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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 34, 6/18/12

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:29 pm
by mary mary
hey, prior to your last visit you stated that you had all kinds of ideas and now you leave us hangin'...come on back with some. :D :wink: :P


Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 34, 6/18/12

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:14 am
by keepsmiling7
I join with Ginger.....come on back.....soon!

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 35, P. 1, 7/30/12

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:21 am
by Ilonka.Green
Hey, everyone... Sorry I've been gone for so long. Things have gotten chaotic, so there hasn't been much time for writing until late tonight (7/30). Amazingly enough though, I finished the (entire) next chapter which consists of 3 parts all of which I have posted.

With that said, enjoy!

Chapter 35 / Part 1

Hours later: McCarran International Airport…

Liz, Maria and Isabel walked with Kenya through the crowd of travelers bustling around searching for her terminal. “You guys didn’t all have to take off to come to the airport with me… I could have just taken a taxi…”

“Oh, no… We’re all friends now…” Isabel began to explain.

“And friends stick together.” Maria concluded.

Locating a mounted screen, Kenya checked her flight information. Her flight was running on time. “According to the map, we should be approaching the terminal,” Liz stated eying the map. Luggage and carry on in hand, they continued walking; approaching a Hare Krishna standing by a pillar playing ‘Kumbaya’ on a guitar for those standing around.

“What the…?” Maria started as Isabel grabbed her arm.

Isabel sighed. Oh, no… Not again. “Ignore him and keep walking. He’s not harming anyone.”

“But, the song is annoying…”

“Doesn’t matter… Keep walking.”

Standing by the Hare Krishna pretending to listen to the music a tall, slender man wearing a dark grey mid length trench coat with matching fedora silently watched as the ladies walked by talking amongst themselves.

Pretending to lose interest, the man dropped a few coins into the guitar case before quietly stepping away. Following the ladies several yards behind, he hid behind a pillar keeping his eye on the terminal where the ladies now sat. Reaching into his pocket, he took out his cell phone and dialed a familiar number.

A woman answered on the second ring. “Where are you?”

“At the airport…”

“What are you doing there?”

I followed her and her friends here.”

“What?!? How could she be? She was injured with a concussion… She should still be in the hospital.”

“Obviously we thought wrong.”

The woman frowned. The original plan backfired. “Dammit…” She sighed. “So, what’s going on?”

“Nothing much… They’re sitting in a terminal…” the man paused. “I heard them talking. One of her friends is flying out to New York.”

“Who’s all there?”

“I don’t know… Four women.”

She’s at the airport with a few of her girlfriends, thus leaving Max at the club with the others. “Stay there until they all leave. I’m going to make a phone call and have the club checked out. We need a Plan B, so come over afterwards.”

“Okay… I’ll see you in a bit.”
Oblivious to the man standing behind a nearby pillar, Liz and her friends sat in the terminal talking about Kenya’s upcoming theater audition when the conversation turned to Liz’s condo. “Have you decided what you want to do with the condo, Liz?”

“My life is here now, so you might as well go ahead and talk to a realtor about selling it. Just be sure to give him the phone numbers for the club and penthouse, along with my cell in case any questions arise.”

“No problem…” The flight was called. “Well, that’s my flight. I gotta go. It was nice meeting all of you… Let’s keep in touch.”

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 35, P. 2, 7/30/12

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:26 am
by Ilonka.Green
Chapter 35 / Part 2

The Safe House: Max’s office…

Sitting at his desk re-reading the police report from the cellar incident, Max looked at the clock and sighed. Although she only went to the airport with Maria and Isabel to see Kenya off he still missed her. A knock sounded at the door. “Come in…”

Opening the door, Zan walked in carrying two cups of coffee from the El Flamingo. “Hey, Zan… How’s it going?”

Taking a seat in front of Max’s desk, he set the coffee cups down. “Things are good. Did you hear my program this morning?”

Max laughed. “Oh, yeah… Liz and I both.”

“I know I’ve been busy lately, but who’s Liz?”

“Do you remember that girl I had a crush on in high school…?”

“The theater geek waitress from The Crashdown… How could I forget?”

“Well, that was Liz Parker… My new house mate.”

Zan’s jaw dropped. “Liz Parker… Thee Liz Parker, professional dancer and theater actress from the Lund Fontanne Theater in New York… The one that did that seductive chair dance routine on TV… That was her?”

“Uh-huh… She’s retired from the theater now and working as a bartender here at the club.”

Zan raised an eyebrow. “New roommate… You’ve been crushing on her for years. So, how’d you pull that one off?”

Max couldn’t help but smile. “Easy… Maria and Alex kept in touch with her through the years. Knowing of her pending retirement and the personal problems she was having, they asked Isabel and me about job openings here at the club…”

“That’s interesting and all, but how did she come to live with you?”

“She hit rock bottom before officially leaving the theater, so I offered her a place to stay.”

“And it’s probably killing you.”

“Um, not really… We’re gradually developing a relationship of sorts…”

“Damn… Does she have a sister or friend who’s single?”
The phone rang as the Caller ID lit up. Las Vegas Police Department… Why are they calling? If something happened to Liz, one of the others would have called. He wondered answering on the second ring. “Max Evans…”

“Lieutenant Porislukski calling…”

Silently, Max listened intently to what the Lieutenant had to say. A chill ran down his spine. Sean had somehow managed to escape from prison and was on the run. Shit… Liz is at the airport with Maria, Isabel and Kenya.

Thanking the Lieutenant for calling, he stated that he would inform the others and have Kyle beef up club security before ending the call.

Reaching for his cell phone, he called Liz. There was no answer. “Dammit…”

“What’s wrong, cuz?”

Ignoring Zan, he tried calling the others. Isabel answered on the third ring. “Isabel… You need to listen to me…”

“Hello to you too, Max…”

“This is no time for pleasantries, Isabel. I just received a call from the police. Sean managed to escape from prison and is on the run. Keep an eye out for anyone or anything suspicious…”


“Don’t panic. Just do as I said. Hurry back after Kenya’s flight takes off because we’re having a staff meeting.”

Ending the call with Isabel, he typed a quick e-mail to Kyle informing him of what happened and stating that security needed to be beefed up until further notice.
“What’s going on?”

“To make a long story short, we’ve been having some problems here at the club. Someone tried to assault Alex… And Liz was attacked in the wine cellar. The guy who tried to assault Alex is Sean. The other person was never caught…”

“Damn… I need to spend more time hanging out here where all the action is.”

“You should…” pausing, Max smiled remembering Zan's earlier question. “… Liz has a theater friend from New York who’s single and from what it sounds like; she’ll be a frequent guest in between shows.”

“Have you met her? What’s she like?”

“Kenya drove out here with Liz and stayed here at the club for a while before returning to New York for an audition… Personality wise, she’s well-rounded… Honest, loyal, caring, outgoing, and competitive. You and her would get along great. But, don’t ever tell Liz I said that…. She’d kill me.”

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 35, P. 3, 7/30/12

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:29 am
by Ilonka.Green
This is a short one... But, keeping with the flow of things, I felt it needed it's own part.

Chapter 35 / Part 3


Outside the Safe House a casually dressed, muscular man parked his black BMW in front of the club ignoring the offer from the valet. Quickly scanning the surrounding area, he stepped out of his car and pretending to be a tourist, took several pictures of the building making a note of security devices before walking on down the street to take other pictures that would later be deleted.
Inside, Kyle watched the monitors. Seeing the man step out from the BMW and take pictures, he zoomed in on the license plate the minute the man walked away. He might’ve been a tourist, but with everything that happened recently, he couldn’t take any chances. Typing a quick e-mail to Max and Isabel, he contacted the police to report the suspicious activity.
The police arrived within five minutes, but the man had driven off in the car. Searching the front of the building, no evidence was found. Joining Kyle in the security office, the officers sat around watching the video before writing down the license plate number and questioning Kyle about what he saw. Thanking Kyle for reporting the incident, they took the tape from the camera and left.

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 35, P. 1-3, 7/30/12

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:38 am
by HypnotiqBlueEyes
Oh I LOVED the new update! I can't believe Sean escaped from prison though! Things are about to get a whole lot crazier!!! Hurry back with more! :mrgreen:

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 35, P. 1-3, 7/30/12

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:31 am
by mary mary
That was worth the wait; this is getting very intriguing...hurry back.


Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 35, P. 1-3, 7/30/12

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:59 am
by L-J-L 76
Great new chapter!!!!
Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I'm glad that Isabel and Maria went with Liz and her friend to the airport. Oh god Sean is already following Liz and her friends. I was hoping she would stay in prison. I can't believe Sean escaped. The cops should have told Max and the others when it happened instead of waiting like they did. Ok so Zan is back I'm glad. Maybe he can help protect Liz from Sean and the other person. I'm glad that Max told Isabel what is going on. Ok that was strange a guy was taking pictures of the club. I'm glad that Kyle called the police. Good thing eerything was on video. Hopefully the cops will find out who the person was. Who was Sean talking to? Was Sean talking to Tess? Who is going to check the club out? Will Max tell Liz what the cops told him? What will Liz do when she finds out? What is the meeting about? Will Max tell everyone what is going? Will everyone keep an eye out for Sean and his partner? Will Max and the others find out who Sean is working with? What is Sean and partner up to now? Are they going to go after Liz again? What are they going to do to Liz? Is Sean and his partner going to hurt Liz again? Will Max nd friends be able to keep Liz safe? Will Max and friends be able to save Liz? Will Max get hurt too? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Sorry for all the questions but I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen when Liz finds out Sean escaped.

L-J-L 76

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 35, P. 1-3, 7/30/12

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:38 am
by Natalie36
so glad your back. this was crazy. can't wait for more

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 35, P. 1-3, 7/30/12

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:13 am
by Earth2Mama
Careless people make stupid mistakes. Good thing Sean is just a natural that way :wink: