Surviving The Darkness (UC,CC,Slash ADULT) AN 2/10

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 11

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 11

Tess and Michael spoke little on the ride out to the Pod Chamber. Before Tess went after Maria, she had told Michael what happened with Nesado and how she’d killed him. This had at first infuriated him but while Tess was away, he had time to think and calm down. Michael could not believe all that was happening at once, he had to wonder if anything more could occur. It was bad enough that Kyle could possibly be in the hands of someone who knew about them, but then to add Nesado’s betrayal and his personal problems with Maria. It was too much for a teenager to deal with, whether he was an alien hybrid or not.

The air in the SUV was filled with tension. Neither wanted to break the news of Nesado to Max. Michael had thought to maybe wait until morning but they both knew that Max would have a fit if they didn’t tell him. He was their King whether he wanted to claim it or not. They both had an instinctual urge to inform Max on this important occurrence.

Michael parked Tess’s SUV next to the jeep and together they began the steep climb up the rocky slope. Tess opened the door and stepped in before him. They both stopped short just inside the door, it almost closing back on them. They stood and stared at Max and Liz entangled together on the cave’s floor.

“Oh wow.” Tess said, her eyes taking in the sight of Max’s naked body wrapped around Liz’s smaller one.

“Tess.” Michael growled, feeling jealousy grip his stomach. He could clearly see the look of appreciation in Tess’s eyes as she looked down at the unaware lovers.

“Sorry.” Tess said, tearing her eyes from the sleeping forms. “I’m half human after all. I can’t help but ogle a nice body when it’s thrown out there at me. Besides, I saw how you looked at Liz. I promise not to tell Maria.” Tess added with a slight teasing smile.

Michael couldn’t deny that he’d looked at Liz. His eyes had grazed her soft skin, admiring her body. She was not as curvy as Maria…or Tess but she was beautiful in her own brainy way. After all that had happened this past year, he could see several reasons why Max was attracted to Liz. He growled again and moved toward the sleeping couple. He heard Tess chuckle behind him.

Michael was two feet from the couple when he was suddenly thrown back toward the door, landing hard on his ass.

“What the…?” Michael moaned, shaking his head. Tess was right next to him, helping him up.

“Michael, are you ok?”

Michael shook off the aches his body was registering. “Yeah.” His eyes were focused on the now stirring couple. It was as if hitting whatever invisible barrier surrounding them had finally woke them.

Max sensed that they were no longer alone and quickly jumped up, raising his hand, positioning himself in front of Liz.

Michael threw up both his hands in a gesture of surrender, seeing a new gleam in Max’s eyes. “Whoa, Maxwell. It’s just me.”

It took Max’s brain a few seconds to register that friend and not foe occupied the room. “Michael? Tess? What are you doing here?” He didn’t have to ask how Michael had found them knowing that he’d developed a strange sense of their whereabouts in the past few weeks.

“Put on some clothes Bro and we’ll talk.” Michael said, his eyes aching to look down where Liz was kneeling but kept them trained on Max’s.

“Oh…um..” Max stammered, realizing his state of undress. His face flushed deep crimson before turning around.

Michael turned around also, facing the doorway dragging Tess with him.

“What?” She asked innocently but she did not hide the fact that she’d been checking out Max’s body. But as the word came out, she could see the jealousy once more in his expression and her heart jumped.

“Ok guys.” Max said several minutes later. Michael and Tess turned and found Max and Liz dressed and standing. “So what is going on?”

“It’s Nesado.” Michael said not sure where to start.

Concern filled Max’s expression. His thoughts reeled, wondering what was so important to bring them out in the middle of the night.

“I killed him.” Tess said softly. It still hurt that she had to kill her guardian to protect her family. The ones that she’s grown to care about.

“What?” Max asked confused. Surely he had heard Tess wrong.

“Nesado came to town, checking up on us but he wasn’t’ happy with my progress. He…”

“I don’t understand. Why would you kill our protector?” Max asked.

“Maxwell. Let’s sit and let Tess explain, ok?” Michael said, seeing the agitation beginning in his friend’s body language.

Max sighed and wondered if his life could get even more complicated then it was at that moment. But he sat and pulled Liz close to him.

“Nesado, before he left to DC, instructed me to get close to you. He wanted us to have sex and conceive a baby.”

“What? Why? I made it quite clear to him that I loved Liz. I would never….”

“I know, and I told him that. I also believe that he had something to do with Liz leaving, making it easier for me to get closer to you without her here. But I didn’t know what he had planned. You have to believe me.” Tess said sincerely.

“He had nothing to do with my decision to leave.” Liz said. “That was my own idea. I’d been surrounded by alien chaos for too long and I felt as if my world was falling apart around me. It was just too much, especially when I discovered that I was getting powers. I needed time on my own.”

“Why does he want you pregnant with my child?” Max asked.

“When I told him that I didn’t want to be with you, he attacked me and told me that he needed your child to get back home to Antar. He had a deal with Khivar and he would use that as an excuse to for the three of you to return to Antar where Isabel would be handed over to Khivar and you and Michael would be killed by Khivar.”

Max closed his eyes and took a breath. Nesado was planning on tricking them back to Antar just so they could die again. He couldn’t believe that a being, which had sworn to protect the Royal Four, would betray them in such a way. But then, Nesado was the one that had killed so many people in years past. And according to Michael, anyone who he thought got in his way or found out about him.

Tess continued her story telling them how she’d killed Nesado. Max leaned his head against the cave wall when Tess was finished. He studied her. Her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. He could see that she was holding back her emotions. His eyes went to her neck and saw the bruising there to corroborate her story about Nesado attacking her.

Max also noticed how close Michael was sitting next to her, holding her hand while the other had slid around her back. Michael’s thumb was unconsciously caressing her hand. He looked at the two for the first time with a clear head in over a month. Max knew that he had missed something that had developed between these two but that was a situation that was not pertinent at the moment.

Max ran his hand through his hair and looked to Liz. She was watching him quietly.

“This is your call Max.” She said softly. She trusted Max to make the correct decision.

He looked back to Tess and couldn’t help but believe what she said was true. And even with the rift that had formed between himself and Michael, he trusted his best friend, though he could be quick on acting before thinking.

“Thank you Tess. Thank you for saving our lives.” Max said, looking her in the eye.

Tess blushed and lowered her head, breaking the contact. What could she say? She just didn’t want her family to die. How could she let Nesado bully her into leading Michael and Max to their deaths? And who knows what for Isabel?

“We’ve found out more information on Kyle.” Liz announced seeing a time to break in.

This caught Michael and Tess’s attention. “What? How?”

Max and Liz explained, their cheeks flushed red, how they had somehow connected with Kyle when they made love. They left out the part of how all three of them were together, feeling that it was information not important to their discussion. Then they told how when they slept, Kyle was once again able to connect with them and tell them what he knew.

“Well that helps us a lot.” Michael said as he stood and paced the floor. His mind began churning the information inside his brain, looking at possibilities of plans.

“Yes, it does.” Max stood and helped Liz up. “I was hoping that we could wait to visit Valenti but…” He looked at his watch. “It’s just about morning. I think we need to get over there and let him in on what is going on. We will need his help.”

The four headed toward the entrance of the cave when Michael stopped Max, placing a hand on his arm. “Uh, can we talk?”

Max looked at Michael and from the look on his face, knew he needed more than just a minute of his time. That he wanted to talk without the girls. He turned to Tess who had opened the entrance and was waiting for them.

“Would you take Liz back to Michael’s and wait for us. We will be there after we speak with Valenti.”

Liz looked from Michael to Max and felt what Max wanted. She knew that there was no use in arguing her desire to stay with him.

“We’ll go to Maria’s. Someone needs to watch out for her.”

“Liz…” Max began. They had not yet told Tess and Michael that people had tried to capture Liz. He wanted her safe when he wasn’t with her and figured that they would not look at Michael’s yet. She and Michael were not known to be close by the general public. In fact, few people even knew how close she really was to him.

“No Max. I’ll be fine. Really.” Liz said with sternness. She didn’t like that fact that Maria was by herself. She knew that Isabel and Alex were together, but Michael had said Maria had gone back home alone.

Max nodded but turned back to Tess. “Will you stay with them until we call?”

Michael and Tess exchanged glances before she nodded. Max and Liz didn’t know about what was happening with the three of them. Tess had wanted to give Maria space and some time to think about what happened earlier. But how could she say no to Max? He was asking her to protect two people that mean very much to him. Her heart flipped knowing that Max trusted her even after what she had done in the past to them.

Tess nodded and walked out of the cave. The others followed her and let the entrance close behind them. Liz and Max said good-bye with a hug and lingering kiss. They said their ‘I love you’s’ before Liz turned and started down the rocky incline. Michael lightly brushed his hand across Tess’s cheek before telling her to be careful.

Max and Michael stood at the top of the formation and watched Liz and Tess make their way down to the vehicles. Max wished that he felt as confident as Liz about her safety. There were government agents roaming Roswell looking for her…and him but she was determined that it would not hold her back from doing what she thought was right.

His thoughts went to the blonde that walked behind Liz. As he listened to Tess telling her accounts on what had happened with Nesado, something inside of him changed toward her. Since she had come to town, he felt mostly bitterness toward her. His relationship with Liz was back on track when she barged into their lives. That relationship crumbled as she worked her alien mojo on him. Tess pushed and pushed until Liz felt like she had to leave, to get away from him. He blamed Tess for Liz leaving, only tolerating her for training sessions, using her to learn more about their powers.

But when she recalled the events that had taken place and how she stood up to Nesado, he realized that she was fighting for the life that he knew she always wanted. Without Nesado around to constantly watch her, she had given up on trying to get with him. The word destiny was no longer used in her vocabulary. She had gotten comfortable here in Roswell. And when Nesado threatened to kill him and Michael, she fought back. He realized that she did it to protect them, her family. The one who gave her a place to belong.

Max had a small feeling that it was more for Michael that she was protecting than himself but it did not matter. She did what she felt she had to do. Just as Michael did when Pierce threatened them. Max hated all the killing but he knew that it was a way of life, a way to protect their lives if they had to. The two had much in common, he was learning.

With these thoughts still fresh in his mind, Max put Liz’s life in Tess’s hands knowing that she would protect her and Maria with her life if needed because she knew how much the two girls meant to him and Michael.

When the lights to the SUV faded in the distance, Max sat on a rock and looked up at Michael. Soon the sun would rise, giving the sky a violet hue and allowing him to see his friend.

“I want to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being a self centered prick.”


“No, Maxwell. Let me finish. If I had paid a little more attention to those around me, I would have seen there was more things going on than my problems. With you, with Maria, and whoever else is having trouble in this misfit family. I’m really sorry for not recognizing the trauma that you’ve been through. I’ve been so annoyed about your passiveness that I didn’t look behind the real reason you’ve been behaving so strongly that way. I have been so engrossed with my own problems that it took someone to smack it into my head, thankfully not literally, that others around me were suffering also from what happened.”

Michael stopped his pacing and looked down at Max. “I just want you to know that my head is clearer than it has been in months and I’m here for you.”

“This is not all about me Michael. You’ve gone through your own private hell. You killed a man. Another human being. I can’t imagine what that feels like.” He looked up at his friend. The guy he considered a brother. “I haven’t been there for you either. You’ve always been my best friend no matter what stupid shit you pull. We’re brothers and I should have seen beyond myself and what you have had to go through also.”

Michael sighed and sat next to Max. “Ok, we are both at fault. We’ve both apologized and it appears that we forgive each other. Am I correct?” Max nodded his agreement. “Good. Let’s agree also to not let this ever happen again, no matter what happens in the future. I’ve come to realize that no matter our disagreements, we are stronger when we are together.”

“Yes, it appears that we are. So no more separating ourselves from the others.”

Michael nodded and looked out at the desert. “So…this thing with Kyle contacting you and Liz…”

“Yeah.” Max rubbed the back of his neck. He wasn’t looking forward to this conversation but he figured that it would come out once they get Kyle back. “When Kyle comes home…things may get a little…weird.”

“Because of this strange connection?”

“Yes but it goes deeper. Liz and I didn’t mention it earlier but when we first contacted Kyle together during sex, the three of us… the connection were…well, we, um…” Max could feel his cheeks blazing red. This was an area that he didn’t really talk about with anyone. He looked down to the ground, unsure how to finish the sentence.

“Were having sex.” Michael stated. His tone was nonchalant like they were talking about what movie to go see.

“Yes.” Max admitted. He wasn’t sure how Michael would react to this information. But Max was learning that he could not control who he had feelings for.

“It’s alright Maxwell. I have a feeling that a lot of things with our group are about to change.”

They sat in silence for several minutes as they watched the beginnings of light on the horizon.

“You are talking about what is going on with you and Tess.” Max stated when Michael said no more on the subject.

Michael tuned his attention to Max. “Yes.” He sighed and looked back out to the peaceful desert. “Come on. We need to go and talk to Valenti. We’ll talk about this on the way back to town.”

They stood and made their way down the mountain and got into the Jeep. Their trip back into town was spent with Michael telling Max about how close he and Tess had gotten in the past month. He also told Max about what happened earlier in the evening, which explained Tess’s hesitation when he had asked her to stay with Maria and Liz.

Max parked the Jeep in front of the Valenti house, the sun finally peeking over the horizon. It was still early and very few people were up yet. The porch light was still lit on the front porch but no other lights could be seen on.

Max turned to Michael when he turned off the ignition. “You really care about Tess?”

“Yes, very much.”

“Do you love her?”

“I’m not sure. It’s hard to describe exactly what I feel right now. From the time she came here to Roswell, she intrigued me. I felt an attraction right away but she was after you and well…after I found out that she could do those mind warps on you, I had to doubt my feelings. I didn’t know if they were real or if they were something that she put in my head. But as I’ve spent more time with her, I’ve found the attraction is real. It’s natural, as if it was the way it should have been from the beginning.”

“What about Maria?”

“I love her more than I could ever have imagine loving someone. She is my strength, my soul. You don’t know how hard it’s been to stay away from her.” He swept a hand through his hair. “Damn! How is it that you can love someone so much but still be attracted to another? What the hell am I going to do Maxwell?”

Max shrugged. “You are asking the wrong person that question. I seem to be going through much the same as you. However, I think with Liz, it’s a bit easier because she is so accepting of it. It’s really weird but I’m the one having a harder time with it.”

Michael gave a chuckle. “What?” Max asked.

“The three of you make quite a trio. You realize that you are having feelings for your girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend. Talk about screwed up.”

Max shook his head. “Yeah, but think of this. You are in love with my girlfriend’s best friend along with wanting the woman who was my wife in our past lives.”

Michael sighed. “I guess we are all screwed up. It looks like Isabel is the only one not cursed with this threesome problem. She’s got Alex and no other complications but us brothers to keep a watch out for her.”

“True.” Max agreed. “But if you go by Maria and Liz, he’s a perfect gentleman and would never take advantage of Isabel. I also believe that he’s scared to piss us off so we have little to worry about from him.”

Michael nodded. “You know, one day I’d love to meet the scientists that made us just so I can kick their asses. Our lives are complete mysteries, they left us to some beings that were supposed to protect us, only to die or work with our enemy.”

“I’ll join you in that.”

They sat in silence for several moments, dreading their talk with Valenti. They knew that this visit would only confirm what they knew. Kyle was being held by the government.

“You know, Tess told me something that might shed some light on what is happening to us.”

“What is that?” Max asked, curious.

“She said that it was often that Antarians had more than one lover. Especially Royalty. They chose one that would be their mate, the one that would carry their title and children. But they kept other lovers, both sexes.”

“It has apparently carried over to this life, making us bisexual.” Max looked to Michael.

“I guess so, except you’re the one who’s attracted to another guy.” Michael smiled.

“While Tess is attracted to your girlfriend.” Max countered.

“Ok, I get it. I’ll lay off.” Michael looked to the house. “Let’s get this over with so we can get back to the girls.”

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:41 pm
Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 12

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 12

Liz and Tess drove in silence during the first few miles from the pod chamber. Liz was looking out the dark window, her thoughts rummaging through the information that Kyle had told her and Max. She was still in a slight shock with all she’d experienced the past 24 hours and her mind was desperately trying to process all of it.

“I know that we started off wrong when I moved here Liz.” Tess broke the silence. Her hands fidgeted on the steering wheel. “I just want to say that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for the way I treated you and your friends…and for trying to come between Max and you.”

Liz turned her head and looked at the girl that had been her rival for Max for the past few months. Tess glanced quickly at Liz then turned her attention back to the road. Her hands again fidgeted on the wheel, showing her nervousness.

“I knew from the first time I connected with Max, that I would not achieve what Nesado wanted me to do. He loves you and that love is too strong to break. He was already committed to you in almost every way possible. I saw it, felt it. I know that you may never forgive me but I want you to know that I realize what I did was wrong. I apologize for everything. And…” She paused only long enough to chance another quick glance at Liz. “Well, I’d like to think that someday, we could be friends.”

Liz continued her observation of Tess before she finally spoke. The minute that she’d laid eyes on Tess, she felt that she was trouble. That feeling had not been wrong. But now...sitting next to her, listening to her words, she no longer felt that way.

“You did what you thought you had to do at the time. Nesado pushed you into believing that Max was supposed to be with you. He fed you lies. He had other motives for wanting you and Max together.”

Tess shrugged her shoulders. “Yes, but I still knew how he felt for you and I knew it was wrong to try and manipulate him the way I did.”

Liz looked out the window again. In the distance, she saw that the sky was lightening. “Why didn’t you want to stay at Maria’s with us?”

Tess sighed. She didn’t know if she should say anything, but she knew if she was to start building any sort of trust with Liz she would have to tell her everything.

“Something happened tonight before we came out to the Pod Chamber.” She paused a moment, trying to find the right words. “Michael and Maria had a talk. They kissed and when she did, Maria saw images from Michael. She saw flashes of me and him kissing. I can say that she’s upset with both of us right now for that. Especially after I tried to explain to her what was happening.”

“Do you care about Michael?” Liz asked.

Tess had slowed down the vehicle when she told Liz that she’d kissed Michael. She was expecting to pull over while Liz ranted and raved with the ‘how could you’ speech. She was holding her breath waiting but when that simple question came out calm and clear from Liz’s mouth, Tess felt her heart stop. Where was the screaming? Where was the accusations of her being a slut? There was no shock or condemnation in her voice. It was just a question.

Tess glanced over at Liz confused. She wondered if she should stop the SUV or keep going. Liz was now looking at her calmly, no anger in her face. Tess was truly baffled by this girl. She had just apologized for trying to take Max from her, only to admit to kissing her best friend’s somewhat boyfriend.

“Yes. I care greatly about Michael. We share so much on the emotional plane. I may even really love him one day but…” Tess paused, unsure if she could actually voice her next statement.

“But you would willingly let him go so he could be with Maria and be happy?”

“Yes.” Tess answered softly, resigned to that fate.

“And Maria? What do you feel for her?”

Tess did pull off the road this time. She needed a clear head to answer this question. Michael knew how she felt about Maria without asking. This will be the first time that she voiced her feelings aloud.

“I’m not exactly sure.” Tess admitted. “I don’t really know her. I have seen that she is a warm, caring, and extremely loyal friend.”

“Yes, she is.”

“Michael loves her more than he realizes. He is truly happy when he’s with her. Even when they are just fighting. He would die for her.”

“And you?” Liz asked, drawing Tess back to her feelings, not Michael’s.

“I’m attracted to her. She’s beautiful, inside and out. I love to see her smile. Something inside of me draws me to her. I think I could love her but…well, I don’t see that happening.”

They sat in silence for a while, both contemplating Tess’s words before she pulled back on the road. She couldn’t take the silence any longer. Liz had turned back to the window, deep in her thoughts.

“Did you know that Antarians had more than one lover?”

This drew Liz’s attention. “No. But that seems to explain a couple of things lately.”

“With you and Max?”

Liz nodded. “And Kyle. Which also explains the thing between you, Michael and Maria.”

Tess nodded.

“Do you remember if you…I mean the other you had more than one?”

“Yes, I did. My name was Ava. I brought my maid into my marriage with Max, or really it was Zan. But…”

“What?” Liz asked when Tess paused.

Tess fidgeted in her seat. She didn’t know why she started it but she felt compelled to tell someone. Tess pulled up in Maria’s driveway and cut the engine. She sat there debating what to do. She turned to Liz but couldn’t seem to meet her eyes.

“After Zan and Ava were married, he assigned Michael, who was Rath then, his second in command, to watch over me when he was away. He was about to marry Isabel, or should I say Vilondra, and she often went with Zan on diplomatic sessions. Despite their best efforts, Rath and Ava became lovers.”

“Did Zan know about this, or even Vilondra?” Liz asked, captivated by this tale.

Tess shook her head and looked down. “No. Though Ava cared for Zan and agreed to marry him, it was a very political arrangement. That’s how I knew that I could never truly love Max no matter how much I wanted to please Nesado. Ava fell in love with Rath and he admitted his love for her. He never told Vilondra either. They were scared of what it would do if it ever became public knowledge. There were certain things that Royalty did not do.”

“So you think, these feelings, that love, is still with you?”

Tess shrugged. “I care about for Michael greatly. I’m attracted to him like Ava was to Rath but I don’t see him as Rath, just as I don’t see myself as Ava. It just feels right when we are together.”

“And Zan? Did he…?”

Tess chuckled. “I wondered when you would ask that. If I remember correctly, Zan loved sex. He didn’t have just one or two lovers like the rest of us. He had an entire harem filled with male and female lovers.”

“And you and him…? With them…?” Liz could feel her cheeks flush red. She never dreamed that she’d have this conversation with Tess about Max’s past life sexual habits.

“Yes. Quite often, really.” Tess answered truthfully, knowing what Liz was asking.

“Thank you.” Liz said quietly.

Tess turned to Liz, looking confused. “For what?”

Liz smiled a small smile. “Thank you for being honest with me. You could have lied or sugar-coated it. How would I ever know the truth when the others don’t really remember their other lives.”

Tess didn’t know what to say to that. She actually felt her cheeks burn with a blush. No one had ever really thanked her for doing anything, besides Michael.

“Ok. Let’s get started patching things up between you and Maria.” Liz said, opening the door to get out.

“Liz.” Tess said, stopping the other girl. Liz looked over at her. “Why would you help me with this? Maria is your best friend…I don’t understand.”

“Maria is my best friend, that’s why. I like to see her happy. And Michael, he’s Max’s best friend. He’s also loyal and in some strange way, he makes Maria happy, even though they argue half the time. She’s good for him. But I think that you will be the perfect buffer for the two them and give all of you something that you’ve never dreamed they could have.”

“What’s that?” Tess asked, curious about what she could possibly offer Maria and Michael.

“A complete family. None of you have ever had one like Max and I.” Liz smiled at Tess. “Plus, I’ve noticed, just in the short time I’ve been around Michael again that he’s very protective of you already and I can see that this situation is tearing him up inside.”

“You are a very good friend Liz.”

Liz looked at Tess directly in the eyes. “I’d like to be yours too Tess. I think I’d like to wipe the slate clean and start new.”

Tess let her lips form a smile at her new friend and blinked back the tears that built in her eyes. She nodded and got out of the car. She followed Liz around the back of the house and entered through the kitchen using the hidden key.

They walked through the silent house until they found Maria asleep on the couch in the den. Liz went and knelt beside her. She placed a hand on her shoulder and gave a gentle shake.

“Maria.” She said softly hoping not to surprise her too much.

Maria slowly opened her eyes and smiled when Liz’s face came into focus. “Hey Petunia.” She saw movement out of the corner of her eye, and her smile faded when she saw that Tess was standing not far away. “What is she doing here?” Her voice was harsher than she’d meant it to be.

“She’s staying here until Max and Michael call.”

“Oh.” Maria said, sounding uninterested but inside her emotions began to churn. She rose from the couch and headed up the stairs to her room. “I think we need to talk Liz.”

Liz nodded and started to follow Maria up the stairs. She stopped and looked over her shoulder at Tess.

“It’s alright. I’m going to stay down here and keep watch.”

Liz gave a slight smile. She could see the stiffness of Tess’s body that said that she was nervous about what Maria had to talk to Liz about and whether it would change her mind about wanting to be friends with her. There was a simple vunerability to her that she had seen on rare glimpses with Michael. Neither wanted to show weakness and emotion; and this confirmed to Liz that Maria was the right person to bring them both out of their brick wall shelter.

“It will be ok. Don’t worry, ok?”

Tess nodded and turned away while Liz disappeared into the top part of the house. Tess went around the small house, checking the locks on all the doors and windows. She used her powers to seal them shut also knowing that in order for humans to get in, they would have to break the window and that could be heard throughout the house. She turned off all the lights and sat in a chair by the large front window in the dark. It was still dark outside so from this view she could see if anyone came upon the Deluca home.

Tess sat in the silence and kept watch as the sky began to brighten. Her mind began to wander to the two girls that were upstairs. What was Liz telling Maria? Or should she ask what was Maria telling Liz? Could Liz really help out in this odd situation?

The girl that she’d disliked when she first came to Roswell surprised her tonight. It amazed her how strong and forgiving Liz was and how she was willing to do anything to keep those that she loved safe, even if it meant giving up what she treasured most in the world. Liz had left Roswell, left Max, so that he could be with her. Liz was willing to sacrifice what she loved. But as it turned out, Tess didn’t want Max as much as he didn’t want her.

Sacrifice. That word hit a sore spot in Tess. She was very sincere when she had told Liz that she would give up Michael for him to be happy. It would be hard but she would do it. He deserved happiness and that’s what she wanted for him even if it meant her own heart would be broken…again.

An image of Michael floated in her head. He seemed to always be there; when she was awake, when she was asleep. She felt free to be herself, the real Tess, when he was around. He could walk into the room and her heart would speed up. Her soul, the one thing that she swore she never had, would sing an angelic song when his body was near as her body heated with his closeness. Never in her life had she felt so happy and safe with another being as she does when Michael is near.

It took awhile for her to realize what was happening but she finally admitted to herself that she’d fallen in love with Michael Guerin. But she also knew that it was Maria that held his heart. Michael had admitted to having feelings for her, but Tess knew that Maria would always win if he had to choose between them. And surprisingly, it seemed right to her though she longed to be with them both.

Movement outside the window drew Tess from her thoughts. A silver compact car had driven by the house twice and finally stopped down the street from the Deluca residence. Tess watched for several minutes but no one ever emerged from the vehicle. In her gut, she knew that this car was associated with whoever took Kyle. She also had a feeling that they were looking for something…or maybe someone associated with Kyle. The one good thing that Nesado taught her, was to trust her instincts and she would in this situation.

If this government group knew about how Max healed Kyle when no one but Pierce, who was dead, and the rest of the I-Know-An-Alien club were there, then she was sure that they were also aware of Max healing Liz and who his friends were. Tess sat and watched, waiting for the sun to rise and for Max to call.


Max knocked on Valenti’s door and waited. He knew it was still early and hoped that the Sheriff would not be upset at waking him at such an early hour. The door opened and Jim Valenti, Sheriff of Roswell, stood in front of them in jeans and a white t-shirt. It looked like he’d already been up.

“Max? Michael? What’s going on?” Valenti knew that they would only come to his house if something was happening.

“Can we come in Sheriff?” Max asked.

“Oh, yeah, sure. Come on in.” He moved out of the way and let them enter.

Max waited until Valenti closed the door and turned to them before he started their discussion. “When was the last time you spoke to Kyle?”

Valenti looked at them, brows scrunched together in thought. His gut began to twist at Max’s serious tone. He and Kyle had only recently been allowed in on The Pod Squad’s secret of being alien hybrids, so he had to wonder why Max was asking questions about his son. He knew that Kyle could be trusted to keep their secret.

“I guess about four days ago, when I dropped him off at the school. He was catching the bus that would take him to basketball camp for a few weeks. I’ve been out of town since then so he’s suppose to call tonight.”

“Do you know if he even got to the camp?” Michael asked trying not to sound impatient.

Valenti shook his head. “No, not really. What is with all the questions about Kyle? What is going on Max?”

“Before we tell you everything, is there a way to find out if he’s there or not?” Max asked, seeing the impatience that started in Valenti’s face. He didn’t want to jump to conclusions just on the off chance that he and Liz were going insane.

Valenti looked at the two boys and saw their serious expressions. “Yes. Hang on.” He went to a table and picked up a tablet that had several phone numbers on it. He picked up the nearest phone and started dialing a number. Michael and Max waited silently, hoping against hope that they were wrong.

“Yes, this is Jim Valenti. I’m sorry to call so early but I was calling to speak with my son Kyle Valenti.” He paused, listening to the person on the other end.

“Oh, well, alright. I see. Thank you.” There was another short pause as the person asked a question. “Oh, no. It’s alright. I’ve been out of town and I’m sure she left a note or a message at home for me. Thank you so much and I’m sorry for disturbing you so early.”

Valenti hung up the phone and slowly turned to Max and Michael. “What the hell is going on? Where is Kyle?” There was anger in his voice as well as a mixture of fear.

“So he never made it?” Max wanted to be clear that Kyle had never stepped foot on the basketball camp bus.

Jim shook his head. His stomach was now in knots as it tightened with fear and his chest ached. “They said that his mother called and said that he was very ill and wouldn’t make it to camp. Kyle’s mother has been dead for ten years so where’s my son Max?”

Max could clearly hear the fear that filled Valenti’s voice and he hated having to tell him the news that he had. He sighed, hating that he and Liz were right.

“A branch of the government has Kyle. Somehow they found out about I healed him last month when he was shot. They are holding him…in the white room.” Max hoped he didn’t have to tell Valenti that they were doing tests on him like a lab rat and about all the hell that he was going through. But from the look on the older man’s face, he could image those things himself.

Jim sat heavily down on the chair that was behind him. His shoulders sagged and his head was cradled by his hands.

“How do you know this?” Valenti asked without looking up. The pain he felt evident in his voice.

Max sat on the couch that was next to the chair. He and Michael explained the best they could what had happened and what they knew. They also told him about Nesado.

“So, Kyle, he’s…ok? They aren’t going to cut him open and dissect him?”

Max shook his head. “He’s being strong. He’s a little freaked, like Liz and I with this connection thing but he’s hanging in there. As for dissecting him…well, no, I think they want more from him then finding out how he ticks.” Max was not going to tell them about the sperm sample they demanded Kyle give them.

“We need your help Sheriff.” Michael said.

Valenti slowly nodded and looked up. He felt numb inside as his emotions crashed around, not knowing exactly what to feel. “Yes, I think you do.”

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 13

Post by magikhands »

Sorry it's a day late but got hung up on another fic :oops: Everyone have a great week 8)

Chapter 13

Tess’s cell phone rang, causing her to jump as the tone filled the quiet air. She pulled it out of her pocket and saw that it was Max.

“Hey. How’d it go?” She asked.

“I honestly think Valenti is in shock right now but he’s going to help. We will be heading over to Michael’s shortly.”

“Alright. I’ll get Liz and Maria and start over but Max, be careful. We have visitors. A car has been parked outside for quite some time now. I’m not sure if they are looking for Maria or Liz.”

“Did they see that you and Liz went in?” Max asked, his voice seeming hesitant.

“No. We got here before they showed up.”

“Good. Whatever you do, don’t let them see her. I don’t care how you do it. Do you understand Tess?”

Tess could hear the change in Max’s tone. “Yeah but Max…what’s going on?”

“We’ll tell you when we are all together. Just protect her, ok?”

“With my life Max. See you soon.”

“Wait…” Max said and she could hear the phone being passed on.

“Are you ok?” Sounded Michael’s voice into her ear. The deep richness sent shivers down her spine.

“Yes, Michael. I’m fine.” She wanted to scold him for treating her like she’s a fragile child but a smile grew on her lips at his concern for her.

“I’m sorry. I’m just concerned.” Michael said as if he could read her mind. “How’s Maria?”

“She wasn’t too happy to see me.” Tess answered honestly remembering how Maria reacted to her. “But she and Liz went upstairs to talk. Liz is going to be our biggest ally if we are going to sort this all out so be nice.”

Michael chuckled. “I’m always nice to Liz.”

Tess humphed over the phone. “Yeah, right.” Tess said before hanging up. She was troubled by the concern that Max held for Liz and the need for her to be unseen. From his tone, she knew that they had not told them everything that had happened but she would make it a point to discuss it when they were all together again.

Tess let out a breath and looked down at the car that was still parked there. She then turned and walked up the stairs to Maria’s room. The door was open and dim lighting came from a small lamp on the dresser. Maria and Liz were sleeping side by side on the bed. She was glad that at least they had been able to get a few minutes of rest.

Tess walked in and knelt on the floor by Maria, who lay on her side facing the door. Tess gazed upon her relaxed face that was as beautiful as her voice. She knew that she should wake them so that they could head over to Michael’s but she couldn’t tear her eyes from the girl sleeping in front of her. Her eyes fell to the plump red lips and she remembered how they felt and tasted. She ached to sample their luscious sweetness again.

Tess reached out and let her fingertips softly glide over Maria’s smooth cheek. Maria’s eyes fluttered open at the touch. Her eyes locked with Tess’s, who stilled her hand. Hope flared in Tess when Maria did not pull away, nor was there a look of disgust in Maria’s expression. In fact, something flickered briefly in her eyes but Tess was unable to decipher it.

“It’s time to go back to Michael’s.” Tess said, breaking the spell.

Maria only nodded and turned over to wake Liz. Tess stood, the feel of Maria’s skin still fresh on her fingertips and left the room. She went downstairs and stood by the window and waited. The car was still there, two men sitting and watching the house she was in. Tess sighed and hoped her powers were strong enough to help them.

Minutes later, Liz and Maria joined her, both wearing fresh, clean clothing. Tess glanced over at them and saw that Liz held a bag in her hand.

“I threw some extra clothes in here for you Tess. You can take a shower at Michael’s.”

Tess gave her a small smile. “Thanks.”

“We got visitors?” Maria asked looking out to where Tess had been staring.

“Yes. They’ve been just sitting there for awhile now.”

“Ok, then, how are we going to do this?” Liz asked.

“Do you two have everything and ready to go?” Maria and Liz nodded. “Ok. Watch and when tell you, we’ll leave.”

Tess closed her eyes and concentrated, her brows scrunching in the process. Liz and Maria watched out the window for several minutes but nothing had happened yet. Maria opened her mouth to speak when Liz stopped her by tapping on her shoulder. Maria looked back outside and found that the car was pulling away from the curb and passing the house.

“Liz, you drive.” Tess said as she held out her keys. Her eyes were open now, but sweat was beginning to build on her forehead. “We have to go now.”

“Are you alright?” Liz asked taking the keys and heading toward the door.

“Yes, but I don’t know how much longer I can hold this.” Tess took a couple of steps after Liz but her knees buckled. Maria, right behind her, caught her before she landed on the floor.

“Liz, go open the doors. I’ve got her.” Maria ordered as she adjusted her grip on Tess.

Maria pulled Tess closer and helped her walk out of the house and sat with her in the back of the SUV. Tess laid her head in Maria’s lap, the sweat now covering her body from the excursion of the mind warp.

“Hurry Liz.” Maria said as Liz got into the driver’s seat and started the vehicle. There was an urgency that laced her voice.

Liz backed out of the drive and headed the opposite direction that the car went, toward Michael’s apartment. Halfway there, Tess opened her eyes that she’d closed since entering the SUV. She looked up at Maria and let out a sigh.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t hold it any longer.” Her voice was soft and Maria could hear the exhaustion that filled her.

Maria swept back her damp, blonde hair. Her face was pale and she didn’t look to well .“It’s alright.” She smiled. “You did good. We are almost at Michael’s and then you can rest.”

Tess nodded slightly and closed her eyes again. “I made them believe that they lost us, so it buys us a little more time before they go back to your house.”

“Sshh…just rest.” Maria soothed.

Liz pulled up to Michael’s apartment and parked as close as she could to his unit. “Hang on a minute. Let me see if one of the guys is here to help.”

Liz got out and ran to the door. She didn’t bother knocking and opened the door. A moment later, Alex and Isabel ran out and quickly opened the back door to the SUV. Alex reached in and picked the small girl up in his arms and carried her inside with Isabel and Maria trailing behind.

“What happened?” Isabel asked, concerned with Tess’s condition.

“She did a major mind warp. We’ll tell you all about it once she is settled.”

Isabel closed the door once they were all inside. Alex headed toward Michael’s bedroom with Tess still in his arms.

Tess opened her eyes. “No Alex.” She said weakly. “The couch.”

“I don’t think so. The bed and there will be no arguments.” Alex said as he laid her down upon the bed. Maria was quickly covering her up with the sheet that covered the mattress.

“Is she going to be ok?” Alex asked as he watched the frail looking girl.

“Yeah, she just needs to rest. She used a lot of energy.” Maria said. Alex nodded and left the room. Maria looked down and tried to ease Tess again. “Rest for a little while. Michael and Max should be here soon with Valenti.”

“Maria.” Tess laid a hand on Maria’s arm when she tried to get up.

Maria gave her a small smile, seeing the fear and fatigue in her blue eyes. “I’ll be here when you wake.” Tess nodded and closed her eyes.

Maria stayed there for a few minutes, watching over Tess. She watched as her chest rose and lowered in a steady rhythm and her breath sounding strong. The words that Tess had said the night before echoed in her mind. As she watched Tess, she remembered how Tess’s smaller frame felt against hers as they kissed and how she tasted. She had also seen the look of desire in Tess’s eyes when she’d woke her before coming to Michael’s. The look was enticing, and pure. Maria knew that there were no false intentions behind the emotions that she felt.

Would she really be able to share Michael with Tess? She questioned herself. Or, would she be able to give herself over to have a relationship with Tess? Everything in her body screamed yes, but her mind, the logical part had to wonder if it could really work. Was there really a solution to what they were feeling or was it some alien hormonal thing that she’d been caught up in?

Maria sighed, her head beginning to ache with all the thoughts that were reeling through her mind. There were much more urgent concerns to deal with first before she could honestly try to solve her love life. She stood and walked out of the room to join Isabel, Alex, and Liz.

“How is she?” Liz asked. She had filled the others in on what had happened.

“Tired. She’s sleeping now.”

The door to the apartment opened, Max, Michael, and Valenti walking in. Max went directly to Liz and gathered her into his arms. He held her tightly while she did the same. An unspoken relief filled them both as they settled into each other’s arms.

Michael hesitantly went toward Maria. She gave him an amused look but as soon as she looked up into his eyes, the world around them disappeared. She clearly recalled how safe she had always felt in his arms and how his warm body fit with hers. The love that she felt for him surged anew. Gone were the doubts and distrust.

Maria stepped forward and let his arms surround her again, laying her head on his chest. She could feel his heartbeat quicken against her cheek and it made her own heart flutter with happiness, knowing that she could still affect him. She closed her eyes and fell into the warmth that he offered freely, the stress of the last 24 hours finally wearing her down.

‘He loves you.’ Tess’s voice echoed in her head and she believed it was true.

“Tess is in your bedroom.” Isabel said, answering Michael’s unasked question as he looked around the room. He felt Maria tense a little in his arms and pull away from him. He didn’t want to let her go yet but now was not the time to hash out all of their problems.

“Is she ok? What happened?” Michael asked concern filling his voice.

Maria took his hand and led him toward the bedroom. Everyone watched as the door closed behind them.

“Is there something going on with those three that we should know about? They’ve been acting stranger than normal.” Isabel asked looking confused at the closed door.

Max and Liz exchanged a quick knowing glance.

“What is it? Should we be concerned?” Alex asked.

Max shook his head. “That’s for them to tell.”

“Michael and Max tell me that you spent the night researching Eagle Rock.” Valenti spoke up, getting them back on the reason why they were all gathered together. “What did you find?”

Alex went to the bar and retrieved a folder. Bringing it out to an empty space on the floor, he sat rifling through the papers and started spreading them all out.

“I’ve got the entire layouts for the base It wasn’t an easy feet either. I found that a portion of Eagle Rock is operational again. The airstrip on the base has been used several times as well as the building where Max was held. Those are basically the only things that have been turned back online.” Alex said as he pulled more papers out and handed them around to Max, Valenti, and Liz.

“They are using more than a skeleton crew that Pierce had. We have found that both government soldiers along with personnel from the FBI are on the base. There is an entire lab set up and working. There are also more guards posted around the base. The barracks that are next to the building are being used to house the people there. Only a couple of high officials are allowed to come and go. It appears that the rest are not allowed to leave.”

“How many people total are there?” Max asked.

“I’m not sure. We only made it through the first level of personnel. We still have two more levels to go through. These are mostly common soldiers and medical technicians.”

“Ok, so there are more people guarding the building but what about security. It was tight when we went in to get Max out but have they stepped it up too?” Valenti asked, making notes in a book.

“That has been upgraded but mostly near the labs and inside the building.” Isabel answered.

Michael and Maria emerged from the bedroom and joined the others on the floor without a word.

“Not only do they have the handprint scanner still, but a retinal scan has been added. Along with a full time guard standing there.” Isabel continued.

“Taking extra precautions since they didn’t know how you broke in.” Alex said looking to Michael.

“So…how do we get in this time?” Michael asked. He knew that he could pass the handprint scan but he was not sure of the eye scan.

“The way that they want us to…but the correct question here is how do we get Kyle out?” Max said when silence had settled on the room.

Everyone turned to him. “What are you talking about? How do they want us to get in?” Isabel asked, not liking the exchanged looks between her brother and Liz.

“We are going to give them what they want.” Max said taking Liz’s hand into his. “Us.”

“What!?” The room erupted as everyone started asking questions all at once.

“No way Max. You are not going back there.” Isabel insisted.

“Maxwell, I won’t let you do this.” Michael said.

“Wait a minute. How do you know that they want you and Liz?” Alex questioned.

“We are able to contact Kyle.” Liz started. “This guy. Higgins, told him that they were trying to bring Max and I in to join him. They are with another group of the government that is interested in Kyle and I…along with Max. They want to study us. For what? We still don’t know exactly.”

“So that’s what they are doing to my son? Studying him, experimenting on him like some lab rat?” Valenti asked, rubbing the back of his neck. He’d tried to be quiet and find out what exactly was going on while thoughts raced in his mind about how to free Kyle. But when they talked about studying them, his stomach tightened and suddenly felt nauseous.

“I’m sorry Sheriff…but yes. They’ve been doing tests on him since they took him.” Max answered. He saw the grief that fell on Valenti’s face and hated having to tell him all of this.

“They will be expecting someone to try and break in to free Kyle. They already know that I know about them.”

“Wait…they tried to get you already didn’t they?” Isabel asked. When Liz nodded, she turned to Alex. “That message. It makes sense now. The one about the bird flying to coop. They tried to take her but Liz escaped.”

“What? When did this happen?” Maria exclaimed. She couldn’t believe that Liz hadn’t told her about this.

“Liz…what are you not telling us?” Michael asked. Tess’s reminder to be nice to Liz still lingered.

“Well.” Liz began, looking down at her hand that was still clutching Max’s. “I was going to tell you but things have been happening so fast, I just haven’t had the chance. That is one reason Tess had to use so much energy. She was hiding me from those people who were in the car.”

“Ok, so they were there looking specifically for you then.” Maria stated.

Liz nodded. “Two men in suits approached me at the airport in Albuquerque. They wanted me to come with them but I managed to ditch them and make it here.”

Liz tried to play it off as if it were no big deal, like it happened everyday but as she looked around the room, no one was buying it.

“It would have been nice to know that the government was watching us.” Michael scowled at her.

“What’s done is done.” Valenti interrupted. “Now, I suggest that you make sure that there are no more secrets or surprises before we go on.” He looked around at the young people. He hated that they had to grow up so fast but there was nothing he could do about it.

Everyone exchanged looks. “Anything else?” Valenti asked. Everyone shook their heads no. “Ok, then lets get back to what Max and Liz were planning. We now know that they want the two of you, but then what?”

“Well, like I said earlier. They will expect someone to try to rescue Kyle from the outside, but not from the inside. That’s where Max and I come in. We let them capture us, take us to Kyle, and then we escape with you guys’ help, of course.”

“What about the drugs Max?” Alex asked concerned. “They know that you have certain abilities and they were able to block them with drugs. You’ll be helpless.”

“Not exactly. Maybe for a little while but not the entire time.” Max said, rubbing at his tense neck. The thought of going back to the white room brought about deep fears but he had to do this for Kyle.

“What do you mean?” Michael asked looking at Max with curiosity.

“After Pierce…what he did to me…I swore that I’d never be a victim like that again. As you know, our systems are very sensitive to chemicals. With Tess’s advice and a little help from her, I’ve learned to alter the chemicals that enter my system. It takes up a lot of my energy to do it within my body but it doesn’t exhaust me like healing does.”

“Can you be sure that it will work with those drugs?” Valenti asked. He didn’t want Max getting stuck back in there. Hell, he didn’t want anyone anywhere near that damn base.

Max shook his head. “No, I can’t. I’ve only experimented with alcohol but I think I can do it.”

“I still say no.” Isabel piped up.

Maria moved to kneel in front of Max. She looked into his eyes and held his gaze. “Max. Are you sure that you are ready to go back there? Are you ready to face the horrors you went through before head on?”

“No, I’m not.” Max answered truthfully. “But I have to do this. I dragged Kyle into this whole mess kicking and screaming. I owe him this. Plus I won’t be alone this time.”

Maria kept her gaze intently on Max while he spoke and for a moment after he finished. She nodded and moved away to sit by Michael again. “I say we do it.”

Michael looked at Max. He knew that Max didn’t want to go back. He could practically smell the fear that radiated from him but after what Max told him about Kyle…Max would do whatever necessary to save Kyle no matter the cost to his own sanity.

“Fine but we need a good plan along with a backup if things go south.” Michael announced.

“I agree.” Alex spoke up. Isabel spun her head toward him surprised. “This is Kyle that we are talking about. He may not have wanted to be, but he’s one of us now. There is no going back. Maria and I had a choice to join or not. But Kyle and Liz didn’t. I won’t let some crazed government people hurt any more of my family.”

“Count me in too.” Tess said weakly from the doorway to the bedroom. She still looked drained as she leaned heavily on the doorframe but she’d regained some of the color to her face.

Michael and Maria both jumped up and helped her to the couch next to Liz.

“Isabel?” Max looked to his sister.

Isabel looked around the room. They all had such strong faith in what they were going to do. She knew that this could fail miserably; they were just a group of teenagers against an entire contingent of government employees. But they were family, and Alex was right, Kyle didn’t deserve what was happening to him. None of them did.

“Ok, I’m in. But just for the record, I think this is a bad idea.”

“Noted.” Max said.

“OK, So what’s the plan?” Valenti asked.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Chapter 14

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 14

Valenti listened as Alex and Isabel went over the blue prints and everything they had found on Eagle Rock. It was amazing how good this kid was when it came to finding information on the Internet. Valenti really didn’t want to know how he knew where to find military information or even how he got it but he was glad that Alex could. With very little intervention, he sat and listened as the seven teenagers came up with a plan and stragedy for getting his son out of the government’s grasp. He was very impressed with their resourcefulness and how well they were all working together to help Kyle but then if these people had Kyle and still wanted Liz and Max, then it was all of their lives that they were talking about.

When the plans were finalized and everything laid out, the seven teenagers looked to Valenti for approval. His eyes slid over each person and felt awful that they had to grow up so fast and deal with things that normal teenagers never had to face. Including his son.

Valenti slowly nodded. “It sounds like a good solid plan however you are missing one major detail.”

Everyone looked confused at him, wondering what he meant. They thought they’d covered all the bases.

“Parents…How are you going to explain your time away?”

“Oh…well, yeah. We did forget about that, didn’t we?” Isabel said.

“We may be gone for several days and with all of you still minors, someone will get suspicious if you all come up missing. You had a close call with them when Max was taken, I don’t want you to get into trouble trying to save Kyle.”

“My mom is at a convention until next week. I can just call her and let her know about what we come up with.” Maria announced.

“I’ll call my Aunt and tell her that I’m here and fine. If she asks to talk to my parents, I’ll tell her that they are out of town on business. Then I can call my parents and let them know that I’m going to the beach for a few days and that I may not be reachable. No one should notice me gone.” Liz said.

“Tess and I don’t have to worry about parental units so that leaves Max, Isabel, and Alex.” Michael added.

“I think I can handle that one.” Valenti said. “I’ll take you guys on a camping trip. A community service thing where law enforcement gets together with some of the teens of the community. It will look great on your college resumes. I’ll talk with the Whitman’s and Evans. Then Maria, if you need me, I’ll talk to Amy. We will need supplies anyway to take out to the silver mine so it will look like we are going on the camping trip.”

“I think it will work.” Max said looking around at the others making sure no one had any objections.

They spent the rest of their time together making lists of what they needed and who would get what. Max and Liz would stay in Michael’s apartment out of sight while the others got prepared.

Michael, Tess, and Maria left to start gathering supplies. Valenti and Alex were on the Internet looking for a few last minute details on some equipment that they needed. They had all decided that no one would be alone. There was to be at least two people together at all times. They may have told Kyle that they wanted Max and Liz but that didn’t mean that they would not try for one of the others as well. Liz went and took a shower leaving Isabel sitting with Max.

“I’m scared Max. I don’t want you going back there.” Isabel said softly.

“I don’t either but… there’s no other way Isabel. We can’t leave Kyle there and we can’t keep hiding. I’m terrified but this has to be done. I’m tired of running and hiding.”

Isabel took her brother’s hand in hers. She could feel his fear and wished that she could ease it somehow. Max squeezed her hand, reassuringly.

“Liz will protect me Sis.” Max tried to smile.

Isabel chuckled. “Who’d have thought that little, brainy Parker would be assigned to protect you? So much has changed in a year.”

Max nodded and looked over to where Alex was still with Valenti. “Yes. It seems that we’ve both hooked up with some pretty smart people.”

Isabel followed his line of sight and her face softened as she gazed on Alex. He was definitely not the type of guy she usually went for. He was not popular or a jock. He was simply sweet, caring Alex. They had grown close despite her holding him back at arms length. He had a way of growing on a person, getting under your skin and never letting go. He was there no matter what, willing to lend a hand no matter the danger.

“Yes. It looks that way dear brother.”

Alex turned and looked at Isabel and smiled. She returned it and his face brightened before he turned his attention to Valenti again.

“Be careful Max. We need you, Liz, and Kyle back.”

“I don’t want to be in that place any longer than I have to.”


Michael drove Tess’s SUV around town as he, Tess, and Maria gathered the supplies they would need. They stopped at the CrashDown for several things that Liz’s Dad was willing to loan them for their ‘camping trip’. Mr. Parker had to look for several of the objects so he invited the three to sit and have some lunch. Reluctant to say no, Michael lead the girls to a booth and sat while they waited for their order.

Michael looked across at the two girls. After the episode with Tess the night before, Maria had grown closer to Tess. It was like the two had formed a small bond. They had not talked, but they stayed close to each other. This was a little confusing to Michael. Just the night before, Maria wanted nothing to do with him or Tess but today, she was back to normal and having no problem being around them even though there was still tension between the three because nothing about their situation had been resolved.

“Maria…” Michael started.

“No Michael. Not now. Let’s just get Kyle home and then we’ll fix whatever this is.”

Michael reluctantly nodded, knowing from Maria’s tone that there was no use in arguing. He looked to Tess who just nodded in agreement. She was just happy that Maria was talking to her and Michael again.

Their food came and they talked about the remaining things they had to gather while they ate. By the time they were ready, Mr. Parker had found what they’d come for.

“Have you heard from Liz?” Maria asked Mr. Parker before they left.

He smiled. “Yes, she called this morning. She’s going to the beach for a few days and said that she’d call when she gets back. I’m glad that she’s having a good time. She really needed a break this summer. She’s been so stressed this past year. She also says hi and that she’d talk to you next time she calls.”

Maria smiled at him. She hated lying to him, he was like the father that she’d never had. He’d always welcomed her into his home and had even taken Michael in when he started working there. She hoped that one day they would no longer have to lie to their parents but for now, they did what they had to.

“Thanks Mr. P. Have a good day and thanks for letting Michael and I off so we can do this camping trip with the Sheriff.”

“No problem kids. It’s good to know that he’s taking an interest in the kids of the community. He’s had a reputation of being hard on the young ones even though I know that he’s just concerned for you all. Have fun and stay safe.”

They left the Café and headed to their last few stops. When they got everything they needed, they made the trip out to the silver mine where they stored all their supplies. They had encountered the dark car several times in town but Tess was strong enough now to help keep them from the men’s sight and was not followed to the mine.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 15

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 15

The next afternoon, Max and Liz walked hand in hand down the streets of Roswell. They steered clear of the Crashdown and anywhere their parents may frequent. They were not in a hurry but tried to act like normal teenagers who were dating. They had visited the mall for a little while and now were making their way toward the school. It was summer so the place would be practically deserted.

“Is the black car still following us?” Liz asked as she stopped walking and made it look like she was kissing his neck. Max had his arms wrapped around her small frame and looked around, his eyes covered by dark sunglasses.

“Yes. They are a little ways back. Are you sure that we can’t just blast them to bits like Michael suggested?”

Liz gave a small laugh. “As much as I’d like to, we can’t yet. That would draw too much attention to us and then they could move Kyle. We have to get him out before we take care of the government.”

Max pulled away and looked down at Liz. “How’d I get so lucky to get with such a smart girl?”

“It was meant to be.” She smiled. “Besides, Kyle’s the dumb jock, he’ll equal out my brains in this relationship.”

Max laughed then felt a prick on his neck. His vision immediately blurred and his smile faded from his lips.

“Liz…they’re…coming.” He was able to say before his eyes closed and collapsed to the ground.

“Max!” Liz cried out. She knew that she had to be convincing and found that it was not hard to do.

An ambulance suddenly pulled up and parked right in front of them, blocking anyone’s view of them. Two men dressed as Paramedics emerged from the vehicle and opened the back. They pulled a gurney out and rolled it next to Max. Another man dressed in a suit stepped out of the back of the ambulance after the gurney was removed. He walked over to Liz and pulled her off Max so the two men could lift his unconscious body onto the stretcher and strap him in.

“No, leave him alone.” Liz protested, trying to get to him but the man in the suit was holding her back.

“Ms. Parker. Let them take him.” The man said.

“What the hell happened? Who are you?” She asked turning to him and trying to pull out of his grasp.

The man’s grip was strong as he steered her toward the back of the vehicle where they were loading Max. “Get in quietly or we may have to resort to do the same to you.”

Reluctantly, Liz calmed down and allowed him to pull her into the waiting ambulance. She took a quick glance out the back before the doors shut hoping that the others knew what was happening. Liz moved to the bench and sat next to Max. She took his hand into hers and looked down at his unconscious form.

“You are not a real medical unit. Who are you?” Liz turned her eyes to the man that sat across from her. The second paramedic had taken the seat next to her, blocking her exit.

“My name is Dr. Eugene Higgins.”

“And what did you do to Max?” Liz kept her eyes on Higgins, hoping that Max could fight whatever they had given him.

“Mr. Evans will be fine. We gave him a sedative but he should wake by the time we get to our destination.”

Liz broke her gaze from the man’s pale blue eyes and looked down at Max. She squeezed his hand hoping to get a response or at least to let him know that she was there but not a muscle moved. These people knew how to incapacitate him. She had to wonder if he was strong enough to beat the drugs that they placed in his system.

They rode in silence. Higgins’ eyes went from Max to Liz then back to Max but he didn’t say a word. Liz kept hold of Max’s hand hoping that he would let her know somehow that he was able to break through the chemicals. She knew that they were headed out to Eagle Rock. That was the only place that could house Max, even if they could suppress his powers, it was secure and most thought it was abandoned.

Liz felt an inward tug in her mind. It felt like someone was trying to draw on her newfound powers. She closed her eyes a moment and concentrated. She could feel that Max was connected to her. She fought to keep the smile from her lips but inside she was jumping for joy. With the utmost care and caution she sent a small amount of her energy into Max, to aid him in his fight.

Max slowly opened his eyes. “Liz?”

She smiled down at her love. “I’m here.” Her hand squeezed his and he returned the gesture.

The ambulance stopped and the back door opened. They pulled the gurney out making Liz let go of Max’s hand. Higgins followed then turned to help Liz out. She ignored his offer of help and got out on her own. He took her arm and followed Max into the building.

Max could clearly see the path they were taking and panic swelled in his chest. Images of his first trip to this place flashed through his head. He remembered being just as scared that first time as they threw him face down on a gurney. He was scared to use his powers then, afraid to expose what he really was. This time, he was strapped securely on a gurney and though he could feel that his powers were not completely blocked he knew he could not use them. Not yet. He had to conserve as much energy as he could for their escape but that knowledge did not prevent his fright from taking hold.

“No.” His body struggled weakly in the straps that held him. “No, please. Liz. Liz! Help me.” He cried out. She had promised that she would not leave him. That she would be there with him.

Liz tried to run forward to Max, but Higgins’ grip on her arm stopped her motion. She heard Max call for her again and could feel his panic deep in her body.

“Let me go.” She demanded with a cold sternness to her voice. She swore to do all she could to protect him and she was determined to follow through. She didn’t care what she had to endure as long as Max didn’t have to be put through it. “He needs me.” She tried to pull away again.

.Higgins could hear Max calling for her. He looked at the petite girl, and felt her strength as she tried to get to the boy. Her face held a look of fierce determination. Watching with interest as he let go of her arm, she ran forward catching up with the gurney. He knew that she would not try to escape as long as they had her boyfriend

“I’m here Max.” Liz said as she took his hand. “Calm down. It’s going to be ok, just relax.” She took Max’s hand and tried to sooth his terror with her words.

Max looked up and saw her beautiful face hovering over his. The warmth from her hand sent a calming sensation through him. It was amazing what her presence and just a touch from her could do to him.

“You can do this Max.” She assured him softly. Glancing back over her shoulder she saw that Higgins was still following them, watching her closely. “You have to be strong. Don’t let the fear rule you.”

Max nodded and closed his eyes, his grip on her hand tightened. He took several deep breaths before he opened his eyes and fixed his eyes on her stunning features. He tried to keep his focus on her, not on where they were going or what could happen while they were here.

Liz paid attention to the way they entered the building. Her mind pulled up the blueprint that she had studied until her eyes blurred, and tried to put what her eyes saw now th the printout Alex had gotten. They reached the security station and it was much like Michael had described it, with the exception of a retinal scanner and a man garbed in military camouflage standing at attention next to it. Higgins stepped up to the scanner. Liz could hear a soft whirl of noise as the machine scanned, made a beep accepting its input.

“Welcome Dr. Higgins.” A computer voice sounded over a speaker while the glass door opened, admitting them into the secured area. Halfway down the hall, an armed guard approached and took Liz’s arm.

“You need to go with this man Ms. Parker.”

Liz shook her head. “No. I’m staying with Max.” She didn’t have to look down to feel Max’s fear refresh as he gripped her hand tighter.

“Do not worry about Mr. Evans. This will not take long. We just need to get you more comfortable and then you will be with him again.”

“Liz, don’t leave me.” Max begged quietly. He had been fighting the urge to struggle and resist his captors. He leaned his head back and looked at Higgins. “Don’t take her.”

Higgins ignored Max and nodded to the guard who started pulling Liz away in the opposite direction that the gurney was going to go. Reluctantly, she let go of Max’s hand.

“I’ll see you in a little bit Max.” She tried to sooth the fear that flashed in his eyes. She knew how much pain and suffering this was causing him. She could see that he was not ready to face this fear yet, even with her by his side. She could only hope that once they are joined with Kyle, he would be able to help.

The man pushing the gurney started down the corridor again with Higgins following close behind. She could hear Max cry out for her but the man that held her arm was pulling her in the other direction. Tears filled her eyes and she felt a helpless take over her. She knew that she could easily get away from this man but that was not part of the plan. If they were going to get Kyle and themselves out of here safely she had to go with the plan.

“Be strong.” She whispered to herself. She knew that Max would be unable to be the leader in this situation so she would have to step up to the job, as much as she hated it.

The soldier opened a door and indicated for Liz to enter. When she walked in, she realized that it was a very small bathroom.

“You need to change into that.” He said pointing to a folded piece of clothing sitting on the cabinet. “Take off all your jewelry and leave your clothing there. You have five minutes.”

The man turned and shut the door behind him. Without looking, she knew that he was standing in front of the door waiting for her to do as he told her to do. Liz sighed and looked around the room. She took only a brief moment to wonder if she could really do this. She knew that Max would react to being there again, but she didn’t realize that it would be so taxing on herself. While they were planning this, her thoughts had been strictly on Kyle and what he was going through then it would switch to Max and if he could mentally handle this. Never once did she doubt her own stability.

Giving in to the stress of the situation and her moment of being alone, she let her tears flow freely. She allowed herself this moment with her emotions before pushing them back and washing the tears from her face. Knowing that she’d used most of her time already, she quickly stripped from her clothing and put on the stiff, white cotton medical gown. She looked at herself in the mirror and was grateful it was not the kind that tied in the back leaving her butt exposed. She folded her clothing and laid the earrings that she’d worn on top of the pile.

There was a knock on the door before it opened. The soldier peeked in then opened it fully. “Time’s up Ma’am.”

Liz looked at the young man. He was about Max’s height with dirty blonde hair. His eyes were a dark green color and there was something about him that made her think that he didn’t quite belong in this place. She shook off the feeling and let him take her arm again before he led her back down the hall. He paused in front of a steel door.

“Do not let them take him first.”

The words were so soft that Liz almost missed them. She looked to the soldier confused.

“What?” She was sure that it was his voice she’d heard but he ignored her and opened the door by pressing a code into the keypad. He pulled on her arm when the door opened. When she passed him, she clearly heard him this time.

“They will be stronger together.”

Liz turned to question the guard only to find the door sliding shut.

“Liz?” a soft voice sounded behind her.

Liz quickly turned toward the voice and found Kyle struggling to stand.

“Kyle.” She breathed out in relief; glad to see he was really here.

They both took several steps and met in the middle of the small room to share a tight embrace.

“You were supposed to get me out of here, not join me.” Kyle whispered in her ear.

“Don’t worry. We’ll get out.”

“We? Oh, Buddha. Don’t tell me that Max is here too. Damn you Liz.” His anger was evident in his low voice. He’d specifically told them not to have Max anywhere near this place. Through their strange connection, he’d experienced some of the things that Pierce had put Max through and knew his situation was not much different.

Liz stepped away, ignoring Kyle’s anger to continue her act. “Kyle. What are you doing here? Are you ok? What do they want with us?”

Kyle took her hand and led her back to the corner he often occupied. He was still angry that she’d let Max get captured again, but he couldn’t help feel relieved that he was no longer alone.

“They think that we are special. That we have some sort of powers.” He said aloud as he pulled her down to sit between his legs, her back pulled tightly against his chest. “And Max? Where is he?” He whispered in her ear.

“They took Max and I together but they took him somewhere else.” She said for the benefit of the camera but she got her point across. They had separated her and Max. “Dr. Higgins said that Max and I would be together again. I hope that what he said is true.” She said in softer tones. She wasn’t saying anything that wasn’t true or that they didn’t already know.

Liz and Kyle sat in silence after that, waiting. The door slid open and they both looked up. The two men that were still dressed as paramedics dragged a nearly unconscious Max into the room. He too was now dressed like Kyle, just white scrub pants. Kyle and Liz stood, but Kyle stopped Liz from rushing forward.

“Not until they leave.” He had learned real quick not to approach the door when people were coming or going.

The two men dropped Max unceremoniously to the floor then left. As soon as the door was fully closed, they rushed to Max and helped him stand. Kyle took most of his weight but Liz was on his other side balancing them. They helped him to the back of the room and gently set him down. Liz sat next to him on the floor with Kyle on her other side.

“What did they do to you Max?” Liz asked, concern filling her voice.

“They gave me more of that drug to calm me down but not enough to knock me out.” Max’s words were slightly slurred.

Liz encouraged Max to lay his head in her lap as she stroked her hand through his hair. What the camera didn’t pick up was the slightest glow that emitted from her palm. Giving Max small bursts of her energy to give him the strength to fight the chemicals that they put in his body. She could see that it was taking a toll on him, taking him more time than he originally thought.

“Get some rest.”

Max nodded and closed his eyes, focusing internally as he changed the chemicals that floated in his bloodstream. He could feel the extra help Liz was sending his way and was grateful for it. His body soon relaxed, and his breathing became steady as he drifted into sleep, his body automatically taking over as it rid itself of the drugs.

Kyle leaned against Liz and laid his head on her chest. He shifted his body so that he practically curled around her body making himself more comfortable.

“This place really sucks but I’m really glad that I’m not alone anymore.” Kyle whispered.

A small smile floated a minute on her lips as her eyes went from Max to Kyle. “You were never alone Kyle.” She said softly.

She watched as he to soon closed his eyes and his body relaxed against her. She laid her head against the wall and let her mind roam over the words the soldier spoke to her before she entered this room. Who was he? Was he trying to bait her so that she would reveal herself to them? Did he know who she was, or who Max was? Surely he was speaking about Max because these people had already done what they wanted to Kyle. If she took him for his words, he told her not to let them take him first. She had to assume that they would come for Max and start their testing on him soon. But what did he mean when he said that they would be stronger together? Max and Kyle? The entire group of who she refers to as a family? Who was he specifically referring to?

Liz sighed in frustration. Her head was beginning to ache as her thoughts tried to sort out everything that had happened. She wanted desperately to close her eyes and get some sleep like Max and Kyle, but knew that she wouldn’t be able to even if she was able to do so.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:41 pm
Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 16

Post by magikhands »

Ok, I know that I've gotten really far off schedule as of late but I actually have an excuse. My husband has gotten promoted and well, guess who is stuck with selling our home and finding another one? :lol: On top of working, taking care of the kids and such. So bare with me this summer. I will try to update all my fics as often as possible and let you know when I'll be without internet when it comes time for us to move. Thanks to all you loyal readers who always support me and keep me writing :P

Chapter 16

~Dream Plane~

Max looked around and found that he was standing in his room. Every thing was just the way he’d left it two days before but he knew that he was not really standing in his room. He could feel that he was not awake or in Roswell. This was one of his dreams. He turned slowly and spotted Kyle sitting on his bed.

“Where’s Liz?”

Kyle shrugged. “I just got here but if I was to guess, she’s not sleeping right now.”

Max sighed and sat next to Kyle.

“Didn’t I tell you not to come here?” Kyle questioned. “I know what Pierce did to you Max. You are not ready to be here.” He took a hand and ran it through his hair in aggravation. “I don’t know if I’ll ever truly get over my own experience. I can’t imagine what you are going through.”

Max nodded. Kyle was right. He wasn’t ready to be here. He didn’t think he’d ever be ready to face his fears but he no longer had that choice.

“There was no other way that would work to our advantage. I couldn’t just leave you here Kyle. They wanted me along with Liz and I wouldn’t let Liz come alone. There was no other choice.”

“You drive me insane Evans.” Kyle huffed, wishing that he’d been able to help with their planning.

“I know.” Max smiled shyly at Kyle. For years, they’d been adversaries. Kyle was the jock but Max was just as good at sports as Kyle. During PE through the years, Max would occasionally show that talent when he had to face Kyle and it really annoyed Kyle to no end. Then when he healed Liz, well, that was a different playing field that opened up to them but Max had always backed off, letting Liz make the decisions.

Kyle looked at his once foe and gazed upon the handsome face before a grin broke out, breaking the tension. They sat in silence for a bit before Kyle finally spoke again.

“I guess this gives us time to finally have that talk. You know…” Kyle paused a moment. “About what happened earlier…”

Max nodded. “I’m going to make this easier and let you in on another secret I have.”

“Max Evans has secrets?” Kyle acted surprised. His casual banter lightened their mood as they both chuckled.

“Do you remember that night Liz had her blind date?”

Kyle nodded. He’d started drinking and had this idea to go to Max’s house and goad him about Liz going out with some strange guy. He wanted Max to hurt like he was. But once they got there, he’d just wanted to be around Max.

Kyle nodded and grinned. “Yeah, I remember that night. I got shit-faced and puked on some radio guy who couldn’t remember my name.”

Max chuckled remembering that. “Yes. That was the night our focus was on Liz but in truth, I wanted nothing more than to feel what it was like to kiss you. On a couple of occasions I came close but each time I chickened out.”

“Is that why you didn’t answer my question when I asked if you were gay?”

“I was scared of what you’d think.”

“So…that makes you…bisexual.”

Max nodded. “I’ve been attracted to you since junior high. I know that I love Liz and have since the first time I laid eyes on her. She’s my soul mate but you…you have been a fantasy that I’ve dreamed of for years.”

Kyle considered Max’s words a moment before speaking. He was about to voice what he’d never said aloud before but he knew that Max would never ridicule or judge him.

“You were not the only one scared that night. I was terrified of what your answer would be that night. I was actually relieved when you didn’t answer.” Kyle looked at Max directly in the eyes. “I’ve been attracted to you for a long time Max. I knew deep down that you were different, something special, but we ran in different circles. I was scared to be around you because you made me feel things that I had denied for a long time. I hated you for that because all I wanted to be was just a normal kid but I guess I never was nor will I ever be.”

Kyle paused and sighed. He couldn’t believe that he was here, in some dream world with Max Evans, pouring his heart out.

“I was jealous when Liz started giving you attention. I saw the way she looked at you after you healed her. I saw the way her eyes looked at you in awe, like she knew something about you that others didn’t. I knew that you’d been watching her too. I saw it year after year. You would come into the Crash just to watch her work. I know, because I was there watching you. I was jealous of the way you looked at her, like you could devour her with just your eyes. I longed for you to turn them my way and look at me in the same manner.”

Kyle looked down at his hands that were clasped tightly together in his lap. “The night I spent running around Roswell with you was one of the greatest I’d ever had. That night, you opened up to me; we talked, even if it was about Liz. I felt the temptation to kiss you then, but I didn’t. I didn’t want to end the fun that we were having.”

Max raised a hand and turned Kyle’s face toward him. “That was then, before you knew who I really was. This is now, after you know what I am. No more secrets. You’re one of us now and I’m not about to let you go. The day I healed you, I saw into your soul. I saw the real Kyle Valenti, not the angry jock that you always showed me, but the real you that has feelings and cares about those around him. I care about you Kyle and we are past the point of no return. We are together in this.”

“And Liz..How is she with this? I mean…well…it’s like we’ll be splitting you in half. What? Are we going to alternate days?”

Max chuckled. “I remember hearing that from your lips one other time. But no, if this is going to work, we have to be a unit. You can’t deny the attraction that you have for Liz just as I do. And I’ve personally seen that she cares about you, not to mention she loves your athletic body.” Max watches as Kyle actually blushes at the compliment. “It won’t be easy but it will be the three of us.”

Kyle moved forward and let his lips brush against Max’s. “I can’t wait to kiss you for real.” He whispered before kissing Max again.

Max moaned as their lips met feeling the same way as Kyle. He opened his lips so that their tongues could continue their seductive dance. They’d both kissed girls so neither was an amateur but there was a subtle difference to kissing another guy. Their lips were firmer, mouth larger; the entire feel of it was on a different scale.

Max broke the contact and gave Kyle a smile. “Liz said you were a good kisser, I have to agree.” He lowered his head and kissed at Kyle’s neck, feeling Kyle’s moan on his lips. He moved down his lover’s chest until he could position his body between Kyle’s legs. His fingers lightly played around the band of Kyle’s pants while he let his tongue lap at his navel.

Kyle groaned at the onslaught of sensations to his body. He ran his fingers through Max’s silky, thick hair. A familiar tingling started in his groin as blood rushed to that part of his body. Kyle lifted his hips when Max tugged on his pants. His cock sprang to attention.

“I like how you feel in my hand.” Max said as he gently wrapped his fingers around the thickness and gave a squeeze. The warmth of Max’s hand and the pressure made Kyle growl with pleasure. He knew that this was only the dream plane but he was also confident that when this was all over, Max would be just as loving and caring in real life.

“Max.” Kyle said, his voice thick with passion.

Kyle watched as Max lowered his head and took his tip between his lips. He could feel Max’s tongue lightly lap at him, experimenting with what got the strongest reaction from him. Max mercilessly teased Kyle’s cock with his mouth and tongue until Kyle was squirming with pleasure.

“Let me taste you.” Kyle panted.

Max pulled away from Kyle’s swollen rod and looked up at Kyle. “Are you sure?” Max wanted to make sure Kyle was ready to take this step. He didn’t want Kyle to regret anything that happened here or in the real world when the time came.

Kyle nodded. “Yes.”

Max gave him a shining smile and moved his body over Kyle’s so that his own stiff cock was angled over Kyle’s mouth. Once he was situated, he greedily went back to teasing his lover’s throbbing member.

Kyle easily slipped Max into his mouth and began to suck furiously upon it. He was nervous and scared that he’d do something wrong. He’d been attracted to Max for so long but he never dreamed that he’d have a chance to actually be with him. He’s known for several years that he was bi-sexual but no one else knew until now. He was also very, very picky. Guys that he met, he found himself comparing them to Max.

Kyle felt Max groan, the vibration pounding hard on his dick, so he had to assume that he was doing the right thing. Kyle worked harder on Max’s dick, letting his tongue lap hungrily at the stiffness while sucking harder. He was so close to cumming but he wanted to please Max first.

Max was greatly enjoying the sensations that bombarded him. Between having Kyle’s dick in his mouth and his own being encased in a hot, wet mouth, it was heavenly. He felt Kyle’s thickness swell in his mouth. He was ready but could feel that he was holding back. Max quickened his pace until Kyle had no choice but to climax.

Max swallowed every drop of cum before he himself let go and allow Kyle the same pleasure. Max moved off Kyle and laid next to him, drawing him into his arms. They were quiet for many minutes; Max’s fingers caressing Kyle’s skin where they touch.

“We’ll all be home soon.” Max promised. Kyle looked at Max, hope filling his eyes. Max smiled at his lover. “And then we will get to do this for real.”

“Thank you Max. Thank you for saving my life.”

Max pulled Kyle closer. “How could I not?”

~Real World~

Liz sat in the silent room and watched Max and Kyle sleep. Shortly after they both fell asleep, Kyle had reached down and took hold of Max’s hand. Their clasped hands now lay in her lap. She thought about going to sleep and joining them somehow sensing that they were together on the dream plane but her instincts screamed out a warning.

As she sat there, her thoughts running wild of theories and plans, she felt a heat in her lap. Looking down, she sees the smallest glow coming from the joined hands. Without thinking, Liz shifted her body slightly and covered the hands with her own, hopefully blocking the glow from anyone watching. As much as she wanted to know what was happening, her instincts proven to ring true so she stayed awake and protected her two guys.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
Come see my published print and e-books
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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 884
Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:41 pm
Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 17

Post by magikhands »

Ok, as promised...Here's the next part. Forgive any grammer errors. I know that I got this back from my wonderful Strawbehry Shortcake but I think it got deleted somewhere so I hope it's ok.

Chapter 17

The door slide open and Liz watched as Higgins came in with three soldiers flanking him. Kyle and Max, disturbed by the sounds, opened their eyes and immediately sat up.

“That one.” Higgins pointed to Max. Two of the soldiers started forward.

“Wait.” Liz said letting go of the guys and standing. “Take me first.” She locked eyes with Higgins.

Higgins held up a hand and stopped the soldiers.

“No.” Max said sharply. “Liz…no, you can’t…” He said softer.

Liz ignored Max and kept her eyes on Higgins. Her peripheral vision showed the soldier who spoke to her earlier nodding his head in approval.

“Trust me Ms. Parker. You will have your turn soon enough.”

Liz took a step forward, away from Max and Kyle. “I know. But Dr. Higgins, you must already know something about Max or why else would you want him…or us?” She looked back at Kyle but was unable to bring herself to look at Max. She knew that she’d see the fear in his eyes, and then she would feel it down to her soul. But she couldn’t let them take Max. Not yet.

Higgins nodded. “Yes. I know what Mr. Evans is.”

“Aren’t you more interested in me right now? If you know about Max, then you have files on him but nothing on me.”

“Liz? What are you doing?” Confusion and fear clouded Max’s voice.

Liz blocked him out and kept her attention on the man in front of her. She had to find a way to make them take her first. Max could stay here with Kyle and then he wouldn’t be alone.

“I knew that you had a brilliant scientific mind Ms. Parker.” He smiled as he studied the young girl. “And you are correct in your assumption. You and Mr. Valenti intrigue me more than Mr. Evans.” With a motion of his head the two soldiers switched directions to go toward Liz.

Max reacted to the movement and lunged forward to protect Liz. His mind was screaming for her to stop this foolishness. They only had to wait it out, until Michael could come for them. He was determined that they would stay together.

The soldiers reacted just as swiftly and had him pinned against the wall. Max consciously struggled to keep from using his powers to protect himself and Liz as he fought against the arms that held him tightly against the wall. He was still weak from the drugs that his body had yet to change so his struggles were not as effective as he’d hoped.

Kyle had moved forward when the men restrained Max. He found himself pinned against the wall by the third man that had entered with Higgins. On instinct Kyle fought off the attack.

‘Don’t.’ A voice ordered in Kyle’s head. His eyes widened in surprise as he watched the man’s black pupils dilate until it covered his entire eye leaving no white to be seen then change back to normal. ‘Let them take her.’ His lips did not move. ‘Your King needs you more now than she does. He must not be alone.’

The words calmed Kyle as he turned his head and watched Max’s frantic struggle. He could feel the desperate panic that radiated from Max. He knew what this place was doing to Max. It was slowly eating away at his sanity and Kyle could relate.

Kyle relaxed his body fully giving the soldier who was holding him his non-verbal acceptance. He felt the man’s hold lessen but it still held him firmly in place.

Liz followed Higgins movements with her eyes as he pulled a syringe from one of his pockets. She knew that it was meant to be given to Max and she had to somehow find a way to keep him from administering it. Max didn’t need any more drugs. She knew that his system had enough to fight.

“Wait. Let me try to calm him first.” She waited for Higgins approval. He hesitated but nodded. Higgins knew that Max was almost useless to his studies fully drugged.

Liz turned and went to Max. “Max.” She said softly taking his head in her hands gaining his attention.

“No…no…they can’t take you. Not again.” Max still struggled against those that held him.

“Look at me.”

Her voice called to him and slowly he let his eyes fall upon her face in recognition. “Liz, please. You said that you wouldn’t leave me.” Tears filled his desperate eyes as he body calmed it’s fight.

His look and plea tore her heart apart. How could she leave him like this? When he needed her the most. But the man’s words echoed in her head. She knew that he couldn’t be alone right now. She could sense that he was near a breaking point mentally. This was all too much.

“It’s ok. I’ll be back later. Right?” She turned her head to Higgins. He nodded before she turned back to her love. “See? I’ll be fine. They are just going to do a few simple tests. They won’t hurt me.”

“Yes they will. They’ll do terrible things to you Liz.” He insisted weeping.

She could see that he was breaking down. He wouldn’t be able to take much more of this place. She could only hope that they were able to escape in time to save him.

“I’ll be fine but until I come back Kyle is here with you.” Her voice soothing and calm though inside she felt nothing of the sort. “He’ll take care of you and watch over you. Ok?” Her thumbs were caressing his wet cheeks, wiping the tears off with each stroke. It took all her control not to break down and join him. She knew that she had to be the strong one. She had to hang on long enough to get them all out.

Max turned his head slowly and looked at Kyle and their eyes met. “Max. You don’t want any more of that drug that knocks you out, do you?” She asked hoping to break through and get him to understand that he needed to be as clear headed as possible when the time came.

Max shook his head no but his eyes had locked with Kyle’s. She could see that Kyle was calm and relaxed. She also noted that the man that had warned her was the one holding Kyle.

“Good. Keep calm and get some rest.” Liz stood on her tippy toes and kissed Max’s lips softly. She could feel the calm settling in his body as he relaxed and the men were able to let up on their hold.

Liz turned to Kyle and mouthed, “Watch him.” Kyle nodded.

Liz lifted her head and pulled back her shoulders before walking back over to Higgins, expressionless even though her stomach was protesting every step. Fear coursed through her veins and she took long silent breaths to calm her nerves. Her hands were fisted at her sides and she could feel her nails digging into her skin.

Higgins looked down at Liz impressed. She had managed to calm him down with just a few words. She was holding her composure surprisingly well despite what she’s gone through so far, though it’s nothing like the tests she will experience later. Kyle had fought and resisted when they first brought him in. Max has been a panicked mess since he’d been brought in. But Liz…she was calm on the outside and seemed in control despite the fact that she held none.

He turned and led Liz out of the room. The soldiers released Max and Kyle and followed them out. When the door shut Max slid to the floor, knees to his chest, and head in his hands. His shoulders shook as he wept.

Kyle went to Max and took him in his arms.

“Liz will be ok.” Kyle spoke softly trying to calm him. “She’s got Higgins eating out of the palm of her hand.” He chuckled. Impressed himself at how Liz was handling this entire situation. She was not panicked like he and Max but calm, in control, at least outwardly. Inside, Kyle could feel her anxiety and turmoil along with fear.

Kyle looked down at Max and recalled the words that were whispered into his head. Whoever that man was had been correct. Max could not be alone, let alone taken and tested upon. Kyle held Max until his sobs stopped. He thought maybe he had fallen asleep but then Max raised his head from Kyle’s chest.

“Thank you.” Max said softly looking down at his hands.

Kyle used a hand to lift Max’s chin up, meeting his reddened eyes, bombarded by the guilt and regret that filled them.

“Don’t do that. I should be thanking you. This is not your fault. Those people are royally fucked to do this to us.”

“But if I hadn’t…”

“No. Don’t say it. Because then Liz would be dead.” Kyle pointed out.

“And you would have never been shot.” Max lifted a hand and brushed Kyle’s rough cheek.

Kyle shrugged. “You never know. I believe that it was meant for you to save my life. To save Liz’s life. If it wasn’t then, or a gun shot, it would have been something else.”

Kyle took a moment and studied Max. He looked so fragile and scared. “This was not a good idea.” He whispered.

Max gave a slight nod. “I’m thinking you are right.”

Kyle leaned forward and gently brushed his lips across Max’s for the first time. Max didn’t pull away so Kyle did it again this time letting the kiss linger longer, giving comfort. It was as it was in the dream plane. Max’s lips firm and his smell musky.

“We’ll get out of here Max.” He said not wanting to give the people watching any more clues to the plan that his friends had devised. He and Max lay down wrapped in each other’s arms and waited.

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Chapter 18

Post by magikhands »

Chapter 18

Liz followed Higgins down the hall into another section of the secured lab. “Why all the interest in us Dr. Higgins?” She asked. Kyle had told her he thought that Max had somehow changed them, which was true, but what they didn’t know is why he was so interested in these changes.

Higgins looked back at her but didn’t answer her. “If you are going to be doing tests on me, I’d like to at least know why.”

“Aren’t you scared Ms. Parker?” He asked as he fell back so that he walked beside her.

Liz looked up at the man in the eye, refusing to act how she felt. “I’m terrified Dr. Higgins.” It was the truth.

Higgins could see that this girl was wise beyond her years. The fear could be seen clearly in her eyes but she refused to show it. He had to admire her for that trait. He just wondered how long she would be able to keep it up.

“Your boyfriend has an extraordinary ability Ms. Parker. He can heal with just a touch. You and Mr. Valenti have experienced it for yourself. We have found however when he healed you that he’s altered your DNA make-up. They are not large changes but if your work up is like Mr. Valenti’s then we will find that your cells have altered also. Not quite human but not quit alien either. We would like to see if this change allows you to have abilities like Mr. Evans or affects you some other way.”

“So you plan on keeping us for as long as needed and studying us like lab rats? Hoping that something comes of your theories.”

Higgins nodded. They came to a stop at an open door. Inside Liz could see a woman sitting on a chair with a chart in her lap. There was an examination table across the room.

“This is Ms. Cantel. She’ll be taking your health history and doing a full exam on you. I would appreciate the truth when answering her questions. Lying would only cause us to work harder and do more testing.”

Liz said nothing to him as she walked into the small room and sat on the examination table looking at Ms. Cantel. She was an older woman, a bit overweight; her scrubs too big even for her size. Her gray streaked brown hair was pulled back into a bun that looked entirely to tight. Ms. Cantel gave Liz no friendly smile, only a serious almost stern disapproving look. She nodded to Higgins and he left the room leaving two guards posted right outside the door.

Higgins walked back down the hall and entered an observation room. He stood in front of the window and watched his two male subjects. They were lying on the floor of the white room. The Valenti boy lay so that he embraced the alien from behind. They laid much like lovers would and Higgins raised a brow in surprise. From his files Evans and Valenti were barely on speaking terms. It appeared that during the past year Parker had broken off her relationship with Valenti in order to pursue Evans making them dislike each other and had several run ins during the year. So to see the two males wrapped together was a development that was not expected however something to keep an eye on.


Jim Valenti and the others met at the silver mine once Max and Liz were apprehended. Their plan had been put into action and now they were about to begin phase 2.

“Alex. Are we up and running?” Valenti asked.

Alex and Isabel had managed to set up a computer network using laptops placed in his Sheriff patrol vehicle. It amazed him the technology that these kids were privy to.

“Yes sir.” Alex pressed a series of keys on the keyboard that lay in his lap, double-checking the system. There would be no room for errors.

Valenti looked around and watched as Tess was over at her own SUV changing its design a little and color along with the tags. He was still awed when he watched the hybrids use their powers. Every time he saw it, he was reminded that his father was right and he was not a kook. Aliens did exist, that a UFO did crash all those years ago.

Tess finished with her vehicle and walked toward Valenti’s. “Do you have a particular color preference?” She asked.

He scratched his head and somehow found a touch of humor in such a stressful situation. He never would have guessed in a million years that he’d be the ‘protector’ of a group of teenagers, four being aliens. They were about to break a number of local and federal laws. It just seemed so surreal.

“Black. It’ll be harder to spot at night.”

Tess nodded in agreement and touched the hood. Within seconds, the entire vehicle was completely black, the police lights were gone and it didn’t look anything like it did just a moment before.

“That’s good.” Valenti said as he looked behind the two vehicles. Michael and Isabel were busy hiding the jeep using their powers. Once that was done, they walked into the mine where Maria was making sure everything was set up for at least a two day stay.

Valenti, Alex, and Tess looked up when Michael and Isabel exited the cave with Maria smiling behind them. Michael wore a black suit, hair slicked back and too much like those stuffy FBI agents. This was how Michael had been able to get to Max before. Alex handed him the papers and ID that they’d forged with Valenti’s help. With all the information Alex had been able to abstract, they’d been able to create false identities for Michael and have him assigned to Isabel’s character.

Isabel walked up to Alex and his heart stopped beating leaving him breathless. “Wow.” He muttered.

Isabel smiled at his dazed expression. “Thank you.”

She was dressed in a dark business suit and heels that accented her long legs. Her long hair was now black and pulled back tightly into a professional bun. She wore red lipstick and dark framed glasses.

Once Alex got over his initial stupor, he handed Isabel her papers and ID. This Dr. Higgins that held Kyle and the others was expecting a psychologist the next evening to begin an evaluation on his subjects. There was but one picture of her in the system. She was young and at the top of her field working specifically for the government. With a few manipulations, they were able to replace that one picture with one of Isabel for a short time so that Isabel could pose as this Doctor. Isabel had to memorize details about this woman’s life and was ready for the biggest performance of her life. She just hoped that she could pull it off.

“Have I told you how much it drives me crazy seeing you dressed in heels?” Alex whispered so that only she could hear him. Isabel could feel her cheeks burn red and her lips rewarded him with a shy but very pleased smile. “Those shoes make your legs…”

“Alex.” She hissed, her cheeks growing darker and feeling moisture between her thighs. She loved it when his voice became low and husky. It made her body tingle. She’d peeked into his dreams many times and knew exactly what attributes he liked about her. She would watch as he did things to her dream self. Often he’d pause what he was doing and a small smile would form as if he knew she was there watching him.

“Ok.” Valenti started, gaining their attention. “Alex, Tess, Maria and I will each have a radio and be stationed in my vehicle. Michael and Isabel, you two will take Tess’s SUV. Are you sure about only having one radio?”

Michael nodded. “Yes. I will be expected to have one but if Isabel had one, it might give us away. Besides, I don’t plan on leaving her.”

“Alright. Just be careful you two.” They nodded. Valenti looked at the five teens that stood before him. He saw the fear that had settled in their eyes and he was glad. It would keep them alert and careful. They were about to go up against a small army of trained soldiers if they couldn’t get in and out as planned. They needed that fear to get them out in one piece.

“Let’s go do this.” Michael said. He hugged and kissed Maria one last time.

“You better come back to me.” Maria said as she reluctantly let go of him.

“I know…we’ve still got a lot to work out.”

“You got that right Spaceboy.” She tried to smile but couldn’t quite manage it successfully.

Michael turned and let Tess give him a hug. “You be careful and watch out for Valenti.”

Tess nodded and went to stand next to the older man. Michael turned just as Alex released his hold on Isabel

“Bring her back.” He said.

Michael nodded and took her hand before walking off to Tess’s altered vehicle as the others followed Valenti.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: Trapped in my slashy mind with Max, Kyle, and Michael

Chapter 19

Post by magikhands »

Just in luck...just finished the next chapter :)

Chapter 19

Michael glanced over at Isabel as they approached the guard gate of the base. She looked calm and collected on the outside, her ice princess mask firmly in place, but he sensed her nervousness…or was it his?

“Are you ready?”

She nodded knowing that her voice couldn’t slide over the lump that had formed in her throat as the base came into view. She remembered the last time they were here and the visions that she’d seen in Max’s head of the tortures they did to him. She just hoped they hadn’t jumped right in and started where Pierce left off.

Michael stopped at the guard gate and waited for the soldier to come out of the small house, clipboard in hand.

“State your business.” The black man said gruffly. They were not expecting anyone tonight and this person had interrupted the ball game that he was listening to.

Michael flashed his FBI badge. “Special Agent Thomas escorting Dr. Laura Brenner to her assigned post with Dr. Higgins.” He said using a serious, official voice and matching expression. He may only be 17 but his look and attitude made him appear at least 21. Maybe a new cock in the older soldier’s eyes. That’s what Michael was going for anyway.

Isabel leaned over and handed her badge to the man. Her expression as stoic and serious as Michael’s.

The guard studied the documents and his paperwork. He shook his head as he looked back at the two.

“You are not expected until tomorrow night.”

Isabel gave him a glare. “If I have to turn around and wait until tomorrow night, you can inform Dr. Higgins yourself that I will not be returning at all. I’ve got other projects lined up that need my attention.”

“Just a minute ma’am.” He said turning and retreating inside the little house. She could tell that she’d flustered him and watched as he picked up the phone. She couldn’t hear what he was saying but when he came out, he returned their paperwork and badges.

“I’m sorry about that ma’am. Dr. Higgins will be waiting for you at Building D.” He proceeded to give them directions then rushed back into the little house. Isabel nodded to Michael pleased that she still had her icy demeanor intact despite Alex and the others thawing it as of late.

Michael drove off and they both let out a sigh of relief. He followed the man’s directions though he already knew where he was going.

“We’re on base.” Michael said softly into his radio that he’d changed into a cell phone.

Dr. Higgins waited at the doors of Building D. He looked at his watch as the black SUV drove up. He still had many things to do before Dr. Brenner was expected. Ms. Parker was just starting her examination and they’d yet to prep Mr. Evans. Unable to detain the Parker girl had thrown off their schedule as it was, now Dr. Brenner was here early. He sighed seeing that he and his staff were going to have to work through the night and hoped that she’d be happy with just a tour for the time being until tomorrow.

A young man exited the driver side, walked around the front, and opened the door for his passenger. Dr. Higgins had never seen Dr. Brenner and was surprised by her youth and beauty. All of the works he’d read by her made her seem…older.

“Dr. Higgins.” Isabel started as she approached the man. Already at this distance she felt her stomach churn and nausea start. There was something about him that she didn’t like. But she let none of her emotions show.

“I’m sorry to intrude on you earlier than scheduled. My last assignment completed earlier than expected and I have quite a full month already planned. I hate falling behind.”

“It’s quite alright.” Dr. Higgins smiled at her but she could see that it was forced. “It is late and there is still some work that must be done before you can begin your evaluation. I will give you a tour and allow you to observe the subjects before settling you in your quarters for the night. You may begin tomorrow.”

Isabel hid the shiver that ran down her spine when Higgins said subjects. She could clearly picture Max, Kyle, and Liz strapped to tables cut open. She was scared of what she was really going to see upon entering the labs.

Michael took her arm to act as her escort but they both knew it was more to comfort her because he was feeling the same fear for his friends. He’d known Isabel since they were children and he could read the emotions behind her icy façade.

Higgins saw the man’s action and stopped them before they could enter the building. “I’m sorry but only Dr. Brenner has clearance to enter here.”

Michael’s eyes narrowed on the man and before he could respond Isabel spoke.

“I assure you Dr. Higgins Special Agent Thomas has the approved security level for this assignment. I made sure personally before leaving DC. I’m valuable to the government and they send me nowhere without the proper escort. So either he stays with me or we both head back to Washington.” Isabel glared at the older man. There was no way that she was entering this place without Michael by her side.

Higgins glanced at Michael then to Isabel. “Very well but he’s your responsibility.”

Isabel nodded and followed the man in, Michael still holding her arm. They walked until they reached the security door. Higgins pressed his hand to the scanner and placed his eyes to the machine to be scanned. The computer’s voice greeted Higgins while the door slid open.

Michael’s eyes were taking in the surroundings, including the soldier standing guard about two feet from them. He had a hard time believing he’d been here just a little over a month ago rescuing Max with Nesado by his side. He now knew why Nesado was so intent on getting Max. It wasn’t because he cared about his charges or even about his duty to protect them, but because he needed the King for an heir with Tess. He wondered if Nesado would have been bothered if he or Isabel had been the ones captured instead.

Michael pushed back his emotions and replaced the stonewall inside himself. They had a job to do and he needed all his attention on the present, not the past. He followed behind Isabel as Higgins led them down the hall and into a room. Michael realized it was the observation room for the white room. The room was dimly lit and the large window gave viewing access to two rooms. The one on the left was empty while the other held two forms huddled together on the floor. Michael knew immediately that it was Max and Kyle.

Out of the corner of his eye, Michael saw Isabel’s body tense but no other reaction to what she was witnessing. On the drive to the base, he’d given her fair warning that there were things that she didn’t know about going on between Max, Kyle, and Liz. That she might see things that would surprise her. She asked what kind of things but Michael only shrugged his response because he wasn’t sure either.

“I thought you had three subjects Dr. Higgins.” Isabel inquired, her eyes not waning from her brother being held tightly by Kyle. She took a step closer to the window. Her pulse raced as her heart pounded hard against her chest. They looked alright; they weren’t bleeding or lying somewhere ready to be dissected. What she did see gave her a little shock. She had figured that a triangle was happening between Michael, Tess, and Maria. She questioned Michael about it on the drive but he said they’d talk later about it. But Max and Kyle? They didn’t even like each other. And what about Liz? How did she fit in?

“Yes I do. Liz Parker. She’s down the hall getting an examination done. As I said earlier, we still have some things to do before I can hand them over to you. We have just acquired her and Mr. Evans so their basic work ups are still in progress.”

Isabel nodded keeping in character but her eyes were glued to Max with Kyle’s arms wrapped tightly around him. They both had their eyes closed and she could see that they were sleeping.

“And…has this been occurring since Mr. Evans’ arrival?” She forced her voice not to crack.

Max shifted and turned, his face now buried in Kyle’s neck. She watched as Max kissed Kyle’s skin who smiled and appeared to sigh. His hand gently caressed Max’s back then stilled as if they both drifted back to sleep.

“The three clung to each other when they were placed together. It was only when I removed the girl that they did this.”

“Hmmm…Interesting.” She said keeping in character of a psychologist. The longer she observed them together, she found the sight before her less disturbing. Almost comforting. Right. As if it were meant to be. “Anything else I should know before I begin my evaluation Dr. Higgins?”

She was handed a stack of files that were sitting on a counter. “This is the complete file that we have on Kyle Valenti. Also the files for Max Evans that Special Agent Pierce put together and what we have so far on Liz Parker. We should be able to add to the last two files by morning. They should keep you busy until we finish our initials.”

“Are these the only files made so far?” Isabel inquired looking down at the stack.

“These are duplicates actually. The originals are in my office. I haven’t sent any findings on to DC yet. They wanted to wait until your results were in writing before they decide anything.” Higgins said with a hint of bitterness lacing his words.

Isabel finally gave a slight smile but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Thank you Dr. Higgins. You have been most helpful.”

Michael reached out and knocked Higgins off his feet and slammed him against the wall hitting his head. Isabel kneeled down and felt for a pulse. It was there but not very strong. Without looking at Michael, she reached out her hand and placed it on his head. She closed her eyes and concentrated until several blood clots formed in the vessels of his brain. With a small push, she sent them accelerating through his body until they reached his heart. He had a stroke and died within minutes.

Isabel stood and looked Michael in the eyes. “He’s dead of a stroke caused by blood clots in his brain.” Her voice was stern and cold. Michael just nodded.


Meanwhile, Valenti and Tess had snuck into the building much like they did before. With Tess’s mind warping ability, they were able to roam the basement, among the pipes and morgue. Tess remember much from their last visit while Valenti lead the way with the building’s plans memorized and a little help from Alex in his ear.

Their job was to strategically place small explosives around the building as quickly as they could. Many times they had to stop and hide as guards patrolled the area but they managed to empty the backpack they’d brought. With no run ins, the two were soon back out at the SUV where Maria and Alex waited, keeping watch.

Magikhands' Little Roswell Obsessions
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Chapter 20

Post by magikhands »

Sorry for it's shortness but the next one should be longer.

Chapter 20

Michael and Isabel cautiously stepped from the observation room. The hall was silent and empty.

“You get Kyle and Max. I’ll go and find Liz.” Isabel said as she started down the hall.

Michael grabbed her arm and pulled her back. “No, we stay together.”

“We don’t have time Michael. And Max is in no shape to wander these halls. You saw him. You felt him.” She emphasized knowing that he’d felt Max’s withdrawal through their little connection that they’ve shared whenever they were together. “I’ll be fine Michael. I still have my cover. And Liz will be very grateful if you get them out.”

Isabel turned and left Michael. Michael stared at her back for a moment before turning to the door that would lead him to Max and Kyle. Using his powers he unlocked the door. Luckily, they’d kept the simple electronic keypad locks on the rooms making it easier for them. Entering the room Michael found Max and Kyle still curled together on the floor. Michael approached quietly and knelt beside the two. With a hand on Kyle’s shoulder, he gently woke him.

Before Kyle opened his eyes, Michael saw how Kyle had pulled Max protectively closer to his body. Though he was the supposed protector of his King, he was glad that there were others to help, who cared for Max like he did.

“Time to go home Jockboy.” Michael said softly when Kyle finally opened his eyes.

Kyle woke Max whispering into his ear, careful not to startle him. He could feel Max’s intense unease and he didn’t want Max to get worked up again.

“Are you strong enough?” Michael asked as Kyle helped Max stand. He was worried Max hadn’t been able to fight off the drugs. He could still vividly remember helping Max out of this same hall less than two months ago and how weak he’d been from Pierce’s torture.

Max nodded and looked around. “Where’s Liz?” Panic seeped into his voice.

“Isabel is retrieving her.”

“But…” Max started.

“We won’t leave without her Max.” Michael reassured Max. He led the way to the door but didn’t open it. He looked at his watch and waited.

“When did you start wearing a watch Guerin?” Kyle asked feeling anxious about getting the hell out of there. What were they waiting for?

“When we decided to come and save your ass Valenti.” Michael answered but there was obvious humor in his tone as he continued to gaze at his watch. He and Kyle had not been friends before all of this but he’d missed their little smart-ass interactions when they did speak.

Kyle bit back his remark, silently thanking Buddha for even Michael’s sarcastic remark. He turned his attention to Max who stood leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. He looked better but Kyle could still feel that something just wasn’t completely right with him.

“You ok Max?” Kyle asked softly taking hold of Max’s hand.

Max, keeping his eyes closed, squeezed Kyle’s hand in response. He was trying like hell to dilute the drugs that floated in his system. Despite the rest, he still felt the fatigue that clung to his body.


Isabel walked down the hall and around a corner trying to act as if she knew where she was going in case she ran into one of the personnel that occupied the facility. Ahead she saw two soldiers standing outside a room where the door stood ajar. Isabel had a feeling that would be where she would find Liz. It was late at night and they had seen only a handful of people since arriving so she was confident in her assumption.

“I’m here to observe Ms. Parker.” Isabel said as she approached the soldiers and they stepped together to block the entrance.

“I’m sorry but only Dr. Higgins may enter here.” One of the soldiers said. Isabel saw that his nametag read Tuck.

Before Isabel could argue with him the soldier next to him reached over and placed his hand on Tuck’s chest. There was a slight glow that radiated from his hand before Tuck slumped to the floor. Isabel reacted on instinct as she took a step back, raised her hand, and blasted the man. To her surprise the soldier easily deflected it.

“Easy Princess. I’m here to help.” The soldier said as he raised both hands in a gesture of surrender.

“Who the hell are you?” Isabel asked, her hand still raised and aimed at the man. Her eyes glanced to his nametag. It read Setters. “You just killed him for no reason.”

“Is there a problem?” A female voice sounded from inside the room behind a drawn curtain.

“It’s time to get the Queen out of here Princess.” Setters said ignoring the comment about killing the other man.

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