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Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:10 am
by FallenMagic
Hey everyone!!!

How's everyone doing? I hope all of you guys are safe and sound in cluding your family memembers from Tsunami!

And Benz you're not too late with the new year..speaking of which...

Happy New Year!

So...what's everyone's new year resolution? I know it's kinda dumb to ask but I've got friends (me included) who have the weirdest new year resolutions. Mine is that I'm gonna give the guy I like till the 14th of Feb to ask me out otherwise I'm moving on...erm...okay that made me sound REALLY weird...

*runs off to hide*

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:55 am
by liz_maria
New Year's Resolution?...hmm,... :idea:

I've got lots that I'm trying very hard to do (, and most of them were from the last year). One of them would probably be something along the lines of, "I'll try to be more optimistic about things."

>Kinda' hard to do though. A psychic was called on a news show to predict the Philippine fortune forecast for 2005, and his predictions were pretty darn negative.

>Also, my grandfather's really ill. :cry: Our family is really under a lot of stress about it too. :(


Somehow, I'm not so sure about that resolution...


Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:03 am
by FallenMagic
Sorry to hear about your grandfather! I'll pray for his health. You just be there for him. I'm sure everything will be fine

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:11 pm
by liz_maria

Actually, he just passed on about an hour and a half after midnight today...

We were there with him until about 4 a.m., when my uncle took me and my cousin home. He told us to go and try to rest up, but I couldn't really get any sleep at all, -and I tried. So I'm just going online to have something to do while I'm waiting.

I guess, in a way, his passing was considerably a good one, since he was in a lot of pain for the last few months. They told me that it was very peaceful, -just like he wanted it to be. -also how we wanted it to be for him.

Everyone's taking to it pretty well.


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:42 am
by ps_dreamer
Hey guys,

Marie, :( I'm so sorry about your grandfather. May his soul rest in peace.

Ok...for my new year's resolutions so far:

1) Eat healthier food
2) Exercise! (I'm more of a lazyass :roll: )
3) Read for the blind ... this is my new project in life. LOL, just want to do something beneficial :)


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:22 pm
by liz_maria
Thanks, Benz.


Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:44 am
by FallenMagic
Marie so sorry to hear about your grandfather. I'msure it was better for him though if he was so ill.

Benz you've got some pretty big resolutions! You go girl! :D

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:53 pm
by Saymi007

Liz_Maria sorry to hear about yor grandfather, my condolences.

New Year Resoloutions:


-try to be nicer and more open with people
-i resolve to keep my in anger check, i tend to say things i regret later when im pissed.
-Shorten my list of people i want to kill, the number has been increasing by leaps and bounds.
-get a haircut ( if my dad permits. hehe)

That was a list of reasonable resloutions i made, on the 1st me and a friend made the most ridiculcous list known to man. I'm sure if the goverment found it we'd be in jail. heheh

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:31 pm
by liz_maria
FallenMagic & Saymi007: Thanks, we're all managing okay.

As for more resolutions, I decide to try many new things this year, just so I don't regret not doing them later. -this ought to be interesting, since I'm always the type to stay on the safe side...

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:47 am
by ps_dreamer
FallenMagic wrote:Benz you've got some pretty big resolutions! You go girl! :D
LOL :lol: I try.