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Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 12:20 pm
by destinysucks

'So Tom what were you doing with Serena then'.

'Nothing she was tutoring me in math because I'm bad at it'.

'Admit it you fancy the pants of her dont you'.

'Yea well who wouldint I mean'. I blush bright red and the conversation continues

'hmmmmm good choice there bud she has a fine arse'.

'Kyle stop that she is not just another piece of meat'.

'ooooooooo Sorry Mr tetchy'.

Errrrrrk brothers cant live with them cant live without them

End Tom

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2004 3:28 pm
by FallenMagic
~*~* Maria ~*~*

My gaze flies to Michael when he says it could be worse. I know what he is thinking, what he's scared about. Truthfully I'm scared too but I'm trusting Liz, trusting Max and his feelings for her.

I rub Michael's arm soothingly. "It'll be okay, you'll see." I say. I resist the urge to kiss him to calm him and myself down. Instead I smile at him. "Let's get bck to work before Mr. Parker fires us."

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 6:53 am
by isabelle

I nod at Maria. "Yeah. You've been back her long enough and I think my burgers are getting a bit over done." Glancing through the pass-through window, I see we have new customers, too. Our shift will be done soon, and then we can find Liz.

Maria bobs her head and starts to turn back to the floor. I put a hand on her arm and she stops, turning slowly back to me. She looks up at me, waiting.

Suddenly, I find myself crushing her in a hug. "Thanks, Maria," I say into her hair. I'm not even sure what I'm thanking her for. For talking to me, trying to help keep things calm? Or just for accepting Liz and me after she found out what we were. For being our friend. I don't know. I just know that I need her here.


Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 11:51 am
by FallenMagic
~*~* Maria *~*~

When Michael touches my arm and stops me as I'm about to leave, I turn to look at him expectantly. He looks like he wants to say something but I can't be sure what, so I wait.

The last thing I expected him to do was pull my into a hug. For a second I'm too shocked to do anything but allow him to hug me. "Thanks, Maria." I hear him say.

That, for some reason, snaps me out of my daze and I wrap my arms around him, hugging him back. I know why he said that I'm just shocked that he said it all and hugged me at that! He is the last person who shows a lot of emotion. The entire thing must have had him more worried than I had thought.

"Hey, that's what friends are for." I tell him as I tighten my hold on him. I breath in deep, smelling his shampoo and a scent that is all him. My heart lurches and I feel my pulse begin to race as I realize that we're almost flush against each other.

Slowly, almost reluctantly we let go of each other. Being so close to him has me in a slight daze and for a moment all I can do is stare at him, my eyes going from his eyes to his lips. Blushing furiously when I catch myself I tear my gaze away from his mouth. I want to kiss him right now so badly that it hurts.

I dart my eyes away, forcing my heart to beat normally. "Well...umm...I'd better get back..." I mutter, glancing once more at him. But even as I say this, I don't move immediately, letting my gaze linger over him.

I wish he knew how much I loved him... More than that I wish he loved me in return.

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 6:29 pm
by isabelle

"Well...umm...I'd better get back..." Maria says, backing away.

I step back myself, recovering. "Yeah. Dad'll be ready to blow a gasket." I turn to my grill, hoping I can rescue these orders. My powers can't uncook something, but I should be able to remove any burn bits easily. Maria pauses in the doorway for one extra moment and then goes out to check on her customers.

Checking the food, I'm happy to see that they're not too far overdone. I think it'll be okay. I start putting together the various sandwiches as quickly as I can.

"Where's Liz?" I hear dad ask.

Maria fumbles with her orderpad. "She's um. I think she's -"

Dad doesn't wait for the rest of her excuse. He comes into the back room and asks me the same thing.

"She was pretty shaken up by the shooting, Dad. I think she went upstairs."

Dad glances up the stair, contempating going to see her, but the floor is much too busy for him to leave just now. Maria is already taking a new order and I nod at the dishes I've just finished. "Could you deliver these for Liz?"

"Sure." Dad grabs the order slip and carries them out to the customers while I start on the next order. Just another half hour until the end of our shift.

I'm still worried about Liz and Max. But somehow my thoughts keep returning to Maria and how nice she felt there, in my arms.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 11:32 pm
by Luvya

I look around to see what I could try and do to convince him the truth I see his watch maybe...

"Max could I have your watch for a second?" He looks at me confused and hands over the watch, I wave my hand over the strap making it gold from silver, he looks at me and it dumbfounded. I then wave it back.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 6:14 pm
by Luvya

So Tom likes Serena. The plot thinkens.

"So when and where are you next meeting up with Serena?" Tom looks at me strangely.

"Well it's just that I don't want to see what would happen to you if Max found out about you two. So there fore I just want to be warned"

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 6:29 pm
by isabelle

I stare, open-mouthed at Liz. What the hell did she do? Some sort of optical illusion? She holds the watch out to me and I find myself taking a step backwards.

I look from the watch back to Liz's face. Liz, whom I've loved since I first saw her in third grade and I find I'm very very confused. I don't know what to think or feel. One hand flies to my chest, pressing against the hidden handprint.

"What ?? ... How? .... What did you do?"

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 10:11 pm
by Luvya

"Max I told you, I'm not from around here" I explain.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 10:25 pm
by isabelle

"Oh my God," I say, hardly able to breathe. I want to sit down, but then I would have to cross the room. "You're really an alien."

"Yes," she says, as 'though explaining something to a very small child.

My hand is still on my chest and my thoughts are, too. "I was shot. And you ... healed me."