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Re: The Rebel *Sequel* (CC ALL, YTEEN) Ch. 10 - pg. 10 - 5 /

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:26 am
by Timelord31
been a week !!!

Re: The Rebel *Sequel* (CC ALL, YTEEN) Ch. 10 - pg. 10 - 5 /

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:59 pm
by Timelord31
ok.. time to send you a beta a mail or something so they know its time..

Re: The Rebel *Sequel* (CC ALL, YTEEN) Ch. 10 - pg. 10 - 5 /

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:04 pm
by Misha

They do have lives, you know? I did send a friendly reminder, but in the meantime, I'll just keep writing :mrgreen:

Re: The Rebel *Sequel* (CC ALL, YTEEN) Ch. 10 - pg. 10 - 5 /

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:16 pm
by Misha
Let's get back into the action! 8)

Chapter 11
Thinking Straight

November 2nd, 2011 – New York

1 : Ray

The explosion was impossible to miss. Even from six blocks away, Ray saw the fireball reaching to the sky, along with the carcass of the car where it had originated. He never thought it was a terrorist attack. He never thought it was an accident. He knew that blast was related to Max.

He pressed his motorcycle's accelerator and started zigzagging along the sidewalk, people pointing and exclaiming and taking their phones out, moving barely in time for him to zoom by.

He'd almost collided with a dozen people before he'd reached the third block. The Network was still down, and getting a hold of the Keepers was still impossible. Sirens wailed somewhere close by.

If Max was in that car— He left the thought unfinished. No one, not even an alien-hybrid with healing powers, would have been able to survive that.

He kept moving forward, a car honking as if there were no tomorrow. For a moment, Ray thought he'd gotten a glimpse of Michael, but let that thought go. If it was Michael, at least he was safe and sound.

By the time he was two blocks away, people already blocked every single space, trying to get a good look, a good picture, or a good video. Police desperately shouted to get everyone to move out, fearing another explosion might be just seconds away. Ray doubted it very much. One diversion would be all his kids needed to get lost.

Even the couple of ambulances that managed to arrive had trouble passing through, but their slowness gave Ray an idea. Deciding to leave his bike behind, he squeezed himself between the curious onlookers and the cops who scarcely controlled the crowd.

The smoke had mostly dissipated as several men from the stores nearby emptied their fire extinguishers at the car.

As he got closer, he saw several men in suits in a circle, guns aimed and ready, though it was hard to see any further than that.

They have someone in custody… someone dangerous by the looks of it.

Then one of the suits turned to signal the EMTs to approach them, and Ray could see a young man, on his knees, his hands on the air, raised to his shoulders. His long, dark hair was at the mercy of the wind, but what really struck Ray as unusual, though, were his unblinking eyes. He was looking straight at the sidewalk, calmly breathing while someone shouted at him to drop to the ground.
He answered something beyond Ray's hearing, but was distracted when a young, Hispanic paramedic raced to the prisoner's aid. If he was injured, Ray could not see any blood, but once she was inside the circle, the men closed ranks, and Ray had no more visibility.

So it hadn't been Max, but he would bet good money Max had been here. His eyes went to the street, scanning other cars. Two blocks away, the Empire State Building stood imposing as the tallest building in sight.

If Max created this diversion, where would he have gone…? Ray wondered, his trained eyes seeing every possibility, every available escape route. An explosion was a little bit on the flashy side of diversions, so it meant Max must have been in some serious trouble to blow up a car.

They were ambushed at the hotel… so whoever those suits were, they knew the kids' whereabouts far in advance… How would they have known where Max was going to be now? Not even Max himself knew before 2pm…

Jake's thought that someone had hacked into the Network came crashing back to his memory. Ray had argued there had been no Network to hack into, which was largely true, but if he had learned anything in the past 24 hours, it was that Dave was resourceful as hell. His own Keepers had found the meager clues to bring the Network back piece by piece. So who was to say the Network had not been operating in some capacity to spy on all of them?

The thought was chilling, but it didn't stop him from looking for clues. Night was falling quickly, and at least three of his kids were missing.

Liz and Max will rush to each other, he thought, his eyes zeroing on the subway entrance. That was a good bet. Michael will rush to Max, so eventually they will all collide in one place.

The circle of agents opened again, their man in custody now handcuffed. People went nuts taking pictures, some shouting, some clapping.

That is no terrorist, Ray thought as they started to move the crowd away, the ambulance getting closer. That's an honest-to-God alien.

2 : Van

The world had gone black. Literally.

He'd been so close to those Agents he'd almost heard their heartbeats as they frantically hunt for Zan. Funny how he'd promised his king not five minutes before that he would not kill humans, unless they were attacking him, and here they had appeared, like a gift from the Universe itself.

Unlike Violet, Van had not seen the sniper.

The shot had been well placed on the rebel's shoulder. The impact had knocked him down forward, liquid fire spreading through his veins in a heartbeat, and by the time he'd landed on his hands and knees, he was blind.

He didn't move.

He could feel the heat of the flames not fifteen feet away. He could hear the voices of people screaming all around him, the loud sound of coming sirens drilling in his sensitive eardrums. And he could definitely hear the clicks of human guns.

"Jet," he said in Antarian as the Agents shouted at him to put his hands in the air, "don't make a move."

His best defense right now was the shifter who was following him in order to secure Zan's retreat. Jet was the last of the Guard to remain, his job always ensuring no hiding enemies would pursue. Most importantly, in Luke's absence – Van's own bodyguard— Jet would remain with him. Van was, after all, the second in line to the throne.

Being unable to help Jet assess the situation, it was better to wait. Van remained still, blinking, willing his sight to come back.

"If you don't put your arms in the air I swear I'll blow your head off," the Agent closest to him said, fear dripping from every word. This man was one wrong word away from pulling the trigger.

Slowly, Van sat on his knees and raised his hands. Locking his sight in one point, Van forced himself to blink at a normal pace, even if he had the irrational need to rub his eyes raw until light went through them.

How can I not see? A tiny voice whispered at the back of his head. Get a grip on yourself! A stronger voice replied, one born of years of discipline and war. You have to stay alive in order to get your sight back. He swallowed.

"I can't see," he said, eyes still in the ground, his shoulder in burning pain. An oppressive silence descended on them, an impasse that locked them all in their positions, as the Agents didn't dare to come near, and he didn't dare to move.

"He's supposed to be sedated," someone said, barely audible even to his superior hearing.

"McKay wants him alive," another one said, the name oddly familiar in connection with Dave, he just couldn't place it.

"If you even twitch, you're a dead man," a stronger voice said not even one foot away. When he grabbed his wrist and bent it behind his back, it took everything in Van to restrain his training from kicking in and kill this man. He was not used to physical touch, and much less to surrender. The plastic cuffs bit into his skin, and he got the distinctive feeling that someone waved a hand in front of his face.

"Called an EMT," his captor ordered, placing a heavy hand on his injured shoulder. Van didn't flinch.

One thing he'd learned early on was how to evade pain. How to embrace it, ignore it, work with it. How to focus his mind away from it, and right now, this blackness that refused to leave was very much the center of all his firing neurons.

Seconds went by, a minute. The Agents were coordinating his transportation and future prison, until someone with a decidedly feminine touch placed her hand on his cheek.

"He says he can't see," the Agent said.

"Anything at all?" she asked. Van shook his head slowly.

"His pupils are not reacting… is that—is that a dart coming out of his shoulder?" she said a moment later, her indignation growing. "Did you shoot this man with an animal tranquilizer?"

"Ma'am, with all due respect, I just need to confirm if he can or can't see," the agent said dismissively.

He felt it when she inclined closer to him. He felt it even more when she yanked the dart out of his muscle and skin.

"What was in it?" she demanded. "You could have blinded this man for life!"

"I'll take that as a 'yes, he's blind right now.'"

He was hustled up unceremoniously, the world a terribly menacing place to his unseeing eyes. He didn't know where to step, how far to go, how fast to move. His balance was completely lost. He stumbled, but strong arms grabbed him, and half dragged him into some type of van, where he was forced to sit down against a metal wall.

"He needs medical attention!" she shouted from somewhere behind him.

"He'll get it," the same Agent said, followed by the hiss of a door being closed with too much force, the bam! threatening to shatter his inner ear.

The car started to move, dizzying him. No one talked, and he had the feeling that there weren't many agents in the back with him. Traffic sounds were muffled by the walls, but he clearly heard a man breathing in front, and another behind. Under normal circumstances, he would already have killed them both.

How he longed for normal circumstances.

Panic grew in the pit of his stomach like a thorny tree. He'd never been afraid of being held prisoner, not by Khivar, and certainly not by Zan's human enemies. But now? This day when he'd met his brother, when Zan's life was in danger from an unknown assassin? It was as if his future were crumbling in front of his blinded eyes, and that terrified him. As a blind man, he was of no use to anyone, not for a long time if ever again. If they killed him, if humans killed him, he would die on an alien planet, so far away from home…

But what if…?

The only Agents Van had ever heard about—the only ones he'd ordered executed—had been the ones who had held captive and tortured Zan ten years ago. He'd never really thought about the new Agents who had taken their place. That was Dave's duty, one he performed very well. Now, handcuffed and blind, Van had a rare opportunity to meet his brother's hunters up close and personal. These were the men who gave nightmares to Antar's true king.

With a renewed purpose, his mind started to clear and focus. Jet had to be riding this same car. If he hadn't freed him up, it was only because the right opportunity hadn't presented itself. And Jet would be worried about my lack of sight, he realized.

He had no idea if he would see again, but he didn't need eyes to know at least one shifter would be with him at all times. And although he valued and respected all of them, he was glad it was Jet who was his Invisible Guard for the day. When the time came, Jet would make sure Zan's nightmares would never see the light of day.

3 : Michael

The explosion had occurred in the exact same place where their connection told Michael that Max was. And it was that same connection that told him Max had been unhurt—and was on the run.

And then, the connection was muffled again.

What's wrong with you?! Michael yelled in his mind, hitting the dashboard hard enough to crack it. Traffic had been stopped, and the only reason Michael was not out there right now was because he needed to make sure his rebel "friend" was not going to do a vanishing act.

Luke's eyes narrowed.

"That was a diversion," Luke said.

"To help Max escape," Michael agreed.

"They would be heading to headquarters. That's the logical plan."

"It is…" Michael murmured, eyes still looking at the gray smoke, sirens loudly announcing the police and ambulance presence. But if Liz and Max are not together, they'll gravitate to each other before any logical plan…

He felt it then. A spike so strong in his connection, it almost knocked him out. Maria!

This time, he didn't care about Luke. He was out of the car before he had even thought about it, and running down the street. He'd never felt so certain about her whereabouts before, but now it was impossible to deny. She was that way, where the smoke and sirens and Max were, and she was so scared.

He was four blocks away. Three. Two.

There were too many people after that. He pushed his way through with little advance, his feet feeling like lead, his breathing coming out all wrong. And in the middle of all that, someone grabbed him by the shoulders, spinning him around. It took him a second to focus, and more willpower than he'd ever used before to not turn and keep running. In front of him, Ray looked at him as serious as ever.

"Not that way."

Michael blinked, his brain not understanding a single word. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Maria is that way, and that's the way I'm going.

"The Unit is here," Ray explained, adding emphasis in a word that should have had meaning but didn't. Michael blinked and pulled, trying to get away from Ray's strong grip.

"Michael?" Ray asked, gripping his shoulder harder, willing him to understand.

It all came crashing down on him then. The Unit, the car, Max, Maria…

"What the hell are you doing here?" he hissed, re-focusing on Ray.

"Keep moving," Ray ordered, getting him away from the police, the Unit, and the two people who had his loyalty the most in this—or any other—world.

"I got a call from Jake. He told me Max had been lured to the Empire State Building. Next thing I know, there's a car blowing up. They took someone prisoner," he added, and Michael's heart jammed. "Not Max, but definitely not from around here," Ray rushed in.

"Luke says they would take Max to headquarters,"


"Van's second-in-command or something…"


"The Rebel's leader… I think. It's just been a messed up day, okay?" Michael exclaimed, turning to look behind.

"Don't! They know your face, they'll recognize you if you're not careful," Ray warned.

"Something is going on with Max. His connection has been odd all afternoon."


"Drugged, maybe… I don't know… They say—they say Khivar is sending someone to kill him. That's why they're here." With so many priorities escalating against each other, it was impossible to form a coherent plan right now.

"Do you know where these headquarters are?" Ray asked. They were now three blocks away, camera crews, police officers and half of New York City had arrived.

"No," Michael answered, so glad one of them could think clearly, "but I know someone who does."

Re: The Rebel *Sequel* (CC ALL, YTEEN) Ch. 11 - pg. 11 - 10

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 6:32 pm
by Timelord31
thanks for the new chapter.. really needed it

Re: The Rebel *Sequel* (CC ALL, YTEEN) Ch. 11 - pg. 11 - 10

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:16 pm
by keepsmiling7
I have missed this!
Now, what is going on with Max.......this is a mystery....

Re: The Rebel *Sequel* (CC ALL, YTEEN) Ch. 11 - pg. 11 - 10

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 12:40 pm
by xmag
I think I'll need to reread this once it's over because as I was reading, I was wondering "what the hell was Maria doing where Max had been? Have I missed a part or it's just me who doesn't remember the previous parts?"

Anyway, such an adrenaline filled part! My god, all this stress, angst, poor Van, in the hands of the same kind of guys that had Max all those years ago??? Nobody deserves that.

Is there a traitor? They knew where Max was so I'm going to say yes.

Re: The Rebel *Sequel* (CC ALL, YTEEN) Ch. 11 - pg. 11 - 10

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 12:41 pm
by Timelord31
we getting anything soon?

Re: The Rebel *Sequel* (CC ALL, YTEEN) Ch. 11 - pg. 11 - 10

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:32 am
by Timelord31
really time for another chapter.. or the rest of the story

Re: The Rebel *Sequel* (CC ALL, YTEEN) Ch. 11 - pg. 11 - 10

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:03 pm
by Misha
You're absolutely right! Now that I've taken a break from my AU Of Journals & Journeys, I can concentrate on far more complex things, mainly unraveling Dave's past and Max's future. The joy! :lol:

So hang in there, guys! I'll be back in the next two weeks 8)
