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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 34 4/12/17

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:16 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Max has asked Liz on a date.

Carolyn Max and Liz's talk is coming soon.

Part 35

Liz laid on her bed and hugged her teddy bear to her. The teddy bear had been given to her by Max. They had gone to a fair and he had won it for her. They had been eight. It had been one of the sweetest things anyone had ever done for her. She looked up when she heard a soft knock on her door.

"Go away Rena."
"Liz, I just came to tell you I am sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you so hard about your feelings for Max."
"I forgive you. It's just I am scared."
"It's OK to be scared."
"Were you scared to get into a relationship with Kyle?"
"Yeah. Liz, I think that you and Max are going to make a good couple."
"What if things don't work out? What if I lose my best friend?"
"Liz, you will never lose Max. Do you have any idea what mom and dad had to go through to have Max visit you at the hospital?"
"Liz, family were really the only ones that should have been let in. But mom and dad told the doctors that he would be a big help to you."
"He was and still is. I mean Alex, Maria, Isabel and even Michael are great too. I mean remember when we were ten?"
"Remind me."
"Paulie Cater? Remember when he pushed me off the the monkey bars?"
"Yeah you broke your arm on the fall."
"What did Michael do?"
"It was at the park. He ran after Paulie and knocked him down on the basketball court. He broke his arm."
"Right Michael decided to be like a big brother to me. Protecting me from guys like Paulie. Paulie who if possible now turns and goes the other way if he sees me."
"He is scared that your boyfriend or one of your brothers will kick his sorry ass!"
"Maybe he is scared of my sister too."

Serena just smiled.


After hanging up with Liz, Max went to get something to eat.

"Max is everything OK?" Asked Isabel from the table
"Yeah. I called Liz."
"So what did she say?"
"She and I are going out on Friday to Señor Chows."
"Very good dear brother."
"Yeah. But there is something she wants to talk to me about. She asked me to come over this afternoon."
"I am sure that everything will be OK. I mean she is going to go out with you."
"I know. But I am still nervous. Isabel, I told her I love her. But she hasn't told me how she feels."
"Max, Liz may always have a bit of a hard time telling you how she feels. But take things slow and don't put pressure on her."
"Thanks for the advice Izzy."
"Anytime. I want to see Liz happy just like you."
"I hope that I will make her happy."
"I am sure you will. You have never noticed what Liz is like when you are around? She is a different person when you are around. Always has been."
"How have I not noticed that?"
"You only have seen her when you are there. Remember the first day of first grade?"
"Yeah. Mrs. Berry asked me to show Liz to her desk."
"Yeah. She tried to hide behind you when Maria jumped up and tried to talk her to death."
"That's right! Liz was afraid of Maria."
"Well she does have a way of being scary at times."
"And Liz was so shy and quiet back then."
"Liz isn't the most out going person right now."
"She may never be."

Max nodded he knew that no matter what he was going to be there for Liz. Maybe in time she would be more out going.


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 34 4/12/17

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 7:27 am
by keepsmiling7
I have no doubt that Max will be there for Liz.
Maybe this afternoon talk Liz will be able to open up to Max, she's come a long way......but he needs to know the whole story.

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 34 4/12/17

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:04 am
by L-J-L 76
keepsmiling7 wrote:I have no doubt that Max will be there for Liz.
Maybe this afternoon talk Liz will be able to open up to Max, she's come a long way......but he needs to know the whole story.
I very much agree with Carolyn.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 34 4/12/17

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 4:16 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Don't count on Liz telling Max everything right away. But in time she might be able to.

L-J-L 76 Liz will start to open up to Max. He isn't going anywhere.

Part 36

Just before two that afternoon Max stood on the Parker's porch and knocked on the front door. It was opened a minute later by Nancy.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Parker. Liz asked me to come over." Said Max
"Hello Max come on in. Liz will be down in a couple minutes. Could I get you anything?"
"No thank you."

Max walked into the Parker's living room and sat on the couch to wait for Liz. She came down and walked into the room. Max jumped to his feet and gave her a warm smile.

*He is such a gentleman!* Liz thought
*Oh god! Even in a pair of ripped jeans and old T-shirt she is beautiful!* thought Max

"Hi Max. Uh thanks for coming over." Said Liz
"Liz what's going on?" Asked Max

Liz started to pace nervously in front of Max.

"Liz are you having second thoughts about going on a date with me?" Asked Max
"No! I mean of course not. But that still doesn't make this easy for me."
"Liz, you have me worried."
"I'm sorry. But the fact is I have these feelings that I have never felt before for you."
"I hope they are good feelings."
"Both good and scary. Max, you know that before I was adopted that my life was one big nightmare."
"Yeah. Liz when I found out that grown men were hurting just for the hell of it. I wanted to find them and beat the crap out of them. I wantedvto hurt them for hurting a defenseless little girl."
"Max, you have been one of my protectors from the day we met. I know that I don't make it easy to be my friend. But I need you to know that I am grateful that you haven't given up on me. That even if I have a hard time telling you or even fully showing you how I feel that you expressing your feeling means so much to me."
"Liz, I understand why you can't tell me how you feel."
"I know that you do. I am trying to get better at it. But having been told that no one wanted me that I was worthless at such a young age damaged me emotionally. I have been spending a lot of my time in therapy lately trying to get pass what those bastards said to me."
"Liz, you are far from worthless. If anyone was worthless it was those sorry excuse of foster parents that you had."
"You really believe that don't you?"
"Yes. Liz, no child should be told that they are worthless."

Liz looked into Max's eyes and saw nothing but love in them. Max took a few steps close to her and pulled her into his arms and placed his lips on hers in a very gentle and sweet kiss. Liz let out a soft moan at the feel of his soft and warm lip on hers. She knew then that even if she was not ready to admit it to anyone but herself that she really was in love with her best friend.


Carolyn walked trough the park lost in thought. She missed her little sister and her mother. She didn't miss her father nearly as much. He was never around even when they were in the same house. She was so lost in thought that she didn't see him until she walked right in to him. She would have fallen if he hadn't put his hands on her to steady her. She looked up into a pair of soft brown eyes. His black hair was cut very short. By his skin tone she could tell that he most likely had Native American blood in him.

"Sorry." Said Carolyn
"It's OK. I'm Justin White Wolf."
"Carolyn Dawson."
"Brian Larson's cousin."
"Yeah. You know Brian?"
"We use to play on the same little league baseball team. He is a good guy."
"Yeah he is."
"Carolyn, are you OK? I mean you seem sad."
"Yes I am OK."
"Are you sure? I have been told I am a good listener."
"Yeah. Just missing my mom and sister."
"My grandfather believes that the spirits guide us to where we need to be."
"Your grandfather?"
"Yeah he is a Sharmen of our people."
"Uh what tribe is that? I don't know that much about Native Americans."
"That's OK. We are Mescalero Apache. There is a reservation a little over 80 miles from Roswell. My grandfather still lives there. But my family moved into when I was six. My parents have a store they sell goods made by the tribe."
"You go and see your grandfather often?"
"At least once a month. He likes to tell me stories about when he was a boy."
"That is cool."
"Yeah. Uh I was getting a little hungary want to join me for a bite at the Crashdown?"
"I would like that. Maybe we can get to know each other better too."

Justin smiled at Carolyn. He liked her. He wondered what his grandfather old River Dog would say about the young white girl he was falling for. But knowing his grandfather he would most likely say that the spirits had led him to this girl.


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 35 4/14/17

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 5:31 am
by L-J-L 76
Love the way Max is being so loving and caring and understanding to Liz. Wow Max and Liz just shared their first kiss. Oh wow Carolyn met Justin and they are hitting it off great. Love how they want to get to know each other.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 35 4/14/17

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 7:00 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Max is very loving and understanding of Liz.

Part 37

Liz rested her head against Max's chest as they laid on the couch in the Parker's living room. Max was running his hand through her hair.

"You knew Miss Baker a long time ago didn't you?"
"Yes. She was my foster sister at one time. She really treated me like her real sister. She took the blame a couple times when I broke something. Every night at bedtime she would tell me a story. All of them ended with me in a happy loving home."
"Well you are in a loving home."
"Yeah I am. I am also happy. Max I know that it hurts you that I am unable to tell you how I feel about you."
"Liz, I knew that asking you to become more then friends with me wouldn't suddenly change you. In the nearly ten years I have known you, you have almost never expressed how you feel. I know it may take you a very long time to tell me how you feel. But when you are ready because I have no doubt that you will. It will make it very special."
"Why are you so sweet to me?"

Max kissed Liz on her head and pulled her closer to him.

"You deserve to be treated that way. Liz, you are a very special young woman. Whoever told you that you were worthless was an idiot."

Liz snuggled close to Max feeling safer then she ever had in her life.


Carolyn laughed at the story Justin told from when he was a little boy. He smiled as he drank his coke.

"You really ran down Main Street in nothing but a deer skin loin cloth?" Asked Carolyn
"Well I had a feather headdress on too." Said Justin
"How old were you again?"
"Uh six."
"What did your parents do?"
"Well my dad thought it was funny. My mom yelled at me. Told me that I was being disrespectful of our people. When my grandfather found out he only said that I was just being a boy."
"I think your grandfather sounds like a kind man."
"Yeah he is. He is my mom's father."
"That's cool."

Carolyn smiled she was really starting to like Justin.

"Justin, uh do you know that I spent some time in a psychiatric hospital." Said Carolyn
"Yeah. I heard. Carolyn, that doesn't matter to me."
"So you really don't care that I hear voices in my head?"
"Well if you look at it the way my grandfather does, he would say that the spirits are speaking to you."
"Well most people think I am just crazy."
"You aren't crazy. Carolyn don't ever think you are crazy."
"I don't know how you can say that. You don't really know me."
"I want to though."

Carolyn smiled. She had hoped that she would meet a nice guy.


Pam and Lori sat on the other side of the Crashdown watching Carolyn and Justin.

"Pam what is that crazy bitch thinking hanging out with that boy?" Asked Lori
"Don't know and don't care. I still think that we need to do something about that bitch Serena." Said Pam
"You nuts? Serena can kick your ass!"
"But could she take both of us? Or maybe we just get one of the boy on the football team to go after her."
"You are stupid or something. In case you haven't noticed she has become very close to Kyle Valenti."
"They have always been friends."
"They are even closer. I mean he might be fucking her close."
"Yeah right. Serena Parker wouldn't know what to do with a dick between her legs."
"Pam, I really don't think you should mess with Serena."
"Look Lori, I will do whatever I want."

Pam got up paid for her food and left. Lori didn't like Serena or Liz. But knew better then to mess with them.


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 37 4/15/17

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:40 am
by Natalie36
pam needs to be taught a lesson

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 37 4/15/17

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:04 am
by L-J-L 76
Love the way Justin and Carolyn are getting along so well. Love how Max and Liz are becoming close too. Pam needs to learn to stop causing trouble for everyone. So glad that Lori doesn't want anything to do with what Pam is up too.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 37 4/15/17

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 5:40 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 I wouldn't worry about Pam.

L-J-L 76 Don't worry about Pam. No one really cares about her, and she will never be able to hurt Liz.

Part 38

Liz watched Max head home. She wished that she wasn't so messed up. She bit her lip and went to find to find her sister. She knew that Serena was home. She had to talk to someone. Liz walked out to the backyard and found Serena working in their mom's garden.

"Rena can we talk?" Asked Liz
"Sure how things go with Max?"
"Good. Uh I don't want to talk about actually. I need to talk about my memories. You know from before we became family?"
"What is it Lizzie?"

Liz looked into her sister's eyes. She could see both love and concern in her eyes.

"I just have been remembering more lately. I actually had thoughts of cutting myself right before I came to find you."
"You didn't did you?"
"Tell me about your memory."
"It was a couple months after I left the house I lived in with Katie. It is the reason I am scared of fire. I was in a home with two other girls. I don't remember their names. Well anyway my foster father that night got drunk and stabbed my foster mother. Then he locked all three of us kids in a closet and set the house on fire."
"Oh my god! How did you get away?"
"The neighbor next door called the police and fire department. She told them that that there were three little kids in the house. That she believed that he locked us in a closet when he was mad at us."
"So the firemen found you?"
"Yes. The other two girls were gotten out safely. But as the fireman that carried me in his arms got closer to the door, the roof came down on us."

Serena's eyes went wide in shock.

"The fireman dropped to the floor and covered me with his body. We were buried under the debris. By the time we were uncovered he was badly injured and my hair had been burned. I was unhurt other wise. But the fireman that kept me safe was left paralyzed. I only learned about him about a year ago. I got a letter from him. He had been pleased to learn of my adoption and finding a real family."
"That is good."
"Yeah. I wrote him back and sent him my school picture."
"Liz, have you spoken to Dr. Davis about this?"
"A little."
"You need to talk to her about this."
"I know."
"Liz, you are going to be OK. I mean you didn't do what you have use to do when things like this happened."
"True. Rena thanks for listening to me."
"Always honey."

Liz hugged her sister happy that she could count on her.


Max walked into his house and raised his eyebrow when he saw Isabel and Alex kissing. He knew that they were sort of dating. But was not expecting to walk in on that. He just shook his head and went up to his room. He couldn't believe that Liz was really going to go out with him on a date. He knew that he was going to have to make it very special for her. First there was dinner at Señor Chows. Then they could take a walk through town and maybe gets some ice cream. Maybe end the night with a kiss on her front porch. He knew he would have to get her flowers. He smiled as he thought about how Friday night was going to be wonderful.


After talking to Serena, Liz walked into the living room and sat down at the piano and started to play. Both she and Serena had taken lessons when they were younger. Serena never liked it much but Liz actually found it relaxing. It wasn't something she liked to do in front of people. But when she was alone it helped her forget for a little while about her past. The pain that she went through. She got so lost in the song she was playing that she didn't noticed that her mom had come into the room. Or that Isabel and Maria had come over and were watching her from the doorway with Serena. Liz finished playing and turned to get up and saw them. She blushed when she realized that they had heard her playing.

"Liz! Why didn't you tell us you could play the piano?" Asked Maria
"Yeah. I mean we knew Serena took lessons and plays sometimes but not you." Said Isabel

Liz just shrugged.

"I don't normally play for anyone." Said Liz
"But you are so good!" Said Maria
"Maria, I will not play in public." Said Liz
"Liz! You shouldn't hide this talent from everyone!" Said Maria
"Maria! You don't understand! Playing for me is a private thing! You know that I have trouble with expressing my emotions. My playing is the way I release these feelings that I have trouble dealing with." Said Liz
"That was a beautiful song Liz. Who was it by?" Asked Isabel

Liz looked away blushing. Serena could see that Liz was embrassed. She went over to her sister and spoke softly to her.

"Do you mind if I tell them?" Asked Serena

Liz looked at Serena and shook her head. Serena hugged Liz and looked at their friends.

"It is something Liz has been working on herself. She made it up herself." Said Serena
"So is there a name to the song?" asked Isabel
"Not really. I haven't gotten that far." Said Liz
"Liz, I still think you should share this with everyone." Said Maria
"That is not going to happen! Isabel, I know you aren't going to say anything. So Maria, you are not to tell anyone. I mean it!" Said Liz
"Come on Liz! You can't hide this talent!" Said Maria
"Maria if you tell anyone I will never forgive you!"

Liz got up went to her room and slammed the door.


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 38 4/17/17

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 6:12 pm
by L-J-L 76
So glad that Liz talked to Serena about what she remembers. Wow love the way Liz deals with Stress. So glad that Serena, Nancy and Isabel will not tell anyone. Maria needs to stop bugging Liz and let her be. Poor Max he walks into the house and see his sister making out.

L-J-L 76