Page 14 of 88

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 6:40 am
by isabelle

"Are you coming or staying?" Alex asks. The guy can't even stand up. I'm sure I can't trust him to look after himself at the house alone. Besides, Candy's already ended our conversation. She's probably flirting with the next guy already. I might as well play out this "responsible" role.

I pour Alex into the cab and give the driver directions. Suddenly, I remember that I still have the keys to the van. Not really a good idea, since I'm not exactly sober, either, but we hadn't thought to designate a return driver. I need to find one of the others to hand them over. I look up and see the cameraman filming Alex's embarrassment.

"Hey, you! Can you give these to Kyle?" He seems like he'd be responsible. HE should be the one here with Alex. The man nods and I hand them over. Then I climb into the cab with Alex.

I tell you, sharing the back of a cab with a drunk is no fun. He's babbling different names. Jeff. Max. Isabel. I can't figure out what the guy is talking about, and frankly, I don't try. I bet he doesn't even know I'm here.

At last, we get to the house. Alex gets out, pays the driver and stumbles into the house. He should be the one to pay. It's his fault I had to leave early. Hell, it's not even one o'clock.

"Hey!" The driver shouts at me. I turn around. "Your friend only gave me three dollars!"

I look at the bills in the man's hand. Sure enough, Alex gave him three singles. He's drunker than I thought. Can't even read the money. Sighing, I reach into my own pockets and hand the man fifteen dollars. I let him keep the rest and turn to go into the house after my drunk house-mate.

When I get inside, I find Alex sittinging in the front hall with Max. There's a surprise. I thought everyone was still back at the club.

"Max! What are you doing here?"

"Looking after Alex. You came with him?"

"Yeah, I was taking care of the taxi-fare." I look at Alex. He's pale and unsteady, even 'though he's sitting down. "We need to get him some coffee."

"Liz is already fetching some water."

I feel my eyes widen in surprise. "LIZ is here, too?" Before Max can answer, the girl in question comes back with a glass of water.

"Got it," she says, and then sees me. "Michael! What are you doing here?"

"Just taking Alex home. I didn't think anyone-else was here." What are the two of them doing here alone? I'm sure Maria, Isabel and Tess were still at the club. Is Max trying to get ALL the girls? This really stinks.

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 5:27 pm
by Sugarplum7
<center>~*~*~*~*~*~ Liz’s Part ~*~*~*~*~*~</center>

“Michael! What are you doing here?” I shout, stunned. I didn’t know that anyone came with Alex. I guess I was right when I thought there was more to Michael than that. At least he had the common decency to see that Alex got home okay, even if it meant cutting him time at the club short.

“Just taking Alex home,” he said. “I didn’t think anyone else was here.”

“Maxie-Max and Lizzie-beth were here,” Alex slurred. I was already heading over to where he was sitting to give him water. “Lizzie was tired, and I told Max to take her home because . . . I forgot. Anyone want some gum?” He pulled a pack of gum out of his pocket and offered it to us.

“No, thank you,” I say as kneel beside him. I turn to face both Max and Michael. “There isn’t any alcohol in the house.”

“Don’t you think he is drunk enough!” Michael exclaims, pointing at Alex, sitting on the floor drinking water.

“Not for now, Michael.”

“Max, did you want some gum?”

“No, thank you, Alex. The drink is for the morning. It will help with the hangover,” he supplies for Michael.

“As much as I like the hard floor, can we maybe move to the living room? At least then Alex can sit or lie on the couch.” I turn to Alex who is almost done with the glass of water I gave him. “Can you get up now?”

“Yeah,” he says as he nods a little. I stand up, and take the practically empty glass as both Max and Michael help Alex up off the floor. They lead him to the couch, and I follow, taking a quick detour back to the kitchen for more water. When I get back to the living room, Max and Michael are in a discussion about something. I did not care to overhear.

This time, however, I brought a pitcher of water along with the glass.

“So what did you two want to do? Should one of you two get the alcohol, or should we just forget about it.”

“You are going to have to explain this alcohol thing to me later, Liz, because I am don’t get it,” Michael says.

I don’t want to make either of them leave the house if they don’t wish to, but if I was able to, I would make a quick run to the store to get the alcohol for Alex.

<center>~*~*~*~*~*~ End Liz’s Part ~*~*~*~*~*~</center>

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 7:14 pm
by isabelle

I can’t believe Alex came back so drunk. I have a strong feeling that this is not the sort of behavior that’s going to win him points with “Lizzie-beth.” Michael doesn’t look a whole lot better, but at least he’s still mostly vertical. He's actually able to help me walk Alex to the living room.

“So, were you and Liz having a good time?” Michael asks, raising an eyebrow as Liz heads down the hall to the kitchen.

“What? We were just on our way to bed – I mean to sleep.” I correct myself, suddenly realizing how it sounds. “We were just tired. Like Alex said.”

“Lizzie left early,” Alex explains again. "Tired."

“I’ll bet.” Michael rolls his eyes.

“Stuff it, Michael. We were just sharing a cab. We got in two minutes before you did.” Well, maybe it was more like twenty-five minutes, but I don’t like what he’s implying about Liz. Just then Liz arrives with a pitcher of water, and thankfully, Michael shuts up.

“So, what did you two want to do? Should one of you two get the alcohol or should we just forget about it?” she asks.

“You’re gonna have to explain this alcohol thing to me later, Liz, because I don’t get it,” Michael says.

I have to roll my eyes. I’d bet anything that Michael’s been drunk many times before tonight, and I’m sure he’s familiar with a morning-after drink.

“I’ll go." I volunteer. "I’m not sure Michael is sober enough to drive."

"And you are?" Michael steps forward, in a challenge, and nearly stumbles.

“As a matter of fact, I think I am. I know I'm more sober than you are. But I don’t have a car. Liz, did Maria leave her keys to the Jetta?”

“Oh! I think she did. Let me see if I can find them.” Liz says before heading upstairs. I turn and pour Alex a second glass of water, avoiding Michael’s accusing look.

“I still think we should give him coffee,” Michael offers.

“Coffee won’t sober him up. Only time.” I tell him.

Alex leans forward and spills half his drink on the sofa. “You know – This water would taste a lot better with a little … scotch.”

“I’m sure it would. But we don’t have any.”

Alex’s face falls and he looks mournfully into the bottom of the glass. “Oh. That’s a shame.”

Just then, Liz arrives, spinning the keys over her head. “Found them!”

“Great.” I say as she hands them over. “I’ll be back soon.”

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 9:20 pm
by Luvya

I forgot why I sent Maxie Max home with Lizzybeth. It was.... It was...... Man I can't remember. All I remeber is Lizzybeth being tired. I vagly hear Michael and MaxieMax's conversations as Lizzybeth goes to get the water. I take a big gulp.
"You know This water will taste better with a little scotch" I enply hoping there is at least a little more achol for me.
"I'm sure it would but we don't have any" Maxie Max says
"Oh thats a shame..." Then Maxie Max leaves, "Where's Maxie Max going?" I slurr. Suddenly my mind clicks. About Five mintues after Maxie Max has gone I blurt it out.
"Lizzybeth Likes Maxie Max!"

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 2:33 pm
by Sugarplum7
<center>~*~*~*~*~*~ Liz’s Part ~*~*~*~*~*~</center>

The last words Alex spoke continue to ring in my ears. “Lizzybeth likes Maxie-Max!” This is the last time I allow a confidant to go on a drinking binge. What should I do? Should I explain it to Michael? Should I deny it completely? What would be the best course? Is there any way out of this?

This is just wonderful. It would be better if Michael did not even hear that, but it is impossible. He would never even pretend that he did not hear that. I need to get out of the room before Michael starts on some tirade. And he is going to. Will he follow me when I leave? I really hope not. Please don’t follow me.

“I am going to go get more water,” I say as I walk out of the room, with the water pitcher half full.

At least there is one small consolation. Max was not here to hear that. Now I just have to find out what Michael wants to do with this piece of information, or if he even thinks that this is true. He could think that Alex is just speaking about something he thinks, not knows. Right?

<center>~*~*~*~*~*~ End Liz’s Part ~*~*~*~*~*~</center>

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 7:21 pm
by isabelle

"Lizzie-beth likes Maxie-Max," Alex announces with drunken glee. Now there's a news flash. Why shouldn't she like Max? All the other girls are falling over him. I'd hoped she'd be the one girl I might have a chance with, but no. The world is not that that good to Michael Guerin. At least it hasn't been since I've set foot in Florida. There's something seriously wrong with this state.

I look over at Liz and see that she's turning pink. "I'm going to get more water," she says and disappears with a half pitcher of water in her hands.

I suppose I'm expected to sit here and monitor Alex, but I'm sick of this "responsible" gig. It's not me. Max didn't even want me to go on the booze run, so why should I pretend? Hell, I was about to call another cab and go back to the club, but this is not something I can ignore.

Abandoning the drunk tattletale, I follow Liz out of the room. My long legs cover the distance quickly and I catch up to her by the kitchen. I find her there at the sink and I lean against the wall, watching her.

She knows I'm here, but she doesn't look up. In a minute, the pitcher is full, and she has to turn off the tap. When she turns, she's still looking pink and she doesn't meet my eyes.

"The pitcher wasn't empty," I say.

"I thought you were watching Alex."


"I should bring him some water."

"If he had any more water, he'd float away, already."

"Excuse me," she says, starting to walk past me.

"Is it true?" I ask, and she stops in her tracks.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2003 8:27 pm
by Luvya

Woops... I don't think I should of said that. At least Maxie Max is out of the room...... Lizzy-beth wont tell Michael about Izabelle will she??? Oh no..... I get up slowly balencing myself on the... on the.... table.... this is all my fault. Oh man.... I wish i wasn't confused. I'm going to bed. With telling Lizzy beth or Michael I slowly walk myself to *my* room and lie on the bed. Time for good old Alex to fall asleep.

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 1:38 am
by Sugarplum7
<center>~*~*~*~*~*~ Liz’s Part ~*~*~*~*~*~</center>

I thought I was able to get away. I thought I was free of any questions from Michael. I got out of the kitchen and was halfway to the living room where we left Alex, and the question I feared rang through the empty hallway.

“Is it true?” His voice was calm and strong. There was no way that I could waltz out of this.

I sighed softly and turned to face him. With a simple gesture I answered to the best of my knowledge. How did I feel about Max? I did not even know. Did he expect me to tell him an answer to a question that I had no answer to for myself.

“You don’t know?” He asks, not believing my wordless answer in the least.

“No,” I say, then quickly say, “Yes. I . . . I do not know.”

<center>~*~*~*~*~*~ End Liz’s Part ~*~*~*~*~*~</center>

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 9:51 pm
by isabelle
Hey all - this has been a really tricky scene for me. I don't know why. Maybe it's the Polar thing. *shrugs.* Let me know if you think I should change it. Okay?


She doesn't know. Who does she think she's kidding? The way she ran away, her blushing, all of it - it's a clear admission. She does like him, and not just as a friend. I am so tired of being the outsider here. Gotta change that. Right now.

“You told me you didn’t want to compete for Max.”

“I am not –" she starts to protest.

“Sure you are. Sneaking back early so you could suck a little face with him.”

“Michael! That is not what happened!”

“Listen, babe. Max isn’t all that. I’m the one you girls should be competing for.” I reach for Liz’s arm as I step closer.

“Michael!” she protests, again. But I know she doesn’t mean it. Dispite everything that's going on here, I know I'm still the master.

I lean in close and whisper in her ear. “Let me show you what you’re missing.”

hmmm. Maybe he should have made Liz put down that pitcher of water, first?
BTW Luvya - when you say Alex went to *his* room, I'm wondering. Did he really make it to the right one? Or is he now in someone-else's bed?


Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2003 7:22 am
by ~Ruby~

I down my drink quickly, I am getting sick and tired of having guys who are not worth my time coming up to me and using stupid chat up lines that are just laughable. For example, “Congratulations! You’ve been voted ‘Most Beautiful Girl In This Room’ and the prize is to spend the night with me!” or how about this one “Did you know there are 265 bone inside your body? Wanna know how you can get one more?” or “Excuse me. I am about to go home and masturbate and I need a name to go with the face.” So that one made me gag a little. Or this one “I’m sorry to tell you this, but you’re under citizens arrest. It’s got to be illegal to look that good, and let me tell you you’re in for a *stiff* penalty.” and those are just the ones I can remember.

Now Jake, he was worth my time, he is a complete babe, a God, my dream man. I can't wait until tomorrow. There is so much to do, I got to decide what to wear, how to wear my hair, and then I have to do my nails and then.... Oh my God there is so much to do. How am I ever going to be ready for tomorrow?

Fingers crossed Daddy will have already sent the rest of my things over and my car, aww my beloved car. There's no way I am going to be getting in that van thing again in a hurry, its so not good for my image.

Maybe when I get back to the house I will be in luck and nobody will be up. I am going to need some time to myself while I start getting ready before I go to bed for some beauty sleep. Not that I need it.

I look around the club, Maria's at the bar glaring moodily into her drink. I think she is completely trashed. If I was a nice sort of person I would go up to her and ask her what's wrong, go and give her a shoulder to cry on but hey I may be christian but I am not that christian.

Tess is nowhere in sight and hey I don't even know where that guy Kyle has gotten to.

Michael took a drunk Alex back to the house. I mean if you can't handle your drink, don't do it, its just going to end up with emarrassing results for not only you but the people around you.

I know for a fact that Liz went home in a taxi with Maxie boy chasing after her with his tail between his legs. If I didn't know better I would say something was going on between them. But that would be stupid right?

Love at first sight? that's not real, its just good old lust. Maybe I am just over thinking here. I don't know Max and Liz very well but I know they can't be stupid enough to get together or do anything, I mean they don't even know each other, its been what half a day? I don't know maybe I am reading the body language wrong but somehow I doubt it because at the end of the day body language never lies.

Oh well I guess I am going to have to get a cab back to the house. Tomorrow I guess I am going to have to try and get to know the housemates, you know since I am going to be sharing a house with them. Hell I am sharing a room with cough virgin Mary cough Liz.

I swear I am going to miss my girlfriends so much, shopping is just not going to be the same. I mean I am sure I can phone them when ever I want, but its just not the same. Kathryn said she might get a flight and come and visit me. And then Nicole, Rose, Faith and a few others had all said ditto to that. So I am hoping that they will come since it would be nice to around my own class of people.

The cab driver pulls up outside of the house and after leering at me for a while takes the money I throw at him. Gross and double gross he was old enough to be my grandfather or something.

I walk in and can hear voices in the kitchen, I move quieter so that I can catch what they are saying.

“Yes. I . . . I do not know.” ok so that Liz's voice and I so knew I was right about her liking Max. And hey I do not know? who talks like that anyway?

Something else is said but I can't hear it

“Sure you are. Sneaking back early so you could suck a little face with him.” I knew it, I knew it, Max and Liz were sucking face, and gross.

“Michael! That’s not what happened!” Pfft whatever,

“Listen, babe. Max isn’t all that. I’m the one you girls should be competing for.” Ok so Michael is so full of himself and this is now so boring. I am going to my bedroom or well mine and Liz's bedroom.

I walk up the stairs and go into my room, ok so I need to start getting some things done, maybe I should do a face mask but there is no way I can do it in a designer dress, I pull my dress over my head, leaving me in only my black DKNY "Signature Lace" Underwire Bra & Thong.

I frown to myself 'ok so what the hear is that noise'

Oh my god something is in my bed,

I move closer maybe I should go and get Michael and then he could sort this out, I pull the covers back and scream!

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" I screaming hitting the person hard, I have no idea who it, and I don't care as long as I knock them out and then I am calling the police. There's some freak in my bed.

I scream again, where the hell are Liz and Michael?