The Real Queen (CC, ALL,Mature) ch 23 4/12/07 [WIP]

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The real queen chapter 20

Post by Destiny22 »

Ok guys so i actually got up off my butt and placed into the computer chair and wrote some more of this story for you.

I actually wanted to ask a question of all of you. Do you think this story is progressing to fast? I mean is everything happening too close together because im not real good at writing normal chapters where nothing really happens. Just a thought. Could you please answer it in your reviews.

Well enough from me on with the story!


The day passed slowly for the group of teens who were anxiously awaiting the bell that signalled the end of the day. When the bell finally went they proceeded to their lockers and grabbed their bags then headed to the carpark. The dupes Trans am was surrounded by kids drooling over the car.
“This yours?” One of the braver ones asked.
“Yeah.” Zan replied unlocking it.
“How’d you afford a car like that?” Another asked.
“You have your secrets, I have mine.” He said as Lonnie and Ava leaned back against the bonnet.
“Don’t you got something better to do?” Rath asked when he noticed the guys staring at his sister and his lover.

The crowd departed at Rath’s growl and the rest of the group came over to them.
“Great people skills Rath.” Ava said smirking at him.
“Lets head to the pod chamber.” Max said eager to hear what it was that the dupes had to say.

(Pod chamber)
They all entered the chamber and Michael sealed it behind him. They seated themselves comfortably around the cave.
“I found something in Tess’ memory storage that has me puzzled.” Zan began.
“What do you mean her memory storage, I thought you were just going to remove her powers? You mind raped her?” Max asked.
“Mind rape is such a strong word. I decided we needed to venture in there a little. See if she was hiding anything else.” Zan said.
“Let me guess you found more secrets, more lies.” Michael said.
“No she has come completely forward about everything with us. But there was something concealed deep in her subconscious though. A memory that she, herself wouldn’t have been able to access, it was buried so deep. Like someone wanted it concealed but not entirely forgotten, like this memory held something of importance in it.” Zan said.
“And boy did it ever.” Ava said.
“What was it?” Liz asked, all in the room apart from the dupes were on the edge of their seats with the tale.
“We found proof.” Ava said. “Proof that Tess isn’t Ava.”
“But we already knew that.” Kyle complained.
“There’s more to it then that.” Ava sighed frustrated. “Tess is human.”
“What?” Alex asked after a few moments of shock and utter silence.
“Tess is human.” Ava said again.
“We heard you the first time. But how is it possible? I mean we tested her blood. She’s alien.” Liz said.
“She is now, but she was born a human. Nasedo stole her from a hospital after she was born. There is like this defect in a certain number of humans genetics, it attracts these crystal things called Gandarium. The human donors that we came from had to have these genetics because the Gandarium were needed to be able to breach the gap between our two races. He took her and changed her blood work by giving her a series of injections of gandarium and one of Ava’s blood, sealed her inside the pod and took the real Ava away.”
“What the hell is a Gandarium?” Maria asked.
“It’s complicated.” Zan stated. “Its like this water parasite thing, it looks like blue crystals. They’re harmless to Antarians and humans except the group that has this specific gene disorder. It’s like they taste better or something. They will only bond to those cells, so our donors have to have this gene.”
“Taste better? This thing eats people?” Maria said.
“Not really. It consumes these specific cells in the body and changes them in order to prepare it for the D.N.A breach. If the D.N.A breach doesn’t happen within a certain amount of time then the Gandarium consume the cells entirely and the person does die.” Ava explained ever the scientist.
“Why would he need to give Tess shots of Gandarium?” Liz asked.
“One: to change her blood work to make her appear to be like you, and two: to allow her access to the part of the brain that humans don’t use. Nasedo was somehow able to transfer some of the real Ava’s powers to Tess. Obviously she didn’t get the main ones, she got the simple ones, and ones that you can all do. Humans don’t have the mental capacity to be able to handle having powers so by giving Tess the shots of Gandarium and giving her a transfusion of Ava’s blood he was able to open up that part of her mind so she could use powers.” Ava said.
“Wait we can all mindwarp?” Max asked.
“Yes. You can do a lot more than you think.” Zan said.
“Like that disappearing act you pulled the other day. How’d you do that?” Michael asked.
“We’ll teach you when your ready.” Zan said.
“I see the looks on your faces. You’re afraid of having this power, you needn’t be. Mind warps only do damage to the mind if they are sustained for long periods of time. Making Alex forget translating a book and creating different memories is an incredible mind warp. In fact Alex proved to be stronger then many others would have in the same circumstances.”
“So how is it that I’m able to get them? Powers I mean.” Liz asked. “You said when Max healed me that I was different now.”
“When Max healed you, he opened up that part of your brain. You’ll develop your own powers because Max changed that part of you. He put a part of himself within you.” Ava said.
“Wait.” Kyle said. “Changed?!!! What the hell did you do to me Evans?” Kyle said getting angry.
“You’ll probably develop some powers now.” Liz offered.
“So we’re just going to be freaks now?” Kyle shouted.
“Kyle. Max saved your life. It was either give you powers, which he didn’t know about by the way, or death.” Liz said.
“Which would you have preferred?” Rath asked outraged at the ungrateful human. “Cos I can certainly counteract what Max did and spare you having to live the rest of your life as a freak.”
Kyle just sighed heavily.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled as an apology. “It’s just kinda a shock. Its not everyday you find out you been turned into an E.T.”
“So what happened to this other Ava?” Isabel asked changing the subject and relieving some of the tension in the room.
“Don’t know. She’s alive somewhere. Waiting for us to come find her, I guess.” Zan said.
“How do we even know she’s alive?” Max asked.
“She’s alive.” Michael said.
“Michael, I know she’s your sister but we can’t be sure.” Max said.
“No, Max she’s alive. I can feel it.” Michael said.
“She’s not dead.” Ava confirmed. “I would have felt her die. She’s alive somewhere, I just don’t know where.”
“But why would Nasedo go to all this trouble? Switching Ava and Tess, why?” Liz asked.
They all shrugged their shoulders except for Zan who looked thoughtful.
“He knew.” He said after a few moments. “He had already made the deal with Khivar and he knew that Ava would never betray you. He needed someone who he could completely mould, someone who didn’t have any instincts from a past life about what was right and wrong.”
“So he stole Tess from her family and took Ava where?” Max asked.
“I don’t know. All I know is she ain’t dead because Nasedo can’t kill her. Same as he can’t disobey us he can’t physically hurt us either.” Zan said
“He could have handed her over to someone who can.” Max suggested.
“No. He wouldn’t have done that. Remember what Tess said in the pod chamber yesterday. Nasedo was playing on both teams, trying to back the winner. He kept her alive so that if his Tess plan backfired he could bring the real Ava to you, make like it was all some big mistake, and go off home with you guys and save Antar therefore making him a hero. Ava was his leeway with this group.” Ava said.
After a moment Ava spoke again.
“Now I think of it, Ava is probably close by. Nasedo wouldn’t have moved her far. He would have made it so that she would grow up similar to you guys therefore her transition into the group would be easier. Why he didn’t use the same plan with Tess, I don’t know.”
“So you’re saying she could be anyone?” Liz asked.
“Yeah. I guess.” Ava said.
“Wouldn’t one of us have recognised her though?” Michael asked.
“No. Nasedo isn’t stupid, he would have altered her appearance. She wont look like me, she won’t even act like I do. She probably has grown up thinking she’s human. With Nasedo taking her minor powers she may have never even realised that she had any powers. It’s the minor ones that are affected by emotion, the ones that are easily used. But her major power is premonition. She may have never even needed to use it.” Ava said.
“That’s great. So we’re looking for someone who doesn’t look like you, doesn’t act like you, and doesn’t even know they are any different to anybody else. Well that’s certainly narrowed it down hasn’t it.” Kyle said.
“Thanks for the optimism Kyle.” Ava said sarcastically.
“Hey. I just said what everyone else is thinking.” He replied.
“Well at least we know she will be adopted.” Maria said.
“How do we even know that? I mean what if Nasedo replaced Tess with Ava in her family.” Rath said.
“No Rath. People know their children, they would have noticed the difference.” Lonnie said.
“So maybe the other Ava has been made to look like Tess.” Max suggested.
“No. Like I said I don’t think Nasedo would have sent her far. Has anyone seen another Tess walking around?” Ava said.
“So how do we go about looking for her then?” Maria asked.
“I’ll look into it.” Ava said.
“How?” Max asked.
“I’m going to need your help Alex.” Ava said. Alex looked scared for a few moments.
“I’m not going to use any powers on you.” She reassured. “But I’m guessing since Tess chose you for the translation thing you have a special affinity with computers?”
“Yeah I guess you could call it that.” Alex said relieved that this had nothing to do with powers.
“Alright. We we’ll meet later and go over something’s ok?” Ava said.
“Alright.” Alex agreed.
“Maybe Ava can do that premonition thing and see who it is.” Maria suggested.
“My premonitions don’t work like that, I can’t call upon them at will like with other powers. They just happen when they happen. Sometimes I get a premonition from touching a person or an object, but other then that it’s pretty random.” Ava explained.
“So you have the Ava situation under control then?” Max asked.
“Got it covered.” She said in reply.
“So what do we do about Tess?” Max asked.
“Well she’s of absolutely no danger to us anymore. Effectively she is as she always should have been.” Zan said.
“That doesn’t change what she did.” Lix said.
“No. But she’s of no threat to us anymore. She just wants to find her real parents. Once she does she’ll probably leave Roswell for good.” Ava said.
“So we’re just going to let her go and that’s it?” Michael asked.
“What else are we going to do with her Michael? Kill her? That doesn’t make us any better then her.” Max said.
“Are we done here?” Michael asked.
“Why? There a big game on tonight Michael?” Ava asked him.
“You know it.” He said with a smirk and then walked out of the cave the rest of them following.

Please review! Hope you enjoyed!
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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The Real Queen Chapter 21

Post by Destiny22 »

A/N: So I have been getting heaps of reviews for this story even though I stopped it ages ago. I have been struck by inspiration again. It will turn out quite differently to what I originally expected though as it has been a few years since I updated last, and I really can’t remember where I was going with it. Anyways your reviews are what got me to write more of this story so you know what you have to do at the end of the chapter lol. Here goes, hope you enjoy.

Chapter 21

The Next Day after School.

“Hello?” Max calls out. “Brody?” Still not back, he thought.

Brody had disappeared a few days ago leaving no explanation. Max figured it might have something to do with the Summit meeting, which was supposed to have happened that week. Apparently it had gone on without any of their presence which had worried the dupes when he had told them.

“Who knows what freakin bullshit Khivar is comin’ up with to explain why we aren’t there.” Zan had exclaimed upon finding out.

Max was startled out of his reverie by the appearance of a very tired and crumpled looking Brody.
“Max, its Larek, get Zan and be quick about it. I don’t know how much longer I can hold on to this body, its chewing up massive amounts of our resources as we speak.”

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Max flipped open his cell phone immediately and pushed the number to speed dial Zan.
“Zan. It’s Max. I need u to meet me at the UFO Centre immediately. Larek’s here.”
“Call your set” was all Zan said and hung up the phone. Within a second Zan, Ava, Rath and Lonnie had all transported themselves there. Luckily Isabel and Micheal were across the road at the Crashdown and were there within a minute as well.

“Larek. How’s it goin?” Zan said as he embraced his old friend currently inhabiting Brody’s body.
“There’s trouble Zan.” Larek replied seriously. “Why did you not tell me you would not be present at the meeting?”
“We didn’ know for sure until we got ‘ere and spoke to our dupes about it” Zan replied. “What went down?”
”Khivar sent his minion Nicholas in his place. He tried to convince everyone that you don’t care about home anymore and that by not showing at the summit you were disrespecting everyone there.”
“Tell me they didn’ buy that shit Larek.” Rath said.
“You know how easily persuaded Kathana, Sero and Hanar are to something that they already want to believe is true Rath.” He replied then turned his attention back to Zan. “The war up there, it’s getting worse Kathana, Sero, Hanar and I are about ready to give up. So much blood has been spilled over your throne and then you don’t even show up to explain why u still are as of yet to return home.”
“I wanted the meeting to be on our own terms. You know that lil’ bitch Nicholas will just throw some bullshit idea at us and then be like “You are all witness to it, Khivar tried to extended the hand of peace.”
“That may be so Zan.” Larek interrupted “But u can hardly blame the other rulers for wanting to end 50 years of misery and suffering.”
Zan sighed running a hand through his hair. “I understand that Larek. I do.”
“Well something needs to be done Zan. I leave it to you and your family to make a decision, but you already know what needs to be done.”
“Yeah I know Larek.” Zan sighed defeatedly.
“Very well then.” Larek said standing. “Zan you know I take no pleasure in such things as these. But you need to be warned, you made a lot of enemies today. Earth is not safe for you anymore. There is very little time left. The time to return is near and you need to be ready.”
“We will be.” Zan said standing as well.
The two men clasped hands and then embraced like brothers.
“You’ll contact me when its time then. Soon?” Larek sounded hopeful.
“Yeh. Thanks for the warnin’ Larek. But as for the rest? We’ll be ready when we ready.” Zan said asserting his authority. He made be a young man but he had the memories of an age past and he knew how to be a king.
“I’ll expect to hear from you Zan. But please take into consideration what I have said Zan. You know it wont be long before the Knifes are out looking for you. I’m sure they are eager to collect some more blood money from your heads.” Larek said getting frustrated and angry.
Zan’s eyes widened slightly at the mention of the Knifes, Khivar’s trained and deadly assassins who had been responsible for their torture and murder in their past lives.
“Thank you for you warnings Larek.” Ava said sternly letting him know that he had gone too far. “I’m sure his highness will take into consideration everything you have said today, and you will hear from us when we consider the timing to be right. There are factors that you have no idea about and when….” Ava sighed stopping her rant realizing that she was going too far and letting her emotions get the better of her. “You will hear from us.” She said finishing.

Larek had shock clearly written upon his face, and then he schooled his features. Never in all the years of friendship with Zan, had he ever heard Ava assert her authority like that. Realising that he had taken it a little too far, he decided it was time to leave before anymore angry remarks were made.
“My apologies for any offence I may have caused. Your highness.” Larek said bowing to Ava and smiling slightly showing her that he was not angry but pleased and impressed with her new attitude. He then turned to Zan and paid the same respect by bowing.
“General Rath, Princess Vilandra.” Larek bowed to them as well.
“Goodbye Larek.” Ava said curtseying to him. Zan, Rath and Lonnie all paid their respects too.
“Good day to u all.” Larek said before leaving for the back room.
“Let’s get outta here.” Zan said before turning and heading in the direction of the exit.

A/N: So there it is. I hope you like!
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The Real Queen Chapter 22

Post by Destiny22 »

A/N: Here is the next chapter. I hope you like it. It’s turning out to be very different to what I imagined originally but I hope you still like it. Thank you Timelord31 for your reviews and suggestions.

Chapter 22

They called another meeting later on that day, knowing that everyone was itching to talk about what had happened with Larek, especially the humans who hadn’t witnessed the event. The duplicates had even convinced everyone to let Tess attend, who they believed was a perfect example of the nature versus nurture argument. They believed that she was truly sorry for what she had done and needed to be given a break despite what she had tried to do. Neither the once again alien trio nor the humans liked the idea, but gave in knowing that Tess was unable to lie to the dupes and that she was now powerless.

“So what was that all about?” Max questioned later when the whole group had the chance to meet up. They had already quickly filled in the humans on the conversation that had taken place earlier that day and albeit reluctantly, Tess. “I mean I got the gist of the warning, but the rest was pretty cryptic.”

“He wants us to return home.” Zan said. “Everyone seems to think that if we return home it will solve all their problems.” An emphasis placed on the word their.
“So what are we talking about here?” Max said. “Just the four of you, or all of us?”
“That’s up to you and yours.” Rath stated. “As for me, when the time comes, I’m going.”
“We are all going Rath. You know that.” Ava said. “I know this is a shock for you guys but you don’t have decide right now. We’ve known our whole lives what was out there and that one day we would have to go back. You have known less then a year, I wouldn’t be surprised if you weren’t ready. I mean you don’t even remember what you are returning to.”
“How are we ever supposed to remember?” Michael asked. “You said you only get visions when you are intimate. No offence but I’m not sleeping with anyone just to remember our past lives.”
“We’ve never needed another way. I suppose we could show you our memories. It wouldn’t be you remembering you’d just be watching kinda like a movie. The difference is, when we remember it’s like we are reliving those moments, we see through the eyes of ourselves. We can’t control anything, but we witness everything first hand, we feel what they felt, including the fear and the pain of when we died.” Ava said.
“You got no idea what its like when you are making love and then the memories start and all the sudden you are chained to a wall watching the person you love the most being tortured and raped by your enemy.” A haunted Zan said.
“It’s not all bad though.” Ava embraced Zan desperate to take that look out of his eyes. “We also feel love, happiness, everything. It’s a powerful thing, but if you are ready to see, we’ll show you.” Zan, Ava, Vilandra, and Rath all joined hands ready to connect with the others.
Max stepped up “I want to know.” Michael took Ava’s other hand without comment. Isabel went and took Max’s hand.
“You are all welcome.” Ava gestured to the humans to join in. Soon there was a circle made up of 7 aliens, 1 ex-alien and 4 humans.

A/N: Ha ha i know its short but im updating the next chapter immediatly so it really doesn't matter. I should be evil and leave it on a cliffie but im too nice for that. I hope you enjoy! I need more reviews!!!!!
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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The Real Queen Chapter 23

Post by Destiny22 »

Chapter 23

It was almost as if they were standing in an endless room painted black with no doors or windows. But instead of stumbling around in the dark they could see each other quite clearly.
“What is this place?” Isabelle asked.
“It’s our subconscious mind.” Ava supplied. “Zan, Rath, Lonnie and I have connected with each other and created this place to bring you to. From here we can show you everything, kind of like your dreaming. We wouldn’t be able to do this if it weren’t for Lonnie’s powers. We figured if she could enter our dreams and change them, then she should be able to create a place where the four of us could all dream together of the past.”
“Are we actually here? I mean really here.” Maria asked.
“No. Only your minds. This will be like a dream for you.” Zan said projecting an image of them all sitting on the floor of Michael’s apartment hands clasped together and eyes closed.
“This is incredible.” Liz said looking upon herself in the image.
“This place can become anything we want it to be.” Lonnie said. She closed her eyes and concentrated and suddenly they were not surrounded by darkness anymore. They were in a very large richly furnished room.
“This is…wow.” Kyle said he walked over and sat down on one of the chairs. “It feels real.”
“Yep.” Ava said picking up an apple from a platter on the table and throwing it to Alex. “Taste it.”
Alex bit into the fruit, chewed and then swallowed.
“I can actually eat it” he said. “But how, if this is all in our minds?”
“Do your dreams seem real to you?” Ava asked.
“Yeah.” He said.
“Well think of this as our, dream land. But because of Lonnie’s power she can bring all of us here and change it to what we want to see.” Ava explained. “You can eat what you want in here. But it will not nourish your body, when we are finished you will wake up and be exactly as you were when we joined hands and brought you here.”
“So how will the memories work?” Max asked.
“We will create them around you out of this place. For example you are now sitting in what was our play room and in a minute the three of us will burst through that door over there as children.” Lonnie explained. “I think it is best if we show you, as it is rather complicated to explain. Ava you will guide them through the first?” She asked.
“Yes.” Ava said.
“Lets get started then. Zan, Rath are you ready.”
“You know it.” Rath said, and with that note Zan, Rath and Lonnie disappeared into thin air.
“Hey, where did they go?” Asked Alex.
“When the memories start we kind of blend with our old selves, which is the best way for us. I’m not in this particular memory so I can guide you through it. Loud giggles could be heard coming from behind the door to the room they were in and suddenly four children burst though obviously having fun a nurse maid was trailing behind them scolding them for breaking something. The four flopped down onto one of the couches ignoring the lecture they were being given and whispering together no doubt planning their next mischief.

“Is that….” Isabelle begun.
“Yes.” Ava said pausing the scene. “This is Lonnie, Rath, Zan and Larek as you were as children.”
“Can they see us?” Maria asked.
“No. This is a memory, they could run right through you and not notice a difference.” Ava said.
“But where are you?” Liz asked.
“Ahh. Well if you watch that will be explained.” Ava said.

The scene un-paused and it looked like the children had all agreed on their next prank. The child that had been identified as Larek waved his hand and suddenly the nurse maid had been bound and gagged to a chair. The children all laughed and began the game of tag that the nurse had so rudely interrupted.

“Let’s follow them and see where they go.” Ava said gesturing for the others to follow the children out of the room.

The small children ran around a large palace playing a game of tag, ducking in and out of rooms just as quickly as they entered. For as long as the children could remember, it had been this way, the four of them playing together. None remembered when exactly it was that they had met and played for the first time, and it didn’t matter to them; they were best friends for life. Being as it was though, that they were growing up, they hadn’t been able to spend as much time together recently, for Zan and Larek had their lessons, Vilandra had her girly pursuits and Rath had his cadets. The four burst through the doors of a room before they even realized where it was that they were going. The children squealed ducking behind chairs and racing around after each other.
“Zan, Rath, Larek, Vilandra. This is quite a surprise.” A man at the head of the table said trying to look stern; secretly he had been delighted at the interruption, he never could get enough of his children. The meeting had been going on forever, and each man in the room was glad for the interruption. The men quickly hid their amusement knowing that the children needed to be taught not to just burst in like that, especially if these hadn’t been just talks between friends. The children then realized that they had burst into an important meeting between their fathers and other representatives. Each child turned around sheepishly to face their respective
“Sorry father” they each mumbled simultaneously.
“Hmmm” said Zan and Vilandra’s father Ardion. “Well gentlemen I believe we shall end it here for today. I think these children need to be separated and learn that it is not polite to barge in on meetings like this.”
The looks on each child’s face fell at the thought of being taken home so soon.
“We promise we will never do it again father.” Vilandra said smiling up to him sweetly.
“Oh I know you won’t my little Lonnie. You all promise?” He asked looking at the three boys.
“Yes sir.” They responded together, glad that the stupid girly thing Vilandra did with her eyes had gotten them out of trouble once again.
“Very well then.” He said. “Now Rath we are very pleased to hear your family’s news, you must be very excited.”
“What news Rath?” Zan asked.
Rath mumbled something very quietly looking at his feet.
“I didn’t catch that.” Zan said looking confusedly at his friend. What had got Rath acting this way, he thought. Rath remained silent.

“Rath is to have a baby sister.” Rath’s father Macros answered for him.
“A baby?” Vilandra excitedly squealed.
“You’re going to be a big brother, just like me.” Zan said proud for his friend.
“Yeah.” Rath said his eye’s still downward.
“Can we go and see Ailanna father? I want to see her belly.” Vilandra begged.
“I believe she is with your mother, out on the terrace” He supplied chuckling at his daughter. “Why don’t we join them for some refreshments gentlemen?”
“That sounds wonderful.” Larek’s father Vanar answered ushering his child towards the exit of the council rooms.
The gentlemen with their children in tow walked through the palace out to the side doors that led outside. The guards at the door immediately snapped to attention upon sight of their General and of course their King and the other dignitaries. One of the guards stepped from his post to open the doors and they opened to reveal a lovely private terrace and gardens off the side of the palace. There was a group of women sitting around a lovely outdoor furniture settee enjoying tea, cakes and conversation. Upon the arrival on the gentlemen and the children the ladies started to rise to pay their respects.
“Please.” King Ardion gestured that is was unnecessary. “We are among friends.”
“And what have the four of you been up too? Giving your poor nurse trouble no doubt” Ailanna said hugging her son. Vilandra walked up and peered at her stomach curiously.
“There doesn’t look like there is anything there.” she said.
“You just wait Vilandra. In a months time I’ll be as big as your palace.” Ailanna said to her. Vilandra’s eyes widened at the thought.
“So my dear, you have heard Macros and Ailanna’s news then?” Queen Calanthia said to her husband once the men were all seated.
“Yes,” he said. “May I congratulate you Lady Ailanna.” He said to them.
“You must be so pleased.” Calanthia said. “I know how long you have wanted this Ailanna.”
“We thought…..they said even before Rath that it was impossible for us….then Rath came and he was a miracle, our miracle baby, and now the gods have granted us another miracle.” Ailanna said with tears in her eyes clutching her son to her tightly.
“Truly these children are meant to be.” Calanthia said clasping her friend’s hand. “Rath already shows the talents of his father, perhaps he will be my Zan’s General one day, and a daughter with your beauty….who knows.” She said whimsically.
“Now, now.” Ardion smiled. “Rath is just 6, and the girl not even born yet and already you plan their futures my dear.”

The scene faded out as the children had just run off again. The 12 of them were once again returned to the black place they had originally entered into.
“Max, our mother and father, their so beautiful.” Isabelle said tearing up.
“Are you ok Michael?” Maria asked. He just nodded, being too emotional to speak. If he had of acted like that when Hank was around he would have copped a sound beating he was sure. Where as his father had been happy to have him there, and his mother….they way she had gathered him into her arms….the love in her eyes. Ava came over and gave him a quick hug knowing how he was about those things. She was surprised when she went to pull back that he was the one held on for just a little longer.
“Is she… you know if they….” Michael said.
“We don’t know.” Rath said. “They were alive when we died, but we won’t know, unless we go back.”
“Is there a chance?” Isabelle asked. “That they still are alive.”
“There is a chance that you mother might be alive. King Ardion passed not long after Zan and I were married” Ava said sadly.
“Are you ready to see more?” Rath asked unsure how much more they should see, noting that they were already grieving the loss of people they didn’t know.
“I want to know.” Max said.
“Me too.” Isabelle said.
“You know I vote we continue.” Michael said.
“Alright.” Ava said. “Lets continue.”

A/N: So I hope this chapter makes up for the last one being really short. I also hope you like it. Please continue to review!!!!!!