Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}The End Pg17 9/11/15

This is the place to post all your General Roswell fanfiction. Any Canon fics, which pick up directly from any episode of the show and that focus on Max/Liz, Michael/Maria, Isabel/Alex or Isabel/Jesse, Kyle/Tess, or all the couples together! Rule of Thumb: If Max healed Liz in the Crashdown in September 1999, then your fic belongs here. If it picks up from the show in any way, it belongs here.

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 137 Pg 14 2/13/15

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 138

“Yes mom we learned how to ballroom dance and yes that was hard to do,” Max said.

Max, Parents and friends turned and saw Liz on the TV screen smiling at them.

“Hey everyone I just wanted to say I miss all of you so very much. I also wanted to let you all know is that we mixed everything up in the DVD’s. Everyone will be seeing what happened on Antar and you will be seeing what is going on here with me, Ava, Serena, Larek, Ricky, Greg, Cal, Stacy and Steve. Some of the things you see on the DVDs will be interesting, maybe funny and shocking. But don’t worry everything is fine. After this I think there will be one or 2 visions and something that are happening around here. Love you all,” Liz said.

The TV screen went black.


"Well since everyone knows the dance all that is left to do is to get dressed for the ball," Larek said.

"What do you mean dressed?" Michael asked.

"You need to dress like I am a little. And the women need to dress like Liz and Serena," Larek said.

"What?" Maria asked.

"What Larek is trying to say is you need to wear dresses like these to the ball," Serena said.

"Oh, that sounds interesting," Maria said.

"Just wait till you see your dresses. You’re going to love them," Serena said.

"Yeah, and we have to make sure they can breathe in the dresses," Liz said.

"Ok. What is with saying make sure they can breathe in the dresses?" Maria asked.

"Um, you will find out tonight," Serena said.

"Serena?" Liz asked.

"Don't worry everything is going to be ok," Serena said.

"Yeah, right," Liz said.

"Liz just thinks what the guys are going to have to go through. Who do you think will have it worse the guys or the girls?" Serena asked.

"I think it’s a tossup," Liz said.

"Why?" Tess asked.

"All I will say is just wait and see what the guys will be wearing," Liz said.

Liz and Serena just smiled at the thought of the guys wearing their outfits. Isabel, Maria and Tess noticed the looks on Liz and Serena’s face.

"What are you both smiling about?" Isabel asked.

"Isabel, just you wait till you see the guys and you will understand," Liz said.

"Why do I all of a sudden feel sorry for them?” Tess asked.

"You will see," Serena said.

"You better go. We need to do something fun," Serena said.

"What kind of fun?" Liz asked.

"Come on," Serena said.

Serena, Liz and the girls all walked out of the room and down the hall. They had to walk down two sets of stairs, past the kitchen and then through a door and then headed to the barn. When they got to the barn they chose horses, mounted and rode off. They headed out through the woods.

Meanwhile Back in the ballroom Max, Larek and the rest of the guys were still talking. Max suddenly stopped talking and looked around, noticing that the girls were nowhere to be seen. He turned and looked at Larek surprised.

"What is wrong?" Larek asked.

"Where are the girls?" Max asked.

"They have to be somewhere around here. Let’s go check their rooms," Larek said.

They all walked out of the ballroom and headed down the hall. When they got to Liz’s rooms they looked everywhere and saw there was no sign of the girls anywhere.

"Where the hell could they be?" Larek asked.

"Maybe you should ask the servants, maybe they know where they went," Alex said.

"Yeah, maybe you’re right, let’s go see if anyone has seen them," Larek said.

They walked out of Liz’s rooms and started to walk down the hallway looking for someone that could help them. They didn't find anyone in the hallways so they walked down the two sets of stairways and down that hallway then they walked into the kitchen and saw some people sitting in there and walked toward them.

"May we help you?" A lady asked.

"Yes, please. Have you seen the princess Liz and Serena and some other ladies?" Larek asked.

"Oh. Yes sir. They went riding," the lady said.

"Are you sure?" Max asked.

"Yes. We watched them ride off a few minutes ago," The lady said.

"Well thank you for your help," Larek said.

Larek, Max and the rest of the guys all walked out of the kitchen together and walked back up the two sets of stairs and down the hallway to where they came from. They walked past Liz's room and then six more doors down. When they walked into the room Larek shut the door and turned to look at the guys.

They all looked at Larek and Michael asked,

"So what are we going to do?"

"I'm going to see if we can find a way to see what the girls are doing," Larek said.

"How is that going to help us?" Alex asked.

"Don't worry you’ll see," Larek said.

Larek walked up to a mirror and tapped it three times, he then he took a step back and said,

"Let me see Liz, Serena and the girls."

The guys stood behind Larek as they watched the mirror show Liz, Serena and the girls riding through the woods, they all stood there watching in surprise.

Meanwhile in the woods:

As they were riding through the woods the girls looked around. When they got to a pond they got off their horses and looked around. Liz started looking around, she felt like someone was watching them. She had this weird look on her face...

"Serena, come here for a second," Liz said.

Serena, Maria, Isabel and Tess all walked up to Liz, they could tell something was not right.

"Liz what is it?" Serena asked.

"Do you feel that?" Liz asked.

"Yes. It feels like someone is watching us. But I can't tell where they are," Serena said.

"Isabel, Tess do you feel it too?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, what is that?" Tess asked.

"Someone is watching us," Liz said.

"Can you tell where they are?" Maria asked.

"No. But they are still watching us," Liz said.

"So, we can't see them but we can feel them," Serena said.

"Liz I think we need to leave. We have to go back and get the guys. This doesn't feel right," Maria said.

"Maria, Serena and I won't let anything happen to you," Liz said.

"Ok. That makes me feel a little better but I still think we need the guys here," Maria said.

"Let’s wait and see what whoever it is, is going to do," Tess said.

"Yeah, I agree with Tess. Let them make the first move," Serena said.

"I agree with Tess and Serena," Isabel said.

"Ok. That’s it. Whoever you are, come out of hiding. No One is going to hurt you. Show yourself now!!" Liz yelled.

After the vision The TV screen went black. The parents turned and looked at Max and friends.

“Do you have anything to say about that?” Jim asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 138 Pg14 2/18/15

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Princess of Antar 2
Chapter 139

“No I don’t have anything to say about it,” Max, friends said.

“Guys,” Maria said.

“What?” Michael asked.

“Look,” Maria said as she pointed to the TV screen.

Everyone turned and looked at the TV. As they looked at the TV everyone saw another vision.


All of a sudden four people appeared, standing, in front of Liz, Maria, Serena, Isabel and Tess. The four people looked at Liz and the group of girls.

"Who are you? And what do you want from us?" Liz asked.

"Oh, it’s the princess…we are finally get to see you after all this time, and you’re all still together," The lady said.

"Who are you? And how do you know us? And what do you mean after all this time we are still together?" Serena asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Sarah and standing next to me is Carrie, this is Dave and beside Dave is Paul," Sarah said.

“Nice to meet all of you. Um, where do you come from?" Liz asked.

"Oh, we came from the forest,” Sarah said.

"Wait…the forest? What does that mean?" Tess asked.

"We live in the forest. You should know My Ladies," Carrie said.

"What do you mean by we should know that?" Liz asked.

"You should know that because you lived with us there before," Sarah said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Serena asked.

"You don't know do you?" Carrie asked.

"Know what? Someone please tell us what you are talking about?" Liz yelled.

"Princess Liz and Serena you used to live here. This was your home," Sarah said.

"We used to live here. What about our brother Rath?" Serena asked.

"Your brother Rath was with you till you father sent him away when he was 12," Carrie said.

"So our brother was gone from 12 to what?" Serena asked.

"Your brother didn't come back till he was 18. Liz you were 16 and Serena, you were 15 when Rath came back," Sarah said.

"How old were they when they met Zan?" Maria asked.

"That is easy, Liz was 16. The night Rath and Zan came was the night that Liz was turning 17. Serena you turned 16 two months later," Carrie said.

"So Rath and Zan were there for our birthdays?" Liz asked.

"Yes. But no one knew that you and Zan were falling for each other. We never knew till later that Liz and Zan were meeting in secret." Sarah said.

"How long did Liz and Zan date until they were married?" Isabel asked.

They were together until their death," Sarah said.

"Wow! That sounds so romantic," Tess said.

"Yes it was romantic and sad," Carrie said.

"Did anyone know about Zan and Liz?" Tess asked.

"I don't think so. If they did they kept it a secret," Sarah said.

"Who are you guys? And why are you not talking?" Maria asked.

"Our names are Dave and Paul. We are Sarah and Carries husbands," Paul answered.

"Oh, it is so nice that you are all together," Paul said.

"Um, how long have you guys been together?" Serena asked.

"We have been together for 10 years now," Carrie replied.

"Wow that is a long time," Liz said.

"So would you like to see your home?" Sarah asked.

Liz and Serena looked at each other. Then they looked at Sarah.

"Yes. We would like to see it," Liz said.

"Ok. Let’s go check it out then," Sarah said.

They all walked to what look like a doorway between two trees. Carrie put her stick between the trees and tapped twice in mid air and then she took a step back. There was a bright light then a door appeared. Liz, Serena and the rest of the girls were shocked at what they saw. Carrie, Sarah and their husbands all turned and saw the look on the girls faces…they knew that they were in for a surprise.

"Come and see your home," Sarah said.

The girls took a step towards the doors and when they entered they saw people working, talking and having fun. The girls all looked at each other and then back at the door. All of a sudden Milly appeared and looked at Liz and the rest and they took a step back and stared at Milly.

"What are you girls doing here?" Milly asked.

"We brought them here so they could see where they once lived," Sarah said.

"Sarah, you know you have to be careful. You never know who is around," Milly said.

"I'm sorry my lady," Sarah said.

"It’s fine. Please, Liz and Serena come and see your old home and you too ladies," Milly said.

"Um, sure," Liz said.

Liz, Serena and the rest of the girls walked through the door and looked around. The girls saw people laughing and talking. Milly, Liz and the girls then stopped in front of a huge castle in a tree, they were shocked to see a castle embedded there in the tree. Milly turned and looked at Liz, Serena and the girls.

"So what do you think of your home?" Milly asked.

"Wow…it looks great," Liz said.

"This is where we lived?" Serena asked.

"Yes. This was your home. And now that your back you can come and visit," Milly said.

"Um, yeah why not," Liz said.

"Good. Now come and see your room," Milly said.

Milly, Liz, Serena and girls walked up to the tree where Milly opened the bark of the tree and they walked in. Liz and the girls walked up four flights of stairs until they were almost to the top floor. They all noticed that they were four floors up. Milly walked down the hall and the girls all followed her. They walked past three doors and stopped when Milly stopped… Milly opened the door and they all looked around in wonder.

There they saw dolls, dresses, make up, jewelry and two CD Players beside two beds, and across the room there were two TV’s. Liz and Serena looked at Milly and Liz stated,

"This was our room."

"How did you know that?" Milly asked.

"Was this our room?" Serena asked.

"Yes. Liz how did you know this was your room?" Milly asked.

"I can feel it. This was our room. And this is where Serena and I died," Liz said.

"Is that true? Did we die in this room?" Serena asked.

That is when the vision ended and the TV screen turned black. Max, parents and friends all turned and looked at each other.

“Does anyone remember that?” Amy asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 139 Pg14 2/23

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 140

“Yes we remember that,” Isabel, Maria and Tess said at the same time.

Alex and Kyle turned and looked at the TV screen.

“Max,” Alex and Kyle said as the pointed to the table.

Everyone turned and that is when they got hit with another vision.


"Yes it is true. This is where you and Serena died when Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess died," Milly said.

"I want to see Michael's room. I want to know what he was like," Liz said.

"Ok. Come with me and I will show you."

Liz, Milly and the rest of the girls all walked out of the room and down a long hallway that led past three doors. Milly stopped at the last door and held the door open as they all walked into the room. When Milly, Liz and the girls walked into the room Milly turned on the light and they all noticed how messy the room was, there was clothes everywhere.

"Please don't tell me this was Michael's room?" Maria declared.

"Well...yes this was his room. Your brother was a messy person," Milly said to Liz...

"I can't believe this is how he used to live," Liz said in shock.

"Why? How does he live now?" Milly asked.

"It is just a shock... back home his place is, um, clean... from top to bottom. There's food in the fridge and he cooks and works," Liz and Maria said.

"Who cleans and who gets the food?" Milly asked.

"Michael does it on his own," Maria said.

"Wait. Michael takes care of himself. Does he also take care of Liz and Serena?" Milly asked.

"No. Our parents did when we were home," Maria said.

"Who takes care of you now Liz?" Milly asked.

"I take care of myself. And I have a husband named Max that takes care of me too," Liz said.

"So Max takes care of you?" Milly asked.

"Yes. Even though I have not seen him in a while," Liz said.

"Wait. When was the last time you and Max saw each other?" Milly asked.

"Well before he came here, I hadn't seen him in almost a year," Liz said as she took a step back.

"What?" Milly yelled.

"Um, Milly you need to calm down. We are all together now," Tess said.

"I want all of you to come together. Not one at a time," Milly said.

"Well Serena and Larek came and got me while I was on my honeymoon," Liz said.

"You didn't have an earth wedding did you?" Milly asked.

"Um, yes we did," Liz said.

"Well after this war is over you and Max will have an Antarian ceremony," Milly said.

"Well, I think you would need to talk to Max about that," Liz said.

"No. You both will have an Antarian ceremony when this is over," Milly said.

"Wait doesn't she get a choice on what she wants to do?" Serena asked.

"No. She needs to have an Antarian ceremony or she will not be buried with your family," Milly said.

"I don't want to talk about that right now," Liz said.

"Oh we will talk about this when we get you girls home," Milly said.

"Ok. How are we going to get home and talk about this?" Maria asked.

"I will get us back. I want to have a talk with the men as well," Milly said.

"This is going to be fun," Isabel said.

"Why do I have a feeling this is going to go badly?' Liz said.

"You know I agree with Liz. I'm feeling this is going to be really bad," Tess agreed.

Liz, Tess and the girls all turned and looked at Milly and saw that she was majorly pissed.

"We are going now," Milly said.

Milly snapped her fingers and all of a sudden they disappeared from Michael's room and reappeared back in Liz's room. When they all reappeared Max and the guys came into the room and everyone looked at each other then turned and looked at Milly. She watched as the girls ran and stood behind the men.

"Um, what is going on? And why are you hiding behind us?" Max asked.

"Do you really want to know?" Liz whispered.

"Uh, yeah. Tell us what's going on?" Michael asked.

"Well...Milly is very mad that we got married the earth way and we didn't get married the way she wants. And after the war she is going to force us to get married her way," Liz said.

"Uh... who does she want to have this new ceremony with?" Alex asked.

"All of us. Right now if we make one wrong move or say something wrong we are going to be very sorry," Serena said.

"Great! You girls pissed off our Mother," Michael said.

"No... She just started to get mad when she found out about you Michael," Maria said.

"Where the hell is Zan, Ava, Rath and Lonnie?" Larek asked.

All of a sudden they all appeared and they saw the girls hiding behind their guys on the other side of the room. And across from them was Milly who looked very pissed off.

"Uh... what is going on?" Zan asked,

"Well, Milly is mad that we had an earth wedding. We didn't get married the way she wanted," Serena said.

"Ok. And?" Rath asked.

"She told us when the war is over we have to get married the way she wants. And she won't take no for an answer," Serena said.

Lonnie, Zan, Ava and Rath all walked up to Milly and she looked up at them standing in front of her...

"Who are you?" Milly asked.

"Milly, you know who we are. We are Lonnie, Zan, Ava and Rath from the past," Rath said.

'Why are you here?" Milly asked.

"We are here to help Liz, Larek, Serena and our people fight against Kivar. We want peace in the world," Lonnie said.

"So you're here to help...well, I'm here to help too. Even my people want to help them," Milly said, feeling slightly miffed at the whole bunch of them.

"Good then, let’s start by training together. If we can beat Kivar then we will have peace," Ava said.

"I agree with Ava. We need to work together," Larek said.

"So what are we going to do?" Milly asked.

"Larek and the ghosts are teaching all of us to fight," Liz said.

"Who is teaching what?" Milly asked.

"Liz and I have videos. Larek is teaching Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess. Ava and Lonnie are teaching Alex, Maria and Kyle. Zan and Rath are teaching the people."
Serena said.

"That is good. Our people can also help the people train," Milly said.

"Sounds great," Liz said nervously.

"Good. Everyone better get some sleep we start training at 6 a.m. starting tomorrow morning," Milly said.

That is when the vision ended. Max and everyone turned and looked at each other.

“Before you ask yes we remember that,” Tess said.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 140 Pg14 2/27/15

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 141

“Wow that is a lot to remember,” Diane asked.

Max walked up to the DVD player and took out the DVD. He put the DVD back into the case and then he turned and grabbed another DVD and put the DVD into the DVD player. Max turned and walked up to the couch and grabbed the remote and pushed the play button. The TV screen was black then they saw a room. Liz, Stacy, Serena and Ava were all sitting on a couch talking.

“Oh no,” Stacy said.

Liz, Serena and Ava turned and looked at Stacy.

“Stacy what is wrong?” Liz asked.

“My water just broke,” Stacy said as she blew out air.

“Guys come quickly,” Serena yelled.

A few seconds later Cal, Steve, Greg and Larek all ran into the room and ran up to the girls.

“What is wrong?” Steve asked.

“My water broke you asshole. This is your entire damn fault,” Stacy yelled.

“Honey just calm down everything will be fine,” Steve said as he stood next to Stacy.

Stacy grabbed Steve by the arm to pull him down so he was face to face with her. And without warning Stacy punched Steve as hard as she could in the face. Everyone watched with shock faces as Steve fell to the floor. Liz turned and looked at Stacy.

“Stacy we need to move you to a bed. Are you ready?’ Liz asked.

“Do I look ready you damn bitch?” Stacy asked.

Liz stood up and walked up to Cal and stood behind him. As Liz stood behind Cal Stacy grabbed Serena and Ava’s hair and pulled. Cal, Greg and Larek tried to get Serena and Ava’s hair free. Liz reached into her pocket and dialed a number. A few seconds later someone answered the phone.

“Get to the club now,” Liz said before ending the call.

A few minutes later Milly and the Queen walked into the club seeing the guys trying to get Serena and Ava’s hair free from Stacy. They walked up to Liz and taped her on the shoulder. Liz turned and looked at Milly and Queen. Liz hugged them then took a step back.

“What is going on? Why do you need us here?” Queen asked.

“Stacy is in labor,” Liz said.

“That is enough for us,” Queen said.

“Why does Stacy have Serena and Ava’s hair? And why are you standing over here?” Milly asked.

“Stacy started calling me thing and I walked over here. And the reason why Stacy has Serena and Ava’s hair is because they were close to her,” Liz said.

“That is understandable,” Milly said.

Cal, Larek and Greg got Serena and Ava’s hair free. As the girls were walking away Stacy grabbed Larek and Greg between the legs and held their manhood. Greg and Larek fell to the ground as Stacy squeezed harder. Cal grabbed Serena and Ava and took them to the bar to sit down. When Cal turned he saw Larek and Greg on the ground in pain.

“Why are the guys on the ground?” Cal asked.

Liz turned and looked at Cal.

“Stacy has the guys between the legs,” Liz said.

“Oh that has got to hurt,” Cal said.

“Cal. Do something,” Liz said.

Right at that moment Milly and the Queen turned and looked at Liz and Cal.

“It’s time,” Milly said.

“Time for what?” Cal asked.

“I think she meant it is time for the baby to be born,” Liz said.

“What? Already?” Cal asked.

“Yes. Cal you need to get Steve, Larek and Greg awake to help right now,” Queen said.

“What about me?” Liz asked.

“You, Serena and Ava need to get blanket and something to clean the baby right now,” Milly said.

Liz, Serena and Ava all started to look for what Milly asked while Cal woke Steve, Larek and Greg up. A few minutes later Liz, Serena and Ava walked into the room with towels, sheets and a baby tub. When they walked in they saw Steve standing very close to Stacy, holding her hand, while Cal was behind her helping her push. Greg and Larek were standing behind the Queen and Milly while they helped deliver the baby. An hour later Stacy and Steve welcomed their daughter and son. Liz, Serena and Ava wrapped the babies up in the blankets to keep them warm. After the girls handed Stacy and Steve their children Liz, Serena and Ava took a step back. Everyone was smiling as they looked at the babies. Stacy and Steve turned and looked at Liz.

“Do you want to know the names we picked for them?” Stacy asked.

“Sure,” Liz said.

Stacy turned and showed everyone her daughter.

“This is Elizabeth Rose. After you,” Stacy said.

“Wow thank you. I’m honored,” Liz said.

“What is your son’s name?” Larek asked.

Steve turned and showed everyone his son.

“This is Maxwell Zan,” Steve said.

“Wow Max will be honored,” Liz said.

“I’m glad you like the names we picked. We wanted our children to have the names of our heroes,” Stacy said.

“Their names fit them perfectly,” Greg said.

Liz looked around and notice for the first time Ricky was missing. Liz turned and looked at Greg and the others. Greg and the others turned and looked at Liz when they noticed her looking worried.

“What is it?” Cal asked.

“Where is Ricky?” Liz asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 141 Pg14 3/3/15

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 142

Everyone looked around and started to look everywhere for Ricky. After searching for Ricky for 2 hours everyone met at the bar.

“Did you find Ricky?” Liz asked.

“No. I don’t know where he could be,” Greg said.

All of a sudden everyone hears laughing. They started to look around. Liz looks up and sees Ricky sitting on the chandler looking at them.

“Ricky, how did you get up there?” Liz asked.

“When I saw Stacy in pain and hurting. She looked scary,” Ricky said.

“Ricky please come down here?” Greg asked.

“Ok Daddy,” Ricky said before he disappeared.

Ricky appeared in Liz’s arms. Everyone looked at Ricky in shock. That is when the TV screen went black. Then a few seconds later they saw a bedroom. Then they saw Liz sitting on a bed looking at them.

“I hope everyone got the names of Stacy and Steve’s babies. They told us they will be going back to Antar really soon. Stacy and Steve want to raise their babies on Antar. Anyway here is a vision just for all of you. I love you so very much. And I miss you so very much. So here is the vision,” Liz said.

they all looked at each other as Milly vanished...

"Is she crazy?" Alex asked.

"I don't know. I haven't decided yet," Tess said.

"Ok. What is going on and what happened with Milly?" Max asked.

"Trust me you don't want to know," Isabel said.

"Why? What happened?" Max asked.

"Let's just say it was bad. I still can't believe Milly yelled at us," Isabel said.

"More like yelled at Liz," Maria said.

"What do you mean she yelled at Liz?" Max asked.

"Max, she got mad because we had an earth wedding and that's not what she wanted," Liz said.

"Ok. How did you get her to calm down and be nice?' Larek asked.

"She told us that the ones that were married on Earth are going to have to have an Antar wedding," Serena said.

"What!" Larek shouted.

"She wants all of us that are married to get married the Antar way," Serena said.

"How does she know who is married?" Alex asked.

"Well, she knows Max and I are married. But that is all she knows," Liz said.

"Oh, great," Max said.

"Oh Michael we saw your room from your past life," Liz said.

"Yeah?" Michael asked.

"Yeah. You were a pig! Your room was a mess and you couldn't find anything anywhere in it," Isabel said.

"Yeah we told Milly how you’re living now. She was shocked. I mean really shocked," Maria said.

"Great," Michael said.

"Yeah. So if you get to see your rooms watch where you stand and walk," Maria said.

"Great. This is going to be an interesting time," Michael said.

"So what did you guys do while we were gone?" Liz asked.

"Before we tell you, you have to promise not to get mad," Max said.

"Ok. We promise not to get mad. Now tell us," Liz said.

"Well we were watching you till you disappeared with Milly," Max said.

"So you know what happened then," Serena said.

"Yeah, we saw everything till you girls disappeared," Larek said.

"Oh, well that is good to know," Maria said.

"So what else is there left to do?" Liz asked.

"Everyone still needs to train and they need to learn ballroom dancing," Larek said.

"Larek you know you’re killing us with the training and the ballroom dancing," Liz said.

"Liz, you and everyone else needs to be ready for any and everything that is about to happen," Larek said.

"So, who is going to do what?" Serena asked.

"Easy. Liz and Serena, I'm training you. Ava and Lonnie will train Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess. Rath and Zan will teach Alex, Maria and Kyle to ballroom dance then later Zan and Rath will train the children dirty street fighting." Larek said.

What time do we need to get up?" Liz asked.

"You need to be up and ready by 6am tomorrow," Larek said.

"Wow that is too early to get up," Alex said.

Lonnie, Ava, Rath and Zan all appeared and looked the group over.

"What is going on?" Ava asked.

"We decided that Lonnie and Ava are going to train Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess. And Rath and Zan are going to teach Alex, Maria and Kyle ballroom dancing. Then a little later they are going to be training the kids," Larek said.

"We are going to do all of this?" Rath asked.

"Yes. Hopefully we can get all of this done before anything happens to surprise us," Larek said.

"Well in that case good night," Liz said before walking away.

After walking into her room Liz entered her bathroom to change her clothes and get ready for bed. When she had finished with her nightly routine she entered her bedroom once more and sat on the edge of her bed and looked around in bewilderment. She knew things were about to change and she wasn't sure if it was for the better or worse but the change was coming. She lay down on her bed and looked out the window deep in thought.

Meanwhile in the living room:

"What is wrong with Liz?" Max asked.

"She's just tired is all," Serena said.

"Right. Has she ever been like this before?" Michael asked.

"No. It sometimes happens when Liz meets Milly or when she's nothing to worry about," Serena said.

"Fine. We all better get some sleep. We have a lot of things to take care of," Larek said.

"Yeah... that is true," They all agreed and headed to their rooms to get ready for bed. After they left the meeting room the ghosts decided to congregate in the living room.

In the morning:

After Liz got up she decided to wear pants and a short sleeve t-shirt and after she was dressed she walked out of her room and into the living room. She saw the ghosts resting on the couch and she went over to Rath and touched him to get his attention and when the two looked at each other they smiled.

"Why are you in here?" Liz asked.

"We wanted to make sure everyone was going to be safe," Rath said.

"Well... you know we are safe with all of you here," Liz said.

"That is nice to know," Rath said.

"So do you think we all will be ready to train and learn ballroom dancing?" Rath asked.

That is when the vision ended. Max, parents and friends all turned and looked at each other. No one knew what to say or do.
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 142 Pg15 3/5/15

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 143

Then everyone turned and looked at the TV and saw Liz waving and blowing kisses and Liz holding a sign that said VISION.


Right at that moment Max and Michael walked into the living room and stood in the door way waiting to find out what Liz would tell Rath.

"Yes, I think it will be crazy at first, but everyone will have fun. And hopefully not hurting each other," They heard Liz tell Rath.

"All I know is I can't wait to see how this all turns out, some people will probably end up sore and some hurt." Rath teased.

"Yeah. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully no one will end up in a lot of pain or be hurt while training but the ballroom dancing should be fun." Liz said with a grin.

"We'll just have to wait and see about that," Rath said looking at her with trepidation.

"Rath, you know you and Zan are going to have to take it easy on the people, “Liz said just a little more serious this time.

"I know that we've got to take it easy and I promise we will. But when we think they're ready we are going to add some more difficulty." Rath assured.

"Yeah, I know I'm just hoping that they will be ready," Liz replied in response to Rath.

"Maybe they will surprise you."

"Yeah, They are good at that." Liz said thoughtfully.

"So stop worrying... ok."

"Fine. But if anything happens you’re going to be very sorry," Liz said.

"Ok. Don’t worry. You know, I keep thinking about how I found out about you and Zan in the past." Rath said thoughtfully.

"So tell me... how did you find out about Zan and me?" Liz asked slyly.

"Ok, you better sit down for this."

And Liz sat down in a chair across from Rath.

"So tell me how you found out about Zan and me." Liz said again, after getting herself comfortable.

"Ok. It was a clear night and I went to check on you, I found out you outside, I saw your shadow and I followed you through the woods. I watched as you walked into a clearing and I hid behind some bushes. I watched as you saw Zan and you both smiled at each other, you walked up to each other and started kissing. Next thing I know you were making out.

By the 5th time you and Zan met in the woods I confronted you both. Zan and I got into a fight but you know what made me stop hitting him. Zan told me he loved you with all his heart and he would protect you with his life. He would die before he let anything happen to you and after that we became friends. We both agreed to protect you with our lives," Rath spoke as Liz listened.

"So you gave us your blessing?" And Liz smiled at her brother.

"Yes. I never wanted to hurt my sister," Rath said.

"How long do you think Zan and I were together before we all died?" Liz asked thoughtfully.

"I'd say you were together for 2 years before we all died. I'm sorry you and Serena both felt our deaths. I never wanted you and Serena to feel it," Rath said.

"I know... I'm so sorry that we couldn't help you," Liz said.

"Lizzie all we wanted was for you and Serena to be safe.”Rath said.

"I guess you didn't want anyone to get hurt with everything that was going on," Liz said.

"Yeah, I guess we didn't, does Max make you happy?" Rath said.

"Yes. He makes me very happy. He loves me and I love him with all my heart." Liz answered with a smile on her face.

"What about my double? Is he acting like a brother to you?" Rath asked.

"Rath, he just found out he has two sisters... I think it will take Michael time to get used to the idea of having two sisters." Liz said.

"Do you think he will be protective of you two?" He asked.

"Yes Michael is going to be very protective of us." Liz said.

"Yeah, but you do realize you and Serena have me, Max, Michael and Zan protecting the both of you now." Rath said with a grin.

"Rath, Serena and I know that all of you are going to protect to be very protective of us," Liz agreed.

"That is good to know, and don't forget it," Rath said.

"Yeah like you'll let us forget about it," Liz chuckled.

"That's right!" Rath chuckled back at his sister.

Liz stood and looked at her brother...

"Yes sir," she said with a smile on her face as she raised her hand in a salute.

Rath noticed that Liz had a smile on her face and he Rath stood up and walked up toward her and she turned and grabbed a pillow. Liz hit him with the pillow then he ran and grabbed a pillow of his own and started to hit Liz with his pillow and a pillow fight ensued.

They were laughing and hitting each other with pillows, running around and ducking as pillows came toward them and then a pillow hit Michael. Rath ran after Liz, Liz was screaming and laughing as she ran from Rath everyone woke up and came to see what the noise was. When they walked into the living room they saw Rath and Liz were having a pillow fight. Rath threw a pillow at Liz, Liz ducked and the pillow hit Michael in the face. She stood up and saw a shocked Rath and then Liz turned and saw Michael with a pillow in his hand. Dumbstruck she started to walk backwards and took her place beside Rath.

"When I say the word run," Liz said giggling...

"Um why?" Rath asked.

"You don't want to know...just get ready to run," Liz said.

"Ok," Rath said.

"Who threw the pillow?" Michael asked.

"Um I don't know," Liz and Rath said simultaneously.

"I'm serious who threw the pillow at me?" Michael asked.

Right at that moment Liz felt a hand touch her, and Rath had a weird look on his face as he looked around. Everyone noticed that Liz had a weird look on her face as she was looking around.

"What is going on?" Max asked.

"I don't know. But I've got this weird feeling," Rath said.

"Ok... this is not funny, come out now. Show yourself!" Liz yelled.

All of a sudden a pie came flying through the the pie came towards Liz she ducked. She stood up and looked around and then turned and looked at Rath.

"Rath, where are Ava, Zan and Lonnie?" Liz asked.

"Liz...they didn't do this. Something weird is going on here," Rath said.

"Yeah, but what, “Max asked.

"I don't know but whatever is going on it is strange." Rath said.

When Liz turned she noticed that Serena, Larek and Maria were missing.

"Where did Maria, Larek and Serena go?" Liz asked.

"Ok. Joke's over come out from hiding. This is not funny anymore," Michael yelled.

"I know they were here... right?" Liz asked.

That is when the vision ended. Max, parents and friends turned and looked at each other.

“Does anyone remember that vision?” Jim asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 143 Pg15 3/8/15

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 144

“Yes,” Max and friends said.

“Max look,” Diane said as she pointed to the TV.

Everyone turned and looked at the TV and see Liz smiling then the TV screen went black. All of a sudden the word Vision appeared the TV and that is when everyone saw another Vision.


"Yeah, they were here. We all saw them here," Max and Michael said in unison.

"What the hell is going on here?" Michael asked.

"I don't know. Rath tell Ava, Zan and Lonnie we need them here," Max said.

"Ava, Zan and Lonnie get here now," Rath yelled.

A few seconds later the three ghosts all appeared and when they appeared everyone noticed they were covered from head to toe in feathers and pies. The rest of the group stood there with mouths dropped as they looked at the ghost.

"What happened to you?" Isabel asked.

"We don't know, all we know is we got creamed for no reason," Lonnie said.

"Oh god! Liz? What the hell is going on?" Tess asked.

"I don't know, all I do know for sure is something touched me after Rath's and my pillow fight and now Serena, Larek and Maria are missing. Something strange is going on." Liz said.

"Yeah, but the question is... what?" Max asked.

About that time they heard something banging against the door and when they walked into the other room the banging got really loud...

"Maria, are you there?" Liz yelled.

"Liz, get me the hell out of here,' Maria yelled back.

"How did you get in there? Are Serena and Larek with you?" Liz yelled.

"What? Um, yeah there here with me," Maria said.

Liz walked up to the knob and when she touched it she was thrown across the room and was knocked out. Max and the others ran to her and Max bent down over her.

"Liz, honey, wake up. Please wake up?" Max begged.

Max checked Liz's wrist and found a pulse, he then put his hand on her body to look for any damages that needed to be healed and a few minutes later Liz opened her eyes and looked up at Max. He looked at Liz and smiled as he helped her to stand up.

"Liz what happened?" Michael asked.

"I don't know. I just touched the door knob and the next thing I know I'm across the room. Something is trying to scare us," Liz said.

"I'm going to try and see if I can get to them," Zan said.

"Ok. But be careful. Something weird is going on," Liz said.

"I'll be careful," Zan said.

Liz and the others watched as Zan tried to touch the door. When he touched the door he saw things. After the vision Zan turned and looked at Liz and she looked at Zan.

"What is it?" Liz asked.

"Liz something is here. I don't know what it is. But it seems... protective," Zan said.

"What can be protective? And who can it be protective of?" Liz asked.

"Who knows? But we need to figure this out," Zan said.

"You know that might take time. We need Maria, Larek and Serena out of there," Liz said.

"Liz, I know that. But we need to figure out who it is that is being protected," Zan said.

Liz started to walk away when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She had a weird look on her face that everyone noticed.

"Liz what is it?" Max asked.

"I know who it might be," Liz said.

"Who?" Michael asked.

Liz turned and looked at Michael who noticed she had a scared look on her face.

"Liz, who is it?" Max asked.

"You will not believe me if I told you," Liz said.

"Then what are we going to do?" Alex asked.

"Come out from hiding," Liz yelled.

"Do you think that is a good idea?" Kyle asked.

"I don't care. Come out now," Liz yelled.

Liz turned and looked around. Then she turned and looked at the others.

"Liz what did you just do?" Isabel asked.

"Wait and see," Liz said.

A few seconds later a huge muscle bound man appeared. Everyone looked at the guy and he in turn looked at them before walking up to them.

"Well it's good to see you again. Has your brother been taking care of you and your sister," The man asked.

"Um, yeah. Who are you?" Liz asked.

"I'm your father. I am sergeant general Rath. Rath was named after me," The man said.

"Oh," Liz said before she fainted.

Liz fainted into Max's arms. Everyone looked at the mean then looked at Liz then looked at the man again. A few seconds later Liz woke up and saw Max looking down at her. Liz smiled and tried to sit up but Max pushed her back down.

"Liz you need to rest, you just fainted a few seconds ago," Max said.

"Max I'm fine. That man that appeared, is he really my father?" Liz asked.

"We think so. We don't know for sure yet," Max said.

"Let me guess you were waiting for me to wake up," Liz said.

"Yeah, we were worried about you. Do you want to get up now?" Max asked.

"Yeah, and find out what is going on," Liz said.

Max helped Liz stand up and when she stood up they smiled at each other and then they turned and walked into the next room where everyone else was. When they entered the room everyone turned and looked at them.

"What is going on?" Liz asked.

"We are trying to find out who this guy is. And why he locked Maria, Larek and Serena in the closet," Michael said.

"There is only one way to find out," Liz said.

"And what would that be?" Max asked.

"Milly," Liz yelled.

A few seconds later Milly appeared and saw everyone looking at her.

"What is it that you need?" Milly asked.

"We want to know how we can get my wife, sister and brother in law out of the closet," Michael said angrily.

"How did they end up in the closet?" Milly asked.

"We don't know. But they are," Liz said.

"Rose sweetie you need to calm down or you will give yourself a headache," Milly said.

"My name is Liz not Rose," Liz said, getting mad.

"Ok. What is really going on here?" Milly asked.

"Here is a question for you. Is the man across form you our father?" Liz asked.

"What?" Milly asked.

Milly turned and saw the man across from her. She was shocked to see him.

"Hello Milly," Sergeant General Rath said.

Milly looked at the guy and fainted and Alex caught her.

That is when the vision ended and everyone looked at each other. The parents were about to say something when….

“Before you ask yes we remember that vision,” Max said.

“That was the weirdest night of our lives,” Michael said.

“Why?” Jeff asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 144 Pg15 3/11/15

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 145

“Because we found out a lot of things that night that were kinda shocking,” Max said.

When Max, parents and friends turned to look at the TV everyone got another vision.


No one said a word for a few seconds.

"Alex, can you and Kyle put Milly on the couch?" Liz asked.

"We will try," They answered...

Alex and Kyle touched Milly slowly and she felt real to them. They carried her to the couch and laid her down then walked back into the other room. When they entered the room they noticed that everyone was looking at the man that caused Milly to faint...and then Alex noticed that the man was looking at Max, Liz and Michael.

"Um why are you staring at Max, Liz and Michael?" Alex asked in puzzlement.

"It is none of your business why I'm staring." General Rath said.

Liz turned and looked at her father and she when she did she noticed how her father was looking at them and then looked at the closet. That is when she realized something.

"Oh my god," she said.

"What is it?" Max asked.

"It's because of him, he's causing all of our problems," she answered.

"What are you talking about?" Michael asked.

"Max, Michael he started the problems from last night right up till now," Liz said.

"What? How?" Max asked.

"He is the one that has been making things crazy here," Liz said.

"But why?" Michael asked.

Because we're his family," Liz said.

Liz walked up to the man and they stood and looked at each other.

"Let them go. You can't keep them in there forever," Liz said.

"Yes I can. You, Serena and the other girls shouldn't be in a war. That is no place for you to be," The Man said.

"Well that is just too damn bad... we are staying and fighting in this war." Liz said.

"Like hell you are. You and the girls should stay here," The Man shouted.

"Well guess what? You can't tell me what to do, I don't have to listen to you, “Liz shouted back.

"You will listen to me or else," The man said.

"Or else what? You will ground me?" Liz yelled.

"No... I'll do something else." The Man said.

"Well here is something you should know." Liz said.

"Oh yeah! What would that be?" The man asked.

"No one can boss me one can tell me what to do or they might wind up being sorry." Liz said.

"Oh yeah! And just what are you going to do about it daughter," The Man said.

"This," Liz said as she glared at the man.

And as everyone watched, Liz walked up to the man and punched and then kicked him. She gave him a black eye and a bloody lip. She even kicked him between the legs. Then she stepped back and everyone watched as the man fell to the floor.

"That is for trying to tell me what to do and for pissing me off." Liz said angrily.

"You should learn to never make a lady mad or you might regret it." Alex said quietly.

"You can't tell me what to do," Liz repeated.

Right at that moment Milly walked in and saw Liz standing over a man on the floor she looked closer and recognized the man as her dead husband.

"Oh my god you’re supposed to be dead," Milly said.

Liz and the others turned and looked at Milly then looked at the man lying on the floor.

"Milly what are you talking about? Do you know who this man is?" Liz asked.

"Liz my dear, this is your father. He died during the war that killed Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess. And before you and Serena died." Milly said.

"Wait! He is our father? Then why does he have Maria, Larek and Serena locked in the closet?" Liz asked.

"What do you mean he has them locked up? Locked up for what?" Milly asked.

"He put Maria, Larek and Serena in the closet. We don't know why." Liz said.

"Why did you lock them up?" Milly asked.

"Because the girls need to stay out of the war. They should stay here and stay safe." The Man said.

"And I told you all of us have been fighting together and that is not going to stop now." Liz said.

"Yes it will." The Man said.

"No! It will not change." Liz said.

"Liz you need to calm down." Max said.

"No I will not calm down," Liz said angrily.

"Rath you need to calm down too." Milly said.

"Like hell I will," The senior Rath said.

Everyone knew Liz wouldn't back down and when they turned and looked at the senior Rath they knew that he wasn't going to back down either. Max turned and looked at Michael. He saw that Michael was looking at Liz and the man.

"Michael, I think that is your father." Max said.

"Yeah, I think you're right," Michael said.

"Do you think we should break them up?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, we can try. I've never seen Liz this mad before." Kyle said.

Michael walked up to Liz and Senior Rath and touched them both on the shoulder and they both turned and looked at Michael.

"What?" They asked simultaneously...

"Can you both stop arguing and get Maria, Larek and Serena out of the closet?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, will you let them out?" Liz asked.

"Fine." Senior Rath said.

"Thank you," Michael said.

"But I still say the girls should not be fighting in wars." Senior Rath said.

"Will you just let them out already?" Michael asked.

Senior Rath waved his hand over the closet door and the door opened. Maria, Larek and Serena walked out of the closet and looked around at everyone and then they walked up to Liz and their friends. Larek stood where he was looking at Senior Rath then looked at his group of friends ...

"Um, who is that guy?" Maria asked.

That is when the vision ended and everyone looked at each other. No one knew what to say or do. Everyone turned and looked at the TV.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 145 Pg16 3/13/15

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 146

When everyone turned to look at the TV they got another vision.


"Maria, meet senior Rath, my father." Michael said.

"Wait! Your father? Who else's father is he?" Maria asked.

"He is Liz, Serena's and mine. He is the one that locked you, Larek and Serena in the closet." Michael said.

Maria and Michael then turned to look at Serena and Larek who were staring at Rath Senior and then they looked at each other. Liz and Max also turned to look at Serena and Maria.

"Serena, Maria, are you ok?" Liz asked.

"We're fine, what is he doing here?" Serena asked.

"He's trying to stop us women from fighting in the war." Liz said.

"He can't do that." Serena said.

'Well that is what he is trying to do." Max said.

"He can't stop us. We have the right to do whatever we want to do." Maria said.

"We know that. But that is what he's trying to do." Max said.

Liz, Max, Serena, Larek, Maria and Michael all turned toward Rath senior as he spoke to them...

"You will listen to me. I am your father." Rath senior said.

"You're not their father. They don't have to listen to you," Milly said.

"So what? They need to listen to me anyway." Rath senior said.

"No, they don't, you're dead! This is their war to fight not yours." Milly said.

"No, I want to fight with them like you are." Rath senior said.

"I'm not fighting with them, they're doing it on their own," Milly said.

"Then what are you doing here?" Rath senior asked.

"We are going to be training them. Are you ready to train them?" Milly asked.

"Yes I'll help train them. We should get started then." Rath senior said.

Before anyone could say anything more they were outside in a field. They all looked around and they didn't know what to say. They looked at Rath senior and Milly who in turn looked at the group of friends.

"So are you ready to train?" Rath senior asked.

"Um . . . .," Max and Michael hedged...

"Good let’s get started." Rath senior said.

"Ok, Max I want you to stand over here with Michael. Liz I want you and the girls to stand next to Milly over there." Rath senior said.

After the girls stood next to Milly Rath senior turned and looked at the guys.

"Ok guys, face each other and take these poles, and when you're ready I want you to charge at each other," Rath senior said before walking away.

Rath senior walked over toward Milly and the girls and when they turned around they saw Rath senior standing in front of them.

"Milly I still don't think the girls should be fighting but since they want to fight then, Milly, you and the girls are going to be training with the ghost." Rath senior said.

"What?" Milly gasped.

"Fine. But they are going to train us the way we want them to." Liz said waving Milly off...

"Do whatever you think you need to do to get you ready." Rath senior said.

"You know you’re a pig! A sexist pig! I hate you!" Maria said.

"Yeah, we all agree with Maria on that." All of the girls said in agreement.

"Whatever. See you girls in 4 hours," Rath senior said.

Right as Rath senior walked away Liz touched his clothes and changed them into a dress. She turned and watched Milly and the girls shocked expressions and she just smiled at them. She then closed her eyes and called Zan, Ava, Rath and Lonnie through her mind. A few seconds later she opened her eyes and saw the four ghosts standing in front of her.

"What do you need Lizzie?" Zan asked.

"We need your help training. Can you help us?" Liz asked.

"Sure what kind of fighting do you want to do?" Zan asked.

"Every kind of fighting there is," Liz said.

"You also want to learn how to fight dirty too?" Zan asked.

"Yes. We want you to teach us everything." Liz said.

"Ok. When do you want to start?" Rath asked.

"Now Please?" Liz asked.

"Sure that's fine with us...let’s get started." Zan said.

Zan, Ava, Rath and Lonnie all looked at each other then looked over at the girls.

'Ok. Liz you and Serena are going to train with Rath. Maria you are going to be training with Ava. Tess and Isabel you are going to train with me and Lonnie," Zan said.

"Let's get started," Lonnie said.

Rath, Liz and Serena turned and walked a few feet away and then turned to face each other.

"Liz, close your eyes and call on your powers. Serena close your eyes and call on your powers too," Rath said.

Liz and Serena did what Rath asked them to do and after they felt they had accomplished the task they turned and looked at Rath. When Rath looked at the girls he saw their eyes were black... and he took a step back.

Across the field Zan, Lonnie and Ava felt something different in the air and they turned and looked to where Liz and Serena were. Maria, Isabel and Tess noticed how Zan, Lonnie and Ava were staring at Liz and Serena and they also noticed something had changed but they didn't know what it was.

"Milly?" Maria yelled.

Milly appeared and looked at Maria, Isabel and Tess.

"What's wrong?" Milly asked.

"Something is different. Can you feel it?" Tess asked.

"Yes, now that you mention it, yes, something is different," Milly said.

"I think you better go check on Rath. He seems to be acting weird," Isabel said.

"Yes, you're right. I'll be right back," Milly said.

Milly walked up to Rath and touched him on the shoulder and when he turned he saw that Milly was standing in front of him.

"Rath what is wrong? Zan, Ava and Lonnie noticed something is changed over here," Milly said.

"Look at Liz and Serena and you will know." Rath said.

"Rath, you aren't making any sense." Milly said.

"Milly trust me. You need to look at Liz and Serena and you'll see." Rath said.

"Fine," Milly said.

Milly walked up to Liz and Serena and said...

"Liz, Serena will you please turn and look at me,"

Liz and Serena turned and looked at Milly and it was then that Milly saw that their eyes were black.

"Oh my god!" Milly said in shock.

That is when the vision ended. The parents turned and looked at Max and the others.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Princess Of Antar 2{CC,Mature}Chapter 146 Pg16 3/15/15

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 147

“Wait and see,” Isabel said.

Everyone turned and looked at the TV. When everyone looked at the TV that is when they saw another vision.


Isabel, Maria and Tess heard what Milly said and they all looked at each other then they looked at Milly.

"Something is changed. I don't know what it is. But I don't like it," Isabel said.

"We need to get the others. Because whatever this change is it's kind of scary." Tess said.

"Isabel you need to do something," Maria said.

Isabel closed her eyes and called Max through their link.

Meanwhile across the field Max heard Isabel calling him and he stopped what he was doing and turned to look at Isabel. Michael, Alex, and Kyle all turned and looked at Max.

"Max what is wrong?" Michael asked.

"We need to go to the girls. Something weird is going on." Max said.

Max and the rest of the guys walked over next to the girls.

"Isabel what's wrong?" Max asked.

"All of the ghosts are acting weird towards Liz and Serena. We don't know what's going on." Isabel said.

"Well let's go find out. Hopefully whatever it is won't be bad." Max said.

Max and his group walked up to Milly, Liz and Serena.

"Ok. What's going on?" Michael asked.

"Michael you need you stand next to Max and Me. And you need to put Alex and Kyle behind you," Milly said.

"Why?" Michael asked.

"Just do it now," Milly said.

Max and Michael stood next to Milly while Alex and Kyle stood behind them.

"What now?" Max asked.

"Ask them to look at you," Milly said.

"Liz, Serena, are you ok?" Max asked.

Liz and Serena turned and looked at Max and the group and when Liz and Serena turned and they saw Liz and Serena's eyes they all took a step back.

"Why are their eyes black? Will they be back to normal soon?" Max asked.

"All I told them to do was to call on their powers and this is what happened." Rath said.

"Why are their eyes black?" Michael asked.

"Because this is their alien side trying to come out," Rath said.

"Where is my wife in this alien side?" Max asked.

"She's in there but the alien side is hiding and protecting her," Rath said.

"What can they do when this happens?" Michael asked.

"They can do anything three times worse than when they are normal." Rath said.

"How do you know this?" Alex asked.

"Do you want to test them?" Rath asked.

"Sure let’s see what they've got," Michael said.

"Fine, you can test them not me," Rath said.

"What could happen?" Max asked.

"You don't want to know. Alex, Kyle come on we need to go to the others," Rath said.

Alex and Kyle turned and ran to the girls and Rath turned and ran to Zan and the others who were all standing and looking at Max and Michael.

"What is going on?" Isabel asked.

"Liz and Serena's alien sides took over. Max and Michael think they can handle it alone," Rath said.

"They're crazy!" Zan said.

"Yeah, But they want to know if Liz and Serena can handle themselves," Rath said.

"I guess we are about to find out," Zan said.

Meanwhile across the field where Max, Liz, Michael and Serena stood:

"Ok. Liz and Serena let’s see what you've got," Michael said.

"Fine," Serena said.

Liz and Serena each made a stick appear and then they started to stick fight against Max and Michael. They knocked Max and Michael to the ground six times and then they started to beat the guys. The girls hit and tripped them and after that Liz and Serena called on their powers some more and started to blast at the guys feet. Max and Michael kept jumping and dodging the blasts and then the two men lay down on the ground. Max turned and looked at Michael and said,

"I'm going to make you pay for this."

"How could I know this would happen?" Michael said.

"If we can walk after this you're going to pay." Max said.

Then the two men looked up and saw the girls standing over them...they then snapped their fingers and that is when Max and Michael started getting shocks on their butts...they didn't know what to think.

A few hours later the pain finally stopped and when Max and Michael looked up they saw Liz and Serena's eyes were back to normal and they both seemed fine.

"Max, Michael why are you on the ground? What happened?" Liz asked.

"What was the last thing you remember?" Max asked.

"Rath told us to call on our powers. Why what happened?" Serena asked.

"Oh...not much, you both used your powers on us then you kept shocking us." Max said.

"What? What do you mean we used our powers on you? And we gave you shock treatments?" Liz asked.

"Yes, we had a stick fight and you both beat us. Then you used your powers on us and you gave us shock treatments." Michael said as he tried to stand up.

Michael managed to get himself halfway standing and he fell back to the ground.

"Wait your telling us that we kicked your butts," Serena said happily.

"Serena?" Liz asked.

"What? I think that is so cool," Serena said.

"Something else happened. What was it?" Liz asked.

"Oh, that, well that was your alien sides. And we found out you can handle yourselves very well." Max said.

Max and Michael both tried to stand up and fell back down again.

"What?" Serena asked with a shocked look on her face.

"Alien side?" Liz said with a shocked look on her face.

That is when the vision ended. The parents didn’t know what to say to Max and the others.

“Wow. Liz looked like she was scared,” Diane said.

“Was Liz scared of anything that was going on?” Nancy asked.
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