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Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 18 - 5/24/15

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 4:02 am
by Alien_Friend

Wow! I cannot believe that Maria was able to do all of that. I hope that what she did was enough to help him survive and not get infected or anything worse. I could not have done what she did. Poor Valkyrie that sounded so extremely painful how she had to get that tracker out. Thank goodness they found a Doctor that didn't give them a hard time and just helped. It was nice of Valkyrie to keep him alive. I wonder what will happen if Michael is unconscious when Valkyrie calls to check in. Since he's unconscious (or even if he wakes up soon it will take a lot of time for him to heal and return to his good enough fighting strength) I wonder if it might make sense for them to stay together even for just a little while.

I am guessing that the circle will figure out, based on the last location that the assassin was sent to for Valkyrie, that they have removed their tractors. I wonder what the next move for the circle will be now that the tractors are removed.

I wonder if Max and Liz have figured anything out yet.


I am so glad Michael is ok. How scary that must of been for Maria waiting all those hours for him to wake up and taking care of him like she did while she wasn't even sure she was really being p helpful.
It's great to see him back to his usual witty personality. :lol: Gotta love the sexual tension.

Great parts.

Eagerly awaiting more.

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 18 - 5/24/15

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 6:01 am
by Roswelllostcause
Great part! Maria did a good job taking care of Michael.

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 18 - 5/24/15

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 9:15 am
by Earth2Mama
Oh my... Maria? A virgin? Oh lord, Oh Lord!

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 18 - 5/24/15

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 11:39 am
by begonia9508
:lol: :lol: Ah! ah, even with stitches, Michael is an ass and Maria, telling him she was still a virgin, was not the best move because he is going to tease her all the times.... and with both ombrageous caracters, it will be funny!...

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 18 - 5/24/15

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 10:05 am
by sarammlover
You two make me want to take Michael and strangle the shit out of him. He is bossy, demanding, a dick and completely unappreciative. If I were Maria, I would have slugged him. I am proud of her for keeping her cool.

Always leave us on the edge of our seats....excited to get back for more!

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 18 - 5/24/15

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 4:23 am
by Eva
sarammlover wrote:You two make me want to take Michael and strangle the shit out of him. He is bossy, demanding, a dick and completely unappreciative. If I were Maria, I would have slugged him. I am proud of her for keeping her cool.

Always leave us on the edge of our seats....excited to get back for more!
I have to second that one! That's more than a morning mood! And on the other hand he's caring too. The way he warmed her fingers, was the complete opposite of what he's verbally throwing in her face.

Part 19

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 3:44 am
by Double Trouble
Alien_Friend: Most of us would probably have a difficult time doing what Maria did, but you never really know until you find yourself in that situation. Lol, let’s hope none of us ever do! Yeah, that’s definitely not the way us regular folks would have any kind of surgery done, lol. Alex has had a good influence on Valkyrie.

We’ll be checking in with the Circle before long to get an update on the situation from their perspective.

It won’t be much longer before Max and Liz make an appearance.

Lol, Michael is definitely on the mend and with that return to consciousness comes a return of his normal behavior.


Roswelllostcause: Thanks! She’s hanging on like a champ!

Earth2Mama: Lol, that should be interesting considering the situation.

begonia9508: His injuries certainly don’t make his personality anymore endearing, and Maria’s relevation should keep things interesting.

sarammlover: Lol, excellent! He is all of that and more! He deserved a slug or two, but she somehow kept a lid on it. Maybe his disposition will get around to making an improvement.

Eva: Lol, yes, it is! Yeah, he’ll deny it but he’s growing attached to Maria. He won’t change overnight and he’ll fight it, but it’s there and over time it’ll grow.

Part 19

“That’s a totally guy thing to say.” She rolled her eyes. Okay, maybe it wasn’t. Liz had talked about sex all the time – it had mostly just embarrassed her.

And then there was that one night after a party when she had planned on sleeping at her friend’s house so her uncle wouldn’t find out what time she got home... yeah, she had walked in on them going at it against the sink in the bathroom. Ungh.

He snorted. “That’s only because you haven’t been introduced to one of life’s greatest pleasures.”

Her eyes widened when he shifted slightly and his lower body seemed to be a bit larger than it had been before. “Just for the record: I wasn’t rubbing.”

He shrugged. “Blame it on the conversation.”

“At least it means the blood supply going south still works fine after your injury.”

“That’s a damn good thing. Anything else would be unacceptable.” Hell, talk about a depressing thought!

“Thank me later,” she muttered, finally feeling her nerves settle. Somehow it seemed like the sex talk was helping – as weird as it was.

“I kinda suck at shit like that. Verbal skills really aren’t my thing.” His hand settled on her thigh again as he rested against the mattress once more.

“Guess you’re better with your hands, huh?” She meant it in a totally innocent way, a compliment to his assassin skills, but she knew he would grin smugly at it for different reasons.

“Never had a single complaint,” he said smugly. “Give me some time to recover and I’ll give you a real taste.”

She wanted to slap him and tell him he was nuts, but ... she didn’t. The thought of his hands on her was irritating and intriguing at the same time. How would her body react to such a thing?

He chuckled when she remained silent. She didn’t have a comeback, which meant she was contemplating what he’d said. He’d never had any interest in women with zero experience, and he marked this odd attraction down to a combination of meds and her being the only woman in a fifty-mile radius. Just like he marked lying with her in his arms down to the need to remain warm and nothing else.

There was a sound outside suddenly that made her stiffen again. She had heard something similar the night before and she had forgotten about it until now.

“That’s not a trained assassin,” he mumbled. “Too much noise.”

“Maybe an animal?” she whispered. “I think I saw some tracks out there this morning.”

“Probably. Big tracks?”

“Hell, what do I know? I was thinking maybe a deer.”

“It could be. They’ll come out at night.”

She waited to see if he moved and she frowned when he didn’t. “Well, you and your magic hands could hunt one down, right? We need food.”

“If we have to, I know how to hunt.”

“Good to know.” She felt tired, but sleeping on the side she currently lay on wasn’t going to work. The springs of the too-thin mattress poked into a sensitive spot, causing pain now and then. “Can I turn around?”

“Free country,” he muttered.

“Okay,” she used her arms to shift without brushing against him, sighing when her weight rested on the side that wasn’t hurt. Man, it must be from the fall. She couldn’t even remember how she had hurt herself in all these places.

“You hurt your side too?” Man, he must be out of it to have missed that.

“Just bruises,” she tugged her shirt down when he felt his gaze.

“You sure?” Once again his hand abandoned her thigh to seek new territory, creeping below the hem of her shirt to settle on the bare skin of her side. She inhaled sharply at the contact and he wasn’t sure if it was his touch or if her injury was more serious than she was letting on.

“Well, I guess we don’t have an x-ray around to know any different.” She tolerated his hand although it hurt. Ever since the explosion ten years ago she had gotten really good at ignoring or handling pain. When she had broken her ankle at the age of 15, she had walked into the hospital alone and the doctors had looked at her as if she deserved an award for it.

He pushed himself up until his elbow could support his weight. “Alright, nothin’ sexual about this,” he said as he pushed the material up to get a look at the injured area. There was obvious bruising and her reaction indicated the area was tender to the touch. “Does it hurt when you breathe?”

“Not much,” she replied quietly. “Depends on what position I’m in.”

He sighed and continued probing the area, not finding any indication of swelling. He glanced up and met her gaze as his hand moved up between her breasts to press against her chest bone. “When I press here can you feel it where the pain in your side is?”


“That’s good. Then we’re just lookin’ at deep tissue bruising rather than internal injuries or fractured or broken ribs.”

“They removed two of my ribs after the explosion,” she said with a small smile. “Good thing the remaining ones are intact.”

His gaze dropped back to her side and it took a moment to remember where his hand was resting. He took his time drawing it back, letting the pads of his fingers drag over the material of her bra and lifting his eyebrows when the rough skin caught on it. “Lace, huh?”

“My false friend told me to always be prepared,” she answered, pretending to be not affected.

“Yeah, well, that’s damn good advice.” He held her gaze while his fingers toyed with the front clasp but after a moment he shook his head and backed off. What the hell was he doing?

She lowered her gaze when he retrieved his hand as if he’d just been burned. Yeah, guys like him weren’t interested in girls like her. He probably wanted some bad ass girl with leather clothes, who exuded self-confidence and knew exactly what she was doing in bed. Someone like that Valkyrie probably.

Bane cleared his throat and shifted to lie down once more. He closed his eyes and tried his damnedest to focus on mission protocols, he tried mentally field stripping his weapons one by one and reassembling them, and when that failed he tried an accounting of every hit he’d carried out. And none of it came close to clearing his mind of the completely inexperienced woman lying next to him.

His body radiated heat so she moved a little closer, hesitantly at first but then placing her arm on his chest because there was no other comfortable way to put it.

“No need to be shy,” he muttered without opening his eyes.

“Okay,” she whispered and snuggled even closer, soaking in all the warmth and a feeling of being protected.

She had gotten closer but the girl was still far from being relaxed. Maybe she relaxed when she slept, he mused. Cold air snuck in under the blanket and he reached down to pull the covers down, frowning when they didn’t move far enough because they just weren’t adequately sized for more than one person.

“You can have it,” she mumbled hiding her face against the warm hollow of his neck. “The fire warms me from behind. Pull the blanket.”

“Yeah, and when that fire starts to die down your ass is gonna freeze.” He rolled his eyes. Why didn’t women ever just process things rationally the way men did? He wrapped one big hand around her thigh and pulled it over his body, hauling her close enough to allow the blanket to cover both of them. “There, now just do me a favor and go to sleep.” And in the meantime I’ll just imagine myself sitting outside in a damn snowdrift.


Alex studied the small tracker in its plastic bag while the woman next to him drove down the abandoned road in the middle of nowhere.

“And you’re sure it isn’t sending any transmissions right now?” she asked him, one perfect eyebrow lifting in question.

“Yeah, I disabled the electric contacts. We’re safe.” Well, as safe as you could be with assassins on your trail, he thought. They had been just about to dump the thing when an idea had come to him and he’d suggested it to her. It was nothing but a little GPS transmitter. With the right technique he could hack it, find out what frequencies they were using, and with a little bit of luck they’d be able to track the assassins being sent after them.

Of course it was risky. For the time it would take to hack the signal he needed to turn the extracted transmitter back on, which meant it would send a signal to their enemies, but after considering it for a while Valkyrie had decided it was worth the risk. They had stopped at the next mall and in a rush Alex had purchased everything necessary to disable the transmitter for now and hack it later.

They had driven further south until they had found a small motel to crash for a few hours so she could rest after the surgery. The following morning they had been back on the road – their direction still south – and other than a few short breaks for food or restrooms, they had driven all day until darkness had fallen.

“We’re stopping there,” Valkyrie pointed at an ad next to the road that showed a small motel off the next exit. One day of driving without the transmitter sending a signal had to be enough to hopefully put some space between them and their enemies. He needed to do the hack now and after that the thing had to be destroyed for good.

“Not to rest I assume,” he mused with a smirk. He was exhausted as well, but he couldn’t deny the rush of excitement. He was in his element! And while this was illegal, it was also for a good cause.

“Smart guy.” She snorted and turned the blinker on, taking the exit for the motel. “How long do you think it’ll take?”

“Can’t say, depends on how good their signal’s coded. I’d say at least thirty minutes.”

“We’re gonna leave right after,” she told him and went to the reception area to check in. “Get everything you need and then follow me.”

“Ay ay, ma’am.” He saluted, not missing her eye roll, and then packed the laptop and everything else from the computer store, walking after her and meeting her at one of the rooms on the ground level.

Valkyrie glanced around, making sure no one was watching them before she opened the door with her hand on her gun. She secured the room, then switched the light on and pointed at the small dusty desk in the corner. “Have a seat and work your magic, Mr. Whitman.”

“Sure,” he agreed, feeling the nervousness kicking back in. His fingers itched until they finally came into contact with the keyboard of the laptop, setting everything up to infiltrate their enemy’s system. “I’m turning the tracker back on.”

“Okay,” she looked at her wristwatch. “You have forty minutes from now to get what we want, after that I’ll destroy it and we’re heading north.” Boston. Bane had said there was a yacht belonging to Halverson docked at a marina in Boston. Maybe it held some clues.

“No problem, I’ve got this.” He glanced at her over his shoulder. “Maybe you should try to get some rest.”

“I’m good,” she walked over to the window and stood close to it with the Sig in her hand.

He shrugged, knowing any further insistence would only irritate her. He ran the necessary connections and started loading the programs he needed to locate the tracker’s frequency and once it was locked on he began to attempt backtracking it.

“Status?” she asked after letting him work for fifteen minutes in silence. Her eyes were focused on the dark streets outside, taking in every move, every flickering light.

“It’s taking time,” he said, conscious of every second ticking by. “If I’m not careful getting around their firewalls the intrusion will trigger their security and alert them to our presence.”

She narrowed her eyes at a car driving into the parking lot, but a moment later it just turned and left in the direction it came from. Probably someone with no sense of direction, she told herself and turned to Alex quickly. He was smart and just what they needed. Luck had been on their side this one time.

Another fifteen minutes dragged by slowly and a quiet beeping sound indicated success. His lanky arms shot up high and he fisted the air. “Hell yes!” he yelled through his clenched teeth to keep his triumph contained. “We’re in.”

“What does that mean?” She walked up behind him and looked at the screen, seeing nothing but a constant scroll of numbers and letters.

“It’s filtering right now, give it another couple of minutes and you’re gonna see the Promised Land laid out before us.”

She checked her watch again and then nodded.

“I know time’s runnin’ out,” he said without looking up from the screen as the zeroes and ones began to slowly filter out until he was left with two words blinking on the screen. He clicked on the password that had been revealed and page after page of information began to overlap on the screen. When the last page came to a stop he started moving them around and he leaned forward to tap the screen. “Hell, promised land was an understatement. There’s a lot more information here than just tracker locations.” He turned to fumble for the flash drive on his key ring, hurrying to plug the device in so he could download all of the information for later. Once everything was saved he closed out page after page until he came across the tracker log. “Wow, the scope of this network is insane.”

“For those who don’t know anything about computers?”

“The number of assassins in the network,” he shook his head, “there’re so many of them.”

“I’m not surprised. So what do we have? Anything we can work with?”

“We know they were headed north, possibly into Canada.”

“Yeah, but we don’t know if they made it across the border.”

He nodded. He and Maria had kept their conversation so brief they hadn’t had time to exchange much information. “Alright, so we focus north, possibly northwest. They wouldn’t have had much to work with if they headed any further northeast.” He rested his chin in his cupped hand as he searched the tracker map. “Alright, there’s minimal activity across the border into Canada and what there is I think is probably too far to the east. You’ve got some pretty serious activity right here, up in the mountains.” He frowned and leaned in closer, clicking on one of the indicators with a red X over it. “Okay, looks like a couple of them have either been disabled or the signal’s been disrupted, not sure which though.”

“But there’re two more.” She pointed at the screen. “Same area so I guess it’s not a disrupted signal.”

“No, but I think the four with the X’s over the transmitter codes are indicative of some sort of disruption.” He nodded at the ones she had pointed out. “I’d say the two of them could be moving in on our friends’ location.”

Valkyrie bit her lip while she considered the facts and the associated risks, then nodded. “Pack up. We’ll give Bane a call when we’re back on the road and warn him.” She looked on the transmitter lying on the desk. “This needs to be destroyed.”

He nodded. “I backed up all the information we just uncovered,” he said as he removed the flash drive and pocketed it. He killed the signal and tossed the tracker to her. “We should probably clean and bandage that incision before we hit the road.”

“We’ll stop for that in a while. They’ve got our signal and they probably know we were able to remove it so they’ll move in fast. We need to put some distance between us first, so let’s get the hell outta here.” She grabbed the transmitter and went to the bathroom, tossing it into the toilet and flushing it.


“Are you sure we’re still going in the right direction?”

Bane rolled his eyes and kept trudging forward. Obviously she was feeling better. The questions were back in full force. “There’s nothin’ wrong with my sense of direction,” he muttered. The snow wasn’t falling as heavily but after coming down steadily since their crash landing, their original tracks were almost fully covered.

“Do you think your friend will call soon?”

He shook his head. “Valkyrie will call when it’s safe and when she has somethin’ to report.”

“Isn’t that kind of an odd code name for a woman? Oops,” she said and giggled when she tripped in the snow.

“You don’t know anything about Norse mythology, do you?” he asked as he reached down to pull her back up on her feet.

She wrinkled her nose. “Not really, doesn’t interest me.”

“A Valkyrie is a female figure that chooses who lives or dies, therefore it’s a good code name for her.”

She shook her head. “Not really. I mean, she works for someone else, so she doesn’t really make that call, does she?” She looked around. “Gee, it didn’t seem like it was so far the other day.”

“That’s because the snow wasn’t this high.” He stopped and looked around. It was hard to see anything in the dark, especially when the dense trees provided so many shadows in the moonlight. “We’re almost there.”

She made a face at his back and stuck her tongue out at him. “So who picked your name?”

“How the fuck should I know? Does it matter?”

“I was just wondering who gets the task of picking out the names for assassins.”

He just looked at her and then moved on. What kind of ridiculous conversation was this? One for females, he mused to himself. They always had to talk like their lives depended on it.

They stalked through the snow for a while longer and he enjoyed the quiet. If only his side didn’t hurt like a bitch he’d almost be happy.

“We should be-” his words trailed off when he detected footprints in the snow. Human footprints, fresh and clearly visible. “Blondie, come here,” me muttered, reaching out for her to pull her behind his back, while his other hand went for his gun.

“What is it?” she whispered, trying to be quiet but in the dark silence of night it sounded so loud.

“Someone’s out here,” he muttered, finding cover behind a tree. “When I say run, you run an’ you don’t stop.”

“Michael, I’m not gonna be able to run. I can barely walk as deep as this snow is.”

“Just do what I said, alright?” he hissed and glanced around.

“Bane,” someone suddenly called. The person was still yards away though. “Why don’t we end this here an’ now? You know you don’t have a chance against all of us in the end. Give us the damn woman an’ take your punishment.”

“Fuck,” he muttered, his hand clenching around the grip of his weapon. “You’re not getting her, Lobo.” His sharp gaze searched the landscape, searching for the man who had called out as well as his back up. Lobo always worked with a partner. Ronin, a soulless bastard that liked to inflict as much pain as was humanly possible on his targets before finally taking them out.

Lobo smirked while he gestured for his partner to circle around and approach them from a different angle. “You’ve always been too stubborn for your own good, man. Damn shame you’ve changed sides.”

“I haven’t changed sides. I’ve always been on my own side.” He thumped his head back against the tree. He wasn’t in a defensible position and he could tell by the way Lobo’s voice shifted that he was signaling for Ronin to make a move. “If you get caught...” He grabbed her chin and forced her gaze to him. “Listen to me, Maria. If you get caught, do NOT engage them in any kind of opposition, do you understand me? You engage this guy he gets off on it. The more you fight the more he’ll hurt you. He gets his hands on you keep your mouth shut no matter what.”

She looked back at him with panic and fear. She nodded slowly and felt like she couldn’t hear anything when her blood rushed though her veins and her heart pumped madly.

“We’ve got one chance here; I’ve gotta take one of them out to give us a fighting chance otherwise we’re gonna get caught between them. That happens it’s all over. I’m gonna draw Lobo’s fire and you hightail it into the woods to the...” he shook his head and pointed north, where the trees were most dense. “That way. As soon as Lobo’s taken care of I’ll come for you.”

“Promise you will,” she said, fear making her voice quiver. What if he was taken out first?

“I will.” He looked at her without breaking eye contact. “As long as I’m breathin’ I’ll come for you.”

His words settled her nerves, but only briefly. She shifted her gaze in the direction he had pointed out, determined. “Then I’ll make sure I survive until then.” She took off as quickly as her size allowed her to, moving through the snow and ignoring the pain in her back and side that was caused by the heavy, jerky movements.

He rested his head against the tree, closing his eyes for a moment and drawing in a deep, calming breath. His breathing and heartbeat fell into sync and he listened to everything around him. He shut out the sound of Maria’s push through the snow, focusing on other sounds that were more unnoticeable unless someone was specifically listening for them. He heard a movement to his right and his hand gripped the gun, his finger ghosting against the side of the trigger while he waited. Snow crunched underfoot and he whirled around, dropping to one knee as he took the shot.

Lobo chuckled. He had seen that one coming and had ducked in time. “You’re good, Bane. But I know you.”

He fired off another shot, taking out a branch above the assassin’s head. The unexpected rain of snow falling down on him took him by surprise and Bane made his move. He vaulted across the open area separating them, taking advantage of the moment and shoving his booted foot into the center of the man’s back and pushing him face first into the snow. He pressed the barrel of the gun into the back of his neck as he leaned over him. “You don’t know me, Lobo.”

A scream tore through the night, a female scream – but it wasn’t one of fear, it was one of pain.

The assassin under him used the moment of distraction and turned around, gripping Bane’s foot and jerking it to bring the other man to the ground with him.

He grunted when his injured side impacted with the ground. Luckily he was wearing enough layers to soften the blow, to hopefully prevent the stitches from coming open. He shifted around and brought his right arm up, ramming his elbow under the man’s chin and snapping his head back.

“You can’t save her, Bane,” Lobo grunted. He knew the other man was injured by the way he had moved so he used his advantage and lunged, aiming a hit in the right place.

“Son of a-” Black spots erupted in his field of vision and it took a moment to clear up. He bent over, holding his side and using the vulnerable position as cover. He waited until Lobo moved around him and when the assassin lifted his leg to aim another kick at him he made his move. Moonlight glinted off of the highly polished blade as he brought it up, slicing cleanly through the other man’s thigh.

“Femoral artery,” Bane muttered as he moved back away from the other man. He watched Lobo fall to the ground and he leaned over him to remove his belt from his waist, hurrying to wrap it around his thigh and pull it tight. “It’s a fatal wound. Even with the tourniquet you’ve only got a matter of minutes.”

The other man chuckled while the blood welled up and spilled over in a thick stream to pool on the ground below him. “You’ve always been a mean bastard.”

“What do you know about the hit on her?” he asked as he used the snow to clean the blood off of his blade.

“Nothin’, I don’t ask questions.” Lobo narrowed his eyes at the other man. “What’s that woman got that you want, Bane? You sure as hell aren’t doin’ this because she fucks you good.”

“I’ve got questions.” He chuckled humorlessly. “She’s got answers.” He lifted his gaze. “Which direction’s Ronin headed?”

He snorted. “Which direction did you send the girl?”

“What’re your orders?”

“That’s easy. Kill her. Kill you.”

He stood and shifted his weight in an effort to ease the pain in his side. “Too bad you pulled this assignment.”

“We both know we don’t get asked.” Lobo shifted higher, feeling the blood loss in his head. Another scream erupted through the cold night air and he nodded in the direction it came from. “Won’t be long before Ronin’s done with ‘er.”

“He’s already dead. He just doesn’t know it yet.” He sheathed the knife, holstered his gun, and took off after Ronin. He didn’t know what the assassin was doing and he really didn’t understand why the sound of her in pain seemed to cut through him like a knife, but he would see Ronin bleed out for daring to touch her.

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 19 - 5/31/15

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 6:39 am
by Earth2Mama
Sounds to me as if bane is protesting how much Maria's safety and life have come to mean to him.

Oh where is Shakespeare when you need him?! :lol:

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 19 - 5/31/15

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 8:44 am
by Roswelllostcause
Michael really seem to really care about Maria

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 19 - 5/31/15

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:15 am
by keepsmiling7
Great part.
Looking forward to Max and Liz making an appearance.