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Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:23 am
by xmag
Challenge # 92

: Michael and Maria, + Maria-Courtney friendship

What if Courtney's new husk had saved her life and Courtney had managed to kill Nicolas? So Courtney is alive. At first, the relationship between Michael and Maria is tense because of her (Courtney is training Michael, telling him about his past, Antar and his family), but then, the dupes come to town and cause troubles. Michael trusts Courtney with Maria's safety and the two girls are forced, for a long night, to hide. They talk and they end up really good friends.

Not a long fic, maybe 20 parts.

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 4:33 pm
by behrstars

Takes place sometime after sexual healing. Only thing thats different about that episode is that Liz and Max did sleep together. When Liz sees Max and Tess kissing in the rain and then he tells Liz that he had flashes with Tess, Liz has enough. She decides that she can't stay and watch her life fall apart so she writes a note and leaves. Only she dosen't get far. The special unit gets a hold of her. Once they have her they find out that shes pregnant and that shes not entirely human.(maybe her blood is changing) Because of this they believe that Liz is the only alien and they don't bother the others any more. Liz gives birth to a son and for the next three years they run tests on her. When they are finished and Liz is no longer herself(locked inside her head) they place her in an institution just in case they ever need her again. They raise her son and train him as a weapon. He has the ability to read others minds and to make them forget things. Along with numerous other abilities. No one but the special unit knows about the boy.

In Roswell after Liz disappears things are in chaos for awhile. Maria and Alex blame Max for Lizs leaving and Max is upset with himself for everything that happened. Nasedo still dies and Tess still betrays them, only Max finds out the truth and kills her. But Alex does not die and at some point Kyle had to be shot and healed by Max so that he and Jim are in on the secret. Life goes on and everything goes back to as close to normal as it can be.

Ten years after Lizs disappearance Maria stumbles upon Liz while visiting her aunt in an institution. She calls everyone and they get Liz out,erase all the files so that nothing can be traced back to them. They take her somewhere safe and try to bring her back. Max keeps getting flashes of the things that happened to Liz and realizes where she was. They find out that Max and Lizs son is being held by the special unit. They rescue him. Their son is the one that destroys the special unit. Liz of course has to get better and I would like there to be a happily ever after.

any ? just pm me

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:18 am
by tequathisy
#94 taken by Kachie

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:43 pm
by Zanity

What if instead of Tess coming out of her pod late and being raised by Nasedo... she came out really early. What if Liz's grandma Claudia was really the fourth member of the podsquad.

The fic should pick up during or immediately after Leaving Normal with this fact being revealed. You can make it part of her will or something Claudia says to Liz while Max is helping them say goodbye or part of the conversation they were having about boys or any other way you can come up with for Liz to learn about her Grandmother being the fourth Alien.

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:18 pm
by nibbles2
Tequathisy - I really love that last challenge. I hope somebody takes it.

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:10 am
by Zanity
#96 Post EOTW M/L, M/M, I/A, K/A, Z/T, R/L

What if future Max was only partly right. What if they really did need Tess but it wasn't just the four of them that they needed to win. What if Rath and Lonnie and Tess weren't evil. What if the reason why Tess is so hell bent on destiny and Zan was always waiting for someone other than Ava was because Tess and Ava's pods were some how switched. What if the Roswell set was always intended to pair off with humans while the New York set was to stay together. What if it took all 12 (Max/Liz, Michael/Maria, Isabel/Alex, Kyle/Ava, Zan/Tess, Rath/Lonnie) in order to win.

You can decide how the two groups end up crossing paths. But when Zan and Tess meet they both know why their perspective "destinies" aren't working out the way they're supposed to, because they are both drawn to each other so strongly. Ava at first is hurt by Zan choosing Tess over her... until she meets Kyle. When Liz sees Tess getting together with Zan she goes to Max and tells him the truth about Future Max and they get back together.

Then all 12 of them team up to face their enemies together.

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:11 pm
by killjoy
M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T
This story is MATURE all the way.
Set around seson two but before the Alex Sweden/Mindwarp stuff.

Everyone knows it can be hot living in the desert but this is ridiculous!

Suddenly and without warning Max,Isabel,Michael and Tess find themselves getting more and more hot.It feels like their blood is boiling! Nothing they do can stop the heat building up in them....more and more each day it grows worse and worse.No amount of AC or ice or cold showers can stop the building heat that's bubbling up inside them.It's slowly becoming unbearable as they sweat and feel miserable.

What we find out is that the hybrids Antarian half has hit maturity.And when that happens on Antar the new adult goes into mating a cat.This new adult must hunt down a new mate and....well mate with them.This will form a bond that is lifetime and unbreakable.The more they fight it the more the heat will build and build until they can no longer take it.

So now our four favorite hybrids are in heat and must track down and claim their mates.


Tess is all into destiny at first but when the heat hits Kyle suddenly looks a whole lot more desirable and jump worthy.

Isabel crawling in through Alex's when she asked him to Prom....what she's up too is up too you.

Isabel and Tess seeing other girls at school talking to Alex and Kyle and they growl at the threat at what they see as theirs.

Max and Michael getting a tad possessive at what they think is other guys looking at Liz and Maria.This causes M/M to fight more which only causes Michael's heat to go up more.

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:45 pm
by killjoy
98# taken by Morning Dreamgirl

AU With Aliens
Any Rating Is Fine
M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

Tess,Isabel and Michael were the three that came out of the pods first.Max was the one who came out later and was found and raised by Nesado.Tess was the one who ran from the car's headlights so Isabel and Michael were found and raised by the Evans.Tess was found days later,naked and eating food from the Crashdown's dumpster,by Jeff Parker.Jeff and Nancy later adopted Tess making her and Liz's sisters.

Liz,Maria and Alex formed their normal friendship bond in this story but in this story Tess is included making it four instead of a trio.

Years later the gang are now in high school.Just like on the show Maria and Michael have their on again off again relationship going.Instead of Liz,Tess is the one dating Kyle.Alex and Isabel are open ground and you can do with them as you wish.

Now Max comes into town looking for 'Ava' and his mind filled with Destiny by Nesado.

He quickly finds the other three hybrids but is shocked and disgusted by their attachments to their humans.....remember he was raised by Nesado.Max shows up a lot at the Crashdown hoping to make Tess see his side of things.He routinely tells Tess her working at the Crashdown is work for commoners and not fitting for a Queen of her standings.This of course makes him very unpopular with Maria and Michael who also work there along side Tess.

Also Isabel and Michael who were raised as brother and sister and love each other that way don't take to kindly to Max's rantings about how they're supposed to be in love and a couple.It makes their skin crawl just at the thought.

Liz is about the only one who's nice to Max and the only one who will give him the time of day.Slowly over time being around Liz makes Max start to wonder if all the stuff Nesado taught him about humans and destiny are in fact ture.And what will happen when Max starts to have feelings for a human(Liz) and start to forget about Destiny.


Jim and Kyle can know about the aliens or not.You can make Tess being scared to tell Kyle the truth a part of the story or he can know all along about Tess's alien half.

Max can be called Max Harding or you can give him a new last name.

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 7:39 pm
by killjoy
M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T
Any Rating Is Fine

What if when Future Max went back in time he went back a little further into the past than he planned? What if he showed up in the Crashdown the day Liz got shot? And what if when he saw Liz dying on the floor he paniced and went to her to heal her totally forgetting the fact his past self was supposed to do that? And what if Michael seeing the adult heading toward Liz was able to drag the 'present' Max out of the Crashdown without him getting close to Liz?

Now how will the present time line and everything else be changed due to this? Will Future Max tell Liz who he is and what's going on with the current Pod Squad? How will the current Pod Squad react to someone knowing all this about them and him telling Liz?

I got a WHOLE lot of thoughts on this I'm willing to share if someone is wants to take this

Re: Conventional/Canon Challenges

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:32 pm
by Morning Dreamgirl
killjoy wrote:98#

AU With Aliens
Any Rating Is Fine
M/L,M/M,A/I and K/T

Tess,Isabel and Michael were the three that came out of the pods first.Max was the one who came out later and was found and raised by Nesado.Tess was the one who ran from the car's headlights so Isabel and Michael were found and raised by the Evans.Tess was found days later,naked and eating food from the Crashdown's dumpster,by Jeff Parker.Jeff and Nancy later adopted Tess making her and Liz's sisters.

Liz,Maria and Alex formed their normal friendship bond in this story but in this story Tess is included making it four instead of a trio.

Years later the gang are now in high school.Just like on the show Maria and Michael have their on again off again relationship going.Instead of Liz,Tess is the one dating Kyle.Alex and Isabel are open ground and you can do with them as you wish.

Now Max comes into town looking for 'Ava' and his mind filled with Destiny by Nesado.

He quickly finds the other three hybrids but is shocked and disgusted by their attachments to their humans.....remember he was raised by Nesado.Max shows up a lot at the Crashdown hoping to make Tess see his side of things.He routinely tells Tess her working at the Crashdown is work for commoners and not fitting for a Queen of her standings.This of course makes him very unpopular with Maria and Michael who also work there along side Tess.

Also Isabel and Michael who were raised as brother and sister and love each other that way don't take to kindly to Max's rantings about how they're supposed to be in love and a couple.It makes their skin crawl just at the thought.

Liz is about the only one who's nice to Max and the only one who will give him the time of day.Slowly over time being around Liz makes Max start to wonder if all the stuff Nesado taught him about humans and destiny are in fact ture.And what will happen when Max starts to have feelings for a human(Liz) and start to forget about Destiny.


Jim and Kyle can know about the aliens or not.You can make Tess being scared to tell Kyle the truth a part of the story or he can know all along about Tess's alien half.

Max can be called Max Harding or you can give him a new last name.
I really think we are more alike than is healthy! :wink:

I was thinking so similar the other day it's not even funny.

So, if you're wiling, I'd like to take this challenge. Although, it'll be awhile. :wink:

But I'll be a good girl and PM you when I start to post! Is that satisfactory? :wink:

