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Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:22 pm
by AntarPrince04

It's almost surreal in an odd kinda way, me bent bare assed over the hood like this. When this started I never thought it would lead here, not that I'm objecting mind you, I just never expected it. I suppose this is just an example of another one of my impulsive decisions blown out of propotion. One hell of an impulse, even for me...

I'm drawn out of my thoughts, feeling Max's fingure in my ass and I gasp - my hips responding of thier own accord. "Yeah, that's what you want," he whispers. It's not a question, but Max is still leaning into me and I can feel his breath against my ear.

When I nod in response I feel another finger enter and gasp louder. "Fuck Max", I smile. The heat is getting to me and I'm sweating slightly, my hair sticking slightly to my forehead and I wipe it away. "...For a virgin, you know your way around surprisingly well."

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:28 am
by isabelle
OOC -- hope this is okay. Let me know if you want anything changed...


Hearing Michael gasp, feeling him pushing back on me, I want this more than ever.

"Fuck Max. ...For a virgin, you know your way around surprisingly well." he says. He's sweaty and he looks so damn sexy as he wipes his forehead.

"Hmmph," I grunt at his 'virgin' comment. I'm sure he hasn't done this before, either. Michael would never trust himself to any human. "There's more in books than math problems," I say, breathing heavily. Of course, I think he knows that. I haven't read James Joyce's Ulysess but I understand it has some explicit parts and that's Michael's favorite book.

I've never admitted to anyone that I've read a number of erotic novels, most were a guy and a girl, only one had two guys but it was pretty explicit. I've jerked myself off to them more times than I want to count, but this is different. This is real. Michael is so tight, I could barely get my second finger in. I don't know how those other guys do three, four or more. I'm not even sure how I'm going to fit in there. Will it hurt him?

Well, it's too late to back down now. I don't want to stop and I don't think he wants to, either.

"Neither one of us is going to be a virgin much longer," I say as I pull my fingers from his ass. I spit on my hand and rub the spittle over my cock, mixing it with my own pre-cum. My breath is coming ever more heavily as I anticipate what comes next. I lean in, finding his hole with my fingers again and guiding myself to the opening. "...I hope you're ready."

With that, I push forward, plunging into that dark hole. It's tight and I only make it a couple inches. It's not as easy as it sounds in the books. My spit isn't as slippery as I thought it would be, or maybe there's not enough. I take a breath pull back slightly before pushing twice more until I'm finally all the way in, firmly wrapped in his ass.


Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:16 pm
by Zanssoulmate08
I really hate to do this to you Chris, but with some of the things I've told you about, plus a few others, I just haven't had the time to get on much lately and it's not fair to you guys to keep you waiting...I'm gonna have to drop this and a few others I'm writing for so I can focus a little more on getting my crappy life back together. Hope you're not too mad at me... :(


Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:12 pm
by AntarPrince04
Oh hun, I'm not mad at you and I hope things get better for you.

That said, I'm afriad I've decided to end the Rp. It's simply not doing as well as I hoped. I'll give it a day or so, if your interested in taking over contact me. Otherwise, I'm marking it for deletion.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 6:41 am
by isabelle
No! You can't end it now! I wanna see how the Max/Michael encounter goes.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:57 pm
by AntarPrince04
lol If you can find me my cast again, I'll continue it. We need a Tess, Maria and pierce at least.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:57 am
by AntarPrince04

"There's more in books than math problems," He say's heavily in retort.

I fight the laugh that bubbles at hearing that statement, but it escapes nonetheless as a sound, oddly between a scrangled laugh and a snort. Yes, Yes there is more to books than Math problem, but that Max would even Allude to reading that stuff is exceedingly funny to me.

Still, the thought is very appealing as well.. I close my eye's, letting myself imagine... I can see Max, lying on his bed, shirtless, book in hand and wearing only those loose grey sweats he's - I - am so fond of... And as he continues to read, his hand slowly trails down his muscular chest, eyes closed and his mouth open in silent pleassure as he gently tweeks a sinsitive nipple...

I shudder in delight at the thought.

"Neither one of us is going to be a virgin much longer," He tells me as he pulls those delightful fingures from my ass, making me squirm alittle. When I feel the head of Max's cock in their place my hole twitches in excitment. My breath catches in anticipation... So many times I've contemplated this and I finally get it. I can't help but feel satisfied and yes, even alittle smug about it as I force out a shuddered breath. "...I hope you're ready."

With that he pushes inside. At first it's only an inch or so, but he continues on, slowly, untill he's baried inside of me. "Fuck!" I cry out as I grit my teeth and my ass spasms around his cock. I forgot how much this Hurts!

I can feel Max behind me, straining, stopping himself from simply plowing into me at that instant. I breath in, deep and heavy breaths, forcing myself to relax.

As the pian fades it gives way to pleassure and I begin to move, slowly, over Max's dick, pushing back into him. As he begins a slow thrust I hear myself sigh. "That's it Max... Yeah...."

Okay heres the thing, I can cover Maria till she's not needed, but I still need pierce. Thats a must...

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:39 pm
by magikhands
Hi there everyone. Image

After a lot of thought, I’ve decided that I’m going to have to resign from my character(s). Several of my original stories have been contracted through e-book publishing companies. This is a great opportunity to get my work out into the world and known as I make my way toward fulfilling my dream of being a published writer. Though the publisher does promoting, a successful author does much of the promoting themselves.

This is why I have to give up rpg-ing.Image There are only a certain amount of hours in a day and I’m finding I can’t fit everything I want to into those hours *sigh* I’m saddened by this decision, but it is a necessity.Image

I want to thank StormWolf, Isabel, AnnaLisa, and Antarprince (just to name a few) and all the others who have given me the opportunity to play in this world for a time.Image I’ve made some good friends and have learned a lot about this aspect of writing. I’m not completely leaving the Roswell world though. I’ve still got two ongoing fics that I’ve promised to finish and I try to do some reading when I get a chance.

Again, thank you for your time and friendship. This is not goodbye, but see you around

Chris…aka magikhands

Oh, and if you’d like to see my upcoming publications, release dates, contests, and news about what I’ve been up to, stop by my site The World of Rayne and my blog Erotic Times. I've even got a free read I'll be starting soon.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:33 pm
by isabelle
Chris, I'll take on one or two of the characters you need to fill.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:49 am
by isabelle
AntarPrince04 wrote: "Fuck!" I cry out as I grit my teeth and my ass spasms around his cock. I forgot how much this Hurts!
Forgot? Michael hasn't done this before, has he?


I hear Michael cry out and I pause, but it's too late to stop. This feels so ... amazing. I feel Michael shudder under my hand and then he seems to recover, pushing back against me and burying my cock even deeper inside his ass. "That's it Max... Yeah...."

His words are electric but it's the breathless tone that really sets me off. He's feeling it as much as I am. I push against his shoulders and start to withdraw. I pull back until not much more than the head of my dick remains in his ass, then I push forward again, hard and fast this time. I feel his body reaction to that and I bite my lip. I pull back again and drill into him a third time. Each time, I think I'm in as far as I can go but the next time brings me a fraction of an inch deeper.

"Yeah...," I agree, my own voice coming tight and hard and breathless. This is everything my imagination told me it would be.

He's relaxing a bit. Or maybe my pre-cum is lubricating his hole. Or both. It's getting easier. I keep pumping in and out, harder and deeper, the sensations making me almost dizzy with pleasure. I keep one hand braced on Michael's shoulder, but I start to explore with the other, running my fingers over Michael's strong broad shoulders, down his side and then forward, running over his chest and brushing across his nipples.
