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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 5:17 pm
by harroc83
I think the line that did it for me has got to be when Tess is talking with Max in 4aaab where he said how could I ever care about you, and she replies something along the lines that he did care for her and that wasn't a mindwarp, I actually winced at that, becasue it most likely was, and he didn't refute it, it goes well with that nasty line that Max fed Liz at Departure about "Not like I love you", godI wanted to sprew out my dinner, disgusting

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 7:06 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
I agree! I agree! Uck! :cry:

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 9:47 pm
by maxandliz4ever1357
MAX: "I'm glowing everywhere; my toes, my heart. You can't see it…it's on the inside."

I totally agree with that one. It's meant to be all romantic and everything, but I hated it, it was way too sappy.

(After class in the hallway)

MAX: But she pulled other students’ records.

LIZ: Well, yeah, but the point is that she pulled Michael’s.

MAX: How many others were there?

LIZ: I don’t know, maybe 10.

MAX: Well, 10’s a lot.

LIZ: OK it might have only been 5. I’m not sure how many there were.

MAX: You can’t just show up at Michael’s and get him riled up like that. You don’t know him. He’s not big into "let’s go over our options." He acts on things.

LIZ: Look, I’m sorry, I just thought that Michael was in danger and that I’d better tell him.

MAX: In danger of what?

LIZ: I don’t know. I have no idea. Look, I am just saying that if there is a spy among us, don’t you think it behooves us to do something about it?

MAX: Spy?

LIZ: Well yeah.

MAX: Liz...

LIZ: No, Max, that sort of thing exists, doesn’t it? There’s like special branches of the government...alien hunters, you know, that sort of thing.

MAX: So you think Ms. Topolsky is an alien hunter.

LIZ: When you say it like that, it sounds ridiculous.

MAX: Liz, thank you, you know, for looking out for us. But we have to go on with life as it was before this happened. And we have to be careful now. All of us. You, too.

That whole scene, while amusing, made me cringe because Max (not intentionally) made Liz look really stupid.

And I get tired of this too. It's Michael's answer to everything. You're life is better than mine, we have to leave one day, blah blah blah (not that I don't feel for Michael and all...)

MICHAEL: The thing I've realized is the fact that my life basically sucks is a good thing. It’s easier. We always have to be able to leave, pack a suitcase, go somewhere else. Maybe 10 years from now, maybe a week from now, maybe tomorrow. So my advice? Don’t get in too deep, Maximillian. It only makes us weaker.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 12:15 pm
by CherryFlavoredChica
Ok there are many quotes that make me cringe, but the one that I really hate is the "not like I love u" line. What the heck, so all the sudden he is in love with Tess, but he still loves Liz. That line was just crap

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:10 pm
by Beautiful86
Max: It's not that simple. Liz, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. Isabel, michael, and I, we've lost our only way home. There's no way back. You're the only -- you're my only reason. I want to be with you.

I HATED THIS FREAKING LINE!!! I would've tried to drown Max already. He's making it seem like he's settling you know? Like well, there's no way back to where I really wanna be, so maybe I could just stay here with you. I mean, you're the next best thing right? I hated Season3 Max

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:16 pm
by Beautiful86
Maria: Like who? Liz? I've tried to talk to her, she hasn't been around.

Michael: Do you even know what's going on with her?

Maria: Yeah, she's pissy and preoccupied and doesn't return my phone calls.

Michael: She might be dying, Maria.

And I hated Maria right here. She sounded so selfish. And I really liked her character, but this almost ruined it for me.

I think that the only decent character by the end of the show was Michael. I really got attached to him. But as for the rest, I was ready to see the show go. :x

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:46 pm
by cardinalgirl
Beautiful86 wrote:I think that the only decent character by the end of the show was Michael. I really got attached to him. But as for the rest, I was ready to see the show go. :x
Even Kyle?! :(

Kyle was golden by the end of the show. Golden, I tell you! :wink:

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 11:11 am
by Beautiful86
Oh yeah, ok I amend my statement. I LOVED s3 Kyle. My favorite line by him throughout it was

Kyle: Great. So Michael's the boss-man? 'Think he'll offer a benefits plan?

Liz: Kyle.

Kyle: What? I for one am panicking here. I love the guy, but I don't want to be a member of any club where he's the leader.

From Who Died and Made You King?

I loved Kyle and Michael. Mikey G really became a sweetheart. And Kyle totally embraced "his kind." As for the others, well we're not going to start bashing right? :wink:

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:37 pm
by Smac
What about anytime Tess said the word 'Destiny.' It made me want to toss my cookies, I tell ya. Destiny was in almost every show from the time she showed up until she left, and I was so glad to see that word go with her!

Also I agree that anything Max said to Liz on their date in 'Busted" in Season 3 made me want to hurl. I would have left his ass in that lake I tell ya!

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:46 pm
by Smac
Another one from Season 2.
When Max and Michael were discussing Max having sex with Tess.
Michaeld said 'So you had'
And Max said "
Hot alien sex"

I turned the channel on the spot. If I had watched anymore right then I think I would have jumped through the T.V. and choked him. I did want to choke J/K or whomever was responsible for that line. I thought certainly he didn't think anyone would want to hear that. Also when Max said the 'after effects' lasted about an hour. I thought he was mind warped for sure then.Stuff almost made me stop watching the show for good after that. I mean if Liz heard about that would she always be afraid she couldn't measure up? And I never heard Michael and Maria talking about the hour long O. So was it just a Max and Tess thing or what? Wouldn't Maria have discussed her sex with Michael with Liz and told her about the hour long O if it was true? Geez! :roll: