planned an attack on someone. But Kyle wasn't going to turn his back on his friends, neither the new nor the old, it just wasn't happening.

"Dad, I'll just be outside, covering them. I'm driving. You don't have to worry."

"Right, like that's possible. You're asking me to ignore the fact that my only son is about to go up against the military forces of the USA. Get real, Kyle, I worry about you when you go camping in Frazier Woods," Jim said.

Kyle chuckled. "I know. I wish you could be here for this, dad."

Jim tried to lighten the mood. "Are you trying to say that you miss your old man?"

"Nah, you just have your uses," Kyle joked.

"Okay, let's talk about less serious things for a while, what do you say?"

"Fine by me, like what?"

"I don't know... You put any fishes back into the lake lately?" Jim laughed.

Kyle chuckled also. "You dated any Ms. Young and Beautiful lately?"

"Don't let Amy hear you say that," Jim warned his son. "She'll have your head."

"I'm sure I can take care of myself. You just wait to see all the new tricks I can do. You'll miss the old days when the weirdest thing of the day was seeing me sitting on the floor and chanting..."
* * * * * *
Three days later they had reached Wyoming and had set up camp ten miles from the secured perimeter of the base. They had decided that it would be better to be isolated in the middle of the mountains rather than staying in a nearby town seeing as they needed to get and 'fix' transportation and ammunition. They were also feeling the mounting tension and the freedom and privacy the mountain offered them was liberating.

Max looked around at his friends and family. They were all spread out over the small camp in groups, except Maxie who was standing alone before a huge tree trunk surrounded by all the weaponry she and Alec had collected in Washington. He put away the maps he'd been studying, again, and went to sit with her.

Maxie heard him walking up to her from behind. She knew it was Max from the way he walked. She recognized all of them now. "Careful where you step, Evans. I can't seem to remember where I put those land mines," she said without looking back and heard him freeze.

Max heard her chuckle and shook his head. "You got me," he admitted, sitting down to her right, trying not to disturb her system. "Do you even have land mines?"

"Nah, the explosives we got are a little more sophisticated than that. And not here," she added, seeing him looking wearily around.

Max watched her as she put the gun she'd been holding away and picking up the next one. He observed mystified the way she dismantled the gun, cleaned it methodically, assembled it again and test-fired it against a practice target she had placed across the clearing. Once she was satisfied with the weapon, she set it aside and went for the next one.

After five silent minutes Maxie finally asked, "What?" She found his penetrating gaze unsettling. He was looking at her as if he'd never seen her before.

Max looked up at her face startled. He'd been following the movements of her hands mesmerized. "Sorry," he apologized. "It's nothing, I just... I'm not used to guns and I'm definitely not used to seeing someone like you handling them like that."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" she asked with a sardonic smile.

Max smiled self-consciously. He wasn't sure what he'd meant. "At least, you're not the big bad, right?" he settled for.

Maxie looked him up and down before aiming the gun to the area where the target's groin would be and firing without missing a beat. "I don't know, Evans, I can be bad..." She turned again and winked at him, "I can be the naughtiest girl in the playground."

Max looked at her wide eyed, after a brief moment of shock he noticed the twitching lips and twinkling eyes and they both burst out laughing.

When all the guns had been checked and put away for safe-keeping, Maxie looked at all the weaponry they had accumulated and grimaced. Max noticed and frowned, what was that about?

Seeing his look Maxie sighed, "Shocking, huh? That I don't really like guns. At all. Who would've thought!"

"But you've been using them all along," Max observed perplexed.

"Not really," Maxie corrected him. "I've only really been around them when we got them and today because we needed to do inventory and the others were busy," she explained. "Don't get me wrong, I know my way around all types of guns. I'm a perfect shot. I've been trained in the use of them since I was big enough to hold one. But I haven't used one since I escaped."

Max looked pointedly around. Maxie followed his gaze and shrugged. "This is different," she said simply. "I haven't needed to fire a gun in all the years I've spent on the run. I'm all the weapon I need to take care of myself. Manticore is another story. I feel no remorse for using weapons on them. They made me what I am. Now they're getting what they deserve."

Max couldn't help the shiver that went through him when he heard the hate in her voice. But at the same time he was relieved to hear that she wasn't fond of guns. He wasn't a big fan of them himself and he wasn't comfortable around them. "So, normally you don't..."

"I don't do guns, Evans. I'm dangerous enough without them anyway," she confided conspiratorially.

Max looked at Biggs and CeCe, working on the other side of the camp, they were both carrying small handguns in their holsters. Biggs, CeCe and Alec had been carrying weapons all those weeks ago when they appeared in their lives; from then till the moment they got here the guns had been absent, or at least Max hadn't seen them, but the moment they got to Gillette they had started carrying the holsters at all times.

Max noticed that Maxie didn't carry a gun with her at all times.

Maxie seemed to read his mind. "They're more used to them, they feel comfortable around them. That doesn't mean they go around killing people for fun or anything. You know that, Evans. It's just that they're soldiers in enemy territory, a gun is a must for them now."

Max felt a little bit shameful. "I didn't mean anything by-"

"I know, it's okay. I don't like much the sight of them armed either. But they do what they feel it's best for all of us, you know. They'll do whatever's necessary to guarantee your safety."

Silence fell between them, but they didn't feel uncomfortable. Maxie was the one he got along with the best. Maybe because he'd seen inside her mind or maybe because Biggs and CeCe were too involved with each other of late and Alec was just not an option. But whatever the reason, Max felt at ease with the dark haired hellcat. And she seemed to enjoy teasing him, or maybe she was out right laughing at him half the time. He didn't really mind.

"So... you're used to being on your own, then. 'All the weapon you need', and all that..." he joked.

"Yeah, it's been just me for a long time. But I kinda like having them around, you know, someone to watch my back and make sure I make it out of a tight spot... and let's face it, everything's just more fun when I have someone to marvel at human's stupidity with," she drawled.


"Oh, I don't know. People are just plain stupid. Like this guy, some big time businessman, loaded, more like filthy rich. I think the city had named a street after him or something like that. So I get inside his mansion, make it all the way into his office, break into his state of the art vault and you know what he keeps inside?" she asked.

"What?" Max asked chuckling at her face.

"A porn collection," Maxie exclaimed disgusted. "Granted, it was a hell of a collection but still, it's just porn, for chrisakes!" she exploded. "And you know where the good stuff was? The jewels were in a drawer in a file cabinet, not even locked! And the fool had his computer on and logged into his bank account. Just like that, can you say moron? It was as if he was asking me to rob him blind!"

Max was laughing out loud by now and the self righteousness in her face only made him laugh harder.

"So I did," she said, obviously proud of herself. "I took every last penny from his bank, all his jewellery... and his porn."

"You didn't!" Max exclaimed, still laughing.

"You bet your ass I did, he so needed the wake up call."

Max shook his head, amazed. "Man, I would've loved to see his face when he found out you took his porn."

"Tell me about it. I've had some really weird experiences but that one always makes me laugh."

"If Michael hears you he'll make you take me with you... Loosen up a bit," Max confessed.

Maxie looked him up and down and then shrugged. "That can be arranged."

Max just shook his head.
Alex nudged Michael and nodded towards the girls. Maria and Isabel were trying to fit one of the two poles that would hold the cribs in place on the upper side. Wearing shorts and thin strapped tops, with their hair in messy ponytails and their skin glowing in the sun with perspiration. They looked like a wet dream waiting to happen.

Michael smirked at Alex and patted him on the back. "Just don't let Max see you ogling his sister like that, buddy."

"Are you crazy? I like 'all' my limbs where they are, thank you."

Michael chuckled and the girls turned to look at them.

"What's so funny, Michael?" Isabel asked, wiping her forehead and grimacing in distaste. Catching her reflection in the back window she waved her hand over her head and down her body and her hair rearranged into a neat bun and her skin and clothes dried up.

"Hey! Not fair, I'm all sticky too," Maria complained.

Michael stopped Isabel's hand mid-air and caught Maria in his arms. "Now, now, blondie, if she gets rid of this sexy glow what excuse will we have later to go skinny dipping in that river, huh?"

Maria deliberated her answer for all of two seconds before sneaking out of his embrace and coming to stand before Isabel. Waving at her to go ahead, Maria spoke to Michael over her shoulder. "We'll just have to find another way to get me all sweaty again then," she whispered sultrily.

"Eww! I'm right here, you know!" Isabel let her hand fall and stepped back, pretending to shudder. "And it's your turn now, we've been doing all the work here!"

"Izzy, you've put two poles in place, that's hardly all the work," Michael corrected her.

Alex studied the drawings Biggs had given them of what they needed done to the vans. After much deliberating on the issue, they had decided to acquire two vans and a broken up bus and fix them to accommodate the babies and toddlers. The bus was already fixed.

The two vans were of considerable size when they got them but after a few touches here and there they were now big enough to fit two rows of twelve carrycot-like containers on each side and two more on the partition wall separating the cabin from the back. The hundred 'cribs' were lying next to the vans waiting to be fitted into place. But first they'd had to 'build' the structure to fit them into.

It sounded a lot harder than it really was. One of the humans held the pole in place and one of the aliens welded it to the van with a wave of their hands. Not exactly slave labour, really, Isabel just liked to complain.

"Okay, so the skeleton's ready, let's see how these things are gonna work," Alex said picking one crib up.

The two boys took over the next part while Maria and Isabel directed them from the nearest shadow. "To the right, Alex," Maria ordered him. "Not so much! Just a little bit to the left now... There, perfect!"

"Maria, we're not building a space rocket, OK? We can manage perfectly fine," Michael told her. "It's not like I don't have eyes," he added under his breath to Alex.

Alex laughed indulgently, "They just like to feel in charge."

"I don't mind her being in charge," Michael said innocently. "But not while I'm working."

"Man, come on, Maria's like a sister to me! Stop the suggestive comments already," Alex groaned.

"Hey, pal, I didn't say a word. You take your mind out of the gutter."

"I'm a guy, Michael, my mind lives in the gutter."

"What are you two whispering about?"

Alex and Michael jumped and turned to see Isabel standing right behind them. "Nothing!" they exclaimed in unison.

Isabel looked back at Maria with a knowing look. "Yep, you're right. They were talking about sex."

"Told you," Maria replied smartly.

"We were not!" Alex tried to deny.

"Oh, sweetie, you're a really bad liar," Isabel laughed.

"What?! I'm not!" he protested.

Maria walked back to them and pointed at Alex's ears. "There's no point trying to deny it, Alex, your ears get all red when you're lying."

Alex gaped and covered his ears, ignoring his friends' laughter. "They do not," he spluttered even though he could feel how hot his ears were.

The girls were still laughing when they went back to their shadow-y seats and with Alex trying to pretend he didn't exist, hiding in the front side of the van, Michael went about finishing up the first van.

Fifteen minutes later Isabel came back, carrying refreshments, and found Michael humming. She almost dropped the glasses from the shock. "Michael, are you singing?!" she exclaimed, enjoying the faint flush that covered his cheeks.

"I'm not!" he said quickly, but Isabel just nodded knowingly. "I wasn't," he insisted. "I was humming," he clarified. "There's a difference."

"Yeah, besides, it was Metallica," Alex came to his defence, "it's not like you caught him singing Sarah McLachlan or anything girlie like that."

Isabel rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

"Metallica, Michael?" Maria asked, smiling fondly at her boyfriend and putting an arm around his waist. "You're obsessed."

"It relaxes me," Michael said shrugging.

Alex shook his head, "And that makes me nervous."

"I'm with him on that one," Maria muttered.

"Are you nervous?" Alex asked Michael. When he just shook his head, he pressed on. "You're not?!"

Unconsciously, Maria hugged him tighter. The truth was that, in spite of the fact that she wouldn't even go near the base and that the transgenics had told them time and again that they had everything under control, Maria was scared out of her mind. The closer 'it' got, the more panicked she felt.

"No," Michael said simply. "I don't know, I guess they made me that way."

"Well, that makes sense, I guess. No use for a general that gets scared before the battle," Alex mused.

"Can I get a fix of your blood?" Maria asked, only half joking.

Michael shook his head thoughtfully. "I can give you a fix of something else, though," he offered, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Alex turned to Isabel, "Can I have a fix of that, too?"

Isabel sighed exaggeratedly, "Again?" she asked mock-complaining.

Alex gave Michael a confused look. "Is there a point when it's enough?"
Liz smiled, watching her friends from where she was sitting under a tree with Alec lying down beside her. He had his eyes closed but she knew he wasn't sleeping. Lying on his back, with his arms crossed under his head, Alec looked like the perfect picture of relaxation, not a single worry on his mind. Liz rolled her eyes at herself, she knew that wasn't exactly true, but Alec had explained the wonders of compartmentalization to her and how he'd come to realise that the only way to live, for them, was to do so in the here and now.

Liz herself had come to treasure these small breathing moments between crises. The last two years had been a rollercoaster of fear, excitement and a thousand other emotions, anguish and pain amongst them. But looking back now, there have been moments of peace that made everything worth it. With everything she had lost and sacrificed, she had also gained a great deal. Like Alec, she thought, a silly smile on her face.

She let herself study him. It was one of her favourite pastimes these days, watching him. It didn't matter what he was doing, moving or lying still, Alec radiated energy. Liz could spend hours marvelling at the grace and ease of his body. And the beauty, don't forget the beauty. Perfect built, smooth and unblemished skin, drop-dead gorgeous features... Focusing her gaze on his lips, Liz felt her own tingle and, as if knowing where her thoughts had wandered exactly, Alec let out a tempting smirk. Damn, he didn't even have to look at her or anything. One smirk and Liz wanted to melt.

Thank God he hadn't opened his eyes or she would've thrown herself at him. If his lips made her knees go weak, his eyes could turn her into a mush of goo. No one had ever looked at her with such intensity, passion, lust... He had really expressive eyes.

Yep, she could spend hours just watching him do absolutely nothing. But she loved it even more when he was moving. The other day she had seen him spar with Biggs and Maxie. Apparently they were showing her some of the more advanced stuff she had missed out on throughout the years. The fluidity of movement, slow enough for her to see precisely because they were showing Maxie how to do it, had left her breathless. It looked more like a choreographed dance than a fight. The play of his muscles bunching and releasing with every precise movement had fascinated her. And of course, the cocky smirk whenever he got the best of Biggs, or Maxie. So Alec.

She finally understood Maria's vibrator theory. Alec always had an intense aura of vibrant energy surrounding him and it was contagious. When she was with him she felt like she could take on the world.

It was when he wasn't there that she couldn't help feeling the anxiety and the fear for what was to come. But I have to be strong, I can't let him see me break down. He doesn't need that, Liz told herself.

Liz reached out to him, running her fingers through his hair and over his face and over his peaceful face, drawing out a sweet smile from him. He loved it when she touched him, just butterfly caresses anywhere, arms, wrists, neck, scalp, face. And of course, she liked touching him just as much. His warm skin and soft hair, and how relaxed and comfortable he was with her touch always made her feel whole, at peace with herself. So, no tears, no sappy goodbyes, no clinging to his neck and never wanting to let go, she instructed herself, biting her lower lip to stop it from trembling.

Almost as if feeling her sudden bout of doubt and fear, Alec opened his eyes and locked gazes with her. Just one look and Liz felt the worry easing up. Moving one arm from behind his head, Alec tugged softly on Liz's hair and she leaned down, smiling. Alec reached up and met her halfway, kissing her sweetly.

Liz felt a wave of confidence wash over her, pushing al her trepidation away. Suddenly, she was sure that everything was going to be okay. Alec kissed her eyelids, her nose, her cheeks and jaw before going back to her lips for another deeper taste, his thumb caressing the skin right below her earlobe. She wasn't sure if she was tapping into his own certainty or if just his presence was enough to make her feel this way, but Liz wasn't scared anymore.

I won't face another day
I won't wait until tomorrow
I won't spend another night
without you

Alec let her lips go and just breathed her in for an instant before he lay back down and smiled at her. Liz, still in a daze from his kiss, barely managed to smile back.

Let me carry you away
Let me wake you every morning
Let me wander every day
Beside you

Seeing the satisfied look on his face at the obvious effect he had on her, Liz smacked him playfully and decided to distract him before he could make any smart-ass comment.

"Is there anything you should be doing?" she asked him.

"What do you mean?" he asked but his eyes told her he knew what she was doing and he was letting her get away with it.

She ignored his look, "I meant if you have any kind of ritual before going on a mission," she clarified.

Alec shrugged. "That's basically human superstition. We weren't raised to believe in luck or any kind of 'extra' help. Failure just wasn't an option," he explained.

Liz's look of sympathy -not pity, never pity with Alec, she knew it was something he didn't accept- made him want to put that dazed smile back on her face. Grabbing her around the waist he pulled her down to lay half beside him, half on top of his body. Liz squealed in surprise when she found herself facing Alec's chest. Throwing an arm over him, she dragged herself up his body to lean down over his face, her hair falling down and hiding them away. She saw the mischievous glint in his eyes and couldn't resist getting another taste of him.

'Cause you dance in my head,
in my heart,
in my everything,
'cause you belong

"This isn't such a bad ritual, don't you think?" he asked, their lips a breath away, their eyes still closed. He felt her lips curve into a smile, he could see her in his mind, even with his eyes closed. Beautiful.

"Not bad at all," Liz whispered back.
The time had finally come. Night had fallen two hours ago and the darkness was almost complete. The new moon and the stars barely showing through the clouds. They were almost ready.

Looking around, Biggs's eyes fell on CeCe methodically stocking the trunk of the now plate-less SUV with their weapons. He felt torn between wanting her on the field, watching his back the way she'd always done, and wanting her safe, back in the camp. Protecting their baby. It was so new he still didn't know how to handle everything that had changed in the blink of an eye.

Walking towards her, he felt his chest constrict with emotion. Not only worry about her and the baby, also the friendship and camaraderie they'd always shared, and the newly accepted love that her heat had forced him to deal with.

Feeling his eyes on her, CeCe looked up from her task and watched him close the distance between them. Biggs stopped before her and she put her arms around his neck, leaning on him. Biggs returned the embrace, hugging her waist.

"You'll be careful, won't you?" he spoke softly.

CeCe felt like rolling her eyes but she understood his anxiety perfectly so she just kissed him and nodded.

"I know you can-"

"I know, Biggs," she interrupted him. "And I will."

Biggs nodded thoughtfully, still struggling with his own emotions.

"Everything will be okay," she insisted. "We'll both be fine."

Biggs just hugged her fiercely, nestling his face in her neck and imprinting her new scent in his mind. Then he chuckled.

CeCe leaned back to see his face and caught him rolling his eyes. "What?" she asked confused.

"Look at me," he said simply. Smacking her ass, he exclaimed shocked. "What have you done to me, woman?!"

CeCe snorted and pushed him away, going back to her task. Biggs watched her, smiling. We'll all be okay, he told himself.
Alec kneeled behind a rock, looking at his surroundings. The place was exactly like he remembered it: oppressing. He could see Biggs to his right, trying to quell his urge to check on CeCe's position every two seconds. Alec felt for Biggs, he really did, but he knew they all had to focus on their tasks or this wouldn't work. Locking gazes with him, a look full of trust and history, Biggs nodded at Alec and they both went back to watching the perimeter guards.

Alec counted his lucky stars that all they had to deal with was ordinary soldiers. Things wouldn't go as smoothly as he was hoping they would if they'd had to tangle with the hive-minded X7s he was about to prevent from existing.

Pushing away the thought of all those he was negating their very existence to, like Dalton, and Bugler and Zero, Fixit, Ralph and so many others, Alec's confidence in his mission faltered. Is it really fair to do this?

The phantom pain of countless hours in Psy-Ops and Re-Indoctrination washed over him. You're just selfish, trying to save yourself the pain, a small voice taunted him.

But it hadn't been only him. Maybe he'd had it worse than some because of Ben, but he certainly had had company in hell. All of them had suffered at the cruel hands of Manticore.

This is the right thing to do, he thought determinedly, silencing any remaining doubts in his mind. The time for doubts had passed, anyway.

Maxie had been watching intently the spot on the guard's path that would put the mission in motion. Her heart was pounding heavily, almost jumping out of her throat, or some other annoying place where it shouldn't be. Excitement and anxiety warred in her. A brief smile made it to her lips, remembering Biggs's words just before deploying.

"So... how are those adrenalin levels doing?" he'd asked nonchalantly. " 'Coz I feel like I'm about to jump out of my skin or something..."

Alec had chuckled then, the truth was that they'd all being feeling strangely unsettled for the experienced soldiers they were. "Everything's going to be okay, guys. We're going to go in there and kick their asses, because that's what they designed us to do... So, let's do it."

It had made her feel better to know that she wasn't the only one feeling like this and suddenly that warm feeling in the pit of the stomach that she hadn't felt since separating from her siblings was back. She was surrounded by family again. She glanced briefly at Alec. And soon she'd had her siblings with her again. More or less. Right, time to focus.

Alec saw the guard walk over the mark they'd appointed as their 'go'. Moving silently through the forest, he felt the others advance. Only the transgenics for now. Evans and Michael would keep their positions until the perimeter was secure.

Stepping into the clear that surrounded the fence, Alec blurred the short distance and jumped over the electrified barrier, landing right behind one of the guards.

The limitary garbed soldier didn't have time to register the presence behind him before taking a hit on the back, right to the heart. Alec caught him on his way down and set him silently on the ground.

The reckon they'd done the last three nights was perfectly accurate and he looked around to see other three guards go down at the hands of his friends. Starting south he followed the fence, Biggs was moving north and Maxie went forward into Manticore grounds, going after the ten soldiers that patrolled the inside forest. CeCe went straight to the control room.

Twenty minutes later the three of them rendezvoused at the starting point where Alec had first landed. Biggs signalled Michael with a flashlight. Two shorts, one long, one short. The answering lights preceded the appearance of the two aliens through the tree line. Sprinting towards the fence, Michael waved his hand over it, dissolving it into thin air, and a hole big enough for both of them to go through without risk of touching it appeared. Once inside, he waved his hand again, restoring the fence. It had taken less than a minute and by the time the camera sweeping the fence passed over the area two minutes later they were all gone and there was no trace of anyone having ever been there. Of course, there was no trace of the guards either but the soldiers manning the security cameras had been watching the game before CeCe took them out anyway. Tsk, tsk.

The group of five made their way into the facility. Maxie separated from them and went to join CeCe in the control room. There they were going to send the scientific data to an outside server they'd prepared for that exact reason. The fact that they were going to get rid of this place and all the bastards involved with the project didn't mean that they were willing to destroy all the information they held. After all it was 'them' in those computers. The genetic database on all existing transgenics was priceless, especially if you took into consideration that they were going to raise a colourful bunch of genetic experiments. Every small bit of data could save lives in the future. Their lives.

Alec signalled to Evans and Michael to stay behind them and then nodded to Biggs the 'go ahead'. Heading straight for the soldier's barracks, the four of them made quick work of the sleeping soldiers. They never even woke up. The brass was next.

The bigger quarters set aside for the few officials on site were on the first floor on that same building.

"Go ahead and start setting up the charges, Biggs," Alec whispered. "I'll finish here."

Biggs knew why Alec wanted to be the one to go after the big brass. They'd never even discussed it. Biggs and CeCe just accepted he'd take on that task. Nodding at Alec he took the two aliens with him and started for the first location, the DNA lab. The generators and control room were next. Michael carried the explosives and Max the detonators. Biggs would be the one arming the bombs.

Alec watched them leave and then move silently for the stairs. The first room had been empty. The second was the quarters of Sgt. Nicholls and the Texan soldier laid sleeping on his back, one leg hanging off the bed and one arm thrown over the side, taking up the whole bed, the other one resting on his chest. Sleeping the sleep of the dead. No remorse or guilt to trouble his rest. Alec wasted no time in shooting and moving on.

The last room had a light on. There were reports on the bedside table and a glass that had contained a good malt, if Alec's nose didn't fail him. The room was tidy, military style. Everything in its place, including the man sleeping on the double bed.

He was younger than Alec remembered him, of curse. Thinner; his body, covered only by a summer sheet over his hips, still maintained part of his active days tone. But his hair was starting to thin out already, no wonder he got into the habit of shaving his head.

Lieutenant Walter Sandoval had plagued Alec's nightmares as often as Lydecker did, especially since he'd remembered Rachel Berrisford. Watching him now, his face stern even when not conscious, Alec felt a cold fist clench his heart. This man would not cause Rachel's death, not through Alec's own hand, not in any other way.

Taking the gun from his shoulder holster, Alec aimed straight for the hated man. He wanted him awake for this. Sandoval wouldn't recognise him, of course, but Alec wanted to see the realization of his own mortality in his eyes. He cocked the gun, the noise abnormally loud in the deadly quiet, and Sandoval sprang, sitting up in bed, his eyes going to the unknown man in his room holding a gun aimed at him. Before the thought of calling for help had even entered his mind he found himself staring at the ceiling, his vision blurring. Two seconds later, darkness. He never heard the shot.

Alec wasted two seconds watching the slump man on the bed with contempt before turning his back on him and leaving the room.

He met up with Biggs and the other two outside the training building.

"Only the control room left," Biggs reported.

Alec nodded, checking his watch. Right on time. "Okay, let's go."

The group reunited in the control room. CeCe was busy on the main computer while Maxie kept an eye on the security cameras. The central monitor was on a rotation pattern and at the moment the camera on the Xs' barracks was on display.

"Wow," Evans exclaimed.

Rows of beds, not cradles, filled the room. The sleeping babies, those that were asleep, made no sound at all. One of the older X5s was out of his bed, just walking between the rows, checking on the younger ones. On the back wall of the barrack there was a huge bay window with a two way mirror. All the young X5s saw was themselves, but their older counterparts watching the monitors could see the nurses' station that overlooked the barracks. Two nurses were there at the moment.

"Remember how we used to eavesdrop on their chatty gossip? I really think they underestimated us from the word 'go'," Biggs commented.

Alec snorted, silently agreeing with him, but his eyes never left the screen were the downloading process was reflected. 35% and counting. Manticore's was a huge mainframe, years of experimentation, failures and successes made for a whole lot of data.

His eyes fixed on the screen, Alec felt the hairs on his nape stand on end. "Wow, look at that," he said softly and the whole group clustered around the monitor, focused on the images showing. Silently watching the data on the computer, Biggs couldn't help the smirk or the flippant comment, "They won't know what hit th-"

"FREEZE!" a voice shouted from behind them followed by the sounds of guns being cocked. Lots of them.


Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:11 pm
by lyra
Sorry, people, I got sick and the chapter got delayed a little bit longer. And then, apparently, my beta is MIA; so, I've spell-checked and read through it but it is highly possible there are some typos in there somewhere. I just didn't want to make you wait any longer. I'll probably come back and re-check it again sometime in the near future.

It's gonna be posted in two, 'cos it's too long. I apologize again for the horrible wait, I really intend to post the last part of this story (yes, there's only one left :shock: ) way sooner than this. And just so you know, I'm so not an action writer, please forgive me if the quality of this chapter isn't up there with the rest.

Well, let's get on with it, shall we?

Chapter 10

Colonel Donald Lydecker marched down Manticore's corridors like a man on a mission. His eyes narrowed into a cutting glare that no-one dared to meet. More than three quarters of his on-duty staff had been caught with their pants around their ankles and the colonel planned on making sure it never happened again.

Mixed with that fury and determination he couldn't help the flash of bewilderment. How had this happened? The question kept echoing in his mind even while he was busy barking orders to the limited soldiers at his disposal right then. At the end of the corridor he could see the window bay that looked into the cell holding the intruders. Four men and two women. The closer he got the more stern his face got. They're practically children, he realized.

He stood behind the two-way mirror and observed the group.

From right to left, strapped to metal chairs, a black haired, Caucasian male who seemed to be fighting a smile. Next to him was a dark female, black hair, olive skin, dark eyes...

Lydecker had a flash of recognition, as if he'd seen her before. Shaking his head, he moved on.

On the third chair lounged a Caucasian male with dark blond hair and hazel-green eyes that seemed to laugh at him and challenge him at the same time. Eyes that seemed to know more than they should.

Next to him there was yet another Caucasian male with too long brown hair and a scowl on his face. He was discreetly checking the metal restraints on both arms and legs. A comment from the guy to the right had him rolling his eyes and the black-haired prisoner on the far right chuckling. The next prisoner, a slim blonde girl with a delicate face, snorted loudly.

Looking at them, the only one who looked worried at all was the last prisoner. Dark haired and serious looking, he hadn't been paying attention to the rest of them and he appeared to be lost in thought.

Raking his eyes over all of them again, Lydecker couldn't help the feeling that he was missing something. Something very important. It wasn't a feeling he particularly enjoyed. Actually, he down-right hated it. It made his grasp on control tenuous. Clenching his fists, he was startled when the initial report he'd been holding in his hand crunched between his fingers. The distraction snapped him from his angry thoughts. He gave the group a last glare before heading for his office.

The slam of the door shutting reverberated pleasantly in the office. Lydecker sat at his desk and opened the report. The first listed number was the weirdest.

Casualties: zero.

They hadn't killed anyone. Six... kids... had almost succeeded in taking over his base and they had done so without taking a single life. Not that Lydecker particularly cared one way or another. It was just another thing that didn't add up.

The perimeter guards had been found knocked out at equal intervals which meant they'd been hit at the same time. I knew four perimeter guards wasn't enough. Cheap Washington bastards.

The sentries in the forest had also been taken out. The fact that it had only been five minutes from the moment the cameras had gotten the first glimpse of the intruders right outside the fence to the moment their video had gone down, and the apparent lack of a forced entry, made Lydecker suspect that someone from the inside had given them the Intel necessary to get in. Probably even helped them from the control room tonight.

He pressed the intercom on his desk. "Is the unit sweeping the forest back yet?"

"Yes, sir," came the reply from the soldier outside his office.

"Lockdown procedure from this moment, then." Lydecker paused before giving the next order. It would be the rock on the pond. Once he took the next step there would be no keeping this under wraps. He glanced at the six mug-shots on his desk. "Call everyone in. Every. Last. One."

"Yes, sir."

Lydecker went back to reading the report. The cameras had gone down and all the soldiers stationed at his base had been shot with a drug that still had half of them out. It didn't make any sense. Why not kill them? Obviously they hadn't expected them to survive their assault if they considered the amount of explosives found on several key locations around his base. Nothing much would have survived the blast of those so why in the hell would they waste so much perfectly good drug in such a pointless exercise?

But more important yet, how had they missed the secondary unit in the back entrance to the facility?

A team this prepared, and possibly with a mole inside, should have known there was a small back-up team on duty at all times. But, according to said unit's CO's report - the one he was currently reading - not one of the intruders had come near their position. Their security had gone off suddenly and they'd seen one of the operatives on their way to set the charges. They'd followed them back to the control room and, once they'd made sure there were no other intruders in the facility, they'd gone in.

Damn it, the whole thing stunk. It was time to get some answers.

* * * * * * *

"Remember," Alec told the two teens when he heard Lydecker talking to the guard posted at the door. "Not a word. Let us do the talking."

Biggs met Michael's slightly nervous look. "And if things get physical-"

"For you two," Alec interrupted Biggs.

"-free yourselves, then CeCe and Alec, and then retreat to the corner. Leave the rest to us," he instructed.

The two aliens nodded, not sure they could talk even if they wanted.

"Ready?" CeCe asked, catching Max's eyes.

Before he could answer, the door opened and Lydecker entered the room. Alec studied the man, so familiar and so different at the same time. The stern face sported the familiar tense frown the Xs remembered so well but it wasn't weathered and old; this Lydecker was in his prime: strongly positioned as the head of a successful military experiment, with a promising career ahead of him. The difficulties would come in a few years when one of his precious units decided to run out on him, initiating a decade worth of chasing, covering up, fighting for his career and even his own life.

Lydecker looked every prisoner in the eyes. On the outside he was showing his power position as the man in charge in the room, the real reason was he needed to locate the most likely person to cave under interrogation. Prey chosen he stood in front of the last boy on the line.


"Looking rather tense there, Deck," Alec interrupted him before he could get out the first word. "Problem?"

Lydecker turned to Alec, eyes shooting daggers. "What did you say?" he enunciated carefully, trying to contain his fury.

"I asked what the problem was... Deck?" Alec retaliated, imitating perfectly Lydecker's tone and diction.

The colonel walked back towards Alec and studied him more closely. He'd already come to the conclusion this was the leader of the team. Not only by his own attitude but also because the rest kept looking his way as imperceptibly as possible. Lydecker wasn't interested on him. Yet. He went back to the other prisoner.

"Who are you? Who sent you?" he demanded, as if the last two minutes hadn't happened.

Max tried to look unaffected; barely able to breathe, he was so nervous, he kept staring ahead, his gaze fixed on an imaginary spot on the opposite wall. He knew he wasn't supposed to say a word, and he was sure if he tried his voice would betray him, but the compulsion to answer the seasoned soldier was hard to fight.

He started making a mental list of all the things they'd found on their journey so far and what they needed to do next... when this was all over. Max wished with all his heart that it were over already, for him to be anywhere else on the planet... Hell, Antar was sounding really good right about now.

He could hear the others speaking but he didn't want to listen. He tuned out the colonel's questions and Alec's repeated interruptions. He thought he heard Biggs at some point, and he'd swear Maxie had jumped in at some point but he couldn't be sure. He was barely aware of the colonel's growing irritation and Alec's insolence increasing every time he spoke.

Lydecker had had enough. He gave up trying to get the boy to talk; he could see he wasn't going to get anything with only questions. He'd have to turn to more painful methods. But first, he obviously had someone dying to talk so they'd talk.

Alec could see he'd won this round the exact moment Lydecker turned his back on Evans and slowly walked towards him. He was proud of the kid, he'd resisted much better than he'd hoped for. Lydecker stood before him, not saying a word; obviously he had to decide on an approach that would work on a smart-ass like he'd portrayed himself to be. 'All right, then. Game on.'

Fifteen minutes later...

Lydecker sat down at his desk slowly, every movement a careful study on control. His blood, frozen in shock with Alec's words, had started boiling on the way to his office. How dare they defy him like that? This was his project! He had the last word on what happened to these soldiers. These were his kids. No matter what the Committee thought they could do, Lydecker was the lord and master of Manticore.

To think one, or more, of those monkeys had stolen his valuable data and sold it to someone else... The urge to break and smash things was almost overwhelming.

And what exactly was the purpose of this attack? Were they trying to eliminate the competition? And how was it possible to have Manticore technology in soldiers of that age? Had someone found a way to manipulate adult genes? Or maybe they'd found the way to accelerate the development of the specimens artificially.

All of that was secondary, though. First things first. He had to get every single person who had been involved in project Manticore to the base immediately. Donald Lydecker needed a name and that was the fastest way to get it. By now, whoever had sent those six 'soldiers' to his base with the intention of blowing it up had to know they'd failed. His mole would either not show, which would mean 'GUILTY' to Lydecker, or he'd come hoping Lydecker didn't know his identity.

That option was also okay with Lydecker, a good old-fashioned interrogation would show those idiots who was in charge. They could even get to see their advancements on interrogation techniques. His scientists had made vast improvements in the conditioning by laser area.

He made a mental list of what he needed to get everything ready. He checked his watch. Three forty-five A.M. Opening up his file on the Committee -- which he insisted on having updated every time any little detail changed -- he made sure all the members were currently in the country.

"Sergeant Echolls, get the Committee to meet here at 10:30 tomorrow morning. Make sure they know missing out is not an option but don't mention the attack," he instructed over his intercom.

"Yes, sir."


~Everyone's home, guys,~ Alex let Max know.

Max opened his eyes to find everyone looking at him.

"So?" Alec pressed. It had been a long night and he knew the trickiest part was still to come. He could be patient when he had to. He didn't have to like it, though.

"They're all in."

"Great!" Alec exclaimed enthusiastically. "Get moving then, Michael."

Michael opened his cuffs and leg restraints, Max doing the same, and went to work on Alec's.

"Tell them to wait twenty minutes before moving in. That'll give us time to neutralize the base... Again. And clear the way for them."

Max did as told while Michael finished setting the transgenics free and opening the holding cell. The soldier guarding their door spun around surprised but didn't have time to make a sound before Biggs knocked him out.

The group split in two. The holding cells were smack in the middle of the basement of the main building, according to the blueprints -- and their own experience being brought in. Each group took one half of the basement and went about the task of putting everyone to sleep. The two aliens took care of it. One hand on the door made a small window into the cell, and once in contact with the air inside they changed it into a powerful narcotic gas. Then the window was turned back into door. The whole thing was over in five seconds and whoever was inside, mostly transhumans with one or two soldiers lost in the middle, was out like a light.

While making plans, the next step had posed something of a problem. The basement wasn't equipped with surveillance. One camera at the bottom of the steps, the only way in or out. That was it. The main floor, though, was a different matter. Every corner of the base was covered which meant they had to neutralize them before they could be seen. Of course, even one camera going down when the whole base was still in uproar due to the little incursion would make the alarm go off.

That just wouldn't work for them.

Michael waved his arm over Biggs and changed his tactical gear into the average Manticore guard's outfit. CeCe took his hand and squeezed, the silent 'see you soon' their only exchange. Nodding to Alec, Biggs stepped into the camera's line of sight and started up the stairs.

"Five minutes to get to the control room, turn off the cameras and put the base in internal lockdown. Then we're on," Alec repeated the plan, more for the two teens' benefit than real need. They'd been holding up extremely well but a little reassurance never hurt.

"You okay to do every room upstairs like that?" Maxie asked them, nodding to the cells behind them.

"Yeah, it doesn't take much energy. We'll be fine," Max assured them.

Alec patted him on the back. "Good. Remember to stay with us at all times. Most of the personnel will be behind a locked door, wherever their posts were, but there'll be some on the corridors. We'll take care of them."

CeCe, who had been watching the cameras, spoke up. "They're off," she said, pointing to the camera on the basement and its red pilot off.

It didn't take more than a few seconds for the first 'What's going on?' to be heard around the base. Still, they were more curious than panicked; they were a military facility under investigation after all. An official lockdown wasn't out of the question.

Alec and CeCe went first, then Max and Michael, and Maxie took the rear. Biggs was staying in the control room to make sure no-one reversed the lockdown command. He'd turned down the cameras so that no recording of their activities was made, just in case, but he kept the exterior surveillance on to keep an eye on the arrival of the rest of their party.

By the time he caught sight of Kyle and Alex at the edge of the forest the facility was sleeping peacefully, just as Alec had said. Only one room hadn't been knocked out yet.

Biggs opened up the front door for them before leaving the control room and waiting for Alec and the others in the corridor.

Only moments later Alec and Michael turned the nearest corner and jogged up to Biggs. "Everything secure in there?"

"Yep. Do your thing," Biggs told Michael, who sealed the control room. "The others are just outside. We should get back to that meeting room."

The three of them went back the same way and joined Max, CeCe and Maxie. From behind the closed door they could hear the strong argument taking place inside. Angry shouts and accusations were being thrown around, but the transgenics noticed that Lydecker was silent.

Alec looked at Max and nodded, telling him to open the door. The echoing 'click' of the padlock moving caused a sudden silence on the other side. The door slid open and Alec entered the room as if he owned the place.

"Long time no see, Deck," he taunted the older man.

Biggs and Maxie had taken care of the two guys Lydecker had posted inside the room before they could even point their weapons at them.

The men sitting at the conference table were almost paralyzed. They all wore elegant suits, except a high-ranking officer with his chest full of medals, and they looked rather out of their element in a military facility 'under attack'. The picture fit more to a corporate meeting in the highest floor of some office building.

"Huh, Ava is gonna stand out like a sore thumb," Alec mused.


'WYO17 743'

The car entered through the fortified gates and disappeared from sight when they clicked shut again. Liz lowered the binoculars and announced, "Lydecker's in."

The small group waiting in the campsite gathered in the center, the tension was palpable. They all had specific and important roles to play in the following hours and the wait was almost unbearable. Maria hadn't stopped fidgeting since Michael had disappeared into the woods last night. It had been only four hours and Liz couldn't wait for the whole thing to be over. Worry seemed to have made a home in their worlds and they couldn't shake it off.

The teens had been on edge from the moment the alarm had gone off. As expected, less than fifteen minutes later a small patrol had gone through the woods looking for any sign of back-up for the trespassers. Of course, Ava's mindwarp had taken care of them. Now, another hour later the reinforcements, the small unit not on duty and living in the nearest city had arrived and Lydecker had already gone in. If everything was going according to plan, Alec, Biggs, CeCe, Maxie, Michael and Max would be detained and awaiting Lydecker's orders. Alec had assured them the interrogations wouldn't go beyond 'who are you?' and 'who do you work for?' at this point. In the early years of Manticore nobody moved a finger without Lydecker's approval. But they'd also had a back-up plan in case anyone saw this as their chance to rise up through the chain and took matters into their own hands. The plan was to wait until the whole committee was inside to get loose and get control, but if things went sideways they wouldn't wait. Any and all info they needed to get everyone would be in Manticore's database anyway. It would take a little longer but the transgenics had insisted their security throughout the attack was their priority.

Liz heard footsteps behind her and turned to see Ava approaching. She moved aside in the rock she was sitting on and made room for the other girl.

"You okay, cornball?"

Liz shook her head. "You really need to find a new nickname for me, Ava. But yes, I am... Nervous," she confided. "I wish we were already back in Roswell and all of this was just a memory." Ava nodded but didn't say anything. Liz was glad for it and she smiled. "I'm glad the guys decided they could use your help and asked you to meet us here. It's good to have you close."

Ava smirked. "I missed you, too... Lizzie?" Both girls shook their heads at the same time. "Nah..."

All eyes went to Alex when he straightened on his seat. "They're still waiting. Lydecker just went in," he informed the rest. "Probably it won't be long 'til he takes action."

"Is Michael okay?" Maria asked. She'd been biting her tongue every time Alex had given them an update on their status but it had been hours and she couldn't help herself.

Alex smiled at her, he understood Maria's worry. He'd been so relieved when they explained their plan and it didn't include Isabel. "Everyone's okay. They're just waiting in a cell. No-one's even asked them anything yet."

Kyle joined Alex setting the satellite transmitter/receiver CeCe had given him to monitor the base's communications on the floor next to him. "Alec was right then; they must have been waiting for Lydecker."

The group went back to patiently waiting around. Alex was the only one who could sit still. After several sessions with Isabel, his control over his mind-reading abilities had improved greatly, but being on a meditative state helped him and he didn't want to risk missing an attempt to reach him from inside the facility. Isabel stayed close to him for the most part. She acted as both a calming presence in Alex's mind and an echoing field to boost Max and Michael's 'presence'. From this far away, Alex could barely reach the ones inside Manticore and only through Isabel's own connection to her brothers he could communicate easily with them. In a moment of intense stress or anxiety his reach could spread beyond normal circumstances and Isabel had theorized that meant his gift would probably grow way beyond its current stage. Time would tell. For the moment, having Isabel closed was his safety net.

Liz kept watch on the road going up to the military base. It wasn't long after that, maybe another hour, that cars started showing up. Like cattle to the slaughtering house. Kyle had already told them Lydecker had ordered everyone called in. Every soldier, scientist, nurse and janitor had been ordered to report to base. Liz kept track of every car that went in, calling out brands and plates for Maria to contrast them with the list CeCe had given her of every employee and their vehicles.

For the time being everything was happening according to plan.

The transgenics had anticipated, to the last detail, every move the military had followed. Now they all had their fingers crossed, waiting for the last piece to fall into place before they could all breathe easily.

"Lydecker's in there with them!" Alex exclaimed suddenly and they all held their breaths.

The Xs had discussed this step at long, they needed to give away enough to make Lydecker call in the Committee but not so much that he'd order one of them dissected on the spot. They needed to be Manticore's technology on the right measure.

The silence stretched on, hearts beating fast. It seemed as if every little creature that lurked in the woods could feel the tension and had stopped with baited breath, just listening along with them.

"It worked," Alex breathed out in a relieved sigh at last. "Lydecker's livid."

Kyle, who had had the headset on the whole time, didn't waste any time turning up the volume and getting his equipment ready to record.

Five minutes later the calls started coming. Fifteen calls, all over the country, all very short, a codename and a rendezvous time. In seven hours, the people responsible for Project Manticore would be inside the facility. And so would they.

The following hours had dragged forever. Manticore was on lockdown, trusting their security to the perimeter cameras and satellite feeds, so they didn't need to be on the lookout for any more patrols. All they had to do was sit and wait. Something none of the, was especially good at.

When the first limousine rolled up to the main gates, the group of anxious teens was already hiding in the woods just outside the facility. They all came in the span of an hour, the last coming in with fifteen minutes to spare before the meeting with Lydecker.

A few minutes after the gates closed behind the last Committee member Alex closed his eyes, took hold of Isabel's hands and let Max know. ~Everyone's home, guys.~

Max answered with Alec's orders: stand by twenty minutes and then start working their way in. The timer went off with a single beep and they all exchanged looks. Waiting time was over.

Kyle, Alex and Isabel went first, and when they got to the gates they heard them open. Kyle saw the cameras switch off in the middle of their rotation.

Liz, Maria and Ava joined them and they all went through. The trek to the base itself took them another fifteen minutes and by the time they got in sight of the building there wasn't anyone around. The whole place looked deserted. They followed the map Biggs had drawn for them and they turned into the corridor where the conference room was located in time to hear Lydecker's astonished fury.

"What the hell is going on?"


"What the hell is going on here?" Lydecker demanded.

Alec turned to Biggs, ignoring the furious man. "Biggs, get Sandeman to another room and lock him up."

Lydecker's face registered surprise at this. "Who?"

One of the men sitting at the conference table stood on his own and walked towards Biggs.

The general, who had been sitting to his left, made as if to stand. "What's this, Reavers? Who's Sandeman?" A hit to the back of his head stopped him and he turned to receive Maxie's glare full on.

Sandeman didn't pay attention to any if that. He just stood before Biggs, waiting.

"This way, sir," Biggs instructed him.

The two men left the room and the rest of the now prisoners fell silent. Just then, the rest of the party entered the room

"Okay," Alec exclaimed, addressing everyone. "Let's get this show on the road, then."

Maxie and CeCe took the bag Kyle had been carrying and got out several sets of handcuffs. They went around the table, cuffing everyone to their chairs.

"Evans, Ava, whenever you're ready..." he pointed to all the stunned men at the table and then focused his attention on Lydecker. Behind him, Max and Ava started the tedious process of manipulating the memories of the Committee. "Well, Colonel, we meet again."

The barely concealed disdain in Alec's voice, which had been masked during their 'interrogation' made Lydecker study the young man before him speculatively.

"I didn't think I'd make this much of an impression the last time we spoke," he commented coldly. The anger and surprise at the turn of events had started to shimmer into a cold rage. He was aware he'd been played into delivering the Project Manticore's Committee and the fact that he still didn't know how it had happened enraged him even more. He kept his attention on Alec but he hadn't missed what the two teens were doing. Not that it made any sense to him.

"Nah, not really," Alec readily agreed, too nonchalantly to be real. From the corner of his eye he saw Biggs re-enter the room.

Lydecker tried to think of the way to keep Alec talking. He needed to know what was happening and who was behind it.

Unfortunately for Lydecker, Alec had a lifetime of experience reading the colonel's face. He knew exactly how angry and out of control the man felt at the moment and it gave him great pleasure to whisper in his ear. "I don't think so. Don't have the time or the inclination," Alec said, dismissing the man and his angry glare from his mind.

He felt Liz's presence behind him and glanced at her. She was holding out to him the last pair of handcuffs for Lydecker, the only one still loose. Using the cuffs as an excuse, he reached out and squeezed her hand softly, winking at her.

From the wall, CeCe had been watching Lydecker's reaction closely. The man had always been this mighty figure that handed out pain and punishments between his toy soldiers. She had never imagined a time would come when Donald Lydecker would look small and defeated, powerless. It was oddly gratifying to witness his fall. To be the one pulling out the floor from under his feet.

Alex spoke up suddenly. "He thinks Sandeman planned the whole thing. Or, to quote the Colonel, 'That bastard Reavers, whoever the hell he really is'."

Liz nodded, grimacing. "Yeah, but not only that, if feelings could kill this whole lot would be dead."

"Sandeman?!" Maxie exclaimed outraged. "To hell with that!" she told Alec. She leaned down to speak in Lydecker's face. "I don't want him dying in the dark," she taunted the man. "I think he should know what 'a bunch of kids' do to sick mean men like him," she spat.

Alec chuckled and turned to look at the others. "Don't you just love her?" he asked, amused.

Liz watched Maxie and Alec. She felt the enjoyment Maxie got from toying with Lydecker. Alec felt pretty much ambivalent on the topic. The Xs had never said exactly what they planned to reveal to anyone in the base. It was a moot point, really. Everyone was going to undergo the memory wipe-out anyway. This was personal for them.

The Committee members didn't know where to look: Alec, Maxie, Lydecker and maybe some answers; or Max, Ava, Izzy and whatever they were doing to Governor McMannings, who had suddenly fallen asleep.

"OK," Alec said finally and looked at Liz. "Hey, pretty, fix that thing for me?" he asked, nudging his shoulder almost imperceptibly.

Liz put her arms around his neck and stood on tip-toes to give him a chaste peck on his lips. With all the eyes in the room on their out-of-nowhere kiss, Liz removed the concealment the aliens had put over the barcodes before the raid started. "All done," she whispered against his lips.

Alec smirked. "You just wanted an excuse to kiss me," he teased her. He'd been as surprised by her actions as everyone else.

Liz just winked at him and then went back to standing next to Michael, leaning on the wall next to the door and keeping an eye on everything.

Alec gave Lydecker his back and moved aside his hair, revealing his barcode.

Lydecker's reaction didn't take long. The outraged "That's impossible!" that sprang from his lips made Alec smile.

"Yeah, well, possible or not, here we are," Alec taunted him. Lydecker looked around at the rest of the group.

Biggs straightened up and saluted. "X5-511," he 'reported' before his posture slouched and he added a dismissive "...sir," in a drawl. CeCe barely looked at the man as she recited her designation in a bored tone.

Finally, Maxie strut towards the colonel and leaned down to be face to face again with her nemesis. "Ain't no way I'm answering to that stupid number you gave me, you hear me? My name is Max."

Lydecker stared at the angry young woman mouthing off at him. Suddenly, that spark of recognition he'd had the first time he saw her made all the sense in the world... in a totally senseless way. "452," he whispered.

"Argh!" Maxie growled. "What did I just say...? Hey! How the hell did you know?" she demanded.

Lydecker was about to refuse answering when he realized that would be relinquishing any little power, if any, he had left. Instead, he met her eyes and said, "You have my late wife's eyes."

Maxie scrounged up her face. "Eww..." She took a few steps back, shuddering in disgust.

Lydecker went on. "And you," he told Biggs, "are about to be put down," he lied then turned to Alec, "and you have been rejected for the Special Project I just put together."

Alec put a hand over his heart. "That breaks my heart, it really does. Did my twin make the cut by any chance? Him and Maxie here?" he watched Lydecker's eyes narrow. "Yeah, I thought so. Hey, Deck, you wanna know what'll happen to that Project of yours?" Alec didn't let the colonel answer. "I guess they're gonna like it so much that they won't be able to help themselves and will run out on your ass first chance they get. You'll lose your position and never get it back. Ever." Alec towered before
Lydecker. "How do you like the prospect, sir?"

Lydecker opened his mouth to answer but Alec cut him off.

"Oh, wait, I don't care. Just wanted to let you know it was your own kids who destroyed your life. Not one of them," he said pointing behind him.

Then, he looked at Isabel and nodded towards the shocked colonel. She came up behind the man and laying her hand on his head put him to sleep.

"Can we make him believe he's an ape or something when he wakes up?" Alec asked suddenly watching the few members of the Committee still conscious become considerably upset.

Isabel finished up and moved onto the next man. The last of them looked terrified by the time she put him to sleep, whispering "Night, night," into his ear first.

Once they were 'alone' they split up. "You know what to do, guys," Biggs told the teens. "I'll bring you Sandeman back, Alec."

Alec watched them leave the room. The only ones left behind were Ava and Evans, who were doing their thing; Isabel, who was acting as support for the other two -- and... Well, batteries, Alec guessed -- and Alex, who didn't have any thing specific to be doing right then.

Biggs came back with Sandeman in tow, and the old man sat in the same chair he'd vacated only twenty minutes earlier.

Biggs threw Alec a comm. and told him to "call if you need anything," before going to meet up with CeCe in the control room.

Alec moved the General over and sat on the table in front of the Familiar.

"So you're Sandeman," he started, seizing up the man responsible for his very existence.

Sandeman took Alec's scrutiny with a patient nod. He hadn't asked anything, hadn't demanded explanations on hows or whys. He wasn't privy to any more information than Lydecker had, but the one thing he 'knew' was that these people were going to help him achieve his goal in a way the government and the military wouldn't have.

"If I may..." Sandeman spoke up and Alec nodded at him. "I'd like to know what your plans for the X5s are." When Alec didn't answer him, he went on. "Lydecker said you'd set charges all over the base and he thought you were going to kill everyone..." he left the sentence in the air, waiting for Alec to fill in the blanks.

"But you don't," Alec said instead.

Sandeman smiled. "Not really. Taking into consideration your latest moves, I'd dare say you won't."

When Sandeman didn't add anything else Alec decided to stop playing games. Honestly, he was more than tired of the whole thing already.

"Okay, then. Here's the thing. As far as we know, and please correct me if I'm wrong, you were the one behind the original idea for Project Manticore. You couldn't finance the experiments on your own and stay under the radar at the same time, so you recurred to the government. Of course, they loved the idea. Perfect soldiers designed from scratch, what's not to like? Who wouldn't jump at the chance, right?"

Alec paused to see if Sandeman would correct him or volunteer any information. When he didn't, Alec went on.

"What you didn't tell them was the real reason you wanted to create them. You weren't looking for the perfect soldiers to protect this country... As you probably sold them the project... You wanted a new race able to protect humanity against the global genocide the Familiars are planning."

If Sandeman was surprised by any of what Alec had just revealed, at how much he knew or had guessed, he didn't show it. He merely inclined his head and seemed to think about what he'd heard. Then, "What year exactly do you come from?"

Alec smiled. He wasn't surprised Sandeman had correctly guessed what was really going on. There had been rumors around TC that said Sandeman had put Familiar DNA in the mix that went into creating the Xs and that was where some of their extra-sensorial gifts came from.

"2021," he replied "And no, the Familiars haven't made their move yet, but we think it was really close."

Sandeman nodded, "Their latest estimations put the Comet somewhere between 2020 and 2025." He paused, looking around at the sleeping men in the room. "Would it be too bold of me to ask what is happening to them?"

"That depends," Alec stated, ready to negotiate. "See, you were right. We are destroying Manticore but we're taking the Xs with us. All of them. And I don't want to have to kill anyone... It would be a hassle I'd rather avoid. That means all of them need to forget about project Manticore completely. Not one of them can remember ever hearing about genetically engineered animal/human hybrids or what they can do. It's not enough to destroy the data because there would be nothing to stop them starting all over again somewhere else."

Sandeman was nodding his agreement. "The project is too valuable to let that happen... How can you be sure no-one outside this room knows about this?"

"Oh, there would have been leaks. Knowledge about the project has been around the world in the last ten years of my time. But right now, the results are too new and unstable. That means, there isn't a soul outside this base that knows anything I might be worried about... Unless you've told any faction of your kind... something we'll discuss later. What's important is that they all need to forget and that's what they are doing," he said, pointing at the aliens over his shoulder. "The how," he added when he saw Sandeman's mouth open, "is need-to-know- only. And you don't."

Sandeman closed his mouth again and looked back at Ava, sitting in the middle of the table with her eyes closed, and Max, with his hands on the head of the most powerful pharmaceutical empire's CEO.

"Why aren't I sleeping then?" he asked finally.

Alec took a deep breath. He needed this to work the way they'd planned. "Two reasons. One, Manticore isn't some project you were brought into a few years ago. It's a life project for you. I'd have to wipe out the whole of your memories. Two, and most important, I was hoping you'd want to join us."

That finally surprised the old man. "Join you?" he repeated stupidly.

"Yes, join us. When I said I'm taking all of the Xs I meant just that, all of them. Not only the X5s but also the 3s and 4s. I know the X1s didn't survive gestation and the 2s were so unstable they had to put them down. Only four of them were kept for 'observation' -- which is Manticore speak for experimentation. But the 3s and 4s, while not human in appearance, are as human as the 5s. And we are taking them all."

Sandeman kept quiet so Alec took that to mean he agreed with them. He hadn't forgotten Joshua's convincement of Father's affection. Someone like that couldn't really be in favor of killing the transhumans.

"Of course, you can't exactly take them out into the public. And we refuse to take them from this basement just to sump them in another one," Alec explained. That was something they had all agreed on. The thought of Joshua locked in another dark room had been enough to push them harder to find a workable solution. "Money is not a problem. We're going to buy some land and build a private place for us to live in. A transgenic community you could say. That's where we want you to join us."

Sandeman was silent for a while, processing everything he'd been told and the options he faced. Had he made a mistake when he went to the government for help? Well, of course he had. The government couldn't be trusted with something like that. He'd just been out of options. These young men and women seemed to have thought of every angle. They knew the gist of what he was trying to do and Alec was offering to help.

"Maybe you'd like to know that the government and the military aren't the way to go for you anyway. In a few years you will be out of the project anyway, and this place will become the boot camp from hell for us... Just in case you need some convincing," Alec added. "Of course, keep in mind, we would be the ones in charge. Your position would be that of an advisor. You'd get to see your 'creations' grow up... And your knowledge about our genetic make-ups would come in handy more than once, I'm sure. We'll face several medical problems in the future and your help would be very valuable."

Sandeman knew it was a good deal. He'd always known going into hiding was a real possibility in his future. The cult would never stop looking for him, they'd never let him defy them in such a way. In the end, it all came down to one thing. "Will you help me stop them when the time comes?"

Alec smirked. "Rolling over and dying was never an option for us." He thought of his lives. The one he'd left behind, the one he had now... the one he could lose shortly. "There's too much to fight for not to," he offered softly.

Sandeman stood and reached out his hand. "I'll do it," he said and Alec accepted the handshake.



"How long will it take to get it all, Ce?" Biggs asked from behind her. She was setting up the computer they'd brought in.

"A while," she sighed. "I'm getting everybody's main hard drive. Lydecker's and the scientist's, who was working from Sandeman's original research, will go into my own hard-drive. Manticore's files on the different series are being uploaded into our server. Half of it had already been copied the first time, anyway. But Alec wanted Manticore's whole mainframe and that'll take a while."

"Kyle, there's another one here. Send the bug to the General's e-mail," Alex's voice came through the comms. Kyle was holding.

"Got it." CeCe pulled the e-mail address from her own files and sent the virus that would destroy the General's hard drive. "It's a good thing they can read their minds before erasing their memories because if after all the trouble to get them here and make them forget, one of them goes home and finds a personal stash of Manticore data we're screwed."

"Yeah, well, let's hope that subliminal order to go open their e-mail accounts and read our mail the moment they get home works," Biggs commented.

"You know, I'm more worried about the possibility of them having told anyone about Manticore," Kyle mused out loud.

"Who are they going to tell?" CeCe asked.

"I don't know... Nosy assistant? Trusted wife? Whoever!" Kyle theorized.

"Okay, let me rephrase that. Who is going to believe them?" she insisted.

"Hm... Good point. I guess."

Biggs sat in the chair next to CeCe's and put his hand on her nape, gently massaging the tense muscles there. "Have a little faith, guys. Too many things could go wrong, but... We're the good guys! Luck is supposed to be on our side here."

"Let Buddha hear you, man," Kyle mumbled.

Biggs chuckled and spoke into his comms. "Hey, Michael, how're those charges coming?"


"Almost done," Michael reported. "Not that I'm dong anything," he muttered under his breath.

"I heard that," Maxie threw over her shoulder.

"Roger that, we'll be here a while yet, we'll meet up with you out front. I'm gonna send Alex and Kyle back for the vans," Biggs said.

"Okay, man." Michael clicked off his comms. and went back to watching Maxie handling the explosives. "Did you hear that, Max?"

"Yep." She attached the detonator to the small bomb and connected the wires. "A'ight, that's the last one." She stood and collected all the tools into the duffle bag at her feet and slung t over her shoulder.

"Lead the way to the barracks, then," Maria prompted her happily. She'd been in a high from the moment she'd laid eyes on Michael again and she'd been anxiously waiting to see all the X5 babies.

Liz shook her head, smiling fondly. "What exactly are you expecting to see? I mean, they're just babies, Maria."

"They're not just babies, Liz. They're 'X5' babies!" she exclaimed.

Liz was about to retaliate when Maxie cut her off. "She's right, Liz. At this stage we haven't lost the tails yet. And at this time of day, they're probably doing drills or something similar..." she drawled.

"Really?" Maria asked astonished.

Michael and Liz laughed. "She's pulling your leg, blondie," Michael told her, pulling her closer.

"I knew that!" Maria defended herself, offended. "I was just playing along..."

"Sure you were," Maxie laughed. She turned down a corridor and pointed to the other end. "That's the barracks down there. We'll need to know which room I'm in," she told Michael.

"Got ya," he said and pulled out the comms. "Hey, Biggs?"


Michael rolled his eyes. "Always the professional. Pull up the sleeping arrangements and tell me where Maxie should 'not' go in."

"Wait a sec... Okay, once you enter the barracks there'll be five doors. The first one on the right has Lydecker's Special Project... And one tiny X5-452," Biggs sing-sang.

"Fuck you, Biggs," Maxie yelled at the comms. in Michael's hand.

"Thanks, man," Michael cut in before those two could really get into it. "How're those vans coming?" Michael changed the subject.

"They're driving back now. Another five minutes before you can start loading 'em up."

"Good. Later," he ended their conversation. "So we'll start from the left," he announced.

The four of them entered the barracks. The door in the middle was opened and they could see a long corridor that opened up into a large room at the end where four bay windows, one from each Unit's room, could be seen.

The four teens went to the last room on the left and Maxie opened up the door with a key-card she'd taken from the nurses' station at the back. The light on the panel went from red to green and Maxie opened the door. Nineteen pairs of eyes were trained on her. She took a few steps inside and then snapped into the most usual handler position. "Inspection," she barked and 19 toddlers rose from their beds and stood at attention at the foot of their beds.

Liz felt her stomach tighten into a knot. The whole thing was just wrong. At her side, Maria had lost all of the giddy excitement too. It was like nothing they'd ever seen before. Like nothing they could have imagined, really. It wasn't natural to see so many... babies, really... so still and silent. Maria reached behind her for Michael's hand, needing some kind of comfort, and he pulled her into his side.

Maxie hated the sight as much as the other three but she knew what the Xs needed to hear right now. There would be time to change that later. "Soldiers, we're going on a field exercise. Squad leader, front and center."

One of the oldest looking kids, maybe three years-old, took a step forward and waited instructions.

"State your designation."

"X5-397, ma'am," the boy said, his voice strong and confident.

"Take your unit and follow me to your transportation, 397," Maxie ordered.

The tiny soldier saluted her. "Ma'am, yes, ma'am." Then he turned towards the door and spoke to his unit. "Move out," he commanded and he followed Maxie who had turned around and was leading the way outside towards the front doors of the base where the vans should be waiting by now. She never looked back, knowing the whole unit would follow orders.

Liz, Maria and Michael stepped aside and watched in amazement how toddler after toddler fell into position after their CO and they all followed Maxie.

Michael went after the last one and told the girls to wait for them.

Liz and Maria walked into the nurses' station. None of the nurses were there, of course, they had all been held like the rest of the medical staff, waiting to be interrogated and cleared of all suspicion by Lydecker. Something that wouldn't happen now.

The place was empty but they walked up to the bay window that looked into the second unit. Most of them were just sitting on their beds, apparently waiting to be told what to do. A small group of five children was softly whispering in one corner, and one lone kid stood by the window... Lookout?

They heard Maxie and Michael come back but they stayed where they were. Even from back there, Liz heard Maxie talking to Michael. The reaction inside the room was immediate. The six toy soldiers out of their racks rushed back to them and they all stared at the wall.

Liz pressed the small button that switched on the audio from inside the room and heard Maxie's voice.

"State your designation," she ordered the boy who had just stepped forward.

"X5-494, ma'am," the boy said and Liz grabbed onto the edge of the desk.

"Oh my God..." she gasped.

"I know," Maria whispered next to her.

Liz thought she saw the younger version of her boyfriend -- and hell if that wasn't a sentence she wouldn't have imagined herself saying in a million years -- move his head fractionally towards them, as if he'd heard.

Maxie gave them the same orders and they watched the room emptying up. Instead of following them, this time Michael came back to join them.

"Jesus, that was awful!" he exclaimed. "They all got into the van by themselves," they even climbed into the mini-racks on their own... One by one, in an orderly fashion. They didn't say a word or showed any interest or surprise... Nothing." He sounded baffled and upset. "It's the freakiest thing I've ever seen."

"I know," Maria repeated. It seemed like the only thing she could manage.

"I so wasn't expecting this," Liz commented, still watching the X5s. "I know they said they were soldiers and everything but... This is too much... Look at them, they're alone, completely unsupervised and they're still so motionless. I'd never seen a group of healthy children looking so... Dead," she finished in a whisper, as if even the idea hurt to say out loud.

They were silent after that. They watched Maxie take the third unit and then she came back to the nurses' station with them. She stayed out of sight from the last room, not wanting to risk seeing or being seen by herself. The time was fast approaching but it wasn't here yet.

"You know what to do?" she asked Michael and he nodded, almost reluctantly. "Don't hesitate. You're the one in charge. Don't say anything beyond what I've said. They don't expect anything else, wouldn't know what to do with anything else," she added.

Michael took a deep breath and kissed Maria briefly before going to the front of the barracks. Maxie watched Maria. "Not at all what you were expecting, huh?"

Maria met her eyes, an almost guilty expression on her face, but Maxie's tone had been more knowing then reproachful and she smiled tightly at the blonde.

Maria's gaze went back to the window. Michael had just entered the room. "No," she admitted softly.

Liz and Maria watched how Michael took the last unit outside and once they were out of sight they turned to Maxie. "They're gone," Liz told her.

"A'ight." Maxie looked briefly into the room and then back to the girls. "Let's bounce. We still got the ones from the basement to collect."

She led the way to the basement, readying herself mentally to see the Nomalies. They were almost to the stairs leading down when Alec met up with them.

"Hey, Maxie, is it done?"

"Michael just took my Unit to the vans. We were going to get the N- the transhumans," she corrected herself.

Alec smiled and put an arm around her shoulders. "I'll go with ya." He winked at Liz and noticed the weirded out look she was giving him. "Something wrong?" he asked her, letting go of Maxie and walking closer to Liz.

She shook her head but she was already speaking anyway. "It's just..." she trailed off.

"I know it can be a shock-" he started.

"I just saw you," she blurted out, cutting him mid-word.

Alec stopped in his tracks, surprised. Then it downed on him. "Right, COs," he said nodding. They stared at each other for a moment, standing alone at the top of the stairs, and then Alec smirked. "Wasn't I the cutest kid?" he asked, pulling her towards him with a hand on her nape. Alec kissed the top of her head and smoothed her hair down softly.

Liz laughed at the absurdity of the situation. "Yes, you were," she agreed, both her laughter and her words sounding muffled against his chest where she was hiding her face.

They joined up with Maxie and Maria in the basement corridor. "CeCe says there should be 57 transhumans in cells down here," Alec told them. "They're asleep, same as everyone else in here. We'll have to get gurneys to move them."

Liz frowned, "Didn't you mention there were a lot more transhumans than that?"

Alec nodded, "There should be. I didn't get to know every transhuman in TC but I got the impression they were older than us," he commented, puzzled. "I really don't know. There's no way to be sure of anything, really. We've just stopped Manticore mass-production of freaks and we can't know how many more were coming. The 'failed experiments' are all here probably," he predicted, "but maybe some of the task oriented soldiers like Mole or the merpeople were still being designed."

"I thought you said Mole was definitely older than you," Maxie asked him.

"Oh, yeah. Definitely. I expect to find good ol' Mole down here, but he might have been a prototype or something. I just don't know."

They checked one of the utility rooms to see if they could find gurneys in the basement.

"Are the Czechoslovakians finished with the Committee?" Maria asked Alec.

"Almost. There were two left when I ducked out. They were going to take a break and grab a bite before moving onto the guards and technicians. We'll load up the transhumans and then eat something ourselves, okay?"


(cont'd in next post)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:14 pm
by lyra

The last five hours seemed to have dragged on forever. They were all exhausted. But, the good news was it was almost over.

The four transgenics stood at the entrance of the main building, staring at the place that they were about to obliterate.

Every person within the building had been evacuated. The whole of the Manticore personnel was unconscious; they'd been laid down in a clearing in the woods within the property, at a safe distance from the blast.

The vans carrying transgenics and transhumans were back in their campsite already. Only Michael and Liz remained with the four Xs. They had decided to first finish the mission and then take care of the possible disappearing act.

Alec looked around at the people with him. He was glad he'd had the chance to meet this Maxie, so different from the one he'd known in Seattle. Biggs glanced at him when he felt Alec's eyes on him. Alec smirked, if he had to live here the rest of his life -- however long that turned out to be -- he couldn't have asked for better company than him and CeCe.

"Let's do this, people."

"Good riddance!" Maxie spat at the building.

The group went to the two humvees they had 'borrowed' from the base. Maxie, Liz and Alec in one; and Biggs, CeCe and Michael in the other one. CeCe was carrying the detonator. Once they'd cleared the property completely she pushed the little button and they all winced at the loud explosion that followed.

It was over. Manticore was no more.

A few miles down the road, Maxie spoke up suddenly from the backseat. "We did the right thing." They'd been in silence until then. The camp was already visible ahead of the road.

Alec met her eyes on the rearview mirror. He didn't know if she Maxie was saying so or asking; or even if she was talking to them. "Yes, we did," he agreed anyway.

Maxie glanced at Liz, sitting next to Alec. He followed her gaze. Liz had fallen asleep.

Alec smiled at Maxie. "They're all running on empty. It's been two wrecking days for all of them," he commented.

"Wasn't a walk in the park for me either," she mumbled.

Alec nodded, it was different for him, Biggs and CeCe. Maxie had never really 'been' a soldier, only trained for it. Still, the responsibility of keeping their human -- and not so human -- friends safe had weighed heavily on him too.

He reached the camp and stopped the car. Maxie got out without another word and Alec turned to wake Liz.

He moved aside a lock that had fallen over her face and leaned in to kiss her. His hand cupped her cheek and he brushed his lips over hers softly, nuzzling her nose and calling her name in a low murmur. She smiled and opened her eyes, "Hey," she whispered.

"Hey, you, sleepyhead." He pulled back and sat against his door, facing her. "It's time."

Liz nodded, her smile a little less bright and a tad more forced, but she remained silent.

"Remember, if things go south forget about all this. Let Sandeman worry about all the trannies," Alec instructed her. Liz was nodding but he could see in her eyes that she was only humoring him. He wished she would listen to him. "I've already cleared everything with him. I don't want you guys to think you're stuck with all the mess. It's someone else's problem, okay? You worry about your own stuff... And if you ever need help... Financial, refuge, whatever... You go to him and he'll do whatever he can for you."

"You didn't tell him...? You know, about us, right?" she asked anxiously.

"No, of course not. It's your secret to tell, Liz. If we stick around maybe he'll earn your trust someday. If we don't, then you shouldn't tell him. He doesn't need to know why you may need help, it's a part of our deal. He'll do it," he assured her. He'd spent a few hours talking with Sandeman at the base. He'd wanted to make sure all his bases were covered.

"Okay," Liz said. Beyond Alec's head on his window she could see four little kids entering one of the tents. "I think they're ready," she told him softly.

Alec glanced back briefly before pulling Liz over to sit on his lap. "I don't want a big scene," he said and Liz shook her head, not trusting her own voice. "So you just kiss me," he pecked her, "and we'll do this thing, okay?"

Liz kissed him then. She tried to pour everything he'd made her feel the last few weeks into the kiss. She wanted him to know how much he'd meant to her, how much knowing him had changed who she was. She wanted to tell him that she desperately wanted him there with her. She wished she'd thanked him for all the things he'd shown her about herself. She'd wanted so many things and now she'd run out of time.

Liz felt a few tears escape her closed eyes and she wanted to kick herself for it. Alec didn't want her crying all over him. But he just wiped them with his thumbs and kept kissing her.

When they drew apart, Liz kept her eyes closed. 'Just a little bit longer,' she prayed.

Holding Liz closely in his arms, Alec opened the door behind himself and stepped out of the car. He let Liz slide slowly down his body until they were just hugging each other. He felt her tighten her embrace before finally letting go.

"Let's go," she said.

They walked towards the tent were their younger selves were. Maxie, Biggs and CeCe were already there, waiting for Alec.

"Are you sure you don't want to leave on your own?" Alec asked Biggs and CeCe.

Biggs pulled CeCe closer and kissed her cheek. CeCe shook her head.

"You know the future's already changed and we're still here. You can still make it," Alec insisted.

"We couldn't live here, in this year, and not live with them," Biggs said, nodding towards Sandeman and the vans holding the rest of ex Manticore soldiers. "So let's do this."

Alec looked behind to the group of Roswellians watching them rather apprehensively and he smirked. "Wish uh luck," he said and stepped into the tent.

The other three followed him immediately. They were all together in this.

The tent was dark but all eight people inside could see just fine. The four children stood watching them.

No one said a word. The silence stretched for a few never-ending seconds, four adults holding their breaths and four kids just waiting for orders.

At last, Alec shrugged, "494," he said, "come here." He saw himself step forwards and knelt to be eye-level with the younger version of himself. He reached out and passed his head over the kid's shorn head. "Huh... I'm so not going to miss the hair-style," he joked.

Then he stood and looked behind to the other three. "Other than swapping fluids with the kid I can't get any closer than this."

Biggs walked up to the young 511 standing behind his CO and put his hand on his shoulder. "You think the whole thing was a bust?"

"I really don't know," Alec answered thoughtfully, watching Maxie pick herself up. She was the youngest of them all. "But we should really hit the road. I don't want to be here when someone comes to check the base."

They all left the tent. The relieved sigh from the ones outside could be heard throughout the campsite. Liz laughed and went to Alec.

"I've never been so glad to be wrong," she said into his neck where she'd burrowed her face.

"Shouldn't we leave? Like, now?" Michael asked.

"Yeah," Alec said over Liz's head. Everything was packed already. They were ready to leave. "Let's load up and get outta here."

CeCe and Maxie took the four kids to the van with its back door still open. Alec and Liz climbed in behind them.

Biggs sat behind the wheel and Michael and Maria jumped into the cabin with him. The rest got into the other van and their own vehicles. One by one, Biggs leading and the rest following, they all drove towards the main road, ready to leave the known past and future behind.

By the time they reached the I-25 heading south, the shock and surprise of the results of their mission had worn off.

"I really thought you'd be gone, you know, I don't understand why Max disappeared the moment we changed the future and you guys didn't," Liz insisted. She'd been mulling over the whole thing for a while.

"I guess time travel isn't an exact science," CeCe ventured. "I mean, it shouldn't even be possible."

"I don't think it is for us," Biggs pointed out. "You know, if you look at it objectively, the only two instances of time travel that we know of included an alien entity doing the actual time traveling thing."

"Yeah, but that's exactly my point. Both you guys and Max used the same method, the Granolith, to travel in time. The same rules should apply in both cases," Liz reasoned.

"Maybe that the point, Liz," Alec argued. "We didn't use any method. You said Max programmed the Granolith to travel to a specific point in time with a specific purpose." He saw her nod. "How do you know the instructions for the Granolith didn't include his disappearance when his mission was complete?"

"That makes sense in a weird kind of sense," Michael opined from the cabin, turning to look at Liz. "I mean, look at his state of mind, he'd just lost everything and everyone he ever loved, and if he had stayed even after he completed the mission he'd set out for himself... What kind of life could he have? Stranded alone in a different world, basically."

"You think Max could do something like that?" Maria asked, doubtful.

"I don't know... Maybe," was all Michael said, still staring at Liz. Then he turned back around.

An uncomfortable silence followed. Maxie cleared her throat awkwardly and Liz refused to meet anyone's eyes.

"Anyway," Alec started again, "what I was trying to say is that we established, as far as we can be certain of anything, that the Granolith didn't pull us into this timeline on purpose, that it was an accident. Maybe that's all the reasoning behind us not disappearing."

"You mean like you shifted time by accident and now you're stuck here no matter what you do?" Liz asked. It sounded kind of too good to be true... For her, at least.

Alec shrugged, "Maybe?"

"Actually, how can we be sure you didn't, like, split up when the Granolith spat Tess out and half of you came here and the other half kept going on your merry ways in your own times?" Maria said out of the blue. They all looked at her as if she'd grown a second head. "What? How is that option any weirder than any of yours?" she whined.

Biggs chuckled, "I guess it's not, really."

"That would mean that you haven't disappeared because you've changed with everything else and you've got a new future now?" Liz asked.

"I got a headache," Michael grumbled.

Maxie perked up. "You know what? We've been looking at time and space as a straight line, but, what if it's not? What if it's a circle? That would make everything we've just done a repetition of something we've done a thousand times before."

"How does that answer our question?" CeCe asked, frowning.

Maxie's face went blank. "Mmm... I don't know!" she exclaimed at last.

"In conclusion," Alec said, "the only thing we do know is that we don't know what happened or why... Or even how. Is that it?"

"Pretty much," Biggs answered. "And you know what? I don't much care. We're here, and it looks like we're staying." He looked at CeCe in the rear-view mirror. "Can't say that I'm complaining."


Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:16 am
by lyra
Well, after I don't even know how long, the last chapter of my epic is here. The epilogue is still being typed, but that'll take me only a couple of days. Don't worry. By the end of this week you can all forget about me and my long-ass, neverending crossover.

I would like to thank each and everyone of you who ever reviewed or asked for more or just read this story and thought 'when the hell will she get off her butt and post a new chapter of this!?' You've all been wonderful and so patient (well some of you were, others followed me everywhere I went pestering me *cough*Ellie*cough* :wink: Kidding, you know I love you, girl)

I'll shut up now. I hope it was worth the wait.

Oh, and, there's some dialogue from different Roswell episodes: Crazy, Four Square and Heart of Mine. I think that's it but if there's any other quote you recognize it's not mine either.

Chapter 11

"Move, move, move!" Maria ordered, pushing people out of her way. The vehicle had barely stopped before she jumped out. "Thank God!" she exclaimed, relieved.

"Way to be over-dramatic, don't you think, Maria?" Isabel teased her.

"Laugh all you want but if I never have to stay in a car for days on end again it'll be too soon."

The whole group was out of the cars now, stretching their bodies after the long drive.

"Not that I didn't enjoy the 'trip'," Maria went on, "but I gotta say the idea of a road trip is way more comfy than the reality of it."

"You got me there," Isabel admitted, rearranging her clothes... Or trying to.

"Yeah, man, it was getting somewhat cramped at the end there," Kyle agreed.

"Babies," Michael shot at them over his shoulder, looking for his keys inside his bag and walking to his front door.

"Aren't you glad to be home, Michael?" Liz asked him pointedly.

Michael scowled at her. "I'll sure be glad to lose sight of some of you," he retaliated, glaring at her. "It got so crowded that I lost sight of my own shadow."

Alec snorted. "I don't think it's your shadow you were missing, big boy."

Maria walked through them like water and latched herself onto Michael's back while he opened the door to his apartment. "Don't listen to them, Michael, they're just jealous you're getting some and they're not. Besides," she added over her shoulder, "that'll teach them to knock, don't you think?"

"God, yes!" Liz shuddered. "Trust me, never again."

Alec just chuckled. "Nothing I haven't seen before, Maria."

"Whatever," she dismissed him.

Alec turned to Kyle. "Call your father and have him meet me here, will ya, Kyle?"

Kyle stood straight and saluted. "Sir, yes, sir."

"Funny," Alex mocked him. "Now give me a hand with these bags, private Valenti."

When they got inside Michael's living room, Alec was on the phone, standing by the window. Michael had disappeared into his bedroom and Liz and Maria were looking into some take-out menus. Alex dropped the bag he was carrying at Maria's feet and went to sit next to Isabel on the couch.

"Pizza or Chinese, Alex?" Maria asked over Liz's head.

"I thought we were going home now?" Alex asked, surprised.

"Yeah, well, we're ahead of schedule, we gotta wait for the Sheriff, then get the story-telling part over with and then the goodbyes or whatever... we've got time to eat. Besides, Michael's fridge is empty, he's gonna have to order in anyway. No sense in wasting the trip," Maria reasoned.

Alex nodded thoughtfully. "I guess I could eat... We had Chinese last night. Pizza."

"Okay, pizza it is."

"You didn't ask me what I want," Kyle complained.

"That's 'cos we don't care," Liz answered him with a sweet smile.

"That's great, Parker, thank you." Kyle glared at her. "Dad's on his way, Alec."

Alec nodded to him but kept talking into his phone.

"No anchovies, please," Max requested, sitting next to his sister. "All the 'special' stuff is unloaded. It'll stay here until we can go out to the Granolith. The rest of our bags are in the patio. The sheriff's gonna have to take us all home."

Michael came out of his room and joined the girls in the kitchen. "The SUV's staying here?" Michael asked and Max nodded at him.

The RV had been returned in Las Cruces where Alec had bought a Hummer. The Roswellians had done the last leg of the journey to Roswell in it and the SUV, while Maxie, Biggs and CeCe had taken the vans and all the Manticore alumni and gone with Sandeman.

They'd driven to the land they'd recently acquired. The Roswell group had been surprised to discover the Xs had dealt with that problem sometime in between all their travelling and their assault on Manticore. Apparently, they'd started the paperwork in Washington. It wasn't official yet, but they had a temporary permit to camp in situ while everything was settled.

"Okay then, Biggs. I'll pick up the last of the supplies from Valenti and meet you guys in... three hours?" Alec spoke into the momentary silence. "Sure, later." He disconnected the call and sat down at the counter, next to Liz. "Did anyone mention food?"

"Pizza will be here in thirty minutes," Maria informed everyone.

"Where am I gonna sleep?" Ava asked suddenly. The group looked at each other surprised. They hadn't talked about it because most of them had assumed she'd stay at the Valenti's but no one had actually said so. Seeing all the puzzled expressions Ava explained, "I don't want to crash into anyone's life, but I don't have cash to pay for my own place, either." She grimaced at the unpleasant thought of going back to the streets. "Could I crash with you guys?" she asked Alec.

Before he could answer Michael spoke up, "You can stay here. The couch's a fold out... You can pay up half of the rent when you find a job around town," he added when Ava made to complain.

"It's okay if you stay with us. Nothing to hide you haven't already seen," Alec offered anyway.

"I think it'd be best if Ava stayed close, too," Max said, then he added, "Not that you're gonna be very far but still..."

"Your choice," Alec told Ava.

"For what is worth," Isabel piped in, "I'd feel better with you here, I think."

Ava didn't know what to say. She hadn't really known what to expect when she'd decided to come to Roswell. For all she knew the other three wouldn't want to give her the time of day. Especially considering Tess...

"You know you could stay with us, though, right?" Kyle said into the awkward silence. "I've become oddly attached to our couch, I don't know how I'll tell my dad..."

Ava smiled appreciatively at Kyle, touched by the offer. "Michael's makes more sense, I think," she said finally.

"Why, 'cos he's an alien too? Do I have to remind you that I'm kind of one, too, now? I might need protection or something..."

Just then the bell rang.

"That'll be my old man." Kyle rushed to the door. He'd been surprised by how much he'd actually missed his father's comforting presence the last few weeks.

"Kyle!" Jim enveloped his son in a fierce hug.

If Kyle had missed his father that was nothing compared to how much Jim had missed him. Not only missed, either. The former sheriff had been worried sick for all of them. And hearing about the stuff they'd gone through from thousands of miles away had been torture. He'd almost lost his son.

Letting go of Kyle, Jim came into the room and looked around at the others. Even while greeting and answering all their questions about those left behind at home, Jim studied the group. They all looked exhausted, most of them were slumped wherever they were sitting. Those coupled were sticking close, as if drawing comfort from each other. This brought to his attention how close Liz and Alec were sitting. He frowned.

The pizza arrived and they all dug in, rehashing the details of their journey and all the stuff they'd found out centering on the aliens' side of it. Alec didn't elaborate on his own tale beyond a vague 'it's done'.

Finally, Liz checked her watch and gasped, "God, we really got carried away, guys. Our parents were expecting us half an hour ago."

"Great! Mom will kill me," Maria sighed. "She's been pestering me to have a girl's night tonight. She wants to hear about 'everything I've seen and done'. She was so excited about the idea... I'm surprised she didn't ask to come with us."

"She mentioned something about it, actually," Jim confided. "I'm not sure how much was excitement and how much worry, though. Nevertheless, I convinced her it wasn't such a good idea."

"Did you have to promise her lots of one-on-one time to sway her?" Kyle teased him.

"Maybe..." Jim said over the general chuckle and Maria's groan.

"You know, that sounded funny in my head... but the mental image is making me rethink that one," Kyle shuddered dramatically. "You have better stayed away from my couch," he added winking at Ava who smiled. They had decided she'd be staying with the Valentis in the end, Jim wouldn't hear any other option.

Alec stood and caught Jim's attention. "We better take care of those supplies you brought for me."

"Sure, my truck is parked next to that monstrosity of yours."

Jim led the way and Alec squeezed Liz's hand before following him.

Once outside both men regarded each other. Alec had seen Jim's watchful gaze on him too often to be casual. He had a pretty good idea what it was about but he wasn't about to volunteer any information. If Jim had a problem he'd have to say so.

Jim had never thought twice about speaking his mind. He wasn't about to start now. "You and Liz are a couple now?"

Alec couldn't help the smirk. It was second nature. "Yeah," he said simply. When the older man remained silent Alec prodded him, "That a problem?"

Jim delayed his answer, wanting to see if Alec would add anything else. Which he didn't. It was really none of his business. Liz would be 18 in a few months anyway. And probably way more mature than the transgenic standing before him. Finally, Jim relented. "Not right now. But I'll keep an eye out for her." It was more a promise than a warning, though. Jim Valenti cared deeply for all the teens in his care, as he'd come to think of them. He was looking after Liz, not doubting Alec's intentions.

Alec got his meaning, or at least Jim thought he did because he didn't take offense. He just turned to his own car and opened up the rear door. Jim followed his example.

"These boxes make up the last of the perishables. There is a few hundreds of non-perishable food up there already. I took up the tents and mattresses first thing. You can fit anything from 150 to 200 people, depending on how big they are."

"The rugrats will probably sleep in the carriers we brought them in. We'll just move them into the tents. Depending on how fast we can build the dorms they might be okay there the whole time."

Jim nodded, passing the next box to Alec. "I got a few documents for you to sign. The Bureau sent them to my home address yesterday. You'll have to fill them up and return them as soon as possible." He kept moving boxes but he was lost in thought.

They were almost finished by the time he spoke again.

"They sure seemed to be in a hurry... I didn't know something this big could happen so fast."

Alec snorted. "You have to know which buttons to push. The Bureau suits have gotten themselves in quite the monetary pit. That land up in the Sacramento Mountains didn't give them any benefits and there was nothing special that made it worth keeping. The right amount of digging up gave us the last bargaining chip we needed," he told Jim with a meaningful look.

It took Jim a moment to get it. "You're blackmailing a federal agent?"

Alec gave him a horrified look. "That sounds so wrong, man." Then he smiled. "Don't be so shocked. We didn't kidnap the guy's kid or anything. All we did was let him know we were aware of some of his least commendable hobbies. Not that I care one way or another, but I'm sure his wife would love to know."

Jim was shaking his head half in amusement, half in reproach. He handed Alec the last box. "That's the last of it." He brushed off his clothes. "Whose name is going on the deed? You guys decided yet?"

"Yeah, Sandeman's." Jim looked surprised at him. "Seeing as he's the only one who actually exists... Well, not really, because he's using a fake ID, too, buy it's a pretty good one. He comes from money, you know?"

"So you won't be getting real identities, then?"

Alec wiped his hands down the back of his pants, walking back towards the apartment with Jim in tow. "Nah, we will. It's just easier on the long run. But I'm not in a hurry right now. We've got workable false IDs on a pinch, just nothing with a background that would pass a semi-thorough check. Biggs and CeCe don't even have last names picked."

"You and Maxie do?" Jim asked surprised. It seemed to be his default mood when around Alec.

"Sure, Maxie's been going by Max Guevara so long that I think she's forgotten it's not really her name. And I had to pick one when I got my job last year. It's McDowell."

They were already at Michael's door. Everyone was on their feet or on their way out, saying goodbye to Michael. Maria was attached to his hip, whispering in his ear while Max and Isabel talked to him.

"Let the poor guy go, Maria, you'll see him tomorrow, for chrissakes!" Alec told her from the door.

Maria didn't bother to look at him to flick him off, making everyone laugh. She just murmured to Michael, "I don't think I'll be able to go back to normal. I've gotten used to ravishing you anytime I want and now- Michael!" she yelped.

Michael had lifted her into his arms and was rushing to his bedroom, sending a hasty goodbye over his shoulder to the others while he took care of the more private send-off for Maria.

"There we go..." Liz sighed. "Maria! We gotta go!" she yelled at the closed door. "Our parents are waiting!"

Alec walked up behind her and hugged her. "Give her a few minutes... And take some yourself," he baited her, nuzzling her neck.

Liz swallowed the moan that wanted to escape her lips. Turning half-way she yelled to the sheriff, who was waiting just outside, "You guys go on, Alec will take us when Maria's done."

Jim poked his head in and Alec nodded at him. "OK, then. Get your things, boys. We're leaving."

Soon after, Liz and Alec were alone in Michael's living room.

"So, not to sound clingy or anything but... When will you come down again?" she asked from her cozy spot in Alec's arms.

He shrugged, "Not to sound like I'm giving you the brush off or anything but, I really don't know. We have a lot to do up there right now..." he felt her sag onto his chest. At least she seemed more resigned than angry. "Actually, I was thinking, we could use you guys. All the help is welcome. Maybe you could come visit as soon as you think your folks won't skin you alive for skipping town again."

Liz winced. She'd been thinking about it herself. She knew her parents were bound to be extra clingy the next few days. "I'll see what I can do."

Alec nodded. "You can call anytime, you know that," he offered instead.

"Yeah..." Liz tightened her grip on him before letting go completely. She hit the bedroom's door with her open hand and laughed when the soft kissing noises she could barely make out became a surprised yelp. "Still waiting, Maria!"

"Are you kidding? So am I!" Alec grabbed her again, turning her to face him and pushing her against the wall.

"I don't know what you mean, mister. What exactly are you waiting for?" she asked innocently.

Alec raised a knowing eyebrow and stepped back, calling her bluff. "I just thought you'd like to say good-bye properly, you know, because we won't see each other for a while... My bad, no problem," he shrugged her off.

He hadn't even turned completely before Liz plastered herself to his side. "No, no, no, I was kid-" Off Alec's smug smile she glared at him. "You totally played me. If you were even a little bit less hot you'd be so sorry for that."

"I know, I'm a bad, bad person," Alec confessed contritely... not. He kissed her forehead. "Don't be mad, you're just too cute to resist," he laughed.

"I'll give you cute," Liz mumbled, grabbing his shirt and pulling him down to kiss her.

Alec was more than happy to oblige, but she kept pulling back to talk. "Just so-" kiss, "you know-" nip, "this-" bite to his bottom lip, "will be the last-" kiss on the same lip, "action you see-" kiss on his jaw, " 'til I come up to see you-" bite to his chin "so you'll better-- Alec!"

Alec had run out of patience and she was right after all. He lifted her, trapping her between the wall and his body. Liz agreed wholeheartedly with the change in position, which gave her better access to him, and forgot all about making her point. She was enjoying Alec's attention too much.

Suddenly, the door opened and a dishevelled Maria came out. "Sorry, sorry. Totally got carried away. I'm done now. Ready when you are..." she got it all out in a single breath. When she realized there was no one in sight she turned around and saw the couple kissing. She leaned on the wall, next to them, and cleared her throat loudly.

It was Alec's turn to wave her off without bothering to come out for air.

Maria laughed. "I'll be in the car," she announced, grabbing her bag and walking towards the door. "If you take too long I might have to drive myself home."

Alec's pained groan followed her out.


In the end, the trip to the mountains had been postponed for more than a week. Between their parents' reluctance to let them out of their sights for a few days, the compulsory visit to the Granolith, the 'fake shopping trip to Las Cruces to buy clothes for the new school year about to start' that turned out to be not so fake because Amy and Nancy gave the girls a long ass list of things for them to buy, and a four day convention that had the Crashdown swamped, there just hadn't been time.

And that was only Liz' week.

All in all, it seemed Fate was determined to keep the group in Roswell for a little while.

Finally, they were on their way. Jim led in his SUV, since he knew the way, and Max followed in his new car.

"Have you been to the camp this week, sheriff?" Liz asked him from the backseat, trying to distract herself.

She felt stupid. It had only been over a week for God's sake! And she'd talked to Alec every other day. They'd only been together for a couple of weeks and suddenly she couldn't cope without him? That was pathetic and she refused to be that person.

She missed his hot skin, though. Transgenics had a higher basal temperature -- Alec said that made him scientifically hot, the dork -- and he was always warm to the touch... 'It's summer, Liz Parker, you do NOT miss his warmth!' she screamed at herself, and then she realised she'd almost missed Jim's reply.

"...haven't had much to do around here anyway. And Alec insisted in paying me for the hours I've put in on the new shelter."

Liz took that to mean that yes, he'd been to the camp quite often. She remembered telling Alec during the trip how they'd cost Jim his work as Sheriff a few months back. She felt a silly smile creep up on her face. See? It's not only that hot body she liked, Alec was a great guy.

"We're almost there," Jim informed them when they took a left off the main road and crossed an open gate that marked the beginning of a smaller dirt road.

"I can't believe they're going to live here!" Maria exclaimed suddenly. "So isolated, with no commodities."

"They need the isolation, Maria," Liz reminded her.

"I know that," she retorted, rolling her eyes. Like she could forget about the less normal looking Manticoreans they'd brought with them. "It's just that, well... There's no electricity! That means no TV, no radio, no computers... Wait, how the hell are they gonna stay up there with no communication means whatsoever?"

"Maria, it's not the Dark Ages, there's no electricity hooked up but they have batteries and one of the first priorities right now is to get the mother of all generators up there."

"Yeah, every trip I've made has included gallons of fuel for the generator. It should be there sometime next week," Jim added.

That had been one of the things Liz had discussed with Alec on the phone. There was so much work to do before their new home would be ready.

Just then the car took a right turn and the camp came into view. Not that they could actually see anything yet. A wall made of tents blocked their view into the actual camp. But they could hear loud voices coming from the other side as soon as they got off the cars.

"Mole, no!!"

A loud crash followed the warning and Jim laughed. "That's gotta be the tenth time I've heard that in the last week," he explained to the others. Max's car stopped behind theirs and the others got out.

A kid around ten came running around the tents and past the group, followed closely by Maxie.

"I mean it, Josh! Stop right there!"

The kid froze where he was, not moving a muscle. All they could see of him was the shaggy hair covering his face. Maxie got to him in three big steps and turned him to face her. Kneeling before him, she pushed his brown mane aside.

"Got ya now, don't I?" She smirked. "You're it!" she exclaimed, pulling softly on his hair. With a gentle slap on his butt she sent him off, groaning pathetically.

The watching people were speechless.

"B-but... that's cheating!" Maria spluttered finally.

Maxie shrugged unapologetically. "Well, yeah... So?" She approached the newcomers. "They need to get rid of the conditioning. That'll teach him." She dismissed the shocked faces and addressed Jim. "Did you bring the chocolate?" she asked him excitedly, suddenly looking all of ten herself.

Jim pulled a box from the trunk and Maxie rushed to get it from him.

"Come on then, guys," she said, gesturing for them to follow. "Welcome to Freak Nation v2.0"

They followed her around the tents and found themselves in the middle of chaos. There wasn't any other word for it. Dozens of kids running around long tables and benches, some tables still had the leftovers of the meal they'd obviously just finished. One of the tables hadn't been vacated yet and there was a group of around 25 children still eating.

All things considered, the whole thing was a lot quieter than it should have. It was nothing like their first encounter with the X5s but the noise level had yet to reach normal for the number of kids running 'wild'.

Liz looked around at the campsite. The view was actually quite beautiful. Apparently, the road they'd been travelling led to a lake in the middle of the mountainous landscape. The lake was nestled in the junction where three peaks met. Several springs fed the still waters and there was a relatively wide plain surrounding the lake. It seemed like the perfect place to build a mountain resort.

There wasn't much actually built yet. The 'mess hall' they'd seen was made of tents, too, and from it there was a newly made path leading to the latrines, a good way from the rest of the camp.

"That's new," Jim observed, nodding towards a wooden cabin situated a bit to their left, next to the path that led to the lake. "It wasn't there yesterday when I left."

Maxie followed his gaze. "Yeah, it got here a few hours ago. It's one of those prefabricated houses. It'll be Sandeman's home for now... what with him being, you know, old and everything..."

"It'll also be the office," Alec added, coming up from behind them.

Liz turned around in time to be pulled into Alec's arms for a quick kiss hello.

"And that's my cue to leave," Maxie sing sang saccharine-sweetly. The others left with her, giving Liz and Alec a few minutes alone.

Not that they noticed or cared. Alec's quick kiss was followed by Liz's thorough version of 'hello'.

"Well, that's some greeting you got there, missy," Alec laughed when they finally pulled apart.

"That it is, sir..." Liz felt almost giddy, enjoying the feeling of being back in his arms a moment longer and then pushed him off and hit him on the chest. "Dammit, Alec, what have you done to me, huh? I'm like a thirteen year old with her first crush!" she retorted angrily.

Alec burst out laughing. Liz's annoyance was just too funny. "It's a talent."

"Talent, my ass," she muttered under her breath. "We better join the rest now, before I drag you off somewhere into the woods and the troops lose their commander for the rest of the day." She grabbed him by the front of the shirt and pulled, but Alec resisted.

"No, please, drag me away, Parker. They don't really need me. Biggs and CeCe are way better at handling the playground. They seem to think I behave too much like one of them or something."

Liz laughed at Alec's cute expression, totally believing their assessment of Alec. "Move it, soldier," she ordered him.

Alec gave in and let her drag him towards the cabin where Biggs was going over some maps and blueprints spread on a table right outside, his back to them.

"538!" Alec heard some kid or another shout and he grimaced. We need to give them names ASAP... before Maxie discovers her passion for naming stuff.

The dark haired X5 never even looked up but he knew Liz was coming up behind him anyway. "Hey, Liz, how was the welcome home?"

She stopped beside him, nudging his hip with hers. "Tiresome... I think my parents missed their waitress way more than their daughter."

Biggs chuckled, finally looking up at her. "Slave drivers," he commiserated. Then he turned to Alec. "I think I found the perfect location, man. It's close but not too close. Accessible from the road but defendable... And it will be easy to get the underground building done without too much hassle."

Alec hummed, studying the spot on the map Biggs was pointing at. After a quick run down of the mental list of must-have's on his mind, he nodded. "Looks good. We'll go take a look later today."

"What's that going to be?" Liz inquired curiously, most of the maps were labelled, but there was no name on this particular one. She didn't look up from the map, trying to read the different markings on it and she missed the look the two X5s exchanged. "And where are you building the dorms? Or any other building for that matter?" she asked, looking around at the grounds.

Alec and Biggs talked her around their plans, painting a vivid portrait of the resort they planned on building. It sounded a lot like what she imagined summer camp to be. A big communal building where the cafeteria and recreational rooms would be; smaller dorm cabins; a school; a sports center (Xs have a lot energy they need to burn off, they explained). Those were what they'd put up now. With the years they'd add a lab (Liz's interest was greatly peaked by that), probably a new building of apartment-like homes, and some other stuff that was still in the air. They didn't mention any underground construction to her but she didn't really notice, too busy picturing in her mind what they did mention.

It's not that it was a secret per se, they'd already mentioned they were going to need a communications system set up as soon as possible. They just thought it wasn't necessary to go into detail as far as how complex... or legal... that system was going to be.

Defense was their first priority. They'd brought all of the Manticore alumni here and they planned on making sure they would be safe. Secrecy was a necessity. Alec would probably explain everything to Liz eventually but there was no rush.


Isabel had let Alex geeking with CeCe over the new computer she'd gotten and so she'd taken the chance to explore her surroundings on her own. She felt an almost disturbing fascination with the genetically altered children they'd rescued from Manticore. It had been weird enough to be around the adult version of the X5s sometimes. And it took some weird shit to freak her out, considering some of the things she could do. But still, Alec, Maxie, Biggs and CeCe were different. They were adults.

She found a big rock on the edge of the camp closer to the lake from where she could oversee almost everything.

Maxie had organized a game of tag, instructing them not to blur. They had followed her lead for a while but apparently being children was catching up to them and Isabel could see, or more to the point, not see, some of them forgetting the rule. There were groups of Xs playing and groups of transhumans on the other side. Some of the arctic ones were down by the lake where it was cooler.

She'd been sitting there almost half an hour when she noticed one long figure detach itself from the Xs running a few yards away and make his way back to the camp from the woods.

The kid was following the path in which her rock sat on. He was walking in and out of the different groups of Xs running around but not joining any, focused on getting to the camp. Isabel followed him with her eyes but didn't move. She thought the X5 hadn't seen her, which of course wasn't true. When he got level with her, the child glanced up at her, marking her position in relation to his mental map of the camp, and moved on.

It wasn't until he'd completely passed her that she could see he was bleeding from a cut on the back of his thigh. She jumped down and rushed to him. "Hey, wait!"

The boy stopped and turned to her. "Ma'am?"

Isabel winced at that. Ma'am? Geez! How old does he think I am? I'm no ma'am, she thought crossly. "What happened to you?"

He looked straight ahead. "I fell on a sharp rock, ma'am. I'm going to the infirmary to get it treated now," he reported, pointing to the small tent next to the cabin. Isabel thought she could see a red cross painted on the canvass.

Isabel knelt behind him and moved the torn fabric aside to see the cut. It wasn't that deep but it ran all the way down to the knee and it was bleeding quite a bit. "But doesn't it hurt to walk on it?"

He looked at her, dumbfounded. "It needs to be treated, ma'am."

"Oh, forget that 'ma'am' crap. I'm Isabel." He just nodded at her. "Okay then, how about I take care of that and in exchange you show me around? You can tell me what you guys do around here all day."

The X5 looked at her strangely, he glanced down at his leg and back to her. She didn't seem to be carrying any medical supplies.

Seeing his hesitation, Isabel picked up a twig and snapped it in two. Then she waved her hand and put it back together. "See? I can do that to your leg, too. It'll be faster and painless. No need for stitches."

The boy examined the now restored twig and then he looked back at Isabel. "Are you a transgenic, too... Isabel?"

"No, I'm not. But I'm different, like you." She waited for him to make up his mind, just letting him read her intentions in her eyes. It didn't take long. The boy turned around and reached down to move the pant away, offering the wounded flesh to Isabel's touch.

Isabel smiled at him, looking at her over his shoulder, and got to it. A moment later, she put the pant back in place and fixed that, too.

"Done! How'd that feel?"

He felt the place were the wound had just been through his pants. "I didn't feel it at all." He straightened up and met her eyes. "That's a really nice ability, Isabel."

"Thank you... Er..." she trailed off, waiting for him to fill in his name. But he didn't. "What's your name?" she finally asked him.

"My designation's X5-296," he replied.

Isabel frowned, they still didn't have names? "OK, 296. Mmm... is that okay?" He shrugged and she continued, "How about that tour?"

Their little excursion took them by Alec and Biggs and she watched, amused, how 296 reported the incident and Isabel's intervention to them. He seemed worried he'd done something he shouldn't but Alec just gave him a smirk and said, "Don't worry, kid. It's always better to just listen to a pretty lady when she wants to check you out." Seeing the small quirk to his lips, Alec thought, Well, there's still hope for them.


Max watched Maria and Ava playing with a group of X5 kids. He'd observed that the transgenics and the transhumans didn't really mix, they kept to themselves in opposite sides of the camp. For one, the transgenics were younger and they'd never even seen their more odd-looking brethren before, only heard of them. Alec had told them how the X5s were kept apart from the rest until after Maxie's unit escaped.

When they started going out on missions they'd come into contact with soldiers like the one running past him right now.

"Mole, I'm not telling you again," he heard Maxie yell at the lizard boy squeezing his way through the startled Xs.

Max turned to see the brunette scowling at the boy.

"Mole, give me that right now!"

Max could see the kid had something on his mouth but he couldn't make out what- Was that a cigar!?

"What the hell?" he muttered.

Maxie heard him, of course, and she walked towards him. The scowl still on her face. "I can't believe that idiot gave the kid a cigar, asshole. It's like he wants to see me mad... I'm a laid back girl, I don't like scowling, but he thinks it's hilarious for some reason... I'm gonna wring his neck and watch him choke with a smile on my face, see if he likes that."

Max hadn't followed her at all, but there was one thing he did get. "Who gave it to him?"

"Alec! And Biggs, probably. Apparently where they come from Mole's always smoking those smelly things. They said something about missing it, the idiots. The kid can't be more than eight and they're giving him cigars!"

Max tried to hide his smile, he really did, but the narrowing of her eyes told him he'd failed spectacularly. "Well, just think about it as shock therapy. He won't want them anymore when he gets sick because of it," he tried.

"You're defending those lowlifes?"

Max shook his head, "No, of course not. I would never."

Maxie slapped his shoulder... harder than she'd intended, hopefully, because that hurt. "So what do you think of our little home?"

Max looked around again, trying to be subtle about rubbing the spot where she'd hit him. "Little? This place is anything but. Alec was just showing us the plans a while ago. It's going to be huge, almost like a little town when it's finished."

Maxie rolled her eyes. "Well, yes, if you want to be literal about it." She looked out to the south west shore where a two mile square grass plain acted as the doormat to the mountains ranging off from the lake.

"It sure is a gorgeous place to live," Max commented softly, following her gaze.

"I guess," Maxie said. "I've lived all over the country for the last ten years. Big cities and small towns, in the coast and the mountains...There are lots of beautiful places to be. This one's not bad."

She looked around, seeing all the kids and the other three transgenics talking animatedly with some of their visitors, she felt a stab of homesickness for her family. "At least I'm not alone anymore," she murmured.

Max nodded, even though she seemed to have been talking to herself. "I know. I could live anywhere as long as I had my family with me."
Maxie could see Isabel in the distance, talking to one of the kids, and Michael was sitting close to Maria and Ava, watching her amused. "I thought you didn't have much longer to be together."

Max looked at her startled. "What do you mean?"

"Well, aren't you all on your last high school year?" She saw him relax. "I thought you guys would be splitting up afterwards, you know, different schools, different choices... separate lives."

Max shrugged. "Yeah, sure. But that's only a few years out of our lives. I don't think we'll end up settling down for good very far away from each other. Even if they don't think so now, everything we've gone through... Some of them will feel the need to walk away and find their own feet, you know. Maria, probably. Maybe Kyle..." He trailed off, his mind wandering, and Maxie let him to it. It seemed they'd touch a difficult subject for him.

Still, he never really told her to mind her own business. She'd seen him shrug off well-intentioned conversations with his sister, Maria, or even Alex. But he always seemed willing to talk to her. Maybe it was the fact that he knew her the least. Or maybe not, considering he'd seen her most private thoughts and feelings when he healed her.

Eventually, Max shook off his morose thoughts and looked back at her. "How's it feel to go from the baby of your family to being the adult?"

Speaking of her most private thoughts. She chuckled, "It's weird to see them babying little me and then snapping to attention when I tell them to do something."

Max watched the light go on in her eyes. He'd noticed before how happy the mere thought of her family made her. "Have you spent much time with them?"

She shrugged. "Not really with them so much as keeping an eye on them, you know, when they can't see me. Zack is really worried about them. Jesus, he's barely three and a half and we've just taken them away from any kind of normal they knew." She pointed to all the children, there were still lots of them who looked out of place and unsure about their new surroundings. "Luckily, they seem to answer okay to Alec and Biggs. They're not so comfortable with me and CeCe because there weren't any women in command, only the nurses."

"Look at the bright side, Maxie, with Alec as a role model they'll shake off that military attitude you're so worried about in a matter of weeks."

She laughed, "Yeah, probably."

They stood watching over the X5 children for a while. Max kept thinking about what the place would look like when the X5s got done with it. A thought occurred to him. "What do they do all day?"

"Oh, they help out. They put up tents and organize meal times and bed time. The COs are a great help. They're usually the oldest of the groups and they know their units, what they can handle and what they can't. Being transgenics they're stronger and more coordinated than human kids. Alec was saying the other day that he was going to use their help digging up the foundations of the first construction we'll be starting tomorrow."

"Really?" It was weird to think of an army of midgets doing construction work. He imagined a long line of children passing one rock from one to the next all the way to the dumping. The thought made him smile, but he was sure the adults would know where to draw the line. He noticed again how there were no transhumans in sight where they were. "Aren't you trying to get them to mix?"

Maxie shook her head. "We don't want to force the issue. Working together helps. We're waiting to see if they get over it by themselves. If they don't, then we'll do something about it."

"I guess it's better that way. Who's looking after the others now?" he added seeing both Alec and Biggs here.

"Sandeman was last time I saw him. Probably CeCe too. Wanna go check?"


They walked around the groups of people towards the 'mess hall' they'd seen when they got there. On the other side he could hear voices coming from behind the cabin.

When they turned the corner and the lake came into view again, Max could see several dozens of transhumans lounging around. Some of them seemed to be a little more active, running around, some even fighting. He looked doubtfully at Maxie.

"They're sparring," she explained. "CeCe's there, watching and giving them pointers, see?"

Now that she mentioned it he could see the blonde X5 sitting to the side of the fighting group.

On the other end, sitting in the shadow by the cabin, Max saw Sandeman with two long-haired boys, reading a book to them.

"That's Joshua and Isaac," Maxie told him. "They're really attached to Sandeman. Apparently, Josh was the first Manticore success. Sandeman was the founder of the project, remember? He was the one who created Josh."

"They have names?"

"Oh, yeah. Actually I think it's thanks to them that my unit have names already. I didn't know but Jondy met Josh a few months ago and when he told her his name she decided we all had to have them, too. It wasn't usual for X5s to wander around, Jondy is one of the few with shark DNA, like me. That's why none of the other units have names yet."

They kept watching the quiet trio. Josh was absorbed in Sandeman's tale while absently petting Isaac. A moment later, his delighted laughter rang over the noisy camp.


Kyle walked a few steps ahead of the four aliens, looking forward to this little outing, but one look over his shoulder confirmed the fact that Isabel would rather be anywhere else on the planet... Maybe even in another planet... And Michael was looking at him in a way that made Kyle think the quick-tempered alien was deciding where to blast him first. One glance at Max and Ava, quietly talking while they followed the others, told Kyle he wouldn't be getting any support there. He wouldn't hear a complaint but they weren't about to back him up either.

He sighed and kept climbing the small hill up to the new Granolith chamber. It's not like he was doing this for himself, you know. He was only trying to help out.

For the last two or three weeks the four Antarians had been getting increasingly restless. Mood changes, short attention span, prone to get lost staring at nothing... Short of slapping their weird mood away, meditation was the most helpful advice Kyle had for them. And this was the thanks he got.

Maria had washed her hands off Michael until he remembered she was his girlfriend, not his maid nor his mother. Her words. His father had asked repeatedly, politely at first and less and less so when the snapping hadn't stopped, what was bothering Ava. The Evanses, who had been so happy to see their children back from their trip, had suggested a small weekend camping excursion before classes started back, eh? Don't you think that would be fun?

Roswell seemed to be shrinking around the four aliens and sometimes they thought they heard voices calling them, coming trough below the conversations going on around them.

Tired of the whole thing, Kyle had put them all inside his father's SUV and driven them to the desert. It has halfway there that he'd thought of the Granolith and it had felt like the right place for this.

Of course, he hadn't told the aliens what he had in mind until they'd gotten off the car. And they didn't appreciate his idea. At all.

He got to the 'door' and waited for the others to open it. Michael got there first but he leaned on the rock wall and just stared ahead with a scowl on his face.

"Michael," Kyle prompted him pointing to the 'door'.

Isabel reached them then and opened it while addressing Michael, "The sooner we start this shit, the sooner it'll be over."

"Whatever." Michael entered the small chamber.

"That's the spirit," Kyle grumbled.

A few days after they got back, the four aliens had gone to the Granolith and made some changes to the temporary fix they'd arranged for the place. They'd hollowed out the interior of the formation they'd created before leaving, making room for a small group of people to stand comfortably inside. The whole thing had taken a lot out of them.

It looked nothing like before. For one, the four pods had been destroyed when the ship took off and blew out the rock cliff. And of course, the chamber they'd taken to call the Granolith had been the ship itself. So it mostly looked like a cave, similar to the one where River Dog had taken them to heal Michael.

Max had made a 'safe' in one of the walls and all their alien things were now kept there. Isabel had replicated the drawings from that cave.

But they hadn't found out where the energy they could feel came from. It was almost like a live presence surrounding them.

Kyle went to the center of the chamber and sat down, Asian style. Max and Ava had finally joined them and they closed the door behind themselves. Darkness surrounded them. A moment later a small light came alive in the middle of the chamber, right in front of Kyle. Max put it on the ground and sat before it. The weak light grew stronger every time one of them sat down around it. When they were all on the ground, the light illuminated a good part of the chamber.

"Well?" Michael drawled at Kyle. "Are we cured yet?"

"I don't think there's a cure for what's wrong with you, Michael," Kyle told him smartly. "As for the rest of you, I know you don't want to be here, but I don't see any of you coming up with a better solution."

"Solution for what, Kyle? We're just a little bit on edge, that's all," Isabel complained.

"Yeah, but why?" Kyle pressed. "What's making all of you so agitated?"

"What d'you mean? Nothing's 'making' us," Michael said, making air quotes, "we just are."

"And don't you think it's a weird coincidence that the four of you, and only you, keep twitching and staring off into space, and hearing 'voices' and--"

"Who told you that?" Max cut him off.

It had been somewhat of a gamble. Kyle only knew of Ava's case, really, but it was a safe bet, if it was something alien related, to think that they all heard them.

"I told him I thought I'd heard voices a few times," Ava told the others. "I didn't say anything about them, though," she told Kyle. And then looked at the others. "Didn't know there was anything to say," she said almost accusatorily.

Max, Michael and Isabel exchanged somewhat guilty looks. "I didn't tell anyone," Isabel admitted.

"I was convinced I was imagining it," Michael shrugged it off.

Max cleared his throat. "I... thought I recognized the voice. Maybe?"

"I didn't really make out any words, more like a humming in the back of my mind," Isabel offered. "Who do you think it is, Max?"

Max hesitated, he'd doubted himself for a long time but he'd caught a clear phrase only two days ago and he was convinced he knew who it was talking to him.

"Maxwell?" Michael prompted him.

"It was me," he said finally.

"But it was a woman," Ava argued.

"Yeah." "No, it wasn't."

Isabel and Michael glared at each other.

They all looked at each other for a long moment.

"Oookaaay," Kyle broke the stare down. "So Max and Michael are hearing a man and Ava and Isabel hear women."

"It's not a man," Max insisted.

"And Max is sure he's hearing his own voice," he remarked pointedly. "So, obviously you're all getting your own voices."

"Well, obviously," Michael repeated sarcastically. "I don't see anything 'obvious' about this, Kyle. Why the hell are we even hearing anyone, no matter who?"

Kyle scowled at him. "Do I look like an alien handbook to you? I don't know, man. But if we can at least agree on the who, maybe that'll help with the why, don't you think?"

Michael shrugged. He was mostly along for the ride. It had been annoying as hell to keep getting distracted by the voice suddenly popping up at random times. It put him on edge and made him snappish. He didn't like that.

"OK, then." Kyle looked at the other three, he felt like a first grade teacher. "Ava said she couldn't make out any words, how 'bout the rest of you?"

Isabel shook her head but Max and Michael both hesitated. "What?" she asked them, "What did they say?"

Michael spoke first. "I didn't get what it said, I just... I don't think it was English. I heard him clearly once but I couldn't understand it. I guess that's why I didn't recognise my voice... If it's my voice," he couldn't help adding, to bug Kyle mostly. All it got him was a dismissive snort.

"What I heard was English," Max observed, confused. "In fact, it's something I remember saying myself. It was two years ago, when Topolsky came back, remember? We met up at the quarry to discuss what to do. I said 'There are five people in the world that I trust, and they're all standing right here'."

Michael and Isabel were nodding. "I remember," she said.

"Okay, that pretty much settles the who," Kyle stated, happy to get something out of the way. "Wow... One, what the hell, dude? You better update that number. And two, why would you get an echo of your own voice two years later? I mean, what the hell?"

Max looked at him helplessly. "Beats me. And that was when we were still hiding from your dad, Kyle. Lots of things have changed since then."

"Well, if it definitely was you, and we're assuming that it's the same for all of us..." Ava let the sentence hanging. She was looking curiously at Michael. "You speak any other languages, Michael?"

"What? No! I can barely string three words together in Spanish. And I don't- I think... maybe the voice was kinda young..."

"How young?" Ava perked up. "Like recently hatched young?"

"Maybe, I... honestly, I wouldn't know. Never really had much contact with kids." He exchanged curious looks with Max and Isabel. "Why?"

"We used to speak Antarian to each other the first couple of months until the shifter made us stop. Shortly after we started speaking English all the time he split and we sorta stopped knowing how to speak Antarian. One day was there, the next it was gone."

The three Roswell aliens watched her amazed. "You spoke Antarian?"

She nodded. "For a little while, yeah. Maybe you did, too, Michael."

"Who would I talk in Antarian to? Max and Isabel were picked up almost right away. I was alone for maybe a day and a half before some guy found me and took me to the authorities."

"Maybe you were talking to yourself," Isabel offered.

"I've always thought you weren't all there," Kyle added happily.

"Ha, fucking, ha," Michael grumbled and the others chuckled.

"Could you repeat what he... I mean, 'you' said?" Ava asked him.

"No," Michael replied in a tone that said he thought she was nuts. "How would I know?"

"Don't look at me like that?" she retorted, "I'm pretty sure we all have the knowledge somewhere inside."

"So you think if I somehow manage to repeat what I heard you could tell me what it means?" Michael asked doubtfully.

Ava rolled her eyes. "Of course not, I just told you I can't speak Antarian anymore."

"What's the point then?" Max cut in.

"I don't know. Do you have a better plan? It was just a question anyway."

"If we had it in writing Alex could translate it for us, but we wouldn't know how to transcribe the sounds," Isabel commented.

"Well, I can't remember so it's a moot point. We can't even be sure it was Antarian, can we?"

Kyle thought it was time to move it along. "I don't think we're getting anywhere with this--"

"It was your idea, Einstein," Michael interrupted him.

"The discussion, Michael. I didn't bring you here to argue about that, okay?"

"Right," Isabel mocked him good-naturedly. "The meditation thing."

"Yes, the meditation thing. I think it would be good for you to learn to clear your minds. Maybe the voices could get through more easily that way."

"Do we want to give better access to the voices?" Michael asked.

"If that'll make them go away in the end, I'm all for it," Ava declared.

Isabel shrugged, there were a hundred things she would rather do than meditate but who knew, maybe it would help.

Max kind of agreed with Michael, not sure opening up to the voices was a good thing, but he didn't have any real reason against it so he kept quiet.

"Good," Kyle said rubbing his hands. "The aim of meditation is to reduce stress and help you find inner peace. The best way to do that is changing your thoughts from negative to positive. And you gotta be patient. The mind doesn’t always get with the program. Just relax."

Isabel snorted and Michael rolled his eyes mumbling something like 'terrific', but Ava seemed honestly interested.

"Okay, you gotta concentrate on your breathing. Be aware of your breathing pattern." He looked at the others waiting for them to do as told. "Make sure it feels comfortable to you. If it doesn’t, change it until it does. Then let that feeling of comfort spread to the rest of your bodies." He watched the aliens, nodding encouragingly, even though they couldn't see him because their eyes were closed. "You gotta feel the inhale in the back of your skull and then let it flow down your spine and to your feet."

Then Kyle closed his eyes, too, taking deep breaths, so no-one noticed when a few minutes later the light dimmed. A blueish tinge started filing up the chamber, coming from the ground and climbing up the walls. It was a soft light, almost soothing. When it reached the ceiling, the temperature in the chamber heated up almost imperceptibly, the air itself seemed to vibrate.

Kyle opened his eyes, feeling the change around him. But the other four didn't seem to be aware of it. He opened his mouth to talk and then froze. The blue glow he could see all over started soaking into the four aliens. Their skin turned paler and paler. He reached out to touch Isabel and Ava, sitting on each side of him, but then hesitated. "Er..."

Max felt warm all over. There was a pulsing energy swimming in his blood and he was sure this was not what Kyle meant by 'letting the feeling of comfort spread'. He tried to open his eyes but they would not obey him. There was a moment of panic and then the voice came.

"I have this... This really clear feeling about everything."

Isabel was startled to realize they'd been right. It was her voice. The unpleasant feeling of fullness she'd just been filled with faded, the pulsing in her body slowed until it beat to the rhythym of her heart.

"Did you feel like something inside of you was waking up?"
"Something primal," Max added.
"Instinctive," she finished.

Michael tried to make out the words but it was that same language he'd heard before. He didn't fathom why he got something he couldn't possibly understand when Max just heard himself speaking English, thank you very much. And then...

"That's what opens the core, it's the key."

Ava heard herself in a memory from a long time ago. She was still only a child and she was asking Rath, "Why do you keep repeating that?" She remembered his answer, too. He'd scornfully informed her that he had to remember that phrase, that it was important. But he hadn't been able to give her an answer when she'd asked him 'Why?'

Kyle was starting to get anxious. Nothing seemed to be happening but he couldn't get the others to wake up.

"Come on, guys, I'm two seconds away from freaking out," Kyle begged.

Then, the four of them just opened their eyes. As if they hadn't spent almost five minutes in trance or something. One minute there, the next gone. And now back.

But they were clearly confused. They looked around, looking for something, but if Kyle had asked them what was it they looked for they wouldn't have known what to say.

The light that had been a lot dimmer while the aliens were out was back to full force and it was a lot brighter than before.

Looking at each other, finally Isabel just exclaimed, "Huh."

"That's one way to put it. What the hell happened?" Kyle demanded anxiously. He'd been quite scared even if he didn't want to admit it. He looked from one to the other, waiting for an answer.

"That was different," Michael said and Kyle focused on him.

"That's it? That was different? That's all you can say? You guys weren't there!"

"What do you mean, not there? We didn't go anywhere."

"I mean, it was like you were dead or something. You were here, yes, but you weren't."

Ava winced and started patting herself, arms, belly, legs. She seemed a bit worried. "Do you guys feel different?"

The other three looked at her, ignoring Kyle for the moment. "Different how?"

She looked at Max, locking eyes with him and she felt something shift inside her. The weird sensation she'd been feeling just disappeared. She smiled, relieved. "Nevermind. 'S all good."

"What was it?" Max insisted. He could feel something had changed in him, but it wasn't a weird change. It was almost like he felt more at ease in his own skin now. As if his body had been too tight around his soul all his life and only now the fit had become perfect. It didn't look like Ava had been feeling like that, though. She did now; he could see it in her eyes. But not before.

"I don't know, there was this energy running under my skin but it's stopped now. I feel better than ever, actually."

"What the hell are you all talking about?" Kyle exploded again. "This was supposed to be a relaxing meditation to help you guys loosen up and settle down. What's with the weird shows and the energies and the talk?"

Michael snorted. "Thanks for that, by the way. Why'd you bring us here anyway? How'd you know?"

Kyle stood and started pacing. "Know what?"

"To bring us here. We were supposed to get our powers. That's what the voices were for," Isabel explained.

"What? I didn't know anything. What do you mean get your powers? Where did they go?"

"They didn't go anywhere, Kyle," Max explained patiently. The whole experience had finally gotten ridden of the weird uneasiness they'd been feeling. "They're just more... Er... I don't know how to explain it. It's like what we had was just a teaser and now we got the real thing."

"Teaser? You call saving lives and blasting through walls a teaser?"

Michael rolled his eyes. "Dude, it was just a metaphor, okay? It's not exactly like that. It just feels right, somehow. Like I can control the whole scope of the power I could kinda feel was there but couldn't touch."

Kyle opened and closed his mouth a few times before giving up and going back to pacing. "So what happened?"

"I think the Granolith did it," Max said. "Whatever that turns out to be."

"I think it could be the source of our powers," Ava commented.

"Can't be," Michael disagreed. "Nasedo said our powers are human in nature. Like we were what humans will be given a few hundred years' evolution, remember?"

Max shook his head. "Yes, but it could have something to do. The skins had similar powers, they could blast, and they're not human at all. It's possible we're a blend of what the human race will become and what Antarians are. It could be that we just got full control over our Antarian heritage."

"But, I mean, now you're like superaliens?" Kyle asked.

"I'm gonna superblast your ass if you don't quit with the stupid questions, Kyle," Michael threatened him.

"Okay, okay, I give up. You're Zen now, I get it."

Isabel checked her watch. "We should get back now. I'm meeting Liz and Maria in an hour. We're going shopping. You should come with us, Ava."

They gathered their things and left the chamber, sealing it again.

The ride home was quiet, only Ava and Isabel could be heard whispering in the back. Max and Michael, sitting next to him and behind him respectively, spent the whole time looking out the window, lost in thought. Kyle himself had a lot to mull over. The day hadn't gone like he thought it would. He'd only tried to get them away for a while and see if he could help them relax. Instead, he'd apparently been the conduit for some kind of awakening for the aliens.

What had made him change his mind and go to the Granolith anyway? He'd planned on going out to the desert, yes, but he'd been headed for the quarry where, he'd recently discovered, the group used to meet.

Roswell came into view and Kyle shook the thoughts away. Whatever it had been it was done now. He stopped at the Crashdown to drop Michael and then took the other two home. Once alone, Ava moved up to the front seat and stared at him.

"What?" he finally asked when he couldn't ignore it any longer. "Do I have something on my face?" he tried to joke.

Ava shook her head. She'd been thinking, back at the Granolith while he freaked and on the way back, how he'd put himself through the abuse Michael doled out and the haughtiness Isabel didn't mean to exude but did, and Max humoring his crazy ideas. He didn't have to put up with any of that but he wanted to help. She smiled at him.

"I just wanted to say thank you, Kyle," she said when he parked in front of the Valenti home. Then she just opened her door and got off.

"For what?" he asked, hurrying to catch up to her at the front door.

Ava laughed and winked at him. "I gotta go get ready. Isabel will be here in fifteen minutes."

"So you're going shopping with them, then?" Kyle asked, letting her change the topic. She didn't look like she was going to tell him anyway.

"Well, not shopping, really. I don't have any money, remember? I need to find a way to make some cash and soon. But Isabel insisted I should come anyway."

They headed straight to the kitchen and the fridge. The trip had left them both hot, dry and thirsty.

Suddenly, Kyle chuckled and Ava gave him a questioning look. "I was just thinking I wouldn't want to go shopping with Isabel."

Ava snorted. "I'm sure I can handle her. And Liz will protect me anyway. She's got a mean streak that girl," she told him, amused. "Who would've thought the cornball had it in her?"

Kyle shook his head and left the kitchen thinking he could have told her.

[cont. in next post]

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:24 am
by lyra
[ch.11 cont.]

"Who is this guy again?"

Liz rolled her eyes at her father on the mirror and kept brushing her hair.

Jeff Parker wasn't about to give up, though. "I know you said you met him in that mall in Las Cruces last month, but you haven't really told us anything beyond his name," he complained. "Alec." He grimaced. "What kind of name is that anyway?"

"A strong one. A name with character," Liz retorted.

"No, honey. Alexander is a strong name. Protector of Mankind. Alec's... not really anything, I'm afraid," he insisted.

"Are you gonna blame him for his parents' choice of name then? Because, he doesn't really like Elizabeth either... Maybe we'll change our names together," she taunted him.

Jeff gasped in mock horror. "Your Grandma Claudia suggested your name, young lady? Are you going to disrespect her wishes like that?" he demanded smugly, knowing he had her beat there.

Liz gave in good-naturedly. "Oh, okay. I'll keep the name. But I'm afraid I can't make Alec change his then," she sighed.

Jeff shook his head tragically. "You'll just have to find a new guy instead."

Liz laughed, "Nice try, dad. I happen to like this one very much. Weak name and everything."

"I had to try," Jeff sighed. "So you were telling me about this Alec..."

Liz looked at him like he'd lost his mind. "No, I wasn't." She cut his father before he could keep badgering her. "What do you want to know, dad? He's a guy, a nice guy. He's polite, smart, funny..."

"How old did you say he is?"

"I didn't. He just started a new business based in the mountains, so he's quite busy at the moment. But he's going to the trouble of coming down here to see me. And we're eating here in the Crashdown so you'll get to meet him... For a moment," she clarified, sternly. "And then we're going out to the movies or for a walk, I don't know."

Jeff was happily smiling by then, already plotting his meeting with Alec. "I'll let you get ready, then, sweetheart."

He was almost at the door when Liz called him and he turned to her.

"You'll get an introduction and a few minutes to make nice. If you try to ruin this for me --yes, dad, RUIN it, I know how your mind works--, if you don't behave the next time I tell you anything about my love life will be my wedding date."

Jeff scowled at her, not that he believed her, but he did believe she'd make life unbearable around the house. "I'll behave, Lizzie," he said, deciding to wait until he'd actually met Alec to see if he'd keep his word.


Alec entered the Crashdown, keeping the door open for Maria, who had insisted on being there to run interference until Liz came downstairs. He didn't need her help, but he didn't mind the company either so he'd agreed.

"Now, Liz will probably get here fast 'cos she won't want you alone with her dad anyway, but just in ca- Oh, Mr. Parker, how's the night going?"

Jeff had seen Maria come in with a stranger, talking animatedly and acting as if they were best friends and guessed the stranger must be Alec. He met them at the counter.

"Hi, Maria. It's not a bad night. Most kids are out and about these days, you know, enjoying their last days of freedom," he said, thinking it wise to remind the man standing patiently beside her that Liz and Maria were still kids. His kid, dammit. He offered his hand to Alec. "Jeff Parker."

Alec shook his hand. "Alec McDowell, sir. Nice to meet you." He gave a firm handshake before letting go.

"Liz will be down in a moment, she was just finishing-"

Maria cut in. "You don't give a gal's secrets away, Mr. Parker," she reprimanded him lightly and both men rolled their eyes. "None of that, Liz will make you both sorry and you know it."

Jeff looked worried for a moment before the thought of how exactly she would make the other man sorry crossed his mind, making him scowl.

Jeff looked briefly at Maria. "Why don't you go upstairs and help Liz get ready then?"

Maria opened her mouth to protest but the look Jeff gave her made it clear it wasn't a suggestion. She gave Alec a worried look and he smiled reassuringly at her. "Sure, Mr. Parker. See you, Alec."

"Thanks for the company, blondie." Alec told her. He could already hear the poor girl apologizing to Liz, 'I tried to stay, chica, but your dad...'

Really, he'd faced down tougher and meaner men than Jeff Parker... And women, for that matter.

Alec sat down on a stool. "Can I get some cold water? The drive down was dusty."

Jeff nodded and turned to get the drink. He set it down before Alec and leaned a hip on the counter, arms crossed and stern look. The very image of a disapproving father. Or at least what Alec had seen of one on TV.

"So, Alec, how do you say you met Liz?"

Alec took a sip and hid a smile behind the glass. "She hit me on the butt in the middle of the food court, made me drop my lunch and spill my drink on my shirt," he said, putting down the glass and shaking his head fondly at the fake memory.

Jeff opened and closed his mouth dumbly a few times, wide eyed. "She- Wha- Wher-" he sputtered.

Alec chuckled. "Apparently she was walking backwards and talking to Maria, very animatedly. She didn't see me. But she felt so bad that she insisted on buying me lunch."

Jeff looked a little relieved. "Right, well..."

Alec kept on talking. Liz had told him she hadn't told her parents any specifics about their supposed meeting. He thought he'd make it a good one. "I mentioned during lunch that I was looking for a present for my little sister and I had no idea what to get her. Of course, Maria offered to help me out," he finished.

Jeff cleared his throat, that did sound like Maria. "So where are you going after dinner?" he tried to squeeze as much out of him as he could before Liz came down.

Alec shrugged. "It's really up to Liz, since we're in her hometown I'll let her choose. I'm sure she knows where to go around here."

Jeff narrowed his eyes. "City boy?"

Alec nodded. "Seattle mostly. But I'm easy, I don't need much to be happy," he commented and saw Jeff's expression turn to dismay, he let the man suffer for an instant before adding, "Small town life fits me fine."

Liz chose that moment to make her appearance. She walked up to Alec and he kissed her cheek sweetly. "You look beautiful," he told her.

Liz smiled brightly. She pulled on his arm and dragged him away from the counter. "Let's sit down. We'll have something quick to eat and then we'll go, okay?"

Alec shrugged, "Whatever you want. I'm yours for the rest of the night."

"You're staying the night?"

He nodded, "I'm crashing at Michael's tonight. I'll go back in the morning."

Jeff watched them get into a booth unhappily. He heard Liz order food for both of them.

Liz watched the waitress leave and leaned over the table to whisper to Alec. "Okay, tell me everything. How's the construction work coming along? You got the generator running yet? Can we talk online now?"

Alec raised a hand to stop her tirade. "Breathe, woman. We talked on the phone two days ago. There hasn't been time for that many changes."

"I know, but you said I could get you on that special chat CeCe set up yesterday and it didn't work."

Alec shrugged. "We had a minor setback with that but it's fixed now. The system's up and running. The generator's been running for a week, didn't I mention that?"

Liz slapped his hand. "No, you didn't. A week? Then the whole camp has power now?"

"Yep. The ground installation for all the buildings is finished. The underground structure is set up, too. We'll be ready to move the office and communication station next week and once that's done we'll fence off the southern shore of the lake. We'll move all the kids there and hopefully by the tenth of September the first crews can get there and we can really start building."

Liz could hear the understated current of impatience in his voice. She knew he'd been frustrated with the slow progress in the mountain retreat they wanted to build. They'd had to do everything themselves until they could get somewhere to keep the transhumans out of sight while construction workers and the electric company guys had to be running around their home. They could've made it into an 'escape and evade' exercise in the woods, but the guys didn't want that. Freak Nation 2 was supposed to be their home, not a second Manticore. And things were moving along quite fast, actually, despite Alec's feeling to the contrary.

Having to stay behind a fence wasn't ideal, either, but it was okay because it was only temporary and they could do whatever they wanted there. The retreat was officially a private home for orphans so the sounds of a bunch of kids running wild behind a fence wouldn't surprise anyone.

"It's only been three weeks, Alec. You're all doing a great job," she told him, squeezing the hand she'd just slapped moments ago. "In no time at all you'll have a real home for all of you."

Alec smiled at her. He knew, objectively, that he couldn't complain about the progress. It was only the four of them, Sandeman -- who, even though he was older, had all the strength his Familiar breeding gave him -- and Jim, along with whoever of the Rowsellians he happened to bring that day. They could have started with the fencing job but he preferred to do the underground half of the work by themselves anyway. Liz was right. Things would move along faster now.

"I'm leaving for a few days next week," he told her.

"Where are you going?"

He shook his head. "Later. Let me tell you just how we met before your parents ambush us."

Nancy Parker entered the Crashdown to see her daughter slap the arm of an attractive young man, to much amusement on his part.

Alec noticed the redhead who came in from the Employees Only door, Jeff following behind. "I think your parents are ready for their little interrogation."

Liz let her head drop to the table. "I'm sorry, Alec," she apologized in advance. "Whatever they say, just remember that you really like me and you don't have to see them ever again."

Alec's laughter welcomed the Parkers. He stood to offer his hand to Nancy.

Jeff made the introduction. "Alec, this is my wife Nancy."

"A pleasure, ma'am," Alec said kissing the hand she'd offered in turn.

Liz rolled her eyes. "Don't over do it, Alec."

"Just trying to make a nice impression, Liz. It's not like I'm hitting on her or anything. That would be going too far." He let go of Nancy's hand and pointed to the seat beside him.

"Thank you." She sat down.

"Now, I understand Liz here has offered me up for the sacrificial slab?" he prompted them.

"Alec!" Liz chastised him. She looked at her parents then. "And you behave, please."

"Got it," Jeff placated her. Then he turned to Alec. "So... how old are you?"
Liz snorted. "Geez, dad, start easy why don't you?"

Alec chuckled. "I'm 22," he answered easily.

"And you don't know any 22 year-old girls?" Jeff asked nonchalantly but Nancy spoke before Liz could complain again.

"What do you do, Alec? Liz has been evading all our questions about you, even the most basic ones."

Liz refused to meet anyone's eyes, playing with the ketchup bottle.

"We're not sure if she refuses to tell us or if she just doesn't know," Jeff added pointedly.

Alec looked at Liz surprised. "She does know, or at least she has a general idea. I'm not sure I've ever gone into details. I'm building a retreat in the Sacramento Mountains. It's a privately owned school for special and gifted children. I'm the manager, basically."

Nancy seemed impressed. "That sounds very interesting."

"So you got a business degree then?" Jeff prodded. Yes, okay, it sounded like a good deal but he wanted to know about Alec; the man, not his business.

Alec hesitated briefly, taking a sip of his drink to buy himself time. He hadn't gotten a background for his identity yet, but that was as good a choice as any, really. "Yes, I do," he answered the question, not offering any further information.

Nancy's face showed her surprise. "Aren't you a bit young for that kind of job? It's a lot of responsibility."

"I must confess the person bankrolling the project is a friend of the family. It is my project, really."

Nancy seemed satisfied with the explanation and changed the topic. "So where are you from, Alec?"

Alec smirked at Liz. "Wyoming, originally. But I grew up in Seattle before I moved east to go to school. I've only recently moved to the area."

"Las Cruces?" Jeff asked.

"Yes, initially," Alec confirmed. "I was staying at a hotel there while the construction crew settled up in the mountains. But I've already moved to the school grounds. We're still building and there's a long way to go, but I like to stay on top of things so living up there seemed like the thing to do."

A waitress came up to the table with their food then. Nancy stood and stepped back, giving her husband a pointed look. "We'll let you eat. It was nice meeting you, Alec. You're welcome to stop by anytime you come to town." She grabbed Jeff's hand and pulled, helping him along. "Enjoy your evening. Liz, don't forget you have the morning shift tomorrow."

"I won't, mom," Liz promised, giving her a grateful look. It hadn't been that bad, after all.

"Okay, then," Jeff said finally. "I guess we'll see you, Alec."

"Yes, you will."

The couple watched them go into the back room and then they looked at each other.

"So, how did I do?" he asked her.

Liz chuckled. "I think you won mom over all right. But dad... the jury's still out on that one."

"Oh well, I expected nothing less."

"I gather Sandeman is that 'friend of the family'?"

"Yeah, I'll have to get on that background info soon. Not that I expect your parents to look into it or anything. Anyway, where do you think I went to school? Something good but not Harvard good. That's your thing."

"I'll think about it. Now, you were telling me you're going away..."

"It's just a few days. Maxie is coming with me," Alec explained, "We're running low on funds right now, lower than I like anyway, so it's time to go 'get' some more."


Alec dismissed the whole thing with a handwave. "We're going to LA. There're a few people there with a small drug problem. They keep getting it sent to them from the South American cartels and then people insist on paying them a lot of money for it. We thought we'd give them a hand. Rid them of all that cash and dangerous chemicals."

Liz looked down at her food. She'd known their plans for getting money, and it wasn't like it was a permanent solution for them. They had plans for their future. But right now none of them even existed and you needed a lot of money to make more money. She knew all that. She just wasn't sure how she felt about it. Stealing, even from drug dealers, didn't seem like an acceptable alternative.

Alec nudged her softly. "Hey," he coaxed her to look at him. "I'm sorry, Liz. I shouldn't have told you that-"

"No," Liz protested. "I'd rather know the truth."

"Maybe, but there was no need to be so flippant about it. I'm sorry. I know you don't like it." He thought about their reaction when the issue had been addressed before. They all seemed uncomfortable with the idea of stealing. "You know it's only temporary, right? We're only resorting to this now because we don't have many options. As soon as we can set up a few businesses we'll start making our money the legal way."

Liz smiled softly. "I know. Forget about it. Let's just concentrate on tonight. Next week's issues will be dealt with next week."

Alec reached across the table to brush his thumb down her cheek and Liz's smile turned bright and sweet. She leaned her cheek into his caress before turning and biting his thumb. Alec's yelp made her laugh.

"That's what you get for tempting me under the watchful eyes of my parents," she teased him.

Alec looked around but Jeff was busy behind the counter and Nancy was nowhere to be seen. He narrowed his eyes at her. "You better dig in, Liz, because the moment I'm done I'm dragging you outta here and punishing you for that."

"Promises, promises," Liz sighed and took a big bite off her dinner.


Last weekend of September 2001

The backyard of the Evans home was so full of people, lawn chairs, tables, food and drinks you could barely walk around.

The day had dawned hot and sunny. After almost two months, everyone had found a day to get together. Diane Evans had insisted on hosting a barbeque in her home and, although banned from any actual cooking, she'd enlisted her daughter's help and, together, she and Isabel had organized, made lists, shopped... checked and rechecked every last item and person on every one of their lists.

Looking out from the kitchen door and seeing the Parkers, the Whitmans, Jim and Amy, all the kids and even those new friends of theirs from the mountains, Diane gave herself a figurative pat on the back. She caught Isabel's eyes and got a satisfied wink from her.

"Mom," Max called from behind her and she turned back into the kitchen.

"Yes, honey?" She saw Max holding two big pie boxes and she hurried to get one from him. "Here, give me that." She took the one on top and led the way out.

"Is that the cheesecake or the chocolate one?" Max asked her.

Diane noticed the box she was holding was half open. She peeked inside. "The chocolate cake, why?"

"Put that one on the big table, will you?"

Diane gave his son a questioning look but did as told and when she set the cake down and opened the box, she heard an eager moan next to her. She turned and found the brunette girl -Maxie, Isabel had introduced her- eyeing the cake with a hungry look on her face.

Diane chuckled and Maxie looked up, embarrassed. "Go ahead, sweetie, have a piece before the hungry masses get wind of it," Diane offered.

"Thank you," Maxie told her, already cutting into the pie.

Diane took the empty box away and went back to the kitchen, passing Max on his way out with another two boxes. She gave him a knowing look but he walked on, not meeting her eyes.


Jeff was talking to Jim and Philip in a corner. He was only half listening to the conversation, though, the other half kept going back to the couple sitting close on a chaise lounge, sharing a piece of cake.

"I'm glad to see they're still friends," he heard Philip say and turned again, catching sight of Max, taking the empty plate from them and laughing at something Alec said.

Jeff sighed, "Yeah, me too." He looked at the other man. "I gotta admit I wasn't Max's biggest fan for the longest time but Alec has made me find a new appreciation for your son."

Philip snorted. "I hear you. Alex has never looked better to me: intelligent, good sense of humor. Crazy about my little girl. And age appropriate."

Jim chuckled. "They're all good kids. Even Alec," he added for Jeff's benefit. "I've come to know him quite well the last eight weeks. I know you'll always worry -and believe me, I've never been happier about having a boy instead of a girl- but, for what it's worth, your daughter could do a hell of a lot worse."

"Or younger," Philip added innocently.

Jeff just grumbled at both of them. But he didn't insist. The truth was that he'd seen Alec a few times since that first visit and the young man had never given him any real reason to complain... Beyond the fact that he was a 22 year-old dating his barely legal daughter, dammit. And he was a smart ass.

"How's their project coming along?" he asked Jim instead.

Jim told them that in the short time they'd been working they had made a lot of progress. The fact that Alec had hired different crews to work on every building he wanted meant that all of them were being built at the same time.

Philip listened to Jim talk animatedly about the mountain school's development and felt relieved. He'd felt guilty for a long time about his children's role in the events that led to the Town Council firing Jim.

He'd never really understood how the man had become so involved with the teens' lives. He'd even felt jealous sometimes because it seemed that his kids were closer to the other man than to him and Diane.

It had been Jim who convinced them that the road trip the kids had taken had been a good idea. And they all looked more relaxed now. Max had finally found some kind of self-confidence and maybe even peace. Philip had never seen his son so at ease.

Isabel approached them. "Would you like some cake, Mr. Parker?" she offered, carrying three plates. "Dad? Sheriff?"

"I'd love some, honey. Er... your mom didn't bake these, did she?"

Jeff answered him before Isabel could reprimand him, "Nancy brought dessert."

"Oh, good!" Philip took one of the plates and dug in with gusto.

The other two followed his example and Isabel walked back to the table where Diane was cutting up more pieces.

"Who's left?" Isabel asked.

"I think only Ava, Kyle and the couple with the weird names, Susi and...?"

"CeCe, mom. CeCe and Biggs."

"Right, them. They were sitting at the front steps a while ago."

"Okay, I'll take them some. You should go ahead and sit. Have some yourself, you've done more than enough. We'll make Max and the guys deal with the clean-up."

Diane nodded, "Good idea, honey. I am rather tired."

Isabel stopped to kiss her mom on her way to the front. She found the foursome sitting on the front steps; Michael, too. Biggs was telling Kyle some story.

"... And then Ben talked Alex -mini Alec, you know- into going to explore the new dig. Zack almost had a stroke, of course, because the twins snuck out after everyone had gone to bed and suddenly he found himself a kid short. He came to get us but Alec was already out. He'd seen them crawling outside his tent and went to see what was up."

"Of course," CeCe added, "instead of sending them back to bed, he decided a midnight excursion was a brilliant idea and went with them."

Biggs went for the grand finale. "The best part was when we went to get them and Zack gave Alec a strong reprimand for keeping a member of his unit up after he had ordered them all to bed. Alec's face was priceless."

Isabel set the plates on the floor beside them and then sat down. "Are you saying Alec got told off by a three year old? How could you not tape that for posterity!? What a tragedy," she lamented.

CeCe nodded dramatically, "I know! I insisted all the security cameras had to be working as soon as possible after that. Sadly, Alec's been especially careful not to get himself caught again." She finished her cake and grabbed Biggs' plate from his hand and started eating.

"Not to get caught sneaking out or not to get caught being reprimanded?" Michael asked, trying not to laugh at Biggs' face.

Biggs thought about it for a moment, "Both, mostly. The COs are really fond of giving orders and sometimes they forget we're the ones in charge, not them," he explained, standing up to go get a new piece of cake without a word of protest.

Kyle snorted. "If I had to answer to Alec I'd forget, too."

Ava elbowed him playfully. "Shut up, Alec's method works. I've seen them all doing what he wants them to without realising they're following orders."

CeCe laughed, "Yeah, that's his speciality."


The Whitmans were gathering plates and cutlery from the smaller table against Diane's explicit orders.

"Dad, you don't have to do that, we'll clean everything."

Ellen looked at her son sternly. "Are you sure, Alex? Because I refuse to leave Diane with all the work. She's been kind enough to put together this barbeque for all of us and-"

"Mom! I swear. Isabel has it on her list and that's final. We are on clean duty. Just relax. Go sit with Mrs. Evans and enjoy yourselves." He pushed them towards Diane and watched them sit with her and join her conversation with Nancy, Amy and Maria. Then he went looking for Isabel. He'd seen her go into the house a little while ago.

On his way in he walked by Max, talking to Liz and Alec.

"I'm sorry we can't come up now that school's started again. Ava was telling me how fast things are going," Max was saying.

Alec waved him off, squeezing Liz's waist closer to him where she sat between his legs. "Don't worry about it, man. We've got more than enough people now. And having Ava coming with Jim really helps. Some of the stuff she can 'do' saves us all a lot of time and trouble."

Just then, Maxie sat down next to Max and addressed Liz. "Your mom just told me you did that awesome chocolate cake! Girl, that was delicious. You gotta teach me how to do it."

Liz laughed, "Sure, I love baking, and chocolate cakes are my specialty."

"I didn't know that," Alec said into her neck.

Maxie looked at Max then and gave him a knowing smile. To his surprise, she kissed his cheek and got up, saying "Thank you" while leaving.

Max looked down at his lap, avoiding the other two's eyes. After an awkward moment he also stood and left the couple. He saw Liz's smile from the corner of his eye.

"What was that about?" Alec asked her.

"Max asked me to bake that cake. He knows how much Maxie likes her chocolate."

Alec looked after Max then at Maxie, not so subtly waiting for him in a corner of the patio. "Alright," he said finally. "He's much of an improvement on Maxie's taste."

Liz pushed back into him to shut him up but she was smiling.

She was happy to see Max so taken with the fiery X5, especially because she thought Maxie liked him, too, and Liz liked Maxie.

"It turned out okay, didn't it?" Alec murmured into her hair.

Liz sighed contentedly, nodding. She watched her family. She'd gotten so far in so little time. Her relationship with her parents hadn't been so easy in a long time. Her dreams were well on her way- her Harvard application was already filled. She had gotten back her friendship with the aliens, especially Max. And she'd found new friends.

And, of course, she had Alec.

She turned in his embrace and pulled his head down for a kiss.

Her life could really not get any better.

To Be Finished.

(Should I have warned for lenght? :oops: :lol: )

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 10:24 am
by lyra
This is it. The final instalment of Crossroads. I hope you enjoyed the journey!

ETA: This fic will be moving to the Complete forum eventually, and I don't think you can leave feedback there, so if you want to leave me a review but don't know where this is my e-mail address: silsecri at hotmail dot com.


August 27th, 2007

The light of the new day fell on an eerily empty playground. The night owls were gathered at 'The Breakroom', and the early risers wouldn't wake for a little while longer. Six big buildings filled the school grounds, surrounding the medium sized lake on all sides but one. The fourth side was an open field fit to play several different sports.

The newest edifice hosted a science lab that could rival those of most Universities. The tallest one had ten stories, five apartments per level, and an eleventh floor that housed only one apartment. Most were still empty.

There were a few cabins lining the woods limits, not too big but equipped with all the commodities. Some were occupied; others were a second home to those who didn't reside permanently at Sacramento Mountains.

The actual school was the smallest building. But that didn't necessarily mean it was small. It had two stories full of classrooms, and a ground floor that included a smallish theater for both musical and drama subjects to be taught. Science classes were imparted at the lab, and for computer and technology skills the kids went to the communications station.

One of the buildings had been built half on land, half over the lake. It was the gym, and they had built an open swimming pool that 'was' the lake -- they had, of course, another one, indoors --, and there were also the docks.

There was a high fence surrounding the school grounds. One that was meant to protect those living inside, not to keep them jailed. But the property spread over such a vast amount of land that you could hardly feel trapped. Over the years, they had bought more of the surrounding land from the government. And they had brought electric supply from the nearest town.

All in all, it was as close to paradise as you could get on earth. Especially if you came from Manticore.


"That's really good, Josh." Michael Guerin studied the canvas on the easel. The painting had an abstract feel to it but it mixed several different styles. Or maybe because of it.

The painter blushed but his grin was wide and happy. Sixteen-year-old Joshua was a gentle soul and he had taken to painting like duck to water. He'd learned under Michael's guidance after Alec mentioned in passing how good he could be at it, how good he'd been before.

"Thank you," he said softly.

Michael pointed to a group of symbols that looked deliberate. "What are those?"

"Words," he said simply, as if it was obvious.

"Yeah? What language, dude?"

"Oh, er... Minoan," he explained. He'd forgotten Michael hadn't attended Sandeman's classes like all the transgenics and transhumans here. Michael had only joined the school after he'd finished his schooling. "Father taught us the old language and rites."

Michael nodded. Of course, he knew all the Manticore 'soldiers' had learned the Familiar teachings. 'Know your enemy,' Alec had insisted. He just hadn't bothered to learn the ancient symbols himself. He knew what he needed to know, he trusted the transgenics to tell him as much.

"So, which one do you want to show at the party?"

Josh bounced excitedly. He was a ball of energy that could rarely sit still. Especially when he was happy. He ran from painting to painting looking for the perfect choice.


"Keep that position. Hold it... Hold it... Now!"

The order was followed by a loud thud as a body hit the mat.

"Good job, Kane," Alec complimented the kid left standing and gave the one on the floor a helping hand.

"He got lucky, that's all," he said, taking Alec's hand.

A girl snorted behind them muttering loud enough for everyone to hear, "Funny how that's always his excuse."

The boy glared at her and someone else stepped into the mat. "Oh, don't be mad, Bennie, you know that's just plain playground behaviour," he said, putting an arm on Ben's shoulders. "It just means she likes you."

Alec pushed them both towards the other edge of the mat before Tania could kick them out herself. "Have you been eavesdropping again, Alex?" He'd heard Liz and CeCe talking about it in those exact terms only two days ago.

Alex adopted the most innocent expression he could muster, which wasn't very innocent at all. "Me? You've told me I shouldn't do that. I would never disobey you, dad?"

Alec slapped the back of his head. "Knock it off with the dad bullshit, kiddo," he growled.

The gathered X5s laughed. Everyone knew how much Alec hated it when Alex called him dad. The four adult X5s had explained to them a long time ago where they all came from and how they came to be where they were now.

Alex, Susie, Bryce and Maxie J -- she had refused to change her name, Ben had given it to her and she had as much right to keep it, dammit! -- had been a bit awkward with the situation at first until they'd realized that it gave them a special status amongst the other X5s. After that, they started referring to the older version of themselves as 'mom' and 'dad', much to their annoyance.

"You're repudiating your children? How could you, dad?" Ben jumped in.

Alec put him in a chokehold. "Don't even start with me, Ben. You are not related to me, is that clear?"

Alex tried to help Ben. "But I am, right? I knew it," he got out in between pushing and pulling and kicking at the older X5.

Alec just laughed. He left them try for a little while longer and then said, "Okay, hold it right there. Do you see how I got Ben paralysed?" he addressed the whole group and the relaxed atmosphere shifted. It was back to class time. He got nods all around in response. "Good. Pair up. The tallest of the two will be me and the shortest will be Bennie here."

"And me?" Alex asked looking around. Ben was his usual partner.

"You'll look for now." He pointed to the side so the others could see them clearly. When Alex passed by him, he added in a smug tone, "Maybe next time you'll listen to your old man."

Alex looked at him startled and smiled when he saw the wince on Alec's face. He hadn't meant to say that. Alec rolled his eyes.


Alex stepped off the mat and Alec turned back to the others. "Okay. This maneuver can get you out of a lot of trouble. First the 'Alecs'. Keep your feet..."


The sun was setting over the mountains, giving everything a reddish tone. Alec was the last one to leave the gym well after everyone else. He walked towards his apartment. The elevator took him up to the eleventh floor and opened up to a spacious hall.

"Liz? You home?"

He set up his gym bag on the floor next to the door, knowing Liz would nag later and he'd have to 'make up' for it. He went into the kitchen. It was too close to dinner time to have a sandwich now but Alec had skipped lunch today and he was hungry.

He was getting the bread out of the cupboard when the door closed with a slam. He barely got his hand out before it got caught. "Hey!"

"Alec McDowell, we've got company for dinner and I've spent more than an hour slaving away at the stove," Liz glared at him. "If you know what's good for you, you'll put that back in the fridge, have a piece of fruit if you're hungry.... Go back to the door and pick up your bag... And then come say hello to me. I'll be in the shower."

She gave him a bright smile and a peck on his lips before turning around and leaving the kitchen again.

Alec watched her walk off with an amused smile. Liz was wearing only a towel and her hair was made up into a loose bun. He went to do as told.

He walked into the bathroom, apple in hand, and leaned on the sink, watching Liz's silhouette behind the shower door. "Hey, girl. If I'd known I'd catch you in the shower I'd've skipped mine at the gym."

Liz popped her head from behind the door and smirked. "What makes you think I would've let you share my shower? You do remember I'm mad at you, right?"

Alec shrugged sheepishly, it had been just a small disagreement, he knew Liz wasn't really mad. "I'm sure I could've persuaded you... Guess we'll never know now. Hey, who's coming to dinner?"

"Maria and Michael," she raised her voice over the din of the water.

Alec snorted. "That's not 'company', Liz. That's Maria and Michael. Wait, when did Maria get back?"

Liz didn't answer immediately. She finished up and turned off the tap. She opened the door and held out a hand. "Yesterday. Michael went to get her to Las Cruces. They spent the night in Roswell, to see Amy. They got here a few hours ago. Didn't you stop by the Center?"

Alec handed her the towel, shaking his head. "Nah, I got Ben and Alex last. I didn't feel like going anywhere but home where I can hide," he sighed, making her laugh.

She fastened the towel and pulled Alec to her, hugging him. "Poor baby."

"You're getting me all wet," Alec grumbled.

Liz smiled saucily. "I thought that was my line," she purred, pulling him down to kiss her.

Alec's answering remark died off, who cared if she got the last word when he got her in return? He caught her by her hips and lifter her, turning around to set her down on the counter, not breaking the kiss.

Liz moaned appreciatively, she loved being manhandled by Alec. She nipped his lip and pulled. Alec growled playfully.

"Hello," she breathed into his mouth.

"Right back at ya."


Michael sat at the couch with Liz, watching Alec and Maria bickering. "Look at them. They're like little kids."

Liz nudged his shoulder. "You would know, huh?"

Michael snorted. He'd been living around X5s for the last five years. After finishing high school, Michael had thought long and hard about what to do with his life. Jeff had told him he had a job with them at the Crashdown as long as he wanted it. Be it while he figured out what to do next or permanently. He was already broken in, after all, Jeff had joked.

Michael had considered it. After much deliberation the group had finally 'come out' to their parents, and it meant a lot to Michael that the Parkers would still open their door to him afterwards. But in the end, he'd felt that if he took the man up on that offer he would never really leave. So he'd asked Alec if he could stay with them for a while.

He'd meant to spend a few months, helping out and doing some soul-searching before moving on.

Somehow, the last part had never happened.

He'd discovered how much he enjoyed working with the Manticoreans; transgenics and transhumans alike. He'd been given the task of teaching them some kind of 'Cultural Studies' at first. Just how to blend in. Something he'd been doing all his life. He'd moved onto art and auto shop, and sometimes even literature if the mood struck.

Maria had gone to New Mexico State University in Las Cruces so everything had worked out perfectly for them.

Until now.

"What do you think she'll do?" he asked Liz softly.

Liz caught his hand and squeezed it. She couldn't give him an answer. Maria herself didn't know what to do with her life. After graduating, she had moved to New York for a while, to give her music career a chance. She had made some contacts, had gotten some stage time. Liz knew she could make it if she gave it her all. But she also knew Maria wasn't sure that was what's best for her.

Michael sighed and looked back at the oblivious pair. They'd finally stopped bickering and chosen a song. Alec was playing in the beautiful piano Liz had given him as a Christmas present a few years ago. And Maria sat next to him, singing. They were going through the most annoying repertoire of TV commercials tunes they could think of. Go figure.

Liz let go of Michael's hand and leaned on him, giving him the closest thing to a hug she thought he'd accept.

Michael looked down at her, burrowing into his shoulder, and chuckled. He put his arm around her and they listened to the show.

When the song ended, Maria closed the small space between herself and Alec and hung onto his arm, resting her chin on his shoulder. "That was awesome, Alec. When are you going to teach me to play?"

Alec laughed. It was a running 'joke' with them. They both knew she could learn to play anywhere else; but Maria insisted it had to be Alec, and he'd promised to do it only when she moved to the mountains with them.

He put his arm around her shoulders and held her tight. He knew she was having a hard time coming to a decision. Then he looked behind him and snorted, nudging his shoulder and nodding his head towards Liz and Michael so Maria would look at them, too.

Michael was absently playing with Liz's hair and she'd closed her eyes. Alec knew how much she enjoyed having her hair played with. Michael was staring off, obviously lost in thought.

Alec cleared his throat loudly, "Hey, Commander, mind taking your hands off my girl?" he said, startling them.

Michael smirked and pulled Liz into his lap, making her shriek in surprise. He hid his face into her neck and bit her.


Alec was torn between laughing and glaring. Finally he said calmly, "I'm three seconds away from kissing your girlfriend breathless, Guerin. She'll never settle for you after that... One-"

Maria jumped to her feet. "No, Alec! Please! You're already taken and what will I do then? Helplessly in love with you and never the one you want," she sighed dramatically.

"Hey!" Michael exclaimed, setting Liz back on the couch and standing, he got to Maria in two long strides. "I'll show you 'helplessly in love'..."

She giggled when he swept her off her feet and walked them to the door.

"Michael, what are you doing?" she shrieked. But Michael ignored her. "Thanks for dinner, guys!" she yelled from the elevator, Michael pushing the button for the first floor. She was still talking when the doors closed. "I'll see you tomorrow at the party!"


Biggs entered the cabin he shared with CeCe and Noa, followed by Sandeman.

It was a beautiful log cabin, very close to the lake -- it was practically part of the back yard --, and it was decorated with warm earthy colors. There were two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and a big living room. One corner of this last one acted as a home office, with a complex computer system on a big mahogany desk and a file cabinet next to it. It took up a lot of space, but it didn't take from the homey feeling of the room. It was a well-lived, happy home first and foremost.

CeCe looked up from the book she was reading. "You're late. Noa went to bed an hour ago. There's dinner in the fridge- Oh, hey, Charles. Didn't see you there." She rose from the couch and approached the two men. She gave Biggs a kiss and then greeted Sandeman. "Come sit."

Sandeman followed her while Biggs went to get his dinner. He'd been caught up for two hours longer than usual by Sandeman's arrival and he was starving. He heard CeCe offering the old man something to eat, too.

"No, thank you," Sandeman was saying when Biggs joined them, sitting on the floor and setting the plate on the coffee table.

"How was Washington?" CeCe asked.

Sandeman sighed, "Pretty much the same as always. Full of people who think they rule the world."

"Did you make contact?" Biggs went straight to the point. He didn't mean to be rude but it had been a long day and he just wanted to go to bed with CeCe.

"Yes. I managed to meet with the NASA consultant for the White House. If they detect anything strange in the sky, be it a comet or an unidentified plane about to set off the Pulse, we'll hear about it."

Biggs nodded. The year of the Pulse was approaching fast. Thankfully they had all the known details about the attack, Manticore taught them military history in detail, but they made sure to watch out in case anything was different this time around. "Good." Of course, they had their own satellite access and they would keep watch from here. Still, it never hurt keep your ears and eyes open, especially if the eyes belonged to NASA.

"I also met with Walker," Sandeman added. "He's not yet sold on the idea of betraying the Coven but I think it won't take long. His son is due for the test this fall and the poor kid has always been on the weak side. Walker's never been much of a company man, either, but he was just too scared to do anything about it. The threat to his kid's life might be all he needs." Sandeman stared off towards the smaller bedroom, seeing a boy's room with a different sleeping child in his mind. "Lord knows it was enough for me," he whispered.

CeCe patted his hand and Biggs decided the rest of Sandeman's news could wait.

"We'll meet with Alec and Maxie in the morning and decide our next move."

Sandeman cleared his throat and stood. "Right. I am rather tired. I heard there is a party tomorrow?"

CeCe walked him to the door. "Yes, apparently everyone's schedule had a gap this weekend. Weird, huh? It's the first time this year. The girls decided a party was in order."

Biggs shook Sandeman's hand at the door. "Get some rest tonight, Charles. Alec has a conference call scheduled at nine. We'll meet you at ten and then the rest of the day will be in the hands of Liz and Isabel."

Sandeman chuckled. "I can't wait."


"Noa! Be careful!"

Alec heard CeCe and turned to see what she was doing. He saw the little girl squeeze her way between the bodies crowding the small 'patio' that had been built near the lake. Her long blond hair was split in two braids that flew behind her. Her progress was marked by people jumping aside and things dropping from unsuspecting transgenics, aliens, humans and tables alike.

He caught sight of her goal and intercepted her trajectory, sweeping her into a fireman's carry position and making her squeal and giggle loudly. "Let me go! Let go!"

"No way! If I put you down I can kiss my special cake goodbye," he said, tickling the girl's sides. Noa could only laugh, she wasn't able to get out words any longer.

Alex came up behind Alec and swat him on his free shoulder. "Put the poor kid down, man. That's just cruel. She's been plotting her way into Isabel's own 'Fort Knox' all afternoon," he said pointing to the desserts table.

Noa reached out her little arms," Help me, Uncle Alex! Help!"

Alec stepped back from the other man, tsking at him. "She made her move and she failed," he declared and then his voice got an evil mastermind's tone to it. "She's gotta take the punishment now."

Noa screamed. "Dad! Mom! Help!"

CeCe, who had been going to rescue her daughter from her impending death by laughter at Alec's hands, smiled sweetly at her.

Noa's face lit up when she saw her mother. "Mom! Make him put me down!" she begged.

But CeCe only shrugged. "He's right, baby. I told you to try the sneaky approach and you didn't listen to me... That's what you get for not doing what I tell you, next time..."

Alec frowned, tuning her out. Well, if he was going to be a tool to teach Noa a lesson that just took all the fun out of it. "Oh, man," he complained, putting the little girl down.

The moment her feet touched the ground CeCe yelled, "Run, Noa!"

Alec tried to grab her again, knowing he'd been played, but CeCe tackled him down.

"Hey! Don't break him, okay? I'll want to use him later," Liz told CeCe, passing the couple rolling on the floor on her way to the closest bathroom she could find.

A few minutes later, she went back outside and straight for Isabel. The tall blonde was sitting at the dock with her brother, his wife and Biggs. Liz sat down with them, next to Isabel and they both watched fascinated at Max.

"They'll be making a disappearing act in less than five minutes, you'll see," Isabel whispered.

Maxie was sitting sideways in Max's lap, his arm protectively curved over her bulging belly. She was talking to Biggs but her hands kept petting her husband's arm, hand, shoulder... Wherever she could reach. Liz was sure she wasn't even aware she was doing it. Max asked Biggs something and while the other man answered Maxie kept brushing her cheek on Max's shoulder, absently kissing his jaw.

It was actually funny, because Maxie had never been much into PDAs but since she got pregnant she had turned into this sometimes sweet, cuddly -- in public -- sometimes down right horny -- in private, thank you very much -- person. And Max was enjoying every moment of it.

Maxie had to endure lots of teasing for it, but she just didn't care. She was big as a house and hot all the time, literally and figuratively. And if she wanted to kiss her husband she would sure as hell do it.

Out of the blue, Maxie interrupted Biggs's explanation on some thing or another, she'd lost track. "I'm hungry. Bring me some pie?" she half-whined, half-demanded.

"Hey! It's not the time for pie, yet," Isabel protested but Maxie turned her pouty lips and pleading eyes and rubbed her very prominent belly. "Oh, hell. Give her whatever she wants," she relented.

Maxie smiled brightly at her and Max left to get her pie.

"Maxie! Maxie!" A little girl was running towards them with a small trophy in her hand. "I won! I won!" She skid to a halt before Maxie and knelt next to her, careful not to lean on her belly. "Look!"

Maxie took the trophy from her and read the plate. "Hide and Seek?" She looked up to the gleeful child. "How'd you convince them to let you play, Ali?"

Ali shrugged but her smile was positively mischievous. "I gave them all a headstart and I promised not to use any of the special tricks and spots you've taught me."

Maxie laughed at that. She'd always been especially good at Escape and Evade and she had taken a liking for Ali. She'd shown her and Maxie J all her tricks. And they never got caught.

"Who was doing the seeking?" Liz asked the little girl.

Ali launched into a long explanation, the words rushing out almost too fast to follow. "At first it was Alec, and then, when he got called away to do something, he got Josh to take his place. And everyone said it wasn't fair because he has a better nose than all of us but they'd been caught already so it didn't matter. And then Johnny tried to cheat and go hide and again and then-"

"How do you know all that if you were hiding?" Maxie cut into her excited chatter.

"Oh, I was hiding under the pie table, which fooled Josh because all the pies smell delicious, and the judges table was right next to it. It's a high table and there are handles mid-way so I was plastered to the underside of the table and not on the floor so they didn't see me when they checked. And I found a hole in the table and got some cookies 'cos it took so long I got hungry," she paused to catch her breath before her grand finale. "And then they gave up 'cos they couldn't find me and I came out from under the table and I won!"

Maxie opened her arms and Ali rushed to her side and hugged her. "Good job, girl."

"Thank you." Ali was glowing under the obvious pride in Maxie's voice.

"Didn't Maxie J play?"

Ali shook her head, shifting until she found a comfortable position leaning on Maxie. "She said she wanted to try her hand at some other game and I could keep the trophy for this one."

They all laughed. Maxie J was just as stubborn and cocky as Maxie. And Ben and Alex spoiled her rotten. Poor Zack had a hard time keeping them all in check.

Isabel stood. "Well then. Congratulations, Ali. What do you say we go tell CeCe you deserve the first piece of cake?"

Ali jumped to her feet with a resounding "Yes!" before rushing off.

Liz looked at Isabel. "I thought it wasn't time for dessert yet?"

Isabel shook her head. "Noa's been making surprise attacks on the table all afternoon and, anyway, who cares!" She followed after Ali, who was already at the table waiting expectantly for her.


Michael and Ava led the small group around the resort. Both Maria and Jim had spent very little time on the grounds lately and they hadn't kept up with the latest additions and improvements. Kyle just tagged along for the company.

"Is that a helicopter?" Jim interrupted Michael's running commentary, pointing towards a shed a little ways away from where the party had been set. The building didn't look like much, it didn't even have a door, which explained how Jim had seen the aircraft.

"Oh, Dad, you'll love it!" Kyle exclaimed, pulling on his father's arm. He ignored Ava rolling her eyes at him and dragged his father away. "I'm learning to pilot it. Biggs takes me out with him and lets me take the controls for a while. I haven't done landings or take-offs yet, but Alec says I'm improving a lot in the simulator so it won't be long now."

The other three followed them at a slower pace. They heard Jim asking bewildered where it came from.

"That's actually a good question," Maria addressed the two aliens. "I know they have, like, lots of money -- that I've never really worried how they get -- but planes? Isn't that for the disgustingly rich and snob?"

"Or those who can afford it and live in the middle of nowhere..." Ava said.

Michael snorted. Trust Maria to not know anything about the different businesses the Xs had set up throughout the years in fields as diverse as security consultancy, software writing, art dealing... "If we're talking about snobs then..."

Ava elbowed him. "Oh, shut up, idiot. Maria, it's not like it's a private jet. Alec got it quite cheap, actually, seeing as it was in a junkyard. It looked terrible, all wrecked. But, hey, guess what? Turns out they know how to build one from scratch so having the wreck to work from made it a 'piece of cake'," Ava quoted. From the tone Maria guessed it was Alec who'd said it.

"And the simulator?"

"Apparently, it's not that complicated," Ava explained. "They got two cockpit batteries and put one on the 'copter and the other one they hooked to a computer. Alex wrote the software program for one of his classes at MIT."

Maria shook her head slowly. "That's just amazing," she said, watching Kyle sitting in the pilot's seat and explaining everything he'd learned to Jim. She turned to Michael. "Are you learning too?"

"I've done the simulation practices and, of course, I know the theory," he said, pointing to his head, referring to his photographic memory. "But I haven't gone on the real thing..." He seemed suddenly uncomfortable and Maria squeezed herself under his arm, hanging onto his shoulder. "I don't know that I'm much of a flyer," he confessed.

Ava walked up to the other two, giving them some privacy.

"But you've flown before. To see me in New York, and that one time to Vegas and back."

Michael shrugged. "I know, and those weren't exactly happy flights either, but it wasn't me doing the flying."

"Oh." Maria didn't know what to say. There weren't that many things that Michael was afraid of. Or at least, that he was so afraid of he would rather say so than face his fear.

Michael said it for her in the end. "Anyway, I know how to do it, if there's an emergency... And Kyle loves it, so..."

"Good," she said simply.

They reached the others and listened to Kyle wax poetry about the helicopter -- it reminded Maria of the ones in 'Black Hawk Down' but she had no idea what it was exactly; it just looked military to her -- and flying, and the view, and the rush, and...

"Come on, Kyle, get down already," Jim had to cut him in the end. But he was smiling. He was happy to see Kyle so excited and invested in something.

Kyle jumped down and gave them a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I get carried away. You're staying the night, right, dad?" The older man nodded. "We can ask Biggs to take us for a ride tomorrow if you want."

Jim put his arm around Kyle's shoulders. "Of course I want."

Ava started off back towards the party and the others followed her. She turned to Maria, "Hey, I saw Alec wheel out the keyboard and guitar from the school. Are you guys playing something?"

Maria was surprised. "Not that I know."

"Maybe he's planning on cornering you later and making you entertain us," Kyle teased her.

Michael shook his head. "Nah, some of the kids wanted to play. You know, like Josh and the others have their paintings out to decorate. The others wanted to contribute something, too." He felt Maria relax next to him. It's not like she had to sing or anything but the truth was that she usually never passed up a chance to do so. She loved it.

The uncertainty of her future was stressing her out.

Maria imagined herself teaching those kids. Living up here with Michael. It didn't have to mean that she was giving up on her music, did it? You just had to look around. Alec had given Liz an awesome lab, the latest technology and the most amazing subjects to study. In the best of senses, of course. And Sandeman had all the contacts Liz needed, aside from those she herself had made at Harvard.

Liz was making a name for herself in the scientific community and she was doing it from right here.

Why couldn't she do that? Have a studio here to record her music and send it to the city. Live with Michael and her family and then leave from time to time to give concerts or whatever. Have the best of both worlds.

She could do it. She wasn't kidding about the money. Or the part about not worrying where it came from. She was a little bit like the Three Wise Monkeys in one person.

In the beginning, the four X5s used to leave once a month and come back with small fortunes. They never asked, or at least Maria didn't, but after the second trip it was a given that a drug dealing organization would make the news in the next few days.

That first year, the DEA had busted twelve big operations. They got anonymous tips with an address. There they found the drugs, the traffickers tied up, and all the evidence to build an airtight case.

But they never found any money.

Or the people who gave them the tips.

Then the whole thing stopped. Maria didn't know if they'd just changed to something less high profile or if they'd started making all their money in the legal way from then on. All she knew was that they could afford to build her a studio if she wanted one. And that Alec would do it without thinking it twice. Because it would make her happy. And that would make Liz, Michael and himself happy, too. Maria and Alec had become real tight with the years.

Maria knew that all three of them were worried about her and waiting for her to make up her mind.

Michael felt Maria's arm around his waist tighten reflexively and heard her sigh. He leaned down and whispered to her. "Everything will be okay, Maria."

She smiled up at him. And suddenly it wasn't a hard choice at all. Michael would be by her side whatever she decided. She pushed on her tiptoes and kissed him. "Yeah, it will."


Liz stopped by CeCe's cabin on the way home that night. Alec had stayed to finish clearing the patio and had told her to go ahead, he'd meet her home in a while.

She knocked on the door and waited. A moment later the door opened and Biggs smiled at her.

"Hey, Liz, come in."

"Is it ready?" Liz asked, walking inside. "Alec will be home soon and I'm hoping to have everything ready by then."

Biggs led her to his bedroom. In a corner, Liz could see the dog bed and food and water bowls. There were also a few scattered toys on the bed but the owner seemed to be missing. She looked at Biggs.

"Oh, right... Noa's gotten a little attached. I'm afraid we'll have to get her one now."

Liz winced. "Sorry. I should've thought of that."

Biggs waved her off. "Don't worry about it. CeCe's almost as bad. And she'd been talking about getting one for months before you asked."

"Okay," Liz said relieved. "So, she's with Noa?"

Biggs chuckled. "Yeah, they've been sleeping together every night. Thank god she sleeps like a log or you'd have trouble getting her out."

They collected all the stuff and put it in the bag Liz had brought it in almost a week ago. Then they went to Noa's bedroom.

Liz couldn't help the smile at the sight. Noa was using the puppy as a teddy bear, her cheek resting on her head, and they were both breathing deeply, almost in synch.

"Oh, they look so cute," Liz cooed.

It took some coaxing to get Noa to let go, but thankfully Biggs was right and when they left the room Noa just rolled over and kept sleeping.

After repeatedly thanking both Biggs and CeCe, who arrived when Liz was leaving, she made her way to the penthouse.

She put the dog down on the couch and took the bed to their room and the bowls to the gallery in the balcony. Then she went back to the couch and settled the sleeping puppy on her arms. It was a light colored Golden Retriever and she obviously thought Liz made the best bed ever because she hadn't opened her eyes once from the moment she'd pulled her from Noa's arms. She just nosed at Liz's elbow where her head rested and snuffled happily.

It wasn't exactly a surprise. Well, it was, because Liz had bought the dog on her own and she had wanted to give it to Alec on his birthday tomorrow... Today, really, because it was almost two a.m. But they had talked about getting a dog. They had decided on a breed and a sex. It was just the actual getting of the dog that was left. And Liz thought it was the perfect present for Alec, although not the only one.

Liz had been sitting there, petting the puppy for about fifteen minutes when she heard the elevator. A moment later Alec was there, leaning on the wall and watching her with a smile on his face.

She gestured him to come closer. "Hi."

"Liz, don't panic, okay?" he whispered. "But there is a ferocious looking dog on your lap."

She rolled her eyes. "Moron. See if we let you play with us now."

Alec raised an eyebrow. "Us? You mean I can play with it, too?"

"Her, and no, you can't. That's what you get for mocking her."

The puppy chose that moment to wake up. She whined a bit, looking around at the strange room and then she fixed her eyes on Alec kneeling before Liz.

"Happy birthday, Alec," Liz told him.

Alec reached for the puppy and she sniffed his hand, licking the knuckles when he rubbed her chest. "Hello, girl." He brought her up to look her in the eyes and she cocked her head, studying him.

Suddenly, she made to throw herself at him, tongue lolling, but Alec had a good grip on her.

The puppy settled for yelping excitedly.

Liz laughed. "I think she likes you."

Alec smirked at her. "It's a girl, Liz. Of course she likes me." He went on before she could smack him for that one. "She have a name?"

Liz let it go. "Not yet. I thought you'd want to name her seeing as she's your present and everything."

"Well, yes, but she'll be our dog. Don't you want a say in the matter?"

Liz shrugged, "Noa's been calling her doggy and puppy. Besides, I thought I'd let you name the dog and I'd name the first kid when we have one."

Alec snorted and stood. "Nice try, Parker." He felt the puppy's tongue on his skin again. "You think she's hungry?"

"I don't know, pour her some milk and let her have some if she wants. Her bowl's in the balcony."

Alec moved around the apartment with the dog in one arm, telling her everything he did and what every room was and where she was allowed to go in and where she wasn't.

Liz watched him from the couch, leaning over the back and smiling at his silliness. When he disappeared into the back of the apartment, Liz turned around and put on some soft music.

A little while later, Alec came back and sat down next to her. The dog was almost asleep again. Alec spread a blanket he was carrying on the other end of the couch and put her down. She gave a few turns before choosing the perfect spot and then made herself into a small ball. In a matter of seconds she was back asleep.

"I think I'm gonna call her Sam," he said.

Liz said the names a few times. "I read somewhere the name should be two syllables."

"Well, she'll be Sammy when we're playing around and only Sam when I'm mad at her for taking my place in our bed."

Liz just laughed. "Face it, Alec. She's got you whipped already. You're never calling her Sam."

Alec nodded. "Yeah, you're right. That'll probably be you, when she chews on your shoes or your bags or--"

"Oh, shut up. If I succeeded in housebreaking you I'm sure I can manage Sammy."

Alec pulled her close. "Did I say thank you for my awesome present yet?"

Liz shook her head. "You're a very ungrateful person. I don't think I'll give you the rest of your presents." She squeezed out from his embrace and jumped off the couch.

Alec went after her, looking back at Sam to make sure she was still sleeping before following Liz into the bedroom.

It had been a great day with a very happy ending. It was time to show Liz how much he loved his present... and her.

The end.

Thank you for reading!