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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 29 10/4/16

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:28 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Max and Isabel just found out that their mom is really their Aunt from Antar. Max may not be the only one thinking of bonding.

Michelle17 Max is just trying to let it sink in. Isabel if you remember on the show always wanted to tell her parents. So she maybe handling it better. Oh you know Michael is not going to take the news well!

Carolyn There are both pros and cons to the bonding at this stage of Max and Liz's relationship. Oh you know that Nasado and Tess are going to be trouble. There may be a few more secrets to come out.

Part 30

Liz woke to her cell ringing. She reach over and grabbed it.

"Liz, can you get Serena and your mom to my house in two hours?" Came Max's voice
"Uh yeah I guess. Why?"
"We have to have a meeting. There is something that you and the others need to know. I mean if you mom is reluctant to come."
"You are asking me to order her to come."
"Max, if we get the chance to go back to Antar she doesn't want to go back. I told her I won't make her."
"You are asking me not to order her back."
"I will only order her to go if I have to. If I feel we need her."
"OK. See you in a couple hours."

Liz hung up took a shower and headed out to the family kitchen to grab something to eat.

"Morning Liz." Mumbled Serena from the table.
"Morning honey." Said Nancy
"Morning. Serena I think you need to wake up. We need to go to the Evans' house. You need to come too mom." Said Liz
"Why?" Asked Serena
"Your King has requested that me have a meeting. But for the life of I don't understand why it is at his house. Mom unless there is something I should know." Said Liz

Nancy knew then what this meeting was about. Diane was going to reveal herself to the others.

"I know what it could be. But as I believe you once told Alex it's not my secret to tell." Said Nancy
"I could order you to tell me. But I won't. Will you tell me one thing. Is this good or bad news?"
"Good news I believe."

Serena got up and headed for her room to get ready.


Nasado sat in the Crashdown and watch as the young Queen, her sister and the female Braydon leave. He wondered if they were going on a trainning or if something else was going on. One thing he knew was that Kivar's sister was going to be an issue. He had to act fast if he was going to take Elexa back to Kivar. He paid his bill and headed out keeping a distance so that they would not know he was following them.


Nancy let Liz drive to the Evans' while she made a call.

"Kal, it's Nancy. Send back up. I think something is going to happen soon." Said Nancy
"Got it. How is the little Queen coping?"
"Better than I thought."
"How's my little Princess?"
"She is well. Knocked the general down when they met."

Kal laughed.

"She ain't changed one bit has she? Though knowing the general he provoked her."
"Yes he did."
"So has Diane revealed herself yet?"
"I believe that is about to happen."
"Good. Might be a good idea for her to work with the Queen. Her powers aren't to different."
"True. Got to go. We are at the place of our meeting."
"Got it. Let me know how it goes."

Nancy hung up and took a deep breath. She hoped that there would not be any fireworks today.

Part 31

Isabel opened the door to let Liz, Serena and Nancy in. Liz noticed that Alex and Kyle were already there. So it seemed that they were only waiting on Michael and Maria now. Serena headed right over and took a seat next to Kyle.

"So Isabel, why are we meeting here? I mean is it safe to?" Asked Liz
"Yeah it's safe." Said Isabel
"So you know what this is about?"
"Yes. Liz, this isn't a bad thing."
"OK. So uh have you spent any time with Alex?"
"A little. It's been kind of weird you know?"
"Yeah. I got to admit that something weird is going on with me and Max. It took all my self control not to go to far with Max."
"What do you mean. Wait never mind!"

Just then Liz felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her.

"Hey beautiful." Said Max
"Hey." Said Liz
"Is everything OK?"
"Yeah. I have been thinking maybe we should go through with the bonding."
"Liz, just wait until after this meeting. There are things that you don't know about the bonding."
"And you do?"
"Yes. I was givin information your mom doesn't know."
"You going to tell me?"
"Not until later."

Just then Michael and Maria walked in.

"This better be good Maxwell. I had plans to watch the game later." Said Michael
"Just take a seat Michael." Said Max
"Liz, do you have any idea what this is about?" Asked Maria
"No. Max hasn't told me anything." Said Liz
"Well let's see what our King wants."

Everyone gathered in the living room. Max stood in front of them and took a deep breath.

"Last night after I got home from my date Isabel and I learned that we have one more person to help us in our fight." Said Max
"Maxwell how do we know they are trust worthy?" Asked Michael
"Michael, I would never betray Max or any of you." Said Diane walking into the room.
"Mrs. Evans you're from Antar?" Asked Liz
"Yes. I knew all of you. Zan and Vilandra were part of my family. I was their Aunt." Said Diane
"Why the hell should we believe you? How do we know you aren't lying? You have been lying for years!" Said Michael
"Diane never once lied to any of you. She just never told you who she was!" Said Serena
"Why don't just keep your mouth shut princess! I don't trust you either!" Yelled Michael
"Yeah well you better start! Cause I am the only one that can break the mind warps that bitch slut did to you!" Said Serena

Michael grabbed Serena by her shirt pulling her to her feet.

"General, cool off! If I was against you then I could have killed you already!" Said Serena
"Knock it off both of you!" Yelled Liz sending a lighting blast at both off them.

Liz watched in horror as her sister and Michael flew a few feet both landing hard not moving. She then ran through the house and out the back door.


Remember feedback is always welcome!

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 30&31 10/5/16

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 5:09 am
by L-J-L 76
So there is another secret coming out. Love how the group is like family. Serena and Michael both have bad tempers. Wow Liz knows how to stop the argument. Poor Liz she is scared that she could have hurt someone with her powers. Oh no Liz went outside alone. Someone needs to follow Liz before Nesado tries to kidnap Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 30&31 10/5/16

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 7:59 am
by keepsmiling7
The King calls a meeting.......this is interesting.

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 30&31 10/5/16

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:19 am
by Michelle17
Oh my, I feel for Liz. Her powers are really strong, Max needs to go after his queen. I hope Liz doesn't start pulling away from everyone. Please post more soon!!

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 30&31 10/5/16

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:39 pm
by Natalie36
:shock: oh my

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 30&31 10/5/16

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 4:18 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Liz really does know how to stop an argument! Don't worry someone will follow Liz who won't go far!

Carolyn Yes the King has called a meeting!

Michelle17 Liz does have very strong powers, and not full control yet!

Natalie 36 :D

Part 32

Max started to go after Liz but Diane stopped him.

"Max check on Serena." Said Diane
"Mom, I got to see if Liz is OK!"
"Max, Serena wasn't prepared for that shock. We need all of you if we are going to defeat Kivar. Michael is coming around but Serena isn't moving."

Max looked at Serena and saw that his mother was right. He went over to her knelt down and breathed a sigh of relief. She was alive but still hurt.

"She's alive." Said Max
"You try and patch her up. I will go talk with our Queen."

Diane walked out the back door and found Liz sitting on one of the patio chairs crying.

"Are they OK?"
"Michael was waking up but Serena still out. She is alive, Max is seeing if there is anything he can do to help her."
"I could have killed both of them."
"Yes you could have. Liz, you are going to need to work on your control more. But also on controlling your emotions. Until you get your powers under full control losing your temper like that is very dangerous."
"I know."
"I can help you if you want. My powers are not that different from yours. Though I can't do the astro projection. I can do something similar. Thought projection. I can't hear your thoughts but I can project my thoughts to others."
"Why didn't you tell Max and Isabel who you were before now?"
"I was scared. While I do respect you as my Queen. Unlike Nancy, I don't have to follow orders from either you or Max. Most of the time I more than likely will do what you do ask of me. But not always everything."
"You're a full blood antarian aren't you?"
"Yes. I can only do minor changes in my appearance. But mostly what you see is what you get."
"So antarians look like humans?"
"Very much so. I mean most antarians ears look more like the ears of those Vulcans from Star Trek but other than that we aren't different other than our gifts. But even those humans could do if they used more of their brain than they do now. That is one reason Earth was chosen to hide you."
"Do you remember Kivar?"
"Yes. He nearly killed me. I was helping Elexa and Trina to the secret tunnels when I took a blast from him. My sister Laydra got me into the tunnels but Tess had Elexa and Trina cornered at that point."
"Tess, killed me. She took a knife and stabbed me in the stomach. I was pregnant."
"Only family knew about the child. Elexa had only found out a few days before. They were going to wait to announce the news until after Vilandra and Gathron's wedding. But it never happened."
"They wanted to wait so not to draw attention away from Vilandra and Gathron."
"Yes. You are remembering."
"Mostly it's been dreams. But they are jumbled."
"Give it time. If you have clammed down then we should go back inside."
"Think they will forgive me?"
"I can't say anything about the hard head pain in the ass general but I do." Said Serena stepping outside

Liz turned to look at Serena.

"You really OK?" Asked Liz
"Yeah. Max does good work. I only had a few burns from the lighting blast." Said Serena
"I didn't mean to hurt you. How is Michael?"
"Fine, I guess I shouldn't make you mad Parker. Few burns and some bruises. Fearless leader is letting me suffer a bit before he heals me. Oh and has ordered me to let Serena see if there are any mind warps to lift." Said Michael
"Most likely there are. Rena already cleared my mind. Remember those two that were fighting over the gun the day I got shot. That was Tess and Nasado." Said Liz
"I'm going to kill that lying bitch of a gerbil!" Yelled Michael
"No you aren't. That slut is mine!" Said Liz

Michael took a look in her eyes and knew that he shouldn't mess with his Queen.

"Maybe we should go inside. I'm sure the others are wondering what happened to us." Said Diane
"That is a good idea. You two will behave now right?" Asked Liz
"Yes Liz we will." Said Serena looking at Michael

Michael nodded and they headed into the house.


Nasado smiled it seemed that things weren't perfect with the Royal Court. Yes it was a surprise that Lady Dianera was here. But it didn't matter. He would get the young queen and use her to get off this god forsaken planet.


Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 32 10/6/16

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:32 am
by keepsmiling7
Max did a great job with Serena.....
Nesado has bad plans for Liz.......better be careful!

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 32 10/6/16

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:37 am
by L-J-L 76
Wow no one better mess with Liz. That includes Nesado too. So glad that Diane went after Liz. So Diane and Liz had a little talk and Liz told her what she knew. That is great that Diane offered to help Liz with her powers. So glad that Max healed Serena and Michael. So Liz told Michael the truth about the men fighting at the Crash Down. Nesado you and Tess better run!!!!

L-J-L 76

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 33 10/7/16

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 4:21 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Yes Max did do a great job with Serena. Yes Nasado has bad plans for Liz!

L-J-L 76 No no one should mess with Liz! Max only healed Serena. Michael was not hurt too badly so Max isn't helping him right away. Neither Tess or Nasado are going anywhere yet!

Part 33

They walked back into the house and went back to their meeting. Liz saw Maria shoot her a look when she returned to the living room.

"Sorry about that." Said Liz
"You're OK Liz?" Asked Max
"Serena, are you up for what we talked about last night?" Asked Max
"OK what are you talking about?" Asked Kyle
"Kyle, I not only can block mind warps I can remove them. I already did that to Liz. I am willing to do that for all of you. But it is a much deeper connection needed. That means I will learn things about you that you might not want anyone to know." Said Serena
"Max are you sure you want to do this?" Asked Michael
"Yeah. I won't order you to. But it is time to start trusting Serena. She is on our side. Besides from what Liz told me Tess and Nasado are to blame for me exposing us." Said Max
"What?" Asked Isabel
"Tess and Nasado were there the day I was shot. They were the ones fighting over the gun. They wanted me dead. They had no clue who I really am. Or else they would never have shot me. They would have taken me to Kivar." Said Liz
"You are really sure about this?" Asked Maria
"Yeah I am. But I want you all to know that once we are ready to go after Tess she is mine."

If anyone was going to question Liz about that statement before what happened earlier they weren't going to now.

"Come on Max let's go somewhere quite to do this." Said Serena

Max nodded and they headed off to his room.


Nasado opened his communicator to give his most resent report.

"What is it?!" Demanded the voice on the other end.
"My Lord I have some good news for you."
"What has my dumb ass sister finally done what she was told to do?"
"No. But you may like this news better. Elexa was sent to earth with the others."
"My Elexa?"
"Yes, and she hasn't bonded with Zan yet in this life."
"Make sure that never happens. I want Elexa untouched by that bastard! I will be the one to fuck her this time. She will be my wife or I will kill what is left of her family."
"Sir, it might not be that easy. The whole fucking court is here."
"So? They are nothing but weak children."
"That is not all. Lady Dianera is also here."
"So a weak woman? She shouldn't be a issue. Verdo just get Elexa and you will have your way back here."
"Yes my lord. What about your sister?"
"I don't need that slut. Kill her for all I care! I will get an heir from Elexa, weather she is willing or not she will give me a son to carry on my reign!"
"Understood my lord."

The communication was ended. Nasado smiled he would enjoy ending the life of that bitch that had been nothing but trouble from the start. Now tocome up with the perfect plan to grab Elexa so he could get off this rock.


Max watched as tears fall down Serena's face. Tess had really done a number on him. She had been the one responsible for everything that happened that caused Liz to pull away from him. She was the one that made him take a step back after Michael had been sick.

"Are you OK Serena?" Asked Max
"Yeah. I got sucked in a little too much."
"Max, don't worry about me. I know all the risks by doing this."
"We had become friends on Antar didn't we?"
"Yeah. I hope we can be friends again."
"I would like that."
"Good. Come on let's go see what the others are up too."

Max and Serena headed back to the living room to find the others talking.


Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 33 10/7/16

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 8:04 am
by keepsmiling7
Maybe Max will now realize how dangerous Tess is......
Thank goodness Serena can clear out the damage Tess has done.