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Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:06 pm
by MagickFantasy86
#115: Roswell/Buffy the Vampire Slayer Crossover

So this challenge is based off of a fic I read on Twisting the Hellmouth,, called Family Ties by Thewander. It was never finished, but I really liked the basic premise of it, so if someone wants to give it a go, that would be fantastic.

Basic Plot: Everything through Graduation happens, but Baby Xan ends up being adopted to a couple who lives in Sunnydale, CA. 15 years later, he is fighting vampires with Buffy, Willow and others. That's right, Baby Xan has grown up to be Alexander Harris. Around this time, give or take a year or two, still on the run from the FBI, the Pod Squad has come to Sunnydale, hoping that the seemingly strange occurences in this small town and the tendency for the police to look the other way will help them hide as well.

Beyond that, the plot is up to you. I'd really like for the Buffy part to start in Zeppo, but if your muse takes you in another direction, so be it. Also, I really like the idea that Xan does have powers, because as we all know, the aliens powers are actually human powers, just a few thousand years down evolution's road, so baby xan being human should not keep him from having powers. When he gets these powers is up to you. Has he had them before he learned about vampires? Or has the heightened stress levels or a spell gone awry sudden made them arise?

Like I said, I love the basic premise, but I totally enjoy seeing what people can come up with. Clearly you're going to have to change some time stuff as well. And hey, if you want to bring time travel and the Granolith in as well, and somehow save Alex that'd be cool too.

Few things I want to see though:
Conventional coupling in Roswell: That means M/L, M/M, Kyle and Isabel are up to you. I never really liked Jesse, but if you see it going in that direction, that's ok.

Buffy: Oz/Willow, any other couples are up to you. Although, I would love to have Spike in there somewhere, anywhere.

That's it. Oh, and let me know if you take this challenge. I just want to see where you take it. Enjoy.

Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:17 am
by xmag
Challenge # 116

Crossover candy/The mummy

I had this crazy idea so I thought, "why not"? In season 3, Max had gone to see Cal, who was forced to obey him. At one moment, to test this theory, Max says "give me this device" and Cal gives it to him. Max brings that mysterious object back to Roswell and leaves it in Michael's apartment.

Michael and Maria are intrigued by this device and by accident, they launch it. They collapse, fall into some sort of coma and wake up.... in Egypt in the 20's. Everything looks very real and people call them by other names, as if they knew them. They live plenty of funny adventures, dangerous ones and realize that they are in fact in some alien virtual game created by Cal, based on the movie "The mummy". They have to go through all the game and then, they will wake up.

It's up to you what happens with the rest of the gang when they discover Michael and Maria unconscious. Either they investigate and try to save them or they are trapped too inside the game and sent to Egypt.

Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 5:15 am
by Chrisken
Not too much of a challenge here, just wanted to throw an idea out, in case anybody wants to take it. Sorry if it's already been done.

Roswell/Gossip Girl.
Liz's new best friend is a rich It girl with a heart of gold from the Upper east side.
(IE Serena mentioned in EOTW is Serena van der Woodsen.)

Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 7:54 pm
by behrstars

Roswell/Friday Night Lights


No Aliens

Friday Night Lights has just currently become my newest obsession. And Taylor Kitch is so hot. Now i'm still working on watching the first season so anything after that is a mystery to me.

While i would like there to be no aliens i would like for things in Roswell to be along the lines of the show. But under no circumstances are we going to kill off Alex. Max can still get Tess pregnant making that Liz can't deal and she leaves Roswell and moves to Dillion.

I was thinking that maybe the Taylors could be part of Lizs family maybe aunt and uncle, she goes and lives with them. I would like for Liz to change some maybe become a little more freer.(is that really a word) She could join the cheerleading team or not. Some how she ends up with Tim. Would like to see how they build a relationship.

Maybe somehow the Panthers and Comets play a game together and Roswellians see Liz and her new life. Would like for Max to beg Liz to come home and for him to get angry with her when she tells him no. Maybe Max gets a little rough and Tim kicks his ass. And the whole football team stands behind her.

As for where you take the happy couple just a few ideas nothing concrete except for them having a happily ever after.
- they could head to college together and then get married.
- Liz could end up pregnant in high school and then a story around how they deal with that. Of course the coach is gonna be pissed, Tim having to deal with him and her parents.

As for couples:
any others up to you.
Would like maybe for Kyle and Tyra to be together.

Anyhow thats all I can think of and i'm really hoping someone is up for this challenge.
Any questions just PM me.

Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 4:22 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
#119 Taken by SnowyOwl-17

I was going to do this one but I won't have the time for it so I'm throwing it out there to see if anyone else wants to take a crack at it.


Couple: Dean/Liz

Rating: Adult (for subject matter that'll be explained below)

Summary: Post both season 3 finale's. Dean is in hell, Liz is on the road with the gang. Liz becomes connected to Dean, while on the road she's having visions when she's asleep and a couple times when she's awake, about Dean and his treatment in hell. It becomes so bad that a few times she'll wake up and have similar marks on her body that had been inflicted on Dean.

Soon her friends start to notice that Liz isn't her usual self. She's sleeping more and longer than before, she snaps at her friends, and they occasionally notice the marks left on her skin, even though she does her best to hide them. Eventually Maria gets Liz to confide in her about what is happening but Liz makes her promise not to tell the others until she knows more.

Over the next few months Liz and Dean become closer and closer through their bond and Liz manages to somehow share with Dean happier dreams instead of all the time nightmares giving him some hope of getting out of hell. Through their dream/nightmare sharing she learns about demons and Dean learns about aliens. Meanwhile she and Maria work on getting any information about what is happening to her and why she is connected to Dean.

It is around this time that Liz and Maria bump into Sam while having breakfast and talking about the latest batch of nightmares Liz has had. Sam has become darker, he's become ruthless when dealing with demons and will kill them at a moments notice and his only true mission is to get his brother out of hell. Liz recognizes Sam from some of Dean's nightmares and at some point during the breakfast with Maria goes to sit next to Sam and tells him point blank that she has had contact with his brother and she wants to help him get Dean out of hell.

That's about as far as I got with the plot.

Must Have

-It must be dark, Dean is in hell, I want there to be torture and disturbing images.
-Max and Liz did not marry after Graduation. Instead they broke up but remain friends.
-Sam and Liz don't like each other at first. I want their interactions with each other to be difficult, to be uncomfortable, to be angry.
-After the rest of the Roswell gang is brought in on what's happening to Liz, Isabel agrees to dream walk Liz and see if there's anything that she can find about Liz and Dean's connection that could help them.
-The Roswell gang (except Maria) aren't brought into the loop until after Liz meets Sam.
-Maria tends to play mediator with Sam and Liz. At times she takes Liz's side, other times it's Sam's.

Any questions just PM me.

Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:34 pm
by killjoy

AU with aliens....A/I,K/T.M/M and M/L

Alex and Isabel never got back with one another or went to prom with each other.So after graduation Alex left and went far away to college.His grades and smarts got him a job offer from the Phoenix Foundation.MacGyver takes a liking to Alex and so takes him under his wing and teaches him every thing he knows.

For some reason Alex has to come back to Roswell...Max/Liz marraige,parent's death,class reunion..etc.During this time something happens...Skins,Special Unit...which puts the group into a situation where Alex must show off his new skill.


No evil Tess or her having hooked up with Max in the past...Or baby Zan

Alex doing something MacGyver like...making a bomb out of toothpaste and matches or something like that.

Isabel jealous over something......I like jealous Isabel...she can get ugly and dangerous :lol:

Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:42 am
by xmag
Challenge # 121 : Roswell/Samourai girl

Pairings : Michael&Maria, Jake&Heaven

: Post-graduation. The group is on the run and they settle somewhere in a city. Kyle works in a bar and swears that he has seen Michael kissing a pretty chinese girl. He tells Liz about it, not knowing what to do. They decide to investigate and they go to the bar. They see that "Michael guy" leaving and they follow him. A chinese girl comes and they are both attacked by a chinese gang. Much to their surprise, Michael and the girl start fighting... with swords!

Kyle and Liz are shocked. This guy can't be Michael. So who, or what is he?

Must have :

- CC couples on the Roswell side, Max and Liz, Michael and Maria,

- Michael meeting his double and the two of them getting along incredibly well, like two long lost brothers,

- Maria being insecure now that Michael has found some kind of twin brother he spends all his time with, training with him, learning martial arts, and so on.

Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:42 pm
by SnowyOwl-17
Taken!!! by SnowyOwl-17
Jezebel Jinx wrote:#119

I was going to do this one but I won't have the time for it so I'm throwing it out there to see if anyone else wants to take a crack at it.


Couple: Dean/Liz

Rating: Adult (for subject matter that'll be explained below)

Summary: Post both season 3 finale's. Dean is in hell, Liz is on the road with the gang. Liz becomes connected to Dean, while on the road she's having visions when she's asleep and a couple times when she's awake, about Dean and his treatment in hell. It becomes so bad that a few times she'll wake up and have similar marks on her body that had been inflicted on Dean.

Soon her friends start to notice that Liz isn't her usual self. She's sleeping more and longer than before, she snaps at her friends, and they occasionally notice the marks left on her skin, even though she does her best to hide them. Eventually Maria gets Liz to confide in her about what is happening but Liz makes her promise not to tell the others until she knows more.

Over the next few months Liz and Dean become closer and closer through their bond and Liz manages to somehow share with Dean happier dreams instead of all the time nightmares giving him some hope of getting out of hell. Through their dream/nightmare sharing she learns about demons and Dean learns about aliens. Meanwhile she and Maria work on getting any information about what is happening to her and why she is connected to Dean.

It is around this time that Liz and Maria bump into Sam while having breakfast and talking about the latest batch of nightmares Liz has had. Sam has become darker, he's become ruthless when dealing with demons and will kill them at a moments notice and his only true mission is to get his brother out of hell. Liz recognizes Sam from some of Dean's nightmares and at some point during the breakfast with Maria goes to sit next to Sam and tells him point blank that she has had contact with his brother and she wants to help him get Dean out of hell.

That's about as far as I got with the plot.

Must Have

-It must be dark, Dean is in hell, I want there to be torture and disturbing images.
-Max and Liz did not marry after Graduation. Instead they broke up but remain friends.
-Sam and Liz don't like each other at first. I want their interactions with each other to be difficult, to be uncomfortable, to be angry.
-After the rest of the Roswell gang is brought in on what's happening to Liz, Isabel agrees to dream walk Liz and see if there's anything that she can find about Liz and Dean's connection that could help them.
-The Roswell gang (except Maria) aren't brought into the loop until after Liz meets Sam.
-Maria tends to play mediator with Sam and Liz. At times she takes Liz's side, other times it's Sam's.

Any questions just PM me.

Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:52 pm
by vilandragirl
Challenge #122

Multi crossover

This is sort of based on the comparisons that some people make of Izzy Stevens and Isabel Evans.

Imagine they all left after gradution and decided to split up and change their identities.

Isabel becomes a model and works her way through medical school, eventually getting an internship at Seattle Grace Hospital.

Michael changes his name to Dan Cooper and starts working at a crime lab.

Meanwhile, Tess never died in the explosion, she changed her name to Claire, became pregnant, and decided to put the baby up for adoption.

Somehow, they all end up meeting again. You can add in any of the characters that the other Roswell cast members have played, but you should stay true to the actual characters that they play on the others shows, as much as possible.

Re: Crossover Challenges

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:24 am
by xmag
vilandragirl wrote:Challenge #122

Multi crossover

This is sort of based on the comparisons that some people make of Izzy Stevens and Isabel Evans.

Imagine they all left after gradution and decided to split up and change their identities.

Isabel becomes a model and works her way through medical school, eventually getting an internship at Seattle Grace Hospital.

Michael changes his name to Dan Cooper and starts working at a crime lab.

Meanwhile, Tess never died in the explosion, she changed her name to Claire, became pregnant, and decided to put the baby up for adoption.

Somehow, they all end up meeting again. You can add in any of the characters that the other Roswell cast members have played, but you should stay true to the actual characters that they play on the others shows, as much as possible.
Didn't Dan Cooper end up in jail, after stealing money :?