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Re: People who bug you

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 1:56 pm
by kismet
valentinebaby wrote:
juliecollard87 wrote:
kismet wrote:My mother-in-law. I decided to quit my job for a better one and she thinks, she can nag all day long that I'm making wrong decision.

Ah my mother-in-law how I can't count the ways she bugs me. I so know what your going through. Mine always trys to go over me with everything. She doesn't think I shouldnt be pushing manners on my two year old because she's "too young". I'm sorry but if she can talk she can say please and thank you. If it was up to her my daughter would just go around acting like a brat because she's too young to know what she's doing.
My two year old says thank you we're working on please. There's nothing wrong with teaching them early. If you teach them early it'll become automatic and you'll have a polite kid instead of one of those rude little kids that you see too many of these days.

My mother in law is thankfully absent from my life. She pops up on Christmas usually. But I hate the woman. She decided to go do drugs, stick me and my husband into raising her daughter, and then had the nerve to talk crap about the way I did things in my house and treated her daughter. I would be a seriously happy person if I never had to see any of my in laws again with the exception of my 16 year old sister in law, and that's cause she's my baby.
My son's third word was "aitäh" (it's thank you in Estonian) :) and he got pretty quickly when to use it.
My mother in law is sticking her nose in everything I do. Her house is only 1 km from the place I live in currently. I can't wait until the summer, when I and my family will move further away.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 5:12 pm
by NotYourChick
For the mothers who posted about teaching their kids manners:

I don't think its ever too young teach your kids manners. My mom made sure I said 'please' 'thank you' 'yes mam' and 'yes sir'. I'm now 23 years old and you can bet your butt that I still use them. It bugs me like crazy when people don't use their manners. I make sure my sister's kids know theirs.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 11:16 pm
by valentinebaby
People who break off relationships or get mad at their partner because they won't do certain things for them, but refuse to do the same thing! I know that's a little vague but...

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 2:12 pm
by juliecollard87
People who give you unwanted advice on raising your children.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 2:59 pm
by valentinebaby
juliecollard87 wrote:People who give you unwanted advice on raising your children.
If you know anything about the way they raise or raised their children that irritated you, bring it up in retaliation. It works sometimes.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 3:14 pm
by Earth2Mama
valentinebaby wrote:
juliecollard87 wrote:People who give you unwanted advice on raising your children.
If you know anything about the way they raise or raised their children that irritated you, bring it up in retaliation. It works sometimes.
How about when your in-laws suggest that they are raising your kids, just because they look after them 3x's a week. My brother is currently going thru this at the moment. He's a cop and his wife is a nurse and they work long hours.

My nephew goes to school and gets to come home with them in the evenings, by my niece is still young and so she spends 3 nights out of the week at the in-laws.

My brother got into a pretty nasty fight with them about it. Oh man ... I am just so happy that I've decided to go to a sperm bank at the end of the year if I haven't found anyone by then. Too much family drama - I don't need it, or want it.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 3:51 am
by tequathisy
You know when somebody has taken the time to post feedback that's well thought out, intelligent and articulate. Then the next person comes along and quotes the feedback or replies to it with the comment 'This'.

I hate that.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 7:47 am
by Earth2Mama
tequathisy wrote:You know when somebody has taken the time to post feedback that's well thought out, intelligent and articulate. Then the next person comes along and quotes the feedback or replies to it with the comment 'This'.

I hate that.
I can understand some sections that are quoted, because to me - you are either disagree with what was written or you do agree, but add your own perspective as well (i.e. supporting opinion).

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 2:05 pm
by SidneyAce
Earth2Mama wrote:
tequathisy wrote:You know when somebody has taken the time to post feedback that's well thought out, intelligent and articulate. Then the next person comes along and quotes the feedback or replies to it with the comment 'This'.

I hate that.
I can understand some sections that are quoted, because to me - you are either disagree with what was written or you do agree, but add your own perspective as well (i.e. supporting opinion).
I agree. It's so annoying. I also hate when people douple post. Edit, people.

Re: People who bug you

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 4:44 pm
by killjoy
People from the news who tell us something obvious and than think they're telling us BIG news :roll:

What I mean is.....okay everyone knows about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico right? Well some of it has started to wash up on the shore in Alabama.This moron news guy came out and said......"the oil balls washing up on the Alabama shores has been confirmed to have come from the oil spill....."

Well no freaking DUH!!! :roll: Where the hell else would it be coming from!!??