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Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 10:45 pm
by Liz_Parker

I glare over at Max. "That was a complete total diffrent situation Max! We were STUDYING! Besides, it was in the den, remember? Not upstairs in my room where I could have easily of locked the door or something", I smile softly at him and take a bite of my food.

Brothers, try to find a way to get you in trouble, not this time dear brother.

"Honestly, all we did was study, he's getting a low grade and needed some extra assistance...besides Max, what was the lovely Ms. Parker doing here? She doesn't seem to be like the type to talk to you", I look over with raised eyebrows.

"That's enough Serena", Mom hushes me but I keep looking at him for an answer.

"Well Max?", I ask once more ignoring Mom's glare.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 11:33 pm
by isabelle

"She's my lab partner," I explain again. "We work together all the time." I hope she'll let it go, already. I want to think through everything that's happened since the shooting at the Crashdown. I don't want to have deal with her needling right now.

Liz. Liz and Michael. Real Aliens. Found wandering alone in the desert when they were kids.

"But not here," Serena notes, refusing to let it drop. "She's never come to the house before."

"Well, now she has," I say. "It was just a question about the homework. No big deal."

I give her a glare, and suddenly a new thought enters my head. Serena. I almost never think of it. I can barely remember a time when she wasn't a part of the family. Just the same, the talk with Liz had me thinking about her adoption. We found her naked at the side of the road, playing in a mud-puddle.

It was almost just like Liz and Michael.

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 12:22 am
by Luvya

"Yeah I talked to Max" I can't say any more because I can't believe what I just saw- my best friend and my big brother kissing! In my room! Where they could of.... ew... my beds right there too.... EW.....

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 9:52 am
by isabelle

Mention of Max brings it all flooding back. Visions of military laboratories are not helping me calm down.

"What did he say? Can we trust him?" I ask, desparately.

"Yeah," Liz says slowly, still looking at Maria and me strangely. "He won't tell. He'll keep our secret."

"What did you tell him?" I ask, hoping against hope that she found some explaination that didn't involve aliens. I wrap my fingers around Maria's, remembering how she went running when she first found out. It was pretty scarey until she finally accepted it.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 5:01 pm
by Luvya

"I told him the truth, Michael" I say almost irritated. I can't believe he would think of anything else- he didn't when he told Maria.

"Was he alright?" Maria asked probably remembering her own reaction.

"He didn't go running from the room, if that's what you mean" I say smiling lightly to make sure she knew that it was a joke. Michael and I love to tease her about her reaction when she found out.

It wasn't funny at the time though, I remember thinking that she wouldn't want to be our friend anymore and almost crying when she ran out. I pushed that image out of my head. Luckly Maria stood by us and kept our secret.


We reach home and I almost head straight for the phone, but Mum stops me half way.
"Kyle dinner then homework then phone" Mum says sternly. I grumble as I head back to the dinner table

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 5:17 pm
by destinysucks

'I'm not too hungry mum I might just grab a soda and head upstairs if thats alright with you'.

She looks at me in that suspicious way that she is so good at and says
'hmmmmm you seemed alright when you came bouding in with your brother'.

'I felt okat then mum it's just now that I've started to feel bad'.

'Fine but I will be making sure you not faking it'.

I give her a greatful look and head back upstairs to ring Alex

End Tom

I will write the Alex part 2morrow but right now it is late and I am tired but trust me when I say the Alex post will be 2morrows priority

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 7:52 pm
by isabelle
Isabel was hanging out with Tess. She could be coming home for dinner, or staying with her, I think.


"He didn't freak out?" I ask Liz, not quite believing it.

"Well, he was a little freaked. At first he didn't even believe me," Liz says.

"Not believe you?" Maria asks. "Even after you saved his life? Does he have a handprint?"

"Yeah, he does. I told him it would go away in a couple days," Liz says.

Maria nods. "I wish I'd known that."

"None of us knew," I remind her, sympathically. "It had never happened before." I rub her back, and Maria smiles at me. I look back at Liz. I want to ask her again, if she's SURE that Max won't tell, but I know that would just be pushing it. She said she's sure. I don't know what else she can say.

"So, what did he say when you told him?" I ask.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 8:34 pm
by Luvya
OOC- Sure you can be Isabel :-) Welcome to the club Julia_Behr



I smile breifly thinking of Max's reaction.

"Nothing at first, then he asked if it was some sort of joke or something like that, then I changed his watch from Silver to gold" I said re thinking over my afternoon.

"Michael, Liz, tea" I hear Mum yell from the stairs I then turn to Maria.

"Hey Maria want to stay for tea?" I ask her.

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 9:44 pm
by isabelle

I jump up off the bed and put a hand on Liz's arm. "Wait a minute. We can't go yet."

Liz looks at me like I've just lost my mind. "Mom is waiting for us. She's not gonna be happy if dinner gets cold."

"It'll wait for a moment, Liz. First, I want you to tell us what you were all worked up about on the way home from school. Something about Serena and Kyle and Alex being adopted?"

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 9:16 am
by FallenMagic
Welcome to the RP Julia_behr :D

~*~* Maria *~*~

I'm still a little worried about Max and the silver handprint. I can't help wondering if any one has seen it or if it will fade away. Maybe it faded away on me but what if it doesn't on him?

Aside from Max I'm also anxious to hear what Liz meant about the adoptions and am relived when Michael demands to know about them.

I come to stand next to Michael and give Liz my most stubborn stare. "We're not going down till you tell us. We have been waiting the entire day!"