Weddings by Liz (AU/CC TEEN) *Important Note*

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Post by littleroswell »


I smile and raise my beer to him. "As far as I'm concerned it's going great. I haven't had to do much yet other than buy that unbelievably expensive ring on Isabel's finger, tell our parents we were getting married, and promise to show up." I frown a little at my next thought but then smile again. "And now that Isabel is thinking about hiring a wedding coordinator, I hope to be able to completely stay out of all the planning. I know I'll have to get fitted for a tux and all that jazz but that will hopefully be the extent of my involvement...except for a bachelor party of course."

I swallow the last bit of my beer and hold my hand up to the bartender for another.
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Post by madroswellfan »

I smile as I see Alex order his second beer. This may actually be fun!

"Well as I tried to explain to Isabel, a wedding planner is just ridiculous, but then again, to me a wedding seems a utterly ridculous idea. I mean....its a way for people to keep tabs on you. Plus whats wrong with being just a couple. Who needs a huge big wedding when one in three end in divorce anyhow" I say before swigging my...second beer? Third? Im not sure. The bartender knows the drill here. When he sees my glass empty he fills it. And I pay every hour or so. Its a good deal and it means I dont realise how much Ive actually had!
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Post by littleroswell »


I watch Max gulp down more beer and I grin. He's going to be sloshed pretty quickly at this rate. "Well, I happen to think that this whole wedding coordinator thing could be a good thing. If it will keep Isabel from going crazy over wedding plans and keep her happy, I'm all for it."

I study my future brother-in-law for a minute before saying, "Actually, though the statistics are that 2 in 3 marriages end in divorce now." I slap him on the back. "So why are you so against marriage, my friend?"
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Post by madroswellfan »

I roll my eyes as I continue to drink my beer. "Well I already told you some of my reasons. Others include its forever, it stops the fun, its a day to spend a ton of money for a little bit of paper, its a opportunity for women to go completely nuts about planning something ridiculous. I quote "Four Weddings and a Funeral" when I say, "Marriage is done when a couple run out of things to say to each other and its an excuse to have something to say to each other for the rest of there lives"

I take a swig of beer and add "Besides, why would I ever want to get married. I have everything I could want right now. Why do something to a relationship that already works just fine?"
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Post by littleroswell »


I shake my head at Max's "reasons" against marriage. "In my experience, and based on my observations, when a man says he doesn't see the point of getting married, he just hasn't met the right girl yet. That seems especially true in the case of those with girlfriends. I, on the other hand, can't remember a time when I wasn't in love with Isabel and I only seem to fall deeper the more time goes by. What do you think about it all, Michael? Do you agree with Max that marriage is just a piece of paper that tends to ruin a good relationship? Or can you agree with my belief that marriage can be the blessing from heaven that you can be committed to someone who knows you inside and out and who you know will never want anyone else but you?"

I grimace a bit as I wait for Michael's answer. That didn't come out as eloquently as I would have liked. I finish the beer I'd been working on and reach for the bowl of peanuts, popping a few in my mouth before holding up my hand to the bartender for the next beer. Gotta have something in my stomach before all the alcohol goes straight to my head.
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Post by littleroswell »

Occ: Hey, everyone, just wanted to drop a note to say that I really want this RP to start picking up. I'm afraid we might have to recast Tess. Buffsteraddict, are you just waiting on a Tess post to move on to the meeting with Liz? Let me know and we'll work something out. Maybe I can temp for her while we wait on someone else to sign up. I'm really wanting to get into the meat of this RP.
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Post by Corina Star »

I ponder Alex's question for a moment before answering with, "I think marriage can be overwhelming at the most. I bet Max just thinks it's hard because you have to stay with one person for the rest of your life," I joke.

I feel marrige can be a very good thing if it's with the right person at the right time no matter the age. Call me a sap but I think that's the way it should be.
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Post by littleroswell »


I grin at Michael's answer. "Hey, I didn't say I'm not terrified of getting married! Just because I decided to go ahead and take the plunge doesn't mean that I know exactly what I'm doing." I look back at Max's face. "So what does Tess think about all these notions about marriage?" I ask him.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"So what does Tess think about all these notions about marriage?"
I smile. "Thats why I like Tess. She completely understands and knows we are never moving on from where we are right now. This is it for me. This is life forever as far as Im concerned" I state before chugging more beer. why do I feel so... uncomplete? Not that I would tell them that! But you know lately I just... part of me wishes I wanted something more. Not that I do. Nuh uh. Never. Im just being silly. Beers getting to me I guess...
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Post by littleroswell »


I nod at Max's words. "Uh huh. And she knows this right? You say this is your life for the rest of it but does that mean with her or just with her right now? What happens when she wants more?" I ask, genuinely interested in what he would say.
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