Page 11 of 13

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 9:58 pm
by nickimlow

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:35 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: not sure about this, tell me if anything needs changing, I haven't written much in the way of posts recently, so I'm a little rusty perhaps...


Our stay on Antar has been less than uneventful, in more ways than one... It's been difficult at times, getting used to a new place, with customs, a history and language, all of which I'm lacking in knowedge about, but I've been trying... The translators that Xadalyn provided were invaluable for sure, but I've gained a very basic knowledge of the written language at least too, through neccessity since there were things I wanted to read...

A lot of my time has been spent with Max, a fact which hasn't always been welcomed by certain groups, while other has been spent with the kids, although they seem to have needed less and less supervision, as they got to know people themselves...which was a good thing, especially the growing bond between Xan and Xadalyn, although that's not without worry too having heard the words of the seeer... Sarah was the one who had been the least happy I think, although I do hope it wasn't too bad for her...

And of course there still remains the question as to what's going to happen long term... For now we're home, allowing Xadalyn a vacation, but then...?

*Welcome home...*

*I love you...*I look over at Max, feeling the burst of emotion from him as he squeezes my hand and smile, my hand brushing against my stomach for the briefest of moments as I think about the other event of our stay... It seems that nature did indeed take the chance offered that night when we agreed to 'roll the dice' We only realised it this morning, I'd been a little queasy on and off for the last week or so, but we had figured it was probably something to do with the unusual food - it hasn't agreed with me, or Sarah all the time by any means. But this morning, Max insisted on connecting to me - he wanted to check that I was okay for travelling, and that's when we sensed it...

We haven't told anyone yet, we're still trying to get used to the idea ourselves I think... I mean, we agreed we wanted to leave the possibility open, and I'm not saying I don't want this, I'm so happy I am, but at the same time I can't help thinking of the new uncertainty, about the future, about our life, which has been introduced and there's a part of me that's scared too...

Is that silly? I'm almost double the age I was when we had Sarah, and yet there's a part of me that feels just as scared right now as I was then... Happy of course, excited too, but also nervous...

Because, when it comes down to it, I have to acknowledge the possibility that this child could be born into a different world, if we do, as has been talked about, end up going back to Antar. That would change everything, introdcing so many unknowns which could make it twice as difficult, not to mention Xan, Xadalyn and Sarah, all of whom I'm sure I can't begin to imagine how they're going to react to the news...

So for now, we're keeping it to ourselves, just for a little while longer... Although that's something that might be changing rapidly if we're not careful... As Max finishes his phonecall and turns to tell everyone who's coming, I'm forced to release his hand for a moment, although as discretely as possible, and step back, breathing deeply in an attempt to calm the swell which is errupting in my stomach. *I'm okay...don't worry...* I send quickly to Max, aware he's likely to worry if I don't, and not wanting to cause any alarm.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:05 pm
by Athenea
Should we have the next post were everyones back at Max;s house?

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:32 pm
by isabelle
I was thinking to do a post for Justin but I could go with a skip if that's what you all want.

Have you decided if Kyria and Skylar came along?

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:53 am
by nickimlow
I guess I'm okay with moving on to the house, though yeah, we still don't actually know how many of them just arrived from Antar.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:37 pm
by isabelle
OOC – Note that Justin has a somewhat selective memory, forgetting all about the rough parts of being on Antar and the things he hated there. -- I don't know if there should be other odd people that Justin should notice, but here goes.


They’re back. Thank God! It was so unfair of them to make me come home first when they got to stay behind. I’ve been forced to sit in school and do nothing while they’re having big space adventures. Not fair. Not fair. Not fair.

I’ve tried to amuse myself with visions of them trying to make up three weeks of schoolwork but it’s not enough. I wanted to be there. That was way more fun than school. It was pretty weird at first, but I wasn’t scared. The food was dangerous, but I could handle it. And it was even educational! It might have actually been fun to write a school report about visiting there. I never knew that my dad was friends with real aliens! But I can’t tell anyone about that. For most of the time, the only ones I’ve been able to talk to were Dad and Grandpa, Sarah’s grandparents and the Geurins. But it’s boring to talk to old people. They don’t care about the really interesting stuff.

Sarah’s Aunt Isabel came in to town yesterday and I’ve hung out a little with her cousins, Jacob and Jonathan. At first they were pretty cool, wanting to hear all about it, but then they started teasing me. Dad says they’re just jealous, but it makes me so mad! I know they’re related to those alien people and I’m not, but I was still there. I can’t talk to anyone about it. Nobody would believe me if I did. Actually, Grandpa says that the only people who would believe it are the people who shouldn’t ever know – the FBI and stuff like that. This sucks.

Sarah won’t laugh. She’s cool. She’s not that much older than me but she got to stay because her parents were there. When Mr. Evans first brought me back, I’d tried to convince my dad to come with me back through the hole to Antar but he wouldn’t do it. Mr. Evans left and the hole disappeared. What if I never get the chance to go back there again? Dad has actually forbidden me from leaving the planet unless he goes with me – but hey, I hadn’t exactly planned it the first time.

“Dad! Dad! There they are!” I shout, tugging on his sleeve as I jump in my seat. They’re all up there just standing by the side of the road like it’s a regular bus stop or something. All this weirdness goes on around here and nobody in town notices or knows. Only a few old people, Sarah, her cousins, Alexander and ME!.

Sarah’s grandfather is ahead of us and he sees them too, pulling over to the side of the road. Dad does the same. I’m unbuckling my seatbelt and jumping out of the car before dad brings it to a full stop.

“Hey! Be careful!” Dad calls out as I leap free.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I say, although I doubt he can hear me. I don’t much care about that. I run towards the group, waving my arm as I head for Sarah. I see her sister, then. Xadalyn is wearing a black bodysuit of somekind that makes her look more like a superhero than a Queen. All she needs is a mask and a funky cape. I find my feet slowing as I see her eyes on me. I end up next to Sarah, my throat going dry.

“Hey, welcome back,” I say, quietly.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:42 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming

My family and I are waiting here for grandpa to pick us up. It seems like ages waiting here in the hot sun as the time goes by. I’m beginning to sweat, and my clothes that I am wearing are not helping either. I might be hotter than the rest the crew because I’m the only one sitting on the sand.

However, earlier, I noticed how my parents were being more affection than usual. It isn’t like my parents don’t love each other because they do. They wouldn’t have me if they didn’t. It just whenever I see them like that it makes me wonder if anything is wrong, maybe I’m just imaging things. But then again, my mom did look a little tired.

I look over at the side of the road as I hear noises from a car. I don’t see a car yet, but I know it is them coming to pick us up. It has to be, “Look! Here they are…” and right when I say that I see them in view as the van pulls up. I stood up from where I was sitting and stood up. I dust away my jeans from the sand.

The car’s door flies open, and the first thing I see is Justin coming out from the van. I smile as it looks like he is so happy to see us. It was weird on Antar without him. Funny to say, I really did miss him for the past two weeks.

I look at him while he approaches us, standing right beside me, “Hey, welcome back,” he said, quietly. I wonder what has changed him in. I wonder if he had told anyone. Nah he couldn’t. Justin is trust worthy just like Uncle Kyle and his dad. He will keep our secret to death, no matter what.

“Justin!” I said brightly with a big smile, “I miss you” I said giving him a small hug from the side of him. I pulled away to look at him better, “How have you been without us? Did you miss us?” I ask him.

The wind blows in my hair causing the piece of my hair to go into my eyes, I remove it with my hand as I look at him carefully “You know you do look older with the alien experience in you…” I wink at him with a smile.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:16 am
by isabelle
OOC -- Athenea, are there others here that Max needs to make introductions for?????


I wait with my arm around Liz, watching for the others. I look to Xadalyn, wanting to see what she's thinking right now. I know she was here very briefly before and we've briefed her quite a bit about this world, but I'm sure it's very different now that she's actually here. She seems to be talking quietly with Alexander. I'm certain that he's doing a fine job easing the transition for her.

I still think I should tell him about why Xadalyn can't have the seal yet. It's not just selfishness or because I want to keep it to take Antar as my own, as I'm sure she thinks. I think Xan can handle the information, if I told him about the prophesy but as much as I've gotten to know Xadalyn better, I'm not sure I can talk to her about this. Is it fair to explain to him and not her? I don't know, but I don't like keeping it from Alexander. I think a conversation about that will happen sometime soon.

Even as I'm thinking about this, Sarah jumps up, announcing the arrival of our rides. I have to smile as I see Justin dive out of the car and run towards us -- or rather, towards Sarah.

A moment later, my father and Kyle approach. I walk over to Xadalyn with Liz, gesturing for Dad and Kyle to join me.

"Xadalyn, this is Kyle Valenti, Justin's father. And this is Phillip Evans, my father," I explain. She knows he's my adopted father, my Earth father, so I'm not going to belabor the point. "Dad, Kyle, this is my daughter, Xadalyn."

"Nice to meet you," they say, nodding politely as Dad extends a hand. A lot different than the deep humbling bow that she'd expect on Antar. Here she's not to be treated as a queen, although I can see the curiousity and amazement in Kyle and Dad's eyes.


I hug Sarah back, happily, feeling a lot better. It makes me forget Xadalyn.

"Really?" I ask, feeling pretty good at Sarah's words. I look older. That's awesome. "I did miss you a lot."


Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:18 am
by Athenea
I stil have no clue about whos coming. I'm hoping they'll bring them in later but as of right now we'll just say its just Xada. Also my comp crashed a few weeks ago and I had to wipe the hard drive completely clean so that means no Microsoft Word so please excuse excessive spelling mistakes and other errors...


My brother talks about relaxing but that is very hard to do at the moment. This is a new world with totally different customs than my own. Even though I know some human hiistory that I was forced to learn for my training, there is still alot I don't know or understand.

The new people arive in there vehicle and the boy that I met a few weeks ago is there talking to Sarah. He practically bounced over here but when he actually got close her turned quiet. Humans are strange.

Two other men walk over to us but at a slower pace than the boy did. "Xadalyn, this is Kyle Valenti, Justin's father. And this is Phillip Evans, my father, Dad, Kyle, this is my daughter, Xadalyn." Max introduces.

"Nice to meet you," they both say and the man Max introduced as his father sticks out his hand. "Pleasure to make your acquentance." I say automatically but the man is still sticking out his hand. I don't really know what to do and although I am good at hiding my thoughts and feelings the confusion must show on my face briefly because he laughs and gently takes my hand and proceeds to shale it up and down.

"Never shook hands before?" he asks me with a smile and though I just figured out this must be one of those customs I know nothing about.

"No, many people on my planet whould like to proceed through life with both there hands still attached." I say and even though I am dead serious I can't help but smile at the circumstances. I'm not on Antar. For the first time in my life I am free to do as I please.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:08 am
by nickimlow

Xadalyn didn't appear entirely convinced that she could let go, but I understood that she needed time to adjust, time to breathe. We stood around in the heat of the desert waiting until the cars pulled up on the side of the road. Finally. We were going home.

I was definitely looking forward to sleeping in my own bed that night, surrounding by all things familiar. Even so, things were going to be different, though it was still to early to tell how much so.

I had to grin when Justin leapt out of the car and zoomed towards Sarah. He was a teenager, but in many ways just a big kid. Silly and fun to be around, always armed with a joke up his sleeve. I was sort of glad for his sake that he hadn't stayed on any longer than he had, because if he had somehow gotten mixed up in all of it, his life would have turned upside down. He didn't need that.

When my grandfather and Justin's father approached, my father did the introductions. I couldn't help but stiffen slightly when Grandpa extended a hand. Of course I wasn't surprised at the polite gesture, but it was a reminder that Xadalyn, to whom I had grown close over the past two weeks, was a stranger to them. But that was just how it was.

"Never shook hands before?" my grandfather asked when Xadalyn didn't respond immediately.

My sister's reply struck me as both humourous and at the same time grave, slightly cold. "No, many people on my planet whould like to proceed through life with both there hands still attached." It was clear that her worries would be with her for a while, maybe throughout the trip. How could I expect her to forget about the troubles facing her planet, her people?

My grandfather's reaction was somewhere between an uncertain smile and a taken-aback frown. Clearly he didn't know how to respond to this, just as Xadalyn hadn't been sure of how to respond to a handshake. I wondered if he could bring himself to think of this mature teenaged alien stranger as his granddaughter.

He quickly shook it off and got out of commenting by stepping forward and giving me two hard slaps on the back. "Hey Xan. Your grandmother's been worrying about you and your sister a lot, you know."

I gave a lopsided grin. "Well, at the very least we're back alive," I replied with a laugh to keep it light, though I knew that we could very well have not been so lucky, considering the events of the very first day. "But it's good to be back, Grandpa. It's good to be back."