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Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:00 pm
by secretsnlies
I'm watching the DVDs again with my friend whose never seen the show so this is fresh in my mind. I can't really wrap my head around why exactly this bothered me and still does bother me...the whole body snatching thing Max did with Clayton Wheeler. Maybe because they never explained it properly, maybe cuz it was weird even if you got an explanation...I loved what the storyline did on the show as far as what happens if Max isn't around to heal people. The Isabel thing was worth it because that scene with Kyle is one of my favs ever, same goes for Michael "healing" her.

I liked the idea of someone finding Max in order to heal someone they cared about, MetaChem thinking it was Michael, etc. Although shooting Monk was a bit much....It was Max dying and I don't know "infusing himself" into Wheeler, who then dies and becomes Max again (????) that made me bang my head against the wall. :roll:

Sure most of the stuff that happened in the show was weird and unbelievable, but I felt like this took weird to an entirely new level that bordered on creepy esp the makeout scene with Morgan Fairchild, considering Max was supposed to be in HS...

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:32 am
by Anchespatoon
secretsnlies wrote:I'm watching the DVDs again with my friend whose never seen the show so this is fresh in my mind. I can't really wrap my head around why exactly this bothered me and still does bother me...the whole body snatching thing Max did with Clayton Wheeler. Maybe because they never explained it properly, maybe cuz it was weird even if you got an explanation...

I liked the idea of someone finding Max in order to heal someone they cared about, MetaChem thinking it was Michael, etc. Although shooting Monk was a bit much....It was Max dying and I don't know "infusing himself" into Wheeler, who then dies and becomes Max again (????) that made me bang my head against the wall. :roll:
Oh yeah- that storyline makes no sense to me. I think they liked the idea of the last Melinda Metz book but needed some "not alien" linked figure to "kill" Max. Even if i dont linke the idea of this possesed Max at all, they should rather had a more like the book storyline in this case.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:18 pm
by Janetfl
What made me want to bang my head was:

Max sleeping with Tess. :twisted: :roll: :shock:

The stupid editors cutting the scene where Liz tells Max about FMax whilst saying goodbye in the jeep (not included in the DVD either). :twisted:

Watching Liz kiss Sean De Luca. :shock:

Max turned to Liz and said he loved her just as his alien wife left with his baby ... :roll: :wink: ... and then told her he had to save his son. :roll:

The Graduation episode was cut from 2hrs to 1. M&L lovers never got to see them together and they didn't included it on the DVD either.

Kyle and Tess belonged together ... if we all could see that then why couldn't they? :?

I'm sure there is more to comment on but that's all I can think of right now.


Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:01 am
by RosDude
End of the world!! :? :x :? :x

Don’t get me wrong, I really liked idea of the episode. The concept was really fascinating and it intrigued me. However, one thing that really makes me go WTF is that I just can’t see how needing to have Tess stay with the group equals getting Max to fall out of love with Liz. When FMax is getting ready to leave, it seems more like it’s FLiz’s idea than it is his. I can’t believe Liz would come up with such a horrible plan. First of all, no matter how hard I try to envision it, I just can’t see future Liz sitting down and going “Okay honey, the only way for us to save the world is if you go back in time and tell me to get you to fall out of love with you. And I want you to get me to help you hook up with Tess.”

It was fourteen years in the flipping future! I’m guessing a lot of other shit happened that contributed to the end of the world. So I find it hard to believe that they blamed the world ending on the fact that Max and Liz were together. And another thing that I thought was weird was when FLiz tells FMax that she doesn’t have any regrets…well isn’t the fact that she’s sending him back in time to make him fall out of love with her kind of a contradict that statement?

My biggest problem with the whole thing is that I thought the concept was a good idea. The fact that the world ends fourteen years from now and Max has to go back in time and stop this from happening is really cool. However, the way he changes the future is just really dumb. He doesn’t give them information about their enemies. He doesn’t try to prepare them for what he knows is ahead. Hell he doesn’t even tell them about the skins. (Who incidentally show up in the next two episodes) No, he just gets Max to fall out of love with Liz, and hopes that it is enough to keep Tess (who is planning to betray them) around…which in the end, it isn’t.


Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 3:47 pm
by killjoy
Ok...this goes with MANY fandoms not just Roswell

But people who are so diehard into the show they can't look past it when someone does a story thats UC or off the line in what happened on the show.

Such as if someone does a say a UC Polar story where Max is just this complete bastard who beats Liz through the whole story and Michael swoops in and saves her...this person will leave screaming feedback about how the story sucks and Max would NEVER do that to Liz due to the fact he loves her and their soulmantes :roll:

They only see the characters in this small tight box that the tv writers put them in and can't stand it when someone might let them out and show them under another light. :roll:

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:39 pm
by RosDude
killjoy wrote:Ok...this goes with MANY fandoms not just Roswell

But people who are so diehard into the show they can't look past it when someone does a story thats UC or off the line in what happened on the show.

Such as if someone does a say a UC Polar story where Max is just this complete bastard who beats Liz through the whole story and Michael swoops in and saves her...this person will leave screaming feedback about how the story sucks and Max would NEVER do that to Liz due to the fact he loves her and their soulmantes :roll:

They only see the characters in this small tight box that the tv writers put them in and can't stand it when someone might let them out and show them under another light. :roll:
Well I don’t read very many UC fics since I like the couples as they were on the show, but I understand what it means to step out of the box. And I think the problem most people have with stories like that isn’t that they are diehard fans that can’t see “outside of the box”. If that were the case they wouldn’t be reading UC fics in the first place. I think that most people don’t like those stories because stories like that don’t seem like they are meant to paint the character in a “different light” but are just a way of bashing them.

IMO a truly good UC fic doesn’t need to make Max a complete asshole in order to make it believable that Liz would be with Michael, or anyone else for that matter, over him.


Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 6:40 pm
by hauntedd
killjoy wrote:Ok...this goes with MANY fandoms not just Roswell

But people who are so diehard into the show they can't look past it when someone does a story thats UC or off the line in what happened on the show.

Such as if someone does a say a UC Polar story where Max is just this complete bastard who beats Liz through the whole story and Michael swoops in and saves her...this person will leave screaming feedback about how the story sucks and Max would NEVER do that to Liz due to the fact he loves her and their soulmantes :roll:

They only see the characters in this small tight box that the tv writers put them in and can't stand it when someone might let them out and show them under another light. :roll:
This. Especially since a lot of these same people enjoy AUs that have the characters take on characteristics of the UC couple while affixing the CC names to them. :lol:

I also don't get why everyone is still so hardcore about ships this many years out, but that's just me... there's a lot of stuff that I wouldn't have read or written a while ago and now I'm waaay more broad in my approach than I have been in the past.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:24 am
by girl afraid
Ok, small ramble ahead that probably doesn't make much sense. :lol:

I strongly disagree with the notion that you need to use UC pairings or extreme AUs to think outside the box. To pick one example, ArchAngel1973 and xmag are writing a terrific CC story (The Man Who Didn't Belong) that is far from your usual canon fare. Their AU epic The Lost Child is an AU that shows Michael in a different light, what he might have been like if he had been found and adopted into a loving family. He is however, still very much the Michael Guerin we know and love.

For myself, I will read AUs if the characterisations are true to the show. That doesn't mean that I have put myself into a little box of ignorance, but what it means is that I'm up for anything, as long they still resemble the TV characters that I fell in love with in the first place. Writers like ArchAngel, Katjen, Chicky, Misha, tequathisy and nibbles2 have shown that it's possible to keep the gang in character and write some awesomely creative stories that either deviate well away from canon, or at the very least have written superb non-run of of the mill canon stories without breaking up the TV relationships (which are the ships that make the most sense to me). Liz might be a stripper in Gold Diggers but she is still recognisable to me as canon Liz and I can see the true essence of M/L from the show, even though the setting is vastly different.

But Liz as a bad ass who attracts Michael, Kivar, Dean, Alec, Sark, Spike, [insert whatever 'bad boy' you wish here]? No, I don't believe it. Her character as I know it doesn't fit with Michael's so unless you change it completely, I won't find it believable. Same goes for Max with Maria. And if character personalities start changing or switching, then I might as well read a fic from a different fandom or a romance novel. The characters as presented on the show are what drew me and are what keep me here in Rosfandom now. It doesn't mean I'm totally anti-UC, I get and love the idea of Kyle/Isabel and I can even see where Mi/T shippers are coming from. But it has to make sense to me.

Everyone's different though and that's the beauty of fandom, there are many different stories and pairings to choose from, and they are for most part marked clearly to avoid butthurt from rival shippers. If they aren't marked properly, well that's another rant for another time. :lol:

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:43 am
by Coccy
girl afraid wrote:
I strongly disagree with the notion that you need to use UC pairings or extreme AUs to think outside the box. (...)

For myself, I will read AUs if the characterisations are true to the show. That doesn't mean that I have put myself into a little box of ignorance, but what it means is that I'm up for anything, as long they still resemble the TV characters that I fell in love with in the first place. (...)

And if character personalities start changing or switching, then I might as well read a fic from a different fandom or a romance novel. The characters as presented on the show are what drew me and are what keep me here in Rosfandom now. It doesn't mean I'm totally anti-UC, I get and love the idea of Kyle/Isabel and I can even see where Mi/T shippers are coming from. But it has to make sense to me. (...)

I totally agree! otherwise why are they called roswell fanfictions in the first place?
i was trying to say the same thing in the unpopular opinions thread

i believe that the core thing here is another one.
it's not about to think outside the box, being "open minded" or "original"
it's about people who liked the show and people who watched it but "dreamed" different storylines that never happened and weren't what the writers wanted to tell so it's good that they write in ff what they wanted to be real in the show.

Re: Things that made you want to bang your head against anything

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:26 am
by jbangelo
killjoy wrote:Ok...this goes with MANY fandoms not just Roswell

But people who are so diehard into the show they can't look past it when someone does a story thats UC or off the line in what happened on the show.

Such as if someone does a say a UC Polar story where Max is just this complete bastard who beats Liz through the whole story and Michael swoops in and saves her...this person will leave screaming feedback about how the story sucks and Max would NEVER do that to Liz due to the fact he loves her and their soulmantes :roll:

They only see the characters in this small tight box that the tv writers put them in and can't stand it when someone might let them out and show them under another light. :roll:
I agree and disagree. I love to step outside the box, as anyone who knows me can attest. But, the example you give about a Polar story were Max is abusive of Liz - no. Because Max would never abuse Liz (at least not overtly or intentionally). If I want to read something like that, I'll go read original fiction.

I like to see the characters in different scenarios, like in well-written and believable UC fics, but not at the expense of the qualities that made me fall in love with the characters in the first place. I still want Max to be Max, and Liz to be Liz, etc. Otherwise it ceases to be Roswell, imo.