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Re: People who bug you

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:42 am
by killjoy
People who bug you about what you like to eat and want to force you to eat what THEY think is better for you.

"You know you really shouldn't eat red meat! It goes to your colon and stay's there for like twenty years! Eating green and no salt and no transfat....and no so much better for you and......" :roll:

:roll: Look I don't give a damn about what you eat so stay the hell out of what I eat! I HATE those do gooder people who go around trying to save everyone by making places cut out this or that.You know the ones....most of the time some gov't person armed with the latest 'study' and wants to pass a law banning something or other :roll: "ohh you can't have transfat in your can't have all that salt....we're the gov't so we know what's better for you!" :roll: :roll:

If I want to eat transfat....whatever the hell transfat is...than that's my f*&^ing business!

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 5:00 pm
by valentinebaby
killjoy wrote:People who bug you about what you like to eat and want to force you to eat what THEY think is better for you.

"You know you really shouldn't eat red meat! It goes to your colon and stay's there for like twenty years! Eating green and no salt and no transfat....and no so much better for you and......" :roll:

:roll: Look I don't give a damn about what you eat so stay the hell out of what I eat! I HATE those do gooder people who go around trying to save everyone by making places cut out this or that.You know the ones....most of the time some gov't person armed with the latest 'study' and wants to pass a law banning something or other :roll: "ohh you can't have transfat in your can't have all that salt....we're the gov't so we know what's better for you!" :roll: :roll:

If I want to eat transfat....whatever the hell transfat is...than that's my f*&^ing business!
My mom's like that. We were talking the other day and I mentioned Mac & Cheese and she's like I can't believe the crap you and your sister feed your kids. Seriously a box of Mac & Cheese every now and again isn't that bad for you.

My husband's uncles like that too, but he tells me things that make me feel sick to my stomach and then I can't ever eat them again. And it's like ya know I was perfectly happy with my food before you had to go and tell me that, jerk.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:58 am
by OrangeSky
valentinebaby wrote:Oh yes I know I just posted one not that long ago, but I'm angry, upset, and honestly shaking so here's a good one.

People who have no respects for pedestrians. Ever hear of the right of way? Well guess what I got it! And I get that it's 12:30am and I probably shouldn't be walking the streets at night but come on!!! Seriously does the jerk off think it's okay to run people over. I was in the road first, it's a damn crosswalk, and I had the signal to go. Ugh!!!
I was hit by two different cars in the span of about an hour and a half one morning my senior year of high school because neither driver was paying attention. The first person had the audacity to be pissed off at me because I was walking on the sidewalk and she didn't think she should have to stop before she left the parking lot and entered the street. How dare I walk where I'm supposed to, eh? :roll:

The second was a classmate who didn't look when he was backing out of a parking space at school, and ran right into me. Sent me flying backward a few feet onto the asphalt. To his credit, he was positively mortified. I think it shook him up for the rest of the day at least. I saw him a few more times that day and every time he saw me, all he said was "Are you sure you're okay? Really? I'm so sorry I hit you."

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:53 pm
by valentinebaby
OrangeSky wrote:
valentinebaby wrote:Oh yes I know I just posted one not that long ago, but I'm angry, upset, and honestly shaking so here's a good one.

People who have no respects for pedestrians. Ever hear of the right of way? Well guess what I got it! And I get that it's 12:30am and I probably shouldn't be walking the streets at night but come on!!! Seriously does the jerk off think it's okay to run people over. I was in the road first, it's a damn crosswalk, and I had the signal to go. Ugh!!!
I was hit by two different cars in the span of about an hour and a half one morning my senior year of high school because neither driver was paying attention. The first person had the audacity to be pissed off at me because I was walking on the sidewalk and she didn't think she should have to stop before she left the parking lot and entered the street. How dare I walk where I'm supposed to, eh? :roll:

The second was a classmate who didn't look when he was backing out of a parking space at school, and ran right into me. Sent me flying backward a few feet onto the asphalt. To his credit, he was positively mortified. I think it shook him up for the rest of the day at least. I saw him a few more times that day and every time he saw me, all he said was "Are you sure you're okay? Really? I'm so sorry I hit you."
What bothered me about it, is the guy saw me. That and the fact that the moron was turning into the wrong lane. He didn't bother to stop just kept going like oh if I run her and the dog over it won't matter. Whatever. Part of me wonders if he would've hit me if he would've just kept on going.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 10:02 am
by Earth2Mama
Bugging me this morning ... let's see ...


This morning, it happened on the bus and the lady was practically in my lap :roll: I looked at her and said, Would you like me kiss your boo boo and rock you to sleep as well? Had the nerve to be all shocked and then proceeded to puff her disgusting morning breath in my face before getting her ass up.

Jeez lady! Next time - it's called a toothbrush with toothpaste, not ass wipe. Yeah, I said that as well. :twisted:

I just ... can't seem to give a damn anymore. People are friggin' rude here in NYC! Ugh :x

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:18 pm
by NotYourChick
*People who talk really bad about a person for months. Then out of no where that person is their bestfriend.

*People who get joy out of being mean to others. Its like it makes them happy to see you sad.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:05 am
by kismet
My mother-in-law. I decided to quit my job for a better one and she thinks, she can nag all day long that I'm making wrong decision.


Re: People who bug you

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:35 am
by juliecollard87
kismet wrote:My mother-in-law. I decided to quit my job for a better one and she thinks, she can nag all day long that I'm making wrong decision.

Ah my mother-in-law how I can't count the ways she bugs me. I so know what your going through. Mine always trys to go over me with everything. She doesn't think I shouldnt be pushing manners on my two year old because she's "too young". I'm sorry but if she can talk she can say please and thank you. If it was up to her my daughter would just go around acting like a brat because she's too young to know what she's doing.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 2:47 pm
by OrangeSky
juliecollard87 wrote:
kismet wrote:My mother-in-law. I decided to quit my job for a better one and she thinks, she can nag all day long that I'm making wrong decision.

Ah my mother-in-law how I can't count the ways she bugs me. I so know what your going through. Mine always trys to go over me with everything. She doesn't think I shouldnt be pushing manners on my two year old because she's "too young". I'm sorry but if she can talk she can say please and thank you. If it was up to her my daughter would just go around acting like a brat because she's too young to know what she's doing.
I could definitely say please and thank you when I was a two year old, and it was expected of me. This was true for all of my siblings as well. It is required for my niece (she's 3) to say please and thank you and excuse me and may I. Small children are perfectly capable of understanding manners. It's so frustrating to me when people expect that they shouldn't, just because they're small. Keep on doing what you're doing.

And isn't it funny? (And by funny, I mean idiotic, frustrating and stupid.) Some people expect others to be mannerly toward them, but aren't willing to be mannerly in return. They expect others to give them kindness and consideration, but think nothing of giving it themselves.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:06 pm
by valentinebaby
juliecollard87 wrote:
kismet wrote:My mother-in-law. I decided to quit my job for a better one and she thinks, she can nag all day long that I'm making wrong decision.

Ah my mother-in-law how I can't count the ways she bugs me. I so know what your going through. Mine always trys to go over me with everything. She doesn't think I shouldnt be pushing manners on my two year old because she's "too young". I'm sorry but if she can talk she can say please and thank you. If it was up to her my daughter would just go around acting like a brat because she's too young to know what she's doing.
My two year old says thank you we're working on please. There's nothing wrong with teaching them early. If you teach them early it'll become automatic and you'll have a polite kid instead of one of those rude little kids that you see too many of these days.

My mother in law is thankfully absent from my life. She pops up on Christmas usually. But I hate the woman. She decided to go do drugs, stick me and my husband into raising her daughter, and then had the nerve to talk crap about the way I did things in my house and treated her daughter. I would be a seriously happy person if I never had to see any of my in laws again with the exception of my 16 year old sister in law, and that's cause she's my baby.