Promised(AU M/L Mature/Adult)COMPLETE 5/28/05

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Hey everyone...sorry for the late post. We had an unexpected death in I've been pretty out of it, but I just thought I would post this for all my faithful readers! It's longer than usually to make up for its late arrival...sorry again.

Chapter 11


Wow. Chadwick is so beautiful! This was just the place to go to get away from everything; it’s just what I needed.

But, I miss home, especially my friends and Max. It took so much work to convince Maria to let me leave. She told me that I was running away from my problems and that I should stay and face them. I tried to explain to her that she didn’t understand where I was coming from and that I just needed to get away for a while. She finally agreed after my parents talked to her for a while. She apologized for overstepping her boundaries into my life. I laughed and accepted her apology. I told her that she is my best friend and that right now I really need her to act like it, and not my second in command. Now there’s a thought…Maria and Michael. If in 6 months when I come back, my life is still some what “normal” I’ll help Max set those two up.

Max. God I miss him. I’m sitting her on the balcony of the cottage I rented, watching the sunset and my thoughts drift to Max. When the setting suns turn the sky an amber color I think of Max’s eyes. The small twinkle of hope in them last week when I promised to give us a chance, then the twinkle was gone when I agreed to stay away from him. GOD I MISS HIM!

My thoughts of Max are interrupted by a knock on the door so I walk back inside the cottage and I wrap my house robe tighter around my body as I open the door.

“Yes Serena?” I smile and ask the servant girl in front of me.

“I’m sorry to disturb you Lady Parker, but this message just arrived for you.” She says as she hands me the envelope.

“Just now? But it’s so late” I respond already tearing into the envelope.

“I know milady, that is what I told the messenger, but he said the Prince insisted it be delivered tonight.” She says as she bows and turns to leave.

The Prince? Max. Alex must have told him where I am. A smile graces my face, Max knows that any communication is forbidden, but it still warms my heart to know he was thinking of me.

I start to read the letter and I don’t recognize the handwriting, or the seal. I call Serena back to my room and she follows me in.

“Is something wrong milady?” Sophie asks as she notices my confused face.

“Who did you say this message was from?” I ask reading the message again.

“It was delivered by the royal messenger, so I would assume the Prince…why what does it say?” She asks coming closer to me.

“Yea, that’s where I’m confused. It’s signed The Prince but it’s not Max’s handwriting or the Antarian seal. I don’t know who it’s from.” I say as I hand over the message for her to look at.

“Max? Who is Max? This message is from Prince Kivar milady. The prince of Chadwick” Serena says to me while handing the message back, “He wants to escort you to the royal dinner tomorrow night. How exciting!”

“Kivar? I don’t know a Prince Kivar. Why would he want to escort me? I’m a lady from Antar.” I say as I sit down on my vanity stool and begin to comb my hair.

“Allow me milady.” Serena says as she takes the comb and finishes the task. “A lady on any planet is still a lady. You’re raised to be queen; any prince would be interested in that. Prince Kivar has apparently heard you are staying here for a while and wants to meet you. Now who is Max?”

“Max, um, well he’s the Crowned Prince of Antar, and we were um…involved I guess you can say. That’s why I’m here…I wanted to get away for a while. We are on a break.” I say as I look at my self in the mirror. What is it about me, Liz Parker, that interests Princes of great planets?

“Forgive me milady I hope I am not being too forward in asking this, but why are you on a break? You’re raised to be with him, why not just be together?” Serena asks as she ties my hair back for the night.

“It’s very complicated, but short version, Max bonded with me before I was born, and now we are separated to undo the bond, to see if we can love each other with out the bond.” I say as I stand up and walk to look out the balcony; I think it is my favorite place; I might have one built onto my room back in Antar.

“Wait…he chose you? Is that what your saying milady?” Serena said shock evident in her tone.

“Yes. How did you know?” I ask as I turn from the view outside and regard her.

“It is a legend among Chadwickian’s, very romanticized, to have someone choose you before you are even born, knowing every sense of who you are before you do, and loving you for it. It’s supposed to be a great blessing in a relationship, complete unconditional love.” Sophie says with a far away look in her eyes. Obviously the ritual is better known about on Chadwick, a perfect life.

“Yeah, well it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Max and I never knew that he chose me until his 18th birthday. Before that day, Max and I hadn’t really spoken to each other in 2 years and then all of a sudden we find out that we are supposed to be together while we hate each other. It kind of destroys the magic of unconditional love. We talked to a man who actually reversed his choice and he told us how to do it. Max and I care about each other…but I didn’t want to be with him without my consent to do it, so I told him I wanted to reverse the choice and see other people so that if we find each other again, I will know it’s meant to be. I know I broke his heart in doing this…but I don’t think I could have been happy with out doing it…” I say as I blink back the fresh tears in my eyes. Ever since I left Antar, I haven’t cried, I didn’t want to show that I was hurting…but I am…I think I made the right choice but it’s painful.

“Wow, I’m sorry that I presumed to know what you went through…that part was left out of the legend.” Serena says as she hands me a tissue and squeezes my shoulder in comfort.

“Yeah, tell me about it…Ha Ha…god you must think I’m a complete wacko! Here I am, you supposed to help me around the cottage, and I’m blabbing my mouth off about everything under the suns! I must look ridiculous!” I say as I wipe my eyes and try to control my emotions but with no such luck as more tears run down my cheeks.

“Actually, I think you’re incredible. You have been through so much, and you’re still standing. That is evidence enough that you should be a lady, you have the strength to hold your King up, you will be a great Queen, and I was hoping while you’re here…a good friend?” Serena asked biting her bottom lip because of her nervousness. Liz knew it took a lot of courage for Serena to ask her that, since she was her servant. On Antar, servants and their lords and ladies did not socialize like Liz was doing with Serena…but she felt a strange pull to this girl.

“Yeah, I would really like that…a lot!” Liz said as she jumped up and gave Serena a hug. The two held on to each other tightly not shocked at all by the intense connection that they shared.

“Ok…so as your new friend, and because if you go I will be helping to get you ready, what are you going to say the Prince Kivar?” Serena asked once we pulled apart.

“I don’t know. I’ve never met him, I don’t know if I should go. I don’t think its right for him to ask me to escort him with out even meeting me first…that’s a little forward don’t you think?” I ask as re-read the message for the 5th time. The royal dinner…Liz didn’t even know what that meant on this planet. So she asked Serena.

“Well, the royal dinner is this huge event, where the royal families from different surrounding planets come to Chadwick to spend the night off and enjoy each others company with out a political strain on the conversations and relationships. I don’t think it’s a big deal you’ve never met him before, there will be so many people there that you probably will not have any alone time for conversations so you shouldn’t worry about that. So, do you want to go?” Serena asked noting the anxious look on Liz’s face.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea…I mean I’m here to get away from the political and royal lives, I don’t think I should throw myself back into it.” I respond to Serena’s question, I like the freedom that comes with being friends with someone. There is no status just equality…which is something I’ve always believed in, that’s why I always saw Max as my friend and never my prince.

“Like I said earlier, you’re a Lady…sorry to say it, but you will always be a lady. No one knows you’re here, yet somehow the prince found you he knows who you are, you can run from your problems with Max but you can’t run from who you are…and that’s a Lady. Besides…you and Max are on a break, to date other people… this is your chance to put that into effect. The faster you go out and date other people, the faster that you can be happy; with Max or with someone else.” Serena says as she gets up and closes the balcony door for the night, she turns to leave the room but stops and says, “Isn’t that why you’re here? Night Liz.”

I respond with a small smile and sigh. Damn she’s good. She’s absolutely right. Why be scared about going to one royal dinner; one date. I don’t want to waste the time I have by myself. I broke not only my heart but Max’s by suggesting this stupid break and I’m going to make that decision worth it. I’m going to go to that royal dinner with Kivar. Who knows it might be fun.


“Max are you ready? You should leave for your transport shuttle in a few minutes if you want to make it.” Isabel says as she walks into my room with out knocking.

“God, Isabel doesn’t anybody knock anymore? I know you think you rule the planet, but this is still my room so next time please knock.” I say as I try to finish my bow tie before I leave.

“Whatever Max, anyway…why are you getting dressed now? The royal dinner isn’t until 7 tonight. That’s 6 hours away, it doesn’t take that long to get to Chadwick Max, why you leaving so early?” Isabel asks walking up to me and slapping my hands away from the tie so that she can do it.

“That’s what I want to know, but Princess Tessa asked me to show up early.” I say as I turn to the mirror and check her work. After nodding my approval of her work I turn to put my shoes on.

“So, you’re escorting Princess Tessa of Chadwick. Max I wouldn’t have thought you were into Princesses…I always pictured you as a brunette Ladies of a Court man.” Isabelle said with a knowing smirk from her seat on his bed.

“Ha ha very funny. Look I’m only doing this to be able to tell Liz that I did go out, that I did actually try to see other people.” I say as I finish tying my shoes and put on my tux jacket.
“Well, have fun. I’m going out tonight so I’ll see you later.” She says as she starts to leave the room.

“Wait, what are you doing tonight? You just got back from boarding school…how did you make friends so soon?” I ask her as I follow her down stairs.

“Maxwell Evans I happen to have a lot of friends thank you very much! But anyway, I’m going out to dinner with Alex.”

“Alex? Alex Deluca? As in Liz’s best friend Alex? When did you guys get a chance to talk?” I say with a laugh.

“The other day. I ran into him in the hall on his way out and we got to talking. I can see why Liz likes him to much he is a really good guy. He makes me laugh.” Isabel says with a smile.

“Well…than I’m happy for you Is. I didn’t see this one coming…but yeah I’m happy for you. Everybody deserves the chance to be in love.” I say while my thoughts drift to Liz.

“Don’t worry Max; everything will turn out in the end. It has too.” Isabel says after giving me a hug. I embrace her as while and then leave for my shuttle.

I arrived to the shuttle on time and I arrived on Chadwick on time at 4 p.m. I felt stupid walking around the shuttle stations in a tux, but I didn’t feel right walking into the palace dressed casually. So I decided to be dressed before I arrived so I didn’t look too out of place. When I arrived at the palace I was escorted into the meeting room to wait for Tessa’s arrival.

“Prince Maxwell of Antar it is so good to see you again. Thank you for coming on such short notice.” Tessa says as she walks into the room.

“Princess Tessa please call me Max. And its not a problem really, I didn’t have any other obligations and I was going to have to be here anyway to represent Antar, you just saved me from finding a date.” I say as I gesture for her to sit down next to me.

“First things first, if I call you Max, you call me Tess. Deal?” Tess asks me after she gets comfortable on the couch.

“Fine with me. So that was the first, what’s the second?” I then ask.

“Well, that one isn’t so easy. The reason I asked you to come so early is that I let it slip to my father that we’ve been dating for a year. He asked to speak to you about your intensions towards me.” Tess says as she wrings her hands with nervousness.

“You told him what? Tess! We haven’t spoken in over 6 months and we never dated. Why the hell would you tell him we did?” I yell from my seat beside her. I feel slightly guilty when she flinches at my voice but I don’t show any emotion towards it.

“Max, I’m sorry but please don’t yell. I don’t know why I told him we were dating, its just that my father has been on my brother and my cases about not being married yet so one night last week just to get him to leave me alone, I told him we were dating. I didn’t think he would want to talk to you or anything…I thought it would buy me some time. I’m so sorry Max.” Tess explains while I try to keep my emotions in check.

“Tess I understand why you did it, believe me I do…its just that why didn’t you tell him the truth when he wanted to meet me?” I ask trying to understand what is happening.

“I can’t do that Max! I can’t tell my father I lied to him! My life would be over! Couldn’t we just pretend for this week, and then I’ll tell him we broke up.” Tess says as her face lights up showing she really thinks that this plan will work.

“Tess, I can’t do that. God you don’t really believe this plan will work. It will some how backfire and everything will go wrong.” I say as I run the plan through my head over and over trying to find all the problems.

“Max, please…this would mean the world too me if you did this. We wouldn’t have to do anything except hold hands…it wouldn’t be a big deal.” Tess tries to reason with him…and sadly its working. I see the fear and pleasing in her eyes. It is not like doing this would really hurt me…but I was scared I’d have to act like I was in love with her and I knew I couldn’t do it. But hand holding isn’t a big deal, and I’ve talked to Kings before so that shouldn’t be a big deal.

“Ok. I’ll do it. I’ll just explain to your father that all though we have been dating for a year we are very casual, and we want to keep it that way for now.” I sat as I nod my head agreeing to her plan.

“Oh thank you Max! Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!” Tess says as she peppers my face with kisses. I pull her away so I can look her in the eyes.

“But after this week. After all the royal conventions and shit that is happening, I want you to tell him we broke up ok? Promise me this and I’ll go along with this plan.” I say looking her straight in the eye.

“I promise Max and again thank you!” She says and she stands and pulls me towards her father’s office.

“Yeah yeah…” I have a bad feeling about all this.

TBC....see you in 3 to 4 days hopefully! Bye
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Sun Mar 06, 2005 2:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Hey everybody...I'm glad to see that everyone picked up on the fact that Liz and Max will be going to the same dinner should be interesting.

I also see that everyone thinks that Max and Liz are idoits....and I completely agree with you! But don't worry I am a dreamer...the next couple of chapters will be hard...but I want you to remember...DREAMER here ok?

Thank you for all your thoughts and care about my loss..I appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

Special Thanks to:
anonymousarfan: You can tell already? Lol...Tess is going to cause some trouble you are right
Smac: Yep...the same dinner. Yes Tess has her own plans for Max.

Chapter 12


It’s an hour until the Royal Dinner and I’m finishing the last touches of my outfit while I wait for my transportation to arrive. Serena brought me another message today from Prince Kivar telling me that he would send transportation to pick me up about an hour before the dinner.

Serena helped me pick one of the few fancy dresses I brought with me to wear tonight. I am actually happy my mother made me pack them just in case; I told her that I didn’t intend to leave the cottage because no one would know I was here. My mother said “Elizabeth, a lady is always prepared for the unexpected!”….damn I hate when she is right!

Serena and I decided on a knee length light blue spaghetti strapped dress with sequence flowers sown onto the bodice, with a matching shawl. Serena pinned my hair into a French twist with the ends spiral curled, she left a few spiral wisps of my hair to frame my fame. Serena applied a sheer silver shadow to my eyes and then set the look with soft pink lips and a black smoky eye look. Damn I look hot!

Just when I was finished tying the straps on my shoes, Serena knocked on the door to tell me that my ride has arrived.

“Well, have fun and I totally want details when you get back ok?” Serena said as she gave me a hug and then draped the shawl around my shoulders.

“Ha ha, I will and I hope to be home pretty early, but you never know…so let’s play it safe and I’ll see you in the morning with all those details ok?” I say as I grab my purse and walk to the limo.

On the way to the palace I get a beautiful view of the country. If I didn’t already think that Chadwick was beautiful from my cottage balcony, this car ride would definitely show the beauty. By the time we get to the palace I realized that I had been driven around the whole town. When the car door opened I stepped out and gasped at the sight of the palace. Although it was nowhere near as beautiful as the Antar palace, it architecture was beautiful and it was a place fit for a King.

I was lead into the palace by my driver who led me into a meeting room to wait for the Prince’s arrival. As I waited I admired the family portraits and artifacts around the room. The shelves were filed with all kinds of great literature, from the great works of our solar system to even the great authors of earth such as Shakespeare and Hemmingway. I could tell that this family enjoyed the arts and this fact made me smile, at least I could find one thing to talk to the Prince about. My thoughts were interrupted by a throat clearing; when I turned around I was face to face with a very attractive Prince Kivar.

“Lady Parker I presume?” He asked extending a hand towards me. Kivar was already dressed in his royal suit with his royal sash across his chest signifying that he was the crowned Prince. He had beautiful blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. His features were very masculine and attractive; he was what other girls would call a hottie.
“You presume correct your highness, and please call me Liz” I saw after bowing and then taking the offered hand. To my surprise the Prince didn’t shake it like I had assumed, instead he placed a kiss on my hand and then pulled me towards to couch.

“Ok, Liz, well let me first say that I am very thankful that you agreed to come with me tonight, I was very blessed to hear that we had a Lady of Antar vacationing here on Chadwick.” Kivar says once we have sat on the couch together.

“You’re quite welcome it was no trouble to come tonight, but how did you hear that I was staying here might I ask? That information was permitted to a very few people.”

“Well, I got a call from your father, Lord Parker, telling me of your visit and that he would like for me to make sure that your stay was very pleasant. I had intended to go to your cottage and formally introduce myself before tonight, but my royal schedule was very full and I could not spare the time. That is why I wanted you to come a few minutes early so that we may meet and talk before the party.” Kivar says while he gets up and goes to the bar to offer me a drink.

“My father, figures he would ask for your protection. Forgive me your highness, I am sorry that you were forced into this mess; my father believes he must control my whole life. I’m sorry you were forced into escorting me to the royal dinner.” I say as I accepted the glass of water Kivar has brought over.

“Oh no Liz, I didn’t mean to say I was forced. I was really happy to help your father. He didn’t even mention bringing you to the dinner; that was my idea. I’m not interested in any of the ladies on Chadwick and when your father said you were staying here, I was happy to jump at the chance to spend some time with you.” Kivar said after he sat back down with me.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you, it’s just my father--” I began to say but Kivar interrupted my apology.

“No need Liz, remember I have a father too…I know how they are…” Kivar says with a small smile.

Mean while in the Kings meeting room


“So, Max, tell me what are your intensions towards my daughter?” King Ed asks me as soon as I sat down across from him. God he didn’t even ask me anything about myself, just straight to my intensions. I still can’t believe I agreed to do this.

“Well, Sir, right now Tess and I are still getting to know each other,” I send a glance to Tess who is sitting next to me silently communicating with my eyes: God if he really knew how little we know about each other! “And we want to continue with that direction for a while long. We are both still young and we are just having fun.” I say with my most respectful and mature tone.

“I’ve heard a lot of good things about you Max, and I respect your honestly. But I’m not as young as I was; I need to make sure that my planet will be under good control when I’m gone. From what I’ve heard about you, I think you will be a great leader for Antar, and maybe even my planet one day.” The King ends with a firm handshake.

“Thank you Sir. I’ll get going so that you can get ready for the dinner. I’ll see you soon.” I say as I take Tess’ arm and we exit the room; and as soon as we do I drop her arm because I don’t want to give her any more ideas about our relationship. In a week I expect to be broken up with her, but if I don’t watch out…I might be married with 3 kids the way Tess’ mouth works.

“Oh my god Max! Thank you so much! You don’t know how much this means to me!” Tess says as she hugs me tightly to her.

“Your welcome, but remember I fulfilled my end…now it’s your turn, in one week I want you to tell your father that we broke up. Don’t make it my fault because I will still need to have dealings with Chadwick when I become King, so I don’t need an angry father to deal with.” I say as I pull her away from my body…God she is a very touchy person, it makes me really uncomfortable because the only person I want to touch me now is Liz.

“I will Max and again thank you! I’m going to go get dressed, so you can go outside and look at the gardens if you want, just ask one of the servants to show you around ok?” Tess says as she retreats down the hall.

“Sure thing.” I say to no one unparticular. A walk in the garden actually sounds like a good idea.

In the Other Meeting Room


Kivar and I have had a rather good time talking about art and literature. He is so educated, completely different than Maria and Alex. Alex is computer smart…if I gave him enough time to research the topic, Alex could have a great conversation on any subject; Maria is just Maria…enough said. But Kivar…he really knows and understands the world. We eventually started to talk about families when someone entered the room and Kivar jumped to talk to them, I got the impression that they were very close.

“Liz…” Kivar finally motioned for me to join in the conversation. “Lady Parker, this is my little sister Tessa, Tessa this is Lady Liz Parker.” Kivar said, introducing me to the petite curly blonde next to him.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Princess Tessa.” I say as I slightly bow in front of her. I look up into her icy blue eyes. The same color as Kivar, but there is an unreadable emotion in them, that Kivar has never shown me…contempt? hate?

“Please, just call me Princess Tess.” Obviously kindness isn’t a family trait.

“Liz, I’m sorry, I would have introduced you earlier, but Tess and her boyfriend were in a meeting with our father or I would have introduced you to both of them.” Kivar says trying to show he meant no harm in not including me. I smile sweetly and nod.

“Speaking of your boyfriend…where is he? I would like to meet him.” Kivar asks his sister and then turns to explain to me. “Tess and this mystery man have been dating for over a year and no one has ever met him…I’m quite anxious to give him the traditional older brother speech.”

“Please Kivar…not tonight. Let him rest…He just got through with Dad, can’t yours wait?” Tess says as she turns and exits the room.

“Well, I think the dinner guests are about to arrive. I need to be there to greet them…but you don’t need to go yet. I’ll let you stay in one of our guest room and get freshened up before a servant comes to get you to walk with me during the introductions ok?” Kivar says as he leads me out of the room.

“That’s fine, Thanks Kivar I had a really nice time talking to you. Now it doesn’t have to be awkward all night.” I say with a genuine smile.

“Yeah, we wouldn’t want that now would we?” Kivar replies as he offers his arm to me and surprisingly…I take it with out a second thought and follow him to the guest room.


I’ve been sitting in the garden for a few minutes. It really is beautiful here. I maybe biased, but I still think that Antar is prettier, but Chadwick may come in a close second in the list of the most beautiful planets.

“Prince Maxwell?” A servant asks from behind me. I turn and acknowledge him with a nod. “The dinner is about to start. I was sent by Princess Tessa to get you for the introductions.”

“Ok. Thank you. Lead the way.” I say after I stand and blush off my pants.

After following the servant back into the palace, we start to walk towards the grand hall, I notice a petite brunette standing in the entrance hall with her back to us. She reminds me so much a Liz and that light blue dress looks so familiar to me…I actually think Liz has it. As we get closer, I assume she hears us approaching and turns to see who it is. When she turns around I gasp for breath.

“Liz.” I whisper so soft; I almost didn’t think I said it until she responded just as quietly.

“Max” Her doe eyes locking with mine her face had confusion written all over it.
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Chapter 13

Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Hey all...just wanted to say a quick hi to my feedbackers. I really appreciate hearing from you all!


And a special hi to all you lurkers! Why don't you come out and say hi!! We don't bite! Lol

Ch. 13

From Chapter 12:

After following the servant back into the palace, we start to walk towards the grand hall, I notice a petite brunette standing in the entrance hall with her back to us. She reminds me so much a Liz and that light blue dress looks so familiar to me…I actually think Liz has it. As we get closer, I assume she hears us approaching and turns to see who it is. When she turns around I gasp for breath.

“Liz.” I whisper so soft; I almost didn’t think I said it until she responded just as quietly.

“Max” Her doe eyes locking with mine her face had confusion written all over it.


I can’t even explain what is going through my mind right now. Liz is standing right in front of me in Chadwick. I know, I know. I knew she was here on this planet, but I didn’t expect to see her at the royal dinner. Royal Dinner…I wonder what is she doing here, so I ask.

She hesitated for a moment, and I smile because I can tell that she is just as flustered with my presence as I am with her presence. “Um, I um…I’m vacationing here…I thought Alex told you?” When I nod my head to answer her question she continues, “What are you doing here Max?”

“Well, my dad sent me to represent Antar at the Royal Dinner. Its mom’s birthday and they couldn’t come, so he asked me to attend. Um, how are you? You look good Liz.” Ok…so I practically lied. I was asked to represent Antar, but I also decided to escort Tess too…I didn’t tell Liz this because I didn’t think she would understand.

“Well, um I’m good. Chadwick is beautiful and it seems to agree with me.” Liz says as she wringers her shawl in her hands; I instantly recognize her nervous behavior and I can tell she is hiding something from me.

“Liz, I know your in Chadwick vacationing but, what are you doing at the Royal dinner?” When I finish my question, her eyes quickly meet mine and I can see fear in them…What the hell is she scared of? When she opens her mouth to respond we are interrupted by two servants.

“Lady Parker? You’re needed this way.” One asks and then quickly takes Liz’s arm and leads her to the banquet hall. The servant that retrieved me from the garden is by my side again ushering me to follow them.

I stare at Liz in wonder. Why is she here? What use would a Lady of Antar have at a Royal Dinner? As if she felt my eyes on her, Liz shyly turns around and glances at me over her shoulder. I’m about to smile at her when her attention is directed to a young man in royal attire in front of her. I watch with confusion when he places a kiss on her hand and then pulls her off to the side of the stairs.

“Max! There you are! I’ve been looking for you everywhere! Let’s go, it’s our turn to be introduced.” Tess says wrapping her arm in mine and leading me down the stairs.


I don’t understand this! Kivar didn’t tell me that there was going to be a representative from Antar. I guess it wouldn’t really matter anyway, there are so many ladies in the courts the chances that the one staying on his planet was the same that knew the prince in question didn’t seem important to Kivar.

I’m being escorted into the banquet hall by a servant and Max is following behind me. I feel his eyes boring into my head, so I chance it and glance at him. When I meet his eyes over my shoulder I can see the corners of his mouth start to twitch up to smile when my attention is pulled away.

“Liz, you look beautiful tonight.” Kivar says as he takes my hand from around the servants arm and places a kiss on it before pulling me to stand next to the stairs.

“Thanks Kivar, but you already saw me earlier.” I say before risking a glance back at Max and I can see he is confused. God I didn’t want this to happen!

“Yes, but your minutes away from me have only made me appreciate your beauty even more” Kivar says with a genuine smile and I can’t help but smile back. I shyly duck my head and turn towards Max only to see him being pulled away by some blondewhat the hell!

“Ok, so first my sister and her boyfriend are going to be introduced and then us, and then my parents.” Kivar explains and I just nod my head half listening. I’m still trying to see who the blonde is and where she took Max. My thoughts are drawn back to the present by the hall speaker system blaring to life with the Chadwick anthem and I silently promise myself to find Max later but right now I need to be a Lady. I take a deep breath and wrap my arm in Kivar’s readying myself for the introduction, but first:

“Ladies and Gentleman, Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses, Ladies and Lords. On behalf of the Royal Court of Chadwick I welcome you to tonight’s Royal Dinner. It is my great pleasure to introduce to you Princess Tessa Avana Harding of Chadwick escorted by the Crowned Prince Maxwell Zander Evans of Antar.” The announcer publicized to everyone, and they clap…all but me.

As the announcer is starting his speech I watch as Max appears with the blonde on his arm and he stands at the tops of the stairs. I watch in fascination and he starts to walk the blonde down the first step and then I heard the announcer say Max’s name and I gasp. It can’t be…The blonde is Tessa…Max is Tessa’s boyfriend…of a year? Oh my God!

As soon as the announcer says my name I hear a small gasp from behind me and I know its Liz. I quickly turn around and look her dead in the eyes…willing her to understand that it isn’t what it looks like. I see a slight flicker of emotion in her eyes and I start to hope that she will allow me to explain but then I see her shut down.

Oh God! She put her emotional wall back up…and I can see…pain. Hate, and I know its directed towards me. I turn back around when Tess pulls my arm trying to return my attention to walking down the stairs. I quickly glance back at Liz and see her lift her hand and wipe a tear from her eye, a second hand comes and removed a tear from her other eye and I watch as Liz pulls her eyes from mine and gives the man next to her a sweet smile…I can’t stand to watch the affectionate way he looks into her eyes so I turn around. I focus on my task of walking down the steps, and keeping the tears from spilling from my eyes…this is going to be a hard night

“Now, its again my privilege to introduce the Crowned Prince Kivar Xavier Harding of Chadwick and his escort Lady Elizabeth Marie Parker of Antar.” The announcer continued after Tess and I made our way to last few stairs.

When I hear the announcer start to introduce the next couple, I quickly realize that the next couple is Liz and the mystery man. When the announcer introduced Prince Kivar as Liz’s escort…I quickly turn back and try to meet her eyes…how could she…she is with Kivar?


Walking down the steps, I try so hard to not meet Max’s questioning gaze. I look everywhere but at him, but I can’t stand it any longer and I briefly meet his eyes and I see the pain there. Good. I hope he hurts. Here I am feeling bad that I left him in Antar, and starting to regret my choice about the reversal, and then I find out he has been dating Princess Tessa for over a year? He told me that he loved me…if being here with Kivar hurts Max in anyway it is probably only a fraction of what I’m feeling…he lied to me.

Apparently during my thoughts, I squeezed Kivars arm tighter and he took it as an affectionate gesture, because he took his other hand and placed it on my hand and gently squeezed it. His touch caught my attention from my thoughts and I looked at him and he gave me an admiring grin which caused me to smile the same. I don't know why...but whenever Kivar smiles at me...I can't help but return it. We turn back to the crowd and then Kivar leads me to stand next to him on the side of the stairs opposite Max and Tessa. We turn to the top of the stairs and we watch as the King and Queen are introduced.

After the introductions we are allowed to sit down and start dinner. The whole dinner, I tried to keep my eyes off of Max and Tessa…but my eyes kept drifting back to them like a magnet. I watched as Tessa would lean over to speak to Max, and he seemed to enjoy her company. They seemed….happy together.


God, the whole dinner Tess was all over me! I know I’m supposed to act like I’m dating her, but she is pushing it. I kept trying to tell her to cool it, but then she would rub my leg under the table and I would jump and for some reason it was always towards her. I occasionally caught Liz staring at us, but as soon as I tried to communicate with her, Kivar would touch her hand or her cheek to get her to pay attention to him.

Liz never mentioned that she knew Kivar. Are they dating? They couldn’t be right? Liz said she has never been with anyone else…was she lying? I don’t understand…she seemed nervous before we entered the banquet hall, I assumed it was because I was there…could it have been because she is with Kivar? My thoughts are brought back to the world around me when the King stands and taps his fork on his wine glass.

“Thank you all for coming tonight. It is a privilege to be in the company of such fine and admirable people from around our galaxy. I want to especially thank Prince Maxwell from Antar for coming tonight to represent his parents and to finally introduce himself to me as my daughter’s boyfriend and some day soon, son-in-law!” The King announces and everyone cheers. I grown inwardly and turn to Tess with a shocked face. I’m suddenly turned confused, because Tess doesn’t look as shocked as I am…she looks knowing?

“Daddy…I told you not to tell anyone yet!” She says with an innocent smile and then places a light kiss on my lips; I shutter and force myself to not wipe them to try to get her germs off of me. Suddenly I realize all this has been said and done is front of Liz and I quickly turn to see her reaction. I’m shocked to see her leaning closely to Kivar and whispering something in his ear…he turns to her and raises an eyebrow towards her in question and she seductively smiles and nods her head to him. Suddenly they are standing together bodies touching and I have no doubt in my mind about where they are going.


“…some day soon, son-in-law!”

Oh my God! I think I’m going to be sick! I’ve got to get out of here…Max is engaged to Princess Tessa! This can’t be happening…I look at Max and watch as Tessa kisses him…so its true…they are together and everything that Max and I shared was a lie…well, I’ll teach him to hurt me that way.

I lean towards Kivar and start rubbing my hand up and down his arm suggestively. “Kivar…I had a really great time getting to know you earlier…why don’t we sneak out and spend a little more time…getting acquainted.” I whisper in his ear before lightly licking the shell. I smile when he shudders at the action and raises his eye brows at me.

“…are you sure?” He asks and my only answer is to nod. Kivar quickly grabs my hand in his and abruptly stands from the table causing his chair to make a loud noise and everyone to turn and stare at us. I quickly turn and see Max staring at us with a shocked face and I inwardly smile as I take Kivars arms and place them around me in a possessive gesture.

“Kivar…is something the matter?” The King asks when we continue standing there with everyone watching us. I look into Kivars eyes and then turn towards the King.

“Your Majesty, I was just telling Kivar that I wanted to start dancing now, since dinner is over.” I say and I can feel Kivar squeeze my waist as a gesture of gratitude.

“Well, if the Lady wants to dance, than by all means Kivar…dance with her!” The King says with a huge smile and signals for the band to start playing music. The King holds his hand out for his wife to join him on the dance floor, when he passes, the King shakes Kivars hand and winks at me. I blush and smile at him while Kivar leans down and places a sweet kiss on my temple.

“That was a very genius move. I don’t think I could have explained to my father what we were really leaving for.” Kivar says with a wicked grin.

“And just what were you leaving for?” Max says as he and Tessa appear next to us.

“Princess Tessa, nice to see you again” I say as I bow to her.

“You too...Libby” She responses not even paying attention. But before I can respond to her calling me by the wrong name, some one bets me to it.

“It’s actually Liz, Tess.” Max says never breaking eye contact me with.

“Whatever…sorry.” She says and I know its not sincere. “Oh Kivar, I want to introduce you to Prince Max, my boyfriend.” I roll my eyes at the possessive tone in her voice when she spoke the last two words. You can have him honey, you two obviously deserve each other.

“So you are the infamous Maxwell Evans who stole my sister’s heart. Tell me, why is this the first time I’ve ever met you?” Kivar asks after shaking hands with Max.

I watch as Max tried to come up with an answer; he opens his mouth multiple times trying to say something and then abruptly shutting it when the thought was not going to work. For some reason, I feel bad for him and so I help him out. “Kivar…” I say sweetly and rub my hand up his arm, “You promised your sister that you would leave him alone tonight.”

I hear a low growl next to me and I quickly shoot Max a stern look before turning my attentions back to Kivar. “Your right Liz. I’m sorry. So, um, Max how do you and Lizzie know each other?”

“Its, Liz and we’ve been friend ever since Liz was born. She actually lives on palace grounds. How long have you known Liz?” Max says through clinched teeth.

“Not that it is any of your business Max, but Kivar invited me to dinner tonight when my father told him I was vacationing here” I say as I glare at Max. He is being so rude to Kivar and he has no right to act that way…god he’s been cheating on Tessa with every girl on Antar for the last year!

“So you guys have really known each other since birth? Wow, that’s a long time to know someone. Well, I must say that I’m happy that you have had your attentions on my sister for a year, or I may not have stood a chance with Liz here.” Kivar says as he lifts a hand to caress my cheek.

“Actually Kivar, Liz and I---” Max begins to say but I quickly interrupt him before he does something stupid and ruins the royal dinner.

“Actually Kivar, I was hoping I could share my first dance with you tonight?” I say as I lean into his hand on my cheek.

“It would be my pleasure; in fact you can have the first, last and any dance in-between. Tonight I’m yours.” Kivar says as he takes my hand and starts to lead us to the dance floor.

“Is that so?” I say and then remember our companions, “Princess Tessa, Maxwell…it was great talking to you!” I throw over my shoulder before Kivar wraps his arms around me and we dance.


I can’t believe her! Liz was all over Kivar like some dog in heat! The way she looked into his eyes she was acting like she was in love with him! She couldn’t be right? I mean they just met tonight…could she move on that quickly?

I’m standing here watching her dance the first dance…our dance with that dick Kivar. I can feel Tess’ gaze on me waiting for me to ask her to dance…but I won’t and can’t do that to Liz…to us. I have to make this right! I quickly walk towards the happily dancing couple and I can hear Tess calling my name, but I continue walking towards Kivar and Liz not knowing what I’m going to say, but knowing I have to do something.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Chapter 14

Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Hello Everyone! I just wanted to say thanks for the feedback and a big welcome to all those lurkers who have come out...but I know there are still more of you ... so I invite you to join in the party too!

Emz80m: Lol: Max is going to do something alright...may not be the right thing...but he always has good intentions.

roswck: YEAH!!! WELCOME AND CONGRATULATIONS on posting! I feel so honored to have your voice about my fic! Yes, I'm glad that you think Kivar is nice...when I wrote this I didn't intend him to be a bad guy...but becasue of the show...I felt he had to have so bad in him. Kyle is making an appearence in chapter stay tuned and please continue to post!!

behrlyliz: I loved the fact that you said "you go get YOUR Liz." Lol... Max is so territorial with Liz...and I don't think he really realizes he is doing just comes natural to him...I have guy friends like that and it never turns out they where my inspiration for this part.

FamersAmers: I'm glad that you found this fic. I sometimes notice that my fic just gets pushed down so fast that people don't realize I've updated...I'm still trying to find the perfect time to update so that people will be able to see that its a new part. Welcome to the party!

g7silvers: I think Max tries to hard to please everyone and not even realizing that he is getting screwed in the process!

Smac: I agree with you completely. I'll grab Liz and you grab Max...on the count of three will bang there heads! Lol

orphyfets: I'm glad that you caught up and WELCOME to my fic! Kivar is not in the plans with Tess...but he does like Liz and as a prince he expects to get what he wants!

anonymousarfan: Oh trouble is coming!

Lizza: I'm glad that you found it and WELCOME!!! I agree they frustrate me and I wrote

Wow!! I think that is the most feedback I've ever gotten! I feel so special....I'm glad that you all love this fic and I hope I continue to please you! So as always continue with the feedback and tell me know how you are feeling...good or bad!

Chapter 14


As I approach Kivar and Liz they are leaning against each other with their foreheads touching and I watch as Kivar’s hands slip lower and lower down her back until they are resting at the top of her butt and I clinch my fists. I almost yell for him to stop touching her but I look up and notice she doesn’t seem to be bothered by his hands; that disturbs me more than the fact that he is touching her.

When I finally am standing next to them, they don’t even notice. They continue dancing and I finally snap when Kivar moves his head and bend down to kiss Liz.

“What the hell do you think your doing?” I yell when Kivars lips are centimeters from Liz’s and I smirk when they pull apart promptly, startled by my presence.

“We were just dancing Max.” Liz says as she takes a step closer to Kivar and wraps her hands around his waist.

“Just dancing? That didn’t look like you were just dancing. What’s gotten into you Liz?” I ask as I stare directly into Liz’s eyes.

“Now what a minute Max! You’re one to talk! You’ve been all over Tessa all night!” She shots back at me finally stepping in front of Kivar to face me head on.

“What are you talking about? I haven’t been rubbing my hands all over her like you’ve been doing to Prince boy here!” I say as I motion towards Kivar.

“Max, I’m sorry but you have no right to treat Liz like this! She’s a lady of the court, and I’m pretty sure that Antar like Chadwick believes in treating them with respect.” Kivar says trying to calm the situation down. I mean come on; we are standing in the middle of the dance floor at a royal dinner arguing over Liz.

“Oh really? Well if you’re so sure that Antar and Chadwick have such similar treatment of their Ladies, than you would know that Liz belongs to Antar…you can’t date her unless you have permission from the royal family or her parents. And I definitely don’t give you permission!” I say is an angry whisper.

“I don’t need your permission Maxwell; her father knows I’m looking out for her” Kivar responds taking a step closer to me so that our faces are now inches a part.

“I’M SURE HER FATHER HAD NO INTENTION OF HER FUCKING YOU!” I yell loudly and I don’t realize what I just did until I hear everyone in the hall gasp and I watch as everyone turns and stares disapprovingly towards Liz. What have I done?!


I’m standing here in the middle of the dance floor and my gaze sweeps around the hall at all the faces staring at me. Every king and noble man from around our galaxy is looking at me like some horrible creature; I can see the accusing glares of them all and I suddenly feel like I’m an inch tall.

I turn and my eyes meet an icy blue pair and I watch as Tessa gives me a satisfactory smirk and I feel the tears pooling in my eyes. I turn away and my eyes fix on the amber pair that is staring at me, I can see his apology in his eyes, but I can’t feel it. I don’t want to.

“Liz…I--” Max whispers before I cut him off.

“Save it Max! I don’t want anything to do with you right now or any time in the future.” I quickly walk towards the exit and out of the banquet hall. As soon as I close the doors behind me I let the tears flow.


I just destroyed everything. Not only did I make a scene at a Royal Dinner, I just disgraced Liz in front of all the bachelors of our galaxy. She now has the reputation of a common whore because of me.

When Liz left the hall, every body turned towards Kivar and I. Since we are both Princes I have a good idea that Kivar knows what I just did to Liz, but he doesn’t make a move to deny it.

“You’re an ass you know that don’t you” I accuse him quietly while I poke him in the chest.

“I may be an ass, but I’m not the one that just ruined Liz’s life…you did that my friend.” He says with a smirk and then walks away.

I turn around and look at the doors Liz just exited through and I know I have to find her. I start to walk towards them when an hand on my arm stops my forward movement.

“Maxie where are you going? You can’t really think it’s a good idea to follow after that slut do you?” Tess says while batting her eyelashes trying to look seductive, but she just looks like she has something in her eye.

“DON’T YOU EVER SAY THAT ABOUT HER AGAIN! LIZ IS TEN TIMES THE WOMAN YOU WILL EVER BE!” I yell before slapping her hand off of my arm. “Tess, this is over! Don’t ever talking to me again!” I say the last part in a loud voice but still calm, I want everyone at the party to know that Tess and I are broken up, because her actions tonight showed me that I couldn’t count on her to tell her father we were broken up.

“Max, What are you doing? She’s a Lady for Gods sake! You can do some much better than her…like me…I’m a princess and I would love to be your queen.”

“I’d rather rule alone, that rule with you by my side Tess. You are no princess.” I say before walking towards the door and out to find Liz.

I find Liz a few minutes later sitting on the same bench I was earlier out in the garden. With the wind blowing her hair she looks breathtaking but I see her shoulders shake with her crying and my heart breaks.

“Liz.” I say when I reach her side and sit down.

“What do you want Max? You have something else to say to me, because there is no one out here…so they can’t hear you.” She says wiping her eyes and I am taken back by the venom in her voice.

“Liz, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything I said…I just--” I try to explain and after no words come out I just shut my mouth…nothing can make this situation better.

“You just what Max? You wanted to make me miserable? Because you just did. Did you want to destroy my family’s good name? Because you did that too. Or did you just want to make sure that if I wasn’t with you that I wouldn’t be with anyone else, because I can guarantee that you did that as well.” She says staring out into the garden watching the sun setting.


“Yes what Max?”

“Yes I was jealous.” I say and she turns to look at me. The tears are still spilling from her eyes and I reach up to wipe them away but she slaps my hand away and does it herself.

“You had no right to feel jealous Max. I’m not and apparently never have been yours. You’ve been with Tessa for over a year. Good thing we reversed the choice…or you would never had been able to be with her huh…God, does she even know?” She says as the tears fall again.

“Liz it’s not what you think! Tessa and I aren’t together, we never were. You have to believe me Liz” I try to reason with her.

“ Why Max? You haven’t given me any reason to believe you. Every time I start to, you do something stupid that hurts me and caused me to stop trusting you. You know…for some strange reason I’m not that mad at you for lying to me about Tessa I’m hurt, more than you will ever realize. I can’t do it anymore Max. You break my heart every single time….and I’m tired of it.” She says before standing and walking away and all I can do is stare at the ground and weep. I’ve lost her for good.



I find myself outside sitting on my balcony of the cottage in the wee hours of the morning thinking about what happened last night. I don’t realize that the door opened or closed until I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump.

“Jesus Serena you scared the shit out of me!” I say after I turn and see her smiling at me.

“Sorry, I thought I heard you come home and I wanted to see how everything went.” She lifts my face to look into my eyes. “And by the look of it, you need to tell me…so what happened?”

I spend the next hour and a half telling Serena everything from my time with Kivar to what Max told everyone. We are sitting in silence on the balcony for a few minutes before Serena says something. “I’m so sorry Liz…this is all my fault”

I look at her shocked and say “What are you talking about Serena? How is this your fault?”

“You would never have seen Max if I didn’t force you to go to that dinner.”

“Serena…I’m a big girl and I make the choice to go to the palace for myself. This isn’t your fault and besides, I know Max and I know he would have found me some way and my heart would still have gotten broken…it always does with Max.” I say as I squeeze her hand telling her that I don’t blame her for anything.

We sit and talk about anything and everything for a few minutes until she asks me what I’m going to do now.

“Well, I’m going to get on with my life for starters. I’m giving up on Max…because he has obviously given up on me if he believed I could do that with anybody.” I say as I take a deep breath and prepare my heart for my new life away from Max Evans.

TBC......See you in a few days!!
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Addicted Roswellian
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Chapter 15

Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Hello everybody...I just wanted to say a quick hello to all you wonderful readers and I thank you for all your feedback and your support.

FamersAmers: All men need to think before they speak!
RASaero611: WELCOME to my fic! I'm glad you like it
Kel1227: Lol...I'm trying!
OmegaRam1: It will be fixed by the end but not before a lot of ups an downs!
Orphyfets: I agree men are stupid
behrlyliz: Max definetely has his work cut out for him.
isis7777: YEAH! Congrates! I'm glad your liking the story!
Roswck: Lol...I didn't intend for Kivar to be scum...but I needed a bad guy...
g7silvers: I think that Kivar was in shock over what Max had said. Kivar understood the impact and really didn't want to get involved even more.
extingman: If Max would have tried to explain you really think Liz would have listened?
Rhbadcat: I'm glad your enjoying it!
foreverdreamer15: Lol...well I'm glad you found it again!

Here is chapter 15

Ch. 15


It’s been 3 weeks since I left Chadwick and Liz. I got home and was attacked by everyone in my family for the way I treated Liz. Dad said I destroyed the relationship between Chadwick and Antar...but I assured him that I would fix it and make sure that when the time comes...Chadwick will be there to support Antar when we need them. I apologized to the Parker’s for destroying their name and promised that I would do anything and everything I could to fix it. Even though I was yelled at by my parents and the Parkers nothing felt worse than being yelled at by our friends.

“I can’t believe you said that Max! What were you thinking?” Isabelle says from her seat on my bed.

“I don’t know Isabelle…I was jealous. You didn’t see Liz…she almost kissed him for Christ sakes!” I say trying to defend my actions.

“Oh please! Liz would never do anything like that unless you gave her a damn good reason!” Maria says as she gets up to stand in front of me. God she maybe short but the girl sure is intimidating!

“Maria! Sit down now!” Alex…always the mediator. I smile as I watch him push Maria back into her seat on Michaels lap. Yes that right…Michael’s lap. Apparently in my 2 days way in Chadwick…Alex and Isabelle were officially a couple and they introduced Maria and Michael who have been together for 2 weeks now…all our friends are paired up together…Liz and I are the only one’s left.

I watch as Michael rubs his hand up and down Maria’s arm trying to comfort her and I turn back towards Alex but not soon enough because right when I do I come in contact with his fist.

“OH MY GOD MAX!!!” Isabelle yells and runs to help me up. "Are you alright?"


“JESUS DELUCA! WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT!” Michael says as he pushes Maria up and walks over to my side to check out the damage. “Damn…I think you broke his nose!”

“I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have done that…but I had to stick up for Liz. I love her like a sister…and what Max did was UNACCEPTABLE! I don’t care if you’re the crowned prince…you hurt Liz for the last time you got that Max? I want you to leave her the hell alone.” Alex says staring me straight in the eye daring me to do something.

“I got it Alex. Stay away from Liz. You could have said it you know…without the punch. I planned on staying away anyway…she doesn’t want anything to do with me.” I say as I heal my nose.

“Alex…is your hand ok? Let me see” Isabelle says after walking towards her boyfriend.

“It’s fine. Look, I got to go…I’m expecting a call.” Alex says before kissing Isabelle goodbye and heading towards the door.

“Alex…tell Liz I’m sorry and that I’m going to fix the damage I did.” I say looking him dead in his eye to show that I’m sincere.

“I never said the call was from Liz” Alex says with knowing smirk. I give him a look and he just nods his head and walks out.

“Um…I’m going to go too…to make sure she is ok. I’ll talk to you later Michael” Maria says before kissing him and leaving after Alex.

“So, Max how are you going to fix Liz’s reputation?” Isabelle asks once the three of us are alone.

“I’m going to get Kivar to admit that nothing ever happened with Liz” I say calmly like that is the only think to do.

“That’s all fine and well Maxwell, but just how are you going to get him to do that?” Michael asks.

“I’ll talk to Tess. She owes me a favor and from what I saw of her and Kivar’s relationship, he would do anything for his little sister” I say while shooting a smile to Isabelle.

“What if she refuses to help you Max?” Isabelle asks after giving me a smile signifying that she knows I would do anything for her too.

“I don’t think she will refuse the deal I have for her. See Tessa has a problem of keeping her hands to herself, so if she refuses to help me…I’ll give her the same reputation as Liz. ” I say as I start to walk out the door. I’m stopped by Michael’s voice.

“How do you know that she will go for it?”

“Because Tessa values her title more than her own life. If I threaten that she will give me anything I want” I say before slipping out the door.

Later I’m sitting in front of my videophone waiting for someone at the Chadwick palace to pick up. When the screen flashes and the picture shows up I inwardly grown at who is before me.

“Well well well, Look who decided to call and apologize for his attitude at the royal dinner” Kivar says as he leans back in his chair.

“Fat chance of that happening Kivar. Can I please talk to Tess.” I reply not letting his attitude get to me.

“And why would I let you talk to my baby sister? You may just start a rumor about her too...” He says with a smirk. Before I have a chance to respond his eyes shift to above the screen and I hear someone say his name.

“Kivar! You can’t control me like that! If I want to talk to Max I will.” Tess says coming into the screen, she looks at me and gives me a seductive smile “Hey Max.”

I smile at how easy this will be “Hey Tess…can we talk alone please?”

Her eyes flash with desire “Sure Max. Kivar leave.” Kivar gets up and Tess follows him with her eyes until he is out of the room. “Ok he’s gone…what did you want to talk about Max?”

“I need your help with something, and since I did you the favor of acting as your boyfriend…I think the scale is unbalanced so I have come to collect my favor.”

“What kind a favor Max?” She says as she looks me up and down on the screen; I try not to shudder at the hungry look in her eyes when she looks at me like that.

“I need you to help me clear Liz’s name” I ask bluntly and I smile when I see her get mad.

“And why the hell would I help you do that Max? I don’t like Liz remember?”

“Ah see that’s the beauty of the situation. From what I see, you don’t have a choice about helping me because if you don’t…I’ll start the same rumor about you that I did Liz.” I say and I chuckle when she gasps.

“You wouldn’t do that!” She says not believing my threat.

“Oh yes I would and in fact…before I started that rumor I would tell your father about our deal. Then after he is upset with you for lying to him, I would tell him how you kept trying to seduce me during the dinner, and because of your boldness I have a feeling that I’m not the only guy you’ve tried this on.” I know I’ve won when she signs and hangs her head in defeat.

“Fine, what do you want me to do?” She asks once she looks at the screen again.

“Get Kivar to disagree with my charge, to admit that nothing happened between him and Liz.” I tell her.
“And what makes you think he will agree to this?” She asks trying to find a way out of the deal.

“Oh Tess, I believe you of all people can pull this one off. I’ve seen your manipulating skills first hand.” I say before I hang up the phone.

See you in a few days!
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Hey Everybody sorry for the delay...after being gone for a week my schedule was horrible and I didn't have time to here it is...the long awaited chapter with Kyle!

g7silvers: Thanks for posting!
orphyfets: I hope I don't make you hate Max lol
foreverdreamer15: Liz has been in chadwick...just relaxing and trying to get over Max...her experiences will be explained in the next couple of chapters. Kivar was shocked at first...and although I wrote him to be a good guy...I needed someone to play the bad guy so he converted to it.
Emz80m: they just keeping going it a circle don't they. I keep forgetting to say this ....but I am really honored that you are reading and enjoying my fic....I love your stories and I think you are a great writer!
FamersAmers: Thank you! Your awesome too!
OmegaRam1: Lol...I know how you feel!
Lizza: Thank you...I loved writing Alex hitting Max. It fit perfectly since he did it to Michael on the show. Alex is a great friend.
Lin4u: Thank you...I thought this story needed the aliens so yeah!

And as always....Feedback is welcome good or bad! Hello Lurkers! Please feel free to comment too....I love the lurkers!!!

P.S. I had a great time in Disneyland for those of you who were wondering!! Lol

Ch. 16


It’s been six months from my birthday ball which means that it is Liz’s 18th birthday. Tomorrow actually and we are having a ball that night for her. We hear from her parents that she is arriving late tomorrow afternoon from Chadwick so she will be there for the ball.

Let me fill you in on what’s been going on with my life since you last heard:

Tess actually came through for me and got Kivar to denounce my accusation of Liz. He sent letters out to everyone that was at the Royal dinner asking for their pardon for his actions of not defending Liz’s virtue…so since then no one has said anything about the Royal dinner.

I haven’t talked to Liz since the Royal Dinner. I tried to get her number from the Deluca twins but they didn’t budge. Apparently her parents don’t even hear from her very often, I heard that she called to tell them she would be coming home for her birthday but she didn’t stay on the phone long. Alex said he actually called her weekly and she seems to be doing ok. He told her what I did to get her reputation back and she passed on her thanks but nothing more.

Speaking of Alex. He and Isabelle are still going strong and he was at the palace the other day having a meeting with my father. I got the impression that he will be asking her to marry him any day.

Maria and Michael are still together…kinda. They have a very strange relationship; one day they are totally in love and the next they fight like cats and dogs. Some days they can’t stand to be around each other and other days you can’t find one with out the other. But I’m happy for them, they seem good together.

I’ve been trying to hang on to my sanity. I’ve been helping plan the party no stop for the last month. I want everything to be perfect for Liz’s party and I can’t wait to see her. I don’t know what to expect though…the last time I saw her she said she didn’t want anything to do with me. But tomorrow is special…not only is it Liz’s birthday but it was the day that we were going to find out if we still loved each other after reversing the choice.

I make my way up to my room so I can shower and get ready for the party tonight. After I showered I was slowly putting on my tux when there was a knock on the door.

“Come in.” I say after I pull my shirt over my head.

“Hey Max, we all just wanted to talk to you about tonight.” Isabelle says as she enters my room followed by Alex, Maria, and Michael.
“Sure guys…what’s up?” I ask as I walk over and take a seat on my bed. I have a weird feeling I’m not going to like this talk; I nervously start to play with my bed spread so I don’t have to look my friends in the eye.

“Well, um…well we just wanted to make sure that you didn’t expect anything to happen between you and Liz tonight. I mean we don’t….we didn’t. Look, I’ll get right to the point…Liz is bringing someone home with her, to her party.” Alex said causing my head to jump up.

“She’s bringing someone? WH-who is it?” I ask looking each of them in the eye trying to gage if they know anything.

“She didn’t say Max. She just said someone special, and that they helped her out a lot the last 6 months.” Maria said and I can tell she isn’t lying to me.

I nod my head and they all get up to leave but I stop them. “Thanks you guys. For letting me know…that means a lot to me.”

They all smile and nod and leave me alone in my room to finish getting ready for the party and seeing Liz…with someone else.

I’m standing at the entrance to the banquet hall welcoming the guests to Liz’s party. She has yet to arrive…but her parents are here and they said she is on her way.

“Max, How you doing?” I hear to my left but I don’t want to tear my eyes away from the entrance just incase Liz walks through it. “Max? Are you there?”

“What do you want Michael?” I ask finally turning towards him.

“I just want to apologize for how everything is working out…I tried to get Maria to talk to Liz about you…but Maria wouldn’t do it. Something about Liz running if she heard about you…I wasn’t paying attention.” He says shrugging his shoulders.

“Whatever Michael. It’s in the past and I can’t help the past, I can only look towards the future.” I say and then turn towards the door to watch people enter.

The party technically started 20 minutes ago, but the guest of honor isn’t here yet…so we are waiting. I turn around and head to get a drink. When I am pouring myself a drink I hear murmuring behind me and turn.

There walking into the banquet hall is Liz Parker. She looks beautiful; I don’t even think that covers it. She is wearing a gorgeous light yellow strapless ball gown and her hair is swept up into an up do finished off with a tiara and white flowers in the back. She looks like a goddess.

I watch as she walks over to Alex and Maria and they all hug. She is talking so excitedly with them and I take a deep breath when I see her wave someone over to them. I watch the crowed in suspense waiting for her special someone to walk out. I watch as a tall girl walks towards Liz. She is wearing a beautiful deep red dress and her hair is up similar to Liz’s but Liz is still the bell of the ball. After I watch Liz introduces the girl to Alex and Maria I realize that her special someone is this girl….she didn’t meet someone…a guy I mean! That means I have a chance! I watch as they all talk and get acquainted and I glance up at my father who tilts his head towards Liz signifying me to dance with her. I take one long sip of my drink and head towards them.

As I’m approaching them I start to clear my throat so I can ask Liz to dance when I see a strange man out of the corner of my eye walking towards her and I stop in my tracks. I stand speechless as the mystery man walks up behind Liz and wraps his arms around her waist before dropping a kiss on her bare shoulder. I watch as Liz snuggles closer to him and then introduces him to Alex and Maria. I can’t believe it…she did find someone. I must have been standing staring for a while because I’m called out of my day dream by my father clearing his throat.

“Thank you all for coming to Liz’s birthday ball. I’m sorry for you having to wait but Liz just got back from a trip so she was running a little late.” My father says before winking at Liz. “Now that she is here, we can start the party. So everyone the first dance.” My father says and he looks at me, I swallow hard and start to walk towards Liz again to start the first dance.

I’m with in ear shot when the mystery man releases Liz’s waist and takes her left hand and asks her to dance before placing a kiss on her fingers. I watch as she smiles the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen and follows him to the dance floor.

I stand there shocked as I watch them dancing together. Liz is wrapped tightly in is left arm while his right hand is holding her left hand against his chest. Her eyes are closed and she has a small smile on her lips. She never danced like that with me…

I watch as this man places a kiss on her temple and she leans into his caress. I pull my eyes away from the goddess in his arms to finally get a good look at the man. He has dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He is shorter than me but barely taller than Liz. I look around us and notice that everyone else is just as transfixed on the couple as I am.

I walk up to Alex, Maria and the other girl and wait for them to acknowledge my presence. When they do I nod a greeting to the girl and turn to the Deluca’s

“Who is he?” I ask staring at the couple wrapped in each others arms.

“Um, apparently Liz brought two special someone’s home” Alex said as he gestured between the mystery guy and the girl next to me.

“Max this is Serena. She was helping Liz around her cottage on Chadwick and they became friends” Maria explains motioning to Serena. I smile and shake her hand.

“Ok that explains her…but what about him” I say as I point to the mystery man.


It’s good to be home. I’ve really missed it. Although I’ve had a great time away, I still wanted to sleep in my own bed once in a while.

Tonight is my birthday ball at the palace and from what Alex and Maria have told me, Max was going all out for me. I still don’t know what he expects from me, I told him the last time we talked that it was over…for good.

I was happy to learn my reputation was fixed. I got a letter at the cottage from Kivar asking my forgiveness for not defending me against Max at the dinner. Kivar mentioned that he sent letters to everyone at the dinner denying the accusation that we were together, so everyone pretty much forgot about Max’s outburst.

As I’m walking into the ballroom I see Alex and Maria and I head directly towards them. I tried to stay in contact with them throughout the 6 months but I got distracted and we only talked once a week…but I at least got to talk to them. I was shocked to find out that Alex and Isabelle were dating, but I was even more shocked when I heard about Michael and Maria. Everyone is happy…

When I reach the Deluca twins they smile at me and we do a three-way hug. Maria and I start crying and Alex just hands us the tissues he had in his pockets…he knows us so well! We laugh and I finally remember Serena and motion for her to join us. When she does I turn towards Alex and Maria.

“Alex and Maria I would like to introduce you to Serena. She was my servant at the cottage, but we became close friends. Serena I would like you to meet the Deluca twins.”

“It’s very nice to meet you both, Liz talked about you often.” Serena says while shaking their hands

“You too, Liz told us she was bringing someone special home, but we actually thought it was a guy…” Alex says and I throw Serena a look after she stares confused at Alex.

“So, happy birthday Lizzie!” Maria says before throwing her arms around me again. We hug and laugh and I feel Maria stiffen and let me go while she stares over my shoulder. Before I can turn to see what caught her attention, I feel arms wrap around my waist and a kiss on my shoulder. I know those arms anywhere and I sink into them before introducing the new member of our group to Alex and Maria.

“Guys, this is Lord Kyle Valenti. Kyle this is the Deluca twins Alex and Maria.” I say pointing to each one respectively.

Kyle releases one arm and shakes their hands, not moving from his place on my back. “Nice to meet you both. Liz has told me so much about you.”

“Funny, we haven’t heard a thing about you” Maria says with a cold tone. I’m about to scold her for being rude when the king announces the first dance and I feel Kyle squeeze my waist before releasing me and then grabbing my left hand.

“Dance baby?” He asks and then places a kiss on the ring on my finger.

“Of course.” I say as I follow him.

We dance the first song wrapped in each others arms and I couldn’t be happier. The song fades and we pull away before I grab his hand and pull him back towards the group. When I lift my eyes finally I notice not only Alex, Maria, Serena waiting for us but also Isabelle, Michael, and Max. I didn’t want to do this at the beginning of the party but apparently I’m going to have to.

When we reach the group, Isabelle pulls me into a hug “Happy birthday Liz”

“Thanks Is. It’s great to be home.” I say as I turn towards Michael who surprisingly pulls me into a hug and wishes me a happy birthday as well.

“Um, thanks Michael.” I say before turning to Max, not knowing what to expect. “The banquet hall looks great, thank you Max.” When I say his name I feel Kyle place his hand on my lower back and I inwardly groan when I see Max’s eyes flash to Kyle’s hand and back to mine with a questioning stare.

“Isabelle, Michael and Max this is Serena a friend from Chadwick. Serena this is Michael, Maria’s boyfriend, Princess Isabelle, who is Alex’s girlfriend, and…Max” I couldn’t find something to say to explain Max’s presence so I just left it at that.

“It’s nice to finally meet all of you.” Serena says and she shakes Michael and Isabelle’s hands. They both say hello, and then everyone turns towards me and stares expectantly for me to introduce the last person. I close my eyes and take a deep breath and when I open my eyes they collide with a pair of amber ones with definite confusion and pain in them.

“Liz sweetie?” Kyle says while squeezing my waist. I turn towards him and he raises his eyebrows questioning when I’m going to introduce him and I turn give him a shy smile before turning back to my group…here goes nothing…

TBC in a few days!! And as a warning...its going to get pretty angsty....and just remember I AM A DREAMER!!!!
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Chapter 17

Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Hey everybody...sorry this is a few days late. I had midterms last week and lets say I didn't even turn on my computer for 4 days. So here is the next part.

Quick Comments:
I've gotten a lot of feedback which I LOVE! But I have noticed you all are freaking that Liz and Kyle are together...let me hopefully ease your mind...the rating on this fic is Maure/Adu;t... Liz and Kyle "action" will not even rate a YTEEN ok? There is no nookie with Kyle and Liz...I hope that helps. Also this story is about 30-40 there is a lot of story left...stick with me and I know you will enjoy it ok? I will remind you again...that I am a dreamer all the way...and that this story is very up and down...when you think there is a horrible part and that it can't get worse....I bring in some Max and Liz action. And just when you think the story is coming to a close...I bring in a little drama...just to keep you guessing! Once again I promised Max and Liz will be together in the end...and Kyle will get none of Liz's love ok?

Cocopucks: actually scared me with your PM's...I thought you would hunt me down and kill me! Lol Just kidding. Like I said hang in there and it will be worth the wait! But please keep feedbacking...good or bad...I enjoyed it!
Sarabehrparker: True dreamer fashion is what this story is all about! I'm glad your liking it...and if memory serves me correct this is the first time I have heard from you soo.....WELCOME!! Thanks for the feedback!
Emz80m: HA HA am I that predictable? I'm fixing it I promise! It might not be for a nother 3 or 4 chapters...but it will be worthe the wait....hint hint
FamersAmers: I like Kyle...he is a good guy. Don't worry...he will allow a dreamer ending I promise! Liz will realize that all see needs is a little Max loving!
behrlyliz: Thanks for seeing the big picture that liz THINKS she is happy. Dreamer moments will be coming!
wearydreams2003: first off WELCOME!! Thanks for the feedback and for reading! I'm fixing it! LOL I'm hurrying!
roswck: I promise that Kyle is a good guy. You maybe on to the whole Kyle and Serena that a hint?
Lizza: How much? LOL...hold on to your butts!!
orphyfets: Begging is good! I'm back....Kyle is special to Liz...but he isn't the perfect special someone to Liz....we all know who that is!
BehrObsession: Kyle will not be this fic I think he is a sweetheart...and if it wasn't a dreamer fic...i would leave them together...but alas I am dreamer. Tess will probably not be showing up again...atleast not in a love interest breath easy!
g7silvers: Your questions are very good and well noted. They should be answered in this chapter...if not PM me and I will answer them personally. Liz could never forget Max or cheat on him...
Well as always....FEEDBACK IS VERY MUCH WANTED!!! and if you have any problems or questions that you don't want to post me and I will try to answer your questions as best as I can without giving away too much...I always like to hint though!! LOL.... By the way... HI LURKERS!!!!

From Chapter 16:

“Liz sweetie?” Kyle says while squeezing my waist. I turn towards him and he raises his eyebrows questioning when I’m going to introduce him and I turn give him a shy smile before turning back to my group…here goes nothing…

Ch. 17


“Okay. Kyle meet Isabelle, Michael, Max, Alex, Maria, and you already know Serena…um everyone this is Lord Kyle Valenti of Chadwick.” I say and wait for the shit to hit the fan.

“How do you do? Liz has told me so much about all of you…I feel like I know all of you as well as Liz does.” Kyle says while he shakes Michael and Max’s hands.

“I highly doubt that.” Max says smugly and I shoot him a look.

“So, um, how long have you know Liz?” Isabelle asks Kyle trying to avoid the awkward silence that I know will be happening.

“Well, we met about 5 and half months ago, and we’ve been seeing each other for 5.” Kyle says while gently squeezing my hand.

“So, are you guys exclusively seeing each other or is it not that serious.” Max asks coldly while glaring a Kyle.

“Max! You have no right to ask that! Its--” I try to say but Max interrupts me.

“Oh don’t I Liz? Are you going to say it’s not my business? Because I definitely think that it is!” Max responds.

“Okay you two knock it off!” Alex says stepping in between Max and me. Once Alex is satisfied that we have calmed down enough he looks at Kyle for him to continue.

“Um, Ha. Yeah I’d say we are pretty exclusive. It’s as serious as it could be.” Kyle says before bringing my left hand to his lips and placing a gently kiss on the diamond ring and I hang my head to hide from the reaction to his actions.

“Your not…you don’t mean…” Alex tried to say and he gestures between Kyle and me.

“Engaged? Yeah we are. I asked her earlier in the week.” Kyle says calmly. He has no idea that he just started a world war.


I stand in shock as I watch Maria and Isabelle bombard Liz with questions:

“How could you not tell me?” Maria asks.

“Oh my GOD! When are you planning on having the wedding? Can I plan it?” Isabelle asks.

“What are going to be your colors?” Maria adds.

“Is it going to be here or on Chadwick? I think it should be here…don’t you?” Isabelle asks already planning the theme and decorations in her head.

“What color is my dress?” Maria asks

The three girls keep asking Liz questions and asking to see the ring while I stand back trying to breath.

“Max? Max buddy are you ok?” Alex asks once he sees how pale my face has gotten.

“I’m fine…I’m just gonna...” I say as I point outside before I quietly turn away from the group.

I stand outside under the stars thinking about how my life got so complicated and there is only one place to go to hide from it…the music room.

I sit in the dark music room for about 15 minutes before I hear the door open behind me and then the lights flash on. I blink my eyes to adjust them to the bright lights, but I don’t turn around…I already know who it is before she speaks.

“Max. I thought I’d find you here.” Liz says as she walks over and sits down next to me on the bench.

“Come to throw your happiness in my face?” I say bitterly.

“Max you know that’s not true. I’d never rub your face in anything. I came back to celebrate my birthday with the people that I love.” Liz says.

“The people you love…that’s Kyle right?” I ask before picking up her left hand and staring at the ring. It’s beautiful. A platinum band wrapped around her dainty finger with 2 heart shaped diamonds set on either side of a huge princess cut diamond in the middle. From what I can guess that it’s an heirloom and the total karat weight is about 3.75-4.00. “So, it’s true…your engaged…to Kyle.”

“Ye-yes I am. I’m sorry…I didn’t want you to find out that way.” Liz says as she wraps her hands around mine. I shudder because I can still feel the ring on her finger and it’s like a dagger into my heart.

“How did you want me to find out? You’ve been engaged for a week Liz. Don’t you think I had a right to know about it? When were you going to tell me? Or were you going to tell me at all?” I say as I look into her eyes and see the tears begin to fall. I fight to urge to brush them away because that isn’t my job any more.

“Of course I was going to tell you Max. God…do you know how hard this is for me? I didn’t want to do this tonight, but it happened there is nothing we can do about it. Yes I’m engaged to Kyle. He’s a nice man Max; you’d have noticed that if you weren’t being rude to him.” Liz says after releasing my hands and wiping her tears.

“Hard for you Liz? How about how I felt seeing you hugging him and kissing him? What about the fact that you danced our dance with him…that has always been ours Liz…ours.” I say as my vision blurs from the tears in my own eyes.

“Max, I don’t know what to say to you. I told you back on Chadwick that I didn’t want to do this anymore…so I moved on. Did I give you any reason to think that I would be waiting for you?” Liz asks.

“I don’t know. I just was hoping I guess…that after everything I’ve done to you over the years that the thing on Chadwick would been nothing.” I shrug.

“I told you on Chadwick that I was tired of it all too. And I meant it. Its not that I couldn’t forgive you Max…it’s that I don’t trust you not to hurt me again. I’m happy Max; you said you wanted me to be…I am.” Liz said as she got up to leave. “I never meant to hurt you Max…I just wanted you to know that.”

“Liz.” I call out before the reaches the door. And I wait for her to turn around before I raise my eyes and look at her. “Tell Kyle Congratulations, he got one hell of a lady.” I say with a small smile.

Liz smiles “I will, and you’ll find one to some day Max.” She says before she walks out the door.

“I already did.”


The last couple of days have been hard. I had to introduce Kyle to my parents which wasn’t a bad thing…but everything that my dad asked if Kyle liked…was something that my dad knew Max liked. He was showing me the differences in them and he knew exactly what he was doing.
Trying to plan a wedding is actually very hard. I always thought I would hire a planner and only be there for a few small details so that I didn’t stress myself out. That didn’t exactly happen the way I wanted it too. You see, I decided to let Isabelle plan the wedding since I chose Maria as my Maid of Honor and I felt bad so when she asked…I didn’t even hesitate. But now that she’s in charge…I can’t help but rethink my decision.

Apparently the yellow and pink carnations that I picked to decorate the banquet hall with were not elegant enough and Isabelle decided on pink and white roses instead. I wanted a very simple, white strapless gown and Isabelle said that wouldn’t do…so now I’m standing here in front of a mirror getting my dress that Isabelle picked altered. I actually hate it.

“No, it needs to be shorter. Liz is petite and if you don’t hem it up another inch she will trip and we can’t have that happen.” Isabelle says as she critiques the seamstress work.

“Isabelle…its fine. My shoes are 4 inches anyway.” I try to reason with her while throwing an apologetic smile down to the seamstress.

“I know that…and those won’t do either. So I took the liberty to pick these up for you.” Isabelle says as she hands me a pair of shoes from behind her.

“Isabelle…these are slides. They have no heel! I need a heel!” I say as I shove the shoes back at her.

“Now Liz, if you have a 4 inch heel you’ll be taller than Kyle! That is not right!” Isabelle reasoned after placing the shoes on the ground next to me signaling me to put them on.

I realized she was right…I never realized how short Kyle was. He’s barely taller than me and with any heel I will tower over him.

“God Liz, who did you think you were marrying when you bought those shoes? They would be perfect if you were marrying say Alex or Max” Isabelle says before she realizes it and she looks up at me. “Oh god, I’m so sorry Liz…I didn’t mean that the way it sounded…its just--”

“It’s alright Isabelle, no harm done.” I interrupt her as I shrug. I try to smile to show that it didn’t effect me, but she sees right through it.

“You still love him don’t you Liz?” She asks once she stands up to look me in the eye.

“Yes.” I say and I know she isn’t talking about Kyle. “I never stopped.”

“Then why are you getting married to Kyle? Don’t get me wrong I like Kyle a lot. He’s a sweet guy and he seems to really care about you but…”
“He’s not my type?” I ask finishing her thought and she just nods. “I don’t know Isabelle. I care about Kyle a lot. And I could do worse…I could be marrying someone who doesn’t even care…but Kyle does and I know that he will love me and treat me right…I won’t have to protect my heart from him hurting me”

“Like Max?” Isabelle asks and I just hang my head. “Liz…if you love him why aren’t you with him? I know for a fact that if you told him how you really felt…he would do everything in his power to make sure that you never get hurt again.”

“That’s the thing Isabelle. I’ve told Max how I feel about him and this whole situation…and he does do everything in his power to help…but most of the time he never realizes that by him trying to help he is really hurting me.” I try to explain.

“What do you mean Liz? How has he hurt you when trying to help?” Isabelle asks as she helps me down from the stool I was standing on for the alterations and into a chair across the room.

“Well, by reversing the choice. He thought that was what I wanted…hell its what I thought I wanted…but by going through with it…he ended up hurting me even more.” I say through my tears.

“Liz you can’t blame Max for reversing the choice.”

“NO! I don’t. I couldn’t. It was my decision and I have to live with the consequences of all that.” I say and after a few minutes of silence I ask Isabelle to help me get out of the dress so that it can be altered before the next dress fitting.[/size]
Last edited by Maxsgurl on Mon Apr 18, 2005 10:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Hey everybody! Just wanted to say a few quick things:
1. Please note that I did change my username. Everything is fine, just needed to change it. Hope you all don't get confused
2. This is one of the Max/Liz centered chapters...I hope this and the next one help lift your spirits amongst all the angst...but it isn't over a warning!!

Sarahbehrparker- Thank you for your feedback and I agree with you about Liz...but I also know where she is coming from...since I wrote it!!
Orphyfets: I think everyone agrees that Liz is confused Lol. Max needs to grow some balls doesn't he?
BehrObsession: I'm glad you said you like this story. I can tell your getting really into it but I wasn't really sure if you liked it or I know so thanks!!
Lizza: Lol...your interest in the wedding has been noted!
FamersAmers: I totally agree with you that these two need to take risks!
Behrlyliz: Lol they are a pair aren't they?
g7silvers: I honestly don't think Liz knows...yet.
Emz80m: had a feeling you would catch that! :wink:
Lurkers: Come out, come out where ever you

Ch. 18


It’s been 4 days since Liz’s birthday ball and my life has been hell. Not only did I lose Liz to Kyle Valenti…but he didn’t go back to Chadwick. He’s staying here until the wedding. And when I mean here…I mean the palace. That’s right…Liz’s fiancé is staying at the palace two rooms down from mine and I for some reason have been nominated to keep an eye on him. This just sucks.

We are sitting at the table waiting for my parents to arrive for breakfast and it’s completely quiet. I finally decided to talk to him and ironically the only thing we have in common is Liz.

“So, you must be excited about the wedding by now? I mean its only 2 weeks away right?” I say trying to hide my awkwardness about the subject.

“Yeah I am. I mean Liz is a great girl… anybody would be happy to marry her.” Kyle says as his face brightens when he thinks about Liz.

“Yeah…Liz is the best. She is completely loyal to her friends and she is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.” I say.

“You love her don’t you?” Kyle asks as he leans forward on the table to stare at me. “Don’t deny it Max. I see the way you look at her and I know all about the whole choice thing and remember I was the one that was there helping her while she was staying in Chadwick.”

“Your right…I do love Liz. I always will, but she has made her choice. Just know this Kyle: if you ever hurt her I will kill you with my bear hands. I have so many friends around the galaxy that if you do anything wrong, I’ll know and I won’t hesitate to tell Liz.” I say as I point a finger at him to make my point. I watch as his eyes flash with both anger and fear.

“How dare you! You can’t threate--” He tries to say but he we are interrupted when Isabelle, Liz, and Serena walk into the room. “Hey ladies!” Kyle says as he gets up to pull out Liz’s chair for her before doing the same to Serena’s.

I watch from where I stand holding Isabelle’s chair out as Kyle lingers behind Serena and even places his hands on her shoulders and caress them. He looks up and sees me watching him with raised eyebrows before he takes his seat next to Liz. I turn away when I see him lean over and kiss her good morning. I shudder when I see Kyle is kissing Liz while staring at Serena and she blushes and turns her head away.

There is something going on there…


“So, Liz how are the wedding plans going?” The queen asks me during breakfast.

“Um, from what I know it’s going pretty good…” I say with a shrug and glance at Isabelle for her to continue.

“Actually, today Liz and have to go watch the band practice and finalize the song list.” Isabelle explains and I roll my eyes…this wedding is going to be so horrible. So far I hate everything about it!

Let’s start with my dress. It’s hideous! It has ruffles, and bows and those stupid fake roses plastered all around it. Its about 5 feet wide at the bottom and I can’t move it in. Isabelle added a 25 ft train to the back so I’ll have to have 6 women carry it behind me whenever I walk. Isabelle is making me wear an ugly ass veil as well. At last count…we had over 5,000 people coming…and that’s only my side…

I always pictured my wedding as a small church gathering. Close friends and family only. My dress would be simple and plain but still beautiful. The bride’s maids would all have a different style dress with different shades of pink and yellow so the girls wouldn’t look identical and they could still feel beautiful. Everything would be perfect…my real wedding will be the worst day of my life.

“Your busy today again Liz? I wanted to spend sometime together.” Kyle says with his bottom lip hanging out.

“I’m sorry Kyle. I know I haven’t been around lately…but I am planning our wedding.” I try to reason. “We can spend some time together tomorrow…does that sound good?”

“Can’t Liz. You have to meet with the cake decorator tomorrow so she can get your coloring right of the portrait.” Isabelle reminds me. That’s right…a portrait. Isabelle picked the cake that gets a picture of the bride and groom frosted on it and tomorrow we are making sure that the color of my hair and eyes are right….don’t even get me started…

“Don’t worry about it Isabelle, I can’t anyway. I was going to tell you today Liz, but I have to go back to Chadwick this afternoon to finalize some last minute things there.” Kyle explains while pleading with me to not be mad at him for leaving early…and surprisingly I’m not mad…I’m actually glad.

“That’s fine Kyle. You need to do what you need to do…I’m not mad.” I say and kiss him softly to reiterate my point.

“We have a problem then; if Kyle’s not here there is no one to dance with Liz at her lessons. Kyle already knows the Chadwick dances but Liz doesn’t.” Isabelle explains while double checking her planner.

“I’ll go.” I hear softly from across the table and I glance at Max to see him mindlessly playing with his food on his plate.

“That’s so great Max! Okay…well we got to go. Liz say goodbye to Kyle.” Isabelle commands as she gets up and kisses her mom and dad goodbye.

I stand up when Kyle pulls my chair out. “So I’ll see you in a few days right?” I ask Kyle and I continue when he nods. “Ok. Bye.” I kiss him lightly and then hug him. As I’m walking out of the room followed by Max I hear Kyle say “I love you” and I freeze. It’s the first time he’s said it…and it terrified me. I turn and smile at him “See you in a few Kyle.” I start walking away ignoring the satisfied look on Max’s face.


She doesn’t love him! I know for sure now, but now I’m confused as to why she would still be marrying him if she didn’t love him.

The next day Liz and I walk into the ballroom to have her lesson and I notice that Michael, Maria, Isabelle, and Alex are all already here. When Liz and I approach I see everyone except Isabelle raise an eyebrow to my presence but Liz soon explains that Kyle had to leave so I’m the alternate.

As we are dancing I look around at all our friends. They all look happy, the girls have the heads on their partner’s shoulders and the guys are holding them tight. I realize that this may be the last time it’s just the six of us again, soon Kyle will be in our group…or Liz will be removed. I won’t let that happen. If Kyle has a problem with Liz hanging out with us, then he is in for a rude awakening because I don’t see how any of us will let him keep her away. God, I still can’t believe that in less than 2 weeks Liz is going to move to Chadwick and live with Kyle, her husband.

“Thank you for doing this Max, I know it must be hard.” Liz says for her spot in my arms.

I place a gently kiss on the top of her head. “I could never deny you anything Liz. You needed me here so I’m here.” I feel her take a deep breath and then snuggle closer into my arms and lay her head on my shoulder. I close my eyes with a big smile on my face as we continue to sway to the music.


I’m in my room at the mansion in my wedding dress. I came back today and saw it in the closet with a note from Isabelle to try it on with everything I plan on wearing for the wedding to make sure everything is comfortable.

So I’m standing in front of my mirror with my ugly ass wedding dress on, my hideous veil, flat ass shoes, and all my undergarments. I feel like it’s all a bad dream. I can feel the tears pooling in my eyes when there is knock on my door. I call out for them to enter after I wipe my eyes and calm my emotions.

“Wow…you look beautiful.” I hear from behind me and I turn to look at Max.

“Shut up…I look hideous. This dress is horrible.” I say as I play with the ruffles and bows to prove my point.

Max chuckles while saying “You have a point. The whole look is not you…but you look radiant anyway. No matter what you wore…you would be the most beautiful bride on the planet.” Max says as he comes up behind me. I smile at him through the mirror before I turn towards him.

“Not that I’m not grateful, but what are you doing here Max?” I ask as I waddle my way to the bed and sit down. Max just chuckles at my awkward movements in the dress before he joins me.

“I wanted to bring you your present in person.” He says before he hands me a small white box.

I look at him confused “A present? Max you already gave me a new journal for my birthday.”

“Yea but this is more like a wedding present.” He explains with a shrug.

“Max, you didn’t have t--” I say but Max places his hand on my mouth to stop me.

“I wanted to do this Liz.” He says after removing his hand. I nod and smile at him before I open the present.

“Oh Max…they are beautiful. I don’t know what to say.” I whisper while I pull out the gold chain in the box to view the set of rings on it. They are a man and woman’s, a matching set. They have Antarian engraving all over them and they look old…antique.

“They were my great great great grandparents’ wedding bands. It’s a tradition in my family for the bride to wear the rings tied to her bouquet on her wedding day. My great great great grandparent’s married when they were 19 and they were happily married until they both died in their sleep together with smiles on their faces at 100 years old. These rings have brought good luck to any couple who were wed when the bride had these. I want you to have them, so you and Kyle can forever be happy.” Max explains as I examine the designs on the rings.

“Max thank you…but I can’t accept them. They belong in your family.” I say as I hold my hand out for him to take them back but Max just folds my fingers over the rings in my palm.

“You are my family Liz. You have been since our parents became friends. I want you to have them.” I smile at his words and nod my head before putting the rings back in the box and place it on my dresser.

“Thank you Max.” I say and I lean over to kiss his cheek. When I pull back I look up into his eyes and I watch as they dart back to my lips as I lick them. I can’t help it…I need to taste him one more time. I fuse our lips together again.

“Max…I want you. I need you so much!” I say in between kisses.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Hey everybody! Wow just want to say that I'm glad no one seems totally angry about Kyle and all seem to like them thats cool. Ok about the new chapter...its my first attempt at an Adult scene (using the new rating all should remember to change your fics k?) so I was a little reluctant to post this chapter...anywho here it is:

Emz80m: lol, I agree, height doesn't matter. But if you are 5'2 like tend to not want to screw your children with short genes.
Lin4u: Your very welcome...they will be doing more than just kiss!
dreamer19: does seem that way huh?
Lizza: Yeah...even though I wrote this and know whats going on...i still want max to just tell Liz know? She deserves it.
Orphyfets: I
FamersAmers: You won't find out why Kyle left for a few more chapters...but it is a big part of the just remember that he did leave K?

Thats about it oh and don't forget to check out my fanfic page...and comment on my upcoming stories ok? Thanks!
Maxgurl's Fics

Ch. 19


I don’t know what happened. I was sitting there trying to be the bigger person and let Liz know that I want her to be happy…and then she kisses me. And then again. I vaguely remember her saying that she wanted me and needed me and I lost it.

When I heard her say that, I didn’t hold back. I kissed her back just as needy, showing her all that I felt for all those years. As I slid my lips over hers I felt her wrap her arms around me and pull me closer. My arousal rubbed against her wet center and I groaned. Liz took my groan as an invitation and slipped her tongue into my mouth. I let her explore my mouth for a few moments until I heard her whimper so I allowed my tongue to come out and play with hers. She tasted so sweet and yet spicy and forbidden at the same time.

I realized that I had her pinned under me and her dress was pushed up to her waist with me sitting in-between her thighs above her. I pulled my mouth away from her lips and moved them down her neck. I smiled when I felt her shudder and wrap her fingers into my hair as I sucked on a sensitive spot under her ear. I started to move lower towards her collarbone and chest when I heard her moan my name and it snapped me back to reality and I pulled away. I looked down at her and noted her ravaged hair and her flushed cheeks and lips.

“What? Why did you stop?” Liz asked as she tried to gain her breath.

“We can’t do this Liz. You’re getting married in two weeks. This isn’t right.” I say as I climb off of her and walk across the room. I run my hands through my hair and turn towards her. “What are we doing Liz?”

“I thought…I thought you wanted me.” She says as she gets up and adjusts her dress.

Shit. “That’s not what I meant Liz. God you don’t understand how much I want you right now.” I say as I go and sit down next to her but keep my hands to myself.

“Really? You want me?”

“More than anything. But we can’t…your engaged. I don’t want to be with you if I can’t for eternity.” I say as I finally grab her hand and place a kiss on her palm. I hear her take a deep breath before she jumps up and pulls me with her over to her closet.

“I want to show you something.” She says as she reaches into her closet and pulls out a box from the top shelf.


I look down at the old shoe box I’m holding and then turn towards Max with a smile.
He looks at me confused before saying. “What is in the box Liz?”

“Do you remember when we were 16 and we first kissed in the music room?” I ask and I wait for him to nod his head before I continue. “The next day I went shopping with Maria. I was walking by a shop window and I saw these shoes in the display. I quickly ran in to buy them. When we kissed…I got this vision of my wedding day. I saw me standing next to a man in a tux. His face was blurred so that I couldn’t see who he was, but when I got home I quickly drew the vision so that I could remember it.” I say before I reach into the box and pulled out a folded piece of paper and hand it to Max.

“Is this what you saw?” Max asks as he looks at the picture. I nod my head and he continues. “You look beautiful Liz. This is the type of dress I always pictured you in…”

I look over his hands at my drawing. I’m wearing a simple, plain but beautiful white strapless wedding gown with a very small delicate veil. The man next to me is in a tux and his arms are around me…but he has no face. I left it blank because I never saw it.

“What does this have to do with the shoes Liz?” Max asks pointing to the shoes left in the box.

“I have to show you…so come here.” I say as I pull Max to stand in front of the mirror. I bend down awkwardly because I’m still in this damn dress and slip on the four inch shoes I had wanted to wear before Isabelle told me not too. As I stand up, I snuggle up to Max and he instantly pulls me into his arms. “See…a perfect fit.” I say with a smile as I look at us in the mirror.

“Ok…I may be a little loaded on hormones here…but I still don’t get it.” Max says while looking at the picture and then at me.

“That day that I bought these shoes…I didn’t need them. I just had an urge to buy them. I had saved them for my wedding day. I always knew that I would wear these shoes because I was supposed to fit right under the guy’s chin…like I do with you right now.” I say as I watch him glance at the picture and notice that I do fit under his chin just like in the picture. “When I was getting this hideous dress altered, Isabelle pointed out that I couldn’t wear these shoes because I would tower over Kyle.” I smile when Max places a kiss on the top of my head easily. “I don’t fit with Kyle Max. I noticed that when I was searching for dresses…I didn’t even look at a single dress that matched this design…because if I wasn’t getting married to that dream man…I couldn’t wear my dream dress or shoes. Destiny brought these shoes to me…and to you. You’re my dream man Max.” I say as I see the tears spill from his eyes.


I close my eyes to keep the tears from spilling, “I love you Liz.” I say as I squeeze her tighter to me.

“I love you too Max…only you.” I hear her say and I smile because I know she never said it to Kyle. I open my eyes and our gazes lock in the mirror. I make a decision and take a deep breath.

I turn Liz around in my arms and place kisses all around her face until I reach her lips and I place a sweet kiss on them before pulling back to gage her reaction. I stare at her face until her eyes flutter open and she looks up at me with a sweet smile. I lean down again and kiss her longer pouring all my love into that kiss. I wrap my arms around her body and she lifts her arms around my neck. We stay like this for what seems like forever before I pull away and rest my forehead against hers.

“God I want you so much Liz. Do you want me?” I ask as I caress her cheek with my hand.

She leans into my palm “Yes Max. I want you…I need you so much.” And that’s all she has to say before I lean down and kiss her again.

I feel her hands on my chest gripping onto my shirt. She lets go and pushes my jacket off my chest and over my shoulders. She watches every move as I pull away and drop my hands from her waist as we lock eyes when she pushes the jacket completely off my body. She turns her attention to my shirt and she starts to pull the hem out of my pants.

I capture her lips against mine and run my tongue over her bottom lip asking for entrance that she eagerly gives. I hiss into her mouth when I feel her hands snake under my shirt and scrape against my abs.

“Liz.” I say as she grazes my nipple with her fingers. I feel her chuckle at the power she has over me but, she finally pulls the shirt over my abs and I hear he ask me to lift my arms. I reluctantly pull away from her and raise my arms as she pulls the shirt off my body.

I watch as she stares at my body and I see some emotion cloud her eyes. I think its hesitation so I reach my hand out and lift her chin so she looks me in the eyes. “Liz, we don’t have to do this you know?”

She nods her head “I want to. I want it to be you. I just…I don’t know what to do Max.” She says as a tear slips down her cheek. I quickly lean forward and kiss it away before kissing her deeply.

When I pull away I confess. “Neither do I Liz. I’ve never done this before.” I kiss her when I see her gasp in shock.

“What about all those girls you dated…you didn’t…” She says as she gestures between us with her hands.

I chuckle. “Sleep with them? No Liz…Even back then, before I admitted my feelings for you, I wouldn’t sleep with anyone but you. Never.” I prove my point with a sweet kiss but it soon turns passionate as I start to run my hands up and down Liz’s dress zipper.

“Undress me Max.”


When I say it Max pulls away and looks me dead in the eyes. “Are you absolutely sure Liz?”

I place a gentle kiss on his lips before nodding. “More sure than I have been about anything in my life.”

I watch as Max nods and grabs a hold of the zipper and slowly lowers it to reveal my bare back. When the dress starts to fall down my body I release my arms from around Max and slip my arms through the straps and it falls completely. I stand there in my strapless bustier and garter belt under his scrutinizing gaze and I begin to feel self-conscious so I pull my hands in front of my body but Max stops me.

“Don’t Liz. You’re perfect. Don’t ever hide from me okay?” He asks as he wraps his arms around my body again and I nod. “Come here.” He says as he lifts me out of my dress that was pooled around my legs and I wrap them around him. Max effortlessly carries me back to my bed and lays me in the middle before lying down next to me.

Max sits up on his side and rests his head up leaning on his elbow as he leans over me. “Are you sure?” He asks as he draws lazy circle on the small piece of my stomach that is exposed at the bottom of my bustier.

I stop his band and pull it up to my lips. I kiss every finger tip before placing this hand on my breast for a second before moving it towards the front clasp of the garment. “I’m sure.” I say before I feel Max undo the clasps one by one.

I watch in fascination as Max’s eyes flash with desire when new skin is exposed with every clasp. When he reaches the last one he stops and gazes into my eyes asking permission. I wrap one hand around his on the last clasp and the other on his neck pulling him in for a kiss while our joined hands remove the last clasp together.

I break the kiss when I feel Max stop responding and I realize that when we undid the clasp, his eyes opened and he was paying attention to my body and not my lips. I caressed his cheek to get his attention and when he looks as me I raise an eyebrow and watch him blush. I smile at him and he places his hands on each side of my bustier waiting for me to give him the permission to open it fully. I lean forward and kiss his forehead and I feel him push aside the fabric and gasp. I watch as his eyes roam over my naked chest. I start to think he doesn’t think my breasts are big enough and start to cover them when he scolds me

“Liz. What did I tell you earlier? You’re perfect.” Max told me before kissing my lips. He pulled away and gave me a smirk before leaning down and placing kisses on my neck until he reached my chest.

I watched as Max slowly raised his hands and caressed my breasts for the first time.


I love watching Liz right now. As I touch and massage her breasts she arches into my hands and I can’t resist anymore as I lean down and finally place an open mouth kiss on her erect nipple. When she gasps I continue my maneuvers as I kiss and nibble on one breast while my hand massages her other one. Liz’s hands move to my head and she holds my head to her breast and I take the hint to continue. I hear her soft moan when I pull my mouth away and I revel in her sign of satisfaction when I return it to her other breast giving it the same attention as the other.

“Max…I need…Max...” Liz murmurs and I can’t deny her anything so I pull my self up her body and kiss her mouth. I feel Liz’s hands run down my chest in-between our bodies and find their destination at my belt. I feel her undo it and hear it hit the floor somewhere behind me.

“Lizzz…” I hiss when her hands graze my hardened member. I pull away and help her undo my pants and pull them down. I sit up and pull of my shoes so that I can pull off my pants completely. I turn and take Liz’s shoes off and gently place them down on the ground completely understanding their meaning and wanting to treasure that.

As I turn back to Liz I begin to rub her knees and inch my way up her thighs. I noticed that Liz’s eyes were closed in ecstasy but her legs spread subconsciously to my activities. I slowly slide down so that I am laying on my stomach in-between Liz’s thighs and I place a kiss on her inner thighs and I can smell her arousal. I can’t wait for the treasure that awaits me. I slowly raise my hand and rub Liz’s stomach trying to bring her back to earth. When her eyes lock on mine I start to pull down her undergarments and she lifts her hips to allow me to remove them. I smile when I get my first full view of Liz and I lean in to kiss her.


“OH MY GOD!” I yell when I feel Max run his tongue along my slit. I can’t believe he is doing this!

Max continues to lick me and I can feel him chuckle against me when I moan.
“Does that feel good baby?” Max asks lifting his face from my heat. I grab his head and push him back to his destination.

“Don’t stop Max…God don’t stop.” I pant as I arch my hips into his face.

“I don’t ever plan on it baby.” Max says as he eats me like he hasn’t eaten in days.

I feel my release coming and I tell Max. Max lifts his hand and rubs my sensitive nub in circle while slowly dipping his skilled tongue into my core.

“Max, don’t tease…” I say and as soon as I do, Max plunges his tongue deep into me and I get my release right there.


I lap up Liz’s juices until her body stops shaking and I make my way up her body. I wipe my face and lay next to her until she turns towards me and smiles.

“You taste good baby. Like heaven.” I say as I kiss her and I know that she can taste herself on me and that turns me on even more.

“Mmmm, that was heavenly. But I hope you’re not done yet.” She says as she reaches down and rubs my erection through my boxers. I start thrusting my hips into her hand and she soon pulls down my boxers so she can touch my skin.

“Oh, God baby…that feels so good.” I say as Liz pumps me in her hands. I can feel myself coming close so I pull her hands away.

“What? Max what’s the matter? Did I do it wrong? Did I hurt you?” Liz asks reaching out to caress my face.

“What? No Liz. I just…well if you would have kept going we would be done for now…” I say hoping she gets my drift.

“Oh…so I was ok?”

“Yes baby, you were perfect…I almost lost control there” I say as I lean over her and give her a sweet kiss. We moan into each others mouths when the tip of my erection rubs into her wet heat. “I know how you can make me lose control though…” I say as I slowly rock my hips against hers.

“Is that right?” Liz says as she wraps her arms around my shoulders and lifts a leg to open her self up to me “Well then, what are you waiting for?”

I slowly push my way into her passage and I almost lose it because she is so tight and wet for me. I reach her barrier and our gazes lock. “Liz, this will be nonreversible…are you absolutely sure?”

“You know…that is getting pretty annoying!” Liz says while laughing so I know she is teasing. “Max, you said you couldn’t deny me anything….don’t deny me this.” Liz says and I lean down to kiss her while I thrust down and break her barrier. My kiss muffles her cry and I keep absolutely still for her to adjust to my size.

“Baby, how you doing?” I know it’s a stupid question…but I had to ask.

She takes a sharp breath. “I’m good, just start slow ok?” I nod into her shoulder and slowly start to move inside of her.

“Oh god, Liz.” I hiss as I seek out her mouth for a kiss.

“Max…oh yeah…more...Max.” Liz says against my mouth and I don’t deny.

Soon we have a steady rhythm and I can feel her walls tighten around me signaling her coming release. I look up and stare into Liz’s eyes. “I LOVE YOU LIZ!” I say as I release my seed into her womb.

Liz follows right after me. “MAX! I LOVE YOU!!”

I kiss Liz’s forehead after I pull her against my chest and we settle into a deep, satisfied sleep.
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by Maxsgurl »

A/N: Hey everybody thank you for voting...and I ask that you continue to do so if you haven't! I really want to please you I'm glad you all liked the Adult chapter...that was my the fact you all liked it was pretty cool.

Lin4u: Thank you
FamersAmers: Lol, thank you
orphyfets: Thank you. I'm glad you liked it.
g7silvers: Serena is actually still in the palace...*hint* you are very good for noticing that though
Emz80m: You are right...the angst is not over!
BehrObsession: They may have found their way back...but will they stay that way?
Elli: Thank you for all your kind words and I'm glad you like it.
Evans3: THANK YOU FOR COMING OUT!!!! I'm glad I got you to do that!
sunrise102: Thank you for posting! You are very good for noticing Liz did not say anything about dumping Kyle. :)
su-lyn: Thank you so much for your kind words. Things like that are what make writing this story..and my ones to come worth it!

Well thats about it...on with chapter 20..

Chapter 20


I groan when I hear the birds chirping outside my window and I snuggle deeper into my bed when I feel it. There is someone sleeping in my bed! I start to panic and then I remember last night and a smile graces my face.

“That smile better be for me baby…” I hear his husky voice ask while he wraps his arms around me and kisses my shoulder.

“That depends…who are you again?” I joke.

“So you don’t remember huh? Well why don’t I help you remember with a special tool that I have.” Max says as he rubs his crotch into my behind and I know what tool he is talking about.

“Are you sure your special tool will help me?” I ask as I turn in his arms and place a kiss on his nose.

“Well…there is only one way to find out?” Max says before he leaps and pins me under him. I laugh and he leans down and kisses me.

“Good morning baby…” Max says once he pulls away to catch his breath.

“Morning Max.” I say as I lean up and kiss him again. I’m about to deepen it when I hear foot steps coming closer to my door and I feel Max still above me.

“Hey…” I say as I caress his cheek to get his attention. “Don’t worry…no one comes in here except Maria and its way too early for her.”

I smile when Max nods his head and leans down to kiss me but before his lips reach mine I hear the door knob jiggle and I push Max off of me and on the floor as I jump up to grab my robe.

“Elizabeth? Is everything alright? Why is the door locked?” My mother asks while jiggling the knob and knocking loudly.

“Just a minute mom!” I yell as I push Max into my bathroom and run to the door. “Mom, what’s up” I ask once I open the door and allow my mom to enter my room.

“Why was the door locked? You never lock your door.” She asks while she looks around the room searching for something…

“Oh that? I wanted some privacy last night while I took a bath, and you know Maria she will walk in not caring what I’m doing, so I locked it.” Nice save if I do say so myself! “So what are you doing here mom?”

“Oh, I wanted to know if you have my dress for the wedding. Isabelle said she left it here with your gown, have you seen it?” She asks as she walks around and starts to look through my closet.

“Um, no I haven’t seen it. It wasn’t in the garment bag with my dress.” I say as I point to the empty garment bag hanging.

“Elizabeth Parker! Is this anyway to treat your wedding dress?” My mother asks as she walks over to the floor and picks up my forgotten gown. “Now it’s going to have to be pressed again! God…it’s your wedding dress Liz…it’s supposed to be meaningful and special…you don’t leave it on the floor!”

“Sorry Mom, I guess I forgot…I’ve been out of it with the wedding being 2 weeks away and all.” I say as I shrug my shoulders.

“I know, it’s so sad! My baby girl is getting married. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something very important but we just haven’t had the time, but since you’re not busy right now we’ll talk!” My mom says as she turns and sits down on the bed and gestures for me to next to her. I glance back towards the bathroom door where Max is hiding naked and I shrug…the sooner she talks about this the sooner I can get her to leave and be alone with Max.

Once I sit down I grab the pillow Max was using last night and hold it in my arms. It amazes me that I was with him less than 5 minutes ago and that I can still miss him…even though he is in the same room. I sniff the pillow and a smile spreads across my face because it still smells like him; masculine and sensitive, woodsy and oceany, completely and perfectly Max. “So, what did you want to talk to me about mom?” I ask once I got my fill of Max scent for a few minutes.

“Sex.” My mother so bluntly says.

I sit completely shocked, I don’t know what to say for a few minutes and then I finally find my voice however unsteady it is asking, “W-what?”

“I want to talk to you about sex Liz.” My mother continues just as bluntly. God why isn’t she embarrassed about this? She is talking to her 18 year old daughter about sex!

“Mom, I don’t really feel comfort--” I begin to say but my mother soon interrupts me.

“I know you don’t want to talk about this, but I think we have too. Liz, you’re getting married in 2 weeks and that day is not just going to be your wedding day but also the day you loose your virginity to your husband. It is a very special day.”
If only my mother knew that 8 hours earlier I had already lost my virginity to Max…who although as much as I wish…is not my husband. “Mom….I REALLY don’t want to talk about this right now…or at all.” I say as I squeeze Max’s pillow closer to my body, wishing that Max would come and save me from this impending doom.

“I know honey, but I’m afraid that you will not understand what is expected of you as a wife. You are your husbands completely. You will need to be open and learn to please him through trial and error. Don’t be afraid or nervous because it will affect your….performance.”

“MOM! PLEASE! STOP! I know how to please a man ok!” I say as I cover my face with my hands.

“I highly doubt that Liz. Look, on your wedding night your husband will want you to come to him. Kyle is a good man and I’m sure he will be gentle…but you may hurt.”

“I really don’t want to think about sex with Kyle ok mom!” I say as I get up and start to walk towards my vanity when I flinch at the soreness in my groin.

“Liz? Are you ok? What’s the matter?” My mom asks coming up to me and kneeling next to me on the ground.

“I’m fine, I—I just slept on my leg wrong, the muscle is cramping.” I say as I begin to rub my calf to prove my point. Once she moves away and seemed to buy my excuse I notice my shoes on the ground next to my bed and I gently pick them up and place them in the box along with my picture and stand up to put them away in the closet. On the way to the closet I try not to flinch with every move.

“Ok, well if you’re sure your fine. But Liz…you shouldn’t be embarrassed about this…and why don’t you want to talk about sex with Kyle? Liz…you’re getting married to the man…you’re going to be sleeping with him for the rest of your life.” I stop dead in my tracks when my mom says this. I’m standing there next to my closet holding the box that holds all my dreams and listening to my mom talk about the rest of my life without those dreams.

“I know that mom, I just…sex is a very intimate thing…and I don’t…I don’t feel comfortable talking to you about it…because I should only experience it with my husband.” I say trying to keep the tears from spilling from my eyes as I place the box in the back of my closet and close the door.

“Ok Liz, I understand and I’m sorry for any embarrassment I caused you…its just hard for me because you are growing up so fast…you’re supposed to be my baby forever.” My mom says as she walks over and gives me a hug. When she pulls back she kisses me on the forehead and starts to walk towards the door.

“Oh and honey?” My mom asks and she continues when I turn towards her. “Tell Alex he forgot his boxers here again.”

“What?” I ask her completely confused.

“There are a pair of boxers next to your bed…they are Alex’s aren’t they?” My mother asks as she points to the pair of male boxers thrown next to the foot of my bed during last nights activities.

“Um, yeah…I’ll wash them and bring them over to house later. He must have dropped them after he changed.” I say with a shrug.

“That’s fine sweetie…tell the Deluca’s I say hi!” My mother says as she closes the door behind her. I let out a breath of relief and I hear a knock on my door…but I realize it wasn’t the front door when I hear him speak.

“Is it safe to come out yet?” I hear Max ask through the closed bathroom door and I chuckle as I walk back to the bed and pick up his discarded underwear. I hear him open the door and turn towards him.

I gasp when I realize he is completely naked and comfortable being that way in my presence. “Well…depends on what you consider safe.” I say as I watch his eyes turn dark with desire when he realizes I’m staring at his body.

“Liz…don’t look at me like that. You’re playing with fire and you’re going to get burned.” Max says as he slowly walks towards me.

I lean back on the bed and sit in the middle. “What can I say…I’m a pyromaniac” I smile when Max chuckles as he gets in the bed with me and pulls me into his arms.

“So, I couldn’t really hear everything you and your mom were talking about…I could tell she yelled at you at the beginning…and then you seemed embarrassed about something. What was that about?” He asks as he absently draws small circle on my thighs.

“Well, first she yelled at me about leaving my wedding dress on the ground…she said it symbolizes something special and should be cared for.” I say as I turn and place kisses on the underside of his jaw.

“Is that so? Well, what did you get embarrassed about?” He asks as his hands starts to drift up closer to my crotch.

I smile and bluntly answer “Sex.”


I still my hand and just try to comprehend what she just said. “You talked to your mom…about sex?”

“Yup. Well, she talked…I flushed and avoided her commends.” Liz says as she shrugs her shoulders like it is no big deal.

“What- what did she say about sex? What did you tell her?” I ask still shocked that my sweet Liz openly talked about sex…weird.

“She was just concerned that I didn’t know how to please a man sexually, and I tried to assure her that I did.” Liz says and proves her point my rocking her backside into my groin.

“You certainly know how to do that.” I moan as my hands undo the tie of her robe.

“I thought you would say that.” Liz says as she moves her hand to my hardening member. I shudder as I feel her stroke my whole length with her small hand. “She wanted to make sure I knew how to please my husband on my wedding night in 2 weeks.”

My eyes fly open and I still her hand. “Kyle” I whisper as I remove her hand from my body and start to get up. “She wanted to make sure you knew how to please Kyle. Is that what this was about Liz? You wanted a test run before you had a go with Kyle?” I say as I stand up and start getting dressed.

“What? Max I don’t understand where you’re coming from…I thought last night was special” Liz asks as she kneels on her bed and reties her robe.

“It was special; to me. But obviously you had ulterior motives to last night. You wanted a practice fuck before you bedded her husband. God, who are you and where did Liz go?” I ask as I run my hands through my hair.

“Max! How can you say that to me! I told you how I felt last night…you’re my dream man.” Liz says with tears in her eyes and I force myself not to run over to her and give comfort.

“If I’m your dream man Liz…why are we apart?” I ask as I head to the door. My hand is on the door knob when I hear her call to me and I turn to her. We stare at each other silently because our eyes communicate everything. Love, pain, sadness, and regret. “Please Max, don’t leave me.” She begs tears streaming down her face.

“Are you going to marry Kyle?” I ask even though I already know the answer. I watch as she hangs her head in shame and I silently walk out of her door.

TBC....I know you are probably hating me right now...and I know I have said this a lot...but I am a dreamerand this "break" will not be as bad as you all will only last 3-4 chapters...if you can handle it.