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Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 1:49 pm
by madroswellfan
Really hope someone takes 84!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 1:54 pm
by Sternbetrachter
I hope someone takes #85 :lol:

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:15 pm
by anonymousarfan
I hope someone takes #71!

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:33 pm
by anonymousarfan

*AU - No aliens

*Max's father and Liz's mom got married when Liz was around 10 and Max 11/12. But the kids never got along, in fact, they hated each other.

*After leaving for college they succesfully almost completely avoided each other after leaving for college, even though they both went to Boston

*They are now twenty something when a tragedy happens: their parents are killed on a car accident

*After the funeral their will is read. It stipulates that Max and Liz ar to inherite a flat in New York. And here's the problem, in order to be able to sell it their parents left instruction they had to share it for at least a year. Meaning they have to live togheter. How will it go?? Will they make it without killing each other? Will they realize they have fallen in love before the year is over???

*After the plot, everything that happens is up to you. You can have them date anyone you want. Also, Isabel might be Max's really close cousin and Liz's friend, but NOT Max's sister. Both LIz and Max are only childs. If you want you can have Isabel being Max's sister but from the mother side

*NC-17 preferred but your choice

Note: I had this idea while watching the show but I have no idea what it's name is, and besides it's only the stepbrother/sister sharing the apartment but not the circumstances nor anything else

Hope Someone takes it!!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 2:33 pm
by Pixie_Stix

AU w/ no Aliens

Ok, so I was watching the modern version of Romeo and Juliet and I had an idea so I wrote a challenge to it. I know its long and you can shorten if or change it, I just had a lot of different ideas to add to it.

Dreamer Challenge

A Romeo and Juliet type of story.

Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona (Roswell), where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these to foes, a pair of Star-Crossed Lovers take their life.

Alex ( brother)
Ria ( best friend of Alex & Liz)
Sean ( Cousin)
Kyle Valenti ( the Paris of the story)

Michael ( Best friend of Max and Izzy)
Jesse ( Cousin)
Tess Harding ( the Rosaline of the story)

A little different from the original story, but still the same concept. Roswell has two different High schools that compete with each other, not only in football, but in bloody gang fights as well. (The fights are due to the war between the Capulets and Montagues.) These two schools are West Roswell High and East Roswell High, the Capulets attend East Roswell and the Montagues attend West Roswell.

Ok, in this story Liz isn't a shy, naïve, timid girl. She is a very strong-willed, outgoing, and not afraid to speak her mind kind of girl. She and her group of friends are the trouble makers, like getting caught smoking or vandalizing the school. But they are also the popular ones. When she was young, Liz, Maria, and Alex made a pact to get as far away from Roswell when they graduate.

Max is about the same, he isn't shy, but is more of a smartass. His group of friends are trouble makers, but Max himself is more of the class clown. He loves to pull pranks on everyone, even thought half the time he is getting trouble for bad things too. Max does want to leave Roswell, but is forever stuck there. The reason he is stuck, is because he is the sole heir to his families' company. But when he and Michael turn nineteen, he might end up giving the company to Michael. No one knows about this agreement but Michael and himself.

•Both groups are in their senior year of High School.

•On Halloween both schools decide to hold a huge joint Halloween senior bash and both groups go. ( you can have them dressed as what ever)

•Use the lyrics ( if you can) from the song they use at the ball when Romeo meets Juliet ( in the modern version with Claire Danes)

•When the song begins, Max meets Liz and he asks her to dance.

•They dance, both not being able to deny the attraction. Both start to unerstand what the phrase, 'falling in love at first sight' means

•When Romeo ( Max) sees Juliet ( Liz) at her balcony, instead of deciding to get married, they spend the night together.

•They continue a secret relationship, but Liz is pestered to marry Kyle and Tess wanted to be with Max. (A little late!)

•Both not wanting to be with out the other, they decide to marry, having only Alex, Izzy, Ria, and Michael at their wedding.

•Day after they get married, Max , Jesse and Michael take a walk and run into Sean, Alex, and a friend of his. Sean tries to start a fight with him but ends up fighting with Jesses instead. The reason is, Alex and Michael don't hate each other anymore they see the marriage as solving the war between the two families. Sean stabs and accidentally kills Jesse, in a rage Max goes after Sean but only wounded him.

At Jesses' funeral, the song they play when Romeo is talking to the priest about marrying Juliet, 'When Doves Cry'?

• month after Max turns nineteen, he gives the company over to Michael, but Michael declines and tells him to give it to his good cousin Tommy (or who ever you want it given to other then Michael).

•Max goes to Liz and asks her to leave to New York with him. She agrees and they decide to leave with Ria, Michael, Izzy, and Alex.

•That day, before they leave, Sean and his gang drive up. Sean is still angrey over being wounded by Max.

•Not thinking clearly he shoots Max in public, almost instantly killing him.

•A huge fight starts out between Michael, Alex and Sean and his gang.

•Everyone to focused in the fight going on, don't see the hysterical Liz crying over the now dead Max.

•While Liz is crying over Max, she finds a gun nearby , takes it , and shoots herself to be with Max.

•At this time the Capulets, Montagues, Kyle, Tess, and the police show up, stopping the fight. They find Max and Liz dead in each others arms.

•Ria and Michael announce their marriage to one another.

•At the funeral, Ria sings I Shall Believe and there are flashes of Max and Liz together and happy.

•Then the Sheriff speaks 'Where be these enemies? Capulet , Montague, see what scrouge is laid upon you hate, that heaven finds means to kill you joys with love. And I, for winking at you discords too, have lost a brace of kinsmen. All are Punished ( he repeats all are punished but louder)

•Then Ria says ' A glooming peace this morning with it brings. The sun for sorrow will not show his head. Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things. Some shall be pardoned and some punished, for never was a story of more woe then this of Liz ( Juliet) and her Max ( Romeo)

•Second to last scene, The Capulets and Montagues grieving and making peace with each other.

•Last Scene, a flash back of Max and Liz saying I Love You and kissing.

Hope you like!! :lol:

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:43 pm
by suicide_eagle_rath
If I may be so permitted I would like to take the Challenge #78 by Zygote.

Thank-you s_e_r :D

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 8:53 pm
by Zygote
suicide_eagle_rath wrote:If I may be so permitted I would like to take the Challenge #78 by Zygote.

Thank-you s_e_r :D

Hello S_E_R,

I am all to happy to hand it over to you... I look forward to reading where you take it....

Thank you....


Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:18 pm
by To_Kiss_A_Frog
Reamhar wrote:#57 AU or AU with Aliens CC

(but if someone wants to take it down a cannon route I'll happily shift it to another thread)

One of Nickelback's songs keeps sticking in my head since I downloaded it to my IPOD, I think the lyrics would make a great scenario for a story, but that's just my opinion. :)

Main Lyrics Given below and they belong to Nickelback of course, no infringement intended:-

Should've Listened

There's clothes all over the floor
I don't remember them being here before
Smell of perfume isn't here, why's lipstick on the mirror?
And still I don't understand

No pictures left in the hall, there's three new holes in my wall
Where the hells my credit cards, why's my wallet in the yard
And still I don't understand

Well now I guess I should've listened
When you said you'd had enough
A little trick I picked up from my father
In one ear and out the other, whys love gotta be so tough?

Should see the look on my face, my shit's all over the place
Why's this happening to me, why'd you take both sets of keys?
And still I don't understand

Well now I guess I should've listened
When you said you'd had enough
A little trick I picked up from my father
In one ear and out the other, Whys love gotta be so tough?
Well now I guess I should've listened

There's clothes all over my floor
I don't remember them being here before
There are no candles in here, lipstick still on my mirror?
And still I don't understand

Now I guess I should've listened
When you said you'd had enough
A little trick I picked up from my father
In one ear and out the other, why must life be so tough?


I'd rather it was cannon couples, but I don't mind which member of any of the couple comes home to find their stuff all over the place and their woman AWOL. :lol:

Being a Dreamer though, I’d love it to be M/L :wink: I had rather imagined it being a pod Max circa season 2 returning home to get his comeuppance.

Most importantly I'd like to see someone be creative with the back story that the lyrics set up

-where'd they go
-why/what went wrong for them to run/leave, etc
-why'd they learn that trick from their father
-why are there three holes in the wall
-how does this person leaving effect the other couples
-what's the message in the lipstick,

etc, etc; you get what I mean.

Smut and angst are both good, but it would be nice to have a happy ending. :)

Title is up to the writer, but “Should've Listen” is fairly thought provoking I thought.

So, now that I’ve posted this hopefully I’ll be able to get the song out of my head. :D
I'd like to do this one if someone hasn't already taken it. I won't be able to start right away because I want to finish up a couple other fics first but I'd like to attempt it if that's okay :D


Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:13 am
by nibbles2

taken by aliensister

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:40 pm
by killjoy
96# taken by aliensister