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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 36 10/11/16

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 9:03 am
by Michelle17
Oh, Things are about to start getting really real. Tess needs to die already Kivar too. Max and Liz are so cute. I can see Liz ending up pregnant soon.

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 36 10/11/16

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:56 pm
by L-J-L 76
Please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends.

L-J-L 76

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 36 10/11/16

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:45 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Max and Liz have always been King and Queen. But the mark is important! Don't worry Tess will get what is coming to her soon!

Michelle17 It won't be long before you get your wish for Tess. Max and Liz are very cute and sweet together. Liz, becoming pregnant, we will have to wait and see!

Lurkers As always thanks for reading!

Part 37

Serena flipped the sign on the Crashdown from closed to open and unlocked the door. She hated working opening. She much rather close. She glanced at the cut out to see Michael in the kitchen.

"What Michael?"
"You OK?"
"Yeah. Why do you suddenly care?"
"When you cleared my head the connection went both ways. I got an idea of how lonely you were growing up."
"Michael, I don't even talk about my childhood with Liz. So don't take this the wrong way. But stay out of it."
"Hey, I was just letting you know if you want to talk about I will listen."
"Thanks. You know Rath and Trina did get a long sometimes. They both cared about Dana."
"She was your best friend after your sister before she was Rath's wife."
"Yeah. But Maria doesn't seem to want to be friends."
"She is scared. She thinks that you are going to take her best friend from her."
"I would never do that."
"I know. Isn't someone else supports to be here?"
"Agnus, she called last night said that she is sick."
"She is always sick or on a smoke break."
"I told Jeff I would be OK until Maria comes in at eight."

Just then the bell over the door rang and a couple of tourists came in and sat in one of the booths. Serena pulled out her order pad and headed over to the table.

"Welcome to the Crashdown. I'm Serena can I get you something to drink?" Said Serena
"Yeah two coffees lots of cream and two waters." Said the man
"Be right back with those."

Serena headed behind the counter to make the drinks. She placed them on the tray and headed over to the table. She gave them their drinks and wrote down their order. She then handed it to Michael.

"Make sure those hashbrowns are really well done with the eggs over hard. He really was forceful about that."
"What about his bacon?"
"Make sure it crispy. The woman with him isn't as picky."
"Got it."

More customers came in and both Serena and Michael were busy. At seven thirty Maria came in and headed for the back.

"Rena give me five minutes and I will be out to help." Said Maria as she passed Serena
"No problem Maria."

Five minutes later Maria came out and headed for the table that a family had just sat down at. Serena went to clean the table Mr. Picky had been at and rolled her eyes as she shoved her very small tip into her apron pocket. Maria caught up with Serena behind the counter making drinks.

"So you were OK by yourself?"
"Yeah. My first customer was an asshole. Fifty cent tip on a over ten dollar order."
"I hate people like that."
"Don't worry I put Tobasco in his coffee."
"He really should learn not to mess with an alien princess."

Maria just smiled she really was really starting to like Serena.


Max helped Liz into the jeep as the left the hotel.

"So you want to go home?" Asked Max
"Actually I want to go talk to your mom. See if she knows more about why the seal has appeared on us. Cause I really need to be able to explain it to my dad. Yeah he knows about the whole alien thing, but this is a little weird."
"Sure. Let me call and make sure she his home."
"Good idea."

Max pulled out his cell phone and called his house. He hung up after a couple of minutes.

"She will be waiting for us."

Liz gave him a kiss and they headed for Max's house. Neither noticed that someone was following them. Someone who wished nothing but harm on Liz.

Part 38

Tess watched as Max and Liz pulled out of the parking lot of the Holiday Inn. She could only hope that they hadn't been doing what she thought they were doing. Because if they were then nothing that either she or Kivar had planned was going to work. She hoped that it was that they only had sex. If they bonded then the only way to break them would be for one of them to die. Not that she cared if Liz died. Her brother wouldn't be happy if Liz died if she truly was Elexa. Tess kept her distance as she followed them to Max's house. She drove off knowing that she would have to wait to get answers.


Max and Liz walked into the house to find Diane waiting for them.

"Did everything go OK?" Asked Diane
"Yeah mom. But there is something we were wondering about." Said Max
"What is it?" Asked Diane
"This." Said Liz

Liz turned her back to Diane and took off her jacket so that her shoulders were revealed. Under the left strap of Liz's tank top Diane saw the Royal seal. Her eyes were wide in surprise.

"You both have it?" Asked Diane
"Yeah mom. We both remember somethings from before. But we didn't have this mark before after bonding on Antar." Said Max
"You didn't. Liz may I touch it?" Asked Diane
"Yes." Said Liz

Diane moved the strap out of the way and ran her finger over it. The best that she could tell it was like a tattoo. She closed her eyes and focused trying to see if she could get anything from it. But she got nothing.

"I have never seen anything like this before. The only way to get answers is from the granalith." Said Diane
"Granalith?" Asked Max
"It is this very powerful living machine. It was sent here with you." Said Diane
"Where is it?" Asked Liz
"My guess is in a hidden chamber in the cave with your pods. Nancy would have a better idea of where it is. But only the keepers can activate it."
"Are there keepers here?" Asked Max
"Yes. Keepers are always female and part of the two Royal families. But never the heirs."

Liz smiled having a good idea of who the keepers were.

"We need our sisters to help us." Said Liz
"Isabel and Serena?" Asked Max
"Vilandra and Trina were the last two keepers. They were never replaced when they died. They weren't replaced because the granalith knew that they would be reborn to take their rightful place as keepers once again. The two of them need to form a connection with the granalith to access the information we need." Said Diane
"Well Serena is working right now, and I have to close. But all of us are off tomorrow." Said Liz
"So we will head out and check things out then." Said Max
"Yeah. Besides mom still has to show us the other pods. The ones she and Kal hid in a secret chamber." Said Liz
"I wish I could be more help. But, there is something you should think about. Even though the two of you have bonded Liz, you are still in danger. Tess and Nasado are still lurking around. While I don't think that Nasado will risk Kivar killing him by harming you, he could try kidnapping you. Tess hated Elexa from the second she met her. So if she knows who you are she will try and kill you. She won't care what Kivar wants." Said Diane
"So mom, you are saying that Liz should never be left alone." Said Max
"I am not defenseless you know." Said Liz
"We know. We just want to keep you safe." Said Diane
"I know."
"Liz, let's get you home." Said Max giving her a kiss.

Diane smiled as they headed out. They were so much like how she remembered Zan and Elexa.


Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 37&38 10/14/16

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 6:00 am
by L-J-L 76
All I can say is wow!

L-J-L 76

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 37&38 10/14/16

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 6:07 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 :D

Part 39

Max and Liz walked into the Crashdown to find Alex, Isabel and Kyle sitting in a booth. Maria and Serena were waiting on customers and Michael was working the grill. Liz noticed her dad at the register. She knew that he was not to happy about what happens last night between her and Max. She kissed Max and went over to her dad.

"Dad, let's talk in the back ok?" Asked Liz

Liz and Jeff headed into the back room and sat on the sofa back there.

"Dad, I know that you aren't happy about what Max and I did last night."
"Liz, you aren't even seventeen yet."
"I know. But the fact is without the bonding I would be in more danger then I am now. Because of the bonding I now have full control over my powers."
"Liz, from what I understand this bonding thing is for life."
"It is. Weather you like it or not Max and I are meant to be together. I love him. I know you think that I am too young to know what love is. But I really do love him."
"Does he love you?"
"Do you really think he would have risked his life to save mine if he didn't?"
"Liz, this is just hard on me. I remember that night when Nancy carried you out of that cave. You were so small and helpless."
"Dad, I may be this reincarnated alien queen, but I will always be your little girl. I love you. You are always going to be my dad. Elexa's father is dead. He was never around for her anyway."

Jeff hugged Liz and gave her a kiss.

"Just don't go making me a grandfather if you can help it, at least until you finish high school."
"Ok daddy."

Liz kissed her dad and went to join her friends.


Max joined his friends at the booth while Liz went to talk with her dad.

"So did everything go ok?" Asked Kyle
"Kyle, I am not going to talk to you about what happened last night." Said Max
"Kyle, I so do not want to know what Max and Liz were doing last night." Said Isabel
"Come on I got to know if alien sex is as wild as they say in the movies." Said Kyle
"Listen Valenti, don't think you are going to experience it anytime soon. I ain't jumping in bed with you anytime soon." Said Serena as she passed the table.
"So uh anyone else see that freaky light in the sky last night?" Asked Alex
"Yeah. But we and our protecters are the only ones that did. At least that is what mom told me this morning." Said Isabel
"What about those that will remain nameless?" Asked Max
"Nope, she said something called the granalith blocked them from seeing it." Said Isabel
"We have ask Nancy where it is. Isabel it seems that you and Serena are it's keepers." Said Max
"What?" Asked Isabel
"We won't really know more until we find it." Said Max

Liz walked over to them then and sat on Max's lap.

"So who are going to be my baby sisters tonight?" Asked Liz
"I am hanging out with Serena tonight. So we will be here." Said Kyle
"I got to work. So I won't be here." Said Max with a pout.

Liz just shook her head and gave him a kiss.


Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 39 10/15/16

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:25 am
by Michelle17
Hi, I love the updates. Things keep getting better and interesting. Tess is going to try and Kill Liz soon. I'm wondering what Max is thinking when Liz comes back and sits on his lap after talking to her father. I love Jeff loves Liz so much. I can't wait to find what's going to happen with Liz and Kyle next.

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 39 10/15/16

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:41 am
by Roswelllostcause
Michelle17 Tess will make her move soon! Jeff does truly love Liz. To him no matter what see's Liz as his little girl.

Part 40

Tess stared in the window of the Crashdown. There is no way she was going to let that bitch take Max from her. Max was going to be her's no matter what. Maybe Nasado had the right idea send the bitch to Antar and to Kivar. Kivar would make the bitch wish she never left the pod. Tess walked off planing how she was going to help Nasado get the bitch and send her to be Kivar's little whore. While she would be the mother of the heir to the throne of Antar.


Nasado watched both Tess and the members of the Royal Court. He was not going to let Kivar's slut of a sister hurt the little Queen. He needed the girl to get off this got aweful planet. He hated being here. He wanted nothing more then to return home to Antar. He was going to make his move tonight. He would take the young Queen after close of this stupid diner tonight. Once he had the little queen he would have his ticket home. He didn't give a shit about Tess, never did. She was just a pawn he had been using to try and get home. He walked off with a plan forming in his mind.


Liz placed a Will Smith and an order of orbit rings in front of a tourist dressed as someone from Star Trek.

"Did you need anything else?" Asked Liz
"No." He said gruffly

Liz walked off rolling her eyes. She really hated when the turoist dressed up as what Hollywood thought aliens looked like. But she felt bad for her co worker Jessica who was dealing with a family of six that had four unruly kids. Liz met her behind the counter.

"You doing ok Jess?" Asked Liz
"Yeah. It's just those kids! Their parents don't seem to care that they are being brats!"
"I noticed. Would you rather have the grumpy Klingon?"
"Come on Liz, you know you love the ones that dress up."
"Yeah right. What makes Hollywood think that aliens would look different then people from Earth?"
"Who knows. Well I better get these drinks to the brats and their parents."

Liz let out a sigh and started to wipe down the counter.

"Want Kyle and me to zap those kids?" Asked Serena coming up to her.
"Not a good idea Rena."
"Just a thought."
"I know. You know about the granalith?" Asked Liz is a whisper
"Yeah. Kal made sure that I knew everything that I needed too before coming here."

Liz just nodded. Serena looked at Liz and could see the Queen she watched die in her.


Tess watched as Liz locked the door to the Crashdown. She had to laugh to herself. If the people of Antar could see their Queen. They would not believe that their Queen was acting like a low class citizen. Elexa was the proper Royal. Yeah she never treated servants or pesesnts badly, but she would never have been caught cleaning up after others. Tess waited until the lights went off in the Crashdown were turned off. She grabbed the sliver cuff from the passaged seat of her SUV and walked into the alley. She silently made her way up the fire escape to the balcony she was making her way to the window when the balcony was lit up bright. She looked to see all eight members of the Royal Court of Antar there.

"What is this?!" Shreked Tess
"Did you really forget Elexa's strongest power Tess?" Asked Liz
"No that is not possible! You can't have foresight!"
"Oh but she does bitch. That is the one thing Kivar could never understand. Elexa knew the moment she met Zan that they would marry." Said Serena
"Trina, you were always a pain in the ass."
"No but talks to my sister like that bitch!" Yelled Liz

Tess's eyes went wide as sparks between Liz fingers. She was just realizing that Liz Parker truly was Queen Elexa! Temper and all.

"Liz, you aren't a killer." Said Tess
"But you are Tess. I remember how you killed me and my unborn baby!"

Max's eyes went wide and he heard gasps from everyone but Serena. He realized she knew about this.

"You are remembering?" Asked Tess
"Oh yeah I remember. You were nothing but a skanky slut back on Antar no wonder Zan wouldn't even look at you. Bet you haven't changed. Bet you used your mind games on human boys and men so that you can screw them. See I remember back on Antar you doing that. You used your mind tricks to have sex with Rath's father. Michael, I am sorry to tell you this way. You too Alex." Said Liz
"Liz, I know we promised to let you take down this bitch slut. But I want a shot at her too." Said Michael
"It Michael, I need everyone's help." Said Liz

Tess raised her hand to send a blast at Liz. But she never got it off as eight blasts came at her. She couldn't even scream as she fell to the ground before turning to dust. The only thing left was the sliver cuff that she had been holding. Serena picked it up the cuff and looked at it closely.

"It's a power inhibitor." Said Serena
"What is that?" asked Maria
"They are used on Antar on prisoners until the end of their trial. Unless it is a non violent crime. Then they wear it until they are released from prison." Said Nancy from the window.
"If it is violent?" Asked Kyle
"They are put to death." Said Liz
"Nancy, we need you to show us where the granalith is tomorrow." Said Max
"Fine. I will also show you the other pods then they are in the same place. Just different chambers." Said Nancy
"Good. Everyone meet here at ten in the morning." Said Max

Everyone agreed and left. Max gave Liz a kiss.

"I will be fine. Nasado isn't stupid enough to try anything tonight. Not after what Tess did." Said Liz
"Ok. Sleep well my Queen."

Max and Liz kissed again and Liz climbed in the window. Max made his way down to the alley and the jeep where Isabel was waiting for him.


Nasado watched from the roof top across the alley. He had to give the little Queen credit. She was smart. He would have to put his plan on hold for a few days. Their guard was to high now thanks to that little bitch. Good news was he no longer had to deal with her.


Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 40 10/17/16

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:58 am
by L-J-L 76
Finally Tess the mega bitch is gone. Loved how Max, Liz and others killed Tess. Now that was good. Nesado needs to realize Max and the others will also kill him too. So tomorrow Max and everyone will finally see the granolith and the pods. Wonder what will happen when Max and everyone see the granolith.

L-J-L 76

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 40 10/17/16

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:34 pm
by zaneri1
Loving this storyline
Glad they bonded :D

Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 40 10/17/16

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:15 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Yes Tess is gone!

zaneri1 Thank you! You will find out just how good a thing the bonding is.

Part 41 Antar the night of the fall

Elexa smiled at Vilandra as she got ready for her wedding.

"Lonnie, relax Gathron loves you."
"Lexa, I know. But I am still scared."
"Listen to me. There is nothing to be scared of."
"What about when I go to the bedchamber with him?"
"Lonnie, do you trust Gath?"
"Then there is nothing to fear. The only thing you have to decide is if you want to do the bonding."
"That can only be done our first time right?"
"Did you bond with my brother?"
"Yes. It was like nothing I ever experienced in my life. My sister bonded to Jath."
"Didn't she do that before she married?"
"Yes. My father forced her to marry as soon as he found out."
"Well Trina is a princess."
"True, she is also a keeper of the granalith."
"I know so am I."

Just then a servant came in and informed them that it was time for the wedding to start. Both of them headed out for the ceremony. The ceremony went off as planned and everyone gathered in the Grand ball room for the wedding ball. It was during the ball that Kivar attacked. He had been planning this since he had been told that he would not have Elexa as his wife. He had already months ago killed both Zan and Elexa's fathers. Now all was left was kill all the male members of the Royal Court. He would then take Elexa as his wife. Things didn't go as planned though his stupid sister had to go and kill not only Elexa, but Trina and Vilandra too. They met he now had to get rid of all other members of the extended Royal families. It was the only way he would be able to rule Antar. But he also decided that he would have to make his sister pay for destroying his plan and grabbed her snapping her neck.


Antar present

Kivar smiled as his concubine came into his bedchamber. He had one since he was fourteen. He remembered the day his father gave him his first one. It had been the best day of his life. That is until he met Elexa, not that he ever planned to get rid of his concubines. Elexa's only job would be to give him an heir. But when she ended with that idiot prince it destroyed everything. He watched as the girl undressed. She had been raised for this. She knew her place. Neither Riker or Victron believed in having concubines but hadn't banned them either. She climbed into bed with him and ran her hands over his body. He groaned as her hand gripped his manhood and started to rub it up and down. It didn't take long before he was ready. He pushed her off him and climbed on top of her. She looked up at him willingly spread her legs opening herself to him. He pushed his manhood into her and started to pound into her hard. This one was one of his favorites. She almost never made a sound which he liked. She had been with him for nearly two years now. When she came she had been a virgin. The day he took her virginity had been one of the few times that she had made noise during sex. He kept pounding into her until he hit his release.

"Feel better my Lord?"
"Much. You are good at your job."
"Thank you. Do you need anything else my lord?"
"No you may go."

Kivar watched the girl leave. Then fell to sleep smiling hoping soon he would have Elexa in his bed weather she liked it or not.


Shava walked through the underground base they had been hidden in since the night her daughters had been murdered. The night that all of Antar fell to one of the evil men to ever live. She needed to find Lyndra. She had to inform the other former Queen that their children had bounded. But it was the strongest bound a Royal couple could get. Because it was blessed by the granalith. Marking them both as the true rules of Antar. But one no else knew was that the two of them were also soulmates. She walked into the meeting room to find Lyndra.

"Lyndra, I have received word from Earth. Zan band Elexa have bounded!" Said Shava
"This is good news. Kivar must not learn of it."
"That is true. But this time the bounding was blessed by the granalith!"
"They are marked with the seal!"
"Yes. It was your sister that they went to for answers. Though she wasn't sure what it meant."
"It is very closely guarded what it means when a Royal couple is marked with the seal means. Only those that rule and the keepers know this. Though Vilandra and Trina need to connect to the granalith to access the information."
"Then freedom for all of Antar will come before long."
"Good news indeed."

The two former Queens prayed that this war would soon come to an end.