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Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:31 am
by Fehr'sBear

Maria leans forward, and our lips lock, the kiss almost overwhelming. When we finally break for the oxygen we unfortunately need, Maria's still alive and consious. That's a good sign. “Well I am glad we got that straightened out.” she says breathlessly, and her false anger is completely gone. I grin noticing how flushed her face is; she's trying to act all composed and it is not working, at all.

“We really need to learn how to control these flashes so that we can still…get close recreationally without pretty flashing pictures distracting us.” she adds, and I totally agree. I mean, I want to stop the flashes for a little while, but I don't know if I can stop myself from kissing Maria long enough for that to happen.

"Well, it worked that time, didn't it?" I say with a hopeful smile, winking.

"Maybe we should just try...slowing it down a bit." I say with a grin, but I don't even know if I'll be able to manage that. Once we start kissing, it's really, really hard to stop. It's almost as if I'm not in control anymore.

"Of course, maybe they won't stop until we learn something....or maybe I can just will them to stop. I don't really know how it works. I'm just as clueless as you. Any ideas?" Well, throwing around my thoughts isn't really helping, but it is sort of distracting me...from thinking about Maria, and how much I really want to kiss her again right now...

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:59 am
by madroswellfan
"Go on, take a shot. I'll watch," she says with a bright laugh. I can't help but let the corners of my mouth curve into a smile as I go over to the copierand start to look at it.

"So, are you more into the computer stuff, or the hands on stuff?"
I swallow and say, "Well I... to be honest I don't really know anymore. I... I sorta lost myself... I guess for a while I lived for something and... she left. And now I... I don't know." I swallow painfully and say, "But I know I have to move on now because its definitely over and I need to get my own life."

After looking at the copier for a few more minutes I bite my lip and say, "Okay...its not a permanant solution but at least it will help for now..."
I go over to the wall socket and pull out the plug. The whirring of the copier stops and I give a small sheepish look to Sophie.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:02 pm
by madroswellfan
My heart is in my mouth when he jumps off yelling...
And hits the floor.
And doesn't move.

I stick my feet out quickly, the sudden movement causing me to fall out of the swing (fortunitely I was at the bottom of the swing at the time!). I quickly pick myself up and go over to him.
"OH my GOD! Alex....alex..." I roll him over quickly without even thinking and knowing I don't know CPR or anything else I do the only thing I can think of doing at the moment in time.
I put my lips to his hoping it would wake him up or something...

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:14 pm
by Fehr'sBear

"OH my GOD! Alex....alex..." Isabel shouts, and I grin into the sand quickly as I feel her come running up beside me. She manages to turn me over, and I quickly play dead again.

Suddenly, her lips are on mine, as if she's going to do CPR. God, she's so gullible...before she can react, I wrap my arms around her tightly, laughing as I kiss her.

"Got ya," I say a moment later, smiling as I get up and brush some sand out of my hair and clothes. She reallly did think I was hurt. Oh boy. The look on her face is one of surprise. I fell off a swing, not a ten story building.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:59 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"Well, it worked that time, didn't it?" He reasons before flashing me that mischievous little boy smile. I swear as sappy as it sounds I feel like I’m floating. Michael gives me the sexiest wink and I can feel every cell in my body begin to heat up. I’ve never felt this way about anyone in my entire life. Are these feelings normal? It’s not like I have any previous experience to back them up.

I’d ask Michael if anything like this has ever happened to him before but I already know the answer. He seems as baffled and confused as I am. That makes me feel a lot better. Like maybe we were meant to go through this together.

"Maybe we should just try...slowing it down a bit." He suggests with a slow forming grin. Yeah right. You could sooner instruct me to stop breathing as to stop touching him. Nothing feels more natural or more right. "Of course, maybe they won't stop until we learn something....or maybe I can just will them to stop. I don't really know how it works. I'm just as clueless as you. Any ideas?"

None that don’t involve a significant amount of kissing. Goodness what am I going to do? The entire time he’s been talking I’ve been staring at his mouth. I can’t help it . It’s as if I have become addicted to the way he makes me feel. I just want more and more and… ‘Okay, Maria you’ve got to focus.’ I chastise myself. Pursing my lips together I come up with a plan.

“Perhaps we can just ride it out.” Okay very poor choice of words at this particular moment. Shifting uneasily I decide it’s best to simply rephrase. “Uh…What I mean is obviously I am getting these vision thingys for a reason. They could be messages being sent to me from another like you or perhaps they are just your memories stored so far back that you can’t recall them.” That thought seems to trigger a whole line of ideas. “I think we should look for the tower. It’s the only way we will know for sure.”:wink:

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:57 pm
by Fehr'sBear

Perhaps we can just ride it out.” Maria starts, and I nod, understanding where she's going. Then she shifts uneasily and the innuendo in her words dawns on me.

“Uh…What I mean is obviously I am getting these vision thingys for a reason. They could be messages being sent to me from another like you or perhaps they are just your memories stored so far back that you can’t recall them. I think we should look for the tower. It’s the only way we will know for sure.” she adds, rephrasing her words and talking carefully.

"Um, yeah, you mean right now?" I say after a minute, trying to focus on talking, not kissing. "Sure. That's a great idea." Well, one thing's for sure, it'll distract me a little. And that's what I need right now.

Picking up the notebook and pencil, I turn to her once again. "So what does it look like?"

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:42 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

"Um, yeah, you mean right now?" Michael questions seeming a little distracted himself. I guess our current position isn’t helping matters. I can feel his breath on my cheek and it’s driving me crazy. He’s so close and yet so very far.

"Sure. That's a great idea." Good. He took the bait. It would have been really embarrassing to have to say that being near him and not kissing him was not an option. He retrieves the discarded notebook and presses the pencil to the paper with determination. I try to no avail to suppress a smile. He’s just so cute when he’s trying to be serious.

"So what does it look like?" I take a deep cleansing breath and then describe in detail. I watch entranced as his hand moves poignantly over the page. When he is finished I look it over and am shocked at the sight.

“Oh Michael. I think I know where this place is. It’s just a little piece from the crash.”

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:13 pm
by Fehr'sBear

Maria describes it and I draw a sketch carefully. Drawing's always been one of my strong points, so this comes naturally. When I'm done, I look up and Maria's eyes are huge as she sees it. “Oh Michael. I think I know where this place is. It’s just a little piece from the crash.”

Really? Looking up with a huge grin on my face, I jump up off the bed and pull her up with me. "Come on then, let's go. I'll drive." This could be a clue to our past. I mean, this is a big, big thing. And Maria's helped me so much with it. And then there's always the added bonus of, well, maybe once we find this we'll be able to kiss without her fainting on me.

"You sure you know where it is?"

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:37 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Michael looks just as surprised as I am. In one swift motion he jumps up bringing me along with him. "Come on then, let's go. I'll drive." I’m not in a state to argue. I’m just so happy that all this uh…experimentation has lead us to something. Not that the process wasn’t a good time itself. Probably the best time I’ve had.

Still I’ll be glad when Michael and I can be close and it just be about us. "You sure you know where it is?" I nod emphatically before grabbing my jacket. The desert is cold after sundown. “It’s the old radio tower by Highway 42.” He knows the area well enough. It’s just a couple of miles from the big crash.

“I’ll race you to the car, Space Boy” And with that I take off toward the vehicle and to our future. Whatever is buried there it’s important and I can’t wait to make the discovery of a lifetime. :D

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:09 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming
OCC: Fehr's do you know what I should do with Liz? BIC: