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Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 45 3/1/19

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 6:52 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn It is understandable that Liz has strange feelings going on a date for the first time since her daughter was born.

SmileeUK Yes much more about Hank is to come out.

A/N Lines taken from the episode “The Balance” I don't own them.

Part 46

Max parked then got out of the car and went around to help Liz out. Liz smiled at him. She should have known that Diane Evans would raise nothing but a gentleman. No guy she had gone out with, not even Chris, had ever helped her out of a car. Liz took his offered arm and he led them inside holding the door open for her.

“Max, you are such a gentleman.” Said Liz
“Thank you. I did tell you that you look beautiful tonight didn't I?”
“Yes. More then once. But I enjoy hearing it.”

They were shown to a table. Max helped Liz off with her jacket.

“Uh Liz did you want a glass of wine tonight?” asked Max
“No thank you. I really don't drink very often. When I do it's only at home. I don't like the idea of being even a passenger in a car when I have been drinking.”
“That's fine. How about a virgin daiquiri?”
“That sounds wonderful. So what are we going to eat?”
“Well I was looking at getting the hot and sour chicken with jalapenos and teriyaki stir fry vegetables.”
“That sounds good. I think I will go with the sweet and sour shrimp with Spanish rice.”
“Do you want to share meals?”
“That would be nice.”

The placed their orders. Max then smiled at Liz across the table.

“So Liz, how are you really doing after Sean attacking you?” asked Max
“Ok I guess. I was more scared then anything. Max, I know that you are worried. But I am going to be ok. Max, I am not going to break. Sean was never going to get any further then he did with me.”
“Yeah you are walking around with a taser.”
“Actually I left Mr. Sparky at home tonight. I know I am safe with you. I never would have agreed to let you near my daughter other wise.”
“I am glad you feel safe with me.”

Their food arrived and they ate while they talked. When the fountain cookies arrived Liz grabbed her's.

“This is my favorite part.”

She broke it open and read what was inside.

“This is the best night of your life.” Said Liz
“Is that really what it says?”
“Well it's better then a broken clock is still right twice a day.”
“You're right I like yours better.”
“Let me see yours.”

Max moved so she couldn't see his.

“Ask a lady to dance with you.”
“Is that really what it says?”
“Depends on your answer.”
“Then that is really what it says.”

Liz and Max got up and headed for the small dance floor. Liz relaxed into Max's arms as the old Nat King Cole song “When I Fall in Love" came on. Max held Liz in his arms as they danced.


Serena watched her sister with Max from across the restaurant. She was having a date night with Kyle. She had to smile as they danced. Liz looked the happiest she had seen her in a very long time.


As the song ended Max leaned down and kissed Liz. She returned the kiss while pushing herself as close to him as she could get in a public place. They broke apart when breathing started to become an issue. Max placed his forehead on hers both breathing hard.

“Max, we need to stop. If we don't we may end up going faster then we should.”
“Yeah. Maybe we should go for a walk.”
“Good idea.”

Max paid the bill helped Liz with her jacket and the two of them headed out.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 46 3/2/19

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:33 am
by RoswellFan68
What a great date for Max and Liz. Serena was spying on her sister. I think Diane has started the paperwork for Max to adopt Ashlee once they get married.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 46 3/2/19

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:37 am
by keepsmiling7
I would say this is a start.......a good first date.
Max should feel Liz's love for him, I admire his patience.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 46 3/2/19

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2019 12:45 pm
by Natalie36
awww so sweet

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 46 3/2/19

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 7:20 am
by Roswelllostcause
RowellFan68 Yes it is a great date for Max and Liz. Yes Serena is spying on her sister. You may be right about Diane starting the paper worker for Max to adopt Ashlee.

Carolyn It is a good first date. Max does feel Liz's love for him. He is patient because he is not the kind of guy to sleep with a girl on the first date, even if he has known her nearly his whole life.

Natalie36 Thank you.

Part 47

Hank grunted as he pounded his dick into his son's fuck buddy. The girl had to have one of the most annoying voices he had ever heard. But as long as he got to fuck someone he didn't care. Better yet the little slut couldn't get pregnant. Not that it mattered to him if she could. It wasn't his responsibility to keep bitches from getting knocked up especially when they were willing. His ex girlfriend, Sean's mother had been the last willing fuck buddy he had before Tess here. Not that it ever mattered to him. He believed that you always took what you wanted. That was why he had, had been with nearly 200 bitches since he was fifteen. The nearly 30 years he spent in prison had made that number smaller then it should have been. He had to wonder how many of those he screwed he knocked up. Not that he cared. He never used a condom and never would. It had been fun fucking that girl with his boy. Sean might not be the only boy he had. But he was the one most like himself. But the stupid boy had to go and mess up. He had to go after that bitch doctor. Hank let out a grunt as he reached his release. Tess just laid there for a few minutes before getting dressed and leaving.


Jim looked at the DNA results from Beth Peters rape. He couldn't say he was surprised that one of her rapist was in fact Hank Carson. He knew that monster should never have been let out. The other DNA it seemed to belong to a male family member. That was enough to get an arrest warrant for Hank and one for DNA from Sean. Now if only he could find the evidence to connect Hank to the murder of Mark Taylor.


Taylor smiled as she watched the pins fall for her fifth straight strike. Ryan knew he had been had. He was playing with an expert bowler.

“Now I know why you wanted to go bowling.” Said Ryan
“Are you mad?” asked Taylor
“No. I like that you are enjoying yourself.”
“Most guys wouldn't like that they were being beaten by a girl.”
“Tay, it doesn't bother me. I mean we are only playing for fun right?”
“Of course. Ryan, you are having fun right?”
“Yeah. So uh Liz and Max are finally going out?”
“Yeah it only took them like twenty five years to get together. I knew years ago they were right for each other.”
“Does Max know about her daughter?”
“Yes and Ashlee wants Max as her daddy. The other day she actually asked Max to marry Liz and be her daddy.”
“Yeah it was kind of funny. Both Max and Liz looked like deer caught in headlights.”
“Why has it taken them so long to get together?”
“Wish I knew. It would have saved Liz a lot of heartache if they had just gotten together years ago.”

Ryan nodded he like everyone else had seen that Max and Liz were attracted to each other back in high school.


Diane smiled as she watched Max and Liz walk by as she and Philip exited the restaurant. Max had his arm wrapped around her shoulders and Liz was resting her head against him. They looked so perfect together. Her son really was what that young woman needed to heal and she just knew he was the perfect father for little Ashlee.

“Diane, I know what you are thinking. It is Liz's decision weather or not Max adopts her daughter if they get married.” Said Philip
“Philip, I just know a year from now those two will be either getting married or planning their wedding.”
“Don't get your hopes up. Liz, is not the girl we knew back when they were in high school.”
“I realize that Philip.”
“You just want Liz happy. Just like her aunt was before Mark was killed.”
“Mark and Ashlee Lynn were planning to get married. Jeff told me that my brother was the only one that could fully reach her after she was raped and found herself pregnant.”
“He was a good man. He loved Ashlee Lynn and told her that her baby would have a father if she would have him.”
“I know Max will love and raise Ashlee as his own.”

Philip could only shake his head. His wife was going to do whatever it takes to get at least one grandchild.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 47 3/3/19

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:14 am
by keepsmiling7
You have succeeded in making me hate both Hank and Sean!
Sure hope Hank can be found guilty of murdering Mark.
Sweet Diane, she really does want grandchildren. I think Ashlee would be a perfect fit to start off with.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 47 3/3/19

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 12:08 pm
by Natalie36
hope sean and hank have a place in hell

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 47 3/3/19

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2019 12:49 pm
by RoswellFan68
So Serena was not alone in watching Max and Liz. Now they just need to get the DNA on Sean and lock him and his dad up.

Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 47 3/3/19

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 10:54 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn You only now hate Sean and Hank? Diane really does want grandkids. Ashlee would be the perfect granddaughter for her.

Natalie36 Oh I am sure Sean and Hank will have places in hell when all is said and done.

RoswellFan68 Diane wasn't planning on watching Max and Liz. They just happen to pass by. Oh I am sure the DNA will come back on Sean. He is already sitting in jail for going after Liz. Hank is still lose for now.

Part 48

Max walked Liz to her door at the end of their date.

“I had a real good time tonight Max.”
“I'm glad. Liz, I hope we can go out again.”
“That would be great.”
“So does this mean you are my girlfriend?”
“Yeah I guess so.”
“You know my mom is going to be thrilled that we are together.”
“Yeah I know.”
“Liz, did you know your aunt was dating my uncle Mark before he was killed?”
“Yeah my dad has pictures of them together.”
“If they had gotten married he would have accepted Taylor as his daughter.”
“He sounds like he was a good man.”
“That is what I am told. Liz, if things go well between us and if we get married you know that I would help you raise Ashlee as if she is mine.”
“I know you would. But we need to see where this goes first.”
“Then we should say goodnight and I will call you to set up our next date.”
“Goodnight Max.”
“Goodnight Liz.”

Max leaned down and gave Liz a soft sweet kiss before she entered her apartment. He then headed back to his car so he could get back to his house to take a cold shower before bed.


Serena moaned as Kyle pumped in and out of her hard and fast. They had been having sex since her sixteenth birthday. He was the only man she had ever had sex with. She was the only one he had been with. They had started dating at fourteen. Until the start of their engagement nearly a week ago Kyle had always used a condom as well her being on birth control. But since the start of their engagement they had only been relying on her birth control. Unlike Liz, Serena didn't experience the more severe side effects of birth control drugs. Liz had suffered both a massive drop in blood pressure and rapid heartbeat. While Serena hadn't had either. Which proved just because they were twins didn't mean that things effected them the same way.

“Shit Kyle that feels so good!” Serena cried out.
“Damn I don't think you have ever been this tight before babe.”

Sweat began to pour off both of them as Kyle continued to pound into her. Serena used her heels which were wrapped tight around his waist to force him even deeper into her. As her body was rocked with a powerful orgasm she dug her nails into his back. That was all Kyle needed to experience his own orgasm sending his seed into the woman he loved. They both clasped onto their bed. Kyle rolled them over so that Serena was laying on top of him. He was still buried inside her as they caught their breath. Serena closed her eyes as she breathed in Kyle's sent that was mixed with sweat and sex. She smiled as she felt him tracing the tattoo on her back between her shoulder blades. Liz had a matching one. It was of the zodiac sign Gemini. Liz hadn't wanted to get it. But it had been the result of a game of truth or dare when they were sixteen. Their parents had a fit when they found out about them. Serena had also pierced her bellybutton which Liz had refused to do. Nicole Winters who Serena had hung out with in middle school had gone punk for a while and pierced not only her ears like six times, her bellybutton, but one of her eyebrows, her nose and tongue. Nicole has had gotten like ten tattoos. Nicole left Roswell right after high school. Serena hadn't heard from her since. Last she knew Nicole was living in New York City with some guy. Nicole had been nice enough but she and her mom never got along much. Her dad had never been apart of her life. The last time she had seen Nicole, her dark blond hair had been dyed bright pink and green. Maybe she would look and see if Nicole was on Facebook in the morning.


Re: Burned by Love (M/L, Adult, AU) Pt 48 3/5/19

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 12:15 pm
by keepsmiling7
Poor Max......he may have a few more cold showers coming up.
Liz understands that Max will be a great father to Ashlee.........but she has to take time for herself.
It will be fun to watch as they develop their relationship.