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Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 10:01 pm
by Behr-y Roswellian
Disclaimers in the first chapter! Thanks for all the feedback. Enjoy!

Chapter 15

“Max!” Liz stuck her head in the bathroom door and fanned her hand in front of her face trying to see through the steam. “Max, the phone is ringing.”

“Go ahead and answer it, just take a message for me.” He replied over the running water and Liz shut the door. That morning things between the two of them had returned to normal-normal being not speaking of the intimacy that they shared just a few hours before.

Liz sighed and answered the phone. “Hello?” She asked in a pleasant voice. She wasn’t Max’s damned answering service.

“Who’s this?” Liz frowned at the feminine voice that came from the other end of the phone. “Maria, is that you?” The voice asked and Liz cleared her throat.

“My name is Liz; may I ask who’s calling please?” There was a long pause before the woman answered.

“I think I have the wrong number. I’m looking for my husband, Max Evans.” This isn’t happening Liz chanted over and over in her head as she slowly eased herself down to the bed. Max walked back into the bedroom and stared at the exchange going on.

“Your husband?” Liz repeated slowly. Max dropped the towel he had been using to dry his hair and rushed to her side.

“Who’s on the phone Liz?” Max asked quietly. Liz looked up at him and held the receiver out.

“Your wife.” Liz replied shakily and handed him the phone. She got off the bed and paced in front of him, watching to see what he would do. He brought the phone up to his ear slowly and took a deep cleansing breath.

“Tess, I heard you had gotten released.” Max said slowly, his voice void of all emotion.

“Yes, and I’m ready to come home.” She declared breathlessly. “I can’t wait to see you.” There was a small pause before she continued. “Maxwell, honey, who answered the phone?” Max’s eyes darted to Liz and he frowned.

“Tess, listen, it’s been 10 years, we’re divorced. Liz is my um, my new wife.” He shrugged helplessly at Liz’s expression. The minute those words left his mouth her head whipped around and she stared at him open mouthed.

“What!” Tess cried in disbelief. “Max, how could you remarry? Didn’t you ever love me?” Max thought back to the woman that he had fallen in love with.

“Yes, yes I did Tess, but you changed. You can’t honestly expect to be forgiven after everything you said…and only God can forgive you for what you did to Zan.” Max said with a clenched jaw.

“Zan, who’s Zan, and what on Earth are you talking about?” She sighed and cleared her throat. “I’m coming to see you.” She said finally.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Do you remember Todd Ferguson? I suggest you talk to him. I don’t want you within 500 yards of me, understand that?” He slammed the phone down and buried his face in his hands.

“Were you even going to tell me?” Liz asked in a small voice. He looked up to see her standing there. “You weren’t were you?”

“I just…I wanted to, it just slipped my mind.” He added lamely.

“That’s crap Max and we both know it.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “So I’m your wife now am I?”

“What was I suppose to say Liz, ‘Oh, her, she’s my 18 year old lover.’ I’m sure that would have went real well.” Liz gasped and looked away.

“Would it be so bad if we were married?” He asked suddenly and stood up. “I mean, we both enjoy each other’s company. We have fun together, that’s what a marriage is about.”

“No Max, a marriage should be about love, we both know how I feel about you. Do you think it would be fair for me to marry you knowing that you didn’t love me?” She bit her bottom lip. “Besides, I’m not going to be part of a scheme that will get Tess off your back.”

He looked at her shocked. “Is that what you think?”

“Well, why shouldn’t I? Seriously Max, if we got married she would back off, she would have to come to terms with the fact that you guys are divorced.” Liz answered and walked out of the room.

“Liz, listen to me.” He grabbed her hand before she could leave. “I care about you, in fact you’re the first person that I’ve cared about in ten years. Isn’t that enough?”

“I wish it was.” She pulled out of his grasp and walked out of his bedroom, hurt beyond belief that he would even consider asking her such a question. She walked into his study and flipped through the rolodex on the desk.

She pulled the card out and tucked it in her pocket then went to her room to get dressed. “I’m going out for awhile.” She said quietly as she walked by Max’s room. She glanced in and saw that he was now sitting on the edge of his bed holding a photograph.


After finding a comfortable place far enough from the house and pulled out the index card with Maria Guerin’s name on it. She punched the number into her cell phone and waited.

“Maria Guerin at your service.” Her voice was upbeat and Liz couldn’t help but smile.

“Maria, hi, this is Liz Parker, Max’s friend and I um, well, I need to talk to you.” She said breathlessly.

“Is Max alright?” Maria replied quickly.

“Yes, no, hell, I don’t know.” Liz answered honestly. “Tess has been released and she called him.”

“WHAT?” Maria screamed in her ear. Liz held the phone away while the woman ranted and raved about demented gerbils. “Liz, Liz are you still there?”

“Yes, sorry.” Liz sat down on a rock and sighed. “Max practically asked me to marry him.” Again Liz had to remove the phone from the side of her ear as Maria demonstrated her vocal range.

“Explain to me from the beginning please.” Maria said after she calmed down. Liz told her in detail about what had happened just a half hour before. Maria stayed quiet until the young woman was done. “I think you should do it.”

“What?” It was Liz’s turn to raise her voice. “Are you crazy, he doesn’t love me.”

“But you love him, right?” Maria asked and Liz sighed.

“Yes, I do. I love him so much and it hurts me to see him like this.” Liz closed her eyes and thought about the man that made her heart ache.

“Then you should definitely do it. Max likes you Liz, it could grow to love.” Maria said softly. “I think you would be good for him.”

“Didn’t you think I was after his money?” Liz asked skeptically.

Maria chuckled. “See, he tells you things. Besides, you can’t be all that bad. You did call me in a time a crisis. That makes you alright in my book.”

“Thanks Maria, um, why don’t you and Michael come over for dinner tonight?” Liz offered and stretched as she stood up. “But call Max first-just; don’t let him know that we talked, alright?” Liz asked.

“Sure, no problem, see you tonight.” Maria said and hung up the phone. After tucking her phone and the card that held Maria’s number on it back into her pockets she headed back toward the house.


Liz walked back into the house and saw Max sitting on the couch. He looked so lost and her heart went out to him. “Did you mean what you said?”

He looked up confused and sighed. “What I said about what?” Liz walked over and stood in front of him.

“About us getting married. Would you really want to do that?” She asked with her heart in her throat. “I mean, we barely know one another.”

“Yeah, it would be nice to have you around all the time.” He answered with a crooked smile. Liz smiled back.

“Alright then, I accept.” Max’s eyes opened wide in surprise. “You’re sure? I mean what you said before about it being fair, you have a point.”

“Max, I know that you loving me is probably something that could never happen, but I love you, and if you just care a fraction of the amount about me that I care about you, I’m sure we can work it out.” She squatted down to get eye level with him. “I love you Max, and I want to be with you.”

Max hugged her tight and kissed the side of her head. “I promise Liz, I’ll take care of you for the rest of your life. You’ll never want for anything.” Liz smiled sadly and thought to herself, ‘except love.’ “You’ve saved me from a life of being alone Elizabeth Parker.” He pulled away and helped her stand. “I won’t take your love for granted Liz, never once will I take advantage of it.” He whispered and placed his hand over her heart. “Thank you.”

“Max…” Liz blushed and stood on tip toes to brush her lips across his. “Where’s my ring?” She broke away with a smile and winked.

“Oh, I have to go into town and see what I can find huh? I need to pick up a few things too.” He kissed her quickly and went over to the door to slip on his shoes. “Wait, um, do you want to come with me? You know, to pick your ring out?”

“No, I want to see what you think I’d like.” She smiled and handed him his cell phone from the table. “Keep this with you.” Liz paused and then asked. “You don’t think she’ll call back do you?”

“No, she shouldn’t. Todd will explain everything to her.” He picked his keys up and opened the door. “Just don’t answer the phone to be on the safe side, alright?” She nodded and smiled.

“Be careful.” He waved slightly and shut the door behind him. Liz stood in the window and watched him leave. The phone ringing disturbed her thoughts and she stood rigid as the answering machine picked up.

“Maxwell honey, I know you’re home. Listen, we can work something out, I’m sure of it. You can’t just divorce me when I’m in a coma, I mean, I have no where to go, no money, Max, pick up this phone right now.” Tess sighed and choked on her tears. “I love you Max, please.” There was a long pause before Liz heard the click of the phone. Frowning she walked into the kitchen to set out food for dinner tonight.


“Yes Maria?” Max said into his phone as he stopped in front of a jewelry store.

“Hey Max, I was wondering if Michael and I could come over tonight for dinner. I want to make it up to Liz for the way we behaved the other night.” Maria sounded sincere enough so Max relented.

“Sure, that sounds alright with me. While I’ve got you on the line, let me ask you a question. If you had your pick of engagement rings, what would you want?” Max asked and waited for the scream that he knew would come.

Maria didn’t disappoint and Max chuckled. “Max, you’re serious? You’re getting married again?”

“Yes, I mean, it’s pretty sudden but Liz just said yes so I rushed into town to get her a ring.” Max explained as he walked through the heavy glass doors to the jewelers.

“I think Liz and I have different tastes when it comes to jewelry. I wish I could help you. Find something that you think would look good on her and suits her personality. Oh, wait until I tell Michael!” Maria squealed in his ear and he sighed.

“Alright, I’ll see you guys tonight.” He said and shoved the phone into his pocket. He searched through the various cases until he found something that he felt suited Liz.

A half carat diamond emerald cut solitaire in white gold. Max had the store box it and wrap it. He left the store and headed to the SUV, unaware of a pair of ice blue eyes that followed him.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 4:35 pm
by Behr-y Roswellian
Disclaimers are in the first chapter. Enjoy! **runs and hides** Ever hear of the saying that it gets better before it gets worse? Heh.

Chapter 16

"You're really going to go through with it, aren't you?" Maria asked as Max put the finishing touches on dinner. "Just answer me one question, do you love her?"

"Maria!" Max sighed and grabbed a pair of tongs out of the door. He chewed on his lip as he started tossing the salad. "I care about her, she knows how I feel."

"That's so romantic, you care about her." Maria said mockingly. "Listen up Max, I'm going to say this only once. You had better be doing this for the right reasons. Because if I find out that you're using the poor girl I'll hurt you myself. She's been through a lot in her short time on Earth, don't you agree?" Maria asked as she popped a baby carrot in her mouth. "I like her Max; I like her a lot better than Gerbil Face."

"You never liked Tess, did you?" Max asked quietly and turned to her. "She's out you know? She called here today." Maria already knew this but feigned ignorance for Max's benefit.

"What?!" She grabbed his shirt and held on to him. "Why are you just now telling me this? Where is she?"

"I didn't get around to asking where she was. Sorry." Max sighed and shook his head. "She doesn't remember what she did Maria, it’s convenient don’t you think?”

“Remember in High School when Tess first moved here and she tried to get your attention. Max, she threatened any girl that got within ten feet of you with bodily harm." Maria hissed.

"Maria, you threaten Michael with bodily harm on a daily basis." Max countered and got the roast out of the oven.

"Be that as it may," Maria whispered and shrugged. "I've never actually hurt him. Vickie Delaney had a huge crush on you back in High School, Tess cornered her in the girl’s locker room and I swear Max I've never seen anything like it before. Vickie broke down into tears and vowed to stay as far away from you as possible."

"And you're just now telling me this?" Max asked and glared at her. "You don't think this would have been helpful oh say, ten years ago before I married her?"

"Like you would have believed me if I did." Maria grimaced. "You were so wrapped up in her that you didn't know anyone else existed."

"You're right, I probably wouldn't have listened." Max conceded. "I like Liz a lot; we have a lot in common. I don't plan on hurting her Maria; in fact I can take care of her. She’ll never have to worry about anything again.”

"What about children, have you thought about that?" Maria asked and watched as Max blanched slightly.

"No, we haven't discussed that topic yet." He picked up a pot holder and started into the dining room where Michael was chatting happily with Liz.

Liz looked up and blushed slightly as she caught Max’s eye. He smiled warmly at her and sat the food down on the table. “Michael, Maria, I’m sure you both know that Liz and I are getting married.” Max started and the three other people in the room watched him quietly. “Well, we’ve decided to forgo the traditional wedding and just have a simple ceremony here.”

“Max!” Maria whined. “How could you? Liz, come on, I know you want a big wedding.” Maria sighed and shook her head.

“Maria, I don’t have any family, I think I have a cousin Alex who lives in Roswell but I haven’t seen or heard from him in years. I don’t need a big wedding. Something simple here where I fell in love with Max is what I want.” Liz answered quietly and stared up at her husband to be.

“Yes, well, you’re both invited. We’ve contacted a minister and everything is set for next weekend.” Max sat down next to Liz and held her hand gently. She was sporting the ring he had gotten for her proudly on her ring finger.

“Isn’t that a little soon?” Michael asked and scratched his head. “I mean, you guys barely know each other right?”

“We know enough.” Max answered and Maria dared to sneak a peek at Liz. She still looked so unsure.

“Liz, it looks like you and I will be doing some shopping this week, don’t you think?” Maria smiled and started dishing out food. The rest of the meal small talk was made; Liz stayed quiet throughout and picked at the food on her plate.

After saying goodbyes and promising to call within the next couple of days Max closed the door behind Maria and Michael. “Well, that was fun.” He said quietly and eyed Liz. “Are you alright, you barely said anything during dinner.”

“I’m fine, just a little tired I guess.” Liz replied and faked a yawn. The look on Max’s face told her that he didn’t believe her so she tried another tactic. “Seriously, I’m just tired, a lot has happened today.”

“Yes it has.” Max walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “You know you can call this off anytime.” He said as he escorted her upstairs.

“I know, but I love you Max. I would be crazy to NOT want to marry you.” Instead of hearing the words her heart longed to he just smiled down at her.

“Alright, I’ll let you get some sleep. If you get lonely though…” He winked and kissed her gently before opening the door to her bedroom.

“You’ll be the first to know if I get lonely.” She told him honestly and smiled softly before walking into her bedroom.


After a hot bath and some deep soul searching Liz realized she was still as confused as ever. She did love Max and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him so marrying him was something she could only dream about. But what if after they were married for awhile he met someone and fell in love? What would happen to her then? Her mind drifted to earlier in the evening as the two couples sat around the living room sipping their drinks. Maria and Michael had sat so close and shared such intimate looks. Max and her sat on opposite ends of the couch and barely spoke.

She threw her towel in the corner of the room and pull on her night gown. She had a feeling that Max wouldn’t want anymore children, and yet she longed for them. How would they work past that? There were so many unanswered questions, questions which Liz was too scared to bring up. She settled into bed and pulled the covers tight around her. She and Max were engaged now and they were still sleeping in separate rooms. Sighing she pounded her pillow and began crying, wishing that her Grandma Claudia were there to help her through this.

Down the hall Max was wrestling with his own feelings. True what he said earlier was to get Tess off his back but the more that he thought about it the more confused he became. He was happy that Liz had agreed to marry him and that was what confused him so. After everything that Tess had put him through, he never once thought about marriage, or even spending the rest of his life with someone…until this morning when he woke up and Liz was nestled in his arms. He realized how much he had missed that intimacy and companionship. There was something else nagging him that he didn’t want to admit to yet-Liz Parker had found a way into his heart and now he realized what was happening. Emotions that he had kept at bay for over ten years were starting to resurface. That small girl with her dark eyes and sparkling smile had somehow made him-Max Evans begin to fall in love again.

The minute that the thought crossed his mind he bolted up as if he had an epiphany. He had to tell her, right? He slung his feet over the edge of the bed and stood up swiftly. He made it to the door in three long strides and headed to Liz’s room with a purpose. To make her see what she had come to mean to him. He stopped outside of her door and listened.

The sounds of soft sobs were muffled but heard and Max frowned. Something was wrong and learning from his previous mistakes with Tess he would get to the bottom of it. He knocked gently on the door before opening it.

“Liz?” He stuck his head in and the sobbing stop. Her back was to the door and he saw her hands start wiping her face. “I need to talk you to Liz.”

Dread settled in the pit of Liz’s stomach as she rolled around and saw the determined look on his face. Deep down she knew this day would come. He would ask her to leave and forget about him. Well, she could leave but forget about him was something she didn’t think she would ever be able to do.

“Alright, come in.” She said finally and sat up in the bed. She watched as he slowly entered the room and moved over so he could sit down next to her. She saw him frown and struggle with the words he was trying to say. “Max, you don’t have to say anything, I’ll be gone tomorrow.” She slipped the ring off her finger and handed it to him. “Thank you for everything.”

Max nodded slowly and then shook his head furiously. “What, you’re leaving?” He looked down at the ring in his hand and then back up at her. “Why, what did I do?”

“Isn’t that what you were coming to tell me, that you were having second thoughts and didn’t want me around anymore?” She asked quietly and bit back her tears.

“No you crazy woman, I came in here to tell you that I’m falling in love with you.” He shook his head and chuckled. “I don’t know when it happened or how, but I am, and it’s scaring the shit out of me.” Liz watched him and hope suddenly came back to life within her.

“Really?” She asked and tried to hide the small smile from forming on her lips.

“Yes, this is something that I never thought I would experience again, I didn’t think I could ever feel this way.” He reached out and cupped her cheek. “You’ve brought me back to life Liz and I don’t know how to repay you.” He leaned in and kissed her gently. “I know how I’m going to start though, this week I want to date you. Take you out places and talk, then by the end of the week if you still want, we can get married. If you don’t, we could postpone it until you feel like you’re ready.”

“Max, I’m ready to marry you now. I was just so scared that after we got married you would find someone and fall in love, then where would that leave me?” She took a deep breath and fiddled with her hands. “There are still a lot of questions that need answered, and I guess now is as good a time as any to ask.”

“I agree.” He stretched out beside her on the bed. Both of them sat there for a few minutes, their heads leaning against the headboard. “Max, what about Tess?”

“Tess is dead in my eyes. She can’t touch us.” He shuddered and glanced at her. “I’m going to talk to Todd about a restraining order.”

“Good, because truthfully I’m a little scared of her. Someone that could do what she did isn’t stable in the head.” She licked her lips. “I still want to go to college too.”

“Alright, where do you want to go?” He asked finally and ran his fingers through her hair.

“That depends on where we’ll be living. I want to go someplace close to you. Your primary residence is in where?” She was finally asking the questions that she should have asked a long time ago.

“I do most of my business in Boston.” He replied smoothly and it sent a shiver down Liz’s spine.

“Alright, then I guess I could go to Boston College.” She smiled up at him. “I think you should go back to school too. You were going to be a Doctor, there are never enough Doctors in the world.”

“I hadn’t really thought about it. The past ten years I’ve just been on auto pilot it seems. Until I met you in that ally I didn’t realize how much I needed someone to make me live again.”

Liz smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. Now here comes the hard question. “Do you want to have anymore children?”

“I honestly don’t know.” He sighed and shrugged. “Not anytime soon, I don’t think I’m ready for that again.” She nodded and smiled, that was good enough. He hadn’t come out and said no. “I want to do this the right way this time.”

He moved slightly and she raised her head to watch him. He got off the bed and down on one knee. Liz closed her eyes and smiled. “Liz Parker, will you marry me?”

She thought back to when he came back from town earlier that evening. He had handed her the ring and asked if she liked it. She had loved it and slipped it on immediately. That was the extent of his proposal.

“Max…” Liz sighed breathlessly and opened her eyes. “You know I will.”

“This ring is to symbolize the life that you’ve given me back, a life I didn’t even realize that I was missing.” He slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her hand. “I want to make all of your fantasies come true.” He whispered and slid back on the bed with her.

She licked her lips and smiled. “There’s one particular fantasy I could use some help on.” She told him and slid her hand under his shirt. She felt his stomach muscles tighten and delighted in knowing that she caused this kind of reaction in him.

“What would that be?” His voice was deep and sensual. She looked up at him and saw that his eyes were almost glowing with desire.

“It involves you and me and a lot less clothing.” She replied as she toyed with the waistband of his pants.

“Yeah? Well, you’re in luck because I was thinking the exact same thing.” He leaned over and brought his lips down next to hers. “Tonight, I’m going to make you mine.”

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 8:09 pm
by Behr-y Roswellian

She licked her lips and smiled. “There’s one particular fantasy I could use some help on.” She told him and slid her hand under his shirt. She felt his stomach muscles tighten and delighted in knowing that she caused this kind of reaction in him.

“What would that be?” His voice was deep and sensual. She looked up at him and saw that his eyes were almost glowing with desire.

“It involves you and me and a lot less clothing.” She replied as she toyed with the waistband of his pants.

“Yeah? Well, you’re in luck because I was thinking the exact same thing.” He leaned over and brought his lips down next to hers. “Tonight, I’m going to make you mine.”

As promised :) Here is chapter 17 in all it's glory :P

Chapter 17

“Oh…” Liz’s breathy declaration hung in the room while Max stared at her. It was if he were sizing up his prey and Liz could only hope that he would devour her.

“You know those things we’ve done before?” Max whispered close to her ear as he trailed his fingers down her arm. Liz nodded with a smile. “I’m going to have you screaming my name in ecstasy.” He promised her.

“Max,” Liz licked her lips and tangled her fingers in his hair. “Too much talking and not enough touching.” She captured his lips for a searing kiss.

“Sorry.” He mumbled as her tongue sought entrance to his mouth. Their tongues danced to their own rhythm and Liz could feel Max’s body start to respond. His hands roamed down her body and settled on her hips. “Tell me you want me and love me Liz.” Max begged as he attacked her neck.

“Oh God Max, I want you so bad.” She arched her back when his hand cupped her core. “I love you so much.” She tugged on his ear lobe and moaned into his ear. “I’m yours, now and forever.”

“Good.” His hand slid down her leg to pull up the satin material of her gown. “You’ve got the most amazing legs.” He told her and pulled back to admire them. “Beautiful calves.” To prove his point his kissed behind her knee. Liz shivered in delight and watched him with a smirk on her face.

“Like what you see?” She asked and arched her eyebrow. He lifted her leg higher and soon she laid spread eagle with him positioned between her legs.

“I love what I see.” He pushed the material above her hips and licked his lips before sliding her panties down. “I want you to touch yourself.”

She had sat up long enough to grab the gown and pull it over her head. When he spoke those words she bit her bottom lip and looked at him hesitantly.

“Don’t be embarrassed.” He reassured her and stroked her inner thighs. “There are no set rules in this-it just depends on what pleases the people involved. Keep that in mind alright?” He nipped at the sensitive flesh and watched as her hand slid down her flat stomach.

He watched intently as her fingers parted the puffy flesh that covered what he coveted. The minute her fingers exposed the rosy inside of her glistening core he noticed that her tiny nub was swollen with desire and the blood pumping through her veins was causing the button to pulse.

“You’re so damned sexy.” He whispered as he aptly watched her finger slide into her hot tunnel. “How does that feel Liz?”

“It feels so good.” She whimpered and used the juice that covered her finger to rub her engorged clit. He shifted on the bed to accommodate his rapidly stiffening member.

“Imagine it’s me doing that to you, that it’s my tongue stroking your button.” His words were causing her whole body to heat up and she used her free hand to caress her breast.

“Max, I want you so bad.” She murmured as her hips lifted off the bed. He watched as her juices ran out and pooled beneath her. He took the opportunity to run his finger around her tiny hole.

“I want to taste you first.” He whispered and moved closer to her heat. He could smell her musky scent and his nostrils flared in response. “So wet and hot.” He said as he stuck his tongue out and touched one of her lips.

“MAX!” Liz yelped and arched off the bed as he sucked her lip into his mouth. Her body moved out of sheer pleasure and aching hunger for him. With Max sucking, licking and nipping at her center she was quick to orgasm.

He slid up her body and smiled down at her. “I could eat you all day long.” He whispered and darted his tongue out to flick her hardened nipple.

“Sometimes I wish you would.” She replied lazily and pointed at his pants. “Those need to come off.”

“I’m inclined to agree with you.” He whispered huskily and slid his pants off. Liz watched with anticipation as he disrobed. His muscles flexed and strained as he joined her back on the bed. “I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you.” He kissed her deep and thorough and soon her body was responding again.

Max’s lips parted slightly and he moaned as her hand encased him and began stroking him slowly. “That feels so good.” Liz smiled at his declaration and squeezed his head. Max hissed and smiled.

“So naughty.” He whispered huskily.

“You have seen anything yet.” She whispered back and kissed him deeply. Her tiny nipples rubbed against his smooth muscular chest. Max marveled at how hot her body was getting, it was like she was trying to brand him. “Oh Max!” She cupped his sacs gently as he tugged on her bottom lip.

“That’s it Liz,” He murmured as he licked at the delicate skin of her neck. “I’m going to have you cry out for me while I make love to you.”

His erotic words fueled her on and soon she found herself wanting to taste him again. She slithered down his long, lean body until she was face to face with the object of her desire. It twitched as Liz’s hair brushed over the tip. “Are you going to suck me Elizabeth?”

He watched as she licked her lips and nodded. “I’m a naughty girl, remember?” Before he could think of something to say she had her pretty little lips wrapped around his crown. She had a good idea of what to do from their previous experience but wanted to know what he liked. “Tell me how you like it.” She had never felt as inadequate in her life as she did at that moment. He could make her cum 10 ways to Sunday, but she didn’t really know what got him going.

Max smiled down at her and cleared his throat. “No one has ever asked me that before.”

“I want to make you come apart like you do me.” She sounded so sincere it was all Max could do to stop himself from hauling her back up to him and hug her.

“Keep your eyes on mine.” He instructed gently. “Take it in your hand and lick around the head.” She did as he asked and was rewarded by a moan.

“Like that?” She asked before darting her tongue out to swipe over his head. Max watched her and shivered. Her eyes were slightly veiled but the sight of her tongue on his head was doing wonders for him.

“Exactly like that.” He let her continue until he couldn’t stand it anymore. “Now, move your mouth down over him, and suck, use your tongue too. What you can’t get in your mouth, use your hand to pump.” He was sitting up now and watched happily as she did just as he asked.

To say the site was erotic would be an understatement. Liz was on all fours hovered over top of Max’s crotch. He watched as her hips swayed from side to side and the way her hair fell over to the left. He enjoyed the watching her work her mouth over him almost as much as the feeling he was receiving from it. “That’s it Sweetheart, just like that.” Max was close, so close but he didn’t want to cum without being inside of her.

He reached down and stroked her head which caused her to rise up suddenly. “Did I do something wrong?” She looked so worried and Max could only shake his head.

“No, nothing at all, I just can’t wait anymore.” He grabbed her around the waist and lifted her up. He sat her down on his lap and began kissing her. “I wish I could tell you that this won’t hurt, but we both know better.” He broke away and looked into her eyes. “We don’t have to do this tonight.”

“The hell you say!” She smiled and shook her head. “You’re not getting out of it this time.” She reached behind her to stroke him gently. “I want you Max, I want you inside me.”

“I want that too.” He cupped her breast and rolled her nipple between his index finger and thumb. She moaned and arched her back, pushing her breast harder into his palm. “You’ve got amazing breasts.” He commented before leaning down and capturing a nipple between his teeth. He flicked his tongue over the hard nub before sucking it deeply into his mouth.

“Mmm…” Liz moaned and began grinding on his lap. While Max’s mouth worked on one nipple, his fingers tugged and rolled the other one. “Max, please, I need you.” She whimpered and clutched his shoulders for support.

“God, I need you too Liz.” He moaned and flipped them over so that he rested on top of her. “Please forgive me in advance for hurting you. I promise I’ll be gentle.” He vowed and kissed her passionately. Liz reached between them and grabbed his member.

“I love you Max.” She whispered as she brought his throbbing shaft closer to her dripping core. When his head was touching her she removed her hand and placed it on his shoulder.

Max slowly slid his head inside her and gasped as her tight ring captured him. Liz winced slightly and bucked her hips. Max stilled immediately. “Please don’t do that.” He struggled to get out. “I don’t want to cum yet.” He kissed her again and opened her mouth with his tongue.

It was torture for Liz, Max stayed slightly embedded inside her for what seemed an eternity before finally moving an inch or so forward. He stopped when he came to her thin barrier and broke the kiss. “Ok, I’m going to pull out and then plunge back in to break it, alright?” She nodded and he took her lips again, dreading what he was about to do.

He pulled out slowly to where his head was once again the only thing in her. He broke the kiss to place his forehead against hers and with one fluid motion entered her swiftly. Liz’s gasp and her nails digging into his shoulders were the only give away that she was in any pain.

“I’m so sorry honey.” He whispered and placed tiny kisses over her eyes that were moist with tears. “It’ll get better I promise. Just let me know when it stops hurting.”

It didn’t hurt as much as she thought and her tears weren’t from pain. Max had tried so hard not to hurt her, and the pain he was in was evident to her. “It’s not that bad Max, honestly.” She kissed him tenderly on the lips and shifted her hips slightly.

“Oh…” Max groaned and started moving slowly within her. Her walls clung to every inch of him like a second skin. He couldn’t remember ever feeling anything this glorious. He wanted it to last forever.

Liz was assaulted by wave after wave of mind numbing pleasure as Max thrust in and out of her. Her hips would rise to meet him with every thrust and soon the pace quickened. Max was so close he could feel the cum boiling up inside his sacs, and listening to Liz’s tiny whimpers and mewls was driving him crazy.

He sat back on his knees and watched her as he continued to thrust in her, he slowed the pace somewhat and began massaging her clit. “You’re so tight Liz, I don’t know how much longer I can hold it.”

“Harder Max, please, I’m almost there.” The combination of him rubbing her clit and pumping inside of her was too overwhelming, “Max!” She screamed his name just as he had predicted before she exploded around him into a boneless oblivion.

The first sign of her orgasm pushed Max over the edge and he spurt jet after jet of his hot liquid deep in her womb. He fell forward slightly and rested his head on her chest. “I’m sorry.” He murmured against her sticky, sweat slicked skin.

“Why are you sorry?” He asked drowsily as she ran her fingers through his hair.

“Because I hurt you.” He kissed the top of her right breast and sighed. “That was amazing though Liz.”

She smiled and nodded. “Don’t be sorry, I’m glad it was you.” She reached down and lifted his chin up so he could see her. “I love you Max.”

He smiled slightly and nodded. “I know.” He couldn’t say the words that he knew she needed to hear. It was still too early for him. He was falling in love and that was all he could give her right now.

“Come on, let’s rest.” She said and he rolled off her. They lay facing one another on the bed, both of them content. “Thank you.”

“For what?” He asked and traced cupped her cheek gently.

“For being so gentle.” She replied and blushed. “It was wonderful and everything I thought it would be…and then some.” She added.

“You’re welcome.” He dropped a chaste kiss on her nose and wrapped his arm around her. “Let’s rest for awhile and then we’ll go shower.” He told her as he closed his eyes. Liz watched him sleep for a few minutes before finally drifting off herself. Her last thoughts were about the woman with the curly blond hair and blue eyes.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 12:34 am
by Behr-y Roswellian
Sorry about the delay, real life can get hectic ya know? Hopefully I'll have chapter 19 up tomorrow or the next day. I still have a lot of story to tell, about ten more chapters, maybe more. Who knows! Anyway don't hate me too much for this chapter, the next one might not be any better either, but it will all work itself out in the end.

Chapter 18

“Max, you’re a natural.” Liz commented as he picked up yet another strike. Max turned around and flashed a bright smile. “I still can’t believe you haven’t been bowling before.” Liz shook her head skeptically.

“Scouts honor.” He replied and grabbed her around the waist.

“You were never a boy scout, were you?” She laughed and looked up at him. The past week had been amazing. Max had been everything she could have ever wanted in a boyfriend and more. He had been loving, attentive, caring and oh so passionate. Things had been going well, almost too well. “Max,” Liz buried her face in his chest. “This has been the best week of my life.” She admitted happily. The past three days they had been out to dinner, dancing, to a movie and now they were bowling.

Max kissed the top of her head and hugged her back. “I’m glad.” He lifted his eyes and gasped in shock. “Kyle?”

Liz craned her neck and let go of Max as he started walking toward the stocky man in a suit. She watched as Max’s face quickly went from shock to anger. “Who’s Kyle?’ Liz whispered.

“Tess’ adopted brother. We never got along about anything. This can’t be good” Max said quietly.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Max asked and ignored the hand that Kyle was extending. Liz followed Max and stopped beside him. She watched Kyle give her the once over before turning his attention back to Max.

“I’m here acting as Legal Counsel for Tess Evans.” Kyle opened his briefcase and pulled out a thick manila envelope. “She’s contesting the divorce that she did not grant. No one was acting on her behalf, and if you would like reference try Jumper vs. Jumper 1976.” Kyle paused for dramatic effect. “The Supreme Court dismissed the case after it was found that the wife was mentally unstable. Tess is willing to testify in court that your mental and verbal abuse during the kidnapping and eventual death of your son is what caused her to turn the gun on herself.” Kyle closed his briefcase and looked at Liz. “The motion went into effect this morning; you and Tess are still legally married.” Kyle smiled and shook his head. “I guess I need to add adultery to the list of charges.”

Liz’s face was beet red and she glanced up at Max. His face was contorted in rage. “You son of a bitch!” He screamed at the top of his lungs. “Do you have any idea what your sister did?” Kyle nodded his head and exited the bowling alley quietly and quickly.

“Max…?” Liz grabbed his hand and looked up at him. “Max, we should go now.” She whispered quietly looking around the room and just now noticing that everyone was staring at them.

“Yeah, you go ahead and get a cab, I’ll be home later.” He walked down the room and entered the bar. Liz sighed to herself and went to the payphone; as she dialed the number listed in the phone book for a cab company she fought back her tears.


Once back at the house she had been sharing with Max she realized two things. One-the house was really big and spooky without him there, and two- she didn’t remember leaving the light on in her bedroom. A feeling of uneasiness washed over her and she turned quickly to run but came face to face with a pair of ice blue eyes. “Hello, Liz.”

Liz jumped back and stared at the petite blonde in front of her. “I’m sorry, we haven’t been properly introduced. My name is Tess.” Tess sized her up and then pouted.

“This is what he’s replacing me with?” She shook her head in disgust. Liz was able to see a tiny scar between her temple and forehead when her hair moved.

“How…” Liz’s voice came out small and she cleared her throat hoping that her voice wouldn’t betray her this time. “How do you know my name?”

“Well, that’s easy.” Tess shrugged and smiled. “I’ve been watching you and Max for about a week now.”

“What do you want?” Liz was slowly moving away from the advancing woman. Tess cocked her head to the side and smiled.

“I thought it would be obvious. You really disappoint me Liz, I mean, I expected so much more from you.” Tess grabbed Liz by the wrist and squeezed painfully hard. “Thing about being in rehab is that you get to work out a lot.”

“You want Max back?” Liz asked as Tess jerked her down the stairs and toward the front door. Tess didn’t answer her and Liz started struggling. “What are you doing, let go of me!” Liz finally wrenched her hand away from Tess and took off running. The blond was too quick for her and caught up quickly.

“Liz, stop fighting!” Tess grabbed her shirt and pushed her face first onto the floor. “God, you think this is about me wanting Max back?” Tess was straddling Liz’s back and holding her down, all the while whispering in her ear. “I don’t want him back, I want him to pay.”

“Pay for what? You killed your own child!” Liz hissed, her head hit hard and she felt blood trickle down her cheek. Tess chuckled and grabbed Liz by the hair, yanking her head back hard.

“Yes, I was involved with it, but I didn’t get any blood on my hands.” Tess yanked harder causing Liz’s neck to arch back at an odd angle. “It’s not as if the kid was really Max’s though.”

“What?” Liz cried out in disbelief. All this time Max had been grieving over the loss of his son. “You’re kidding right?”

“Why would I lie? What purpose would it serve?” Tess let go of Liz’s hair and got off her. “Get up.” Tess ordered and Liz slowly got off the floor.

“Who was the father?” Liz asked bewildered. Tess arched an eyebrow and smiled.

“Kevin.” She licked her lips and pulled a gun out of her pocket. “Although he never knew it. Max and I tried and tried to have kids, but I guess he shoots blanks.” Tess pointed the gun at Liz. “Now get a move on.”

Liz walked slowly in front of Tess, weighing her options. She could try and run, probably get shot in the process, or go with the woman and see what she wanted. Neither option sounded too appealing. “Get in the car.” Tess opened the driver door and pushed the young woman in.

“I don’t know how to drive.” Liz whispered fearfully as Tess got into the passenger side seat. Living in New York all her adult life she had never needed to get a license. There was never a point.

“Consider this your first lesson, drive.” Tess pointed the gun at her again and Liz started the car. With shaky hands Liz put the car in drive and started the unknown journey with dread.

“If you don’t want Max back, why are you doing this? I mean, why are you appealing the divorce? Why don’t you just leave him alone?” Liz asked softly and struggled to keep the car on the road.

“Why? I’ll tell you why! That son of a bitch left me in that god forsaken rehab center for ten years!” Tess growled and pounded her fist against the dashboard. “Do you have any idea what it was like for me? To have pretend that I didn’t remember a damned thing that had happened?” Tess sat back in the seat and closed her eyes. “Its hard making everyone think you’re crazy.”

“Yeah, I’m sure it was a real stretch for you.” Liz commented dryly and flinched when Tess backhanded her. The car swerved off the road and Tess grabbed the wheel.

“I’d watch my mouth if I were you.” Tess smirked and sighed. “Keep driving till I tell you to stop.”

Liz wiped the blood from her mouth and closed her eyes. She could only hope that Max would be home soon and notice she wasn’t there.


“Liz?” Max walked through the door and called for her. He looked around and frowned. The door had been unlocked which was very untypical of Liz. “Liz, I’m sorry for making you take a cab back, can’t we talk about this?” Max walked up the stairs slowly and paused at the end of the hall. Her bedroom light was on so he decided she must be ignoring him.

He knocked softly on the door. “Liz, honey, I’m sorry.” He stood there listening but heard nothing. He opened the door and looked around the room confused. Her things were scattered around the room and Max shook his head. “Liz?” He ventured into the room further and peered into the bathroom. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a single sheet of paper lying on the otherwise untouched bedside table. He rushed over to it and read it quickly.

“Shit.” He muttered and rushed down the stairs, digging his cell phone out of his pocket as he went. He dialed the first number he thought of and was relieved when his friend’s voice answered.

“Hello?” Michael said as he picked up the phone.

“I need your help Michael, Liz is gone.” Max was outside the cabin searching frantically. “She left a note saying that she was leaving.”

“Dude, Maria leaves me at least twice a month, she’ll come back.” Michael offered. Max could hear Maria say something in the background and Michael groaned. “See what I mean?”

“Michael, this is serious. It turns out that Tess is contesting the divorce. Kyle delivered the papers to me tonight while we were out.” Max explained a little out of breath.

“Kyle huh?” Michael scoffed. “He always was her bitch.”

“Yeah, so can you and Maria kindly come over here? I can’t lose her now Michael.” Max pleaded with his friend.

“Yeah, we’ll be over in a little bit.” Michael hung up the phone and Max sat down on the front steps. He still held the paper in his hand; her handwriting was neat and reminded him of someone else’s. Comprehension dawned on him and he felt ill.

“Tess.” He whispered into the night and stood up quickly. “Oh God.” He paced frantically racking his brain for a plan. He pulled out his phone again and dialed Liz’s cell number.


Liz’s phone rang causing her to jump and veer the car slightly to the left. “Watch where you’re going.” Tess cautioned and held her hand out. “Give me that phone.” She looked at the display and grinned. “Took you long enough.” Tess said into the phone.

“What the hell do you want Tess?” Max’s anger was evident and Tess couldn’t help but smile.

“Why, whatever do you mean lover?” Tess asked seductively making Max shiver. Liz glanced at Tess and frowned. Whatever her game was, Tess was good at it.

“What do you want in return for Liz?” Max asked and watched the headlights pull up in the drive.

“I want to play a little first Maxwell.” Tess pouted and picked lint off her pants. “I’ve been away for so long.”

“Spit it out you bitch!” Max yelled into the phone and Liz smiled. Given her current situation she shouldn’t be smiling but hearing Max’s voice was reassuring.

“I want my life back. I was rich, well liked, I had it all. You took it away from me Max. You took it away and left me in that place to rot!” Tess was shaking and Liz’s smile was instantly wiped off her face. “The ball is in my court now Max and if you want to see your little girlfriend again I suggest you listen and listen closely.” Tess looked at Liz and smiled evilly. “Remember the place where we first made love?” Tess paused to let Max remember.

Max’s memory carried him back to all those years ago. He remembered all too well where he lost his virginity. A group of them had taken a vacation to the Grand Canyon. Tess and Max had been dating for about two months at this time. They had shared a tent together and one thing had led to another.

“I remember.” He choked out, disgusted by the memory.

“Still get all choked up about it do you baby?” Tess giggled. “Well, if you remember it so well, that’s where you’ll find your next clue.”

“How do I know Liz is alright?” Max asked frantically and looked up into the worried eyes of Maria and Michael.

“I’m not a monster Max.” Tess grinned and handed Liz the phone. “It’s your Loverboy, he wants to make sure you’re alright.”

“Max?” Liz breathed into the phone quickly.

“I’m so sorry Liz, I shouldn’t have left you to find your own way home. I’m coming for you Liz, please, just do whatever she says.” He was in the middle of something saying something else but Tess cut him off.

“Enough of the lovey dovey crap.” She said into the phone. “See you soon Max.” Tess hung up and turned the phone off in case Max tried to contact them again. Tess looked absolutely proud of herself.

“He’s coming for me you know.” Liz said knowingly. She looked at Tess and smirked. “This time he’ll kill you.”

“Oh, I have no doubt that he’ll try to kill me. As for him coming for you…that’s what I had hoped for.” Tess smiled wickedly and batted her eyelashes. “I know him better than you could even imagine. After all I was his first love, his first fuck and let’s not forget I am his wife!”

Liz settled back into her seat, her thoughts suddenly grim. “Why did you do it? He loved you so much Tess.” Liz asked and coughed to hide the sob that threatened to escape.

“He didn’t love me, he never loved me. I was his trophy and he was my meal ticket.” Tess glanced at Liz to make sure she still had an audience before she continued. “I had a rough life, beat on, raped, you name it. Max showed interest in me, I thought ‘hey, why not, the guys loaded.’ I never loved him.” She shrugged. “He just never got my juices flowing, now Kevin…” Tess sighed and closed her eyes. “Kevin was a real man.”

For the next two hours Liz listened as Tess told her life story, starting with her parents divorce to her faked amnesia. If Tess was trying to get her sympathy she was failing miserably. All Liz could see was a sociopath who would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. That thought alone scared her to no end.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 12:04 pm
by DreamerHeart
Please let Max get there. Someone needs to put Tess where she belongs. She is really sick. Poor Liz is having to go through all this.

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 4:57 pm
by Behr-y Roswellian
Disclaimers and such in the beginning! I've almost got the next part finished. Hope to have it up sometime tomorow.

Chapter 19

Two Hours Earlier

“I can’t believe you just let her find her own way home!” Maria yelled as she pelted Max upside the head. “Do you never think?”

“Maria, stop it.” Michael pulled his wife away and shook his head. “Maxwell, we need to call the police.”

“I agree.” Maria piped in and paced around the foyer. Max wasn’t listening any longer; he was getting his coat and keys.

“No police, I’m going to settle this once and for all.” Max stated firmly before casting a glance back at his friends. “I can’t ask you to come with me because I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

“You don’t have to ask Max!” Maria grabbed Michael and the three of them headed out the door to get Liz back.


“Now do you see why I did what I did?” Tess asked Liz anxiously. “I did it for love.”

“Let me get this straight.” Liz said slowly and kept her eyes on the road. “You married Max, then cheated on him and got pregnant by Kevin, and then planned on bilking Max out of millions.” Liz paused and shook her head, trying to clear her vision. “Am I close so far?”

“Yes, see, with the money Max would have given us we could have started a new life. A life where I wouldn’t have to be the goody two shoes that Max desperately wanted me to be. He wanted me to become some famous Opera singer or some bullshit.” Tess dismissed that notion with the wave of her hand. “All I ever wanted to do was lay on a beach with Kevin and 4 million in cold, hard cash.”

“But Kevin killed your son, how can you still love him?” Liz asked confused. Did this woman have no kind of feelings for anyone other than herself?

“The kid was expendable. I mean, I didn’t want him dead, I just didn’t want him.” Tess shrugged. “It’s not like Kevin meant to kill him” Tess said finally.

Liz couldn’t help the laughter that came erupting out of her mouth. “You’re fucking crazy.”

“What did you say?” Tess asked, her eyes growing dark with anger. “You don’t know who you’re dealing with little girl.”

“Are we almost there Tess? My eyes are blurring from lack of sleep.” Liz asked, finally exhausted. She knew she probably wouldn’t make it out of this situation alive, she was just hoping to stretch things out long enough for Max to make it.

“Only about another 20 miles.” Tess replied, the talkative mood she was in now long gone.


“They’ve got a good head start on us, how do we even know this isn’t some wild goose chase?” Maria asked finally as she leaned forward from the back seat.

“Tess is up to something, we’ll just have to go along with her for now till I can figure it out.” Max frowned. “I thought that I knew her but apparently I never did.”

“Don’t dwell on the past; we have to concentrate on helping Liz.” Michael said and looked back at Maria who gasped and put her hand over her chest. “What?” Michael asked and arched an eyebrow.

“Did you just say something intelligent in a time of crisis?” Maria shook her head. “Wonders never cease.”

Max spent the first leg of the trip in silence as dark thoughts invaded his mind. Thoughts of what Tess could be doing to Liz or telling Liz. He then realized he would do whatever it took to bring the young woman home with him. He was beyond falling in love, sometime over the past week he had fallen head over heels in love with Liz.

Maria noticed his expression in the rear view mirror and smiled. “You just were realizing it?” She asked quietly and watched as his gaze flickered up to the mirror.

“What are you talking about?” Michael was snoring softly and neither of them wanted to wake him.

“You just realized that you’re in love with Liz.” Maria said with a knowing grin. Max just smiled sadly and refocused on the road.

“If anything happens to her Maria…” Max trailed off, knowing that he would never be able to forgive himself for involving her in his life.

“Nothing will happen Max, I promise. We’ll get to her and then take that bitch Tess down.” She grinned. “I’ve wanted to do that since High School.”

“I should really learn to listen to you.” Max said and Michael opened one eye quickly.

“Tell me you did not just say that.” Michael looked panicked at Max. “Max, take it back hurry. You don’t know what you just said and what it will do to my relationship.”

“Told you so Michael, I am a cornucopia of knowledge. You should take your friends advice.” Maria sat back in the seat smugly. “I’m always right. It’s a proven fact.”

“Oh God, thanks Max. I’m never going to hear the end of it now.” Michael muttered to himself and closed his eyes again. Max’s thoughts once again drifted to Liz and how she was holding up.


“Alright, we’re here.” Liz said as she stretched. “If you’re going to kill me can you go ahead and do it now?”

“Why would I want to kill you Liz?” Tess asked with a grin. “Well, before Max gets here anyway.”

“I’m exhausted Tess. I want to take a nap.” Liz said in a small voice.

“We’re not staying. I just need to put this somewhere.” Tess answered her and Liz almost burst into tears. Liz watched as Tess put a photograph down on the ground. “I’m going to tell you a story now.”

Liz rolled her eyes and slowly made her way back to the place where Tess was standing. She looked down at the picture and frowned. “Is that Zan?”

“Oh, so you know his name huh?” Tess asked amused. “Yeah, that’s the kid.”

Liz crouched down to get a better look. She eyed the rock lying next to her and then looked at Tess. Tess was talking about something so Liz slipped the rock behind her back and into the waistband of her pants. Liz studied the baby for a few minutes before looking back up at Tess. “You’re right, he’s not Max’s child.” Liz stood up and glared at Tess. “Do you have any idea what the past ten years have been like for him?”

“Do I care?” Tess asked and shook her head. “The past ten years haven’t been peachy for me either.”

“You mean to tell me that Max never once doubted Zan’s paternity?” Liz asked and glanced back down at the picture. The child looked nothing like Max, in fact, he barely looked like Tess.

“He never voiced any.” Tess said and then put a rock on the edge of the photo. “Can’t let it blow away before Max gets here.”

Taking the opportunity of Tess’ back being turned Liz picked up a rock she had been holding behind her back since she first crouched down. She swung hard at the woman’s head then not waiting to see what kind of damage she had done she took off running.


Max, Michael and Maria pulled up about an hour and a half later. “Do you think that is Tess’ car?” Maria asked as she opened the door and stepped out into the early evening dusk.

“I don’t have a good feeling about this.” Michael looked around and saw something lying on the ground. “Maria, get back in the car.” Michael said quietly and Maria rolled her eyes.

“Please Maria, just listen to him.” Max pleaded and started toward the campsite that he had stayed at so long ago. He noticed the picture lying on the ground and started toward it quickly.

“Max?” Michael was standing behind him. “Maxwell?” Max looked up from his position beside the picture and frowned.

“What?” Max noticed where Michael was pointing and slowly looked back up at his friend. “Is that blood?” Max voiced in a hushed whisper.

“Afraid so. What if we’re too late, this is a big park, where would we start?” Michael fidgeted nervously.

“I think we should follow the blood.” Max’s face was white as a sheet and he trembled slightly. “It’s not much, but, someone walking around here is wounded.”

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 6:02 pm
by Behr-y Roswellian
Thanks for all the bumps and feedback. I could go on about how real life sucks and whatnot but I'm sure you already know! Anyway on with the story.


“Max?” Michael was standing behind him. “Maxwell?” Max looked up from his position beside the picture and frowned.

“What?” Max noticed where Michael was pointing and slowly looked back up at his friend. “Is that blood?” Max voiced in a hushed whisper.

“Afraid so. What if we’re too late, this is a big park, where would we start?” Michael fidgeted nervously.

“I think we should follow the blood.” Max’s face was white as a sheet and he trembled slightly. “It’s not much, but, someone walking around here is wounded.”

Chapter 20

"You can’t hide forever Liz.” Tess spat out hatefully. “And when I find you, you’re going to be so sorry.” She said thinking back to being knocked unconscious briefly by the tiny girl. Tess stalked the outer ridge of the small forest. “Come out and play Liz!” Tess grabbed the back of her head and winced. “I’m bleeding you cunt!”

Liz was halfway in the forest and could barely hear Tess’ ramblings. Her legs were weak and her body bruised. She couldn’t count the number of times she had fallen over various rocks and tree roots. Liz could only hope that she had bought Max enough time to find her. She found refuge behind a huge oak and sat there, catching her breath and her trying to formulate a plan.


“Call the police Michael.” Max said quickly as they scanned the area. “I’m not risking Liz’s safety anymore.”

“I’m on it.” Michael stated before dialing 911. After explaining to the dispatcher what the situation was Michael ran back over to the car and handed the phone to his wife. “Here, you stay on the line with the police.”

“I’m so glad I could finally be of assistance.” She mumbled and grabbed the phone. Michael headed back toward Max and sighed.

“Should we wait for the police?” Michael asked him somewhat hopeful. Max turned around and eyed his best friend.

“You can, I’m going to start searching. Tess has already taken away the only other thing I’ve ever loved.” Michael just nodded in understanding and watched as Max followed the trail of blood.

The Kaibab National Forest was large and was covered with dense trees and foliage. Soon after entering the area Max lost site of the blood he had been following. He pulled out the gun that he had shoved in his back pocket before leaving the house and held it close to him as he slowly made his way toward the middle of the forest.

“Lizzie Dear, you can come out now.” Tess said sweetly. Liz had to hold back her gasp of surprise when she realized that Tess was now not ten feet behind her. The only thing saving Liz at this point was the huge tree shielding her. “I’m not mad anymore Liz, honestly.” Tess continued.

Liz took a tentative step forward and was rewarded with a twig snapping under her weight. She cursed silently and heard Tess coming up fast on her. Liz darted to the right and then continued a zig zag pattern between trees. She had seen some show that had explained a moving target was harder to hit. Tess fired three times, each one missing Liz by mere inches.

Max stopped dead in his tracks, he had practically stopped breathing as well. The shots didn’t sound too far off and before he could think better of it he took off in a dead sprint screaming Liz’s name.

Tess turned around in surprise and jumped up and down happily. “Oh Goodie, Max finally decided to grace us with his presence.” Liz frowned and closed her eyes, not believing what she was about to do.

“Max, stay back.” Liz yelled as loud as she could, “I’ve got this under control.” She stepped from behind the tree and now stood face to face with Tess. If the situation was different Liz would have found it amusing that the first thing that popped into her mind was an old Spaghetti Western where it was high noon and two cowboys were getting ready to have a gunfight. Tess had the advantage though, she had a gun.

“You’re so gallant Liz.” Tess said mockingly. “I mean, willing to take a bullet for the man you love.” Tess shook her head and raised her arm slowly, taking aim with the gun.

“Enough small talk bitch, shoot me.” Liz stood straight and closed her eyes. She felt the pain before she heard the gun go off. It was like nothing she had ever felt before. Her shoulder felt like it was on fire and she dropped to the ground and groaned.

“I’m not going to kill you…yet, consider that a little payback for your friend the rock.” Tess said as she walked up to the fallen girl slowly.

Liz chuckled and held her shoulder. “I did get you pretty good with it, didn’t I?” Tess smirked and kicked her in the thigh.

“I wouldn’t be joking if I were you.” Tess raised the gun again and was in the process of pulling the trigger when she noticed Liz’s eyes go wide. Tess spun around quickly and was greeted by the barrel of a gun.

“Hello Tess.” Max said through gritted teeth. Max pulled the hammer back slowly. The forest had died down so that the only sound was that of the hammer clicking. “Are you okay Liz?” Max asked as he glanced down at her.

“Oh yeah, fabulous.” She winced and sat up slowly. “You really shouldn’t have come Max.”

“This is my fight Liz, not yours. You wouldn’t be involved in any of this if it weren’t for me.” He explained slowly, never taking his eyes off of Tess. “You might think an insanity plea will work this time too, but I’m guaranteeing that you’ll never see the light of a courtroom.”

Tess smiled and licked her lips. “I’m your wife Max, how could you forget that?”

“That was a lifetime ago. I don’t know what I ever saw in you.” Max closed his eyes slowly and cleared his throat. “You killed our son.”

“Oh no, I killed my son.” Tess said with glee as she watched the confusion sweep over Max’s face. Sirens could be heard in the distance and Liz glanced around.

“What do you mean, your son?” Max threatened and pushed the gun into her forehead painfully.

“Zan wasn’t yours Max, he was Kevin’s.” Liz said quickly before Tess could draw her confession out. “Max, the police are here.”

“What do you mean he was Kevin’s son?” Max practically screamed and turned the gun to the side, pressing it against the blonde’s forehead even harder.

“You shoot blanks Maxwell, I couldn’t get pregnant with your kid, so Kevin supplied the sperm, and you supplied the name.” Tess smiled and looked at him through her lashes. “Are you going to kill me Max?”

“God, I want to, you have no idea.” He looked over at Liz who shook her head and held her shoulder tightly. He lowered the gun and bit his bottom lip. Tess took the opportunity and spun quickly, firing a wild shot in Liz’s direction. The bullet grazed her leg and she fell, neither of them knew what happened next but when the smoke cleared Tess was lying in front of Max, bleeding from her stomach.

“Police, drop your weapon!” They ordered at Max, their guns trained now on him. Max dropped his weapon quickly and rushed to Liz.

“Oh God,” He whispered as he eyed her shoulder wound. “Liz, I’m so sorry.” He cradled her head gently and called out to the police. “We need a damn ambulance here, now!”

“One is on the way.” Michael called as he came running toward them, Maria not far behind.

“Jesus, what happened?” Maria said as she surveyed the damage done to both Liz and Tess. “That your handy work Max?” She asked as she nodded toward Tess’ body.

“I don’t think so.” He said quietly and watched helplessly as Liz’s eyes started to flutter closed. “Don’t go to sleep now Liz, you gotta stay awake.”

“So…tired.” She whispered as she closed her eyes.


“I’m glad you’re awake.” Liz heard an unfamiliar voice and looked around the room to see a man in a white lab coat standing at her side reading her vital signs. “You gave us all quite a scare.”

“Where am I?” She asked and rubbed her head. The slight motion caused her to wince in pain and close her eyes.

“Flagstaff Medical Center.” The doctor said gently and put his clipboard down. “You’ve got three very worried people outside asking about you.” He smiled gently and patted her hand. “You and the baby were very lucky.”

Liz smiled and then shook her head in disbelief before looking at his nametag. “Baby?” She chuckled and cleared her throat. “Dr. Butler, I think you’ve got my results mixed up with someone else’s.”

“No, you’re only about 10 days, very, very early, but the test proved it.” He watched her carefully. “Is this a problem?”

“What…oh no.” She bit on her bottom lip and then took a deep breath. “I’m on birth control, I mean, isn’t it supposed to stop this from happening?” Liz asked and closed her eyes. She thought of Max and gasped. “Did you tell anyone else?”

“I wasn’t at liberty too.” He informed her and sighed. “And birth control isn’t 100%.” He said with a sad smile. “We’re going to keep you another day to continue observation. You need your rest though. You lost a lot of blood.” She only nodded and continued to stare into space.

She could only imagine how Max would react to the news. He had spent the better part of ten years mourning after a child that he just found out wasn’t really his. This would kill him. With a firm decision in her mind she looked up at the doctor. “I’d like to see Max please.”

“I’ll have a nurse send him in after you’ve had your medication.” He explained and handed her the cup of pills. “You need to start taking pre-natal vitamins. I’ll have your chart ready to send to your regular Doctor.”

Liz dutifully took the pills and watched as the doctor left the room. Max appeared a few minutes later looking haggard and sullen. “How are you feeling?” He asked quietly as he sat in the chair next to her bed.

“Like I’ve been shot.” She smiled and squeezed his hand. “I’ve been thinking about going back to New York for awhile. We’ve both got a lot to think about.” Max looked surprised and hurt but said nothing. He just continued to stare at her. “Things have happened so fast and I think we need time to heal, separately.”

“I need to be with you in order to heal.” He said morosely. “I’m sorry Liz, you’ll never know how sorry I am.” He kissed the back of her hand and didn’t bother to stop the tears that were falling from his eyes.

“Max, it’s not your fault. I love you, but I can’t be with you right now. I need to get away from everything and back to my normal life.” She explained sadly and longed to reach out to him.

“What’s so great about normal?” He asked and looked up hopeful. She could only give him a small smile.

“Max, don’t do this.” She whispered and fought back her tears.

“Just so you know that I’m never going to give up on you. I’ll be waiting for you Liz Parker.” He said purposely and licked his lips. “After all this is done and Tess is put back behind bars I’m coming for you.”

“She lived?” Liz asked incredulously. “I can’t believe the bitch lived.”

“I wanted to shoot her so bad but I couldn’t. Does that make me weak?” He looked down at the ground and sniffled slightly.

“No, it just means you’re better than her.” She reassured him. “Tomorrow, they’re going to release me.”

“I’ll be here.” He promised and she nodded. “I’ll always be here.” He vowed again and leaned forward to kiss her lips gently. “I love you Liz.” Liz didn’t know who was more shocked herself or Max as he said the words she had longed to hear.

“I love you too.” She whispered and closed her eyes. Max watched as her breathing evened out and she drifted to sleep.

He left the room quietly and walked back to where Michael and Maria were waiting with him. “How’s she doing?” Maria asked softly.

“She’s good.” Max said and picked up his coat. He had to go back to the police station for an official statement. “She’s leaving me when she gets out.”

“WHAT?” Both Michael and Maria say simultaneously. “Why is she going to do that?” Maria shook her head. “I swear Max if you pushed her away after all this…” She trailed off as she saw his face. “It was her decision?” She murmured to herself.

“Yeah, her decision.” Max said sadly as he walked out of the hospital.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 3:06 am
by Behr-y Roswellian
Thanks everyone for all the amazing feedback and bumps. Sorry about the delay, my little one is starting to walk and I have to watch him constantly. So it seems I can only really write late at night and during naptime. But I'm usually so exhausted I pass out. I'll try and be better..promise, k? :P There's only about two more parts plus an epilogue. Don't worry you die harders out there-Tess will get what's coming to her. Without further ado, here's the next part.

Chapter 21

4 months later

“Maria!” Liz sighed and rolled her eyes. “Of course I love Max.” The brunette ran her hand over her slightly bulging stomach.

“Well, why don’t you tell him about the baby?” Maria quizzed as she picked at her salad. “I mean it’s all good that you two talk every day, but when you walk into that courtroom next week and he sees that,” she nodded to Liz’s stomach, “he’s going to want an explanation.”

“I know, I just keep putting it off.” Liz sighed and shrugged sadly. “Look at what happened with Tess. I mean, what if he thought that the baby wasn’t his?”

“Oh please,” Maria pointed her fork at her friend and shook her head. “He would know, simply because he knows you.” She speared a piece of lettuce and paused before stuffing it in her mouth. “Do you have any idea how hard it’s been to keep this a secret?”

“For you I can only imagine.” Liz said with a grin. “I do appreciate it though. I mean, I don’t have any friends that I could turn to.”

“Don’t mention it Chica, just don’t forget who gets to be Godmother of the little one.” Maria said fondly. “What time is he going to call?”

“He usually calls around 7 o’clock.” Liz replied and sipped her water. “God I miss coffee.” She said miserably.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you.” Maria frowned and licked her lips nervously. “If you ever needed anything, you know like money, clothes whatever, you would ask me, right?”

“Probably not.” Liz said with a smile. “I appreciate the offer but I’ve got the money that Max gave me before leaving, just the couple of weeks I was with him I managed to earn enough to live comfortably for awhile.”

“Why did you come back to New York though?” Maria asked clearly confused. Liz smiled and shrugged.

“I’ve lived here almost all my life. I love the big city.” Liz stared out the window at the midday traffic.

“Well, if Michael or Max finds out that I’ve been here to see you my life as we know it will be over.” Maria sighed and looked around the restaurant. “I wish I could convince you to come back with me. I worry about you all alone and pregnant.”

“I’ll be fine. I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time.”

Surprised that two hours had passed Maria reluctantly started gathering her purse and coat. “I’ve got to go Liz; Michael thinks I’m in the city shopping. I’ll see you next week in Denver.” Maria said as she hugged Liz gently. “You take care of yourself and the baby.”

“I will thank you for coming.” Liz said quietly and stepped back. “I’ll call you tomorrow, alright?”

“You better.” Maria said with a smile before heading out the door to hail a taxi.
Liz watched as she got in the cab and drove off.

Liz wanted to be able to tell Max about the baby, she really did. Just every time she thought about what he had went through with Tess and Zan she couldn’t imagine what his reaction to the pregnancy would be. Her suspicions were confirmed when during one of their nightly talks Max admitted that he was thinking of having a vasectomy. He no longer desired any children. Although, he maintained that Zan would forever be his child, no matter what paternity tests might prove.

The four months that they had been apart had been long and tough for Liz. She was back in New York, living in a better apartment and going to school part time. Max called her at least once a day to check on her. He considered it dating over the phone. She was just glad to hear his voice.


“You know I’m probably going to be charged with contempt of court right?” Max told Liz as he twirled the phone cord around his finger.

“Oh yeah, why’s that?” Her voice was filled with amusement. The past hour they had spent going over the events of their day.

“Because the minute you walk through those doors I’m going to grab and kiss you. I miss you so much Liz.” He said quietly and sighed. “Please tell me that when this is over we’ll be able to start our lives together?”

“Max…” She trailed off, debating on whether or not to inform him of his impending fatherhood. “There are some things we’ll need to discuss before we can start a life together.”

“I know we rushed into things Liz but my feelings haven’t changed since you left.” He admitted softly. “I love you and I’m willing to wait however long it takes.”

“Where are you at right now?” Liz asked breathlessly. She had to see him come hell or high water and damn the fear. “I need to see you, to show you something.”

“I’m about three and a half hours away from you if you’re in New York City.” He replied skeptically. “What do you need to show me?”

“It um, it can’t be explained over the phone.” She cleared her throat and bit her bottom lip. “I’ve been tossing around the idea that the first time we see each other shouldn’t be in public.”

“What?” Max asked as he chuckled. “What are you talking about Liz?” He thought for a moment. “Is this about the contempt crack I made?”

“No, it has nothing to do with that lame joke.” She teased and then paused. “I just want to see you someplace private first. There are some things we need to talk about.”

“Ok, not that I’m complaining but, um, why the sudden change of heart?” Max was looking around his room and making a mental checklist of everything he needed to start packing.

“It isn’t important right now. I’ll give you my address; just get here as soon as you can.” She pleaded with him, afraid that if she stopped to think about it she would lose her nerve. After rambling off the numbers and street she took a deep breath. “I love you Max, I’ll see you soon, right?”

“I guess, I hadn’t planned on leaving till the morning but if you want I’ll leave right now.” He was definitely curious as to what was upsetting her. “It’s 8:30, if I leave now I should get there before 1 o’clock.”

“Alright good, I’ll be waiting.” Liz said and then hung up quickly.

She didn’t know if it was Maria’s advice earlier or her own selfishness that caused her change of mind. She did know not to question it too much otherwise she would find herself calling Max back and telling him not to come.

With four hours until his arrival she had enough time to take a shower and maybe fix something to eat. Food might help soften the blow he was about to receive. She grabbed the chicken breasts out of the fridge and sat them on the counter before heading off to the bathroom to take a nice, hot shower.


After her shower she felt a little better. It was amazing the effect that hot water and lavender soap could have on ones senses. She dressed quickly in a long red sweater and black pants then looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her once flat stomach was now rounded slightly and protruding from her body. She rubbed her stomach absently and was filled with a sense of wonder at the thought of a tiny person growing inside her.

With a smile she headed to the kitchen to start a late dinner. With the chicken seasoned and in the pan she slid it into the oven and set the timer. Since that was done she picked up a little on the apartment and then lay down on the couch for a little nap. She was so tired lately, which was completely normal according to the Doctors at the Planned Parenthood facility she had been going to.

An hour later the timer went off and Liz slowly sat up and stretched. She glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed. One hour was about all the time she had left before Max would be there. Barely enough time to finish dinner and start preparing herself for Max’s visit.

When dinner was finished she paced around the apartment nervously. Her mind was filled with the bad scenarios that she had conjured up. They all ended with Max leaving and not wanting to have anything to do with her, let alone the child they had created. She had to think positive. Before she could get in tune with the positive thinking her doorbell rang.

With trembling hands she headed toward the door and looked out the peephole. There he stood in all his magnificent glory. She slowly took in the site that was Max. His hair was slightly wet from the rain, but his face was just as gorgeous as she remembered it. He rang the bell again and frowned.

“It’s now or never.” Liz murmured to herself before unlocking the door and opening it slowly. She smiled warmly and bit her bottom lip. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself.” He said with a grin before stepping forward and grabbing her shoulders. He kissed her hard and deep then pulled away. “Sorry.” He said with a grin, and then kissed her again, this time gently.

She broke the kiss but stayed in his arms. Afraid that this would be the last time she would ever be in them she wanted to bask in his warmth. He pulled her away slowly and looked down. “Liz?”

He stared at her stomach for a few moments before looking back up at her with an expression of pure disbelief. She stood there and let him gaze at her, his eyes going from her stomach back to her face. “I’ve got dinner ready if you’re hungry.” She turned away from him quickly and headed into the kitchen.

Max stayed rooted to the spot, unable to take his eyes off of her. “Liz?” He shook his head and shut the door behind him. “Liz, sit down.” She was rushing around the kitchen sitting plates and silverware on the table. She took one look at him and sat quickly in the chair. Max came over to stand in front of her and watched as her eyes filled with tears. “You were planning on letting me find out in the courtroom, weren’t you?”

“I’m sorry Max. I just didn’t know how to tell you.” She whispered, unable to look up at him. She didn’t know what she was afraid of, the rejection she knew was coming, or the disgust she heard in his voice.

“You didn’t know how to tell me?” He squatted down and put his hands on her knees. “This is why you left, isn’t it?” She nodded and he sighed. “You should have told me, you should have told me before you left.” She nodded again and wiped at her eyes.

“I wanted to Max, I really did. I was scared, I still am.” She whispered and jumped slightly as his large hand covered her stomach.

“Do you know what we’re having?” He asked softly. She looked up and was shocked to see he was staring intently at her stomach.

“You mean you don’t have any doubts?” She asked and tilted her head to the side as he looked up at her. He smiled gently and shook his head.

“No, I know it’s mine.” She let out a huge sigh of relief and smiled. “So do you know yet?”

“No, the ultra sound is scheduled for next week. The day after I get back from court.” She explained and put her hand over his. “I’m so sorry Max. I know this is unexpected and if you don’t want anything to do with us, I understand.”

“It’s quite unexpected. I mean, you were on birth control.” He said and stood up. She watched as he pulled a chair up close to her. “I’m upset that you didn’t tell me sooner and hurt that you were going to let me find out in court.”

“I know, Maria said that I should have more faith in you.” She winced and frowned as she heard him gasp.

“You mean, Maria knew?” Max asked dumbfounded. “I can’t believe she didn’t tell me.”

“I made her swear Max. She didn’t even tell Michael.” Liz explained quickly.

“Still Liz, this is my child we’re talking about here.” He rubbed his face wearily. “I’m at a loss for words.”

“I know, and like I said, I understand if you don’t want anything to do with us.” She said quietly and got up slowly. She opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

“I’ve done nothing but think of you for the past four months.” She didn’t hear him get up, but suddenly he was standing behind her. “I need you in my life.” He wrapped his arms around her and rested them on her stomach. “It’s going to take some time but, together we can overcome our insecurities.”

Liz sat the water on the counter and turned around to face him. “Do you mean that?” She asked hopefully. “I mean, you still want me, well,” She paused and glanced down. “Us?”

“Yes.” He kissed her forehead and then rested his chin on top of her head. “First things first though, we get through this situation with Tess, after that mess behind us we can concentrate on us and the baby.”

“Sounds good to me.” She said happily and wiggled in his arms. “Can we eat now, I’m kind of hungry.”

“Of course.” He watched as she brought the food to the table. “So how many bedrooms is this place?”

She lowered her head and looked at him. “Only one.” She smiled and winked. “Hope you don’t mind sharing?”