Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 70&Epilogue Complete 11/18/16

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 41 10/18/16

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Kivar is a major asshole. Someone needs to hang him by his dick to a live wire and watch him fry for the way he is treating women. Thank god for no more dark ages where men think they can control women. Loved how Alex and Isabel were in their past lives. They were so in love with each other. So the queens know what it means when Max and Liz both have the seals. Can't wait for Serena, Isabel to connect with the granolith and tell what the seal means to Max and Liz.

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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 41 10/18/16

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Don't worry Kivar is going to pay for his crimes. I think you may have forgotten about the middle east when you said that there were no more dark ages. In some parts of the middle east women can't drive a car or ride in the front seat.

Part 42 Earth present

Liz and Serena walked into the Crashdown at ten in the morning to find the others as well as Diane waiting.

"How are we going to head out there?" Asked Maria
"Should take as few cars as possible. We don't want to draw too much attention to the area." Said Max
"Well then we should take the Trailblazer we came here in Max seven can fit in there with the driver." Said Diane
"Good idea. There are ten of us so we need one more car." Said Max
"This place is out in the desert right? So no way am I taking the Jetta out there." Said Maria
"I'll drive. We have a Jeep Cherokee." Said Nancy
"So who is going in which car?" Asked Alex
"It should be four of you in each car. Max, Liz, Serena and Kyle go with Nancy. The rest of you with me." Said Diane
"Shouldn't I be with the King and Queen? I mean I am the General." Said Michael
"Michael, they will be fine." Said Alex

They headed out to the cars. Liz pulled Max into the back seat and rested her head on his shoulder. Kyle and Serena got in and Nancy got in the driver's seat. They pulled out of the parking lot and headed out to the desert to the pod chamber. Once they arrived Nancy lead the way up the hill to where the hidden door was. She waved her hand over a rock and a sliver hand print appeared.

"Alex, I want you to open it. Just put your hand on the hand print." Said Nancy

Alex nodded and stepped forward and did as he was told. The wall slid away leading to a hidden cave. Everyone made their way in and saw four pods. Nancy went over to them and touched them.

"On top were Max and Serena. Bottom were Michael and Isabel. I know some of you were here with Tess. She mind warped you to remember her being here instead of Serena." Said Nancy

Liz stepped forward and touched her sister's pod. She saw an image of Serena floating in it.

"What you see sis?" Asked Serena
"You while you were still in there." Said Liz
"Cool." Said Serena
"Kids over here." Said Nancy

Nancy went over to a wall and waved her hand. A sliver hand print appeared much like the one outside. Everyone was surprised.

"Liz, come open it please." Said Nancy

Liz walked up to the wall and placed her hand on the hand print. The wall slid away to reveal another chamber that looked much like the one they were in, but had some kind of machine. They could all see that this set of pods were different then the ones in the outter chamber. They could all see they were damaged.

"The machine is what kept this set of pods from failing. If they had failed then Liz, Alex, Maria and Kyle would have died. But it only kept the pods going until they reached about a year in human years. They should have been held until age six like the rest of you." Said Nancy
"Who was in which pod?" Asked Maria
"Liz top left, Maria next to her. Alex bottom right and Kyle bottom left." Said Nancy

Everyone turned and headed out into the main chamber. Nancy had Kyle close the hidden pod chamber. Nancy then headed over to the wall behind the first set of pods. She then opened a hidden panal to reveal a key pad. But it didn't have numbers or letters or shapes.

"Only those of us in this chamber as well as Kal can open this chamber. This is a DNA scanner. Each of your DNA is all ready encoded in the scanner. So let's let one of the keepers of the granalith open the chamber. Isabel, Serena who wants the honor?" Asked Nancy

Serena and Isabel looked at each other. Serena nodded at Isabel and Isabel stepped forward.

"Isabel place your hand on the panal. It will scan your skin cells and the chamber will open if there is a match." Said Nancy

Isabel placed her hand on the panal and a white light scanned her hand. Then part of the wall slid away. Serena was the first through the opening with the others following close behind. Inside the chamber they found a black cone like thing on a crystal base.

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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 42 10/20/16

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Yes I did forget the middle east sorry? So now Max, Liz and friends are finding out where their pods were and where the granolith is. Hopefully Isabel and Serena will be able to handle everything the granolith tell them. And all of them will be able to finally kill Nesado, Kivar and all the bad men trying to kill them.

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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 42 10/20/16

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 The granalith is going to be giving them a lot of information soon.

Part 43

All the teens stared at what they all guessed was the granalith.

"This is the granalith?" Asked Max
"Yes." Said Nancy
"Mom did you know what it looked like?" Asked Isabel
"No. I have never seen it before. Only the keepers, Kings and Queens have ever seen it." Said Diane
"Isabel, in order to active it we have to connect to it." Said Serena
"I guess it is up to us." Said Isabel

Serena and Isabel walked up to it and each placed a hand on the cone. They closed their eyes and reached out with their minds. There was the a glow and the granalith lite up in different colors. Then there was a voice that filled the room.

"Greeting Royal ones. I am the granalith. I hold all knowledge of Antar and Earth. I know that the young King and Queen have questions. I hold the answers. But I must ask your guardians to leave this chamber. For what I have to tell you is for Royal ears only."

Liz looked at her mother and Mrs. Evans who both smiled and left. The chamber door closed behind them.

"Granalith why could they not be here?" Asked Liz
"Elizabeth, while they are loyal and will never betray you willingly there is one that can use them as their eyes and ears. The brayden is the most at risk. Tess and the brayden who worked with her are not the only agents of Kivar's on earth. There are large groups of Nex here to bring you all harm. One known here as Nicholas has great mind control powers. The eight of you are the only ones that can not be controlled."
"Why can't we be controlled? What makes us different from others?" Asked Maria
"Maria, you are just like you were when you lived on Antar as Dana. The answer is that because your pods were stored so close to me that even in my inactive state my power flowed over all of you. It protects you now from mind control. My only regreat that I could not protect you from the mind warps."
"Granalith, after Liz and I bonded we both ended with the Royal seal on the back of our left shoulder. What does that mean?" Asked Max
"My young King. The marking of you and Elizabeth with the Royal Seal is to show my blessing on the reuniting of the rightful King and Queen. For you two are truly soulmates. As are each of the other pairs. So when they chose to bond they will also be given a mark to show my blessing."
"Why didn't we have your blessing in our last life?" Asked Liz
"Elizabeth, I could not bless the union of Zan and Elexa, while they did choose to bond on their own, they did not choose each other as mates. That was chosen for them by Zan's father."
"But they have chosen each other now?" Asked Kyle
"Yes. When Maxwell risked everything to save Elizabeth's life by healing her that was him choosing her. She chose him when she didn't tell his secret even when shown proof of that there was a killer alien on earth."

Max wrapped his arm around Liz and gave her a kiss.

"There is one other thing you must know." Said the granalith
"What is it?" Asked Michael
"Once you are bonded to your mate, you can be with no one else. But that is not all. I will be preventing each of the ladies from becoming pregnant until you are legally wed either on Earth or Antar. No heir can be born out of wedlock. That is why Tess's plan would have failed if she had become pregnant by Maxwell. If they were not wed then the child could never be the heir."
"There is one more thing. What are the rolls of the keepers?" Asked Isabel
"The keepers are the only two that can channel my power. But it may only be done as a last resort. But all of you are welcome to come and ask questions, a keeper does not need to be with you."

The eight teens looked at each other wondering what their next move should be.

"You should return home now. I can give you no more information at this time. But like last night listen when the young Queen has a vision. They are to guide you and keep history from repeating itself. Last time her vision came to late to help you. Hopefully they will be better timed."

Just then the chamber door opened and the eight teens headed out. They found Nancy and Diane waiting for them.

"What did you learn?" Asked Diane
"Nicholas is on Earth." Said Serena
"This is not good news. Nicholas is one of the strongest Nex." Said Nancy
"His husk could make him look like anyone." Said Diane
"Let's head back to town and act normal. Meaning we do what teenagers do on their summer break." Said Max

Everyone nodded and headed for the cars.

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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 43 10/22/16

Post by Lillmonster »

I like this granolith. It must be the best protection against pregnancy. ;)
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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 43 10/22/16

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Lillmonster Yes no unplanned teen pregnancies for this group! Though at the moment only Max and Liz have done the deed.

Part 44

Max returned to the Parker's apartment with Liz. He needed to talk to her about what came out before they killed Tess the night before.

"Liz we need to talk."
"What about Max?"
"Tess killed you on Antar."
"Yes, she also killed Serena and Isabel."
"You were pregnant."
"No Max. Elexa was pregnant. I may have part of her in me, but I am not her any more than you are Zan."
"Liz but you remember being pregnant don't you?"
"How long?"
"How long have I remembered?"
"It has been slow. But since my mom woke my powers."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"Max, there was no point. There was nothing that you could do about it."
"You could have talked about it with me."
"Max, do you remember anything from Antar?"
"I remember being in a garden with a very upset Elexa. By the way in case you didn't know you look almost the same. Your hair was more of an auburn and had purple eyes."
"Yeah I remember. I could change my hair if you want."
"Maybe some other time. I'm sure you could change your eye color too if you wanted."
"Liz, do you know if the baby was a boy or girl?"
"No. Elexa had only been pregnant less then a week. It takes at least a month to know the sex of the baby."
"Liz, do you remember that night in the garden?"
"Yes. That was before Zan and Elexa's engagement was announced. Elexa had just returned from dinner with Kivar."
"She was upset because Kivar refused to show her the respect she was entitled to being a princess."
"Yes. He always called her by her name and never princess or You're Highness which was the proper way to address her. Zan, until he was told other wise always called her princess."
"Elexa always reufered to Zan as prince until she was told other wise too."
"Yeah. Max, we still have a lot of enemies to deal with."
"I know."
"What are we going to do?"
"I don't know."

Max pulled Liz into his arms and held her. He could tell that she was scared.


Los Angeles

Kal Langley looked over his reports from his spies watching the Nex camp in Coper Summit Arizona. He was not happy about what he saw. They had found a way to grow new husks. But what was really odd was everyone seem to be following the orders of a boy who looked no older than thirteen. He looked at the photo of the boy that had been included. It was the coldness of the eyes that gave him away. The boy was Nicholas! Kivar's right hand man. He sent out word to his people to take out the new husks and as many of the Nex as they could. Then high tail it to Roswell. The Royal Court was going to need all the help they could get to take out Nicholas. He then had his private plane gotten ready. He had to go and help those kids.


Serena sat in a booth with Kyle playing with her straw. Kyle watched her. They had started to spend time together but they still weren't very close. Kyle could see that something was bothering her and took her hand.

"What's wrong Serena?" Asked Kyle
"Kyle, have you started to remember anything from Antar?"
"A little. Maria was a pain in the ass little sister. You had these beautiful purple eyes."
"I can change my eyes to purple if you want."
"No. I like these green ones you got this time around too. Serena, you got to remember while each of us has memories and part of these other people in us, we really aren't them. Trina and Jathron died a long time ago. I do want to get to know you. I like what I do know about you. I think it's great you are able to knock Guerin on his ass."

Serena smiled. She really liked what she knew about Kyle too.

"Kyle, I know we aren't the same people we were on Antar. I like what I know about you too."

Kyle decided to make a bold move. One he had been thinking about since the night he met her. He got up and came over to sit next to her. He took her face gently in his hands and leaned in and placed his lips on hers in a sweet kiss. He noticed her surprise. But it only took a second for her to return and deepen it. They broke when they heard a clearing of a throat right next to them. They looked up to see Mr. Parker standing there. Kyle smiled at him while Serena blushed and tried to hide behind Kyle.

"How's it going Mr. Parker?" Asked Kyle
"Kyle, don't hurt her. Serena is as much part of my family as Liz is. So you hurt her, I will make you pay understand?" Said Jeff
"Yes sir." Said Kyle
"Oh and don't make out in my diner!"
"Got it."

Jeff walked off and Serena started to giggle.

"Glad you found that funny."
"So was he like that when you went out with Liz?"
"Not really. I think it was because he never really believed that anything was going to happen with me and Liz."
"Well she wasn't your destiny."

They kissed again and had lunch together.

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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 44 10/23/16

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Wow Max, Liz and friends find out a lot of things from the granolith. So glad that the girls won't be pregnant when they go into war. So now they have to be on the look out for Nesado, skins and Kivar. Love how Jeff is also protective of Serena like he is of Liz. So Max and Liz talked about
Elexa being pregnant when she died. Cool Cal is coming to help Max, Liz and friends.

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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 44 10/23/16

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Yes everyone learned a lot. No there will be no babies right now for the kids.

Part 45

Nasado watched as a short bold man got out of the car. He knew at once that it was Kaldon. It would now be harder to get the little Queen. But he would still get her and get off this stupid planet. All he knew was that Kivar wants his Elexa. Not that Nasado really cared. He always thought the girl was nothing but a prissy little bitch. All the royal were like that. It was to bad that Braydons were starial with everyone but their own kind. Not that he would ever lower himself to be with any of these monkey people. He would never understand how Nanra could lower herself to be with a human. But then again she had spent most of her life as a servant to Antarians who were no better then humans. He left knowing he just had to wait until the time was right to go after the little Queen.


Kal walked into the Crashdown rolling his eyes. Not that this was the first time he had been in this diner. He smiled when he saw his little princess sharing an ice cream sundae with her guy. He walked over to the table realizing that she hadn't noticed him.

"Miss me princess?" Asked Kal

Serena looked up at him and glared. She was not happy to see the short bold pain in the ass protector.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Asked Serena
"Princess is that anyway to greet your favorite protector?" Asked Kal
"You are so lucky that there are people around or I would send your sorry ass flying." Said Serena in a low voice.
"So hanging out with your sister hasn't mellowed you out any. Too bad thought little Lizzie would get you to chill." Said Kal
"Uh Rena who is this joker?" Asked Kyle
"This is Kal Langley. Our so called protector. He has been hiding out in LA instead of doing his job of keeping us safe. Though now that he is here maybe we can get some answers as to why he hasn't done his job. Max and Liz can order him to spill his guts." Said Serena
"I missed that sassyness of yours princess." Said Kal
"We should go upstairs. We don't want the wrong person to over hear us." Said Kyle
"Well kid you ain't as dumb as you look." Said Kal
"Thanks I think." Said Kyle

The three of them headed upto the apartment. They walked in to find Max and Liz on the couch making out.

"Gee why did I get the job of protecting a bunch of horny teenagers. The bonding should have lessened the desire to jump each others bones." Said Kal

Max and Liz broke apart and Liz stood up and stared the bold alien in the eyes.

"Let me guess Kal Langley." Said Liz
"Yes You're highness." Said Kal
"OK then you are going to shut the hell up unless you have something important to say or you are asked a question. You will answer those questions no matter who in the court asks them. Do you understand me?"
"Yes my Queen."
"Great. Now sit down and keep quite."

Kal walked over to a chair and sat down until he was told other wise.

"Great trick Liz." Said Kyle
"Kyle knock it off." Said Liz

Serena smiled at Max who just shook his head. Just then Nancy walked into the living room with an empty laundry basket.

"Kal? What are you doing here?" Asked Nancy

Kal just sat there not answering.

"Uh Mrs. Parker he is under orders from the Queen not to say anything unless asked by the Royal Court." Said Kyle
"Oh. Liz?" Asked Nancy

Liz smiled and nodded.

"Kal answer her." Said Liz
"Nancy, I am here because my spies have informed me that Nicholas and a large group of Nex are in Copper Summit Arizona and have found a way to grow new husks. That it is nearly time for the harvest. I have people ready to move in and take them out. But only on orders of the King. Now I know Max here doesn't like the idea of killing. But these beings will kill you if you don't kill them." Said Kal
"When your people call with the information on the harvest, you will tell them they are to stop it. They should also take out as many of Nicholas's people as they can." Said Max
"Yes You're Highness." Said Kal
"Let's call the others and get them over here." Said Serena

Liz, Serena and Kyle started to make calls while Max kept an eye on their so called protected.

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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 45 10/24/16

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Loved how Serena and Liz bossed Cal around. Oh boy can't wait till the others met Cal.

L-J-L 76
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Re: Family Secrets (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 45 10/24/16

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Actually Serena can't order Kal around. She just gives him attitude. Liz and Max are the bonly two who can issue orders to Kal or Nancy.

Part 46 Copper Summit Arizona

He watched as the young teen boy walked into a building labeled The Universe Friendship League. God that sounded so creepy to him. He tried to move closer so he could hear what was going on. He noticed the boy talking with a man who looked to be in his late forties or early fifties. But he knew neither was who they appeared to be. The boy who looked no more than thirteen was really a grown man and very dangerous. The man with him was also dangerous. The boy was Nicholas, Kivar's right hand. While the man was going by the name of T. Greer. They were both dangerous. Nicholas started yelling and acting just like the teenage punk he looked like.

"Sir the Braydon saw it himself. The full court is in Roswell." Said Greer
"This is not good! We need to strike soon. We need to kill all of them except for Elexa, Vilandra and Trina."
"He still is obssed with Elexa? He does know that she hates him right?"
"He doesn't care dumbass! He has wanted her since he first laid eyes on her."
"How are we going to get her? If I recall she once knocked you on your ass."
"Yeah, well now she is weak she is part human."
"Not as weak as you think. Elexa was always one of the most powerful females on Antar. Her sister is one of the keepers of the granalith."
"The power of the granalith didn't help her before."
"True. But things change."

He sighed and moved from his hiding place. He needed to report in and see what the next action was. Once he was far enough away he pulled out his cell phone and made a call.

"Kal, it's Joe. They know about the court. Nicholas, he looks like a punk ass thirteen year old kid. He plans to kill everyone but the Queen and two Princesses."
"Joe, have your team take out the harvest and as many of them skins as you can. This is coming from the King." Came Kal's voice through the phone.
"Got it."

Joe hung up and popped a couple tic tacs in his mouth and went to get his team ready to strike.



Kivar paced in his war room. It was too bad that his stupid sister was dead. He had plans for her when she returned. Sure he had told the shapeshifter to kill her if he had too. But for the Royal Court to take her out because she was stupid and went after Elexa on her own that was not good. He had cut a deal with a baron on Jadtar one of the other four planets in his glaxey. He was going to sell his stupid slut of a sister as a concubine to him. Maybe he should tell his men to bring Dana back alive too. Then she could take his sister's place as the concubine. Oh that would be something! If Dana was anything like she had been before she would be hell of a fisty one. He only wished he could do the same with Vilandra and Trina. But they were the keepers of the granalith and he needed them in order to use the power of the granalith. With Elexa at his side and the power of the granalith he would rule the glaxey.



Alex smiled as he wrapped his arms around Isabel. He leaned in taking her lips in his. He tried to pull away after a sweet soft kiss but found that Isabel had other ideas. She held him close and deepened the kiss. He was surprised at first. But soon returned it. They were just starting to really make out when the phone rang. Isabel let out a groan and reached for it.

"Hello?" She asked with a grawl
"Gee what crawled up your ass Princess?" Came Kyle's voice
"This better be good Valenti."
"Yeah. Well your King and Queen have ordered a meeting. Oh and they want your mom here too."
"Kal has shown up. He has some important stuff to share with all of us."
"Fine Alex and I are on our way. I'll call my mom on the way."

Isabel hung up and turned to Alex.

"Kal has shown up. We need to go to the Crashdown."
"Let's go."

They got up and headed over to the Crashdown.

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