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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:42 am
Good observations, and good questions.

Chalk them up to Roswell:The Unanswered Chronicles

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 12:54 pm
by isabelle
Does anyone have a valid explaination for why when Max was hunting for a way to Antar to rescue his son, he never used the communication orbs to 'call home' and have them send a ship?

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:55 pm
by googi
The dialogue that really pissed me up was:

Liz: Just tell me one thing... do you love her?

Max: Not like I love you.

I mean, here they are saying goodbye and he has to tell her that he loves the other bitch too. Come on that was soooo out of line there. I just wanted to go inside the tv and kick his ass myself!

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 1:00 am
by Roswell 10/2/00
Ok I have some very exciting news this is Roswell related

Shiri Appleby's movie I'm Reed Fish will be showing at the Tribecca Film Festival this year from April 25 to May 7th the premiere for I'm Reed Fish is going to be in New York at the film festival!! :D Which means Shiri might be at the permiere! :D

I am so excited I would not miss this for the world!!! Thanks to Dreaming On for the info!!!

I can't wait to see this film they have worked so hard on it I am so happy for all of them!!! :D

I swear this year just keeps on getting better and better!! :yay:

The times and dates for the screening should be announced this week so check it out!!! :D

Hope all is well. Keep on dreaming.

Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
What happends when two worlds collide?
Would you be willing to risk it all of the sake of Love?
Read my fic Aduction Seduction

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 12:36 pm
by Lolita
Erin, I think that news belongs on the Actor's thread.

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:55 pm
by Luzser1800
googi wrote:The dialogue that really pissed me up was:

Liz: Just tell me one thing... do you love her?

Max: Not like I love you.

I mean, here they are saying goodbye and he has to tell her that he loves the other bitch too. Come on that was soooo out of line there. I just wanted to go inside the tv and kick his ass myself!
Okay, I am a little late and I am probably gonna get stoned for this, but the truth is, I think that line was perfect for the moment. **I'm ducking now** Finished throwing things at me? Okay, let me explain myself.

For me, the Max Evans that I knew and loved couldn't have explained it better. I don't think that Max would have slept with Tess at all if he hadn't felt something for her. In a strange way, he did love her. When his whole world was crumbling around him and he thought he had lost everyone, Tess was the there.

When Max said to Liz, "If you leave, our friendship is over," I think that beneath the words, in a possesive, male-dominated, messed up kind of way, he was asking her to assure him that he still meant something to her. Liz telling him that she would risk their friendship to find out what happened to Alex was the straw that broke the camel's back for him. After the scene with the taxi, he felt truly alone, and Tess was there.

As much as it sucks, especially for me, lol, in a way, he did love Tess. It was misguided, and may have even been manipulated, but it was there. But it was not the same thing he felt for Liz. His love for Liz defied gravity, it was so strong. So, as far as I am concerned, when Max said to Liz, "Not like I love you," he was being completely honest with her, which is exactly what he owed her at that point. And I thought he summed it up perfectly with those five small words.

And now I am done. You may commence throwing things. :wink:

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:52 pm
by OCchica6
The one thing I dislike was, in CH CH CHANGES, when Liz went off on max about sleeping with tess.I got so frustrated with her becasuse here she was yelling "why did u sleep with her? um why because lets see now you allowed him to see u in bed with someone else and kept telinng him that over and over and then you actually not in so many words blamed him for a friends dead and then you bottle up those feelings a few months later and didnt even talk to him about it now..... come on.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:43 am
by FaithfulAngel24
The one thing I dislike was, in CH CH CHANGES, when Liz went off on max about sleeping with tess.I got so frustrated with her becasuse here she was yelling "why did u sleep with her? um why because lets see now you allowed him to see u in bed with someone else and kept telinng him that over and over and then you actually not in so many words blamed him for a friends dead and then you bottle up those feelings a few months later and didnt even talk to him about it now..... come on.
Amen! Preach it Sistah!

I couldn't agree more. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 6:29 pm
by OCchica6
I got pissed at liz for that

but thank you :hug:

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 7:11 pm
by trulov
OCchica6 wrote:The one thing I dislike was, in CH CH CHANGES, when Liz went off on max about sleeping with tess.I got so frustrated with her becasuse here she was yelling "why did u sleep with her? um why because lets see now you allowed him to see u in bed with someone else and kept telinng him that over and over and then you actually not in so many words blamed him for a friends dead and then you bottle up those feelings a few months later and didnt even talk to him about it now..... come on.
Totally agree!!
Has anyone seen the most recent episode of Grey's anatomy? I think the speech Merideth gave Dr. Shepard would have been a PERFECT response to Liz's tirade.
For those who didn't see it - it went something like this - "You don't get to call me a whore. You left me. I begged you to stay and you left. And now I'm all glued back together. But you don't get to be mad over what I had to do to fix what YOU broke."
Again I was paraphrasing, and although I hate that Max slept with Tess - I don't think Liz gets to be mad about it, b/c of all the reasons you listed!