Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}[Complete]

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's Note Pg16 7/31

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 90
"Some of you might not like the plan," Liz said.

"Liz what is the plan?" Max asked.

"We open the club. The guys are still here with us. Matt and his friends will think that everything is fine and normal. Matt come to the club and checks it out. I will be here with Ben and Bear. He'll come in and talk to me and that is when Jim and the guys come out and do your thing you do to get information out of the guy about the lady gaurd. If Matt tell you where she is then you guys go nd get her," Liz said.

"Let me get this straight you want to use yourself as bait to egt Matt and his men to come out of hidding," Michael said.

"Yes, I'll be the bait. I know they will come if I am here," Liz said.

"No. I don't think that is a good idea. Liz could get hurt," Max said.

"Max it is my decion if I will do this or not. And I decided that I will do this," Liz said.

"Liz it's too dangerous," Max said.

"Max like I said it is my decion. And I am going to do this," Liz said.

"Will someone help me out here?" Max asked.

"Liz's plan sounds like a great idea to me?" Ben and Bear said at the same time.

"Can anyone think of a better plan?" Jim asked.

No one could think of a plan. It looked like Liz's plan was the only thing they could think of. Max was mad that no one would help him out. He was worried that Liz would get hurt. Max didn't want to see Liz get hurt.

Meanwhile across the room:
Liz, Ben and Bear were talking and trying to think of ways for the guys to be in the club and be there to protect Liz and the girls. Liz turned and saw Max was starring at her across the room. Max and Liz both looked at eachother nd smiled. Liz knew that Max was worried. but she knew that she could handle it.

After everyone was finished talking Jim opened the door nd they all walked out and saw that the girls were talking and laughing.

Max and Liz both looked at eachother then turned away. Liz walked up to the girls. The girls turned and looked at Liz. Maria and Serena noticed that Max was looking at Liz. They didn't know what was going on.

"Liz how did the meeting go?" Maria asked.

"The meeting went fine. We came up with a plan," Liz said.

"You did? So tell us what the plan is?" Serena asked.

"When I tell you. You both can't go blistic," Liz said.

"Liz we won't. Tell us?"Maria asked.

"Ok. But remember no one can get amd at me," Liz said.

"We won't," Maria said.

"Ok here is the plan. We open the club. We make Matt think everything is fine and normal. Matt and his goons come in the club. If they attack Jim, Max and the guys come out of hidding and get them. And while they got Matt and his goons they question them and find out where the lady gaurd is. Max and the guys go and get her and free her while Matt and his goons are in jail," Liz said.

"Is that the plan?" Serena asked

"Yeah, why?" Liz asked.

"Liz the plan seems a little dangerous to us," Maria said.

"It is going to be fine. I'll have Bear and Ben with me. And I know they will help me," Liz said.

"Are you sure?" Serena asked.

"Yes I am sure," Liz said.

"Ok. I'll support you plan," Serena said.

"I'll support it too," Maria said.

"Thank you that means so much to me," Liz said.

"Question why is Max starring at you?' Serena asked.

"What? What do you mean?" Liz asked.

"I mean since you sat down Max has been staring at you. I'm wondering why?" Maria asked

"Max seems to not like the plan,' Liz said.

"Why would Max ahte the plan?" Serena asked.

"Because it seems that he can't get past the part where we open the club. He thinks I will be in danger. I told him I will be fine. So we're having a disagreement," Liz said.

"It seems like he doesn't want you to get hurt," Maria said.

"I know but sometimes Max can be um mean with what he wants and thinks," Liz said.

"Why can't you and Max get along?" Serena asked.

"Because Max and I push eachothers buttons. And we can't stop," Liz said.

"Liz, you and Max are talking and trying to get along. Which is a good thing. But you both need to keep it that way. Not get on eachother's nerve," Serena said.

"I know that. But we don't know if we can keep it to being nice to eachother," Liz said.

"Liz for all of our sakes can you and Max try and be nice to eachother?" Maria said.

"I will if Max will," Liz said.

"Good. So what are we going to do?" Maria asked.

Liz and Serena turned and looked at Maria. Maria looked at the both of them.

"What?" Maria asked.

"Maria your crazy. The guys just gotr out of a meeting and are sitting around talking," Serena said.

Liz had a smle on her face as she turned nd looked at Maria.

"I say let's have some fun," Liz said.

"Liz are you crazy too?" Serena asked.

"No I just think it is time to cut lose and have some fun," Liz said.

"Why now?" Serena asked.

"Because I have been in my bed since Matt came here and hurt me. I want to have some fun before everything goes crazy," Liz said.

"I agree with Liz," Maria said.

"Ok. Who are you and what have you doon to my 2 best friends?" Serena asked

"Serena we're the same people. But we just want to have some fun. Come on," Liz said.

Liz, Maria and Serena ran to the dressing room. When theygot to the dressing room they walked in and changed clothes. After they changed clothes they walked out of the room and walked up to the CD player. Maria put in a mix cd. Liz and Serena turned and watched Maria walk up to Alex and pulled him to the dance floor. They watched as Maria and Alex shook and swayed their hips to the song called "come and ride the train". Liz walked up to Alex and stood behind him as the "come and ride the train started up again.

Max was surprised as he watched Liz, Alex and Maria dance. After the song Max stood up and walked up to Liz. Liz turned nd saw Max standing infront of her. Max and Liz started to sway and twist their hips to the music. Max put his hands on Liz's hips. Liz had her arms at her sides as Max and Liz were dancing. Liz turned and stood infornt of Max swaying and twisting her hips. Max followed the way Liz was moving. After the song "Rock the cardle of Love" began to play. Max grabbed Liz and pulled her against him. Liz turned and looked at Max. Max and Liz both looked at eachother and laughted. Max and Liz turned and watched Maria and Serena singing"Cum and feel the noise" Alex stood between Maria and Serena singing. Max nd Liz laughted and jumped as they singed. Max and Liz turned and looked at eachother and smiled. Then they turned and watched their firends. After the song everyoine claped.

Liz turned and looked at Max. Max looked at Liz. Then all of a sudden the lights went off. Then the lights came back on and Liz was gone. Alex started to sing"Mr. Roboto" all of a sudden robots dressed in gray ame on the stage and stood infornt od Alex. Alex tried to get past them but no luck.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's Note Pg16 7/31

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 90:
Alex got on huis knees and got past the robots. Alex turned and looked at them. Alex tried to stop them but no luck. Alex stood behind them and put on a robot mask. Then they all started to move as robots. One one could tell who they were as they moved. At the end of the song they took off thre mask. As "Too Sexy" Begain to play Alex and Liz lip sink the song. Alex and Liz moved around the stage acting like models. They both smiled and singed. Max and friends were shocked as they watched Liz and Alex. Maria and Serena laughted as they watched Alex and Liz.

One one could believe what they were doing. After the song Alex and Liz hugged and laughted. Liz started to sing"How do I lve without you" As she singed she looked around. hen she turned and looked at the ground. Liz looked up as she singed. Liz
had her arms around her as she singed. Max watched Liz as she singed. He never heard her sing with her heart. After the song Max and Liz looked at eachother. Alex walked in stage and started to sing "One week" Liz and Maria acted like they were cheerleaders as Alex singed. Max and the guys laughted as they watched Liz and Maria. Alex grabbed Liz spined her around.

After the song Liz, Alex and Maria all hugged and laughted. Max walked up to Liz and taped her on the shoulder. Liz turned and looked at Max. Max and Liz both looked at eachother.

"Liz can I talk to you in the office for a second?" Max asked.

"Yeah, sure," Liz said.

Max and Liz walked off the stage and walked into the office. When they walked into the office they shut the door behind them. Max and Liz both turned and looked at eachother.

"Max what do we need to talk about?" Liz asked.

"Liz I don't think your plan will work," Max said.

"Max it is the only plan we have right now," Liz said.

"I don't care. I think it is too dangerous," Max said.

"Max it is the only plan we have. Do you have any ideas? Please tell me?' Liz asked.

"No. But you know you plan is dangerous," Max said.

"Max you have to know this will work," Liz said.

"How do you know it will work?" Max asked.

"Max it has to work. It is the only plan we have," Liz said

I know it is the only plan we have. But I am worried something could go wrong," Max said.

"No your not. Max what are you really worried about?" Liz asked.

"Liz you know what I am worried about," Max said.

"No. I'm not. So please just tell me?" Liz asked.

"Liz?" Max asked.

"No Max. Just stop it. Right now I want you to tell me what are you really worried about?" Liz asked.

"Do you really want to know?" Max asked.

"Yes Max I really do want to know. So stop playing around and tell me why you are so worried?" Liz asked.
Author's Note:
Hey everyone
I just wanted to say thank you so very much for reading and for leaving feedback to this story. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends. I also wanted to let everyone I will be posting Chapter 91 on Tuesday August 5 between 5am - 12am. I hope everyone will keep an eye out for the chapter. I hope everyone will like chapter 90 and chapter 91 wen I post it. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends. I hope everyone has a good relaxing stress free evening and weekend! I hope no one works themselves to hard this evening and this weekend!

L-J-L 76
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's note Pg17 Aug6

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 91:
"Liz I'm worried that you will get hurt," Max said.

"Max don't worry I will be fine," Liz said.

"Liz you don't know what will happen," Max said.

"Max I'm willing to take the chance," Liz said.

"Well Liz I'm not what if you get hurt," Max said.

"I'm going to take that chance," Liz said.

"What would you do if I don't want you to take the chance?" Max asked

"Max it is my choose if I want to do this or not," Liz said.

"Well you know how I feel about your plan and about you getting hurt." Max said.

"Yes. I know. Max you need to try and do something," Liz said.

"I know that. Who's Idea was it for some fun?" Max asked

"Mine," Liz said.

"Ok. fine but let me know the next time you do this," Max said.

"Sure thing," Liz said.

"Come on lets go have some fun," Max said as he and Liz stood up.

Max and Liz walked out of the office. Liz grabbed Max by the hand and took him to the stage.

"Liz what are you up to?" Max asked.

"Your going to sing with me. ready?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, lets do this," Max said.

Liz and Ma grabbed thw microphones nd turned and looked at eachother. Max started to sing "I'd lie for you" By meatloaf. Max and Liz both looked at eachother. Max walked up to Liz as he singed. Liz turned away from Max Max and Liz looked at eachother and took turn singing. Then they singed together and then seperate. Liz turned away and then looked at Max. They both kept looking at eachother as they singed. Their friends were shocked as they watched Max and Liz sing. No one knew Max and Liz would do good together. They watched as Max grabbd Liz and pulled her toward him. They looked at eachother as they singed.

After the song Max and Liz hugged and turned to look at their friends. Jim and friends clapped and cheered for Max and Liz. Max and Liz both turned and looked at eachother.

"You did a great job," Liz said.

"I had some help. And you are a great teacher," Max said.

"Thanks. But your not bad yourself," Liz said.

"So what re we going to do?" Max asked.

"About what Max?" Liz asked.

"Am I allowed to stay in your room tonight?" Max asked.

"Yes you can stay in my room. But you still get the couch," Liz said.

"Ok. I can handle that," Max said.

"Good," Liz said.

Max and Liz turned and looked at their friends. Then turned and looked at eachother and smiled. Liz turned and saw Ben looking at them. Liz turned and looked at Max.

"Max Ben is watching us for some reson," Liz said.

"Who knows maybe he wants to make sure that your ok and safe," Max said.

"Max, I'm fine. So you both need to stop worrying about me," Liz said.

"You know me and Ben won't stop," Max said.

"I know you both won't stop," Liz said.

"Hey, What can I say?" Max asked.

"Max you and Ben worry to much," Liz said.

"Liz we worry about you because we care about you," Max said.

"Max I know that but sometimes you both drive me crazy," Liz said.

"Liz we are just trying to keep you sfe," Max said.

"Max I know that," Liz said.

"Liz promise me if the plan doesn't work we will come up with a new one," Max said.

"Yes Max I promise you," Liz said.

"Good. I hope we can come up with a back up plan soon," Max said.

"You know you can do anything," Liz said.

"I know. Liz I'm sorry that you know," Max said.

"Max, I understand. So don't worry," Liz said.

"Liz you know I can't help it," Max said.

"I know that too," Liz said.

"So see now you know why I'm woirried about you and the plan," Max said.

"Max why do you care what happens to me?" Liz asked.

"Becuase I just do," Max said.

"Oh, I see you care because we're friends and it's your job," Liz said.

"Yes because we re friends and it is my job," Max said.

"Fine. I gotta go. I need to talk to Ben and Bear about the plan," Liz said as she stood up and walked towards the bar.

Menawhile on stage:
Max watched as Liz walked up to the bar.

"God I care about her more then a friend. But I need to hide it for now," Max said.

Hide what Max?" Ben asked as he walked up the stage and stood infront of Max.

"Um nothing," Max said.

"Max what are you hidding from Liz this time?" Ben asked.

Oh, nothing," Max sid.

"Max why can't you tell the truth?" Ben asked.

"Truth about what?" Max asked.

"Max just tell me what is going on?" Ben asked.

"Nothing is going on. Don't worry," Max said.

"Fine, where is Liz?" Ben asked.

"She went to the bar. She needed to talk to you and Bear about thw plan," Max said.

"Oh, ok. Max if you ever want to talk I'll be around," Ben said before he walked off the stage and walk towards the bar.

Ben walkd up to Liz and Bear. Liz and Bear turned and looked at Ben. Ben looked at Liz and Bear.

"Liz what is going on?" Ben asked.

"Nothing. Why?" Liz asked.

"Well you seem mad. And Max is still on stage talking to himself," Ben said.

"Me and Max talked. He told me he cared and worried about me as a friend and it's his job," Liz said.

"Ok. Now that seems good right?" Ben asked.

"I guess. But I keep feeling Max is hidding something from me," Liz said.

"Who knows what Max could be hidding," Bear said.

"Whatever it is must be something," Liz said.

"So what are we going to do?" Bear asked.

"I don't know," Liz said.

"Liz when are we going to do this plan?" Bear asked.

"we're doing this on Friday night," Liz said.

"That gives us 2 days to set everything up," Ben said.

"I think we can do it," Bear said.

"Where are the guys going to be?" Ben asked.

"We are going to be here as costumers," Max saaid as he walked up to the bar.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's note Pg17 Aug6

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 91:
"Is that what Jim said?" Liz asked.

"Yeah, he figured you and the girls will be more safe if we were around," Max said.

"That sounds like a plan to me," Liz said.

"Good. we got that settle. So when are we planning for the plan to be in motion?" Max aked.

"We're setting the plan in motion for Friday night," Liz said.

"That gives us 2 days to get everything set up," Ben said.

"I say we can do it by then," Max said.

"I agree with Max," Liz said.

Liz turned and smiled at Ben and Bear. Ben, Bear and Max all look at Liz.

"Ok someone want to tell me why Liz is smiling and looking at us?" Max asked.

"Because I just thought of something some of the guys could do," Liz said.

"Why do I hve a bad feeling about this?" Max asked.

"Gee I don't know. But you will hve to wait and see," Liz said.

"Ok. Liz enough just tell us what you are up to," Max said.

"Max all I will tell you is you have to wait and see," Liz said.

"Hey?" Max said as Liz walked past him.

Max turned and watched Liz walk up to Jim. Liz whispered something in Jim's ear. She turned nd looked at Max with a smile on her face.

"That's it. I'm going to find out what Liz is up to," Max said.

"Good luck," Ben and Bear said.

"Thanks I think Iam going to need it," Max sid before walking away.

Ben and Bear turned and watched as Max walked up to Liz. Liz turned and saw Max walking towards her. Liz starts to walk backwards as Max walked towards her. When Max and Liz were face to face. They both looked at eachother.

"Liz what are you up to?" Max asked.

"For me to know and you never find out," Liz said.

"Ok. Fine. If that is how you want to play," Max said as he picked Liz up and put her on his shoulder.

Liz screamed as Max picked her up and put her on his shoulder. Jim and friends turned and watched Max and Liz.

"Put me down Max," Liz yelled.

"No not til you tell me what you are up to?" Max said.

"Never," Liz said as she kicked Max as hard as she could in the stomach.

Max bent over when Liz kicked him in the stomach. Liz pushed herself off Max. Liz walked backwards til she was against the stage. Max stood up and looked at Liz.

"You better start running," Max said.

Liz looked at Max and then she took off running. Max ran after Liz. They ran all around the club and upstairs.
Author's Note:
Hey Everyone
I wanted to say thank you so very much for reading and for leaving feedback to this story. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end of the story. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends. I also wanted to let everyone on I will be posting Chapter 92 on Tuesday August 12 between 5am - 12am. And I will also be posting Chapter 93 on Sunday August 17 between 5am - 12am. I hope everyone will like chapter 91. And I hope everyone will keep an eye out for chapter 92 and 93. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end. Ands I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends. I hope everyone has a good relaxing stress free weekend and next week! I hope no one works themselves to hard this weekend and next week!

L-J-L 76
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's Note Pg18 Aug10

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 94:
"Serena be nice they are trying to be helpful," Liz said.

"I know that. But sometimes it is just weird," Serena said.

"Ok. what happened to you?" Liz asked.

"Let's just say I saw another side of Ted. And I was shocked by what I saw," Serena said.

"What was it like?" Maria asked.

"Ted made me breakfast and took me to a move and Dinner,"Serena sid.

"Now that was sweet," Liz said.

"so what is the deal with you and Ted now?" Maria asked.

"Well Me and Ted slept together and now he is acting like nothing happened between us," Serena said.

"God that happen to you too. Who eles slept with their protectors?" Maria asked.

"I did," Ava said.

"I did," Tess said.

Liz turned and looked at Maria and Isabel.

"Do you sleep with your protectors?" Liz asked.

"Yes," Isabel said.

"Maria did you and Michael sleep together yet?" Liz asked.

"No. what about you?" Maria asked.

"No I didn't," Liz said.

"Ok. So 3 ladies slept with their protectors and 2 didn't," Ava said.

"Um, I'll be right back," Liz sid before walking away.

Max turned and saw Liz walking towarms him and the guys. Max noticed that Liz looked like he was mad. When Liz got to the bar she looked at the guys and smiled.

"Max?" Liz asked.

"Yeah?" Max said.

"I need to talk to you in kitchen. Like right now," Liz said.

"Surething," Max said as they walked to the kitchen.

When they got into the kitchen Max shut the door. After Max shut the door he turned and looked at Liz. Liz looked at Max.

"What is going on?" Max asked.

"Did you know about the guys?" Liz asked.

"What are you talking about?" Max asked.

"So you don't know?" Liz aked.

"No. I don't know. So why don't you tell me what you are talking about?" Max asked.

"Alex, Ted, Zan slept with Isabel, Ava and Serena," Liz said.

"Are you serious?" Max asked.

"Yes. They just told me 5 minutes ago. Maria asked if we slept together," Liz said.

"What did you tell her?" Max asked.

"I told her no. God Ican't believe that I lied to Maria and the girls," Liz sid.

"I'm glad that you lied to them. Liz we slept together a couple of times already. I don't want anyone to know that we are sleeping together," Max said.

"I don't want anyone to know either," Liz said.

"Good we both agree on that," Max said.

"Oh my god. Your just like the others," Liz said.

"What are you talking about?" Max asked.

"Alex, Ted, Zan and now you are pretending that we didn't sleep together. And that we are all friends," Liz said.

"Liz I don't know about Alex, Ted and Zan. But I doi know me. Ands whatever is going on between us we're going to hve to put it aside for now til this is all over," Max said.

Liz turned and looked at the door then she looked down then looked upagain. She turned and looked at Max.

"I got a better idea. We're not friends or anything for that matter. You are no longer welcome in my room. And don't come around me ever again," Liz said.

"Liz?" Max sid.

"No. I have been trying to be your friend. And instead we sleep together a couple of times nd you act like nothing happened or is going on. Well guess what Max?" Liz asked.

"What?" Max asked.

"You are nothing but a big asshole. Stay our of my life. Don't come near me til you decide what you want,' Liz said as she walked towards the door.

"Liz?" Max asked.

"No way you lost your chance. I hope you have fun sleeping in the hallway," Liz said before walking out of the kitchen.

Liz walked out of the kitchen and walked up to the stage and sat down.

Maria, Ava and Serena walked up to Liz and sat down beside her. Liz turned and looked at her friends. When she looked at the kitchen door she saw Max standing in the doorway looking at her. Max and Liz both looked at eachother then turned away and looked at their friends.

"Liz is everything alright?" Maria asked.

"Yeah everything is good. So what are we talking about now?" Liz asked.

"Oh, we're trying to figure out what the guy's big deal,' Isabel said.

"What?" Liz asked.

"One minute the guys act all nice. And the next minute the guys act like we are nothing but something to protect," Serena said.

"Ok. why are you thinking this way?" Liz asked.

"Wait til it happens to you. And we'll see how you will react to the guys," Ava said.

"It's not going to happen. Me and Max can be friends and get along," Liz said.

"Liz trust me. It will happen to you and what are you going to do about it?" Tess asked.

"Nothing. Right now all I can worry about is trying to get Matt, Chris and Scott out of my life and into jail for the rest of their lives," Liz said.

"Liz did something happened between you and Max?" Maria asked.

"No. Me and Max are arguing about something again. That's all," Liz said.

"You and Max seem to be arguing and talking a lot lately," Ava said.

"Max been say somethings that I don't want to talk about. Be we are still trying to be friends now," Liz said.

"And how is that working out?" Isabel asked.

"It seems fine. But soemtimes I wonder if Max will push my buttons and get me mad," Liz said.

"Hopefully Max won't push your buttons," Maria said.

"We will have to wait and see about that," Liz said.

"Liz what is the deal with you and Max anyway?" Serena asked.

"Me and Max are friends nothing more. He is just here to protect me. And when this is all over we will probably never see eachother again," Liz said.

"wow. That seems I don't know strange," Ava said

"That is what Me and Max agreed on," Liz said.

"Oh," Maria said.

"Yeah, I know. But hey it can't be that bad," Liz said.

Ava and Serena turned and looked at eachother. Then they turned and saw Max looking at them.They noticed that Max was looking at Liz. And Liz didn't even notice Max looking at her.

Ben stood up and walked up to Liz and the girls. When Ben stood infront of Liz that is when Liz looked up. Ben and Liz both looked at eachother.

"Ben what is it?" Liz asked.

"Liz the drinks will be here in 30 minutes. What eles is left?" Ben asked.

"All that is left is the curtain for the windows and stage and the lights," Liz said.

"Wow that seems it will be easy things to do," Ben said.

"Yeah hopefully it will be easy to do," Liz said.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Author's Note Pg18 Aug10

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 94:
"Liz don't worry everything is going to be finished soon," Ben said.

"I know. It seems that everything is going good," Liz said.

"Yeah, it does. Lets hope it stays that way," Ben said.

"I agree with you there," Liz said.

"Come on we better get to work. The club opens tomorrow night," Ben said.

Liz, Ben and the girls stood up and started to get everything they needed. Liz grabbed 2 curtains and walked towrds the windows. Ben grabbed the step ladder and followed Liz. When they got to the window Ben set up the step lader. Liz clibmed to the top tof thr ladder and set the new curtains up. After the new curatins were up they walked to the stage and changed those curatins also.

When everything was finished Liz and the girls walked up to the bar and got something to drink. Max turned and looked at Liz. Liz looked at Max then turned away. Ben and Bear watched as Max and Liz looked at eachother then turned away.While everyone was sitting at the bar Liz's phone started to ring. Liz pulled the cell phone out of her pocket and looked at it. Liz flipped the cell phone open and put it to her ear.

"Hello?" Liz asked.

"Well Lizzie it's good to hear your voice. I wanted to ask how did you like our little visit?" Matt asked.

"What do you want?" Liz asked as she looked at Ben.

"Oh, I just wanted to let you know we'll be seeing you and your friends really really soon," Matt said.

"Oh , yeah, Well we got a few surprises for you," Liz said.

"I can't wait to see what you hve plan for us," Matt said.

"Oh, let's keep it a surprise for now," Liz said.

"Your no fun," Matt said.

"Gee. and here I use think it was you," Liz sid.

"Oh, You are really a bitch. If you think you will win this," Matt said.

"And your really a prick if you think you will win," Liz said.

"Oh, we'll see about that dear," Matt said.

"How is the lady guard doing?" Liz asked.

"Oh. don't worry your pretty little head about her. She is fine. We are feeding her and everything," Matt said.

"She is a person not a dog. And it is none of your buisness what I worry about," Liz said.

"So what got a backbone. Good to know what I can break when I see you again," Matt said.

"Oh, I'm so scared. You better be ready for pain," Liz said.

"I will. And you better also Lizzie. See you really soon," Matt said.

"Yeah, whatever," Liz said before he hanged up the phone.

Liz turned and looked at Jim. When she turned Jim and the guys were looking at her.

"What?" Liz asked.

"Who was that on the phone?" Jim asked.

"Matt," Liz said.

"What did Matt want?" Max asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter94,95pg18,19 8/27

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 95:
'Max you know what Matt wants. So stop asking me that," Liz said.

"What did Matt say to you?" Jim said.

"All he said was that He hoped we like the visit he payed to me and Ben. And he told me he will be paying a visit really soon. I told him we hve a few surprises for him. And he said he can't wait to see what they are. I told him that I wanted to talk to the lady gaurd. He won't let me talk to her," Liz said.

"Did he say anything eles?" Michael asked.

"He told me not to worry my little head about the lady guard. Then he told me not worry about the dog. I told him that she wasn't a dog. that she was a person. He said it was good that I had a back bone. So he knows what he can break. I told him I was scared. And he will be inpain. He told me no I will. After that he said see you around and and hangs up," Liz said.

"Liz he must have something planned. But the question is what does he have planned," Alex said.

"Who knows," Liz said.

"Liz do you still remember everything about Matt right?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, Why?" Liz asked.

"Liz think. Close your eyes and think," Ben said.

Liz closed her eyes and thought about everything she knew about Matt. Ben, Max and Jim looked at Liz as she had her eyes closed. A few minutes later Liz opened her eyes and looked at Ben with a shock look at her face.

"What?" Alex asked.

"Liz what is it?" Max asked.

"He's coming. Matt and his goons are coming," Liz said as she looked at Max.

"Coming? What do you mean?" Michael asked.

"He has something planned. It has to be something he knows I'd never think of," Liz aid.

"Ok. What can that be?" Bear asked.

"The night we had the weird training thing," Liz said.

"But wait didn't you pass it?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, I did. But it was something on one would think of doing though," Liz said.

"Wait. what weird training thing and how did you pass it?" Jim asked.

"Should I tell them or you tell them?" Ben asked.

"I'll tell them. Hopefully it won't cause problems," Liz said.

"Good Luck," Ben and Bear said.

"Gee thanks guys. Your so helpful," Liz said.

"Will someone please tell me what is going on?" Jim asked.

"Ok. One night we're talking and then Matt came up with a plan. He said since tonight was training. We had to go to the club. We each had to sneak in and grab a person and get them out. After we get them out we're suppose to take them home. That was the plan," Liz said.

"Who did you always get?" Max asked.

"I got Ben twice and Bear once. Maria three times, and Serena two times, Liz said.

"So? You think Matt is going to try this?" Michael asked.

"Yes. He will try anything to get into this club," Liz said.

"So I guess we're going to have to be ready for anything tomorrow night," Jim said.

"Yes we are," Max said.

"Ok. So hopefully everything will go as plan tomorrow night," Liz said.

"Well be ready for him," Michael said.

"Do we have everything ready for tomorrow?" Jim asked.

"Well we have the curtains up and ll the bulbs are ready. I think there is nothing eles to do," Liz said.

"Wait I need 3 guys to help me and Bear set up the drinks for tomorrow,"Ben said.

"I'll help you," Max said.

"Good to know your useful for something somewhere," Liz whispered.

"Hey I heard that," Max said.

"what?" Liz looked at Max surprises.

"Cut it Liz and Max," Michael said.

"Whatever," Liz said.

"I'll help," Michael and Alex said at the sametime.

"Good. we better get started and then we can all go home and get some rest for tomorrow," Jim sid.

"Ok. So the rest of us will make sure everything is set up for tomorrow," Kyle said.

Liz and Max looked at eachother before Liz turned and walked away. Liz walked up the stairs and down the hallway to her room. Liz opened the door and walked into her room. She shut the door as she walked into the room. Liz walked up to her dresser and opened the drawer and grabbed her pj's. After Liz got her pj's she walked to her bed and changed into her nightgown. After Liz changed clothes she walked to the door and opened it. Liz walked up the hallway and stood at the top of the stairs looking down at her friends.

when Liz lookd down she saw Max, Alex, Ben, Bear and Michael still getting the drinks set up. Max turned and looked up and saw Liz looking at him. Both Max and Liz looked at eachother. Then Liz turned away. When liz looked at the bar she saw Max was looking at her. Max and Liz didn't know what to do or say to eachother.Ben and Michael turned and noticed Max and Liz looking at eachother. They both knew something was going on but they didn't know what it was. Ben and Michael looked at eachother then looked at Max and Liz.

"What is going on with Max and Liz?" Michael asked.

"Who knows. they were arguing earlier and now they are not talking to eachother," Ben said.

"Well something is going on. I never seen Max act like this before," Michael said.

"I don't know what to tell you," Ben said.

"Well something is going on. I'll talk to Max about this before it gets to bad," Michael said.

"You do that Michael," Ben said.

'What about you? Are you going to talk to Liz about this?" Micheal asked.

No. She'll tell me when she is ready to," Ben said.

A few minutes later Michael, Jim and friends all left and went home. Ben and Bear looked between Max and Liz then turned and looked at eachother and left. Max and Liz both looked at eachother.

"So, where are you sleping tonight?" Liz asked.

"What do you care where I sleep? You kicked me out of your room," Max said.

"I don't care where you sleep," Liz said.

"Good to know. So good night," Max said.

"Here I wanted to give you these," Liz said as she picked up and threw 2 blankets and a pillow at Max.

Max watched Liz walk down the hallway and he heard Liz slam the door to her bedroom. Max grabbed the blankets and pillows. He walked up to the booth and threw them down. Max laid down and covered himself up.

In the morning:
Liz woke up and got dressed. Liz looked out the window and saw something on a stick.

"Oh God,' liz said as she ran to the door.

Liz walked past Max and Ben and walked on the porch. Max and Ben followed Liz out the door and onto the porch. When they got to the porch they saw a sticks that were lined up with pictures of Liz,Max, Jim and Ben on them. Liz moved to the steps and that si when the sticks caught on fire. As the sticks burned Liz turned and looked at Max and Ben.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter94,95pg18,19 8/27

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 95:
Max and Ben looked at the sticks burning then Liz. All three of them looked at eachother.

"What the....?" Max asked.

"Ben you know what this means," Liz said.

"No what does it mean," Ben asked.

"It means that Matt and his goons will be here tonight," Liz said.

"Why did they do this for?" Max asked.

"So that way we will know and be scared for when they come," Liz said.

"Liz what the hell?" Max said.

"What?" Liz asked.

"Me and you need to talk right now in the office," Max said.

"Fine," Liz said as she walked past Max and Ben.

Max and Ben turned nd walked into the club. When they walked in they saw Liz waiting for Max at the office door. Max walked up to the door while Ben went to sit at the bar. When Max got to the office he opened the door and followed Liz into the office. Max turned and shut the door behind him. Ben watched as Max and Liz walked intot the office and shut the door.
Ben st at the bar and waited for them to get out of the office.

Menawhile in the office:
Max turned and saw Liz was sitting on the desk. Max walked up and sat in the chair infront of the desk. Max and Liz both looked at eachother.

"What?" Liz asked.

"It's time for us to lay everything on the table," Max said.

"Really?" Liz asked.

"Yes really," Max said.

"Ok. fine. you go first," Liz said.

"Liz I just wanted to talk to you," Max said.

"Max we lready talked. You told me you wanted to keep us sleeping together a secret fine. but I have one question for you," Liz said.

"What?" Max asked.

"Wsa sleeping with me for fun or were you using me?" Liz asked as she looked at Max.

"I um don't know what to say," Max said.

"Max just tell me the truth. Was sleeping with me for fun or were you using me?" Liz asked.

"I I gotta go," Max said as he walked to the door.

"Max?" Liz asked as Max walked out the door.

Liz walked up to the door and watched Max walked past their friends and out the door. Jim and Michael turned and watched Max leave. They turned and looked at Liz.

"Where is Max going?" Michael asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter94,95pg18 8/27

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 96:
"i don't know" Liz said.

"What happened to make him leave?" Jim asked.

"And what the hell is that infront of the club?" Michael asked.

"Ok. One thing at a time guys," Ben said.

"Me and Max were talking and he just left. And that thing in the front of the club was sticks joined together with me, Max, Ben and Jim's picture on them. When I was about to walk up to it it caught on fire.And that only means one thing,' Liz said.

And what does it mean?" Michael asked.

"It means that they will be coming," Liz said.

"But when?" Alex asked.

"I say tonight," Liz said as she turned and looked at Jim.

"We need to get Max here. So that way everything goes as planned," Michael sid.

"Max needs time to think. If he is not here by 8pm then we'll call him and get him back here," Ben said.

"Ok. Til then let's get everything set up. And make sure everything is ready," Jim said.

"Ok. We can do that," Bear said.

"I'll be right back," Liz said before she walked away.

"What is wring with her?" Alex asked.

"Liz has a lot on her mind," Ben said.

"Oh" Michael said.

Meanehile in the office: Liz walked up to the window and looks out. She knew something was going on with Max. Liz wished that she could have got Max to answer the question. Liz was wondering what Max was doing at the same time.

Meanwhile across town:
Max walked up on a pier. when he got to the end of the pier he looked out into the sky and ocean. Max was thinking about Liz. He had to sort out his feelings for Liz. Since he was suppose to protect her. Max knew he couldn't fight his feelings for her. But he was worried will she feel the same about him as he feels for her. Max was so confused about what to do. He knew he was going to protect her. But he didn't know if he should ever act on his feelings for her.

Meanwhile at the club:
Liz walked out of the office and walked to the steps She walked up the teps and went down the hallway to her room. Liz walked into her room and shut the door.After the door was shut Liz turned and walked to her closet and dresser and grbbed what she needed. Liz walked up to the door and opened it and walked down the hallway to the bathroom. When Liz got to the bathroom she walked in and grabbed 2 towels and walked up to the toliet. She set the towels on the toilet lid. Liz turned and turned on the wather for the shower. After the water was turned on Liz stepped back and got udressed. Liz walked into the shower and let the water hit her body.

After the shower Liz gotr dressed. Liz decided to wear her leather hip hugger pants with a white lace tank top that showed off her thin flat stomach. After that Liz put her make up and and fixed her hair. When Liz was finished he got a weird feeling. Liz turned and walked to the window. Liz looked out the window and saw that the building that were 5 minutes away had no power. Liz knew what that meant. Liz turned and walked out of the bathroom and walked down the hallway. Liz stood at the top of the stairs looking down at everyone. Jim and Ben looked up and saw Liz looking at them. Liz noded her head. Jim knew he better get Max back to the club. Jim grabbed his cell phone and started to dail a number. Liz walked down the steps and walked up to the bar and sat down. She turned and saw that the girls and the guys were ready for tonight.

Menawhile at the pier:
Max was looking at the water when his phone started to ring. Max reached into his pocket nd pulled the phone out. He looked at the number and then put the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" Max asked.

"Hey it's me Jim. You need to get abck to the club right now," Jim said.

"Why? what is going on?" Max asked.

"Matt and his goons will be here any minute. We need you here," Jim said.

"Ok. I'm on my way," Max said.

"Good. See ya in a few," Jim said.

"Ok then," Max said before he closed his phone.

After Max closed his phone he looked at the water. Then he turned and looked towarss the city. When he looked toward the city he noticed that half the town was drk while the other half had light on. Max got on his motorcycle and went into town. When he got inot town he saw everyone yelling at eachother. Max looked around nd saw all thr signal light were out and crash crashed into other cars, trees. Max reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. Max dailed the club's number. The phone ringed 3 times before anyone picked up the phone.

"Hello. The is the Crash Down. My name is Ben. How can I help you?" Ben asked.

"Ben. This is Max. We have a huge problem in town," Max said.

"What is going on in town?" Ben asked.

"Half the town is in the dark. Other half of town is in light. But the towns stops lights don't work and cars crashed into everything everywhere," Max said.

"How bad is it out there?" Ben asked.

"It is like bad out here. It looks like the ambulance is coming along with the police," Max said.

"Hold on and let me tell Jim," Ben said.

"Ok. I'll be here," Max said.

A few seconds later Ben came back on the phone and he heard Max say.

"Miss please calm down. Everything is going to be ok," Max said.

"Max are you still there?" Ben asked.

"Max looked at his phone and then put it to his ear.

"Yeah, I'm here. What the hell is going on around here?" Max asked.

"Jim told me to tell you that you need to tell the cops that they need to keep everyone safe and to get the people where they need to go," Ben said.

"Ok. Wait a minute what the hell is that?" Max asked.

"Max what is going on?" Ben asked.

"Max are you there?" Ben asked.

Max turned and saw that there was a group ofguys standing next to their motor cycles playing with wires. Max put the phone to his ears while watching the guys.

"Ben are you still there?" Max asked.

"Yeah, what is going on?" Ben asked.

"There are some guys messing with the wires in the town," Max said.

"What? Can you see who they are?' Ben asked.

"Yeah, I can see them. But I don't know who they are,' Max said.

"Can you take a picture of them an send it to me?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, I can do that. Hold on a second and I'll send you the picture," Max said.

"Ok," Ben said.

Max turned his cell phone and went to media. When he gotto media Max put the cell phone in the air and pointed to to the guys as lights hit them and took picture of thr guys. Max sent the picture to Ben. Afew seconds later Max put his ear to the phone.

"Did you get the picture?" Max asked.

"Yeah, I got it. Let me look at the picture," Ben said.

Ben looked at the picture and didn't know hat tothink. Ben looked up and waved Liz over. Liz waled up to Ben and looked at him.

"What's up?" Liz asked.

"Look at this picture and tell me what or who these people are," Ben said.

"Ok. Let me see," Liz said.

Ben turned the phone to Liz. When Liz looked at the picture she knew who they were.

"Who Took this?" Liz asked.

"Max took this picture," Ben said.

"Where is Max right now?" Liz asked.
L-J-L 76
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Re: Life, Terror, Danger{CC, AU, Mature}Chapter94,95pg18 8/27

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Chapter 96:
"Max is in town. Why?" Ben asked.

"Get Max on the phone Ben," Liz said.

"Liz what is going on?" Ben asked.

"Just get Max on the phone it is really inportant," Liz said.

"Liz here take the phone," Ben said.

"What? Why?" Liz asked.

"You said you need to talk to Max. Max is on the phone so start talking," Ben said.

Liz put her ear to the phone.

"Hello?" Liz asked.

"Liz? is that you?" Max asked.

"Yeah it's me. Max listen the picture you took of the group of guys. it's Matt and his goons. You need to get here before they do," Liz said.

"Liz they are right now trying to cut power lines that are in the city," Max sid.

"They are?" Liz asked.

"Yeah they are. Do you know what they are up to?" Max asked.

"Oh god they wouldn't and couldn't do that could they?" Liz asked.

"Do what?" Max asked.

"Max they are going to make the town dark so they can get what they want and to trash the town," Liz said.

"They can't have you and trash the town," Max said.

"Max they can do both," Liz said.

"How?" Max asked.

"They make the town dark and then they come for me," Liz said.

"Liz I'm on my way ok," Max said.

"Then please hurry," Liz said.

"I'm leaving now. I'll be there in a few minutes," Max said.

"Ok see you in a few minutes," Liz said.

"See you then," Max said.

Max closed his cell phone. Max looks up and sees Matt and his goons still messing with the wires. Max gets on his motorcycle and rides off.
Author's Note:
Hey everyone
I wanted to say thank you so much fro reading and for lraving feedback to this story. I hope everyone will keep reading and leaving feedback til the end. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next between Liz, Max and friends. Here are the days I will be posting new chapters:

Tuesday September 2 - Chapter 97
Sunday September 7 - Chapter 98
Tuesday September 9 - Chapter 99
Sunday September 14 - Chapter 100

Hopefully that will be all. But you never know. But anyway I wanted to say thank you for reading and for leaving feedback. I hope everyone will keep reading to find out what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends. Oh and I wanted to let everyone know I will be posting a new story called Romancing the Heart. I hope everyone will check out the story. And I hope they will let me know what you think of the new story. I hope everyone has a good relaxing stress free eving , Labor day and week! I hope no one works themselves to hard this evening, labor day and next week!

L-J-L 76
P.S Happy Labor Day To Everyone!