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Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:04 pm
by Kes_ALF

I don't know why I'm going to the club. i hate place like this, i don't dance, and they playing terrible music... And Trevor will probably be there, he pisses me off sometimes, well most of the time, but isn't that what brothers should do?

as I'm comming in I see my brother dancing with that Maria girl and Parker. Great, I roll my eyes, We all know who it is he wants. I spotted Max and Is at one of the tables and starting hidding that way, but sudennly Is stands up and vanishes in the croud. I glance after her and see Parker... that's L. Parker, going in Max's direction. I stand for few minutes unsure what to do. If I'll get there now and interrupt their little tet-a-tet Max won't talk to me for a week. Not that I care... But I decide not to interupt them anyway. Damn teenagers! I try to ignore the fact that i'm a teeneger myself.

I decided to go to the bar. And there they was! My "beloved" brother and his blond pray. I roll my eyes at them again, and try to find a place as far from them as possible. it isn't easy though, the club is full.

OOC Sorry if I mixed up something i was too lazy to read evertyhing again :roll:

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:11 pm
by Anna-Liisa

I walked into the club and looked around at the dancing people. Everyone seemed to to be normal. Great. So I worried too early - or not. I still couldn't shake off the feeling that something strange was happening. Something had to be wrong somewhere, but what and where?

People seemed to be happy at the club, but that didn't mean that everything'd be okay. I sighed. Why did I worry so much? I came to have fun and here I am - standing at the doorway and thinking what's going to happen and why i felt uncomfortable.

'Maybe I should just find someone and dance' I though to myself.


*hides* it's so short..

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:56 am
by StormWolfstone
Isabelle, it's not that I don't want to write Iz responding, but she's already moved away from the VIP section.... it's how I wrote her starting post... :( sorry.. maybe it's just that Max didn't realize she was gone or something..


I was just placing my keys in the lock when I heard a very familiar voice whispering my name, "Jimena." It wasnt't just that it was my name, but that it was a name I hadn't used completely in over a hundred years. Only four people had called me that name. Stopping my movement, I turned to look over slowly and knew that my face showed shock when I saw Serena coming from the bushes, "Mena. I think I need your help."

I looked at her and nodded before opening my arms and saying softly, "Come on, Serena. Come inside with me." I could feel my eyes misting. My premonition hadn't been false and yet it hadn't been completely right. I'd seen her, seen her coming here, but I hadn't seen her like this. What was different about her?

"Join me inside, Serena and we'll have tea and talk." I added as an after thought. My best-friend was standing before me and all I could think of was how I'd watched her take her last breath as an old woman.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:50 pm
by Athenea

The shocked looked on Mena's face scared me a little. I really didn't know what to think or feel actually. I know that Mena had been my friend at one time but other than that I don't really remember anything about her or myself for that matter.

I cautiously follow her inside her house and look around while Mena disappears in the kitchen and then reappears with two cups of tea. I take one and sit down. Mena is looking at me kindof funny and I know my next question will not help at all but I have to ask. I put down my tea on the coffee table and finally get up the nerve to ask. "Who am I? And how come I know you?"

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:01 am
by KatnotKath
OOC: hope this works Storm, I'm really sorry it took so long. I just didn't know what to put.


Back in Roswell…back in Roswell… I never thought those three words would sound so great. When mom and dad told me we were moving back, to be honest I couldn’t imagine anything I wanted less. I mean we’ve lived in New York, LA, dad’s work has taken us to various big cities and I’ve grown to like that lifestyle. I mean sure I liked Roswell when we lived here before, but I so didn’t want to come back.

The actual town is still far from being my ideal, but there are some major unexpected pluses which begin to make up for it. The main ones of those being of course that Alex, Maria, Tess, Isabel and Max have all moved back too.

It was such a shock to see them walking around town… I guess that just goes to show how much we lost touch. Maria and I were supposed to be writing to each other after we both moved away, and I guess we kept it up for six months or so, but after that…well we were thirteen, and writing letters wasn’t exactly one of our strengths… Basically our contact pretty much dropped off to a Christmas card each year…

That’s not to say that I didn’t still miss her though…or the others, I did, I really did.

And of course there’s Max… He’s great… He’s just the same as he always was except better… He’s really grown up… Oh who am I trying to kid talking like that, he’s a hunk and I fancy him like hell.
Unfortunately I’m not about to come out and tell him that… Not just because I’m shy as Maria says though…I do have another reason…one that’s rather important and means I can’t let anyone get too close in that way…

Still, it’s great that they’re all back…

And I can’t say this place is too bad. To say Roswell is such a tourist town, I can’t say we have much of a nightlife… Of course that would make sense since it’s not a clubbers haven, it’s for all the UFO freaks. Still, we do have one or two good clubs if we know where to look, and this is definitely one of them.

I sway in time to the music a little. I know that I look good in my dress. It’s nothing fancy, in fact it’s completely plain. Fitted, black with spaghetti straps. Maria had wanted me to wear a fancy red one I used to wear a lot in LA but I’ve kinda toned down my clothes again since moving back and I didn’t really want to change that then.

Even she can’t deny that it looks good on me though… It clings in all the right places and shows off plenty of skin in the right places.

My hair is where I gave into Maria though… I wanted to wear it down, like I always do, she wanted to put it up in a twist. I could tell I was never going to hear the end of it from her so eventually relented…and I have to admit, it does look GREAT!

Of course the dress does mean my moonstone was a nono for jewelry… I didn’t want to, but generally I like to keep it hidden and there’s just no way that’s going to happen with this. To be honest I don’t even know why I like to wear it…but there’s just something about it. I haven’t got a clue who gave it to my parents, but somehow I know it’s important…

Anyway I’m here to have a good time aren’t I…? So why don’t I stop wasting time on all these thoughts and concentrate on that?

“Having a good night beautiful ladies…?”

I look round, pleasantly surprised by the voice I hear and smile as it’s confirmed as to who it is. I know that Maria’s probably disappointed of course. She likes Michael, only problem is he doesn’t seem to notice she even exists most of the time.

Still, Trevor’s not bad in himself… If it weren’t for the fact he’s obviously interested in Maria, and the same reason as with Max…I could be interested in him myself… My eyes begin to wander over to the area across the club where Max and Isabel Evans are sitting. G** I wish things could be simpler…

Of course Maria looks great as usual. What I would give to have hair that long…It looks fantastic. Her jeans and top cling in all the right places and she looks like a complete diva.

“Hey, hey Terv!”

Maria greets him. I doubt that Trevor realises, but I can see how disappointed she is. I guess she thought it was Michael… That really would have made her night.

“Hey Trevor…looking good…” I tell him as I continue to move in time to the music. After doing this, I don’t mean to, but I just can’t help it. My gaze starts to drift over to where Max is sat again. I guess I space for a moment but I’m brought back as I hear Maria laughing. I don’t know what Trevor has said, but from the way she’s looking at me, it wasn’t that funny. I feel my cheeks go a little hot and turn back to her. “Look, I’ll be back in a minute guys…I have to use the powder room…” I tell them both before heading across the dancefloor. A few guys brush against me, and I hear one or two comments…some nicer than others, but I just ignore them and continue on my way.

Boy do I need to splash some cold water on my face….I’m going crazy…I was actually debating going over to talk to Max for a moment there…to tell him how I feel…

Luckily just as soon as I think it, I know what a bad idea it would be. Plus of course I have the slight problem of not exactly being able to say anything inteligable when he’s around. Sometimes I wish we could just go back to how it used to be. We used to be such good friends…I could talk about anything to him…I miss that…

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 7:36 pm
by Liz_Parker

At first when I heard we were returning to Roswell I was mad. But then I heard that al of our childhood friends moved back too. Kind of strange coincidence, but I'm not complaining. Better then having to come back and completly start all over again with everyone.

This club is great. I decided to wear this great black leather mini skirt and red halter top with my moonstone. The moonstone just kind of sets off everything I'm wearing.

I walk through the crowds and look through and smile noticing my twin dancing along. Clubs are by far the best invention in man kind.

Liz goes on somewhere and I walk up to where Maria and Trevor stand.

"Well hello's it going?".

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:31 pm
by Loxyanissa14

I walk over to the bar with Maria. Maria was fun to flirt with but there would never be any thing more between us, I knew how much my brother liked her and even though I pretended to be in the way I never really would be. In the mean time flirting never harmed any one.

"Well hello's it going?" I look back to see Teresa, Liz's twin behind me. "Sup," I say nodding my head slightly upwards, "Can I get you two lovely ladies a drink?" I ask moving over so Teresa would have room to move closer to the bar.

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 11:52 pm
by emmylala

Trevor and I settled ourselves at the bar, the music was so loud it was hard to talk over it. I looked around the club to see if I could spot Liz when I noticed Michael walk over to the opposite end of the bar. I quickly looked down at my hands to see if they still looked normal, they did and I breathed a sigh of relief. I wondered to myself why Michael would even come to a place like this, this is hardly his scene and I highly doubt the DJ is up on his Metallica. Still, I had to admit it was nice to see him.

“Look what the cat dragged in,” I said, motioning in Michael’s direction. Trevor looked over at his brother and said, with a slight laugh “I guess hanging with us would cramp his style” I nodded in agreement and we both laughed, I turned to look in Michael’s direction, and we made momentary eye contact before he casually looked away. Interesting, I thought as I leaned into Trevor’s ear, making sure I could see Michael out of the corner of my eye and said “Is he looking over here?” Trevor, turned his head slowly, yet deliberately and said “Yep, oh, but he just looked away ” Yes, I thought, hey I was not above playing the jealousy card. I leaned into Trevor yet again and started to ask him what he wanted to talk to me about when I heard a voice to my our right say.

“Well hello there.... how’s it going?”. I looked up and saw that it was Teresa, Liz’s identical twin sister. Interesting that they were identical in looks alone, their personalities were polar opposites.

“Hey, Teresa” I say, Trevor greets her with his usual "Sup,” Trevor moves over, closer to me, to make room for Teresa and asks "Can I get you two lovely ladies a drink?" Teresa looks at Trevor and says “A coke for me, please” and I ditto that request , Trevor tries to signal the bartender, but he doesn’t notice him. “I’ll be right back" he says as he goes across the bar to where the bartender is standing.

“So, you and Trevor came together?” Teresa asked trying to be very casual, but I knew better, Teresa had it bad for Trevor, and seeing Trevor and I together must have made her slightly jealous.

“Nope, actually I came with your sister” at this Teresa’s somewhat somber tone was quickly replaced with a much happier one.

“Oh!” she said happily just as Trevor was returning with our drinks. We drank and chatted a bit but the longer I stayed, the more I felt like a third wheel, I looked around the club for Liz, but the club was so thick with people I couldn’t see her. I needed to make an excuse for leaving, say I was going over to talk to someone, but who? I looked around the club and saw that Michael was still sitting across the bar, alone. I thought I would go over and just say hi but thought better of the idea; I’m also not above playing hard to get.

Who to talk to? I asked myself, I continued to scan the club for a familiar face when I saw Kyle walk in from outside. I quickly got up off of my chair and excused myself. Trevor seemed sorry to see me go, but I knew Teresa wanted some alone time with Trev, and who am I to stand in the way of love. I said my good byes and made my way over to Kyle. As I approached him he looked nervous and distracted, as I came up to him I tugged on his jacket and he jumped slightly.

“Hey? What’s going on?” I said. Kyle looked at me for a moment.

“Not much, just thought I’d, you know, get out a little” I eyed Kyle suspiciously.

“What?” Kyle said in mock surprise.

“You’ve been having them again, haven’t you?” I said concerned. Kyle looked down at his feet and said nothing.

“Kyle?” I said seriously.

“No Maria, Ok I have not been having them again?” he said, with a hint of anger behind his voice.

“Don’t lie to me Kyle, I know you have.” I said, as a knot formed in my stomach. “I know you have, because I’ve been having them too” I said finally.

Kyle stood there, as though contemplating the weight of my words when hs said “We have to talk, now!”. I nodded and lead the way to the VIP section.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:23 am
by StormWolfstone

As I sat down and looked at my best-friend I sipped my tea and tried desperately to think of how she could be here and what I should say. It's obvious that she made the trip forward long before she died and judging from the moonstone around her neck, something big happened. "Who am I? And how come I know you?"

I hear her ask and feel tears spring to my eyes. Looking at her I can't speak right away but when I do my tone sounds shaky to my ears, "Oh, chica. You are my best-friend Serena. We've been best-friends for many years." More years then you'll understand at the moment, I thought silently to myself. Her moonstone was dead, which told me that something was wrong with her beyond the apparent amnesia.

"What's the last thing you remember?" I had to ask, I had to know just how bad this was and hoped that whatever happened in the time when Serena was taken, it didn't mean that the Daughters of her time were destroyed. Maybe I should have had Stanton come with me, but I knew that if he were here he might well scare her or force the floodgates on her memory open faster then would be right.

Damn! How can I explain this to Cam and Adam? While I waited for Serena's answer I moved to sit beside her and look at her carefully. I kept hoping to feel the light touch on my mind that was always there when Serena read me or even now when Cam read me... if I let her.

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:39 pm
by Athenea

"Oh, chica. You are my best-friend Serena. We've been best-friends for many years." she says and i just look at her surprised. Something wasn't right though she wasn't telling me everything. I play the name Serena over and over again in my head and it doesn't seem to fit. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Ummm." I say trying to remember something. My hand instinctively reaches for the stone on my necklace but as soon as I touch it I jerk my hand back. It felt too... I don't know... cold. I feel the tears start to sweel up in my eyes and try to blink them away. There was something the matter with me, something wrong, but I have no idea what it is. I feel so defenceless.

"I was on a beach and I think you were there." I finally say. This woman was my best friend and all I can remember is her name. I look down at my hands even they don't seem to be my own. "Something's wrong with me... I'm different. I don't think I'm Serena anymore." I tell her and by now the tears have started to fall.