If all were Different (AU, CC+, Teen) Thread #1

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Post by isabelle »

"I can show you some of my memories if you want? To make us even?" she says.

I stand as 'though frozen. Do I want to? To look into the mind of an alien? Of Liz Parker? The scientist in me wants to try - just to see what it's like. But that hardly seems fair. Besides, what if her mind is different and it could hurt me? Or worse, what if I find out what she really thinks about me? What if I find out she's never thought of me at all? I'm just the nobody who's been her lab partner for the last two years.

But she's offering, and I want to trust her. And I do want to see. Want to know.

I nod slowly, and she reaches for my face. I involuntarily take a half step backwards, and her face falls. "I'm sorry," she says. "Maybe this was a bad idea."

"No," I say quickly reaching for her hand. "I want to."

She looks at me with an expression I can't quite read. "I'll have to touch you. It's how I make the connection."

"Okay," I say. Thinking how nice it is to have her hand in mine. She takes it back, and reaches for my face again with both hands. She places them on either side, and then leans in close. I can feel her minty breath on my face. I look from her eyes to her lips and back. Waiting.

"Close your eyes," she says. "Try to make your mind a blank."

I close my eyes, but it's hard to blank out my mind when she's so close to me. Suddenly my mind is filled with dozens of images, each going by so quickly it's like a flash, each colored with emotion. And I understand what she means by 'flashes.'

I feel someone breaking through a verticle membrane and stepping out, sticky and wet. I see a car, and recognise the Parkers. I see her and Michael going to school. Working in the Crashdown. In the hallways at school. A car accident - Michael is there, and Maria. Even me, in biolab at school. Me on the floor of the Crashdown, bleeding.

And suddenly, it's over. I gasp, opening my eyes. The whole thing couldn't have taken more than a few seconds.

Liz looks puzzled, staring at me. "Did it work?" she asks.

I nod, mutely. I feel as though I've forgotten how to speak.

"MAX!" Serena calls again from downstairs.
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Post by isabelle »


"I wasn't expecting that to be on your mind..." Maria says, lightly.

Neither was I, actually. But I do feel a lot calmer now. Well, calmer about Liz. I'm finding I'm still kinda wound up about the kiss.

Suddenly, Maria looks so much more beautiful than she's ever been. I've always thought she looked nice, but she was just Maria. My friend. But she really is beautiful. And she smells nice. And her eyes are so blue. Her smile is so perfect.

I already know her so well. I've even seen into her mind, the flashes from the day I healed her.

I know I shouldn't. She's a friend. She's not like Liz and me. We know it's probably not a good idea to be involved with normal person this way - but this is Maria. I feel like I've known her forever. And she already knows me. And she's not afraid.

I'm getting confused again. My mind getting tangled in Maria. Did she ask me something? What am I supposed to say? I need to calm down. There was one thing that calmed me a moment ago. Something, I'd love to try again.

I put my arm around her, pulling her close again, even closer than before. And I kiss her once more.
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Post by FallenMagic »

~*~* Maria *~*~

If I was taken by surprise by the first kiss, the second one really caught me of gaurd! But even before I could really think about it I kissed him back. Hey, I had been dreaming of this moment for a long time and I wasn't going to let it go.

I couldn't believe it! Michael Guerin was kissing me! When we finally broke apart, both breathing hard I leaned my head almost shyly against his chest. After the kiss we shared I felt more shy around him than I had ever felt.

Get over it Deluca! I ordered myself. It's still Michael.

I looked up at Michael and smiled. "I guess things are going to be different now, huh?" I asked.
<center>There are endings and beginnings and then there are Crossroads; and, somehow, in the end all that's left are Pieces Of A Dream</center>
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Post by Luvya »

OOC- Now I wonder if Michael reliases he's kissing his best friend in his sisters room :wink:


"I better go" I say after Serena calls again knowing that she's going to come up here soon- hey that's what Michael would do. Max finally nods and I wonder what he saw. I wonder breifly if I should go out the front door or not- to save trouble.

"Max which way do you want me to go?" I ask finally.
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Post by isabelle »


Liz's question breaks me out of my trance. "I'll walk you out," I tell her. I'd still like her to stay, but she obviously has other plans. And, well, I guess I have a lot to think about.

I open the door and escort her downstairs. I see Serena in the kitchen and I give her a little wave. "Be there in a minute," I tell her.

Then I turn to Liz, "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Sure, tomorrow," she says.

I watch her for a moment. I'm not even sure what I'm trying to figure out, but I stare, just a little too long, trying to find a clue. I turn away then, and open the door for her.

"Bye, Liz."
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Post by Luvya »


"Bye Max" I say softly starting up the jeep. I watch him walk back to his home and watch him as he starts eating dinner with his family. I then back out slowly and start to drive back to the cafe. Michael is going to kill me. I don't want to go back but I know I have to. Finally I pull up in the parking lot and start to head to where my room is.

I start to climb up- I've done it once before when we saved Maria but I had Michael with me so it wasn't so bad. (and I wasn't in my crashdown uniform.) I notice the lights on in my room and finally I enter- just intime to see Michael and Maria kiss.

"What's going on here?"
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Post by FallenMagic »

~*~* Maria *~*~

"What's going on here?" I hear Liz's voice say as I kiss Michael.

At the sound of her voice Michael and I jump apart, suddenly realizing that we are in Liz's room.

I hurriedly run my fingers through my hair, haphazardly tryng to fix them. I blush furiously as Liz levels me with a faintly amused and a bit surprised look.

"Um...nothing..." I stammer. I refuse to look at Michael as I look straight at Liz. This is more embaressing that I thought. Sure Liz knows I like Michael but to catch us kissing...

"What took you so long?" I ask her, trying to divert the attention away from me. "Did you talk to Max?"
<center>There are endings and beginnings and then there are Crossroads; and, somehow, in the end all that's left are Pieces Of A Dream</center>
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Post by isabelle »


"I guess things are going to be different now, huh?" Maria asks, and I'm suddenly unsure.

"I'm sorry, Maria. I didn't even ask if you wanted ..." I can't even look her in the eye. What the hell have I done?

"Michael," she says gently. "It's okay." She leans forward and this time, she kisses me. All the tension eases from my shoulders. She wants to! I wrap my arms around her again, kissing her more deeply than before.

"What's going on here?" I hear Liz say suddenly. Damn! I didn't even hear her come in.

"Umm... Nothing. Did you talk to Max?" Maria asks, pushing her hair back into place. I try to get my heart-beat back into a normal pace while I wait to hear what my sister has to say.
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Post by Liz_Parker »


"MAX!", I yell at him. Why is he taking so long? I called him like forever ago. There's nothing up there to be doing.

"You better get down here right now or else I'm just going to let your things go to waste!", I roll my eyes and walk back to the kitchen to get things set.

Honestly, why do I even bother? I mean, I'm the youngest, he should be taking care of me right? But yet, I'm being a good sister and taking care of him. Brothers were the worst creations!

The Original Rivalry that we all love :)
http://www.roswellfanatics.net/archive/ ... 24523.html

check it out if you wanna read it again, I did :)
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Post by isabelle »


I walk back to the dining area and find my mom carrying a bowl of vegetables to the table. Dad is already seated and it looks like they're all ready to begin. I find a seat, as all the things Liz told me keep swirling around in my mind. Aliens. Getting shot. That strange glimpse into her memories. Getting something to eat seems normal and solid, and I'm glad to have something to focus on.

"Where's Isabel?" Dad asks.

"Oh, she called a little while ago. She was at Tess' house. Said not to hold dinner for her, because she might stay to eat there," Mom says as she sits down.

"Okay then," Dad says. "Let's get started."

I start to fill my plate and I realize that Serena is staring at me. "What took you so long, Max?" she asks.

"I was talking to a friend upstairs."

"You should have told him you'd call back," Mom says.

"It was a girl," Serena says in the most annoying little sister way possible. "Liz Parker. And she wasn't on the phone. She was in his room."

Dad's eyebrows rise at that. "You had a girl in your room?"

"Dad," I say, rolling my eyes. "We were just talking. She's my lab partner and we were talking about homework. She was only here a few minutes." I'm gonna let it go at that, but Serena looks like she's gonna have another comment so I quickly add, "Serena had Tom Valenti here all afternoon."
Last edited by isabelle on Mon Feb 16, 2004 10:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.