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Re: How was your day?

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:59 am
by NotYourChick
So far being sick all day. Looks like I will be in bed and watching 90210 on soapnet.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:10 pm
by valentinebaby
So my paranoia has reached in all time high. I'm in my apartment singing along with the Lion King 1 1/2 and I just stop and wonder if my neighbors can hear my horrible singing. It's not like I live somewhere horrible with paper thin walls either. My apartment is really nice and I hardly ever hear anything unless my windows are open but now I'm wondering if they can hear me. Yes, I know, I'm crazy.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:16 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Well, last night was scary and crappy.

Yesterday afternoon I hurt my back pretty bad and I took a half of a perscription pain pill because taking a full one would have made me very loopy. Unfortunately I didn't realize how old the medicine was. After dinner (about a half hour after I took the half pill) I got up from the table and brushed my teeth. As I was doing that however I started feeling dizzy.

Now I've passed out before a couple of times so I know the signs for when I'm about to pass out, light-headedness, dizziness, and the lovely spots I was seeing in front of my eyes are clues that I need to sit/lay down immediately. So I sat down in the bathroom and Dad found me and asked me what was wrong and I told him I felt like I was going to pass out. So he asked if I felt ok to stand up and get to the couch. I did so he helped me up and immediately I had trouble moving but we made it to the hallway. Then my vision started going white, there were a lot of white spots dancing in front of me and I told Dad that I had to lay down right then, I stopped walking and fell to my knees and laid down on my back right in the middle of the hallway.

Mom heard the commotion and hurried toward me. During my time on the floor I'm having a slight problem breathing and swallowing both Mom and Dad are taking my pulse and I remember very little except telling my brother that I'm going to be fine. Thankfully an ambulance/hospital visit wasn't needed because I started feeling better after about fifteen minutes. Finally when I was able to get up Mom helped me over to the couch and ordered me to sit and not get up. And for the remainder of my time in the living room Mom, Dad, and my brother were watching me like hawks.

I'm fine now and felt back to normal an hour and a half after the incident but it was scary last night. :) So needless to say those pills have been tossed and I've learned to listen to the expiration date. :lol:

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:19 pm
by Earth2Mama
Damn your lucky that's all that happened! Glad to hear you are on the mend. Definitely, toss out anything in the medicine cabinet that is expired and even if they aren't - READ THE WARNING LABELS. And make sure you aren't allergic to any of those medicine's either.

Really, so happy to hear that you are better ... it could have been a different outcome. {{{hugs}}}

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 2:01 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Earth2Mama wrote:Damn your lucky that's all that happened! Glad to hear you are on the mend. Definitely, toss out anything in the medicine cabinet that is expired and even if they aren't - READ THE WARNING LABELS. And make sure you aren't allergic to any of those medicine's either.

Really, so happy to hear that you are better ... it could have been a different outcome. {{{hugs}}}
Definitely could have a different outcome. I'm usually really good about warning labels and tossing out pills when they reach their expiration date but for some reason I didn't on these. Well if anything the experience drove home why I usually toss out pills on the expiration date.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:30 pm
by OrangeSky
Jezebel Jinx wrote:
Earth2Mama wrote:Damn your lucky that's all that happened! Glad to hear you are on the mend. Definitely, toss out anything in the medicine cabinet that is expired and even if they aren't - READ THE WARNING LABELS. And make sure you aren't allergic to any of those medicine's either.

Really, so happy to hear that you are better ... it could have been a different outcome. {{{hugs}}}
Definitely could have a different outcome. I'm usually really good about warning labels and tossing out pills when they reach their expiration date but for some reason I didn't on these. Well if anything the experience drove home why I usually toss out pills on the expiration date.
I think I speak for everyone when I say we're really glad nothing worse happened, and we're glad you're okay.

My day was pretty good today. I got accepted to American University, and into the Honors Program no less. I'm not sure where I want to go yet (I have to wait for all the colleges to respond), but I was a little taken aback to learn that I'd been selected for the Honors Program. Totally hadn't expected that.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:01 am
by valentinebaby
Jezebel Jinx wrote:
Earth2Mama wrote:Damn your lucky that's all that happened! Glad to hear you are on the mend. Definitely, toss out anything in the medicine cabinet that is expired and even if they aren't - READ THE WARNING LABELS. And make sure you aren't allergic to any of those medicine's either.

Really, so happy to hear that you are better ... it could have been a different outcome. {{{hugs}}}
Definitely could have a different outcome. I'm usually really good about warning labels and tossing out pills when they reach their expiration date but for some reason I didn't on these. Well if anything the experience drove home why I usually toss out pills on the expiration date.
I thought that if medication was past it's expiration date that it just lost it's potency. Maybe you should go to your dr's anyways just to make sure you aren't allergic.

My first half of the day was crazy. My son is refusing to take his naps and screaming and banging on the walls, and jiggling the rails of his crib. I swear I was going to go insane.

Then I watched like four or five episodes of Dollhouse. My best friend keeps bringing me over new box sets and I'm behind on like all my shows and trying to play my video game too. God my life sounds so horrible doesn't it??? I just sit on my ass all day. I need a freaking job after 2 years and 8 and a half months I'm going stir crazy. I would love to just go out for a day and do something crazy. ANYTHING!

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:19 am
by NotYourChick
Jezebel Jinx wrote:
Earth2Mama wrote:Damn your lucky that's all that happened! Glad to hear you are on the mend. Definitely, toss out anything in the medicine cabinet that is expired and even if they aren't - READ THE WARNING LABELS. And make sure you aren't allergic to any of those medicine's either.

Really, so happy to hear that you are better ... it could have been a different outcome. {{{hugs}}}
Definitely could have a different outcome. I'm usually really good about warning labels and tossing out pills when they reach their expiration date but for some reason I didn't on these. Well if anything the experience drove home why I usually toss out pills on the expiration date.
Really happy you are ok. :)

Today I get to job hunt. Can you say yay?! :lol:

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:50 pm
by valentinebaby
NotYourChick wrote: Today I get to job hunt. Can you say yay?! :lol:
YYYYAAAAYYY!!!!! LOL I actually want to work again so job hunting sounds kinda nice.

Re: How was your day?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:06 pm
by valentinebaby
So I'm getting all of Aiden's stuff ready for his bath, and while I'm looking for PJ's I came across one of his onesies from when he was just a newborn. It was so tiny, I could ball it up in one fist. Kids grow up too darn fast, but it's so amazing to look back and just remember how small they were.