Charmed Again (CHMD,XO,CC,TEEN) (Complete)

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Post by Buffsteraddict »

Charmed Again
Chapter 10
San Francisco, California

Max walked down the hall toward his locker. He hadn't slept at all the night before and now he was just tired as hell.

''Maxwell, you look like hell.'' Michael said, catching up to him as he reached his locker. Max didn't answer, instead he opened his locker and reached out to get his History books out.

Michael sighed and shook his head. ''Is it Liz?'' He asked, knowing that the answer to his question would be a yes even though he knew that Max would probably try denying it.

''No.'' Max answered dryly. ''Look, I got to go. The bell's about to ring.''

He quickly shut his locker and headed toward homeroom, hoping that Michael wouldn't follow him to class.

''You wanna to talk about it?'' Michael asked, quickly catching up to him. And that's when they ran into Maria.

''Michael,'' She said. ''We need to talk.''

''Hey, not right now, okay?'' Michael answered. ''Max has Liz issue's and he needs me to talk to.''

''Michael,'' Max said sharply.

But it was too late. Maria's eye's grew wide as she shot Max a look. ''What happened?'' She asked immediately concern written all over her face.

''It's nothing, okay?'' Max snapped, sidestepping the both of them and continuing down the hall. Michael shook his head and went his own way while Maria on the other hand went after Max.

''Something happened yesterday, didn't it??'' She asked as she fell into step with him. ''What did she tell you?''

''Nothing good.'' Max said as he continued down the hall.

''Well, what did she say?'' Maria asked curiously. ''I mean, did she tell you about Future Max?Is that why your all...sad and depressed?''

Max stopped in his tracks and turned to face Maria.

''Did she?'' Maria asked. ''Please tell me she did and that I'm not making a total fool of myself right now.''

''She didn't tell me about...Future Max.'' Max said calmly, ''Who is he?''

''Look, I'm sorry,'' Maria said. ''I shouldn't of said anything only you looked so depressed that I guessed that she had told you but apparently I made a huge mistake.'' She paused. ''I better get going now anyway's. I don't want to be late for English.'' She slowly took a step back but Max stopped her.

''Maria, who is Future Max?'' Max repeated again, his voice rising slightly.

''I can't tell you.'' Maria said. ''Liz, will kill me if I do, okay?''

''She's right you know,''

Max turned to find himself staring at Liz. Her beautiful brown eye's staring right back at him. He felt his breath catch in his throat. God, he still loved her and he still wanted her. He didn't care if she had or had not slept with Kyle. He wanted her so badly.

''Maria, you should get to class.'' Liz said with a small sigh as she pushed a strand of her dark long hair out of her face. ''Your gonna be late for class.''

''Your right,'' Maria said, shooting Liz an apologetic smile. She quickly turned on her heels and hurried down the hall, leaving Max and Liz behind.

''Liz, who's Future Max?'' Max asked, trying to put his feeling's about her aside for just one minute. He had to know who the Hell Future Max was. And just by the sound of it, it did not sound good.

''I'll tell you.'' Liz said softly. ''But not here. We have to go someplace else.''

''Fine,'' Max said. ''We can go to my house. My parent's aren't home.''

Liz shook her head. ''No, not your house. Let's just go outside, okay?''

''Alright,'' Max answered. Anywhere was good enough with him.

He followed Liz as she led the way through the school and out the door that led outside where the Basketball court was. She led Max just a little bit past the Basketball Court and under the big Oak tree where she and Isabel had talked the day before.

''Is here okay?'' Liz asked, sitting down under the big Oak tree.

Max sat down beside her. ''Yeah, It's fine.''

''Good.'' Liz said.

''So,'' Max started, not quite looking her in the eye. ''What was Maria talking about before? Who's Future Max?'' He paused. ''Liz, just please don't lie to me. Especially if this is in anyway alien related.''

Liz nodded. ''I'll try. But, first off, I just wanted say, about yesterday.'' She looked up at Max with a serious face. ''I'm sorry. I shouldn't of pushed you away like that. I should of just told you the truth then, I don't understand why I didn't. I was acting like a real bitch. And I shoudn't have. So I'm sorry.''

''Don't you dare.'' Max said in barely a whisper. ''Don't you dare apologize to me. I shoud be the one apologizing to you for the way I've been acting for the past couple of day's. The way I acted with you in that classroom. God, to think I almost grabbed you like that...'' He looked down at the grass, unable to bring himself to look at her.

''Well, I did come on a little too strong.'' Liz said. ''I mean, I was so mad when Isabel told me that you weren't letting her go to College in San Francisco. And that you had threatened her. I just sort of lost it, you know? Because I knew...I knew that the Max I knew never would of done that to his sister.''

''I know,'' Max said, still looking down at the ground. ''But i've been so stressed out lately, Liz. What with Alex's death. And then were so sure that Alex was killed by an alien and I...I didn't want to beleive that. I didn't want to beleive that because I knew that It would mean that I was responsible.''

Liz saw tear's in Max's eye's and Liz immediately felt guilty. How would he react when she would tell him that Alex was actually alive?

''No, Max.'' Liz said. ''You know your wrong. Even if Alex was killed by an alien. You are not responsible. Your not the one who killed him.'' She placed a comforting hand over his. ''You gotta stop thinking that everything that goes on around here is your fault okay?''

Max smiled a little. It was funny how Liz alway's had a way with him. She alway's knew how to make him feel better.

''So, I guess I should tell you about...Future Max.'' Liz said, biting her lower lip. ''I just...I don't want you to angry at me, Max. And I know you will be once I'm done telling you everything.''

Max shook his head. ''No, Liz. I won't be mad at you. I promise, okay? Just...try me.''

Liz looked up at him uncertainly. He was wrong. She knew it. Once she would be over telling him all about Future Max and all about Alex being alive, he would get angry. She was just about certain that he would start accusing her. Asking her why she hadn't gone to him about this before.

''Liz?'' Max asked, encouraging her to tell him. Liz took a deep breath and then started,

''Back in October,'' She said slowly. ''When you caught me in bed with Kyle.''

Max winced when she said that. Even though he had forced the truth out of Kyle and that he knew now that it had all been a setup. It still hurt when he thought about it.

''I had...a visitor. Someone came to me.'' Liz said. ''From the Future.''

''The Future?'' Max asked, confused. How was that possible?

''The visitor from the Future was you, Max.'' Liz said. ''You said the Granolith could be used for time travel.''

Max didn't know what to think. Why would a Future version of him go to Liz? And how exactly had he used the Granolith to turn back time?

Liz sighed. ''You said that we were happy and that we were married. But it made Tess feel abandoned, so she left. But you needed her-all four of you needed to be together. There was this huge threat to Earth and Tess wasn't there.'' Liz paused and then went on. ''You told me I had to change what had happened. You said I had to make sure you fell out of love with me so that you could turn to Tess. That way, she'd never leave. So you told me I had to change the Future.''

And suddenly everything fell into place and he felt as though all the air had left his lungs. ''Kyle,'' He whispered. ''You pretended to sleep with him because you knew I'd catch you.''

Liz eye's were brimming with tear's. ''I had to make you stop loving me. And it was the only way I could think of. I mean, I tried so hard to get you to fall out of love with me. I went to you that night with that whole lame Romeo and Juliet speech. But that didn't make you fall out of love with me and-''

But before Liz could finish what she had to say, Max pulled her into his arm's, kissing her softly and taking in the amazing feeling of her in his arm's.

''I didn't stop loving you,'' He said, tear's pricking his own eye's. There's just no way I could ever stop loving you, Liz. No matter what you did. Your in my blood, Liz. Your a part of me.'' He held Liz in his arm's, pressing her against him. ''I love you.''

''I was only trying to do the right thing,'' Liz said, sobbing quietely into his chest. ''I'm so sorry that I had to put you through all of this.''

''It's okay, Liz.'' Max said, holding her tightly. ''I'm here with you and I'm not gonna let you go.''

''I love you, Max.'' Liz said. ''I never stopped loving you.''

Max couldn't believe everything she had gone through. How strong she had been all these months. He hated to think of how she must of been feeling everytime she saw him with Tess. He thought she had moved on-but in reality her heart must of been breaking everytime she had seen him with her.

''There's something else I need to tell you,'' Liz said, pulling back a little from his embrace. ''Something happened yesterday, and I should of come to you...but we weren't really speaking so I didn't say anything.''

''What is it?'' Max asked, holding her's hand's in his.

''I found out some thing's.'' Liz said. ''About myself and about Alex.''

''What thing's?'' Max asked, worriedly.

''You know that thing that attacked us in the classroom the other day when we were talking?'' Liz asked.

''Yeah, of course.'' Max said. ''I talked to Michael and Isabel about that and they think it could of been an alien of some sort. Were just not sure.''

''It wasn't a demon, Max.'' Liz said. ''It Shax. A demon. When it hit you with that energy ball and you fell unconscious. It tried to kill me, it threw this energy ball at me but I managed to dodge it. I used power's Max. I orbed. One second I was standing there, Shax was about to throw that blast at me and the next thing I know I was standing on the other side of the room.''

''A demon?'' Max asked. ''It attacked you and you used power's? But, Liz, you said you that he left right after he attacked me. You never said anything about him going after you...''

''I know,'' Liz said. ''I just didn't know what to say Max. I didn't understand what had happened, how could you have?''

''Well, your okay right? He didn't hurt you?'' Max asked.

''No, but he came close.'' Liz answered. ''As soon as a dodged his attack he just vanished.''

''Didn't Ava say that I had changed you when I had healed you?'' Max asked. ''Maybe you developed power's.''

''It's more than that.'' Liz said. ''Later, after the attacked I headed to the cemetery. I hadn't gone to visit Alex...since his death. And I just had this urge to go and visit him.''

Max swallowed hard, still hold Liz's hand's tightly. ''What happened? Did that demon attack you again?''

Liz nodded. ''He did. When I was at Alex's gravesite. I felt this presence watching me. I knew there was someone else there. And then Shax appeared once more out of nowhere.'' She paused and took a deep breath before going on. ''And so did Alex.''

Max froze. ''Liz,'' He said, ''How? How is that possible. Alex is...we buried him. I-''

''I know,'' Liz said, tightening her grip on Max's hands. ''That's exactly what I thought when I saw him. I couldn't believe it, I was in complete shock. But he was there. I mean, Max, he was real. He protected me from that demon. And then this women and this man appeared. They said their name's were Piper and Leo. The women, Piper, she managed to knock him down and then I remember Alex grabbing my hand and then the next thing I know I'm standing in this old and beautiful Victorian house in San Francisco.''

''San Francisco?'' Max said, completely confused. ''How? Who were those people who saved you?''

''Piper and Leo.'' Liz said. ''There was also this other girl...her name was Phoebe. Piper and Phoebe Halliwell.'' Liz bit back a laugh. ''They said that they were witches. They tried to explaining everything to me. Who they were and what they did. They had just lost their sister, Prue.''

''And Alex?'' Max asked, ''How is he alive?''

''He said he was Whitelighter.'' Liz explained. ''Basically an Angel who takes cares of witches. That's what he said any way’s. And then while we were in the living room talking, Shax appeared out of nowhere again. Piper and Phoebe rushed me upstairs to the attic with them. And they kept mumbling some stuff about not being able to vanquish Shax without The Power of Three. And then Leo and Alex joined us and Leo said some stuff about me being Piper and Phoebe's half-sister and-‘’ She stopped. ‘’God, telling you all of this just make’s me feel like I belong in a asylum.’’

‘’Liz,’’ Max said. ''I believe you. I do. I mean, if aliens exist...there's gotta be something else out there right?''

''Yeah,'' Liz said slowly. ''I guess your right. I talked to Alex yesterday. After you left. He told me some thing's. He doesn't remember how he did. He know's he was killed. But he doesn't know who did it. He said that there was some thing's he just couldn't remember, even before he died.''

''I-I want to see him.'' Max said. ''Alex I mean. I want to talk to him.''

''Of course.'' Liz said immediately. ''Of course you can see him. I'm just not really sure how to get him here. He usually just...appeares.''

''Those power's you said you had.'' Max said. ''What exactly are they? How do they work?''

''I'm not sure.'' Liz said. ''I'm not even sure I can control them. I mean, the only time I actually used them, It was like a life and death situation.''

''Look,'' Max said, giving Liz a reasuring smile. ''Whatever's going on with you, your power's, Alex, and those women, Piper and Phoebe. We'll deal with everything. We alway's do, don't we? And I promise, I'm not going anywhere Liz. I love you, Liz. And whatever's going on it, we'll get through it. You have my promise.''

Liz smiled a little as he pulled her back into his arm's. And Liz believed him. They would be okay.

As long as they were together.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


Alright, so, first off, I just wanted to say, a huge thank you to everyone for the feeback, it's really appreciated. Especially Erina258 who's been leaving so much great feedback for this fic and also my other two fics, Free and Who Are you?. Thank you so much Erina! :)

Now, Second off, I just want to let you know that this Chapter right here is a very small Chapter, but it's kind of a special Chapter because you could say that this Chapter is kind of like the calm before the storm. I can guarantee you that the next couple of Chapters that are about to come are about to get kind of rocky. I don't think you'll see Chapter 12 and 13 coming...or maybe you will, I'm not sure.

After this post right here i'll be working on the next few Chapters and I should be posting Ch.12 this Monday coming up.

So yeah, this very small Chapter is kind of like a small preview of what's to come.

So Enjoy:)



Charmed Again
Chapter Eleven
San Francisco, California

Piper picked up the remaining bits of her favourite lamp and threw the remains into the garbage can. The lamp was yet another one of her favourite items to be destroyed because of a demon. And Piper simply couldn't take it anymore. She was sick and tired of having to fight for her life everytime. She was sick of having to fight demons all the time.

''Alright, Leo managed to show Alex how to locate and sense Liz.'' Phoebe said, entering the kitchen, closely followed by both Alex and Leo. Phoebe stopped short when she saw tear's in her sister's eye's.

''Oh, sweetie,'' Phoebe said sadly. She started toward her sister but Leo beat her too it, wrapping a reasuring arm around his wife.

''No, I'm fine.'' Piper said, quickly brushing the tear's away from her eye's. ''Come on, really. We have a half-sister to find, don't we?''

''Piper,'' Phoebe started, but Piper stopped her by holding out her hand.

''Phoebe not now, okay?'' Piper said briskly. ''Right now we have to focus on Liz and make sure she's all right and that The Source isn't after her. When all of that is done then I can deal with my feeling's.''

''Are you sure?'' Phoebe asked.

''Positive.'' Piper answered, turning to face Alex. ''Can you sense her?''

Alex nodded. ''Yeah, I can. And right now she's fine. She's at school and she's safe there.''

''Alright, then.'' Piper said, thinking. ''Since she's at school's and we know that she's fine-''

''I say we pay Mr.Parker a little visit, what do you think?'' Phoebe asked, finishing Piper's sentence.

''Are you sure that's such a good idea?'' Alex asked. ''Shouldn't we wait and see what Liz wants to do? He is her dad you know.''

''And she's our sister and we have every right to know what happened between our mother and her father.'' Phoebe replied.

''I just can't believe Jeff Parker would hide this from his own daughter.'' Alex said. ''I never in my whole life imagined that Liz had two sister's out there.''

'And if Liz is half-Whitelighter,'' Leo said grimly. ''It means Jeff Parker is also a Whitelighter.''

''Leo, maybe you should check with The Elder's and see what information they can give you on Jeff Parker,'' Piper suggested. ''Then when you come back we'll know more about him and we can go see if he had any answer's for us, since I highly doubt we can get mom to come back and fill us in with what she left out.''

''I'll be right back, then.'' Leo said, leaning in to give his wife a small kiss before disappearing off into a swirl of blue lights.

''What do we do while we wait for him to come back?'' Phoebe asked.

''I'm going up to my room and see if I can get a little sleep since I didn't get much last night.'' Piper said with a sigh. ''Although I doubt i'll be able to get any.''

''We'll wake you up as soon as Leo comes back then,'' Phoebe said, giving her sister a small hug.

''Alright,'' Piper answered, she quitely left the kitchen, leaving Phoebe and Alex behind.

When Piper had gone Phoebe turned to Alex. ''Well this will give us the chance to talk won't it?''

''I guess it will.'' Alex answered, smiling. ''What do you want to know?''

''I want to know how your handling the whole Whitelighter thing.'' Phoebe asked, ''I mean, all of this pretty new to you, how are you handling your new power's?''

Alex sighed. ''I'm not sure. It's all a little weird and I'm going to need some time to get used to to them. And also to the fact that i'm dead. And that I don't know who or what killed me.''

''What do you mean?'' Phoebe asked, frowning. ''You don't remember how you died?''

Alex shook his head. ''Nope. I have absolutely no memory of the night I died. And I have no memory of a couple of events that happened before I died. It's like someone screwed with my brain or something.''

''Are you serious?'' Phoebe asked. ''That's terrible. I mean, how is it even possible? Leo died and became a Whitelighter, and he remember's how he died. Did you talk to The Elder's?''

''The only thing they told me was that It was something I had to figure out on my own.'' Alex answered. ''But how exactly am I supposed to do that??''

''Well, actually,'' Phoebe said thoughtfully. ''I think I may be able to help.''

''And how exactly are you going to do that?'' Alex asked curisously as he watched her grab a pen from the kitchen counter along with a piece of paper from the drawer.

''Well, I might be able to help with a spell.'' Phoebe said, ''I don't even know what i'm doing taking a pen and a piece of paper, all I really need is the Book of Shadows.''

''Wait, what are you going to do?'' Alex asked, following her out of the kitchen and up the stair's that led to the attic.

''What do you say we take a little trip in time and find out what actually happened to you?'' Phoebe asked with a smile on her face.


Roswell, New Mexico

Max wrapped his arm around Liz's waist, pressing her body against his. She looked up and gave him a warm smile as the two of them walked towards the entrance to the school.

''Do we really have to go to class?'' Max breathed in her ear. ''Can't we just go somewhere for the rest of the day? Just you and me?''

''Max, we can't just skip school.'' Liz said, a smile playing on her face. ''I've got this English test that I really can't miss. My parent's are already pissed off enough as it is right now. They keep saying all this stuff about my grades dropping.''

''But I really, really wanted to be with you today.'' Max said, bringing her hand up to his lips and kissing it. ''And I don't mean in school.''

''Max, I don't know,'' Liz said with a sighed. Of course you want to! , A voice sceamed inside of her. ''It's just-''

''I know you want to.'' Max said, grinning and stopping in the middle of the halls. He stopped to face her. He leaned down, bringing her face to his as he kissed her.

''Okay,'' Liz said, mesmerized. ''Let's go somewhere.''

''Good,'' Max smiling down at her, taking his hand in her's. He led her down the hall and back out the exit and outside into the light.

''I know just the place to go.'' Max said as he led her toward his Jeep.

''You'll love it.''

Last edited by Buffsteraddict on Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


Alright, here's Chapter 12! Thanks to everyone for the amazing feeback!!Enjoy!



Charmed Again
Chapter 12

''Woah, wait a second.'' Alex said, stopping Phoebe by placing a hand on her shoulder as they both reached the attic door. ''Phoebe, I don't think this is such a good idea. You have no idea what could happen. I mean, this is completely crazy. What if something bad happens?''

''Nothing bad's gonna happen, Alex.'' Phoebe said, reasuring him as she opened the door and walked inside the dark and musty attic. ''I've used this spell before. I'm in total control of this. Just trust me, okay?''

''Fine,'' Alex said reluctantly. He really didn't think this was such a good idea. What if something happened and they got stuck in time or something? He really didn't want that to happen. ''Shouldn't we let Piper know what were about to do?'' He asked, questioningly.

''Are you kidding me?'' Phoebe said when she reached The Book of Shadows. ''Piper's freaked out about this whole having a new sister thing and the whole Prue thing.'' She paused as she looked through the book. ''If I told her what we were up to, she'd explode.''

A strong wave of guilt suddenly came over Alex. Piper would freak if she found out what they were about to do. Alex couldn't help but feel a little...selfish.

''Don't you think we should think this over a little bit?'' Alex said. ''I mean, you can't just go back in time without their being any consequences.''

''Don't worry, okay?'' Phoebe said as she found the page she was looking for. ''I’ve actually done this twice before, Alex. I've been back in time and I've been to the Future. Look, it wasn't pretty but I thought you wanted to find out more about what happened to you? This is the perfect opportunity.''

''Okay.'' Alex said, leaning over her shoulder to take a look at the spell. ''Fine, but how's this gonna work?''

''Well, it'll simply take us back in time to when you died. Prue, Piper and I tried it about four year's ago, actually. There was this demon who had this ring. Anyway's, we had to go back in time to escape him. But, I'm warning you. I won't be able to use my power's if we go back in the past. We'll just see what happened to you then we'll come back right here. Nobody has to no what happened.''

''Alright,'' Alex said, still unsure that this was such a good idea. ''Let's just do this right now before I back down.''

Phoebe nodded. ''Okay. Are you ready?'' She paused. ‘’Oh, and, just before I say the spell, you have to know that whatever happens...back then, we can’t change anything that happens, okay? Their could be some serious consequences if we did. So if you happen to see your killer, don't do anything stupid like try to kill him for example, okay? We just can't change anything in the past.’‘

Alex nodded as Phoebe lit two candles that would serve to make the spell work.

‘’And also, I won’t be able to use my power’s in the past.’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’You’ll be able to but not me.’‘

Alex frowned. ‘’Why will I be able to use my power’s and not you?’‘

‘’It’s complicated,’‘ Phoebe explained. ‘’But, see, only one set of us can have power’s. If we go back in the pass, the other me will have my power’s.’‘

‘’And I don’t have any power’s in the past,’‘ Alex said, slowly. Realization dawning on him. ‘’So I’ll be able to use my Whitelighter power’s.’‘

‘’Exactly.’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’Now let’s do this before Piper wakes up and leo come’s back.’‘

Alex nodded once more as Phoebe grabbed a sheet of paper, took out her pen and handed it over to Alex.

‘’What’s that?’‘ Alex asked curiously.

‘’That is a paper on which you are going to write down the date that we will return to.’‘

Alex slowly took the paper and wrote down the date. When he was done he handed back the paper to Phoebe who quickly read it,

‘’April 21st.’‘ Phoebe read. ''Alright then.''

''That's two day's before I get killed.'' Alex explained quickly as Phoebe nodded and grabbed the lighter and set the paper with the date on it on fire as she started reading the spell from the Book of Shadows.

Hear these words, hear the rhyme
We send to you this burning sign
Then our past selves will find
In another place and time.

Alex felt a sudden tingling sensation inside of him that strangely felt as though he were orbing out of the room. He could barely feel Phoebe's hand on his arm as they disappeared in a swirl of bright white lights and re-appeared several seconds later in the attic, right where they had said the spell.

''Uh, Phoebe.'' Alex said, frowning. He looked around the attic curiously. ''I don't think this worked. We're back in the attic. Maybe the spell just didn't work.''

''No, I think it worked.'' Phoebe said slowly.

''I don't-'' Alex started, but Phoebe stopped him by putting up a hand, silencing him.

‘’Come on, let’s go see if it worked, which I’m pretty sure it did.’‘ Phoebe quietly took a few steps toward the flight of stair’s that led downstairs to the rest of the Manor. She was pretty sure that the spell had worked. She was sure that she could hear voices coming form downstairs.

And she was right.

‘’Piper?’‘ Phoebe heard her past self call out from downstairs. ''What hapened!?

‘’Uh, okay, was it a demon?’‘ Both Phoebe and Alex heard Past Prue ask. Phoebe couldn't help but let out a small gasp when she heard her sister’s voice. How could she have forgotten that Prue was still alive at this time?

‘’No, it was a watermelon!’‘ Past Piper said.

‘’Honey, why did you vanquish the watermelon?’‘

‘’I didn't vanquish watermelon. I threw it up in the air and I tried to freeze it and it exploded.’‘ Phoebe heard Piper arguing downstair’s. The two stood frozen at the top of the stair’s as they heard a loud explosion coming from downstairs.

‘’This is the little problem I was telling you about.’‘ Past Leo said.

‘’Okay, Piper, slowly put your hands down and no one will get hurt.’‘ Prue said.

‘’Honey!’‘ Piper said frantically to Leo.

‘’Sweetie, it's gonna be okay, we're gonna figure it out.’‘ Leo said, taking a step towards his wife.

‘’No-no-no! Don't come near me, I don't want anybody to get hurt.’‘

‘’Piper, it’s gonna be okay,’‘ Prue said,‘’Were gonna find out what’s going on with your power’s, okay?’‘

‘’Prue.’‘ Phoebe whispered, tear’s stinging her eye’s. ‘’Oh, God, Prue. Alex, she’s alive. I hadn’t thought...’‘

She trailed off, taking several more step’s towards the stair’s but Alex stopped her by placing a hand on her arm.

‘’Phoebe, you’re the one who told that if we change the past there could be serious consequences.’‘ Alex said urgently as the sound of voices started getting closer and closer to them which meant that Piper, Phoebe and Prue were coming up to the attic.

‘’Phoebe, we have to go.’‘ Alex said, but Phoebe didn’t answer. She stared, mesmerized at the stair’s.

‘’Phoebe!’‘ Alex whispered, pulling her backwards. He had to get her out of here. Now.

He held on to her arm as he orbed the two of them out of there. The two of them disappeared in a swirl of blue lights and reappeared outside of the Halliwell Manor.

‘’Phoebe, are you okay?’‘ Alex asked, worriedly when they were safely outside right next to Piper’s Jeep Grand Cherokee. He could see that she was visibly shaken from having heard her deceased sister.

‘’I’m not sure,’‘ Phoebe said, finally, looking up from at Alex. ‘’I just- I didn’t think I’d be going back that far in the past. I didn’t think I’d be seeing Prue. Or hearing her voice again anyway’s.’‘ She paused, her voice cracking. ‘’That-That was the time Piper got her new power. I remember, we came home me, Leo and Prue and we heard this explosion coming from the kitchen. So we ran in the kitchen and found Piper blasting a watermelon. We had no idea what was going on with her power’s.’‘

‘’Look, I know it’s hard.’‘ Alex said. ‘’But you can’t do anything to try to save her, Phoebe.’‘

‘’I know.’‘ Phoebe said, looking away from him. She turned to stare at Prue’s BMW SUV. ‘’I just wish that I could do something. Anything to stop Shax from killing her-‘’

‘’I know,’‘ Alex said, understanding her pain. ‘’But you can’t.’‘

‘’Your right,’‘ Phoebe said, wiping her tear’s away. ‘’Besides we came here for you. We came here to get down to the bottom of this story. So, let’s go.’‘

She reached out and took Alex’s hand in her’s as Alex quickly orbed them out of there. He didn’t really have a plan of where exactly he had to go. But he figured that going to Roswell was a good start.

‘’Where are we?’‘ Phoebe asked, more tear's still threatening to spill. But she held back. She slowly let go of Alex's hand, looking around the room curiously.

‘’This my bedroom.’‘ Alex explained, looking around his old bedroom as memories immediately came flooding back to him. He remembered that night before Prom when Isabel had come to his room. She had told him that she was graduating early and that she would be starting College in the fall and that this was probably the last chance she had at going to Prom. And so she had asked him to go with her. And of course he had accepted. And that night, that night had been the best night of his life.

Alex looked away from the window, shaking all the thoughts away.

‘’These are your friends, right?’‘ Phoebe asked softly as she picked up a framed picture of Liz, Maria, and himself, the three of them smiling and laughing with their arm’s around each other as they looked at the camera happily.

‘’Yeah.’‘ Alex said with a sighed. ‘’The, uh, blond girl in the picture, that’s Maria. My other best friend.’‘

‘’She’s pretty.’‘ Phoebe said, putting down the frame back on the desk.

‘’Yeah,’‘ Alex said, smiling.

‘’You most miss her a lot.’‘ Phoebe said, sadly.

Alex swallowed hard. ‘’I do miss her.’‘

Phoebe slowly picked up another picture off of his desk. She turned and shot Alex a smile. ‘’And this would be?’‘ She held up the picture for Alex to see.

‘’That’s me and Isabel.’‘ Alex said sadly.

He took the picture from her and looked down at it. The picture had been taken at Prom. Both he and Isabel were smiling at the camera as his arm’s were wrapped around her waist.

‘’That’s your girlfriend, isn’t it?’‘ Phoebe asked as Alex nodded and put the frame back down.

‘’Well, actually, not really.’‘ Alex answered. ‘’More of a potential girlfriend. We never really had the time to...go out together more than once.’‘ He paused. ‘’But I loved her. I’ve always’s kind of loved her actually. I’ve always’s been completely lovesick and weak around her. I don’t think she ever really loved me back though.’‘

‘’But she went to Prom with you.’‘ Phoebe said.

‘’Yeah, she did.’‘ Alex said, smiling. ‘’That’s when she started to notice me more. I’m pretty sure we could of had a...relationship. But, before we had a chance to try, I died and was brought back as an angel.’‘

‘’That sucks.’‘ Phoebe said, ‘’I’m so sorry, Alex. I mean, you were so young to die at that age. You were to young. You were jut beginning to live your life.’‘

‘’I know that.’‘ Alex said, sitting down on the edge of his bed. ‘’But there’s nothing I can do about it. The only thing I can do now is find out who killed me and get my revenge.’‘ He paused. ‘’Besides, being a Whitelighter isn’t so bad. Helping people out and saving them makes me feel good.’‘

‘’Right.’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’Well, then we better get down to finding out who it is that killed you, right? Because I don’t think we have much time. If Piper wakes up and finds out that were gone, she’s gonna die of worry and I really don’t want that to happen. Not right now anyway’s, she’s already got a lot on her mind.’‘

‘’Yeah, I know.’‘ Alex said. ‘’So we better get to it. And I think I know where to started.’‘

‘’You do?’‘ Phoebe asked. ‘’That’s good, because I don’t. ‘’ She paused. ‘’So where do we start?’‘

‘’First off, I’m guessing that we’d have to locate where I am, right? Well, where my past self is, that is.’‘

‘’Right,’‘ Phoebe said, nodding. ‘’But how do we know where you are?’‘

‘’Well, I think I would know since this is me were talking about.’‘ Alex said, thinking hard. ‘’I think...I think that I was at the Crashdown...with Liz and Maria. I think that’s where I was anyway’s.’‘ He stopped. ‘’But there’s something else I want to check out first. Someone else.’‘

‘’And that would be?’‘ Phoebe asked.

‘’My potential murderer.’‘ Alex answered. ‘’I might have a small idea of who it might of been that killed me. Liz and I sort of talked about it before, but I’m just not sure it’s her.’‘

‘’Who is it?’‘ Phoebe asked.

‘’Tess Harding.’‘ Alex answered, shrugging.

‘’A girl?’‘ Phoebe said, visibly astonished at the revelation. ‘’Well, why exactly would she want to kill you?’‘

‘’She’s not just some girl’‘ Alex said, slowly. It was time to tell Phoebe about Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess. He knew it wasn’t his secret to tell, but it didn’t matter anymore. He had to tell her everything.

‘’Phoebe, there’s something I have to tell you.’‘

Last edited by Buffsteraddict on Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


Alright, so I'm back with a brand new Chapter, I just finished typing it up. :) A big thanks to everyone for the feeback. And enjoy the next Chapter!.

~Steph~ :) :D


Charmed Again
Chapter Thirteen

‘’Wait what?’‘ Phoebe asked, completely dumbstruck. ‘’What do mean they’re aliens? That’s completely...impossible.’‘

‘’Phoebe, they’re aliens.’‘ Alex said, ‘’I know this crazy but it’s not. And, actually, after everything I’ve seen around here lately, a couple of aliens from another planet doesn’t seem that crazy. I mean, I am dead and I was brought back as a Whitelighter. And you and your sister’s are Witches. The most powerful Witches may I add. And you fight demons.’‘

‘’I know but I mean, aliens??’‘ Phoebe said, sitting down on the edge of Alex’s bed. ‘’From a planet called Antar? Aliens with Destinies, King’s, Queen’s, Princess’s and Second-in-Commands?? It all seems very farfetched.’‘

‘’Yes, I know.’‘ Alex said, sitting down next to Phoebe on the bed.

‘’And what’s with the Destiny thing anyway’s??’‘

Alex sighed. ‘’It’s this thing where Max destinied to be paired up with Tess and Michael is desinied to be paired up with Michael. Michael and Isabel never actually got together though.’‘

‘’And what about Max and...Tess?’‘ Phoebe asked, curisously. ''Are they together?''

‘’I’m not sure.’‘ Alex responded. ‘’I mean, Tess came to town only about a year ago. She knew all about Antar and their destinies as for Max, Michael and Isabel had no idea. Tess made Max see thing’s...flashes of them...together. And back then Max and Liz were still together.’‘

‘’Wow,’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’That's harsh. What happened after?’‘

‘’Max landed up kissing Tess and Liz saw everything. It caused a little riff between them but nothing big. And then Max got captured by the F.B.I but we managed to break him out of that placed where they kept him and tortured him.’‘

‘’Oh my, God,’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’That’s horrible.’‘

‘’I know,’‘ Alex said, ‘’When we managed to get him out, Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess managed to get into contact with their Biological mother. And she told them about their Destinies. Max and Tess, Michael and Isabel. And that’s when Liz walked away from Max. She left that summer for Florida to her Aunt’s house.’‘

‘’And did they get back together when she got back from Florida?’‘ Phoebe asked curiously.

Alex simply shook his head. ‘’No, they didn’t. Max tried pretty much everything to get Liz back. But she just rejected him everytime. And then something happened and Liz slept with Kyle Valenti, her ex-boyfriend and Max caught her and Kyle in bed together, only she didn’t really sleep with him, it was only a set up but I don’t want to have to explain it to you because it’s a really long story?’‘

‘’The short version?’‘ Phoebe asked.

‘’A Future version of Max came back from the future and told her that she had to make Max fall out of love with her or else the end of the world would come fourteen year’s from now.’‘

‘’God...’‘ Phoebe said, shaking her head. ‘’That’s so complicated. And also very heartbreaking.’‘ She paused. ''All of this is just so weird. I mean, wow, my half sister is a Witch who's in love with an alien from another planet.''

‘’Yeah.’‘ Alex said. ‘’But, the reason why I told you all of this is that I think I know who killed me.’‘

‘’Who is it?’‘ Phoebe asked. ‘’Who do you think did it?’‘

‘’I think it might of been Tess.’‘ Alex answered. ‘’Liz and I talked about it yesterday and we sort of made a small list of potential murder’s and, well, actually, Tess was the only one on our list. But she’s the one with the mindwarping power’s and I seem to have a little memory problem and so we sort of thought of Tess as my potential killer.’‘

‘’Alright, well, right now pretty much any guess is a good guess.’‘ Phoebe said with a sigh. ‘’So, here’s what we’ll do. We’ll orb over to wherever Tess is, hopefully we can scry for her in the past, and we’ll keep an eye on her for a while, see what she’s up too.’‘

‘’What about me though?’‘ Alex asked. ‘’My past me that is. We need to keep on him- on me, too.’‘

‘’Alright, well, you can orb the both of us to Tess after we’re done scrying for her, and then you can orb and go keep an eye on you...the past you.’‘ Phoebe suggested.

‘’Yeah, today is one of those day’s that I can’t remember. Memory blank.’‘ Alex said, shaking his head.

‘’Well, you can try scrying for yourself.’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’Although I’m not guaranteeing that it’s work considering there are two of you.’‘

‘’We’ll give it a try anyway’s,’‘ Alex said, ‘’Only are you sure me leaving you alone while your watching over Tess is such a good idea? I mean, if she is the killer, she’s got power’s. You don’t. ‘’

‘’Well, if something goes wrong I’ll just call you and you can come to me.’‘ Phoebe said, shrugging.

‘’Phoebe, you know I’m still not used to having these Whitelighter power’s.’‘ Alex said. ‘’I still don’t know how to use half of my power’s.’‘

‘’I have faith in you, Alex.’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’I know I can count on you and I know that you won’t let me down.’‘ She paused. ‘’Look, as long as I’m careful and I don’t let myself be seen by her, everything’s going to be okay.’‘

‘’Your right,’‘ Alex said, taking a deep breath. ‘’Let’s just do this and get this over with before Piper wakes and finds out that we’ve gone missing.’‘

‘’Actually...’‘ Phoebe said getting to her feet. ‘’Now that I think about it, I think that time sort of...stops in the Present while we’re here. When we get back to the present it’ll be the exact same time as when we said the spell.’‘ She paused. ‘’Anyway’s, coming back to our topic of discussion which is Tess the evil potential alien killer, we’ll need to scry for Tess, which means that I’m gonna need a map and also...a crystal.’‘

‘’Yeah, I have those thing’s in my house, who doesn’t?’‘ Alex said sarcastically. ‘’I can get you a map, but I’m not so sure I can find you a crystal.’‘

‘’It doesn’t have to be a crystal. I just need a necklace of some kind.’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’Any necklace will do, but it would be even better if you actually had a crystal.’‘

Alex quickly hurried over to the top left drawer of his desk and pulled out a map of the state of New Mexico.

‘’Here’s your map.’‘ He said, handing it over to Phoebe. ‘’Now all I need is your necklace. But where the heck am I going to find that?’‘

‘’Your mom,’‘ Phoebe suggested simply. ‘’Your mom’s gotta have a necklace lying around here somewhere, no?’‘

‘’Your right,’‘ Alex said, heading towards the door, ‘’I’ll check her room.’‘

‘’Wait!’‘ Phoebe said, grabbing his arm before he had the chance to make it outside the room. ‘’Your parent’s! What if they’re in the house??’‘

‘’They’re not,’‘ Alex reassured her. ‘’They’re out of town. They left for Sante Fe yesterday morning if I remember well. They should be back by tomorrow.’‘

Phoebe let out a relieved sighed. ‘’Alright, then.’‘

Phoebe watched as Alex left the room and came back several minutes later with a small diamond necklace in hand.

‘’Alright, I got this.’‘ He held up the small necklace for her to see and then handed it over. ‘’And be careful with that thing. My mom’s gonna have a fit if she see’s that it’s been damaged in any way.’‘

‘’Alright, alright.’‘ Phoebe said, taking the necklace from Alex. She slowly lay the map out on Alex’s desk and dangled the small necklace over it.

‘’Okay,’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’Let’s see where little Mrs. Spacegirl is hiding, then.’‘ She paused. ‘’Maybe you should do this instead of me. You know what this girl looks like. I don’t. And you’re the one with the power’s right now.’‘

‘’Fine, I can try,’‘ Alex said. ‘’But how do I do this?’‘

‘’It’s easy,’‘ Phoebe said, ‘’Leo does it all the time, so I’m sure you can do it too.’‘

‘’I’ll try,’‘ Alex said, uncertainly as Phoebe handed him the necklace.

‘’Just concentrate on her. What she looks like.’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’Just dangle the necklace over the map and it should fall on where she is.’‘

Alex concentrated on Tess as he dangled his mother’s necklace over the map of Roswell. It took a couple of minutes, after which he was starting to get impatient and doubtful, the necklace suddenly slipped from his grasp and landed on the map.

‘’You did it,’‘ Phoebe said, smiling widely. ‘’I knew you could do it.’‘

Both she and Alex leaned over the map to see where it had landed.

‘’She’s at the Crashdown Café’‘ Alex answered. ‘’Great, how are we supposed to go in there? I mean, they’ll see me and-‘’

‘’You can’t go in there, but I can.’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’I’ll go in there and try to see what she’s doing and who she’s with. And while I’m doing that you can try to find your past self and see what your up too.’‘

‘’Alright so you want me to scry for my past self now?’‘ Alex asked.

Phoebe shrugged. ‘’Yeah, try it. Only I’m warning you, I don’t think it’s going to work.’‘

Alex shrugged and grabbed the necklace off the map, holding it in his hand and making it dangle over the map once more.

He waited several minutes once more, holding the necklace over the map.

‘’Nothing’s happening,’‘ Alex said after about 5 minutes of waiting. ‘’Phoebe,’‘

‘’Alex, concentrate,’‘ Phoebe said, her arm’s crossed over her chest.

As she spoke, the necklace slipped out of his grasp once more and landed on the map.

‘’It landed on the name of my street,’‘ Alex sighed. ‘’It didn’t-‘’

But before Alex could finish his sentence, the necklace slid across the map and stopped somewhere else.

‘’Alex,’‘ Phoebe said, pointing to where the necklace had stopped at.

‘’Oh my, God,’‘ Alex said as he stared at the location on the map. ‘’How is that possible?’‘

‘’Las Cruces,’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’What were you doing in Las Cruces?’‘

‘’I have no idea,’‘ Alex said shaking his head. ‘’But I guess were about to find out,’‘


Roswell, New Mexico
Present Time

‘’So where are we going?’‘ Liz craned her head and shot Max a look. But instead of answering her right away he simply shot her a smile and took her hand in his.

‘’It’s a surprise,’‘ Max answered finally.

‘’Alright,’‘ Liz said. ‘’I know that we still have a lot to talk about. You know, about Alex, and my new power’s and all that.’‘

‘’Yeah,’‘ Max said. ‘’I want you to tell me everything. In details too. I just can’t believe you didn’t tell me about this before, Liz. I could of helped you out. I could of been there for you.’‘

‘’Max, we were barely talking yesterday, don’t you remember?’‘ Liz said. ‘’What was I supposed to do? I didn’t want to just go up to you and tell you all of my problems, you know?’‘

‘’You should of, though,’‘ Max said.

Liz sighed. ‘’I know I should of, Max.’‘

‘’We’re here.’‘ Max said before Liz had the chance to say something else. He guided the jeep to the side of the deserted road and brought the jeep to a full stop.

‘’Max, what are you doing?’‘ Liz asked, visibly confused by what Max was doing. ‘’ We’re in the middle of nowhere in the desert and they’re absolutely nothing and no one out here.’‘

‘’See, Liz,’‘ Max said, turning to look at her once he had removed the key’s to the jeep and placed them safely into his jean pocket. ‘’That’s kind of the point.’‘

‘’What?’‘ Liz asked, frowning. ‘’So your saying that you brought be out here because they’re nothing to do and-‘’

‘’Precisely,’‘ Max answered.

Liz turned and shot Max a clueless look. There was something wrong and Liz knew it. There was something weird about why Max was stopping in the middle of the dessert and their was something wrong with how Max was looking at her.

‘’You know, you really are stupid, you know that?’‘ Max said, his smile frozen on his face. ‘’I mean, come on Liz? Didn’t you even suspect that something was wrong when I was understanding about your stupid moron who came back from the Future to make you fall out of love with that other moron whom your si stupidly in love with!’‘

‘’W-what?’‘ Liz said, ‘’W-who are you? What did you do to Max?’‘

‘’I just possessed him temporarily, honey,’‘ He said, smirking. ‘’And, I’m surprised you don’t know who I am. Didn’t your little witch sister’s tell you all about me?'' He paused, shaking his head. ''You know it kind of hurt that you killed Shax. Really, he was my best assassin yet. I mean, he did kill that other sister of your’s, didn’t he?’‘

‘’You’re, you’re the Source,’‘ Liz managed to croak out. ‘’How long have you been possessing him like this??’‘

‘’Couple of hour’s, sweetheart.’‘ The Source answered. ‘’Sine this morning actually. Which means that when I’m done with this body, he won’t remember a thing you told him. Which means that that little talk you and he had? He’ll never know you had it!’‘

‘’No,’‘ Liz said, shutting her eye’s as tear’s threatened to pour out. ‘’God, how could you do this?’‘

‘’Uhhh, because I’m evil?’‘ The source said.

‘’Why are you doing this to me?’‘ Liz asked.

‘’Because I want you and your little Witch sister’s dead, that’s why.’‘ The Source say. ‘’I mean, isn’t it exciting to know that your dead little body will be the first thing that Max Evans see’s when I'm done with him?’‘ He paused and laughed again.

‘’I have power’s-’‘ Liz said. ''I can stop you.''

‘’Power's that you barely know how to use.’‘ The Source finished for her. ‘’Yeah, those power’s of yours will come in real handy.’‘

‘’What are you waiting for then?’‘ Liz said, ‘’Why don’t you just kill me??’‘

‘’Because,’‘ The Source said. ‘’I don’t only want you dead. I also want your sister’s dead. And so I sent another one of my assassin’s after them.’‘ He paused and smiled when he saw Liz’s face. ‘’Not to kill them of course, just to send them an invitation to join us here.’‘

‘’So your just going to use me as bait?’‘ Liz asked.

‘’Yup,’‘ He answered, his evil smile never leaving his face.

‘’So what now? We just wait here until they come for me?’‘ Liz said, her hand clutching the seat belt.

‘’Well, yeah, kind of,’‘ The Source said. ‘’There’s just one little detail though.’‘ He smiled as an energy ball slowly began to form in the palm of his hand.’‘

Liz’s eye’s widened in fear as she scrambled out of her seat and hurried to get out of the jeep. The Source merely continued to smile widely, enjoying the sight of Liz scrambling to get away from him as fast as she could.

‘’Where the hell are you gonna go, honey?’‘ He said. ‘’Look around you, there’s no one around to save your ass and there’s nowhere to go.’‘

He extended his hand out as the energy ball lingered in his palm. He smirked and shot it at Liz.

And before she could react, the energy ball hit her squarely in the back, sending her flying forward. She flew and hit the ground several feet from where she had been standing only seconds ago.

He smiled as her unconscious body tumbled to the ground.

He would finally get to kill the Charmed Ones once and for all. No one could stop him now.

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Post by Buffsteraddict »


Alright so here's Chapter Fourteen! A big thanks to everybody for the feeback! It's extremely appreciated:)

Oh, and also, Happy Halloween!!

~Steph~ :) :D


Charmed Again
Chapter Fourteen

‘’Alright, here we are.’‘ Alex said as he let go of Phoebe’s hand. The two of them stood in the alley beside the Crashdown.

‘’Okay,’‘ Phoebe said, ‘’So Tess is supposed to be in there, I’ll take care of her and you orb to Las Cruces in find yourself...your past self.’‘

‘’Look, I’m still not sure that leaving you here alone to watch over Tess is such a good idea.’‘ Alex said. ‘’You don’t have ay power’s.’‘

‘’Trust me, Alex, I can take care of myself.’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’I’ve had tougher situations to deal with and by the way I don’t even have a kick-ass power, all I have are premonitions which means that even if I could use my power’s, what would I do with them? Premonition Tess to death?’‘

‘’Alright, but careful, okay?” Alex said. ‘’I just don’t want her mindwarping you or something.’‘

‘’She won’t.’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’I promise, okay? Just go and do your thing and when your done come to me.’‘

‘’How will I know where you are?’‘ Alex asked, confused.

‘’You’ll be able to sense me Alex.’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’I’m a Witch, you’ll be able to sense me.’‘

‘’Uh, okay,’‘ Alex said. ‘’But what if I can’t?’‘

‘’Alex, you can.’‘ Phoebe said, ‘’Okay? Now I need you to tell me what this Tess looks like.’‘

‘’Oh, right,’‘ Alex said. ‘’Um, she’s short. About your height maybe.’‘

‘’Gee, thanks,’‘ Phoebe said rolling her eye’s upwards.

‘’Your not short.’‘ Alex said, ‘’Your...petite.’‘

Phoebe laughed. ‘’Also known as short.’‘

‘’Well, anyway’s, she’s got shoulder length blond hair and these bright blue eye’s.’‘ Alex said. ‘’She might be alone, but she might also be accompanied by Max or maybe even Isabel. The two are sort of friends.’‘

‘’Alright,’‘ Phoebe said. ‘’I’ll take care of her. And you go. Now.’‘

‘’Watch your back,’‘ Alex said, shooting Phoebe one last worried look before he orbed out of the alley in a shower of blue lights.

Great, Phoebe thought as she stepped out of the shadows of the alley and into the sun. My turn to play Inspector Morris.

She took a deep breath and headed towards the entrance of the Crashdown Café. All around her people were laughing, eating and enjoying their meals on the terrace. Waitress’s dressed in bright lime green dresses were standing at tables, taking the costumer’s order’s.

Phoebe took a deep breath and pulled the door of the Café open just as two customer’s exited the café. She waited for them to step outside and then stepped inside the alien-theme dinner.

She quickly scanned the crowded restaurant, looking around for a petite blond-haired girl who could possibly be accompanied by either a guy named Max or a girl named Isabel. Or maybe even both.

‘’Are you looking for someone?’‘ A voice asked suddenly. Phoebe turned her head and found herself starring at the waitress that she had seen her earlier when she had come to look for Liz Parker.

‘’Oh, Hi.’‘ Phoebe said, ‘’It’s Maria, right?’‘

‘’Yup.’‘ Maria said, ‘’That’s me.’‘

‘’Great,’‘ Phoebe said, shooting a look in the back of the restaurant, hoping to spot Tess.

‘’So, you seem to be looking around for someone.’‘ Maria said, ‘’Or maybe your just waiting for someone or something. Not really any of my business I was just wondering if maybe I could help you out.’‘

‘’Oh, no,’‘ Phoebe said, shaking her head. ‘’I’m not waiting for anybody, I’m just...looking for an empty booth. This restaurant’s pretty crowded.’‘

‘’Lunch rush.’‘ Maria explained. ‘’It’s pretty much like that everyday and every weekend.’‘ She paused. ‘’Roswell’s a pretty small town. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around before. Have you just moved here?’‘

‘’No,’‘ Phoebe answered. ‘’I’m actually here I’m actually from San Francisco.’‘

‘’Wow,’‘ Maria said, looking amazed. ‘’That’s pretty far from here. What kind of business do you have in a small town like Roswell?? I mean, there’s not much to see or do here.’‘

‘’Oh, it’s, uh, I’m here to write an article.’‘ Phoebe lied. ‘’On Roswell. And I decided to come here myself and check the town out so I could write my article.’‘

‘’Weird.’‘ Maria said. ‘’Of all the town’s you could write an article on, you chose Roswell.’‘

‘’It was my boss,’‘ Phoebe lied again. ‘’It was pretty much all her idea to write this article on Roswell.’‘

‘’Oh,’‘ Maria said, frowning slightly as she clutched her notepad in her hand. ‘’Well, good look on that article then. And if you ever need some help on it. I’m pretty much here all the time. My best friends dad owns the place. Maybe you could write about the restaurant or something.’‘

‘’I’ll think about it,’‘ Phoebe answered, smiling.

‘’Great,’‘ Maria said, ‘’Well then go ahead and sit wherever you want. I’ll come take your order when your ready.’‘

‘’Alright,’‘ Phoebe said as Maria smiled and walked off towards one of the booths to her right. Phoebe understood why Alex liked this girl. She seemed like such a sweet, bubbly, easy to approach kind of girl.

‘’So what do you think of going to the movies tonight?’‘

Phoebe turned towards the girl’s voice. The girl was sitting in one of the booths to her left. She was busy sipping a Cherry Coke and sitting opposite from her sat a guy with dark brown hair and hazel eye’s.

That’s got to be her, Phoebe thought as she stared in the direction of the blond haired girl. She hurried in their direction and decided to sit down at the booth that was situated right in back of their’s.

I’ll be able to hear anything they say, Phoebe thought as she slid into the booth and snatched one of the menus off the table. Hopefully.

‘’So what do you think, Max?’‘ Phoebe heard Tess ask. ‘’There’s this great romantic comedy movie that’s playing tonight at the Revival and I was hoping to check it out. With you if your not busy or anything.’‘

‘’I don’t know, Tess.’‘ Max answered. ‘’I’ve got tons of homework to finish tonight. I’ve got this huge Bio exam tomorrow.’‘

‘’Well, I could help you out with it,’‘ Tess suggested. ‘’I mean I’m not the best when it comes to Bio, but I’m not that bad at it either.’‘

‘’I was actually thinking of studying...alone.’‘ Max answered with a small sigh.

‘’Alright, I guess.’‘ Tess replied. ‘’I guess I’ll just ask Kyle if he wants to go see a movie with me.’‘

‘‘I’m sure he’d like that,’‘ Max answered.

‘’Yeah,’‘ Tess said, ‘’I’m sure he will.’‘

Phoebe couldn’t help but notice the tone in Tess’s voice. She was obviously annoyed and maybe even a little hurt by Max’s answer.

‘’Or maybe I’ll just stay home.’‘ Tess said. ‘’I don’t know.’‘

‘’Sounds great’‘ Max asked.

‘’ Actually, I’ve been thinking about this for a while now.’‘ Tess answered. ‘’I’ve been thinking that maybe I could help you out with something.‘’

‘’Help me out with what?’‘ Max asked, curiously.

All of a sudden, Phoebe couldn’t hear what the girl was telling him. The girl had obviously lowered her voice to a whisper so she couldn’t be heard by anyone.

‘’Is that even possible?’‘ Max asked. ‘’How?’‘

‘’We can connect,’‘ Tess answered. ‘’It’s not that difficult, Max. I can show you.’‘

‘’I don’t know, Tess,’‘ Max said, ‘’What about Michael and Isabel?’‘

What are they talking about??, Phoebe thought just as Maria came up to her, order pad in hand.

‘’Hey,’‘ Maria said. ‘’Ready to order?’‘

‘’Oh, yeah, sure.’‘ Phoebe said, mustering a small smile. She scanned down the list of the menu and quickly chose the first thing she saw.

‘’Will Smith burger.’‘ Phoebe said, ‘’And a Cherry Coke.’‘

‘’Alright,’‘ Maria said, jotting down her order. ‘’Is that all for now?’‘

‘’Yeah,’‘ Phoebe answered, desperate to get back listening to Tess’s discussion. ‘’That’s it for now. Thanks.’‘

‘’I’ll be right back with your Cherry Coke,’‘ Maria said, ‘’And your Will Smith burger will be ready in about ten minutes or so.’‘

‘’Great,’‘ Phoebe said, flashing Maria another smile as Maria turned and headed towards the counter to place her order.

Phoebe placed down the menu and concentrated some more the conversation that was going on behind her.

‘’So what do you think, Max?’‘ Tess asked.

‘’I just...I’m not sure I’m ready to..start remember my past, Tess.’‘ Max said. ‘’I’ve always thought my home was here. On Earth.’‘

‘’But It’s not!’‘ Tess argued. ‘’Max, think about carefully. I mean, why do you care so much about this planet? You’ve got nothing to live for, Max. Sure, you’ve got parent’s. But they’re not even your real parent’s.’‘ She paused. ‘’Is it because of Liz? Because it’s not like she’s even a little bit interested in you anymore. God, Max, she slept with Kyle! She’s moved on and you should too. You should start embracing your Destiny. You’re a King and I’m your Queen. We belong with each other and we certainly don’t belong here on Earth.’‘

Issues much?,Phoebe thought as she listened to Tess raving on.

‘’God, Tess,’‘ Phoebe heard the waitress, Maria, mutter from behind her. Phoebe turned around slightly to see Maria standing there with both her hands on her hips. ‘’We can hear you from all the way over there.’‘ She motioned toward the counter where several people were staring in their direction. ‘’And second of all, what’s all this bullshit your babbling on about? No offense, but I don’t even think Max wants to here about all this crap your going on and on about. And did I mention that your talking really loud and that people are starting to stare?’‘

‘’Whatever. Max, let’s go.’‘ Tess hissed angrily, grabbing her purse and sliding out of the booth. ‘’Come on, I need you to drive me home.’‘

‘’Can’t you just walk?’‘ Maria asked, rolling her eye’s. She turned to Max. ‘’Max, I need to talk to you in the back room. Now.’‘

‘’Max, your supposed to drive me home?’‘ Tess said.

‘’Tess, you live about five blocks away from here.’‘ Max said. ‘’You can walk, can’t you?’‘

‘’You know what?’‘ Tess sighed. ‘’Fine. I’ll walk.’‘ She paused. ‘’I’ll call you later, okay?’‘

‘’Right.’‘ Max said. ‘’Later.’‘

Phoebe sat, rooted to the spot. Tess was leaving. She had to go after her. Now.

She hurried out of her booth and towards the exit, bursting out the front door and into the sun. She squinted and looked around for any signs of Tess. After several seconds, she finally spotted the petite blond crossing the street as she headed right.

She quickly hurried after her, making sure to hang back a little so she wouldn’t be spotted.

Phoebe knew that everything that she had just heard back there in the restaurant hadn’t been nothing. Tess was obviously very hooked on this whole Destiny thing with Max and she sounded as though she wouldn’t be giving up on it anytime soon or that nothing would stand in the way of it. She sounded like she would do just about anything to get what she wanted. But did that include killing an innocent like Alex? Would she kill someone to get what she so desperately wanted??

Phoebe had no idea, but she was about to find out. There was no turning back now.

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Post by Buffsteraddict »


Alright, so here's Chapter 15. Not alot of Alex & Phoebe in this Chapter. Anyway's, a huge thanks to everyone for the feedback! Feedback is of course alway's appreciated!

And now here's Chapter 15,


Steph :) :D


Chapter Fifteen

San Francisco, California

Sunshine streamed in through the window Piper’s eye’s slowly opened. She blinked several time’s, taking in her surrounding’s.

’Leo?,’‘ She whispered softly. She slowly pushed the cover’s off the bed and got to her feet. Looking at the clock on her bedside table, she realized that she had been sleeping for a good four hour’s. Where was her husband?

She crossed the room and walked out, heading down the hallway towards the stairs. She couldn’t help but stop when she got to Prue’s bedroom.

She hadn’t been inside her bedroom since Prue had died. She simply hadn’t been able to. And she still couldn’t bring herself into going in there. It was still to early.

She closed her eye’s, blocking the tear’s that threatened to spill. She wouldn’t cry. Not now. Right now she had a half sister to save.

A half-sister, She reminded herself sternly.

She continued down the hall, pass Phoebe’s room and down the stairs. She couldn’t hear any sound of voices coming from the kitchen or the living room.

''Phoebe??'' Piper called out loudly. ''Phoebe, are you down here?''

She went inside the kitchen, there was no one there. She checked the living room, there was no one there either.

''Phoebe!?'' Piper called out again, louder this time.

No one answered.

Where is everyone, she thought as she hurried up the stairs to the attic, maybe Phoebe was there, trying to find a spell of some sort.

Piper hurried inside the attic, and to her dismay, no one was there.

‘’Where are you, Phoebe??’‘ Piper muttered to herself as she crossed the attic to take a look at The Book of Shadows.

She lglanced down to find herself staring at one of the spells that she, Phoebe and Prue at used over 3 year’s ago to go back to the past.

‘’Oh, no, Phoebe what did you do?’‘ Piper said, as panic took hold of her.

''Leo!'' She called out loudly. ''Leo!!''

There was a swirl of blue lights and Leo appeared looking visibly worried.

‘’Piper?’‘ Leo asked, ‘’What’s wrong?’‘

‘’I think Phoebe went back to the past with Alex.’‘ Piper said, her voice rising angrily. ‘’Leo, what are we going to do??’‘

''We’ve got even bigger problems.'' Leo said, ‘’I just came back from seeing The Elders and apparently The Source has your sister.''

''The Source had Liz?'' Piper said as she felt her legs go weak. She clutched her stomach. ''Leo, what are we going to do? I need Phoebe and now she’s gone.''

''Piper, it’s going to be okay.'' Leo said, trying desperately to reassure her. ''Your sister’s going to be okay she can take care of herself.''

''Everything’s falling apart.'' Piper said as Leo moved in to hug her. She wrapped her arm’s around him.

''I don’t want to do this anymore, Leo,'' Piper whispered. ''I don’t want to be witch and I don’t want to fight demons anymore. As soon as I get Phoebe back and as soon as we rescue Liz, I’m through with witchcraft.''

''Honey, you can’t just quit.'' Leo said, ''Your job is to save innocents. I know it’s hard and I know you just want to give everything up but you can’t. People’s lives depend on it.''

''Prue would of done the same thing,'' Piper said, ''I know it and I'm Phoebe will agree with me.''

''I’m sorry you’ve had to go through all of this,'' Leo said, holding her tightly. ‘’I’m so sorry. I wish none of this would of happened. I wish I would of been able to save your sister. I wish that so much. But I couldn’t and I failed. I’m so sorry, Piper.'' He paused as he breathed in the scent of her hair. ''I love you,’‘ Leo whispered in her hair. ''I have Faith in you and I know you’ll be able to save Liz.''

''Leo, that means going up against The Source.'' Piper said, slowly pulling away from her husband. ‘’He’s something we simply can’t vanquish. He’s like the evil of all evil’s. How am I supposed to save Liz alone? Phoebe’s not even here, she’s gone God know’s where with Alex.''

''Piper, I know where she and Alex went.'' Leo answered slowly.

''What??'' Piper asked, ''How?''

‘’The Elder’s told me.’‘ Leo answered. ‘’You know they know everything.’‘

''Well, where is she?'' Piper asked. ''Leo, where's my sister?''

''They went back in the past to try to find out how Alex was killed.'' Leo answered.

''Oh my, God,'' Piper said, ''But, why? And what do you mean ‘how Alex was killed’? Doesn’t he know how he died? I mean you remember, why not him?''

''It’s complicated.'' Leo answered. ''The Elder’s know how he died. He was mindwarped by this alien hybrid from another planet. He was mindwarped into decoding this alien book so she could return to her home planet.''

Piper mouth hung open as she stared at her husband in confusion. ''Wha-?''

''I know, it sounds crazy,'' Leo said, ''But, yes, aliens do exist and yes there are some aliens here on earth. Liz knows. Alex knows.''

''Woah, woah,'' Piper said, holding up a hand. ‘’Your telling me that my supposed half-sister is in contact with Martians from another planet? And that some Martian killed Alex to get back home?’‘ She held a finger up in the air, pointing towards the roof. ‘’Your completely crazy, Leo. What your saying is completely crazy. You don’t seriously believe any of this, do you?''

''Piper, I’m serious.'' Leo said.

''Why didn’t The Elder’s just tell Alex what really happened to him, then!?''Piper asked, angrily.

''Because they couldn’t.'' Leo explained. ''It was just something that he had to find out by himself, Piper.''

''Find out himself?'' Piper almost shrieked. ‘’This whole finding out himselfis probably gonna get him and my remaining sister killed!''

''Piper-'' Leo started but Piper cut him off.

''No, Leo, just don’t okay?'' She said, raising her hand in the air. ''I’m not even in the mood to argue right now. I just... I want to get my sisters back. We can talk more about this later, okay?''

''Alright,'' Leo said softly. ''What’s your plan?''

''Well, Phoebe’s not here,'' Piper said, ''So I guess I’m gonna have to go save Liz from The Source. The only plan I can think of right now is that your going to orb me there and we’ll grab Liz and get out of there as fast as we can.''

''That’s it?'' Leo asked, ''Honey, are you sure? I mean, The Source could have some sort of trap set up for you. I just think that maybe we should wait a while longer and maybe Phoebe will turn up with Alex. It’s better if your two facing The Source than just you alone, don’t you think?''

''Leo, we don’t have time to wait for Phoebe.'' Piper said, ''If we wait for Phoebe, Liz could die and I’m just not willing to take that chance.''

Leo let out a small sigh but nodded his head. ''Maybe we should get Cole to distract him while we get to Liz.''

''I gu-''

Before Piper could answer, Cole appeared next to Piper out of thin air.

''Cole, we were just-''

''Talking about me, yeah I know.'' Cole said, looking down at Piper. ''So why were you talking about me anyway’s?'' He looked around the attic for any signs of Phoebe. ''And where’s my wife?''

''Your wife is on an alien scavenger hunt apparently.’‘ Piper answered, throwing Leo a look. ‘’She’s gone somehwere in the past with Alex. Meanwhile The Source has Liz Parker prisoner. Which is where you come in.''

''Wait, back up here for a second,'' Cole said, a frown on his face. ''Alien scavenger hunt? With that new whitelighter? In the past?''

''Yeah, I know,'' Piper said, ''It’s really complicated but hopefully she’ll be back soon.''

''She didn’t tell me any of this,'' Cole said making a concerned face.

Piper sighed. ''Look, Cole, we need to get to Liz right now and we need you to distract The Source while Leo and I get to Liz. Can you do that?''

''Yeah,'' Cole said slowly. ''I guess I can.''

''Alright, then,'' Piper said, '' I can make a potion that should enable you to get The Source out of the body that he’s possessing.’‘

''Good,'' Leo said.

''I'll get right on it,'' Piper said, ''Meanwhile


Liz’s eye’s snapped open and the pain immediately kicked in. Her head was killing her.

She let out a small pained groan as she rolled to the side, clutching her stomach. She was going to be sick.

''Your awake,''

Liz looked up and found herself staring at Max. More like The Source.

''Damn, doesn't that suck.'' The Source said shaking his head. ''I thought you’d be out for a little while longer. This isn’t good at all, your sister’s aren’t here yet.’‘ He paused slightly, grinning. ''I’m afraid I’m going to have to knock you out for just a little more, sweetheart.''

''No,'' Liz whispered hoarsely as he raised his hand, ready to blast her. ''Don’t, please. I promise, I won’t try to escape.''

''Sorry,'' The Source said, ''If there’s one think I learned it’s that you just can’t trust a Witch.''

And with that he shot yet another energy ball in her direction. She was blasted backwards once more.

''Hey,'' A voice called out sharply behind The Source. The Source smiled widely and slowly turned around. The witches had finally come for they’re sister.

''Witches,'' He sputtered angrily as he whipped around angrily towards the voice.

''Sorry, I’m no witch.'' Cole said as he stood there, several meters away The Source.

''You,'' The Source sneered angrily. ''What are you doing here? The sister’s were supposed to be here!''

''Sorry, they couldn’t make it,'' Cole answered. ''They sent me instead, I hope your not too disappointed.''

As Cole spoke, two figures suddenly appeared behind The Source in a shimmer of blue lights. The two looked around for Liz and they finally spotted her lying motionless several feet away.

Piper closed her eye’s momentarily, trying desperately to remain calm. She was okay. She had to be okay. She couldn’t be dead.

Leo grabbed Piper’s hand as the two slowly crept towards Liz. They could hear Cole and The Source talking loudly from behind them.

They broke into a run, running towards Liz. Piper fell to the ground when they finally reached her. She took her hand as Leo held her own.

''Hurry up, get us out of here.'' Piper whispered as she stared at Liz, horrified at the way she looked.

Leo nodded and orbed the himself along with Piper and Liz away as Cole remained behind to face off with The Source.

''You know you can’t hurt me,'' The Source sneered, not noticing that Liz was gone. ‘’Not in this body anyway’s. If you kill me you kill this body.''

''Well, I can get you out of that body’‘ Cole answered, fearlessly. ‘’That’s a start, isn’t it?''

Cole quickly produced the small potion out of his jacket pocket as he threw it at The Source who didn’t have time to react. The potion flew through the air and exploded as it hit The Source squarely in the chest. The Source let out a small scream before Max’s body collapsed to the floor.

''This isn’t over!''

A voice echoed all around him as Cole felt something cold and unpleasant rush through him. Cole ignored it and rushed at Max, who was lying unconscious on the floor. He quickly reached out and felt his pulse and he let out a small sighed of relief when he saw that Max was alive.

''Come on,'' Cole said to Max, who lay still on the hard, desert ground. ''Let’s get you out of here.''

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Post by Buffsteraddict »


Here's Chapter 16, hopefully I'll have Chapter 17 up by tommorow also. Thanks to everyone for the feeback!!

Steph :) :D


Charmed Again
Chapter Sixteen

‘’Alex!’‘ Phoebe gasped when he appeared out of nowhere beside her.

“Alex where the hell have you been!?” Phoebe exploded. “You’ve been gone for hour’s! I was worried sick!”

“I know, I’m sorry,’‘ Alex said apologetically as Phoebe gave him a small hug. ‘’I was in Las Cruces fallowing myself around.”

“So what did you find out exactly?” Phoebe asked curiously as the two stood in the alley next to the Crashdown. Phoebe had spent the entire day following Tess around, after that she had decided to head back here where she knew Alex would meet her.

“Apparently I’ve been on campus in this lab thing trying to decode the God damn alien book for Tess.” Alex answered angrily.

“An alien book?” Phoebe asked, confused.

“It’s this stupid Destiny book Tess brought with her when she came to Roswell.” Alex explained. “No one know’s what is says because it’s written in this alien language.”

“And Tess has been using her power’s on you to make you go to Las Cruces so you can translate that book of her’s?” Phoebe asked, as she leaned on wall behind her.

“Yeah,” Alex answered, shaking his head with disgust. “I’m pretty sure she’s my killer, Phoebe. I think she fried my brain so much that I just couldn’t take it any-”

All of a sudden Alex stopped talking, he was immediately hit by a strong vision.


Alex stood in a room, which he supposed was Tess's. He stood there, watching his past self arguing with Tess.

"You did this to me, you sent me to Las Cruces."

"Okay, Alex, Alex let me fix your mind, you're not thinking straight." Tess said, taking a step towards Alex's past self.

"You mindwarped me for two months while I decoded that silly book for you and now there's nothing left for you to mindwarp. You destroyed my mind! How could you do this to me!?"

Alex sootd rooted to the spot, watching the scene unfold before him just as Kyle walked in.

"Kyle get out!" Tess said angrily.

"What's going on?" Kyle asked, looking at Alex and then at Tess.

"Kyle go!" Tess said, her eye's wild with anger and fear. "Get out!"

"I have nothing, I might as well be dead." Alex's past self said.

"Hey just calm down!" Kyle said, stepping inside the room, looking at Alex with a fearful expression.

"He's right, okay." Tess told Alex. "Calm down! Just calm down!"

"No, you can't mindwarp me." Alex screamed suddenly. "You can't! NOO!!"

Alex watched as his part self clutched his head in pain and sunk to the ground as Tess mindwarped him. He watched as he collapsed to the ground. Dead.


“Alex!” Phoebe said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Alex, what’s happening? Are you okay?”

“I was right,” Alex answered, shaken by the vision. He sunks to the ground, clutching his head. “She did it. She killed me. In her room. She set it up so it looked as though I had a car accident.’‘

“ did you get that vision?” Phoebe asked, frowning. “’Did the vision just come to you? I mean you didn’t even touch anything and-”

Before she could finish her sentence, a bright white light surrounded the two of them and they were transported back to the Manor’s attic.

The first thing Phoebe saw when she opened her eye’s was an angry Piper staring at her. Judging by the look on Piper’s face she immediately knew that she was pretty much toast.

“Phoebe!” Piper said angrily. “How could you do this!?”

“Piper, take it easy, okay?” Leo said, placing a calming hand on her shoulder.

“Look, Piper, I know your mad,” Phoebe started but Piper held up a warning hand.

“It’s funny you know,” Piper said sarcastically, “I wake up and no one’s in the house. So I go upstairs to the attic, hoping to find you there but instead I find The Book of Shadows opened to the Past spell!” She paused and took a deep breath, trying desperately to remain calm. “What on earth were you two thinking?!”

“Was it you who brought us back?” Phoebe asked, looking at her sister.

“The Elder’s brought you back.” Leo said quietly. ‘’Piper sent me to ask them to bring you two back.”

“They’re the ones who sent you that flash,” Phoebe said slowly, realization dawning on her. “Of course, they knew all along who had killed him, didn’t they??”

“Yes.” Leo answered.

“I can’t believe them,’‘ Alex said angrily. “Why didn’t they just tell me who had done it!?”

“It’s something they wanted you to find out by yourself.” Leo said.

“By risking his and my sister’s lives?!” Piper exploded angrily. “Phoebe, do you have any idea how worried I’ve been!? And on top of that we had to deal with The Source kidnaping Liz and you weren’t there to help us save her!”

“The Source has Liz?” Phoebe asked as fear suddenly appeared on her face.

“Phoebe, do not change the subject!” Piper said angrily, pointing an angry finger in her direction.

“Piper, honey, I’m sorry,” Phoebe said, “I’m so sorry that you had to worry about us. I know that you don’t deserve it, especially not with everything that we’ve had to go through in the last couple of day’s.” She paused, trying to think of what to say next. “I just wanted to help Alex out. He’s been such a great help around here for the past week, I just wanted to help him.”

Piper looked up at Alex and let out a small sighed. “I understand,’‘ She said finally. “I just don’t want to lose another sister, you know?”

“And you won’t,” Phoebe said, wrapping her arm’s tightly around Piper. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Good,” Piper said, hugging Phoebe back.

“And, I’m sorry to,” Alex said, when both Piper and Phoebe broke apart.

“Don’t worry about it, Alex,” Piper said, “Phoebe’s right, you really have been a great help around. And I can’t start to imagine how hard it must be for you. I mean, your so young, Alex. And your life was just taken away from you and now your this,” Piper said, “A Whitelighter. And you’ve got all these new power’s and I’m sure that you must be scared and confused.”

“Yeah,” Alex said softly. “It is kind of scary and confusing.”

“It’ll be okay though,” Piper said, surprising Alex with a hug. “You’ll get used to it after some time. Phoebe, Leo and I will help you in any way we can.”

“Thank you,” Alex said sincerely.

“And you’ve got Liz.” Phoebe said. She paused slightly and frowned. “Where is Liz anyway’s? Piper, is she okay?”

“She will be,” Piper said as she let go of Alex. “She’s downstairs. The Source took possession of her ex-alienated boyfriend and he brought her out to the desert. He was hoping to set a trap for you and me. He wanted to kill us all.”

“How did you save her?” Phoebe asked.

“We got Cole to distract The Source while Leo and I orbed her out of there. She was badly hurt but Leo managed to heal her. She’s downstairs resting.”

“Is Cole okay?” Phoebe asked worriedly.

“Yeah, he’s fine,” Piper answered. “He managed to get The Source out of Max using a potion that I made. Max is downstair’s with Liz.”

“Are they going to be okay?” Alex asked.

“Yeah, they’ll be okay.” Piper answered.


Liz’s eye’s slowly opened and she was momentarily blinded by the sunshine that came in through the window.

She let out a small groan as she sat up from the couch.

Where the heck was she?

As she looked around the room, she slowly began to realize where she was. This was the Halliwell Manor.

She looked around large Victorian-style living room some more and spotted Max lying on the floor next to her.

Liz let out a small gasp when she saw him lying there.

“Oh my, God, Max.” She said as she got off the couch and bent down next to him. She checked his pulse for any signs of life. It seemed normal. He was apparently sleeping.

She got back up to her feet and headed towards the stairs of the manor. She needed an explanation as to what had happened. Her guess was that Piper and Phoebe were probably upstairs in the attic.

“Liz,” Alex said as soon as she stepped inside the attic. Phoebe, Piper, and Leo all turned to look in her direction as she slowly walked towards them.

“What’s going on?” She asked, looking at Piper and Phoebe. “Were the ones who saved me from...The Source?”

“Yeah,” Piper answered slowly. “You were hurt pretty bad. Leo healed you but...I wasn’t sure if you were still alive,”

Liz looked at Leo and gave him a small thankful smile. “Thank you,”

“I’m just glad your okay,” Leo answered, smiling back at her.

“What about Max?” Liz asked. “The Source...possessed him. What happened?”

“Cole took care of him,” Piper answered. “The potion that I made de-possessed him or something.” She paused. “He’s going just fine, Liz.”

“Yeah,” Alex said, putting an arm around Liz’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about it, okay?”

“What am I going to tell him when he wakes up?” Liz asked, chewing nervously on her lower lip.

“The truth,” Leo said, “I mean, he’s an alien, I’m sure he’ll accept that you’re a witch.”

Liz shook her head and swallowed hard. “How can he when I haven’t even accepted that I’m a witch yet?”

“Sweety, It’ll take some time,” Phoebe said, “But you’ll come to accept it. I know you will.”

“I just don’t know,” Liz said, “I mean, If all of this is true, I mean, I can’t believe my parent’s have been lying to me for so long,”
“Maybe they had a good reason to keep all that away from you,” Alex said shrugging, his arm still around Liz’s shoulder.

“I don’t know,” Liz said just as she heard a small sound coming from the doorway.

Everyone turned to find themselves staring at Max, who was staring directly at Liz, his eye’s full of emotions.

“Liz, what’s going on?” He asked, taking a few steps towards her. That’s when he spotted Alex standing beside Liz.

“Oh my, God,” Max said when he spotted him. “H-how?”

“Max, I can explain.” Liz said as she felt her knee’s go weak. “Let’s just go back downstairs, okay?”

“I-okay,” He said, not taking his eye’s off of Alex as she led him out of the attic, leaving Phoebe, Piper, Leo and Alex behind.

“Do you think he’ll be okay?” Piper asked, worriedly. “He looked-”

“Majorly freaked out.” Phoebe said softly, staring in the direction of the stairs.

“He’ll be okay.” Alex said confidentally. “Liz will make sure of it. He’ll be fine.”

“I sure hope so,” Piper said with a small sigh.

Last edited by Buffsteraddict on Sat Mar 11, 2006 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Buffsteraddict »

Hey Everyone,

Here's Chapter 17. A big thanks to everyone for the feedback! Enjoy the next Chapter!!

Steph :) :D


Charmed Again
Chapter Seventeen

Liz waited quietly for Max to be seated before she said anything. God, she didn’t even know where to start! There was so much that needed to be explained.

“Are you okay?” She asked him softly as she sat down on the couch next to him.

“I’m not sure,” Max said with a small shaky sighed. “I’ve seen some pretty weird thing’s today, Liz. Alex being one of them. He paused and shook his head. “God, you know, maybe I’m just going crazy. Maybe I’m just losing my mind.”

“Your not,” Liz reassured him. “I know it all seems like your losing your mind, that’s pretty much what I thought. But your not.”

“Was that really Alex upstairs, Liz?” Max said in barely more than a whisper.

Liz nodded. “Yeah, Max. It was him.”

Max ran a nervous hand through his dark brown hair. “I don’t understand. How is it possible that he’s alive?? I- I saw him. I tried to bring him back. But...there was much blood.”

“I know,” Liz said quietly, she reached out and placed a small comforting hand on Max’s back.

“How is he alive then?” Max asked, turning to look at her. “It just doesn’t make any sense.”

Liz took a deep breath saying anything else,

“You don’t remember, do you?” Liz asked softly as tear’s formed in her eye’s. “You don’t remember everything’s that’s happened this morning? Everything I’ve told you?”

“I’m sorry,” Max said, “But I don’t. Liz, I don’t remember anything that’s happened this morning.” He paused and looked at her. “What happened to me?”

“Max,” Liz said shakily, taking his hand. “If you connect with me, you’ll see and know everything. Will you do it?”

Max nodded. “Of course I’ll do it.” He reached out and took both hands in his, looking deep inside her eye’s.

“Okay,” Liz said, taking a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”

Max nodded as the two looked into each other’s eye’s. It didn’t take for the connection to form between them.



“No, no, I don't...I don't know who you are, but're not Max.”
“Liz, I know this is all hard to believe...”

“Wh-what? You expect me to believe that the...the granilith is like some sort of time machine?”

“It wasn't intended to be, but it does have an enormous amount of power, and we were able to modify it to artificially create a tear in time space.”

“No! No! There is no such thing as time travel, ok...because it is against every rule of physics, of reality, of everything.”

“Look, I realize this is overwhelming.


“Why are you here?”

“I can't tell you too much, Liz...only what you need to know...but 14 years from now, we are taken over by our enemies.”

“Uh, who's taken over?”
“Everyone. Earth. I need you to help me keep that from happening. We need to change the future. What we do here has to be precise and surgical. No one can know I'm here, especially not me...that is, my younger self.


“Liz, what's about to happen over the next few days is critical to the history of this planet. Things between us are about to change...grow deeper. We become inseparable, and nothing comes between us ever again, until...”

“The...the end of the world?”

“That's right.”

“What happened?”

“The closer that you and I grew, the worse it got with Tess, and eventually she left Roswell.”

“Because of me?”

“Because of me, and how I treated her. And it turned out Tess was critical to our survival. The four of us - Michael, Isabel, Tess, and I...we made a complete unit. We all had different gifts, and with one of us missing, we weren't as strong, and everything fell apart.”

“So, want me to help you and Tess get together?”

“I need you to make Max fall out of love with you”


“So, um...did we get married?

“Liz, you know I can't...”

“You...I know, you can't talk about it. I'm sorry. I know.”

“We eloped. We were 19.”

“We were 19? Wow, that is so young. That is too young.”

“That's what I said, but you said that Romeo and Juliet were even younger than us, so we drove to Vegas. Got married at the Elvis chapel. Congratulations, kids.”

“So we didn't have a real wedding.”

“Oh, we had a great wedding. You called Maria, Michael, Isabel, and Alex, and had them meet us halfway. We spent the whole night singing and dancing in some dive outside Phoenix, and at the end of the night, "I Shall Believe" came on the radio.”

“I love that song.”

“I know. Everyone else was exhausted, but not us. Oh, we danced...just the two of us. And ever since then, it's been our song.”

“If this works...I'm not gonna have that day.”

“No, you won't.”


“You're supposed to be breaking up with him, not kissing him”.

“ kissed me. I know, he kissed me.”

“You're only making me love you more.”

“I just said no to Gomez.”

“You said no the last time, too. I didn't take no for an answer.”

“So we went to the concert.”

“No. The night of Gomez I came to your room. That's the night that things between us were cemented.”

“Cemented. So when you say cemented, you...”

“We made love.”


“It didn't work. We have to do something else.”

“No, I...I can't.”

“You have to.”

“Do you know how hard it was for me to tell him that I didn't want to die for him? He's the only reason that I'm alive right now.' gotta come up with another plan. Please go to someone else. I...I just...I can't do this anymore.”

“Just 25 minutes before I came here, I held Michael in my arms...dead. Isabel died 2 weeks before that. Now you have to do this. You have to find a way. All of our lives depend on it.”

“How? What can I do that's gonna make you turn away from me?”



Liz and Kyle in bed, Max staring in through the window.


“fought a thousand battles...but watching you do that was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.”

“The look on his face...on your face.”

“Maybe it's for the best. For you, too.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I saw you with Kyle. He's turning out to be a...a great guy. Maybe it would be better for you to be with a human.”

“Don't you realize what you are to me...and you're always gonna be? You're the love of my life. Everyone else is gonna be second best. There'll never be another you.”


Liz standing next to Alex in the attic.

''Alex, how is it that your alive? I know you died. I was at your funeral. I saw them bury you. What happened to you??'' ''I did...die.'' Alex said. ''But I was brought back as a whitelighter.'' ''A whitelighter?'' Liz asked.


Liz standing in the attic surrounded by Piper, Phoebe, Leo, and Alex.

’She’s a Charmed one, Piper.’’ Leo explained. ‘’I just talked to the Elder’s.’’

‘’No,’’ Piper said, shaking her head. ‘’There’s no possible way that she’s our sister, Leo. The Elder’s are wrong. Whatever they told you, it can’t be true.’’

"But Piper, you just saw it with your own eye’s.’’ Phoebe said quietly. ‘’We vanquished Shax. And you said yourself, the only way that he can be vanquished is by using the power of three.’’

"Your wrong,’’ Liz said suddenly. ‘’This has got to be one huge mistake. This-Everything-it’s just crazy.’’


‘’W-what?’‘ Liz said, ‘’W-who are you? What did you do to Max?’‘

‘’I just possessed him temporarily, honey,’‘ He said, smirking. ‘’And, I’m surprised you don’t know who I am. Didn’t your little witch sister’s tell you all about me?'' He paused, shaking his head. ''You know it kind of hurt that you killed Shax. Really, he was my best assassin yet. I mean, he did kill that other sister of your’s, didn’t he?’‘

‘’You’re, you’re the Source, how long have you been possessing him like this??’‘


Max gasped loudly and immediately let go of Liz’s hands.

“Liz, w-why?” Max said, getting to his feet as he continued to look down at her. “Why the hell didn’t you come to me before about this??”

“Max, I couldn’t.” Liz said, “I just- I couldn’t. He- You told me that I couldn’t tell you.”

“Liz, it doesn’t matter what he told you!” Max said angrily. Angry tear’s quickly forming in his eye’s. “Did you even think about the possibility that that man wasn’t a future version of me but a skin?!Did you even think about that!?”

“Max, it was you,” Liz answered. “I know it was you, I just know it.”

“Didn’t you trust me enough to come to me with this?” Max said softly, his voice full of pain and anger. “We could of worked thing’s out, Liz. We could of been together, you know that? We could of thought of something to keep Tess from leaving town. It didn’t have to be this way.”

“Max-” Liz started but he cut her off before she had the chance to say something.

“I loved you!” He burst out angrily. “God, I still love you! I was ready to do everything in my power to get you back! I didn’t listen when you told me to leave you alone that night when you came to my room and told me you didn’t want to die for me! I wouldn’t give up! I was still going to try to get you back, Liz. I was willing to do anything it took to get you back. And you were just willing to give up everything we meant to each other??”

“To save you.” Liz replied angrily. “I did it to save you, Max. And don’t you realize how hard it was for me to tell you all those thing’s the night I came to your room!? That I didn’t want to die for you when I would die for you anyday!? I did it because I loved you! I did it to save all of us, you, me, Isabel, and Michael from dying 14 year’s from now!”

“So you tried to get me to fall out of love with you!?” Max said, completely disgusted. “Newsflash Liz, your plan never work.”

“It would of worked if you would of just went along and followed your Destiny!” Liz said angrily.

“How many times do I have to tell you!?!” He said, almost screaming it out. “I don’t give a shit about my Destiny, Liz! Why can’t you just accept it and stop pushing me towards it!! I might be an alien from another planet but my home is here, on earth.” He paused. “My life is here with you.”

“You don’t want me, Max.” Liz said shaking her head stubbornly.

“See!” Max cried out, “Your not even willing to give us a try! Why can’t you stop pushing me away like this!? When are you going to realize that you need me just as badly as I need you!?”

“I’m desperately trying to make this work here,” Max said, “And I really don’t see you trying. Maybe I was right to think that everything I’ve felt for the past year and a half has be a lie, huh? Maybe you never really truly loved me.”

“Your wrong,” Liz said, “I did love you. I do love you.”

“Then why can’t we be together??” Max asked. “Why?”

“Because my life is too complicated right now.” Liz answered softly. “There’s some thing’s that I can-”

“That’s not a good reason, Liz.” Max answered angrily. “Life is always complicated.” He paused, shaking his head. “And what else was it that I saw when we connected, Liz? I know there was something else that you’ve been keeping from me. More secrets.”

Liz was quiet for a while, unsure of how to tell him that she had magical power’s and that she had two sister’s. Finally she decided to simply tell him directly. There was no other way, anyway’s.

“Max, I just found out yesterday that I have power’s. And I also found out that I have three step-sister’s. One of which just recently died.”

“W-what?” Max asked, sitting back down on the couch next to Liz. “How is that possible?”

“They’re witches, Max.” Liz said with a small sighed. “And apparently so am I. I only found out about this yesterday. But they’ve known for about four year’s now.” She paused. “They kill demons.”

“They kill demons?” Max repeated numbly.

“They vanquish them,” Liz clarified. “ the world of evil. That’s how, Prue, one of my step sister’s, that’s how she was killed.”

“That thing that attacked us yesterday in that classroom,” Max said slowly, realization dawning on him. “That was a...demon, wasn’t it? And when it used it’s power’s on us and sent me flying in that wall, you used your power’s to kill him.”

“Well, I didn’t kill him,” Liz answered, “But I managed to make him leave anyway’s.” She paused. “That demon’s name was Shax. He’s the one who killed Prue.”

“Liz, why didn’t you tell me before??” Max asked, placing a hand on her small back. “God, Liz, how could you keep something like that from me? How can you not tell me about important thing’s like this??”

“I wanted to, Max.” Liz said with a sighed. “I’m sorry I didn’t, I just didn’t know how to tell you.”

“Liz, you have to stop this,” Max said, shaking his head some more. “You have to stop keeping important stuff like this away from me.”

“I’m sorry, Max,” Liz answered, “But I just didn’t what to do. I mean, can’t you try putting yourself in my shoes just for once, I’m pretty sure that if the situation had been reverse, you would of done the same freaking thing.”

“Your wrong.” Max said, looking visibly hurt. “I would of come to you, Liz. You would of been the first one I would of gone to.” He paused. “And the whole me bringing you to the desert, Liz. I don’t understand. I don’t remember bringing you there, why did I see that in the flashes?”

Liz sighed. “Because The Source took a hold of your body, Max. He...possessed you and I thought he was you. He brought me out to the desert to kill me. He wanted to trap Phoebe and Piper into trying to save me so that he could kill us.”

“Are you okay?” Max asked, “Did I- did he hurt you?”

Liz nodded. “Yeah, he did. He used his power’s on me. Leo and Piper said I was pretty badly hurt when they found me in the desert. Leo brought me back here and healed me while Cole took care of The Source. He managed to get The Source out of your body and he brought you back here afterwards.”

“So...this thing was pretending to be me?” Max asked.

“Yeah, it was.” Liz answered. “And he actually had me thinking that it was really you.” She paused and took a deep breath. “I told you everything, you know. I told you about Future Max and my new Power’s and Alex. And you forgave me and told me you loved me. But it wasn’t you it was just some demon pretending to be you.”

Before Max could reply, they both heard a sudden noise coming from the Hallway and they turned to see Phoebe, Piper, and Alex standing there, looking straight at them.

“Oh, hey” Liz said unsurely.

“We know that you guy’s still have a lot to talk about and all,” Phoebe said. “But we just came to explain ourselves a little more.”

“And I came to explain myself,” Alex said, quietly as he stepped inside the living room towards Max. “Because I know how many questions you must have for me and all,”

Max stood, transfixed to the spot. “Yeah, I kind of do.”

“Before I go on,” Alex said, looking at Liz. “There’s something you need to know. About Tess.”

“What about her?” Max asked, a bad feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. Why did he have a feeling that whatever he was going to tell him about Tess wouldn’t be such a good thing?”

“Tess killed me,” Alex said, “She’s been mindwarping me pretty much all year long into going to Las Cruces to decode that alien book for you.”

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Post by Buffsteraddict »

Hey :) :D

Here's Chapter 18. I'm already working on the next Ch and also I don't have school tommorow so I'll probably post Ch.19 tommorow.

A big thanks to everyone for the feedback! It's always greatly appreciated, thank you!!

Steph :) :D


Chapter Eighteen
San Francisco

“Tess killed me. She’s been mindwarping me pretty much all year long into going to Las Cruces to decode that alien book for you.”

Max felt his heart sink when Alex uttered those words. Liz had been right all along. He had been responsible for Alex’s death.

“Max, it’s not your fault.” Liz said as if reading his thoughts. “Don’t you dare blame yourself for this, okay?”

“You knew about this?” Max asked numbly, turning on Liz.

Liz shook her head. “I had doubts. But I never knew for sure, Alex how did you find out?”

“Phoebe and I cast a spell that took us back in time the day I was shot. The Elder’s brought me back before I could really find out if Tess had killed me but right before they did they sent me this flash where I saw everything.”

“What happened?” Liz asked softly.

“I...I was in her bedroom.” Alex said, “I was shouting at her. Telling her she had screwed up my brain decoding that stupid book. The Kyle came in the room. He had no idea what was going on and he was telling me to calm down. And then Tess was telling me to calm down and that’s when she mindwarped me one last time. My head just couldn’t take that last mindwarp and I fell.”

Liz wrapped her arms around before he could say anything else.

“I’m so sorry, Alex.” Liz said as he hugged her back. “I’m so sorry.”

“We’ll let you guy’s talk,” Piper said, “We’ll just be in the kitchen.”

Piper grabbed Phoebe and Leo by the arm’s and led them away from the living room and into the kitchen.

Max stood there, a million questions and thoughts running through his head. None of this was happening. How could any of this be real?

“Max, Liz is right. None of this is your fault. ” Alex said quickly, seeing Max’s pained face. “It wasn’t you who killed me, it was Tess.”

“I can’t believe this,” Max said, “T-his is going to fast. I need to process all of this before-”

“It’s okay, Max.” Liz said, “I can understand. And I can also take you home if you want.”

“Sounds like a good idea but...what are we going to do about Tess?” Alex asked, his face hardening with anger. “We have to take care of her before she decides to hurt someone else.”

“Alex, look I’m going to take Max home and we can take care of it after, okay?” Liz pleaded gently. “I promise I won’t be long.”

Alex nodded. “Okay, I guess. Are you sure you want to go or do you want me to do it?” He shot a glance at Max, who seemed completely lost in thought. He wondered how Max was taking all of this. Not very good apparently. He wasn’t sure if Liz was even capable of orbing Max back home to Roswell considering that she wasn’t completely able to control her power yet.

“Yeah, I’ll manage.” Liz said, attempting to give him a small smile but failing miserably. “It’s be alright, really.”

Alex shot her a worried look. “Okay, alright. If you say so. Just hurry back here, okay?”

Liz nodded as she took hold of Max’s arm. “I’ll bring you back home, Max.”

“How?” Max asked suddenly.

“Using my new power’s.” Liz said, tightening her hold on his arm. “Don’t worry about it okay? We’ll be in back home in no time.” She turned to face Alex. “I’ll be back.”

And with that, she and Max disappeared in a swirl of pale blue lights, leaving Alex behind them. They disappeared just as Phoebe reappeared in the living room along with Piper.

“Where did they go?” Phoebe asked curiously. “Did they just orb out or something?”

Alex nodded as he sunk in the couch beside him. “Yeah. Liz decided to bring Max back home. I don’t think he’s taking all of this new stuff to well. Especially the whole Tess killing me thing.”

“Sweetie, are you okay?” Piper asked, sitting on the couch beside him as she placed a hand on his knee. “You don’t look very good.”

“I just hope he’ll be fine,” Alex answered with a small sighed. “I hope Liz can take care of him.”


Roswell, New Mexico

Max’s eye’s snapped open to find himself standing in his room back in Roswell. He never thought he’d be happier to see his own bedroom in his whole lifetime. He turned to find himself staring down at Liz, who seemed to be slightly surprised that they were standing in his bedroom.

“Wow, it worked.” Liz said in barely more than a whisper.

“That’s some power you got there,” Max managed to say as he sat down on the edge of his bedroom numbly.

“Yeah,” Liz said, looking around nervously. Finally her gaze settled on Max.

“Are you okay?” She asked worriedly. “I know everything you just found out is pretty big. I know it’s hard to process everything.”

Max nodded. “It is hard.”

“Anyway’s, I’ll let you think about everything okay?” Liz said, taking a step back as he continued to stare at her. “I better go. I need to get back to Alex but I’ll be back to check up on you later.”

There was a moment of silence before Max finally said something, his eyes filled with tear’s.

“Please don’t,” He whispered hoarsely.

Liz’s heart sank as he uttered those words and tear’s quickly filled her own eye’s. She had hurt him so much that he didn’t even want to talk to her anymore. That’s how badly she had hurt him.

Liz looked away from him, unable to look him in the eyes.

“Please don’t go.” Max said, finishing his sentence.

Liz immediately turned to face him once more, her face filled with shock.

“What?” She said finally, unsure if she had just heard him correctly.

“I said please don’t go.” Max repeated. “I need you now. Especially now. Please just... don’t leave me.”

Before he could say another word, Liz hurried towards him and collapsed into his arms, openly sobbing.

“I’m s-sorry.” She sobbed. “I never meant to hurt you and I wanted to tell you the truth. But I was so scared that you’d get hurt. I n-never wanted to tell you about my power’s because I was scared that it would get you killed somehow. I’m p-putting you in danger because of these stupid power’s that I don’t want. An d I’m sorry about Future Max, but you were the one who told me I had to make you fall out of love me. Y-you were the one and I couldn’t say no to him. I tried to save you, Michael, and Isabel from dying but all it did was get Alex killed. I s-screwed up everything, Max.”

Liz could feel Max’s body also shaking as he hung on to her.

“I’m sorry, Max.” Liz sobbed as tremors ran through her entire body. “I love you. I still love you.”

Max held on to her as she cried. He ran a soothing hand through her hair and whispered soothing words to her ear.

“I love you too, Liz.” Max whispered against her hair. “Liz, I’ve never stopped loving you.”

“I’m sorry,” She whispered again against his chest. “I’ll never keep any secrets from you again, Max, I swear. And I’ll never leave you.”

“I’ll never leave you, Liz.” Max answered. “I love you to much.”

Liz’s sobbing subsided slightly but she didn’t stop. She simply could not stop thinking about all the hurt she had caused. She had desperately followed Future Max’s orders as she had tried to make Max fall out of love with her. She had pushed Max towards Tess and what good had that done to anyone? Tess had turned out to be a murderer. One who had killed her best friend. She had screwed up Max and Alex’s life. Not to mention Maria’s and Isabel’s who had both been devastated when Alex had died.

“Liz, this isn’t your fault.” Max said, “It’s mine. I don’t understand why I would ask you to do such a thing. Did I- didn’t the Future me know that I could never fall out of love with you? How could he not know that?”

“I don’t know,” Liz said, her body still pressed against Max’s chest. “I don’t know, Max. I just know that I screwed up badly. If I hadn’t pretended to sleep with Kyle- Alex would still be alive.”

“But he still is.” Max said gently.

“Well, yeah,” Liz answered, sniffling. “Technically. But his life will never be normal.”

“My life isn’t normal Liz.” Max said, “And now your life isn’t going to be normal. Ever since I healed you that day at the Crashdown It hasn’t been normal.”

“What’s so great about normal?” Liz said, quoting Max. A small smile forming on her face.

Max placed a small kiss on top of her head as he continued to hold her in his arms.

“Liz...” Max said suddenly. “I need...I need to take care of Tess.”

Liz pulled away from Max slightly but Max held on to her.

“I know,” Liz said quietly. “But what are you going to do to her?”

“I’m going to get all the information that I need out of her,” Max said, anger slowly rising. “And then I don’t care what happens next. I’ll kill her if I can.”

“When?” Liz asked, “I want to come with you.”

“No way,” Max objected immediately. “It’s way to dangerous. I’m not letting you come.”

“Max, I have powers.” Liz said, “You have to let me come with you.”

“No.” Max answered stubbornly. “Your not coming. Liz, it’s way to dangerous. I’ll talk to Michael into coming with me. I’ll have to tell him the truth.”

“If your going to tell Michael the truth then Isabel has a right to know too.” Liz said. “And so does Maria and Kyle. They should know what’s been going on.”
Max nodded. “Alright then.”

“And if you won’t let me go with you,” Liz said slowly. “You have to let Alex go. He deserves to be there, he’s the one she killed.”

Max was silent for a few seconds as he thought. Finally he agreed.

“Fine,” He said. “Alex can come. He deserves to know why Tess did it.”

“And if something goes wrong I’ll be by your side in an orb.” Liz said, “Got that?”

Max sighed. “Agreed.”

Liz leaned back against his chest, taking in the warmth and comfort that she felt when she was in his arms.

“Are you going to find her now?” Liz asked in a small voice as Max pushed her gently on the bed, wrapping an arm around her waist.

“I just want to hold you for a while,” Max said, taking in the smell of her hair as he pressed another loving kiss to her head. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited to hold you like this? To kiss you? I love you so much Liz. And I promise you that everything’s going to be okay. I promise I’ll make Tess pay.”


San Francisco

Alex paced around the Manor’s living room, anxiously waiting for Liz to come back even though she knew that Liz coming back in the next half hour was a pretty slim chance. She had to take care of Max and Alex understood that perfectly. But there was still Tess to take care of and until that was done, he simply wouldn’t be able to rest.

“Alex, she’ll be here.” Phoebe reassured him. “Don’t worry about it just give her some time.”

“Phoebe I need to take care of this now.” Alex said. “I can’t wait for Liz or Max. I need to take care of this all by myself. I’m the one she killed. I’m the one who needs to take care of this.”

“Well what are you saying?” Phoebe asked, frowning. “Are you saying you want to find her and kill her?”
“I just need to know everything,” Alex said, “I need to know why she wanted to kill me. What her purposes were. What her goals in Roswell were.”

“Well, honey, your just going to have to wait for Liz to come back,” Piper said, “You don’t know how strong this girl really is and I’m not going to risk you getting killed just because you were getting impatient that your best friend wasn’t coming back.”

“Piper, you, Phoebe, Leo, and me can easily take this girl,” Alex said. “We could take care of her once and for all and Max wouldn’t even have to go through all the trouble of doing it himself. I’m sure he’s got way to much stuff on his mind right now. This will be one thing less on his mind.”

“So as far as you see it were doing him a favor?” Leo asked, glancing at Alex and then down at his wife, who sat patiently on the couch. “I don’t know. This just doesn’t seem right.”

“You know what, I say let’s do it.” Phoebe said, “Let’s start scrying for this girl.”

“Well...” Piper said thoughtfully. “I do want to get this over with. And it would be doing Liz and Max a favor.”

“Good,” Alex said, “Let’s start scrying for her. And if Liz get’s here before we’re done scrying than we can see what she wants to do.”

“I’m still kind of unsure that this is such a good idea.” Leo said, not moving from the spot where he was standing.

“Yeah, I’m not so sure this is such a good idea Leo but this isn’t really our decision to make, is it? I mean we’re talking about the person who killed him here, Leo. It’s his decision and I’m willing to do anything he wants.”

“Yeah and he helped us with vanquishing Shax so It’s our turn to help him out.” Phoebe said, “I’m just putting myself in his shoes here.”

“Alright,” Leo said with a small sighed. “Let’s start scrying for her then.”

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


Here’s Chapter 19 as promised! I’ll <i>try</I> having Chapter 20 by tomorrow since I still don’t have school and all. Anyway’s, a big thanks to everyone for the feedback!!

Thanks and enjoy the next Part!



Chapter Nineteen

San Francisco

“Okay, so Liz still isn’t here and we’re done scrying,” Phoebe said. The four of them were waiting upstairs in the attic right beside the desk on which they had placed a map of Roswell, New Mexico so they could easily scry for Tess. “Alex are you sure you don’t want to wait for Liz before we do this? Aren’t you afraid she’s going to get mad?”

“Maybe we could just call for her.” Piper said shrugging. “I mean I do it with Leo all the time and Liz is half-whitelighter isn’t she?”

“It’s worth a try,” Leo said, “I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.”

“Okay,” Alex said, “Let’s call her then,”

The four immediately began calling Liz’s name loudly, hoping she would hear them calling out to her.


Roswell, New Mexico

Liz’s eye’s snapped open immediately. It took awhile for her to take in her surrounding’s. She could feel Max’s arm around her waist and she could also hear his breathing. Liz didn’t want to move afraid that she would wake him.

She could hear a faint buzzing I her head. Somebody was trying to call her. She could hear a mixture of voices calling out for her.

<i>Alex, Piper, Phoebe and Leo</i>. Who else other than those four would be calling for her??

She turned her head towards the alarm clock on Max’s bedside table and her eye’s widened in shock when she saw that she had been sleeping for a little over an hour.

She had to get back to Alex.


Liz shot Max one last glance and softly kissed him one last time on the cheek before orbing out of his bedroom and back to the Halliwell Manor.


San Francisco

“Liz!” Alex said, surprised when he saw her orb right in front of him. “It’s about time,”

“I know, I know,” Liz said with a small sighed. “I was just...taking care of certain thing’s. But everything’s fine now.”

“Good,” Alex said sincerely , “I’m glad to hear that.”

“So,” Liz said, looking around the small group. “What do we do now? What’s next?”

“We located Tess,” Phoebe said, pointing at the map that lay on the table next to her.

“She’s at the Valenti’s,” Alex said, “And I’m going to find her.”

“Wait what?!” Liz said, taking hold of his arm. “Alex you can’t go alone.”

“Liz, I took my decision.” Alex said silently. “I’m not dragging you, Phoebe or Piper into this. You guy’s have thing’s you have to deal with just like I have thing’s to deal with. And Tess is one of those thing’s.”

“No, there’s no way that I-” Liz started but Alex continued.

“I don’t want you getting hurt Liz.” Alex said, “Neither do I want Phoebe or Piper getting hurt. So I’m doing this alone.”

“Alex, I know that you have powers now,” Liz said, “But...she killed you once. And I don’t want her doing it again.”

“I promise you Liz, I won’t let her lay a hand on me.” Alex said. “And I’m not going to let her use her mind warping powers on me.”

“I still don’t think this is such a good idea.” Liz said, crossing her arms across her chest. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

He simply smiled and wrapped his arms around her into a hug. “I’ll be back soon.” He said before disappearing into a shower of blue lights.

“I really have a bad feeling about this,” Liz said, throwing Piper a worried look.

“Hey, he’ll be fine.” Leo said, “Look the only thing in this world that can actually hurt him is a dark lighter. Nothing else can, especially not a mindwarp.”

“I hope your right.” Liz said, running a hand through her long dark locks.

“Yeah, don’t worry to much about it,” Phoebe said, giving her a reassuring smile.

“Alex was right about you guy’s having thing’s to deal with, you know.” Leo said, taking a step forward. “I think you guy’s should really go and have a talk with Liz’s father.”

“Yeah,” Liz said. “I definitely have some stuff to talk to him about.”

“Yeah, we’re going with you on this one.” Piper said, “I’ve got a couple of thing’s to tell your father myself.”

“Alright, then let’s go.” Liz said, taking Phoebe and Piper’s hands in her’s.

“Honey, you should come with us.” Piper said to her husband.

“Nah, I have to check something out with the elder’s first.” Leo answered.

“Alright then, just meet us when your done, okay” Piper said.

Leo nodded as Liz orbed Phoebe and Piper and herself away.


Roswell, New Mexico

Max’s eyes fluttered open. He expected to find Liz lying in bed next to him but instead he found himself all alone.

<i>She probably just headed back to see Alex,</i> Max thought calmly as he struggled to stay awake.

That’s when the reality of everything that had happened hit him.

<i>Tess killed Alex. Alex is still alive. And Liz has two half-sisters with powers,</i> Max thought as he sat up from bed. He stumbled off the bed, heading straight for the door.

He had to get to Tess now before Tess hurt killed somebody else. What if she was going to go after Liz next?

Max opened the door to his room and headed down the hall towards the stairs.

Tess had to be stopped.



Tess lay on her bed, her elbows propped up as she read the magazine that lay on her bed. A bag of chips lay open beside her.

It was still early afternoon. She still had a good two hours before she was supposed to head over to Max’s house so the two of them could work on retrieving memories of their past lives on Antar. Tess was sure that the memories would help Max pursue his destiny. If only he could just get that <i>Liz Parker</i> off of his mind.

Every single time she had connected with him the only thing she had seen in his mind was her. <i>Liz Parker</i>.

When the two of them had kissed at Prom, all the flashes she had seen were flashes of Liz.

She was getting sick and tired of this. Why couldn’t he just stop thinking about her for a second and start focusing on her instead?

There was a sudden knock on her bedroom door which made Tess snap out of her thoughts. She looked up just as the door opened and Kyle stuck his head inside the bedroom.

“Hey,” He said. “What are you doing? Reading Magazines again?”

“Yeah, Buddha-Boy.” Tess answered, a small smirk on her face. “Why? Did you have something else you wanted to do?”

Kyle opened the door completely and stepped inside.

“I just went to rent this action movie and I thought, if you don’t have anything better to do, that we could watch it or something.” Kyle explained. “Dad’s out of town for a couple of days.”

Tess closed the magazine that lay in front of her and threw it carelessly on the floor.

“Sure.” She answered shrugging slightly. “Why not? I’m pretty bored right now and I’ve got time to spare before I have to meet Max.”

Kyle’s face fell slightly. “So...” He said. “You and Evans, huh? Maria told me about you and him kissing at Prom.”

“<i>Maria</i> told you?” Tess said, her mouth hanging open slightly. “<i>How</i>? I mean it’s not like we kissed in public or anything.”

“Yeah, well, apparently Liz saw you two.” Kyle explained. “She told Maria who told me.”

“Of course,” Tess said with a sighed. “Anyway’s were not exactly together. Not now anyway’s although I am working on it.”

“Do you love him?” Kyle asked, his face turning serious for a moment.

Tess shrugged. “I guess I do. I mean I care about him a lot and I was married to him on Antar, you know. I am, in a weird sort of way, his wife. And it’s our Destiny to be together. And I’m not going to let anything come in between our Destiny.”

“But what If he doesn’t love you back?” Kyle asked. “What if he’s still in love with Liz. Because, no offense Tess, but I think he still is in love with her.”

“That’s impossible.” Tess said with a wave of her hand. She knew that he was right but she didn’t want to admit it.

Kyle let out a small sighed. “Oh well, you going to come watch that movie I rented or what?”

As Kyle spoke, their was a sudden swirl or pale blue lights that formed right in front of Tess. And suddenly a figure appeared.

Tess’s eyes grew large and wide as she stared numbly at the figure that stood there. Someone she was sure she would never see again in her whole entire life.

Alex Whitman.
