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awakened dreamers

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:27 pm
by femmenerd
Well, my pal Kerri over at the Eraser Room only writes Awakened Dreamer pretty much. But most of her stuff could be a little hard on some dreamers as she has a tendency to take out her frustrations on Max. But she has started a new one called "shattered innocence" that, although incredibly dark, does not engage in any Max bashing. It's kind of post apocalyptic and Liz and Michael are the only Roswell podsters left and are waging a war against Skins. The Dupes are around though. Liz, in her grief over Max and friends has turned into an ass kicking angel of retribution. I personally favor ass kicking girls and I think it's her best writing to date. It's on the eraser room UC couples. I think she's only posted 2 parts so far. ... =1&stop=20

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 4:53 pm
by AmberEyed51
Thanks, I'll definetely check that out :D

another great fic

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:07 am
by femmenerd
Here is another really good Zan/Liz Fic. It's the first part of a trilogy by Star2000monkey, all of which are complete. I'm only half way through the first part "Awakenings" but it's really good. ... 6&thread=1

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:48 pm
by AmberEyed51
Wow, thanks again :D I'll be sure to read them both.

I've also started reading your fic also! I'll be sure to post some fb soon

Awakened Dreamers

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:53 pm
by femmenerd
Cool, thanks!

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 6:22 pm
by harroc83
I love the charcter of Zan and like others on this board he would have made an excellent charcter to mold, he is max but not exactly you know, we are so used to Max's iron will control but to see him in another role playing in all essence the rebel is awesome. I have only written one story with Zan it but after looking at this board I'm going to try for a Zan and Liz pairing. I never tried that I usually pair him with another charcter that was mentioned but had no screen time, Serena another favorite of mine.


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 6:43 pm
by femmenerd
Hey there harroc83! Glad you joined our discussion. Hey if you post a Zan/Liz somewhere or know of one that you like, post a link, ok?

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 11:02 am
by Liz86000
Hey guys!!! Interesting discussion you had! :D

Ahh, Zan & Liz! What a couple, eh?!! I'm (still) a dreamer, but I particularly love these two!!

Now, there are four fics that I love very much:

-"Overprotected" by DreamBeliever1 ... D=31.topic
(there is only till part 19, if you want the rest, PM me and I'll send you the fic! :wink: )

-"My Life, My Body, My Choice" by Kapone224 ... D=40.topic
(with a Zan very particular!! It's really an AMAZING fic!!)

-"Richness of love" by StormyBear30 ... 21&stop=40
(the story is in the middle of the page!)

-"Little Peice of heaven...hell" by StormyBear ... ID=8.topic

If you want more links for Zan & Liz stories, then I suggest you go on the Eraser room board. There is a section for Awakened Dreamer, and a tread with recommendation: ... ID=4.topic

In the UC Fanfic section, you'll also find some GREAT Zan & Liz stories (by Kerri OF COURSE!! and also by our friend femmenerd :wink: ).

Have fun!!

Liz86000 :wink:

Awakened Dreamers

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 1:18 pm
by femmenerd
Cool! (although I obviously already knew about the ER lol) Thanks Anne-Laure. I have yet to read those fics that you linked but I second the recommendation for the ER to everyone else.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:21 pm
by Liz86000
I know you knew Lu, lol!!

Liz86000 :wink: