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Re: Building A New Life (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 40 5/26/19

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 11:49 am
by Roswelllostcause
RoswellFan68 No Ava is nothing like her father or sister.

Carolyn The only thing Ava did was be born. As for Tess, Kivar plans for her to spend the rest of her life doing the only thing she knows how to do.

Part 41

Liz and Serena walked into the library to find Caitlin waiting for them. Liz was the first to notice a stack of books on the table.

“Those books are for you Serena.” Said Caitlin

Serena walked over to the stack of books and looked at them.

“Veterinary medicine?” asked Serena
“I understood that is a subject you have an interest in it. I don't know a lot about it. But a friend of mine told me that those would be a good start.” Said Caitlin
“Why are you doing this? I mean not that I am not grateful.”
“Serena, I think that it is wrong you were denied an education because of your race. I don't see you for the way you look. I see you as a person like everyone else. My brother Zane loves your best friend. I taught Jena everything she needed to know to be able to fit in here.” Said Caitlin
“Thank you.” Said Serena
“It's not a big deal.”

Serena sat down and began reading the first book while taking notes. Liz smiled at her teacher.

“I think you just made Serena the happiest I ever seen her.” Said Liz
“No big deal. How is Tasha?” asked Caitlin
“Still in bad shape. Kara is hopeful the transfusion will work. I just don't understand how this happened.” Said Liz
“It was done to teach Tasha a lesson. Or kill her. Kivar must have found out some how that Tasha was the one getting information out of Kivar's right hand man Nicholas.”
“How was Tasha doing this?”
“Nicholas isn't the brightest bulb in the pack. He is known for running his mouth both during and after sex. Before you ask I don't know from experience. A friend of mine was involved with him for a time shortly after she became of age.”
“Kivar didn't do this himself did he?”
“Kivar rarely will get his hands dirty. If Kivar had been directly involved Tasha would be dead. He paid someone to do it. It was most likely one of his dock workers. Most Torian males are much larger then Paylors.”
“How much bigger?”
“The smallest one I met was six feet ten inches tall and had to weigh nearly 320 pounds. But none of that was fat. Tasha is about your height and not even 100 pounds.”
“Caitlin, how was Tasha not killed if a man like that was with her?”
“I don't know. She has to have something she is fighting for.”

Liz nodded and rubbed her eyes. Seeing auras was taking time for her to get use to. Caitlin’s looked much like Zane's blue green.

“Are you ok Liz?”
“Yeah. I am just trying to get use to seeing auras.”
“It does take some getting use to. I can see them. It wasn't something I ever wanted. The only problem is you can't see your own. So I don't know what mine looks like. You have the rare pure white aura much like Max's in case you were wondering.”
“You say that like it is important or something.” Said Liz

Serena who had been listening bit her lip so she wouldn't just spit it out. Caitlin smiled at Serena knowing what was going through her head.

“It is. Liz, it is written in the book of prophecy that when two pure white auras come together to rule then a golden age will begin for all who live in the empire. This is a book that was written by the first seer over a thousand years ago. Until now it had never happened before.” Said Caitlin

Liz just stared at the two other women speechless.


Re: Building A New Life (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 41 5/28/19

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 9:06 am
by keepsmiling7
So glad Serena will be able to study vet medicine
Here's hoping Tasha will be able to recover with the help of the transfusion.....
Now let the golden age begin with Max and Liz!

Re: Building A New Life (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 41 5/28/19

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 11:51 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn It is good Serena is going to be able to study what she has always wanted. We have to wait and see what happens with Tasha. It won't be long before the golden age begins.

Part 42

Maria sat with her class gathered around her. She loved teaching five year olds. The class was at an age that was excited to learn. She also liked that at this age they hadn't yet truly learned to hate each other based on race. Most of the class was Antarian but there were three non antarians too. One Paylor, and two Volds who covered with a blue fur. Most Volds from what Maria had learned ended up as nannies or butler/maids. The lone Paylor in her class was the daughter of a member of the Royal Guard. Right now Maria was reading them the story of Cinderella. Linka the little Paylor girl raised her hand.

“Yes Linka?” asked Maria
“Why were Cinderella’s stepmother and sisters mean to her? Did she look different then them?” asked Linka
“Well sweetie. I think maybe they were jealous.”
“Why?” asked Byron
“Well Cinderella may have been prettier then them. Not just on the outside but inside too.”
“What Miss Maria means is that Cinderella was nice to everyone even though she was treated badly. She treated them like how she wanted to be treated.” Said a male voice from the door.

Maria looked up and smiled when she saw Michael.

“Class this is my special friend Captain Michael.” Said Maria
“You mean your boyfriend?” asked Zelda a blond girl
“Eww.” Said most of the boys.

Maria laughed softly remembering when she was at that age where boys were eww too. She could see that Michael was smiling.

“Boys one day you will feel differently about girls.” Said Michael
“No way! Girls will always be icky.” Said Victor
“Yeah boys will always be yucky!” chimed in Pipa

Just then the chimes went off singling the end of the school day. The kids gathered their things and headed out to meet their parents.

“So Michael what brings you by?” asked Maria
“I was thinking that we could go to dinner.” Said Michael
“Sounds good.”


Shar walked into the room Kivar told him to enter. He was surprised to find Ava. He was one of the few people that knew that Tess had a twin.

“Shar? My father sent you?”
“Yeah. Look I ain't going to do what he wants.”
“Cause, I don't think you should be forced. You ain't a slave whore.”
“You admit to going to the pleasure houses? You think those girls had a choice of what happened to them?”
“I went once. My father took me when I reach of age.”
“So you fucked some girl that was forced into that life because she made a bad choice.”
“Ava, I admit that it was wrong. I vowed after that day to never do anything like that again.”
“Yeah why should I believe you?”
“Because I have no reason to lie.”
“You work for my bastard of a father.”
“Uh actually I uh don't not really.”
“What do you mean?”
“Prince Maxwell asked me to spy for him. I agreed. I told him about you and that Kivar has kept you locked away all this time.”
“Ava, I am getting you out of here. I won't let him force you to bond with Davis.”
“Davis! As in that bastard who treats women like shit?”
“How you going to get me out?”
“We make Kivar think you are dead.”


Re: Building A New Life (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 42 5/30/19

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 7:15 pm
by RoswellFan68
Glad someone is going to help Ava get away from her father and his friends.

Re: Building A New Life (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 42 5/30/19

Posted: Thu May 30, 2019 7:52 pm
by keepsmiling7
Maria makes a good teacher........and dinner companion for Michael.
Sure hope Shar will succeed in helping Ava out of her situation.

Re: Building A New Life (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 42 5/30/19

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 6:29 am
by Roswelllostcause
RoswellFan68 Yes someone will help Ava get away from Kivar and his friends.

Carolyn Maria is more then a dinner companion for Michael. Hopefully Shar's plan is going to work to save Ava.

Part 43

Serena walked out to the garden after making sure Liz was ok until dinner. She entered the new part and looked at some of the flowers that had been brought from Earth. She was staring at a sunflower having never seen anything like it before.

“It's called a sun flower. It gets it's name because of the way the pedals come out from the center resembles how kids draw the sun.”

Serena turned and smiled at Kyle.

“I like it.”
“I kinda do too.”
“Kyle, I know you want to touch me.”
“I won't do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”
“The truth is because of what I went through it is hard for me to know what makes me uncomfortable. But I do know it's not being around you. I have these feelings for you that I never felt before. But I don't know if I ever will be comfortable having sex until it happens. But I am not ready to go there.”
“Rena, I understand. Just take your time. I am not going anywhere.”

Serena moved closer and leaned in to give Kyle a soft kiss.


“Looks like she is finally healing.” Said Max wrapping his arms around Liz.
“I just came from seeing my father.”
“Any news on your father?”
“He is getting worse. His doctor thinks he only has a few weeks left.”
“I'm sorry.”
“Liz, I have never had a good relationship with my father. He has never been warm and loving. He doesn't love my mother.”
“It was political wasn't it?”
“Yeah. In order to get the support of my mother's father on something my father had to bond with my mother. He didn't have issue with it because he thought my mother had the beauty to be Queen.”
“That is sad.”
“I know. Liz, until you told me the you loved me, I thought that maybe it would remain one sided.”
“Max, I admit I never expected to fall in love with you, at least not so fast. But I am glad I did.”
“Liz, I fell in love with you before I even met you. When I got your application I knew you were the one for me.”
“I think I knew the day we met. Max, I do want to have your children. But I just want to wait a bit.”
“I understand. Liz, I agreed that we should wait and get to know each other. But you know after my father dies there will be pressure on us to have an heir.”
“I understand that. But I won't be twenty for two more months.”
“Well we will have to find a special way to celebrate.”

Max leaned down and kissed Liz passionately which Liz returned fully. They made their way to their bed discarded their clothes and soon were making love. Liz moaned as Max thrust in and out of her. As they reached their climax it was then that Liz noticed that both of their auras had combined and rather become bright white, it turned gold. They were still tangled together with Max still inside of her as they fell to sleep.


Re: Building A New Life (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 43 6/1/19

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2019 8:16 am
by keepsmiling7
Of course Kyle isn't going anywhere. Serena has hit the jackpot with him.
Yes, I can imagine Max will soon have the pressure to produce an heir.

Re: Building A New Life (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 43 6/1/19

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2019 8:06 am
by RoswellFan68
I can understand Liz's reasons for wanting to wait. She will have a lot of responsibilities when Max becomes King.

Re: Building A New Life (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 43 6/1/19

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 11:56 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Yes Serena hit the jackpot with Kyle.

RoswellFan68 Liz is going to have a lot of responsibilities once she is Queen. But Diane will be there to help her.

Part 44

Kara was checking on Tasha one final time before getting ready to head home for the night when she heard a soft moan from the bed. She smiled as the young woman slowly started to wake. Kara picked up her scanner and checked the monitor. Tasha had improved a great deal after the transfusion. But was still very weak. But was out of danger. But wasn't sure if Tasha's body would ever be able to take the abuse of working the pleasure house any more. She knew that those slaves had a minimal of six clients a day, with the most popular such as Tasha having ten to fifteen a day. Tasha's eyes opened but were unfocused.

“Good to see you awake Tasha.” Said Kara
“Where am I?” asked Tasha softly
“You are in the medical center. Do you remember what happened?”
“I remember working and the largest Torian I had ever seen come into my room. I remember thinking that this had to be a mistake. Not that I never been with a Torian before. But this one I just knew would crush me. He undressed and ordered me to remove my robe. We got into the bed and he entered me so hard I cried out. It was the most painful sex I ever had. It was worse then when Kivar spent two days breaking me in as he put it. This Torian not only pounded into me as hard as he could but did nothing to keep any of his weight off me. He had to have been close to 400 pounds.”
“Davis sent him to you. From what Quinn told me you should never have been with that bastard.”
“Davis hates me.”
“Well you won't be going back to that house for a while. Between the transfusions from Jena and Serena and the healing I was able to do you will recover. But you pelvic bone needs at least two more months to full heal. That means no sex during that time.”
“Kivar will order me killed! If you have to go more then four days without working he has you killed!”
“Tasha, I think he already tried to kill you.”


Serena knocked on the bedroom door. Kyle looked at her like she was crazy.

“It will be ok.” Said Serena
“If you say so.”
“Kyle, people here are more open about sex. Look I don't plan to walk in there unless they say it's ok. I mean I would rather not see them being intimate. Paylors are much more conservative when it comes to sex. Even if a woman or girl was raped she would be considered untouchable.”
“That isn't right.”
“It is just the way it is with my people.”
“Rena, what you went through is horrible. What happened to Tasha is tragic. When you are ready I will show you how a real man treats a beautiful smart lady like yourself.”

Just then the door opened revealing Max dressed in only a pair of shorts.

“Kyle, Serena is something wrong?” asked Max
“No sir. Your dinner will arrive in about ten minutes.” Said Serena

Max raised an eyebrow but said nothing. He could see that Serena was nervous about something. Liz came up to join them after pulling on her robe.

“Thanks guys. I am kinda hungry.” Said Liz
“Must have been doing something to work up that hunger.” Said Kyle

Liz glared at Kyle noticing his aura had black streaks going through it. She knew by the warm color of his aura he was a good person, but the dark streaks told her that he had done bad things he felt guilty doing. He had been in the military so she bet it had to do with the war.

“Serena help Liz get dressed I need to talk to Kyle.” Said Max
“Yes sir.” Said Serena

Serena followed Liz into the bedroom.

“You do know I don't need any help right?” asked Liz
“Yes. He wants to talk to Kyle alone.”
“Rena do you know what Kyle did for the military?”
“He told me he was a sniper.”
“So he killed targets he was assigned no matter who they were.”
“Yeah I get the feeling he feels guilty about some of his kills.”
“He does. Rena he is good at heart. But killing has taken it's toll on his soul.”
“What can I do?”
“Just be there for him like he is for you.”
“Liz, you are going to make a great Queen one day. One I will be honored to swear my loyalty too.”

Liz smiled knowing that Serena truly met what she said. She was gaining the other young woman's trust. Something that she knew wasn't given easily.


Re: Building A New Life (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 44 6/3/19

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 3:25 pm
by keepsmiling7
Wonder what Max and Kyle are up to......??