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Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:34 pm
by Touch of the Wind
#105 Challenge


Title: Beautiful

Pairing: DeanIsabel onesided YEDIsabel

Plot: Max does manage to drive Jesse away before she married him, a short while later Max leaves to find his son, during that time Isabel is attacked by a vengeful spirit and Dean Winchester saves her...but when Isabel has a tendency to draw these kind of dangers to her she finds out her destiny is more than she thought, Isabel is considered a goddess among demons due to her antarian origins, and a certain yellow eyed demon has he eye on her for his demonic Queen. However Dean Winchester is not going to let that happen.

But when Isabel and Dean are finally safe will Max's return hurt there relationship?

Isabel saving Dean at one point
Isabel and Dean falling into a lake
Isabel getting pregnant
Sam is at college
John stays alive

I made a banner for this story. ... banner.jpg

I also made this video for it, its only a preview, since im gonna do one to the whole song, but i think it works well anyway:

Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 3:29 pm
by Kristy
# 106


Being a dreamer fan, and a brand-new Heroes fan, I decided to post this little challenge. There are soo few CC XO fics, so wanted to throw this out there.

Anyway, I was writing this little drabble HR XO, and it got me thinking. The basis of Heroes is that the abilities come from genetic anomolies, which were evolutionary advances. What if the "pod squad" had grown up in Roswell thinking they were alien because of the social context of where they live, but in actuality were just the next step in human development? Think of how this would spin the ideas of Nasedo and Tess. What if they were, say Company members or even just had plans of their own, and decided to exploit their misconceptions for their own gain (whatever that might be).

Take the idea where ever it might lead you! Use as many characters from the other show you want.

One major requirement: CC couples as far as Roswell goes. With Heroes, I have the couples I like (who woulda thought an incestuous uncle/niece pairing would actually work, lol), but honestly I don't mind as long as there is no slash. The story doesn't even have to be couple-centric.

Please, please take this! I would, but I am notorious for not finishing ideas :oops: and am buried under nursing pre-reqs and trying to finish other fics.

I'll give you brownie points! And reviews! Guarenteed reviews! hehehe :lol:


Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:51 am
by jazz

Roswell/supernatural fic during season 1 of both shows

I thought it would be interesting to have a fic where Liz is Dean and Sam's sister. Before Nancy married Jeff she had a fling with John (after Dean and Sam's mum died) somewhere other then Roswell. When she finds out she's pregnant she panics and leaves without telling John about the baby because she knows John is still in love with his wife. She moves to Roswell meets Jeff and they decide to bring up Liz together. Liz doesn't know Jeff isn't her dad. Somehow the yellow eyed demon finds out about Liz and decides to go after her knowing she''ll develop alien powers because Max has healed her. Sam, Dean and John track the demon to Roswell, not knowing why he's after Liz. When John finds out Nancy is her mum, he realises she's his daughter. The supernatural boys and the Roswell gang then have to save Liz and the world from the yellow eyed demon.

Must be dreamer and cc Roswell couples!

Must incude: - a very protective Winchester family once the truth is out. They try and intimadate Max once they realise him and Liz are dating.
- Liz's powers must develop during this season, maybe the demon kick starts them.
- a big showdown between all the Winchester's, Mr and Mrs Parker and Liz.


Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:10 pm
by behrstars


Liz has a vision about Sam getting hurt you choose how. Turns out that Sam is having the same vision about Liz. They track each other down and find out that it has to do with the YED. For what ever reason he's after both Liz and Sam. Since we know why he's after Sam, you get to decide why hes after Liz. Lots of fights against demons one big fight with the YED. Of course our team prevails.
You get to decide if the Roswellians are involved and if John is alive.

Must haves:
Liz and Dean get together. How is up to you. Would like it to be pretty steamy.
Sam has to eventually get attached to someone. Hate to see Sam all alone.
Would like to see Liz have a few different powers and I'd also like to see Sam develop a few more.
Have to have a happy ending.
And maybe an epilogue, maybe a few years later. Marriages and babies.

I just had this idea floating around in my head and thought it would be a good story.

If anyone would like to take this that would be great. If you have any questions just PM me.

Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:37 am
by wiccagirl
Challaenges 109
Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles/Roswell
Maria is John sister.
They are running from the FBI.
Maria meets Micheal and falls in Love.
He finds out about famliy sercet.
Maria finds out about Micheal is alien.
He wants to help stop the Terminators too.

wicca girl

Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:09 pm
by killjoy


This one is simple.

What if Jigsaw came to Roswell to play a game?

What if he wanted to play a game with the Pod Squad?

Would he be able too? And what would happen if he could?

Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 3:52 pm
by killjoy
111#Roswell/DC Comics Green Lantern

AU with Aliens.
Any rating is fine.
A/I,M/L,M/M and K/T

Some time close to the start of season two Alex is chosen to become a members of the Intergalatic Green Lantern Corps.

The Green Lantern Corps is an intergalactic police force composed of beings from numerous worlds through out the universe.The Green Lantern Corps patrols the reaches of space at the behest of the Guardians of the Universe, a race of immortals as old as the universe, vastly powerful, noble-minded and hyper-intelligent, but also arrogant and obstinately committed to ancient traditions. The Guardians created the Green Lantern Corps some three billion years ago and the force has survived multiple rebellions, murders and collapses from within and outside. The Guardians administer the Corps from the planet Oa at the center of the universe. The Guardians divided the universe into 3,600 “sectors” and choose two natives of each sector to serve as that sector's protectors. Thus the Corps holds 7,200 members, plus additional numbers serving in roles not linked to particular sectors (such as drill instructors and the honor guard). Each Green Lantern is given a power ring, a fantastic weapon and artifact granting the bearer incredible power limited only by their willpower.

The time Alex was supposed to have been in Sweden he was really off world being trained how to use his new ring of power.

So this means no evil Tess.

The gang start to become suspicious and worried about Alex when his new job makes it where he's not around much and makes him lie to his friends.Plus his new tough attitude.....think of how he acted when he turned Isabel down for Prom....has got all the others stunned.

But everything comes to a head when Alex's secret is forced out.Either Khivar and the Skins show up making Alex have to use his powers in front of his friends.Maybe Liz once again discovers that Alex wasn't in Sweden and her detective work makes Alex have to share his secret.Or maybe an alien bad guy shows up looking for The Green Lantern making Alex have to fight him and share his secret.

Here's a pic of a Green Lantern in uniform.On his finger is the Power Ring which is their weapon and source of power.


Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 3:13 pm
by behrstars

Roswell/Supernatural/Charmed(Just Leo and the Elders)Taken by lizandzackfan

Liz and Dean

Liz goes to Florida with her parents. She goes out to a bar(maybe shes 21 or a little older). She meets Dean and they have a one night stand. Aside from thier first names no information is exchanged.
Liz is with Max but they're having problems. They haven't slept together in maybe three months. Liz finds out shes pregnant. She calls Michael. I would really like Michael to be her piller of strength. She tells Max about what she did and about the baby. She leaves after they have a really nasty fight. She gets her own place.
When the Winchesters get in the accident with the semi, while Johns unconscious he is visited by Claudia Parker(Lizs grandma). She shows him Liz who is now 7 months pregnant. She tells him that Dean is the babys father and that her baby is special. That right now its not safe for Dean to know but that someday he needs to be there for his baby. She tells him that Dean is going to die. John wakes up and goes to see his boys one last time. He sells his sole to the YED to save Dean. The elders contact Leo and tell him that he has a special case to take care of. They intercept John before the demon can send his soul to hell.(I can't send John to hell) Leo is to help John look after Liz and her baby. He watches over her without her knowledge so as not to scare her but she ends up falling down the stairs and she goes into premature labor. John and Leo heal her and then tell her that Johns there to watch over her because her babys special.(You get to decide what all makes the baby special. I would like her to have alien powers and John and Leo both know about all that. Maybe the babys special because of something in Dean.(Why the YED was attracted to Sam)
While Johns there he teaches Liz all the ways to protect herself from demons and he helps look after the baby.(Johns not there all the time because that would cause suspicion. Althought Michael does know everything.)
When the babys about to turn 6 months old Sam starts having visions about Liz. He and Dean hightail it to Roswell to find her and stop the YED. Sam finds her first and walks into the choas. Demons trapped inside the circle and Liz and Michael are fighting him with their powers. The babys got a protective shield keeping the demon out. Sam helps to kill the demon for good. After the battle ends Dean comes bustin in and comes face to face with his father. Then he sees Liz and the baby. Everything gets explained John says goodbye to his sons and he gets to go be with Mary. I would like Liz and Dean to work things out and for them to have a happy ending.

I would like the others worked in here too. Gotta have a story around all of this.
If anyone takes this and has any questions please feel free to PM me.

Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:11 pm
by xmag
# 113 - crossover Roswell/Smallville - TAKEN BY LIZANDZACKFAN

No couple specifically, although it could be candy/chlark

I would like this crossover to be short, maybe 3 or 5 parts. It's not about a couple, but about two girls meeting in a bar, in Metropolis and talking about men. They get drunk and those two girls, who could be sisters because they are so alike (short, blonde, green eyes, strong temper), let it slip that they are both in love with aliens.

The next day, they wake up and unfortunately, Chloe remembers having revealed Clark's secret, and Maria remembers having revealed Michael's secret.

How the girls deal with having betrayed the guys they love, how they swear to not share this secret with anyone else, and how they become friends.

Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 5:24 am
by xmag
# 114 – Supernatural/Roswell crossover : A Michael-Dean-Sam adventure (not slash)

Two years after Graduation, the group has split up. The two couples, Kyle, Isabel are living their lives as best as they can. One morning, Maria and Liz wake up and don’t see their husbands by their sides. In fact, they don’t feel their connection at all with them. After discussing with Kyle and based on Liz’s visions, they realize that the aliens have come during the night and have abducted their king, second-in-command and princess, to bring them back to Antar and to fight the war. They had no interest in Maria, Liz and Kyle so they were left behind.

5 years later – Sam and Dean, who are camping, see a UFO flying low over their head. They head towards the desert mountains where this UFO seems to have landed and they discover a huge cave where this UFO is being hidden. Three aliens get out, Michael, Max and Isabel.

The two groups collide. Sam and Dean are sceptical at first, but they have to admit what's under their eyes and they take them near Roswell to contact Valenti and have information about where Maria and Liz are. Liz is in Boston, studying, Kyle is working in New York, and nobody has heard from Maria, she has vanished, presumed dead.

Michael doesn’t think she is dead since he can feel her. So with Sam and Dean, he will go on the road, looking for Maria.

Must have :

- the three buddies (Michael, Sam and Dean) having fun, fighting demons, traveling the country, so lots of adventures for them, and Michael learning everything there is to know about demons and how to fight them. He is like a student learning from the teachers,

- Michael having flashbacks of what had happened on Antar and of his time with Maria in the past, after Graduation,

- a B plot with Isabel being in a bad mental shape, having lost her powers and being traumatized. Her parents and being in a familiar environment will help her. No ship for Isabel.

- another B plot is Liz. She has her life in Boston, is she ready to start again with Max, a Max who is tougher than before, who has lost his illusions on life and on people, a Max who walks with a cane and who refuses to be healed, as a memory of what had happened on Antar.

- I’ll pm you the reason why Maria has disappeared.

- Can take place anytime during Supernatural. You can have ships for Sam and Dean (with OC?), or you can keep them single and having one night stands or flirting with girls, as you want.

Happy Candy ending. I would like a happy dreamer ending too.