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Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 29 - Updated: 01/16/2019

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 6:45 pm
by L-J-L 76
Oh my god Max almost killed Sean for bad mouthing Liz.
Guess no one pisses Max off and get away with it. So Max is finally confronting Liz about him being Bella's father. Liz needs to tell Max the truth about Bella being his daughter. Wonder how the talk between Max and Liz will go.


Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 29 - Updated: 01/16/2019

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 7:37 pm
by keepsmiling7
So Liz revealed secrets to Sean when she was drinking......
Molly is so special.......she can tell Serena knows something. Hope they hurry up with the match of Bella and Molly.
I have an idea Max didn't kill Sean, he didn't want him to die before they found Bella.
Kyle was so right, this is one big mess.
More, more!

Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 29 - Updated: 01/16/2019

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 7:43 pm
by Roswelllostcause
I am not surprised Max beat the crap out of Sean. But now Liz has to be honest with Max and tell him he has a daughter.

Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 29 - Updated: 01/16/2019

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:31 pm
by RoswellFan68
I'm glad Max's didn't kill Sean but he did deserve the beating for the comments about Liz and Bella. Liz needs to talk with Max. Max really needs to talk to Serena.

Lost & Found - Chapter 30 - 01/19/2019

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 11:02 am
by Parker1947
“Is she our daughter Liz?” Max couldn’t help but ask in response to her question. “I have to know; did you have my baby?” he asked softly as her eyes opened and they couldn’t help but stare at each other as she full awoke and instantly became aware that he was in the room and not a dream she had been having.

“Max,” Liz said softly as she struggled to sit up as she tried to evade the directness of his questions. “When did you get here?”

“Overnight,” Max said as he knew what she was trying to do and while he couldn’t blame her, he also needed to know the truth. “Liz please tell me the truth…”

“Yes,” Liz said softly before she forced him to repeat his question as it sliced her heart to have to acknowledge because it meant so much for both and she knew it “Bella is our daughter. We are Isabella’s biological parents, she said simply” she muttered as she looked at the blankness of Max’s face and the paleness of it. “I didn’t want to hurt you Max, then or now…”

“Liz…” Max tried.

“Max, look, it was a long time ago…” Liz said softly as she fully woke up to the reality of the moment. “I made a decision I regret when I told you that we were through.”

“Liz, I don’t blame you” Max said softly as he began to get the bearings of their situation. “I can’t blame you. I didn’t come home so how could you tell me and even if you did come after me I was no longer on this planet…”

Liz nodded as she winced at the knowledge that he was so far away, and it was a downright miracle that she had this chance with him when it could have gone so wrong…

“And I didn’t get back until it was too late,” Max said softly. “You were married to him.”

“God I am sorry Max,” Liz said. “I wish so much of that time was different and I could get into a time machine and go back and change things, and I would if I could, but I can’t…”

“No, you can’t…” Max said as the moment dawned on him. “We have a daughter.”

“Yes, we do.”

Today is a new day,” Max said in awe of the reality hitting him.

“It is… but Max… really though I am sorry…” Liz whispered. “I wish it all could be so different…”

“Liz, I mean it, we shouldn’t be harping on the past because it has not been the kindest to either one of us. We have this chance to look into the future and to hope because we did create a miracle together” Max murmured as he thought of the magic, they created that would always bond them together...

Liz nodded as she laid in a daze as if she couldn’t believe the truth was now out and then a frown came to her face as she envisioned Sean in a hospital bed with tubes and machines surrounding him. “Max, what did you do? I need to know; how did you find out? Please tell me that Sean didn’t tell you.”

“No,” Max shook his head as they both felt in their own world away from reality of the world. “I realized it myself when I saw her birth certificate and it finally dawned on me the dates didn’t match if you and Deluca had gotten together and made her…”

“Oh,” Liz sighed as she always knew the timeline was funky and was amazed, she had been able to go with the story she did for as long as she could, to the detriment to a lot of what was lost by making the choices she did...

“I know…” Max nodded. “It dawned on me also the memories of what we did in those days and weeks before it went all haywire for us and I left town, and so I connected the dots. Why didn’t you tell me Liz? I understand you couldn’t back then and it’s not like I came back to visit every summer. But I came back over the weekend. Why didn’t you tell me that it was our daughter who is missing?”

“Max, I simply needed the time to adjust to you being back. I was in the hospital. Bella is missing, and I hate I can’t find her and that is probably why I was killing myself because she’s been gone and I can’t bring her home, and I thought if you assumed she was Sean’s or thought of her as Kyle’s that you would help out but I didn’t have to depend on you and then I was almost there…”

“Where?” Max asked as his heart ached for Liz and the life she’s been forced to lead.

“I was close to telling you, and then you told me you were going home to California and something in me snapped and I couldn’t tell you because you were leaving…”

“If you had told me, I would have stayed.”

“Would you?” Liz asked wearily at Max. “With a big case happening at home and your need to be a part of it.”

“Yes, as it only a case,” Max sighed as hated how she couldn’t trust in him, and he hated himself for allowing her to lose that trust. “Serena could have handled it. You could have told me, and I would have been here…”

“Well I didn’t know if I could trust that, and so I didn’t want to risk that and so I couldn’t do it, but Max know that I am sorry I couldn’t tell you…”

“And I am sorry you felt you couldn’t trust me,” Max sighed. “I put that on me Liz. That case at home is important to me but not more important than you or our daughter…” Max thought as he didn’t know just how important Molly case might be to him as he took her hands and held it. “I wish I was here…”

“I wish you were here too…” Liz sighed as she thought of all the years, she had dreamt to have Max here by her side and now she had it happening, and she didn’t have the one thing that would make it complete. “I am sorry.”

“Don’t be,” Max said. “I left you…”

“We left each other,” Liz sighed as they each nodded as they both regretted the past and their mutual choices as moments later an orderly came in with the mornings breakfast.

Once again Liz was left alone with Max. “What did you do to Sean Max…”

“He deserved it,” Max muttered but knew he had to the bigger man in this instance. “I wish I could have restrained myself and I tried, but god I sorry Liz…”

“I am not saying he didn’t deserve it,” Liz muttered as she thought of her ex-husband. “I wish I never had gone to him after you left town, and I wish I had come to my senses before I screwed up my future with him.”

“You were thinking of our baby,” Max said softly.

“I could have been a single mother,” Liz said as she voiced one of her regrets. “I could have saved up for university and gone there the hard way. Mom and Dad would have helped me with Bella. But of course, I wasn’t thinking logically or reasonably back then and I poopooed those same ideas from Maria and of course my parents. I had to dive in this irrational plan to string Sean along to provide a father to my kid because if you came back, I could lie and say he was the father. I know it made no sense, but it did in my head. Boy was I wrong.”

“I put you in that dilemma by leaving town.”

“I put me in that situation with my actions,” Liz muttered. “We both screwed up as we were young and stupid.”

“That was us…”

“Starting with our Bonnie and Clyde-esque mission that got us busted in Utah, I guess I continued on my rebellious streak and ended up with some real consequences.”

“We both did…” Max sighed as he thought of that time in his life.

“I wish, god I wish things could have been different.” Liz muttered as she thought of her daughter as a baby.

“We all do,” Max said as he took her hand and held it tight.

“Max, what did Sean say to make you put him in the infirmary?” Liz asked as Max quickly took his hand away. “I need to know, what did he say to you that made you so angry you would take that kind of risk.”

“You know about that” Max asked wincing as the memories started to flash in his mind as they weren’t that pretty on repeat.

“Jim talked to the warden and he came to warn us, god Max, why?” Liz sighed as she looked at the pain on Max’s face.

“I blacked out, truly I did, I don’t remember exactly what I did but he provoked me. I shouldn’t have done it and I am sorry about it because it doesn’t advance the cause, but I couldn’t listen to him one more minute spewing the garbage he was spewing and think I could walk away and leave him in that prison pain free…”

“What did he say?” Liz asked.

“You don’t want to know,” Max sighed.

“He said Bella is dead, didn’t he?” Liz said through a teary glaze as they easily came when she thought of her little girl as she was cutting through Max’s expression and figuring it out. “He indicated she’s gone, isn’t she?”

“She’s not gone. Our daughter is very much alive” Max said as he saw the pain on her face, and he shared it. “Sean was playing with me, and I gave into it, but Liz I promise you that your little girl isn’t lost forever.”

“I don’t want her to be, but it’s been a year.” Liz whispered. “It’s rare for children to come back after that long…”

“It does happen,” Max promised. “I have seen it happen, and we also often see it in the media. I can promise you that it does happen. Something tells me Sean doesn’t know what happened to Bella, so he’s playing games with us… If Bella is anything like you, I sense she would fight hard…”

“She was very much like you,” Liz whispered.

“She was…” Max said as much as he craved to know more about the child he had but couldn’t quite see… The pictures showed an amazingly sweet child who loved her mother and her bigger surrogate family.

“She was very special. I was so nervous in those months before I had her but that moment they put her in my arms, I saw you in her and I knew she was the best thing I ever did. The timing might not have been ideal, but I knew I had to do what was best for her…”

“I am sorry I couldn’t be here…”

“I had my family, I had everyone… Unfortunately, I was stubborn, and I couldn’t allow more people in as I continued to lie. No one bought it, but I tried to keep it going.”

Max nodded as they continued to talk…


While Serena meanwhile was leaving the latest of messages on Max’s cellphone. “Come on Max call me back. I need to talk to you pronto. Where did you go?” she asked as she saw a report come through on her computer… “I have a lot to tell you about Molly. Call me back…”

She didn’t realize he had forgotten his cellphone back in his home when he rushed out to head to New York and ended back in Roswell, so he was unaware of her persistent search for him.

When she saw the notice, things started to clear up. Max had been spotted in New York at the State prison where he was seen talking with a prison inmate Sean Deluca.

“Oh god,” she whispered as she remembered who Deluca was from her little talk with Max. Sean was the first ex-husband of the one who got away for Max. He was now believed involved in the disappearance of Isabella Maria Valenti.

“FRANKLIN!” Chief Gibson bellowed, and her head shot up as she looked at her boss’s office. “Get in here…”

She rushed in. “Yes, sir?”

“What is going on with your partner?” Gibson asked. “I just got a call from New York. It seems as if Evans used his badge to get into see a prisoner there…”

“I just got the same notice too sir, I swear I didn’t know…” Serena swore.

“Are you telling me the truth?” Gibson asked as he assessed his detective “I thought your partner was on vacation and not using the department’s resources.”

“I thought he was too sir,” Serena lied. “He came in to talk to the Davidson boy but when he didn’t show up yesterday I swear I thought he went back on vacation. I didn’t know about the New York visit.”

“Why did he go to New York?” Gibson asked. “What do you know?”


“Franklin,” Gibson muttered. “I don’t like it when my officers go rogue and use their connections for their own purposes. I am not aware of any cases you guys have that would lead him to go to New York.”

“We don’t…” Serena admitted.

“Then what is going on?” Gibson said. “And this time tell me the truth…”

“Sir, he has recently learned of a child abduction from his hometown and this one has a personal connection to him that he wasn’t aware of until recently and I believe the prisoner in New York has some kind of knowledge into the disappearance and he probably went there to talk to him.”

“He did more than just talk…”

“Excuse me” Serena asked.

“The prisoner is now in the facilities infirmary fighting for his life. So how personal is this to Evans Franklin?”

“It’s personal?” Serena admitted as her heart sunk at the idea that Max might have truly gone dark and rogue. “Truly personal. You know that conference you sent him on, well when he did go he found out his ex-girlfriend has a child who disappeared, and that child has been missing a year.

He felt compelled to look into the case while he was on his vacation you forced him on…”

“I wasn’t aware he was from New Mexico?” Gibson making the connection.

“I didn’t know until he went back either…” Serena admitted.

“Jesus,” Gibson said. “Okay, thank you for telling me this… Let me know if you find out anything else…”

“Thank you, sir,” Serena nodded. “Sir, can I ask… Is Max in trouble?”

“No, he managed to evade it, but I am told the prison is suspicious but nothing more will be done because the prisoner in question doesn’t have many friends wanting answers, and therefore I was able to smooth over any rough waters, but they don’t want a repeat visit.”

“I wouldn’t think they would,” Serena sighed as she walked out of the office muttering and cursing under her breath. What the hell are you doing Max?


“Kyle was wonderful for her,” Liz smiled as she thought of the time Kyle spent with Bella. “He loves her and was always kind and appreciative of her creative imagination. He was amazing for the both of us, as it allowed me to heal for a time.”

“I am glad,” Max said as he felt a pang of jealousy but knew he should be grateful for his sister’s husband in that he was there for Liz and Bella and allowed them into his family and protection. “I do have to ask, why did you start up again. I thought you were happier as friends.”

“Kyle supported me. He enjoyed watching Bella and after the Sean debacle I felt a little burned and the longer you were gone the more settled I felt but still because he was here, and so good with our daughter, I felt this need to go there. Yes, you’re right, we’re better as friends. It was never a love match, as I love him, but I didn’t love him. The same with him, and he even admits it. He loved being there for Bella and we found ourselves formalizing our attachment because of my daughter. I suspected he was still hung up on Isabel but your sister wasn’t ready to settle down and so I was sort of a healing relationship as well as he was one for me. We tried hard to make it work. But as time went on, we both felt that even for Bella, we were better as friends and he could be there for me and Bella as co-parent rather than when we were married. He allowed us his name for Bella. But unfortunately, the marriage was never going to be the one both of us deserved. And so, we ended it before we let it turn into resentment which would have hurt both of us, and most of all, it would have hurt Bella.

“And he found Isabel again?” Max asked.

“Yes,” Liz smiled. “Bella was thrilled that Isabel was with Kyle and they were getting married. She’s going to be thrilled to know she’s going to be a big sister.”

“I bet,” Max smiled as he thought of the bundle of energy that he could see in that diary entries. “But it sounds like I should be grateful to Kyle for being there for you and our little girl.”

Liz sighed as she dreamt of her little girl. “I miss her,” she whispered. “I see her everywhere I go.”

“That is natural,” Max said as he glanced at Liz. “We will find her.”

“Max, I don’t just see her… I see her… in my dreams, she’s always coming to me and they aren’t all nightmares. She is sometimes telling me she’s fine but other times she is crying out to me…”

“She is,” Max asked.

“Yes,” Liz said. “Recently they have been more alarming like she needs me to find her now…”

“Is it just your motherly feeling or something more…” Max asked.

“They told you, didn’t they?” Liz asked suspiciously.

“They couldn’t help but mention it, but they didn’t dwell on the matter” Max admitted. “Is it true?”

“Yeah,” Liz admitted. “After you vanished, I was a mess of emotions. It was my dark period put on steroids, it wasn’t pretty and then suddenly I was manifesting these gifts and it freaked me out. I tried to suppress them and sometimes it worked but mostly I learned to live with it but then Bella went missing.”

“They said you disowned them in a way?” Max asked.

“Since my gift was mostly to see the future or events in the future although I never truly tested it out but still it didn’t warn me to be careful about Bella and to protect her, and when she disappeared. I blamed the gifts as well as everyone. If she had been with Kyle and Isabel maybe she wouldn’t have been taken. I was being irrational. But I couldn’t help it, and so I tried to suppress them even more, but it hasn’t worked. I see Bella everywhere…”

“Maybe she’s calling out for you because she’s alive,” Max smiled as he thought of the gifts Liz was mentioning as they seemed to be more in the vein of Isabel and dream based. “We’ve got to believe that Liz…”

“I hope so, but these last dreams I have been having have been more disturbing…” Liz admitted. “It’s almost like time is running out.”

“Time isn’t running out Liz, and I am not going to let it until she’s home okay?”

Liz sighed as they embraced in a hug that both needed at that moment but both couldn’t help but think of the little girl that bonded them and how

Liz wished she could come home to her, and Max wished he could meet her… as Maria peeked and smiled even though she was surprised to see Max with Liz, but then she shouldn’t be she supposed.

She spotted Jim coming up the hallway and saw the forlorn look on his face and she knew… “He’s gone, isn’t he…”

“I am sorry Maria. They just called your mother…”

“I knew it,” Maria sighed as she had been expecting the call from the moment, she heard of the Max going after Sean… There was no way the son of a bitch was going to live after messing with one of their own. “I guess I better go spend some time with Mom.”

“I am sorry,” Jim said softly.

“Don’t be, he hasn’t been family to me since he screwed up everything with Liz,” she muttered as she watched him go towards Liz’s room. Sighing because she knew her mother was going to be conflicted…

Yet the biggest problem with Sean dead was that they didn’t know where Bella was…

“Bella, where are you?” she whispered out loud and with fear of what road they were going down.

Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 30 - Updated: 01/19/2019

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 11:56 am
by keepsmiling7
It makes me so happy to see an update here!

We see how both Max and Liz have made mistakes in the past.....and what consequences they are living with because of them.
Now I am really worried about Max, since Sean is dead. Not that he didn't deserve it........but will it be very bad for Max??
Thanks, Carolyn

Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 30 - Updated: 01/19/2019

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 12:43 pm
by Roswelllostcause
It is good Max and Liz talked. Can't say I am sorry Sean is dead. Max really needs to get in touch with Serena. She may be the one that will bring Bella home to her family!

Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 30 - Updated: 01/19/2019

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:37 pm
by L-J-L 76
Finally Max and Liz talked. So glad Max knows about his daughter. Maybe now Max and Liz can finally work together and find their daughter. Not sorry for what happened to Sean. Sean got what he deserved for being a asshole to Max.

L-J-L 76

Re: Lost & Found (CC, Mature) Chapter 30 - Updated: 01/19/2019

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 11:53 am
by RoswellFan68
I'm glad Max and Liz finally talked. Max really needs to talk to Serena.

Lost & Found - Chapter 31 - 01/23/2019

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 5:42 pm
by Parker1947
“Am I in trouble?” Max asked as he and Liz stood shaken by the news of the death of Sean Deluca as they talked over the dilemma with Jim. Max wasn’t too shocked to hear about Sean’s death because he figured the situation was grave when it took a while to get Sean’s heart started again once medical assistance had been called. He only wished the bastard was alive because he hadn’t been able to get anything useful from the idiot in terms of Bella, and he wished he was alive to be interrogated into the disappearance. “As I told Liz, I am sorry I did what I did but anyone would have been pushed to the limit if they had to listen to what he was spewing about Liz…”

“That may be the case but because of what went down I wouldn’t advise you go to that prison for a while,” Jim said. “But for now, they have bought the story, but they probably are planning an autopsy since the death was sudden, so beware of what they could find.”
Max nodded.

“If only I had talked to him,” Liz whispered. “We might know what happened to Bella”

“He was playing with my head and we all know I wasn’t as involved in the situation as I could have been but you, well, you are emotionally attached to what is going on so no, it would have been worst with you. You wouldn’t have wanted to be in that room and experience the garbage he was spewing, and to think it wouldn’t have affected you because I know from my own experience, it would have pushed you to heights you wouldn’t think possible and therefore he would have won because even if you had been in that room, I don’t think he was going to tell anyone any semblance of the truth…”

“Max is right,” Jim muttered. “Sean liked playing with our minds.”

“But still…” Liz sighed. “He might have let something slip.”

“Given what he implied to me, no, it might not be any better with you in that room, so we’re find her some other way… and that is something I can promise you…”

“I hope so… Bella is out there… She’s so small and alone…”

“Yes, she is, but we’ll find her…” Max determined as they watched Jim leave the room as he turned to face Liz as he pulled her to a hug. “Again, I am sorry Liz.”

“Don’t be,” Liz sighed as she reveled in his embrace and yet still, she had tremendous fear, and it was a fear that Max couldn’t help but share…


Molly meanwhile had drifted off to sleep when a battery of flashes flooded her mind as she saw candles. A crowd of people happy and celebrating with a birthday cake being brought out…

Happy Birthday Bella… came the crowd as a woman with long brown hair came forward with the cake. Two older couples were there on the sidelines, as one woman had wistful look on her face as she watched as the little girl blew out her candles.
“I wish Max was here” she heard the woman say.

But that was soon wiped away as the woman brought the cake placed the cake in front of her. “Happy 9th birthday Isabella,” she sang.

“Thank you, Mommy,” came the little girl. “My favorite…”

“Yes, chocolate raspberry” the woman said as she made a wish and blew out her candles. “Michael made it for you.”

“Thank you, Uncle Michael,” the little girl said as the cake was taken away to have it cut into pieces.

“You’re welcome Bella,” the man said coming forward. “Enjoy the art supplies as I did dabble with art in high school for a little while, but you are way more talented than I am.”

“I love them,” the little girl said as she looked at the bag full of art supplies her Aunt and Uncle had given her for her birthday. “Thank you too Aunt Maria…”

“What did you wish,” the short curly blonde asked. “What do you want for the next year.”

“I wish…” she started
as current day Molly opened her eyes at the flash. She was remembering more. “Am I this Bella?” she muttered as she reached for the phone and dialed the number she had been given. “Is Detective Franklin there, tell her it’s Molly. She knows me.”


Serena was away from the station as she returned an hour later after a doctor’s appointment for her youngest daughter. Walking to her desk, she saw several messages. She didn’t see Molly’s message right away, but she saw one from Dr. Baker down in forensics and therefore she rushed on down to the lab and as she was she walking in, she saw the specialist by her computer. “Anything?”

“We’re close,” CJ Baker. “I am just running it one more time to get a double confirmation.”

“But you know something…”

“We’re getting there,” CJ nodded. “I don’t want to get your hopes up if there is a flaw with the testing.”

“How long?”

“By the end of the day,” CJ confirmed.

“Call me whether I am at home or elsewhere, have me paged okay?” Serena asked as she saw Molly’s message.

“Sure thing…”

Serena left the lab and rushed over to the hospital where she had to wait for Molly to return to her room when she got an incoming call from Max but didn’t recognize the number. “Oh great,” she muttered. “What is he up to now,” she thought. “Whose phone are you calling on?”

“Sorry,” Max said as she stood outside the hospital. Both he and Liz were taking a break from each other and high emotion of the morning and with Liz meeting with her doctor in hopes of getting a firm release date, Max decided to take the chance of some fresh air to come to terms with the emotional morning. “It’s my burner as I forgot my regular at home.”

“Oh right, forgot… So, I have been leaving messages on a phone you don’t have with you, so you haven’t heard of the dozens of messages.”

“Serena, what can I tell you because my trip was last minute and spur of the moment. So, what’s going on there?” he asked as he sensed the tense tone of his partner. “I should have told you.”

“Yes, you should have…” Serena murmured as she stood and stewed as she tried to figure out how this all will work out. “When I didn’t see you at home, I got worried and it has escalated to downright fear of what you’re up to and especially partner as we’ve got word of your side trip to New York and who you went to see, and you should know that Gibson is livid at how rogue you have gone.”

Max was silent for a moment.

“Max…” Serena murmured. “Are you there?”

“Yeah,” Max asked as he was in a mess and he knew he had stepped into it as he had forgotten Gibson would have likely been notified in regards to his actions with Deluca and that only meant bad things for his future or the level of trust his boss might have in him once he did return to the office.

“What are you up to?” Serena asked as she focused on her conversation as she waited for Molly to return to her room. “I’ve been looking for you all over the place after I swung by your place and found a trashed house and you missing.”

“I did kind of leave in a rush, sorry. I barely made the flight and then thing led to one another… and that call I meant to make to you fell by the wayside.”

“Did you really put someone in the hospital?” Serena asked as some of the ice loosened.

“Yes, I did, but unfortunately he’s now dead…” Max muttered.

“Oh god Max,” Serena thought. “What now?”

“Your guess is as good as mine,” Max muttered as he didn’t care for any of the implications. “Anything new on the Davidson Jr.”

“Nope,” Serena shook her head as she saw Molly being wheeled towards them. “Um, we have to talk” Serena murmured as he saw Molly come closer and closer and the knowledge her partner was without some pertinent information and she felt guilty.

“I know, I know, so, how is Molly?”

“Fortunately for us, she’s a strong little girl. I am at the hospital about to pay a visit as she was off undergoing some testing when I arrived, and she’s returning as we speak…so we’ll have to continue our talk later…”

“Okay,” Max said. “Tell her that I am thinking of her and can’t wait to see her when I return.”

“Which causes me to ask, when are you returning…” Serena murmured.

“Hmm… That would a good guess and I’ll let you know when I know…” Max laughed. “I guess I shouldn’t test my luck with Gibson’s before Monday, right?”

“That is probably wise. So, if you’re sticking around Roswell, where are you staying?” Serena asked. “With your sister again?”

“I am actually not quite sure,” Max sighed as he realized he needed to figure out where he was going to staying if he was going be in Roswell. “I haven’t yet left the hospital.”

“Interesting,” Serena cracked.

“I’ll call you later” Max said as he hung up and saw his father whose eyes shot up as he walked across the parking lot towards the front entrance and noticed his son, while in Los Angeles Serena watched as Molly got wheeled closer and closer towards her… “Hey…”

“You came…” Molly asked as she looked at the detective.

“Well, you called…” Serena smiled. “So, what’s up. How can I help?”

“We have to talk,” Molly admitted as she was wheeled into the room and she instantly got out of the chair and onto the bed and waited for the nurse to leave the room. When they were alone, she glanced at the detective. “I need answers.”

“About what?” Serena said slightly amused that a ten-year-old would call her up and demand answers. “Shouldn’t you be concerned about your health and getting out of here?”

“I am 10, right?” Molly asked. “It’s in my job description to be nosy, so why would I worry about my health…”

Serena couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “I guess so, so what’s up?” she asked but the laughter dried up as she saw the tension in Molly’s face.

“You know you can ask me.”

“I don’t think my name is Molly.” Molly’s eyes filled up with tears as her head was full of confusing images and yet they conflicted with what they told her about herself, and she didn’t know how to handle it. “I think I am someone else. Can you help me?”

“Oh god” she whispered as Serena didn’t know how to handle the change in the room. She hadn’t expected this when she was called into see Molly.

To have Molly voice the doubts both she and Max had about her was something she never thought she would as the little girl was truly emotional as she took the little girl into her arms for a hug. “It’s going to be okay, cry it out.”

Molly started crying for the first time and took her a little while to get herself under control which she finally did as she wiped her tears away. “I am sorry, that was unexpected.”

“You are ten years old Molly…” Serena trailed off as the little girl glanced away. “I know you’re upset, so why don’t you tell me what makes you think your name isn’t Molly?”

“My dreams?”

“What kind of dreams are they?” Serena asked as she sat down and watched the tension fill the little girl.

“I have talked to you a little about them, same with Max. Things that pop up in my mind. Since Max found me, I never felt comfortable with the name you guys called me because of images I was remembering. It never made sense to me, but I never knew why.”

Serena nodded but chose to stay quiet.

“This latest dream startled me awake after I didn’t even know I had fallen asleep. They were like memories…”

“What kind of memories?”

“This particular one was of I think me at a birthday party. It was my 9th I think. But the people around me weren’t the Davidson’s.”

“I think you mentioned something along that lines before,” Serena asked as she knew the girl had been questioning things for days now. “Who were at his party?

“A group people going by names I don’t see in my life here. I was calling them Uncle Michael and Aunt Maria. And my Mommy in this dream was someone different than who Pam is…”

“Really?” Serena asked,

“Yeah,” Molly admitted. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Trust me you don’t have to worry about it, Max and I will help you.”

“Where is he…” Molly asked as she wished she could see the face she trusted in Max. She didn’t know why she could trust him and Serena, but especially Max but she missed him.

“He had to go back away again, but I was talking to him and he wants you to know he is thinking about you and he wants you to know we’re helping you.”

Molly nodded.

“Can I ask, were you called a name in this latest dream you had?”

“Bella… or even Isabella” Molly said. “Am I Molly or am I think Isabella?” she asked to the surprise of Serena as she couldn’t ignore for much longer because the girl was obviously remembering Isabella’s life and that can only be possible if she was this girl. “You don’t seem surprised?”

“I am not…” Serena said.

“Who am I?” Molly asked.