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Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 25 9/21

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 10:15 am
by begonia9508
Wow! Very serious ceremony, and recognized from the Granolith! Loved it! EVE :mrgreen:

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 26 9/22

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:01 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 :D

L-J-L 76 It was kind of romantic.

Eve It was serious.

Part 26

After the wedding Serena changed into her normal clothes and headed out into the garden. She was glad that her sister was happy. Liz had just turned sixteen a couple weeks ago the legal age to marry on Antar. Serena pushed a strand of her red hair back and sat down on a bench near the pond.

"You have really grown up." Came a voice from behind her.

Serena turned to see Kyle Valenti standing there.

"Yes Serena."
"Wow, you look good."
"You want to sit?"
"Thank you. So your birthday is in a month right?"
"Yeah. I will be fourteen."
"That is good. You know I always thought you were a cute kid."
"You were always one of the few who were nice to Liz and me in school."
"Yeah. Well, you had the same rights as everyone else. Serena, I don't know much about the guardians. So maybe you can answer a question I have."
"Ask away Lieutenant."
"Are guardians aloud to marry?"
"Yes Kyle. I can get married. I can have a family in fact it will be the only way to keep my families blood line as guardians. It can't go through Liz now. She is now a part of the Royal family. Royals can not be guardians."
"I am aware of that. How do you feel about Liz and the prince?"
"He has been very good for her. Liz is very happy."
"She seemed that way at dinner yesterday."
"Kyle, is there a reason that you are out here with me?"
"Kind of. I want to spend time with you."
"I would like that."

Kyle broke into a big smile as he looked at the younger girl.


Maria pulled her cloak tighter around her as she made her way out of Kivar's house. She had the papers tucked safely inside the cloak. She had to get to the extranion point. She hated leaving those girls behind to be abused further by that monster. But right now she had to get these papers back to the palace. They had the proof they needed to take Kivar down for destroying the farms. She stayed in the shadows of trees as she neared what had once been the Parker's farm. But the land was now poisoned and the family now lived in the palace. She really couldn't wait to see her one time friend again. As she neared the barn she could hear the grumbling of her lover and contact. She came around the corner and smiled at him.


Michael pulled her into his arms and hugged her.

"I missed you so much pixie."
"Missed you too Space boy."
"Come on let's get out of here."
"I got the proof we need."
"That's great! Show me in the transport. Besides I got a lot to tell you."
"How is Liz?"
"That is one of the things I got to tell you."

They climbed into the transport and headed back to the palace.

"So what do you have to tell me about Liz?"
"Well for one thing she is now Princess Elizabeth."
"Max and Liz married earlier today."
"How did that happen?"
"Well, from what I know Mr. Parker came close to losing the farm about three years ago."
"Yeah I know about that."
"Well he borrowed a large sum of money from Lord Trayer, the contract he sign stated if the money wasn't repaid in the alotted time frame then he had to sign Liz over to Lord Trayer to sell at the slave market. Trayer actually gave Parker an extra six months."
"He is a good guy."
"Yeah he is. But Parker still couldn't come up with the money. So Trayer took Liz a little over a year ago. He didn't like it. But a deal was a deal. From what I understand Liz went with him without a fight understanding her fate. She went through the the medical exam and scrubing. Then was taken to the market. Men looked her over a couple made offers. Kivar showed up. He made the biggest offer at the time. Trayer really should have sold Liz then. But he could see and feel her fear. Max came in maybe twenty minutes later. Diane sent him. He paid a hell a lot more then he should have. But the offer was only good in that second. Trayer had made Parker a promise that he would do his best to send Liz with someone who would treat her well."
"And Max would do just that."
"Yeah. So Liz went with him. Well over the past year they have grown closer and fell in love."
"So they had the legal marriage today in the granalith chamber."
"Yes, and Max had Serena preformed the ceremony as her first act as guardian."
"Liz had to have loved that."
"I don't know. I had to leave to meet you before it."
"I will get Liz to talk in a couple days."

Michael just shook his head. Boy he was glad he wasn't Liz in this moment. She was going to have to deal with hurricane DeLuca!


Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 26 9/22

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 4:46 am
by max and liz believer
I'm all caught up :D Max and Liz finally bonded - both mentally and physically. I'm so happy for them. They are both very good for each other.

I loved that Mr. Parker got to come and work (and live) at the palace. It means that they are all safe; Liz, her sister and her father. And lieutenant Kyle has a thing for Serena, huh?

So Liz is no longer plagued by painful and disorganized visions; they are now clear and much easier to handle due to her bonding...?

Maria and Michael :D Such a great couple. Even in this story. I would love to see them work together to bring down Kivar. He really needs to be dealt with. In a very non-gentle way. In a way, I wouldn't wish him to just be killed, it makes him get off too easily for all those terrible things he's done to all those girls. But I guess torturing prisoners is not really Prince Max's thing is it? :roll: :twisted:

- Jo

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 26 9/22

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:11 am
by begonia9508
Wow! Never expected that Maria was so courageous, going into Khivar's quartiers! :shock: But Michael was short behind so I guess she was not too much in danger! Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 26 9/22

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 8:54 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Love the way Kyle and Serena are with each other. Kyle seems like he really sweet, kind and romantic guy. So Kyle asked if Serena can marry huh? I say Kyle will probably be asking Serena in a romantic way. Cool Maria got what she needed to bring Kivar down. Hopefully the king will be happy with what Maria brought him. Maria seems to be a good spy. Love how Michael and Maria are being a real couple in love. Michael told Maria a lot of things. I agree with Michael about not wanting to be Liz. Hopefully it will be a happy reunion for Liz, Serena, Maria and Kyle when they all see each other.

L-J-L 76

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 26 9/22

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:35 pm
by Natalie36
glad maria is in the know does she get to leave kivar's castle now i hope :)

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 26 9/22

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 9:31 am
by keepsmiling7
The wedding was blessed by the granolith.....that's a good start.
Loved Kyle making his moves on Serena.
And Maria has returned to a lot of news........this will be interesting as she talks to Liz for the first time.

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 27 9/26

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:39 am
by Roswelllostcause
Jo Yes Max and Liz have fully bonded, they are very good for each other. Yes Jeff has been reunited with his girls. Lieutenant Kyle does have a thing for Serena. Yes with the bonding Liz is now able to focus the visions which before were very disjointed and unclear to her. Don't worry about Kivar, he will get what is coming to him.

Eve Maria is very brave.

L-J-L 76 Kyle is a very sweet guy. It will be a little while before Kyle would ask Serena to marry him. One they need to vet to know each other again, two Serena is still under the legal age to marry.

Natalie36 Maria will no longer be spying on Kivar.

Carolyn The blessing by the granalith was very good for Max and Liz. Yes Kyle is trying to put the moves on Serena. Maria and Liz will have a lot to talk about when they see each other. But it will be a little bit before they talk. Liz will be enjoying her honeymoon with Max. :wink:

A/N Sorry for the delay. I wanted to update sooner, but I have had a nasty summer cold. But doing better now!

Part 27

Max picked up Liz outside of their room. Liz giggled. She couldn't believe that he was actually doing this. But she wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her into their room and placed her on their bed. It was hard to believe that from this day on she would share this bed with her husband. Max joined her on the bed and began kissing her. Liz groaned as Max nibbled at her ear. She never imaged that anyone could make her feel the way Max did. She reached up and pushed his suit jacket off his shoulders. Then she started to unbuttoned his shirt. The whole time Max kept sucking on her collar bone. Max rolled them over so that Liuz was on top and went to work at getting Liz out of her dress. Before long the dress was tossed aside along with Liz's bra. Max flipped them back over and smiled down at his beautiful wife.

"I love you so much Liz."
"I love you Max."

They made short work of their remaining clothes. Max just smiled at his beautiful wife's body. He felt that they had been made for each other. He kissed a line down her body right to her belly button. He stuck his tong in causing a low groan to escape Liz's throat. He pushed her legs farther apart and pushed this fingers into her. He was amazed at how wet she already was. He pumped them in and out causing her to moan in pleasure. He looked into her eyes and could see her disire in them. He wanted this to last for a while. He wanted them to really enjoy their first time making love as a married couple. Max smiled as Liz's back arched in orgasim.

"God yes Max!" Screamed Liz
"Feel good baby?"

Liz reached up and rubbed her hand up and down his hard shaft. Max groaned at the feel of her small hand on him. After a couple minutes he pulled her hand off him lifted her legs over his hips and plunged his hard dick into her. Max groaned at how tight and wet she was as he started to thrust into her hard. Both let out moans as their bodies met thrust for thrust. Liz had wrapped both her arms and legs around Max her nails digging into him as she felt herself coming closer and closer to the edge. Both screamed as they came at the same time they clasped with Max rolling them over so Liz was on top but he stayed barrier deep inside of her.


Kivar slapped the slave girl hard. That stupid maid he hired a year and half ago had taken off. Not that he cared about her much. What made him so mad was that she had taken his maps and documents that proved that he was the one behind the poisoning of the farmlands. If she took those papers to the king then he was a dead man. He knew that Tess more then likely was dead or on her way there not that he cared about that stupid half breed. As much as he hated it he was going to have to leave his home and go into hiding. That meant he was going to have to leave most of his sluts behind. But he would take one with him. Not this one. She was just to much trouble. But he knew he needed to give her a good ride before he left her and the others. He knew the one he was going to take she was young, but she had broken really fast. It had only taken him three days of hard rides to break her. He stripped ripped her smock from her and then he pushed into her hard each of his thrust was rough and hard. He could her her sobs as he kept pounding into her. It was nearly an hour after he started to ride her that he had he release. The girl screamed as she felt her rib break from his force and weight. Kivar dressed leaving the girl in pain and bleeding on the bed.


Maria followed Michael through the halls of the palace to the King's office.

"Michael, I'm nervous." Said Maria
"It will be OK. Philip is a nice guy."
"I have just never met with him before."
"It will be OK pixie. I will be here the whole time."
"Thanks Michael."

Michael knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"Come in." Came Philip's voice

Michael opened the door and led Maria in. Philip greeted her with a warm smile.

"Maria, it's good to see you have made it back safely." Said Philip
"Thank you my King. I have the documents, I found." Said Maria
"Thank you. This will help a lot." Said Philip
"Sire, Kivar has been abusing his slaves." Said Maria
"Michael, take a squad of soldiers and go after Kivar. Bring his slaves to the medical complex. I will figure out what to do with them later." Said Philip
"Yes Sire." Said Michael
"Maria get some rest. I know Liz will like to see you in a couple days."
"Yes Sire." Said Maria

Maria and Michael left and Philip looked over everything Maria came back with.


Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 27 9/26

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:22 am
by keepsmiling7
It's great that Maria got the maps for the king.
And I hope someone will do the same thing to Kivar that he does to the slave girls.
Hope you are feeling better,

Re: From Rags to Princess (M/L, AU Adult) Pt 27 9/26

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:58 am
by begonia9508
The is only one thing to do with Khivar! It is to have him decapited in front of Antar people or to let him undergo the same treatment he did to the girls... if they found voluntaries... :roll: :twisted:

EVE :mrgreen: