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Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:05 pm
by Zanity

Write Season 3 in Tess POV.

What were Tess' thoughts as she traveled back to Antar?

What really happened there?

Why was Tess' son really rejected?

Did Tess know about it when her son tried to contact Max? or was it really her asking for help?

How did she make her escape back to Earth?

What were her thoughts on the way back and during 4AAB?

What was Tess' reaction to Liz blasting her?

You can choose whether or not Zan is really Max's son.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:59 am
by behrluv32

Title: ? (I'll get back to you when I think of one or you could)
CC w/o Aliens M/L main relationship
Fluff w.mild angst Adult or above PG-14
dreamer story


Max was engaged to marry Tess but was in a horrible accident that landed him in a comma for 5 years. It can be anything, but he's not deformed or anything, just head trama.

Max was a shy sweet guy from the small town of Roswell New Mexico. He and Isabel were adopted by the rich corporate lawyers the Evans' when they were very young 6-8ish. There parents decided to raise them in New Mexico, but they traveled the world and lived the life. Neither Evans kid is spoiled, but Isabel plays up her ice princessness and she and Max are very close. She's very protective of her brother and Max is of her too. They have a bff Michael, who they knew from the orphanage and stood friends with. their parents would even take michael along on their family vacations when they realized how close the kids were. Michael was an unofficial member of the family.

Max met Tess late in the summer after his freshman year of college. They met in a party Michael forced him to go to. Max went to the the same school as his twin sister Isabel, Michael can go tere too if you'd like. Max thought he loved Tess that she was pretty, smart and the perfect girl, you elaborate. She was a 'virgin' and wanted to wait till she was married to have sex, or so she told Max so that by the time he was a senior in college he proposed. He got into the accident during the winter break of his senior year of college.

Tess is a conniving, spoiled, bitch who plays all sweet for Max who she is using for his money and the fact that he's hot and would probably make a good husband. She knew her dad would approve of him, but she was more into the dangerous bad boy type and max was like her mask for the public. She lived a bit of a double life playing the nice sweet girl for te public but had her freakinesses on the side, wild sex with random guys, always cheating on Max, you name it she did it.

Isabel doesnt like her from the start and lets max know but when it causes tension between them she starts to bite her tongue for the benefit of her and her brother's relationship. Michael is Michael he hardly likes anyone but he tolerates Tess and Max, though he doesnt particularly care for her.

Liz also went to college in the same area as Max (make it Boston or New York. If it's New York Max went to NYU and Liz went to Columbia, if it's Boston Max goes to Tuffs or Boston University whele Liz goes to Harvard) When Max is brought to the hospital Liz is an intern doing something and in her last year of pre-med. They are the same age. Max is in a coma during all the time Liz is in med school and her residency.

When Liz saw Max the first time during her internship in the hospital she fell in love with him. she thought he was beautiful and created this whole scenario of eho she thought Max was, but the funny thing is he is everything she imagined him to be, except he is also in love with someone else. She stayed doing everything school wise in that hospital because of Max. She wanted to be close to him, to help him. She always took special care of max even if he wasn't her patient. She eventually got to know his sister, mom, dad, and Michael through their constant visits and through her Michael met Maria and Isabel met Alex.

Max wakes from his coma not knowing a day has past. To him he is still a 21 year old guy about to start his last semester of college and getting to marry his first girlfriend and love. Instead he's like 26 and his fiance has left him. Tess has long since moved on from Max. She found out she was pregnant a few weeks after Max's accident and at first tried to play it off as Max's bc she figured she could since doctors said Max had a lot of damage to his brain, tess figured if he ever woke up she could lie, but both Michael and Isabel called her on her bluff. they knew she and Max weren't together and told her they'd force a paternity test if she wanted to keep up he lies. She had the baby and it was to some foreign guy she was sexin up behind Max's back, Khivar, who was broke as a joke, so she didn't want to admit it at first. When Max woke up though she was married to Khivar, shot gun wedding, and raising there 4 year old son.

Max wakes to see Liz's face first and says something like, "Are you an angel." He thinks she's beautiful, more beautiful that he could've imagined, even thinks she's an older woman since he's still uder the impression that he's so young.

He finds out about his life slowly and it crushhes him but then Max and Liz get close after he wakes up during his recovery. but for a little while he still thinks he loves tess and everything is really confusing to him. He finds out all about tess and eventually sees he was never in love with her falls madly for liz. After he falls for her he moves realy fast bc he feels like he's already lost 5 years and doesnt want to waist any more. they all pair up and end up living happily ever after spewing out a few kids and such themselves,max finishes school and becomes whatever it was he is to become and the gang all works out for the best.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:17 pm
by Zanity

Set either:

a) Shortly after Sexual Healing where Max and Liz are supposed to be grounded for staying out all night but they are sneaking around together anyway.

b) During S3 sometime while Jeff has forbidden them to be together and they're sneaking around.


c) In an alternate timeline spun off someplace after the shooting where Max and Liz are sneaking around to be together because her parents either don't approve or are trying to enforce some cool down time.

Max and Liz get caught by Jeff Parker as Max is dropping Liz back off after one of their covert rendezvous and he is really angry. He tries to physically rip Liz from Max's arms. But Max is afraid that with Jeff in as much rage as he's in he might actually hurt Liz. So Max throws up his shield to protect both himself and Liz from her father's wrath.

As Jeff tries to break through the shield, Liz convinces Max that they should leave and come back later after he'd had a chance to cool off.

Max holds his shield in the doorway as they get in the jeep and drive off.

Now Max and Liz must not only find a way to convince their parents to let them stay together. But must also deal with the fact the Max's alien status has been outed to Jeff Parker.

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:46 pm
by killjoy

This is something I couldn't get out of my head and wanted to put out here.I think this is something too funny for a true man's man like Michael to have too do.

Michael gets a tad jealous when Maria joins the acting crowd at school and starts hanging out with a handsome leading man type classmate.Michael of course being Michael barges in on casting day and much to everyone's surprise gets cast as the lead.There's no way in HELL Michael wants this but he's not going to say so in front of his new rival for Maria's affection.Of course when he finds out just what play he's starring in is than he might wished he had.

For you see Michael has been cast as Dr. Frank-N-Furter in the play The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:10 pm
by killjoy

Ok first let me say that I'm going to see what I can come up with myself on this challenge.But if you want to take it and finish one before I do than go ahead and take it. :lol:

M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

Whatever rating you want

AU WIth Aliens

Anyway I thought this idea would make a funny one shot story.For those of you who haven't heard of it there is a board game out there called Battle Of The Sexes.......ok here's a summary I lifted......

Battle of the Sexes Board Game

Combat was never so fun! The aim of the game is to test your knowledge of the opposite sex through a series of gender-based trivia questions. Does she know what an odometer is? Could he tell you how to stop a hole in your pantyhose from getting any bigger? To spice things up, the battle gets a little tougher with wild cards. These cards could either propel you to an easy victory-- for buying diamonds for her birthday-- or send you catapulting backwards-- for borrowing his razor to shave your legs!

So what if one night while the gang was all hanging out Maria whipped this game out for all of them to play? What kind of trouble would Michael get into for saying something sexist(you know he will)? What kind of trouble will Kyle get into for saying something clueless(for you know he will two)? Does Max and Alex know enough about the opposite sex to make sure their side wins? How much fun will Kyle and Michael poke at them if they do?

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:33 pm
by Zanity
#79 M/L

What if the scene in the alley way during Pilot went like this...

(Taken an edited from the Transcript at

[Liz and Maria get out and start to walk towards them, Max, Isabel and Michael follow suit.]

Maria: What are they doing here? No, don't tell me there's three.

Liz: Well.....

Maria: I think I'm gonna be sick.

Liz: Maria knows.

Michael: Unbelievable.

Maria: Look, I promise I won't tell anyone.

[Michael advances on them and Maria backs up behind Liz.]

Michael: Get your car out of the way, NOW.

Liz: I really don't think that you should try to leave. It's just gonna show people that you're guilty.

Michael: Guilty of what? Saving your life?

Max: Michael....

Liz: Look, I think I have an idea here. If we can just all work together here maybe we can throw Valenti off.

Michael: We're not together. Our lives are at stake, not yours. Now move your car.

Liz: Look I can't change what happened. And maybe you're right, but if you run, Valenti is gonna know it's you. You'll be proving it for him. And then they'll want to know what Max did to me, they'll want to take me and run all kinds of tests... I don't want to be somebody's lab rat, so if you insist on leaving, please take me with you.

Max: She's right.

Isabel: I should've known you'd side with her.

Max: Isabel I'm not on anyone's side all right.

Isabel: Get on a side Max because time is running out.

Max: Maria should move her car. Liz get in the jeep.

Maria: What no. Liz you can't do this.

Liz: I'm sorry Maria, but my life's with them now. Pleas tell my parents that I love them and not to worry about me.

Maria: I can't... I'll never see you again!

Liz: I know Maria, but if Max hadn't saved me I'd be dead, you'd never have seen me again then either. At least this way you know I'm out there somewhere alive. Please Maria, I need you to do this for me.

[Maria's head sunk in defeat and she moved her car out of the way while Liz and the aliens got in the jeep and drove out of Roswell.]


-- You can take this out of script form and put it in paragraph form if you'd like. You can also change the dialog if you want, but the central idea of Liz leaving with the aliens has to stay.
-- Please cover both what happens in Roswell after their disappearance (ie Upset parents, Maria's reactions, who she tells what to, The Sheriff and the FBI's reactions, does Tess eventually come to town? etc.) and what the group on the run do.
-- Liz must develop powers
-- Must be Dreamer

I know I put a similar challenge out before that was taken but I haven't seen anything from the writer on it since their initial interest so this is try two.

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:45 pm
by vilandragirl

What if Ava was not the innocent that everyone thought she was? What if it was actually Ava that killed Alex?

There are two different options for this challenge:

1) The Dupes replaced Tess with Ava during Max in the City, and it was Ava from that point to the end of S2. After Departure, the real Tess comes back, and they find out it was not her.


2) The memory that Kyle had of Alex dying was Ava, but the rest of S2 was all Tess. This would mean changing the end of Departure, so that Tess has no idea what they're talking about.

All other details are up to the author.

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:29 pm
by xmag
# 81 - M&M

TAKEN by ArchAngel1973 and Ashleyt

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:12 pm
by Zanity
#82 CC ALL

In the episode "Missing" on of the "culprits" that Liz and Maria think might have taken her journal is her parents and Liz sort of confronts her mother about it. What if Liz's parents really had taken her journal? What if they found out about the aliens and exactly how much they owe Max? How would their behavior change? What would they do?

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:22 pm
by kaladala

Taken by Janetfl