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Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 2:37 pm
by behrlyliz
I feel as though I have entered the land of Bizaro World, cuz' I just found out that my story Invitation to Trouble has been nominated over at Memories for 'story with the most promise'. I'm trippin. I mean...I'm completely shocked :shock:. I didn't even know that anyone had nominated the story but who ever you are...thank you :D . Now, I don't honestly believe that I have any chance on winning cuz' I'm up against Shelly's Evil Comes Quietly and tequathisy's Here Be Dragons, which are both amazing stories. So I'm just gonna end my little speech, in the infamous words of Kyle Valenti, "I'm just happy to be nominated" and good luck to Shelly and tequathisy.

Oh yeah...I get a nominee banner. Isn't it cool 8) :).

Story With the Most Promise
Invitation To Trouble

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:28 pm
by behrlyliz
I'm back to drop off my runner-up banner for Invitation to Trouble. This is really cool. I'd like to thank all who voted for me. Thanks so much.

<center>Runner up for story with the most promise --Invitation to Trouble</center>

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:32 pm
by behrlyliz
I just dropped off a new banner for my new story ( :roll: I know, another one and I haven't even updated the ones I have posted). It's called My Own Summer, Shove It. Crashdown_51 did the banner and it's gorgeous but then again, you never expect anything less than perfect from her. Anyway, check it out. It's on the first page.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 11:24 am
by behrlyliz
I've been nominated for four awards over at A Roswellians' Fantasy Convention :shock:.

How cool is that 8)? I haven't a chance in heck of winning but it's an honor just the same to be nominated with such fantastic stories.

Invitation to Trouble
ARFC's Most Suspenseful Fanfic

Another Morning Stoner
ARFC's Most Heartwarming Fanfic (I really have no idea how AMS got nominated for Most Heartwarming :?, but I'll definitely take it :lol: )

Coming Clean
ARFC's Most Addictive Fanfic Award
ARFC's Naughtiest Fanfic Award

I get a nominee siggie :D. Check it out.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:37 pm
by behrlyliz
I'm so shocked :shock:. I won ARFC's Most Heartwarming Fanfic for Another Morning Stoner. So, thanks to all who voted for me. I really really really appreciate it :D .

Another Morning Stoner

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:22 pm
by CrashandBurn8321
Just wondering if you are going to write more to your stories?

Re: Behrlyliz's Corner of the World

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 10:51 pm
by CrashandBurn8321
**KNOCK, KNOCK**. Anyone home? It's been a year, still wondering if you're going to write more to your stories.

Re: Behrlyliz's Corner of the World

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:49 pm
by DaleStateShorty
CrashandBurn8321 wrote:**KNOCK, KNOCK**. Anyone home? It's been a year, still wondering if you're going to write more to your stories.

I have got to agree with you 100%!! I started reading the stories not realising they were all incomplete :( .. Please come back and post some more to these wonderful stories you created!! It's such a shame to see them lay idle!! Hope to see you around sometime soon!! Hoping all is well with you also :D .. Toodlez :)
