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Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 15 - 5/3/15

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:07 pm
by Earth2Mama
Sheesh... what's with all the women assassins sent after Michael/Bane? And their complete and utter failure in capturing him? :lol:

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 15 - 5/3/15

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 1:39 pm
by sarammlover
Bane is damn smart. I like that the agent thought she had nailed him. I hope they get this tracker out of him and soon! AHH! So intense!!!!

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 15 - 5/3/15

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 3:01 pm
by keepsmiling7
"get lost in Canada" that really gonna work?

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 15 - 5/3/15

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 6:09 am
by Eva
I'm sitting on the edge of my seat here, hoping that they will reach a safe place (in anyway possible), without a tracker on their tails. So that they can buy that little bit of time, to make up some plans, to take some breaths between the craziness of the last couple of days. and the same goes to Isabel & Alex.

Part 16

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 6:05 am
by Double Trouble
begonia9508: Yep, it’s very dangerous!

Roswelllostcause: Lol, no, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Alien_Friend: Thanks! It is sad, but it’s a large part of the reason why The Circle selects these individuals – the very fact that there is no one to mourn them. Michael is deadly at his job and he’s at the top of his field. Yeah, not a surgery we’d want to undertake, lol.

That’s a good question. They’re both adept at handling situations like this, so we’ll see. The Circle is getting fed up with having to cover up these problems and Bane and Valkyrie and giving them plenty to stay on top of.

Earth2Mama: Lol, it’s a good thing they’re having a difficult time taking him down otherwise the fic would be too short!

sarammlover: He sure is. Taggart played her hand too quickly. Tess will do her best to get rid of it.

keepsmiling7: Well... that’s what he’s hoping but we’ll find out soon.

Eva: They’re gonna give it their best shot. Getting rid of the tracker will buy them some time, so keep those fingers crossed! They could all use a bit of a rest.

Part 16

“Let’s get it over with.”

“Is there anything I can do?” Maria asked.

“Have you had any medical training?” Tess asked as she opened up a specially packed field medical kit.


She shook her head and shoved the kit in the woman’s hands. “Just hold that.”

“Okay,” she grabbed it, trying to hide the trembling in her muscles. Michael was getting rid of the clothes covering his upper body and she felt her heart clenching when he laid flat on the floor with no visible fear.

“Alright, I can numb the area, but anything that goes deep enough to kill the pain’s gonna put you out.”

“No,” he said, “nothin’ that strong.”

She nodded. “You might wanna grab onto somethin’, tough guy, ‘cause without proper anesthesia, you’re gonna hurt.” She pulled on a pair of latex gloves and used a mild anesthetic to deaden the surface nerves before reaching for a scalpel. She grabbed a cleansing agent and nodded at the woman. “Hold that.”

He grabbed the steel anchors of the seats in front of him to prepare for the incision and the pain that would come with it. As he had been trained, his mind wandered as far off from the moment and the sensations as he was able to.

Maria assisted Tess as well as she could without looking at the wound. Just the thought of his blood made her feel nauseous.

Tess made the necessary incision, mentally and emotionally detaching herself from the moment so she could complete the task without choking. She felt the atmospheric pressure change just a heartbeat before the plane hit the air pocket and she managed to clear the wound before any damage could be done. She reached up to adjust the overhead light and she shook her head when she didn’t see the tracker.

“Damn it,” she muttered as she extended the incision and reached inside to probe the muscle and feel around the bone. “I’m not gonna be able to extract it under these conditions, Bane,” she said and withdrew her fingers. “It’s not just muscle and sinew that’s grown around it. I can’t know for certain without a more in-depth look, but it feels like it’s actually fused into the bone.”

Maria tried to control her gagging reflex at the information and she squeezed her eyes shut.

“Then you need to find a way to kill the signal,” he gritted through his teeth.

“I can try disrupting the signal, at this point that’s our best option.” She grabbed a tool to keep the wound open and pulled one of the gloves off, tossing it in the trash so she could pull one of the side panels down. She lifted a toolkit out and opened it up, sorting through it and pulling out several things. She turned her head to glance at the woman and motioned to a panel behind the co-pilot’s seat. “Open that up and pull out the box inside.”

Maria reached out with shaking hands and did as she was asked, though she couldn’t hear much with the pressure in her ears.

“Alright,” she took the kit from Maria and opened it up, sorting through the small compartments for a few moments before pulling out a device with several wires attached. “Bane, I’m gonna have to attach the reader to the tracking to see if I can find out what frequency it’s on and how strong the signal is before I attempt to disrupt it.” She didn’t wait for a response, just went to work.

“Gosh, I think I’m gonna be sick,” Maria slapped her hand over her mouth and nose when the smell of blood hit her senses.

“Suck it up,” he bit out, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the steel anchors tighter.

“Sorry, I’m not a criminal killing machine who’s murdered in God-only-knows how many disgusting ways with blood involved. I CANT SEE BLOOD.”

Tess rolled her eyes inwardly. She could just imagine how insane this woman would make Bane if they had to spend much time together. She snorted quietly. “You might wanna keep your eyes averted then because I’d rather you not blow chow all over my plane.”

“We’ve got company, babe. You better hurry up,” Kyle shouted from the front.

“Alright, I’ve got it.” She made quick work of removing the reader and reached into the kit again, pulling out another device. She clamped the ends of the pinchers into place and leaned back. “I’m gonna take a shot at shorting out that tracker, Bane, so hold on.” She flipped the switch when he nodded sharply and his muscles went taut when the charge sent a jolt of electricity through the surrounding tissue. She moved quickly, disengaging the pinchers and flooding the open wound with a cleansing solution.

Maria looked out at the window in panic but she couldn’t see any other plane in the air yet. Heart beating into her throat she looked at Tess. “Do you need help?”

“Stay down!” Bane barked. “Valenti, what kinda company’s comin’ at us? Land or air?” He glanced at Tess over his shoulder. “You kill that thing?”

“50/50,” she told him. “Don’t move. I need to sew you shut. “

“Air,” Kyle yelled. “Two helicopter. Looks like two fucking Blackhawks.”

“You’re never gonna outrun them in this thing. You outfitted with any kinda weaponry?”

“We have a Gatling, but that’s it.”

“How are you not retro-fitted for a missile launcher?” He shrugged Tess off. “Slap a bandage on it and get up there with him; he’s gonna need the help.”

“Uh, babe, quick!”

Tess met her boyfriend’s gaze briefly and knew they were in trouble. She threw the bandages into Marias lap and went to the front. “Do it.”

“Harding, you got ‘chutes on this bird?”

“Yeah, compartment under the rear seats.”

Maria fumbled the sterile wrapped bandage open and looked at his back in disgust. The wound was so bleeding. “God,” she muttered when she pressed the bandage to it.

“Don’t puke on me,” he growled impatiently. “Get your mind off the wound and just focus on the bandage.”

“Easier said than done.” She was able to fix the damn thing just in time before the plane went into a sharp turn in an attempt to dodge weapons fire.

“It’s about to get rough, guys,” Tess warned.

He could feel the bullets being fired from the Gatling and after what seemed like forever a small explosion indicated that one of their attackers had taken a hit. He shifted to keep his balance as he dug the parachutes out, ducking down to look out the window and watch one of the choppers take an extreme nosedive.

“Woo-hoo,” Kyle shouted, “you so got him, babe.”

“One down, one to go.” She shot a grin at him. While she was happy with her separation from the military, she had to admit the adrenaline junkie in her missed this kind of action. “Bring us around again.”

Michael pulled the parachute on, making all the necessary connections without even looking as he leaned in between the couple. “How far out are we?” He knew they had been climbing higher and moving further away from civilization, but he’d been so focused on getting that tracker taken care of that he wasn’t sure how much distance they’d already put between them and their takeoff point.

“About 40 miles out,” Tess said after checking the instruments. She turned her head to look at him briefly. “Let’s hope that transmitter’s dead, Bane. You two get the hell outta here.”

“Wait... get...” Maria shook her head. “Where’re we supposed to go? You can’t land out here, right?”

“Snuggle time, sweetheart,” Bane walked over to her, hauling her out of her seat and pulling her body towards his with her back facing his chest.

“Don’t lose those two packs,” Kyle hollered from the front. “They won’t get you back to civilization, but they’ll level the field for a while. Med kit, extra ammo, and other necessities.” The plane was jolted and rolled to the side when the right wing was suddenly shredded by bullets. “Son of a - “ He fought to hold the plane steady, but it was a losing battle. “Blow the door and get the hell outta here, Bane! We’re goin’ down one way or the other now but I want that asshole first.”

He nodded sharply and fastened the straps around Maria, moving them both over to the door. “Good luck.” He felt bad for dragging them into this mess but now wasn’t the time to exchange sentiments.

Maria’s eyes widened when he reached for the handle on the door. Her mind was struggling to process what was happening and denial was taking a strong lead. They were about to jump out of an airplane! She drew in a deep breath and her throat closed up in response to the icy air. There was nothing but miles and miles of snow dotted by the green of the evergreens that dressed the landscape as far as she could see. Instinct had her grabbing for the doorframe when the door suddenly blew outwards and she couldn’t stop the scream that welled up in her throat. They were going to die! They couldn’t possibly land safely out there. “What’re you doing?!”

Bane made sure both packs were secured to them before he laid his hands over Maria’s, prying them away from the doorframe. “Just relax and let me handle it.”

“Relax? Relax? You’re getting ready to - “ The rest of her words were swallowed by the wind as he pushed off from the plane and they began to plummet through the air.

Freaking-ass-cold was the first thing that came to mind. He spread his arms when they started to fall, trying to get their descent under control before he opened the parachute. Her screams pierced his ears and he hoped they wouldn’t be damaged for good.

Maria’s breath stalled in her throat when he reached up and jerked a cord and their bodies were suddenly jerked upwards. What was happening? Her mental processes seemed to be slower than normal and she wondered if it was a lack of oxygen or just the trauma of the past... gosh, how many hours or days had it been since this man had come into her life? She couldn’t even remember.

“Easy,” he told her when he heard her rapid breathing. The last thing he needed was for her to be unconscious when they hit the ground. He glanced up when he heard gunfire again and saw the plane taking a few sharp turns before firing back.

The Blackhawk tried to ditch the rain of bullets, but missed and an explosion disrupted the air. Seconds later the shockwave reached them and sent their controlled descent into a tailspin.

Damn it, he thought.

She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping and praying for this nightmare to be over. She wanted to just wake up and for her life to be the same boring routine she went through day in and day out, but the feeling of the wind rushing past them told her the nightmare was far from being over. She opened one eye and looked down and her stomach rolled sickeningly as the ground rushed up to meet them.

“The landing’s gonna be rough,” he muttered, trying to direct them towards the trees. At this speed they had a better chance of surviving if they crashed into them rather than the alternative.

Of course it was. She just nodded and closed her eyes. She had no idea what to do. Somewhere in the back of her mind some random bit of trivia reared its head and she recalled reading or hearing somewhere that a parachute landing was safest if your body was relaxed and you remembered to bend your knees on impact. She could do this. Maybe she wasn’t the bravest person in the world or the smarted, but she was highly motivated to survive.

Bane maneuvered the parachute as well as he could, only letting go of the strings when they reached the tree line. He moved his arms around her to bring her tighter into his body, hoping to protect her from serious injury – the rest happened way too fast to register. The only thing he felt between the first branch under his boot and his body hitting the ground was a sharp pain in his side.

Maria shook her head in an attempt to clear it and immediately regretted the move when everything around her seemed to spin. She moved to brace her hands on the ground, barely registering the cold crisp feel of the snow beneath her palms as she drew in several deep, calming breaths. Slowly her surroundings began to come into focus and she pushed herself upright to look around.

The moonlight filtered through the trees and the thick branches cast heavy shadows over the snow-covered ground. She took inventory of her limbs as she cautiously got to her feet, her right hand reaching out to brace herself against the sturdy trunk of a nearby tree. There was nothing in sight beyond miles and miles of the tree-covered mountains. She tipped her head back to scan the sky overhead, shifting to see it through the treetops and feeling a sense of panic set in when she realized there was no sign of the plane they had been in up until a few minutes ago.

Bane opened his eyes, fighting against the heavy throbbing in his body and the fog in his mind. His vision was blurry and took longer than normal to adjust after he’d been knocked out to focus. He tried to sit up, but pain shot through his side, forcing all the air out of his lungs. He took several calming focused breaths before he used his hands on the rough ground to push him up and a few inches backwards until he could lean his upper body on a large fallen limb. His gaze moved over his surroundings, but other than trees, snow and a curious rabbit, he couldn’t detect anything.

“Maria?” he called out while he took inventory of his body. Legs and arms were okay, but blood was seeping through his tee shirt, covering the snowy spot beneath him in red. “Motherfuckin’ shit,” he muttered with a pained expression.

“We’re in the middle of nowhere,” she muttered incredulously. They were stranded on a mountain with no food and no shelter. She turned to look at him and even in the moonlight she could make out the blood coloring the snow beneath him a bright red. “You’re hurt.”

“Wow, Blondie, you’re a genius,” he moved higher to lean more of his weight on his back and reached for the pack closest to him.

His response had her snapping out of the shock she’d been feeling. “Has anyone ever told you just how mean you are?”

He ignored her, rummaging around in the backpack until he found a few bandages. “Ever done a pressure bandage?” he asked as he tried to shrug out of the straps of the parachute, his lips pressed together firmly to muzzle his pained groans.

“Um...” He wanted her to do that? But there was blood. Her stomach made a nauseating roll. A lot of blood. She shook her head mutely.

“I need you to help me,” he gritted through his teeth when his injury kept him from freeing his upper body.

“Y-you need a d-d-doctor,” she stammered.

“What I need is a fuckin’ pressure bandage,” he snapped. “Now get the hell over here before I bleed to death, will ya?”

“It would serve you right for the way you act,” she bit out as she moved over to him.

“Loosen the straps at my side.”

Her fingers felt thick and clumsy as she worked the straps for the parachute free. She tried not to look at the bloody gash that was visible through the torn fabric of his shirt. When she looked down to pull one of the straps away from his body she saw a piece of a branch sticking out of his side and she was sure she wasn’t going to be able to control her gag reflex. “You um... there’s a piece of a branch...” she gestured even as she fought down the urge to throw up.

He leaned forward to look then nodded. “Alright, it stays where it is.”

“Not that I wanna consider the other option, but won’t that cause an infection?”

“We’ll have to remove it when we find shelter. Remove it now an’ consider yourself alone out here.”

She winced and nodded. “So we have to what, bandage around it?”

“Yeah,” he threw several things in front of him and reached for the scissors to cut into his shirt. The fabric stuck to parts of the wound and he groaned when he tore it away from the gash.

“That looks really...” Gross was the first word that came to mind but all she said was, “It looks bad.”

It was bad, but he didn’t want to freak her out. “Unwrap one of the compresses.”

She picked up one of the packages he motioned to and tore the edge off of it. “Now what?”

He leaned back, trying to get rid of the black dots forming in front of his eyes. “Press it to the wound, not the branch, where my skin’s ripped open, then fix it with a bandage around my waist as tight as possible.”

She looked away for a moment, drawing in a deep breath and trying her best to ignore the coppery scent of fresh blood that made her stomach twist and turn. She nodded and pressed the bandage to the wound, gagging when his blood soaked right through it and she could feel the wet warmth of it against her fingertips. “There’s too much of it.”

“Take another.”

She swallowed hard and reached for another one, then grabbed a second just as a precaution. She ripped both open and stacked them together before pressing them over the wound. “That’s a little better,” she said, relieved when the blood didn’t immediately soak through.

“Now wrap the bandage,” he said and grabbed her hand when she started. “Tight!”

“Okay.” She did as he ordered, doing her best to keep the bandage tight with every pass around his body.

He went through the pack while she worked on him, finding a few painkillers as well as antibiotics. Without bothering to read the recommended dosage, he took two of each and threw it back into the pack. “We need to get outta here.”

She looked around. “Where do we go?”

“Northwest is our best chance.” He shoved himself to his feet, back leaning against a tree. The ground below him was wavering and he knew they didn’t have a lot of time. If they didn’t find a warmer place to stay soon, he’d either bleed out or freeze to death.

How did he even know which direction was northwest? But she didn’t ask, just nodded and leaned over to grab one of the packs, slipping her arms through the shoulder straps and hooking the waist strap to hold it in place. “Okay.”

“Let’s go,” he took the other pack, hooking the strap over one shoulder and stepping away from the tree. “This way,” he pointed at a small clearing and started to walk. Hopefully the tracker was dead, because in his condition he was no match for anyone they’d send after them.

“Do you have any idea where we’re going?” she asked as she followed him. “I mean, did you see something when we were in the air?”

“There are several small vacation areas in the mountains. If we’re lucky, we’ll run across one an’ find a cabin.” His voice was strained, his breath jerky. Damn it!

“So what do we say if there are people there?”

“That we had a parachute jump go wrong,” he answered dryly.

“In December? In the middle of the night? What kind of nuts make parachute jumps like that?”

“We do. Obviously.” He lifted his gaze to look around when they reached the clearing. “Could be our honeymoon,” he said before he started to walk again, one arm clenched around his side to prevent the branch from moving.

“Our honeymoon?!” she exclaimed and then snorted disdainfully. “This so isn’t what I’d be doing on my honeymoon.”

“No?” he panted. “What would ya do, Blondie?”

“Well, if – and I do mean IF – I ever got married in the winter I wouldn’t be jumping out of a plane with my new husband over snowy mountains. If I even agreed to something as crazy as being airborne the night of my wedding it’d be something like parasailing someplace nice and warm.”

“Boring.” He snorted and leaned against a tree to rest. He was holding them up.

She gasped and her head snapped around to stare at him. “Boring?!” she stated indignantly. “It is not boring!”

“Sure as hell is.” He coughed and started to move again, climbing up a small hill where he hoped to get a better view of the landscape.

“And what would you do?” If he ever lowered himself to such a degree to get married she could just imagine what the poor woman would have to endure. He’d probably think spending their honeymoon on a night jump out of a plane over the mountains followed by a day at the shooting range was a perfect way to celebrate.

“Blondie, I’m not a marryin’ kinda guy.”

“Then I don’t see how you can call my idea of a good time boring.” She rolled her eyes at him. “For all you know the guy I fall in love with and marry could think that was something fun to do.”

“Must be a wuss.” He groaned when a deep breath caused pain, but he pushed himself further through the snow.

“Bite me,” she grumbled and tried her best to stay in his footsteps.

They walked through the snow for another 90 minutes, keeping their conversation to a bare minimum. Bane could feel his strength fading with every passing minute now. Soon he’d be a burden, not someone who’d be able to protect her from any danger. When they reached the top of another small hill and nothing but more landscape came into view, he felt one of his knees give out and he sank to the ground with a groan.

“Michael?” She rushed to his side, her hand gripping his arm without thinking how he’d react to the contact.

“You need to go,” he coughed, pushing her away from him.

“Go? Go where?” She looked around. There was still nothing in sight. “Michael, I can’t go out there alone and you can’t stay here. You’ll freeze to death.”

“I’m as good as dead anyway, Blondie. Right now, you have a better chance alone.”

“No, no I won’t leave you here.”

“This is not the fuckin’ time to argue with me!” he spit out, getting back to his feet.

She crossed her arms over her chest and stuck her chin out stubbornly.

“You’re too stubborn for your own good, woman.” He reached out for a nearby tree to steady himself.

Maria merely shrugged and waited.

He was too weak to fight. If she wanted to stick with him and freeze to death rather than find shelter, fine. It wouldn’t matter after his death anyway.

Grabbing the pack in one hand, he forced his feet to cooperate. Good thing about the narrow space between the trees around here was that he had something to lean on.

“How far do you think we’ve walked?” she asked as she fell into step with him once again.

“Not more than a few miles.” He looked at the sky for orientation but clouds had moved in. It was going to snow soon, he could smell it on the air.

It seemed like they’d been walking for hours. Her body was conditioned for running and walking, but hiking through snow that was knee-deep was a different story. She watched him as they slowly trudged through the snow, seeing the toll the wound and blood loss was taking on him. She might not have any medical training, but even she knew without proper treatment and soon he could die.

Bane tugged his cell out when they reached a higher point, but it continued to say no signal. He knew using it as GPS would be risky but it was a risk he was willing to take if the damn thing worked.

It went back into his pocket before he glanced down at his side. The whole side of his shirt and parts of his pants were covered in blood. The halfhearted bandage was soaked through and he was starting to leave a small trail of blood along the path they walked. Leaning his head against a tree, he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, trying to fight the nauseated feeling.

The dark of night began to give way to the light whitish-gray of a winter’s morning and there was no mistaking the fact that the wound in his side was continuing to bleed. Maria scanned the landscape before them and she squinted as she saw a break in the trees some distance ahead of them. “Michael,” she pulled on the sleeve of his coat, “Michael, look. What’s that?”

He lifted his head, but his eyes refused to focus on anything. He reached out to brace himself against a tree when he felt his legs weakening again, but his hand missed its intended target.

Maria grabbed onto him, trying to steady him as she moved around him, shoving her shoulder up under his arm in an effort to keep him upright. “I think maybe it’s one of those cabins you were talking about. There’s a clearing down there and to put a cabin up out here you’d have to have some sort of clearing, right?”

He heard her babbling something, but the words were just dull sounds. When she moved, he moved with her, doing his best to keep most of his weight off of her.

His weight seemed to increase with every step and in spite of his best efforts to keep from being a burden she was struggling to maintain her footing while holding onto him. She forced her eyes to stay locked on the clearing, focused all of her energy on putting one foot in front of the other, and little by little they advanced on their goal. “It’s a cabin, Michael, it really is!” It was small and from the looks of it, nothing fancy, but it would be shelter from the cold and hopefully whoever owned it at least had some canned goods stocked up for future visits.

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 16 - 5/10/15

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 9:54 am
by Earth2Mama
Well... At least they've got shelter for the night. Let's just hope that branch didn't do any real damage & that Maria can keep it together long enough to help aid in removing it!

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 16 - 5/10/15

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 12:06 pm
by Roswelllostcause
Great part!

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 16 - 5/10/15

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 3:23 pm
by Eva
They're still alive and that's, for now, the most important thing! Maria was brave to stay with him, on the other hand, she knew Michael would be her key to survive this, the same way she was his key.

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 16 - 5/10/15

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 5:59 pm
by keepsmiling7
I can't believe Maria.......

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 16 - 5/10/15

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 12:31 pm
by sarammlover
DAMN the hits just keep coming. How on earth is Bane/Michael still alive? I can't for the life of me imagine the amount of pain he is in and how on earth they are going to get out of this. I like that Maria has taken to calling him seamless. I am really enjoying this story. Its suspenseful and intense and everything a good story should be!